Java UE2017-2018

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ge THE UNIVERSITY OF DODOMA COLLEGE OF INFORMATICS AND VIRTUAL EDUCATION SCHOOL OF INFORMATICS a ity yer Oy ° vwod %e eS "seing Koo UNDERGRADUATE SUPPLIMENTARY/SPECIAL EXAMINATION . J 2017/2018 CS 213: OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING IN. Jae Date: 24'" September, 2018 Time Allocated: 3 Hours Instructions: 1. This examination consists of six (¢ 2. Answer all questions from” SECTION A (60 estion ON, Yor a program in Table 1 a) What of the Table 1: Java p public class Exceptions{ 2, public static void main(String[] | 3. String b[] = new String[3]; 4. tryf | 5. System.out.printIn(b[1]); 16. intx = 5/0; lie j}catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoi System.err printin(“errorA"); 9. }eatch(ArithmeticExceptioi | 10. System.err printin("errorB"), ee | 12.) | 13} a) The program in Table 2 has | error, tr Table 2: Java program abstract class Student public abstract double getPassMark(); } class DiplomaStudent extends Student{ Private final double passMark; private final double diplomaPassMark: public DiplomaStudent(double PpassMark, double diplomaPassMark){ 8. this. passMark = passMark:; 9._ this.diplomaPassMark = diplomaPassMark: 10.3 11. public double getDiplomaPassMark(){ 12. return diplomaPass Mark; 13), 14. public double getPassMark(){ 15. return passMark; 16. } 7g 18. public class EmployeeTest { 19. public static void main(String args[]){ 20. Student employees = new DiplomaStudent(50.0, 60.0); 21. System. out.print{("pass mark: %,.2f%n", employees .getPassMark()); 22. System.out.printf{("pass mark: %,.2f%n", employees. getDiplomaPassMark()); 230i) 24.} NAOAWHR Page 3 of 8 jon TWO 4 Question shod header for each of the following ea me writ : 4 Method basket, which contain a String i cup, and does not return any value, Method dodoma, which takes a doul floating-point arguments radius and r¢ precision, floating-point result. iii it returns an integer. iv. Method instructions, which does not and does not return a value. y. Method intToFloat, which takes number and returns a float. b) What will be the output of the progr Table 3: Java p | public class Stri & public static void main(String an System. out. println("Was it aca on Three write a simple java constructors overloading. The called Student, instance registrationNumber, Age and hte should be responsible to initialize o reate a drive class (a class demonstrate the work of Studer What will the output of the p . class Aff class B extends Af} class C extends Bf} class D extends C{} 5. public class Test{ ;, public static void mai . Aa=new AQ); Bb =new BO; Ce=new CO; S$) sECTION B40 MARK: ) Four Question cut component Write a java program using swing which contains two text I fields label name and age respectively, four Exit, When user enters nam submit button, the name and age 5} abase, in the ould be submitted to MyS4 table called uset_! table. W! etrieved from ser clicks ch database named user_dat user clicks view button, the name and age should be r database and displayed on the dialog window. When vs +t field has to be cleared should it contain any data val button, the text When user clicks exit button a program should close. In case database connection failure, a program should handle the thro’ Exception using try-catch block with the message “database connecti failed” displayed on the dialog window. All used resources shot finally be closed inside try-finally block. (20 Marl Question Five Implement the Shape hierarchy shown in Figure 1. Each Th DimensionalShape should contain method esata he of the two-dimensional shape. Each ThreeDi have methods getArea and Sela 2 volume, » Tespectively, of the e-di that uses an array of Shape references to objects of each Concrete class in the hierarchy. The program should print a text description of the object to which each array element refers, Also, in the loop that processes all the shapes in the array, determine whether each shape is a TwoDimensionalShape or a ThreeDimensionalShape. If it’s a TwoDimensionalShape, display its area. If it’s a ThreeDimensionalShape, display its area and volume. (20 Marks} Figure 1: Inheritance hierarchy Shape ThreeDimentionalShape arks are Your program shall check that the m: between 0 and 100. Consider the classes Student and Address. Every student has address, therefore the relationship between student and oa is a Has-A relationship. But if you consider it in the reverse, J would not make any sense as it is not necessary for the Addre. fo contain a Student. Write three java Classes to implement t relationship. Note that Address may contain street number, ci and country while student class may have address, student na and student id, [10 Marl

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