Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Class: BS 3rd (2023)
Course Title: Communication skills Course In
Persuasive essay
Would it be better for us to buy local goods and products?
You must have heard that the money you spent merely brings you value in the form of a corresponding
product. But the actual thing of matter is that when you spend a single penny in your local business,
the money returns back to you by three times more value.
“When you support handmade, you are not just supporting a person, small business, family, or our
economy; you are purchasing a small part of an artist’s heart.” Every person needs to shop to complete
their necessities and interests, on all grounds if you have to buy then you should definitely buy local or
handmade. Buying locally would override that of buying from the international market for most of the
distinctive reasons. I will support my stance with certain facts and reasons explaining why you should
buy local.
Evidence to back up thesis
1. Economy becomes stronger
When you purchase a single bit of the product from your locality, even if it is a piece of bread, a single
dress or whether it is your single packet of snack. You instantly support that particular seller. As the fact
that 70% local businesses are owned individually and in the given degree of matter, it becomes apparently
important for us to buy from them. In addition to that, you must also know that "Small, locally-owned
businesses account for 44% of the US economy. Businesses with fewer than 500 employees account for
47.5% of the private-sector workforce".
Moreover it is not possible for these local shops to survive all on their own. They actually rely on us,
depending on the customer. As indeed it is a universally acknowledged fact that, “A customer is the
most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an
interruption in our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our business. He is part of it. We
are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to do so.”
On the given grounds it's not only the customer that provides local shops the utter benefit. But as a matter
of principle, in the outcome we also are given plenty of opportunities. Moreover it's only a positive
attitude that brings positive consequences.
There are 32.5 million small businesses. Small companies who create 1.5 million jobs annually and
account for 64 percent of new jobs. The provided statistics are of the United States of America. But again
if we take our country, Pakistan, on the same grounds it makes around 90 percent of entirely private
businesses and employs almost 78 percent of the non-agricultural labor force. On the provided account
employment to population ratio for Pakistan was 47.9 %. But by vigorous support the given ratio
fluctuated drastically in recent years. In readings it makes 47.9 % in the year of 2002 to 2021.
It is a directly proportional fact that the way you will be supporting the local shops, they will generate
more jobs on the local grounds. From some of the studies we came to know that there are most of the
actively operational businesses in Pakistan, those corresponding sectors are verily generating flourishing
outcomes. Like for instance they generate more revenue, wages and benefits than the biggest chains do.
3. You will have lower taxes to pay
Everybody and indeed every citizen wants to pay lower tax as much as possible. "Whereas the fact that
Lower taxes, less government spending on domestic programs and fewer regulations mean a better
economy for everybody" . Shopping from the locality, by supporting them means a better economy so as
the taxes.
Once Jim Jordan said: "For me, I think being a conservative means you are focused on all four key
principles: strong defense, lower taxes, less spending, and defending traditional American values" . When
you purchase a product from an international market it definitely costs more than an indispensable deal.
Even though on the same grounds, the very same product if you purchase from a local shop it costs
relatively and indispensably lower than that of international. Conclusively every person should be aware
of little expenses. As it's a famous notion that, "a small leak will sink a great ship" .
"When you're in an economic downturn, what you want is to create jobs and economic growth. And the
recipe isn't Republican or Democrat. It's low taxes, low spending, less regulation, free trade" . We already
know from the above mentioned context that while supporting small businesses it brings prosperity in
your community. Prosperity emerges in the form of economic growth, an increase in the number of jobs
and opportunities but most of all those benefits there are the benefits that are prevailing to all of them,
that initially comprises low taxes. As a matter of principle, the money you save from taxes can be utilized
in other indispensable affairs.
4. Product diversity
If you ever ask a person the question why they don't prefer to buy local, in most of the cases they would
point to the notion of diversity. If we consider the subject matter of "diversity" as a prevailing cause then
the question arises then how that subject of diversity can be implanted in our local market. In explaining
the very context you must consider that, “The path to diversity begins with supporting, mentoring, and
sponsoring diverse women and men to become leaders and entrepreneurs.” The paths to diversification
would be opened once you create opportunities, jobs, arising of entrepreneurs and that all comes from
you. And that's only possible when you will support the locals. As a matter of principle, "If you do not
change direction, you may end up where you are heading" .
"No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path". If we
want our community to be influential, operational and verily impacting, that's all in the hands of
individuals. Once William George Jordan said that, "Into the hands of every individual is given a
marvelous power for good or evil the silent, unconscious, unseen influence of his life. This is simply the
radiation of what man really is, not what he pretends to be" . The individual support towards their locals
can be relatively much more influential that it holds the power of ultimate revolution.
5. Environmental impact
You ever wonder what countries in the world are the ones with the exclusive possession and impact with
the ultimate supply and trade through the commodity comes at the first rank? Those who assume a
dominant position in the industry of imports? And their import records make up to millions of dollars? On
the first hand is the European Union with a 2,500,317 import record in millions of dollars. The second is,
the United States with readings of 2,407,543 million dollar imports and the third is the Republic of China
with 2,055,590 million dollar imports. If you consider the amount of imports that they record in numbers
any one can instantly be concerned that it doesn't produce any good or positive impact to the
environment. Not only the environment of their community, their land but also to the recesses of the land
where the buyer under question imports the certain product.
In a more precise expression, you would clearly decipher the seriousness of the matter while considering
the certain facts and unshakable certitudes. For instance if we take the example of the United States, the
country per annum ships a huge amount of packages to all over the world. As every year the United States
of America ships and transports an estimated thousand separators that makes 2,200,000,000,000
shipments. And the corresponding shipping revolves around more than one hundred and fifty countries.
Again the question is how does it impact on the environment, as for a matter of principle it consumes fuel
consumption of eleven billion gallons along with CO2 pollution. And that is only for a year. And in the
whole it makes 25% of our global C02 emissions. 25% of global C02 emissions only come from a single
country's imports, and that is a real matter of concern for the entire nations of the world.
Most surely there’s the space for remedies and solutions that can be implied so that we can't be the cause
of negative long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. Most surely we can prevent such
damaging and harmful effects on our environment and weather all by supporting local manufacturers
when we shop locally, when we purchase products with the label made in Pakistan or whichever country
people are native to, from our local manufacturers we can cope with the harmfully impacting situation
with ease.
● You may wonder if we will only strains on buying local then what about currency risk? Hut
down manufacturing cost? High quality products? Introducing new products to the market? Well
the answer lies in one Anaphora in one literary device of repetition that's : what is foul is fair and
fair is foul. Meaning no matter what you will do, the pros override the cons of buying local. As a
matter of principle, in this case it seems foul and then we realize it's fair.
Buying locally only promises for the outcome that is a fully prosperous community majorly. We can see
its positive outcomes in most of the important aspects of our life. Supporting local and promoting small
businesses means a high end deal. As this will result in our local financial and economic stability, in
terms of jobs and opportunities you get to see a major difference. Most of all the money you spend rests
in your community, your local people get the benefit from every penny you spend. As the fact that the
money keeps flowing through your community. That all in the end will contribute towards major causes
including diversification of products, and the betterment of the market, the competency between sellers
will increase. On the other hand, we will have to pay less tax duties.
Once Neil Armstrong created a very famous juxtaposition saying: “That’s one small step for man, one
giant leap for mankind.” If we will start as an individual by buying local, one day we can prevail over the
industry of locals.