Alterations and Additions

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Published by


State Heritage Branch


October 1997

State Heritage Branch

© Department of Environment and
Natural Resources;
City of Adelaide

ISSN 1035-5138
Prepared by State Heritage Branch
Design by Technical Services Branch
Text and photographs by Richard Woods
Technical Editor: James Hayter

Design Publishing • October 1997 • FIS 15505

DEH Information Line (08) 8204 1910

Email [email protected]

September 2008
Published online with revised contact details
Department for Environment and Heritage

While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the contents of this publication are factually correct, the
Department for Environment and Heritage makes no representations and accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or
completeness of the contents, and shall not be liable for any loss or damage that may be occasioned directly or indirectly
through the use of or reliance on the contents of this publication.

Printed on Recycled paper

The South Australian perspective


I. Introduction 1
Why have design guidelines? 1
Using the guidelines 1
Where do the guidelines apply? 1

2. Conservation Principles 2
The Burra Charter 2
Cultural significance 2
Over time 2
General principles for conservation 3
Minimise changes 3
Make changes reversible 3
Maintain evidence of age 3
Distinguish between new and old 3

3. Planning a Project 4
Approvals 4
Making decisions 4
Understanding significance 4
Developing a conservation policy 5
Assessing the proposed use 5
Design and documentation 5
Construction 5
Building rules 5

4. Guidelines for Interior Adaptation 6

Room layout 6
Doors and windows 6
Floors 6
Ceilings 7
Painting and colours 7
Electrical 7
Lighting 7
Plumbing 8
Heating and cooling 8

5. Guidelines for External Alterations 9

Walls 9
Doors and windows 9
Roofs 10
Chimneys 10
Skylights 10
Lighting 11
Security 11
Services 11

6. Guidelines for Minor Additions 12
Scale 12
Walls 12
Roofs 12
Floors 13
Verandahs 13
Carports and garages 13
Lean-to additions 14
Extending the original roof form 14
Separating new from old 15

7. Guidelines for Major Additions 16

Siting 16
Links 16
Scale relationships 16
Character 16
Materials 17

8. Landscape 18
Signs 18
Paving 18
Car parking 18
Walls and fences 18
Plants 19

9. Further Reading 20
Historical research 20
Further technical information 20


All buildings, including heritage buildings,

need ongoing care and maintenance, which
will usually only occur if the buildings are
actively used and valued by their owners.
Finding an appropriate use for a heritage
building is a key factor in its conservation.
The ideal use is one that fits in well with the
building’s existing character, setting and
internal arrangement.
Ad hoc additions and unsympathetic reroofing have largely
concealed this house constructed of dolomite.
To accommodate new uses and to meet
contemporary needs it is often necessary
to alter, adapt or add to buildings. Heritage Using the guidelines
buildings can be changed provided the
elements that give the building its heritage This booklet sets out conservation principles,
value are not destroyed or compromised in advice on planning a project, and design
the process. guidelines for altering and adapting
heritage buildings. It provides a framework
for understanding the conservation issues
involved when making design decisions in
relation to heritage buildings.

The guidelines illustrate best practice and

provide guidance on major and minor
alterations, and external and internal

Every design challenge is unique and

requires an individual response to enable
This distinctive new entrance to the Norwood Town Hall has
an appropriate and cost effective design
improved access and fire egress. Along with conservation solution. It is often wise to consult a specialist
work and new services, this has made an under-utilised hall such as an architect experienced in heritage
into a viable, modern concert venue.
Why have design guidelines?
Where do the guidelines apply?
The purpose of these guidelines is to promote
a better understanding of the design issues These guidelines apply to buildings
and possibilities presented by heritage of national, State and local heritage
buildings. Many heritage buildings in the significance. However, they also provide
past have been compromised by ad hoc and an understanding of basic design principles,
ill-considered alterations and additions. The and are therefore useful in considering
guidelines aim to assist owners, architects adaptation or alterations to other buildings
and designers plan and design alterations that are not officially recognised or
or additions that will complement rather
than compromise the heritage value of their

Alterations and Additions 1997

2. CONSERVATION PRINCIPLES place is important before making decisions
on its future use or alteration.
The Burra Charter

Principles for the conservation of historic Over time

places are set out in the Burra Charter. The Over time most buildings undergo changes
Burra Charter also outlines the processes of use and may be altered to suit the
for the understanding, investigation and new uses. These changes can contribute
management of significant places. to the value of a place and assist in the
understanding of our past.
The following definitions contained in the
Burra Charter are useful in understanding Alterations and additions made to suit
the design principles discussed in more contemporary uses become part of the
detail in this document: history of the building over time, and provide
evidence of our social and cultural values to
Article 1.9: Adaptation means modifying a future generations.
place to suit proposed compatible uses.

Article 1.10: Compatible use means

a use that involves no change to the
culturally significant fabric, changes that
are substantially reversible, or changes that
require minimal impact.

Article 6: The conservation policy appropriate

to a place must first be determined by an
understanding of its cultural significance.

Article 7: The conservation policy will

determine which uses are compatible. The various stone additions to this hipped roof, timber
framed cottage in Robe provide clear evidence of the
changing needs and aspirations of past owners.
Article 20: Adaptation is acceptable
where the conservation of the place
cannot otherwise be achieved, and where
adaptation does not substantially detract
from its cultural significance.

Article 21: Adaptation must be limited to

that which is essential to a use for the place
determined in accordance with Articles 6
and 7.

Cultural significance

Cultural significance is described in Article These additions to a stone cottage in Goolwa follow traditional
practice and forms but are clearly contemporary.
1.2 of the Burra Charter as “the aesthetic,
historic, scientific or social value for past,
present or future generations”.

There is clearly a need to understand why a

Alterations and Additions 1997

General principles for conservation

Minimise changes

Retain as much as possible of the original

fabric of the building, minimising disturbance
to the significant parts.

Make changes reversible

Where possible, incorporate change in a

way that is reversible, as this leaves open
the possibility of future restoration to the These bricks at the former Grote Street Model School,
Adelaide, record the wear of many boys’ hobnail boots.
original condition.

Distinguish between new and old

Good practice clearly distinguishes new

work from the original.

Additions and alterations that seek to

replicate or imitate the materials, details,
elements or the entire original building
can confuse and detract from its historical
integrity and uniqueness. For example,
avoid the use of tumbled bricks, small
Unsympathetic “improvements” have concealed but not
destroyed the original facades of the Beehive Corner, pane windows, brick quoins or materials
Adelaide. These changes should not have occurred in the salvaged from other buildings.
first place – they are at least reversible.

Similarly, avoid conjectural reconstruction

Maintain evidence of age
– adding what might have once been part
Over time, buildings are subject to wear of the building but for which insufficient
and tear and their surfaces take on a patina evidence exists to indicate conclusively the
of age. Good conservation practice does former design.
not require restoring a building to as-new

Previous work

It is rare to find a building that has not

been modified to some degree over time
to better accommodate the occupant’s
requirements. Often these modifications
assume an importance in themselves and
demonstrate the growth and history of the
place. Before removing previous work it is
important to consider its contribution to the
history of the place.
Additions to the Frome Street Stables in Adelaide respond
to the traditional form but with modern materials and
expression. There is no confusion between new and old.

Alterations and Additions 1997



Before planning any work, it is best to

discuss early ideas with the local council
to determine what requirements may apply
and whether assistance can be provided.

Advice is best obtained when a project is

being planned rather than after the design
has been finalised. This will avoid wasted
design work or the need for later changes
and often expedites the approval process.

Any work affecting State heritage places

This 1967 addition to the State Library showed little regard
will require development approval in for its heritage value. Changed community attitudes would
accordance with the Development Act prevent such mistakes today.
1993. The definition of development
includes painting, repairs and alterations
as well as structural changes and additions. Making decisions
A new building adjacent to a heritage place
is deemed to affect its setting and will be Making decisions appropriate to a heritage
assessed for its impact on the heritage building involves a number of steps. For
place. a large, highly significant or complex
place these steps can be represented in a
Once the nature of a proposal has been Conservation Plan. It is also desirable that
internally agreed with the council and/ a similar, although simplified, process be
or the State Heritage Branch, a well followed when considering minor alterations
documented Development Application or minor repairs.
needs to be lodged with the local council.
The application will be referred by the local Understanding significance
council to a conservation architect from
The first step in planning a project is to
the State Heritage Branch or the council’s
understand the significance of the place.
heritage adviser.
This may involve historical research and
investigation of the building itself. This
Changes of use, land division and any
research should answer questions such as:
demolition will also require local council
• Why, how and when did the building
approval. Alterations and additions to
local heritage places may also require
development approval. • Which parts are important, and which
parts are of lesser or no significance?
• Why are they important?
• Are just one or two interior spaces or
their finishes significant?
• Is the setting or streetscape
• Is the integrity of the whole place
– from garden to outbuildings
through to furnishings and fittings –
unique and significant?

Alterations and Additions 1997

Heritage value can be attributed in many policy, rather than changing the policy to
ways. For example: suit the use.
• historical importance, association with
an event, persons or activity; Where a proposed use cannot meet the
conservation objectives, it is by definition
• architectural qualities, design, style, an incompatible use. In the case of a
external form and internal appearance, highly significant place – for example, a
or designed by a prominent architect; State Heritage place – such a use would be
• environmental qualities, its relationship
and contribution to a streetscape or Design and documentation
Once appropriate uses have been identified,
The State Heritage Branch or heritage the fourth step in planning a project is to
advisers from local councils can offer advice prepare appropriate designs and develop
on this important aspect. suitable conservation techniques. Standard
building practices may not be appropriate
Developing a conservation policy with heritage buildings and special
techniques may need to be developed.
The second step in planning a project is
to develop a conservation policy and Construction
strategy in order to identify and prioritise
the conservation work required. The final step in planning a project is
construction. It is important that builders
Urgent repairs to the original building and tradespeople understand and comply
should have the highest priority. Spending with the conser vation objectives and
all available money on a new addition while specification. Preference should be given to
allowing the historic building to deteriorate experienced tradespeople with an empathy
defeats the objective of conservation. for old buildings and possessing good on-
site management and contractual skills.
It is necessar y to identify the highly
significant parts of the place that should For more complex projects it may be
remain unchanged, as well as parts of worth employing a consultant experienced
lesser significance that could be adapted in heritage conservation to ensure that
for a compatible use. It is also important to tradespeople comply with conservation
identify the curtilage, or open space, around principles.
a building that is required to maintain the
proper setting. Building rules

Many heritage buildings do not comply with

Assessing the proposed use
current building rules, particularly in relation
The third step in planning a project is to assess to the requirements for fire resistance and
the accommodation, functions, circulation egress. This becomes particularly important
and service requirements of the proposed when new commercial or mixed uses are
use and represent these in a preliminary proposed. Rather than irreversibly damaging
design. This step identifies areas where a heritage building to meet current standards,
the proposal impacts on the significance alternative ways of meeting performance
of the heritage building and where there objectives should be considered.
are conflicts with the conservation policy.
The proposed uses and changes can then
be modified so they meet the conservation

Alterations and Additions 1997

4. GUIDELINES FOR INTERIOR In old hotels, for example, the public areas
ADAPTATION traditionally consisted of several small
rooms. Over the years, the intermediate
Uses that fit well into the existing spaces and walls may have been successively removed
layout of rooms will minimise the need for to create a single larger bar area in line
changes. Significant interior spaces such with modern hospitality practice, thereby
as front rooms and hallways are best left removing internal supporting walls and
unaltered wherever possible to minimise changing the structural integrity of the
interference to the original fabric and building.
finishes. It is best not to partition rooms
or lower ceilings, as this changes the room
Doors and windows
proportions and character and interferes
with their details. If doors or windows are no longer required
they can be simply closed and locked. If a
Room layout more permanent modification is required,
plasterboard may be fixed to cover the
Retaining the original room layout and opening wherever possible, leaving the
circulation pattern is desirable as these original elements in place. Any original
contribute to the understanding of the fabric that is removed should be labelled
building. and kept in safe storage on the site to allow
for future reinstatement.
New access between rooms can be achieved
by forming new openings if this does not
unacceptably compromise the heritage
value of the building. Simple openings that
retain evidence of the original wall, rather
than total removal of the wall, help to retain
the idea of the original floor plan.

A contemporary aluminium door provides a secure airlock

to this stairway. It does not intrude because it does not
compete with the original Victorian detailing. Oxford
Hotel, North Adelaide.
When forming new openings in internal walls, the
presence of an original wall can be shown by retaining
nibs rather than removing the wall completely. Floors

Buildings built with rubble masonry rely Floors may be of a variety of materials
on cross walls and corners for structural including stone, terrazzo, timber or
stability. In these buildings, new openings compacted earth. Wherever possible,
near corners, windows or doors may retain original floors and carry out repairs
weaken the building’s structure. It is better to match the existing materials and details.
to locate new openings away from these When repairing or extending timber floors
elements to maintain the structural integrity try to match the original timber species and
of the building. board sizes.

Alterations and Additions 1997

New concrete floors are often specified for through subsequent paint layers with a sharp
service areas such as bathrooms or laundries. blade in an inconspicuous location. Some
However, when they are placed on fill they wallpaper finishes can be seen in relief
tend to retain soil moisture and can bridge beneath layers of paint.
the building’s damp course – this is one of
the most common causes of rising damp A simplified or unobtrusive colour scheme
in internal walls. Concrete slabs can also often results in the most appropriate
block or impair sub-floor ventilation, thus solution.
encouraging dampness, rot and termites in
adjacent timber floors. A suspended timber Electrical
or cement sheet floor is an appropriate New wiring is best concealed within wall,
alternative to a concrete slab. floor or ceiling cavities, or behind built-in
furniture, skirtings and architraves if these do
It is better not to construct a concrete slab not have to be removed. Chasing of walls
in barns or outbuildings that have earth may damage original finishes and fragile
floors. Surfaces that breathe, such as brick plaster with the subsequent reinstatement
or concrete block unit paving laid on a sand work often remaining evident if not carried
bed, are best as they allow the soil to dry out very carefully.
out at the base of walls.
Where wiring is located under the floors,
Ceilings power outlets can be located on, or just
Original timber, pressed metal or lath above, the skirting. The use of pull cord
and plaster ceilings, ceiling roses, panels, switches installed in ceilings reduces the
cornices and vents are characteristic of need for chasing of walls and is often a
many old buildings, and these features better solution. Exposed conduits may also
add much to the character and appeal of be used if no other alternative exists.
heritage buildings.
Some original wiring installations such as
Flush plasterboard ceilings impart a newer, trough and cable can be dangerous. In cases
and often inappropriate, character and where the wiring is culturally significant, the
should be used only where the original electricity supply should be deactivated, the
ceiling is beyond repair. original wiring retained and an alternative
safe supply installed.
Reproduction or modern cornices and roses Lighting
are also inappropriate in rooms originally
having plain ceilings. Bulkheads or ceilings Light fittings often centre attention in a room.
dropped to conceal services are also not It is best to retain original electrical fittings
characteristic of historic buildings and alter if they are safe. If new fittings are used,
the physical proportions and spatial qualities choose ones that are simple in design and
of rooms. unobtrusive when installed. Replica or
imitation heritage light fittings sometimes
Painting and colours look out of place and contemporary fittings of
good design are often more appropriate.
Original finishes, such as wallpaper, polished
timber, marbling or graining contribute to Low levels of lighting were typical of older
the significance of a building. buildings but may not be appropriate for all
uses. Lighting levels can be supplemented
Redecoration with colours and finishes similar by concealed or unobtrusive surface lights
to the original is one way to re-establish the if they do not interfere with the historic
original character. Original finishes can fabric.
usually be determined by carefully scraping

Alterations and Additions 1997


It is often better to group service areas to

minimise the impact of interior and exterior

In particular, avoid floor traps protruding into

the room below from upper floors or the need
for pipes to be exposed on external walls.
Also avoid work that requires the removal
of existing flooring or other significant
disturbance to the building fabric.

Fire hydrants and hose reels can be intrusive

if not carefully located or concealed.

Heating and cooling

There are many ways to heat and cool

buildings. It may be appropriate to provide
heating and cooling to some individual rooms
rather than servicing the whole building.

Radiant or floor heating is a cost-effective

and comfortable method of warming large
Ducted air-conditioning systems can often
be concealed in ceiling spaces or below the
floor, and disused chimneys used for return
air ducts.

Split system reverse cycle air-conditioning,

that uses an external heat pump and an
internal console, avoids the need for ducting
and minimises the size of openings for

Consoles, outlet registers, and grilles

can be located unobtrusively to minimise
damage. Ceiling registers, for example,
are inappropriate in rooms with decorative

Older building elements sometimes respond

poorly to sudden changes in temperature
or relative humidity. Changes in the air
moisture content or room temperature by
heating or cooling, for example, can distort
timber work or affect the adhesion of plaster
and finishes.

Alterations and Additions 1997

5. GUIDELINES FOR EXTERNAL Further information on repairs to masonry
ALTERATIONS walls can be obtained from the State Heritage
Branch and from other heritage practice
It is better to minimise changes to the external notes available through the Environment and
appearance of heritage buildings to ensure Natural Resources Information Centre.
the original proportions and character of the
buildings are maintained. Where changes
Doors and windows
are necessary, confine these to facades,
walls or roof surfaces that are concealed from Simply close and lock external doors or
general view or are of least significance. windows where they are no longer required.
If permanent closure is necessary, openings
Walls can be covered over with a solid material
recessed to a depth of around 50 mm.
Retain original surface features such as stucco This traditional technique of creating a
or masonry pointing where they contribute to blind opening ensures that the evidence of
the character of the building. When making the original opening remains visible, but
masonry repairs or repointing, use a soft lime unobtrusive, and that the opening can be
mortar mix batched to replicate the original reinstated at a future date. It is preferable
in terms of strength, colour and texture. If to leave the original doors or windows in
the original mix is not suitable, restrict the place behind the infill.
strength of the mortar mix to 1 part cement
; 3 parts lime to 12 parts sand. New openings in existing external walls
for windows or doors should be kept to a
Where external walls become internal walls minimun and restricted to rear or side facades
as part of alterations, retain and expose the if possible. New openings can be designed
original surface finish if possible. If walls must to be distinguishable from the original.
be covered it is better to batten these and dry
line with plasterboard to minimise the risk Door and window frames should be of
of damage to the original material. Other similar materials and appearance to the
decorative wall features such as plinths and existing. Reflective or tinted glass should be
rustic stone work should be retained behind avoided.
flush plaster board rather than removed.

Locate fastenings to face stone or brickwork

in mortar joints to prevent damage to the
original material. Never chase or groove
stone or brick faces for flashings or service
conduits. Parapet or party walls that are
visible should be well pointed and maintained
to shed water, rather than being encased in
sheet metal.

Modern paints differ considerably from those

originally used on historic buildings. Acrylic
paints that form an impervious skin damage
old masonry walls, which rely on surface
finishes to breathe and release moisture. It
is better to use traditional finishes, such as
limewash, which allow walls to breathe.

Alterations and Additions 1997

Roofs Chimneys

Roofs are an important element in the overall Chimneys are important elements
form and character of most buildings. contributing to a building’s form and it is
Retain the original roof form and details best to retain these even if no longer used.
such as finials, louvred gables, rainwater
heads, dormer windows and skylights, As chimneys are very exposed to the weather,
vents and lanterns, chimneys and parapet on-going checking and maintenance is
walls. Where missing, these elements can required. Regular repointing with lime-
be reconstructed if enough evidence of the based mortar will provide protection against
original forms can be found. deterioration and ensure longevity.

Extensions into the roof space should not

alter the visible roof form. For example, the
addition of dormers where none previously
existed dramatically alters the character of
a building.

The slate roof and original chimneys of Waite House are

inherent design features. The caretaker’s residence is
not. A roof extension is well concealed behind the main

The character of this cottage has been compromised by Skylights

an unsympathetic roof extension and by new windows
that are horizontal rather than vertical in proportion. Locate new skylights to minimise their
visibility. Where skylights are used, flush
When selecting roofing materials it is glazed lights or translucent corrugated
important to match the original in respect sheeting are less intrusive than an acrylic
to colour, profile, material and texture. dome.
Unpainted galvanised corrugated iron is
a suitable traditional material that rapidly
weathers to an earthy grey. On the other
hand, unpainted zincalume remains bright
and reflects glare. Some traditional roofing
techniques such as soldering cannot be used
with zincalume.

Avoid pressed metal tiles, imitation shingles

or split western red cedar shakes when
re-roofing, as these reduce the historic
Corrugated polycarbonate roofing provides an
unobtrusive skylight.

Alterations and Additions 1997

Lighting To avoid creating openings in original
external walls, meter boxes can be installed
Avoid replica period lighting and only use as freestanding cubicles, suitably screened
exact reproductions if the original types and away from the building, with an
are known from photographic or surviving underground supply to the building.
evidence. Simple fittings are usually less
obtrusive and fit better into the overall External pad mounted transformers, hydrants
character. and fire boosters can also be intrusive and
difficult to screen, especially when placed
External lighting may be attached to timber close to street boundaries.
trims, such as fascia and barge boards, to
minimise damage to masonry walls.


Security measures can be intrusive and it is

important to select components that have
minimal impact. It is best to retain original
door locks and hardware and supplement
them by the discreet use of modern

In many instances an alarm system is less

visually intrusive than physical barriers such
as security doors and windows, grilles and

Services dominate this corner which faces the side road
and main approach to the house.
The impact of services can be severe and it is
important to consider carefully their location
and alternative means of provision.

In particular, exhaust fans, commercial

kitchen extractor outlets and exposed
plumbing can all be unsightly.

An alternative to locating plant such as air-

conditioning cooling towers on the roof is to
install these elements at ground level. Vents
and grilles can be concealed or screened,
and their surfaces painted to blend with
the surroundings. Room air-conditioners
fitted into the wall or through windows are
intrusive and best avoided.

Alterations and Additions 1997

6. GUIDELINES FOR MINOR rendered finishes should also be avoided.
ADDITONS Limewash or cement paints can be used to
achieve a soft broken appearance that ages
Minor additions usually take the form of and blends well with historic buildings.
new verandahs, small-scale additions, or
extensions into the existing roof space. Lightweight wall materials such as painted
weatherboard, corrugated iron or texture-
Scale coated cement sheet are more suitable for
use than lightweight brick facings, cement
In the design of minor additions, the scale
sheet planks or PVC weatherboards.
and choice of materials for new elements
should respect the existing features and
materials and not dominate them.


New walls can be designed to blend with

or complement the existing walls. In many
instances it is better not to copy the original
wall materials and details, as this detracts
from the identity of the original.

This new wall has been kept clear of the existing window
opening. The new roof is separated and the junction is
set back behind the downpipe and rainwater head.
St Matthew’s Church, Hahndorf.

It is best not to tie new masonry walls in

to existing masonry rigidly, but to separate
them by a construction joint that allows for
differential structural movement. Windows
or lightweight panels can also be used
to provide both visual and structural
Steel and glass complement but do not imitate the articulation.
stonework. The new is separated from the old by a
recessed link. Frome Street Stables, Adelaide

It is better to select new roof materials that

Heavily textured materials, such as split faced
match or complement the original. Products
concrete blocks, tumbled bricks or deeply
such as metal roof tiles, PVC or square
raked brick joints, attempt to imitate old
profile gutters and downpipes detract from
materials and techniques but visually detract
the character of historic buildings.
from, rather than complement, the original.
Flush struck brickwork or fine sand finished
render can provide a neutral, complementary
wall surface. Heavily textured, bagged or

Alterations and Additions 1997

Floors significant facades. Setting a carport back
from the facade or integrating it with an
Use suspended timber or concrete floors addition or extension may help reduce its
instead of a concrete slab-on-ground. This visual intrusion.
reduces the likelihood of bridging the damp
proof course and does not interfere with sub- Similarly, separate garages from the
floor ventilation. original buildings, locating them to the rear
or sides.
Verandahs If a new carport must be attached to an
Verandahs provide a transitional zone existing building, simple lean-to roofs rather
between indoors and outdoors and are an than bullnose or concave roofs often fit in
integral part of the design of the building. better. Flat roofs and metal roller doors
If new verandahs are provided they should are usually not in character and are best
maintain the general scale, proportions avoided.
and form of any original verandah without
replicating detailing from a particular

Enclosure of an original verandah can

alter a building’s external appearance and
character, and reduce daylight and natural
ventilation to existing rooms. It is preferable
not to extend or alter existing verandahs
where this changes the balance and scale of
the building. Similarly, avoid adding lace,
fretwork or other embellishments to existing
verandahs where none originally existed.
Extending this verandah to form a carport has spoilt the
symmetry of this cottage.
Verandah repairs or reconstruction can be
designed to follow closely the form, materials
and details of the original. Retain original
verandah pavements wherever possible.
Replacement of a timber verandah floor with
concrete is not recommended where damp-
proof courses are likely to be bridged and
sub-floor ventilation blocked.

Carports and garages

Car parking cannot always be

accommodated easily and special provision
may need to be made to cater for increased
demand for car-parks. Ensure that the
design and location of driveways, car parks,
carports and garages does not dominate the
setting of the building.
A cleanly detailed cantilever canopy contrasts with the
texture and patina of the masonry wall.
Carports should be freestanding and visually Frome Street Stables, Adelaide
separated from the original buildings.
They should not be located in front of

Alterations and Additions 1997

pitches, and this is often used to achieve
greater cover.
However, the appearance of seemingly flat
roofs does not sit comfortably with traditional
pitched roof forms, and these roofs, where
unavoidable, are best concealed behind
parapet walls.

The simple skillion roofs of these new carports

complements the original stone outbuilding.
Little Scotland, Goolwa.

Lean-to additions

The rear of many Victorian and Edwardian

buildings often consisted of lean-to structures
to accommodate porches, service rooms Parapet walls can be used to conceal low pitched roofs.
or kitchens. These structures have often Former East End Market, Rundle Street, Adelaide

themselves been altered or extended and

they contribute to the character and history
of the building. Extending the original roof form

Extension of the main roof by means of a

gable or hipped form may be appropriate.
However, these alterations are best hidden
from the front or most important facades.

When adding to an existing gable, the

new roof can be joined under the existing
barge boards and the walls set in slightly to
maintain a clear distinction between new
and old.

Additions to the Criterion Cottage in Robe have been

articulated into small forms that retain the dominance of
the original. New materials and windows complement
but do not mimic the original.

Existing lean-to structures should be retained

where they contribute to the overall integrity
and significance of the building.

Lean-to structures that extend too far out

from a building usually result in low ceiling
heights. Traditional lean-to structures usually Hipped and gabled extensions of the main roof form.
had a minimum pitch of 5 degrees and new
work should generally not be less than this.

Steel sheet roofing of profiles other than

corrugated can be installed at very flat

Alterations and Additions 1997

Separating new from old

Where a lean-to or main roof extension

cannot accommodate the floor area
required, a better solution may be to build
a new, linked structure. This may follow the
general form of the original but avoid exact
replication. A sympathetic addition can be
designed that maintains the general form,
scale and roof pitch of the original.

House addition using the existing lean-to as a link.

New bathrooms to the rear of the Paxton Square cottages

in Burra are separated from the lean-to by a recessed

Alterations and Additions 1997


Generally, where new functions cannot be

accommodated within the existing building
envelope, major additions are best designed
as separate structures. This approach
emphasises the discrete character of the
original building while allowing the addition
to have its own architectural identity.


It is important to define a curtilage zone

around existing buildings to protect their
setting and ensure that new structures or car A glazed stairwell has been used to create a setback link
for this addition for the CSIRO in Kintore Avenue.
parking do not dominate. Consider views
into and out of the existing buildings when
Scale relationships
defining the curtilage. Environmental factors
such as over-shadowing and wind channelling It is important to relate the scale and bulk
are also important considerations. of major additions to the existing buildings.
The plan form, massing and roof pitch should
reflect the general character of the existing
buildings without imitating them.

Reduce the overall scale of large additions

by articulating parts of the structure to enable
a comfortable fit with the existing building.
Set taller additions further back to ensure
they do not intrude above the skyline of the
original building.

Commercial additions in a pseudo-heritage style have

destroyed the curtilage of this old house in Kent Town.

Links Major additions should appear as new

building work, sympathetic to, but not
Locate the links between new and old mimicking, the character of the original
buildings where they have least visual buildings. The use of brick quoins, lacework,
impact. For example, an adequate set small pane windows or other details copied
back from both buildings will emphasise from older buildings should be avoided.
the articulation between the two and can be
lower than the principal roof forms. Relate the scale, proportion and pattern
of window and door openings in new
The link between new and old buildings can facades positively to the original buildings,
be emphasised by using different materials. particularly in adjoining walls.
Glass or other visually unobtrusive lightweight
construction materials, for example, are Where the addition will become part of an
often used with good results. existing streetscape, the building’s setback,
facade design, articulation of the building

Alterations and Additions 1997

mass and scale are important elements to
be considered. Take particular care at
ground level to ensure that the new facade
is detailed and scaled to maintain the
pedestrian amenity of the street.

Additions at the rear of the Astor Hotel provide a contemporary

space that complements but does not intrude.


Use contemporary materials that relate

positively to the original buildings in terms
of colour, texture, form and scale.

The texture of new walls may reflect the

existing building without replicating historic
details. The materials selected will determine
the texture and depth of shadow that can be

Colours may complement those used on the

original, reinforcing the presence of existing
buildings rather than dominating them.

Alterations and Additions 1997

8. LANDSCAPE Gravel or brick paving, flush edge strips, and
shade trees using traditional plants can be
A building’s setting contributes to its character used to create an informal and sympathetic
and significance and it is important that this car park. Fences and hedges can be used
be considered when planning modifications. to screen parked cars from view.
Features that may contribute to a building’s
setting include fences, paving, fountains,
statues and other garden features, lawns,
minor structures such as garden sheds and
pergolas, and existing vegetation. Retain
existing mature trees wherever possible
as these provide shade and amenity and
are often an important visual element in
a building’s setting. Where existing trees
threaten the structural stability of a building or
wall, specialist engineering and landscape
architectural advice should be sought prior
New car parking at Eynesbury College complements the
to removal of the tree. formal character of the building.

Walls and fences
For some sites, visitor and directional
signage may be required. Poorly designed Fences can be designed to suit differing
or located signs can confuse visitors and can styles of building. Materials available for
be visually intrusive. On the other hand, well fence construction include stone, brick,
designed and located signs contribute to the timber, corrugated galvanised iron, stone,
overall appearance and use of places, and wrought iron, cast iron and wire.
can complement the existing qualities of a
building and its setting. New fences can be designed to complement
the scale and character of the existing
Paving buildings.

Traditional paving materials such as gravel,

brick and bitumen are an important part of
a building’s setting. New materials can be
chosen to complement building and other
existing landscape materials. Care in the
selection of some gravels needs to be taken
to avoid introduction of materials that may
exacerbate salt attack.

Car parking

Provision of car parking, particularly for

commercial uses, can have a major impact Ulva Cottage in Penola awaits the reconstruction of its fence
and cottage garden to complete its restoration.
on the setting of a heritage building.

Parking areas are usually best located to

the side or rear rather than the front of the
building. Locate car parking where it has
a minimal impact on the existing landscape
elements such as trees, garden features and
Alterations and Additions 1997

Gardens contribute positively to the character

of a building and its setting. The retention
of existing plants and enhancement with
similar species helps to reinforce existing
outdoor spaces or to create new ones. Select
tree species on the basis of appearance
and function, avoiding overshadowing or
blocking views of buildings. New planting
should take into consideration the location
of existing services and avoid possible future
damage to structures. Hedges and other
shrubs can be used to screen car parks and
service areas as well as enclose outdoor
living spaces.

The age and character of the buildings

will help determine the planting style. In
many urban settings the use of exotic
deciduous plant material in formal beds is

Alterations and Additions 1997


Australia ICOMOS 1992, The Illustrated Burra Charter

City of Adelaide 1993, Planning and Design Guidelines

Ian Evans 1983, Restoring old houses, Sun Books

Ian Evans et al. 1984, Colour schemes for old Australian houses, Flannel Flower Press

Ian Stapleton 1991, How to restore the old Aussie house, enlarged edition, Flannel Flower

Howard Tanner et al. 1975, Restoring old Australian houses and buildings: An architectural
guide Macmillan Co.

See also other State Heritage Branch publications

Alterations and Additions 1997


Alterations and Additions 1997

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