Java UE2018-2019

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THE UNIVERSITY OF DODOMA COLLEGE OF INFORMATICS AND VIRTUAL EDUCATION SCHOOL OF INFORMATICS UNDERGRADUATE UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS FIRST SEMESTER 2018/2019 CS 213: OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING IN JAVA Date: 19" February, 2019 ION A (40 Marks) Question One a) Considering a piece of code given bellow, create a initializing properties of class B. [class Af | int y; public A(int y)f i this.y = y, i lara da | class B extends Af UL v >) In the following program, called ComputeResult, what is of result after executing each numbered line? public class ComputeResult a public static void main(String[] args) { String original =" resilt.setCharA result. insert result. ~ Question Two Read carefully the following program then answer the questions that follow: -comments indicate where missing components of the program are to be placed, public class MainClass { public static void main(String[] args){ //(2) print the greeting //(3) construct a MyClass object called myObject /(A) update() i class MyClass{ // (1) definition of MyClass constructor public static void greetings(){ // definition of greets y i public void update(int num, String title) { // definition of update } public void print) { // definition of print iy ¥ 4 private int numOfltems: private String reportTitle; Be a u wish to call the method 2 you wis suppose >, Write a statement(s) ) above line (2, otly. orrec ou wish to call the update t se Y supp¢ correct java statement that Write Question Three and describe the error in the foll O ort *, lass Parent { void message(){ System. out.printin("Parent"); public c oid message() throws SOL, System. out. printin("Child" public static void main(Sh Parent p = new Childg; | P-message(); » aa ) Indicate the output of the following program {7 Marks} public class Cive{ int x = 0; int f(int x) { return x * x; } int z = f(£(x+1)); public static Void main(String args[]) { | Cive c = new Cive(); } iy secs deccohs Mii canal Me es gaeaatieay SECTION B (60 Marks) Question Four a) Assume that you have 2 MySQL database named EmployeeDB running on localhost server and it has a table called EmployeeInfo with four columns: p_id, first_name, last_name and phone_number. Write a Java program that will establish JDBC connection to the database and query the database’s Employeelnfo table to display first name, last name and phone number of the employees. Exception handling is inevitable for database connectivity, therefore provide try-catch-finally block for exception handling where appropriate. Given the driver class is com.mysql.jdbc.Driver, the port number is 3306. Use root for both username and password. {15 Marks} 4) Write a java app that contains classes Polygon, Rectangle, Trlangle 1 myMain. Class Polygon declares instance variables height and width and defines a method serValues for setting height and width values supplied by user. It should also define abstract method area. Class Rectangle extends class Polygon and implements method area for calculating and returning area of a rectangle. Class Triangle extends class Polygon and implements method area for calculating’ and returning area of a triangle. Class myMain defines method, creates Rectangle and Triangle’s objects and calls methods for demonstrating their capabilities. Question Five ¥ a) Thoroughly read the following problem statement then a following questions Fahrenheit (°F): F = (°C * 9/5) + 32 1 Use anonymous class in the implementation of event handling. [15 Marks} ii Use inner class in the implementation of event handling. [15 Marks] Question Six v a) Create a Java program for registering electorates. The program has to use the method called age Validator for validating the age of the electorates. In case the age supplied is below 18 years, the method has to throw (using throw keyword) the custom exception called CiveException. [15 Marks} » b) Using Swing graphical user interface components, write a java program that accepts radius of a circle from the user and outputs area of the circle to the screen. User has to input the radius through input dialog window and the program has to output the area through the output dialog window. Use the fo! owing formula to calculate the area of a circle: area = oe \ A ; ae

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