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EAPDP: Marketing Internship for the Family
EAPDP: Marketing Internship for the Family
EAPDP: Marketing Internship for the Family
Ebook40 pages32 minutes

EAPDP: Marketing Internship for the Family

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The EAPDP is your entrée to self-employment and income earning to fund the cost of your home and living expenses exclusive to your wages, for as long as you live. So, follow the link below and select Jobs-Club Franchise-Fill and submit the form to get interviewed for your entrepreneurial internship position.


Release dateDec 20, 2023
EAPDP: Marketing Internship for the Family

Fred King Andrews

Fred King embarked on a plan that would objectify every person as a named entity to develop cash flows and earn income over and above their subjective wages. He loves to talk to anyone and everyone and authored the PDP which facilitated working with at-risk kids in the public school system. "This is how he is setting economic prisoners free!"

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    EAPDP - Fred King Andrews



    Training the children to lead is insuring humanity against foreclosure: It is a goal that speaks for itself, as it describes what people must do to acquire homes, retain exclusive ownership, and make a capital gain. Most home acquisitions are investments in debt, and not democratic at all...they end-up as home foreclosures. These problems emerge at the time of acquisition, because buyers do not usually have authentic sources of income to qualify for the loans. So, people end up being forced into debt all their lives and they die oblivious to the facts of their indebtedness. Consequently, we are giving college bound students a head start to achieve their desired goals of graduating from college debt free with earned credits to buy the homes that fit their family needs; and self-insured against foreclosure...that is exemplifying capital democracy!

    When we, parents, attended college we were so oppressed by the established procedures, we considered getting a home loan for which we didn’t qualify as good luck. We passed on the culture of forced indebtedness to our children, and now they are borrowing their own slave wages through credit cards and pay-day loans. They are stealing from themselves to give to the established way. and putting their economic lives in jeopardy. Now, everybody is boxed into debt qualifications and can only get what they are qualified to get. So, the poorer your state, ethnic race, or rulers’ morals, the less you will qualify to receive. You need to understand that the role of the government is to rule and govern— And the framework of our experimental democracy was put in place by evolving human beings, to ease your debt burdens. For democracy to be an economic factor, you, the people, must become economic factors!

    However, the social climate around the world today has become cold and regressive; and turning into aggressive regression: and making human evolution a significant challenge. The three words that are vying for the most regular word-use in the American continent today are reset, Trump, and fight! ‘These three words may end up in a three-way tie as, ‘the good, the bad and the ugly!’ Only those people who are receptive to training new leadership will survive, and the parents of students must facilitate their children to live more/better than they were able to live.

    If children just follow in the footsteps of their parents, where do you suppose we are all headed? The experiment is over—The new democracy is facilitating each other to live more consciously, and to live better lives! Our students today are our leaders of tomorrow and they need to be trained to lead.

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