Quarterly Assessment

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Quarter 3rd Quarter Date of Examination February 28, 2022

Name of Student Christian Andre A. FLores Subject Research Project (AAPP 8)
Grade and Section Teacher’s Name Mr. Christon Marie Z. Codilla

The learners will be able to explain the relevance of their research, present a scientific literature and its relevance to the problem, and present a
methodology for their research. This will summarize the idea of their research project. This is an individual work so avoid copying from your
groupmates. Answer the questions given below. You may provide an extra sheet of paper if needed.


1. What is the importance of your research and how will your study adds to the scholarly literature in your field?

Write your answer here:

The importance of this research is to cultivate a new product in the market that uses sawdust as a core material in our concrete brick. This research
introduces a new alternative that is better than the old product in terms of economical and practical application because our product is lightweight,
environmentally friendly, and simple to use as a construction material. This study adds to the specific scholarly literature field by using the
researcher's research as a reference to their research and not only the researchers can use this research but also the engineers or concrete firms
because they can use this as a reference in their projects.

2. Site at least 3 important literature and explain the relevance of this literature to your current research (Site 3 references).

Write your answer here:

The first important piece of literature comes from Maciejewski and Valencia (2020), the use of concrete can be dated back to ancient times. Romans
mastered the use of hydraulic lime as a binding agent, called “opus caementicium”. This literature is important because it shows the originators of
cement. We can conclude that the ancient Romans are technologically advanced in their concrete and how it is a big impact on the modern world.
The researchers use the Romans technologies to further expand and expound the building industries. That’s how important the literature is in the
study of sawdust concrete brick.
Source: Max Maciejewski and Sonia Valencia (2020). The Reality of Concrete. A Safety Management major and Architect. https://bit.ly/3rzgSlh

The second piece of literature comes from Abraham Mwango and Chewe Kambole, "sawdust, an environmental hazard, has great potential for use as
a raw material to produce construction composites that meet international standards. This potential use is yet to be fully explored, particularly in
developing countries where indiscriminate dumping of sawdust is rife". This another piece of literature is the cornerstone of our research because it
states the importance of sawdust and how it has great potential that needed to be explored as a construction material. This literature greatly helps
our research as a guide and shows the hidden potential of sawdust brick to cultivate it to perfection as a construction material. This literature shows
how it considerably impacts our research and how it helps us towards the end goal of this research.
Source: Abraham Mwango and Chewe Kambole (2019). Engineering Characteristics and Potential Increased Utilisation of Sawdust Composites in
Construction. Civil Engineers. https://bit.ly/3GD7DF7

The third piece of literature comes from Awal, Memon's siblings, Mohd. Sam, Ackekzai(2017) sawdust concrete must be examined before using it for
construction because it has a serious limitation that is low compressive strength. Despite these limitations, sawdust concrete is a quality of reducing
the weight of overall structure which is transmitted on the base (Foundation) of structure. This last piece of literature is relevant to our current
research because it limits the research and provide us knowledge towards the weakness of sawdust brick causing us providing appropriate
measurements in our research. This piece of literature helps us develop to the proper variables to maintain the best sawdust concrete brick as a
valuable product. That’s how relevant this piece of literature is in our research.
Source: Abdul Awal, Uroosa and Ruhal Memon, Abdul Mohd.Sam and Lemor Ackekzai (2017). Performance of sawdust concrete at elevated
temperature. Civil Engineers. https://bit.ly/3GtaFgd

3. Summarize your research procedure

a. Product development
b. Data collection and testing

Write your answer here:

a. The product development of the researchers is going well. We secured an appropriate amount of sawdust, the core material of our research. The
researchers also have the proper workshop to build the concrete brick, and as for now, we completed 15 sawdust concrete bricks, but it should be 25
though the 10 sawdust concrete brick is not well developed. That’s why we did not use the other 10 bricks. The sawdust brick is manufactured in KDO
Compound, Lower Azucena, Barili, Cebu, Philippines, and we will also test and monitor it in this workshop. We use comparative research and
descriptive research because the researchers aim to produce the sawdust brick that the researchers will compare to traditional brick. The research
sample is divided into four groups the first one is 1500cc with 70% sawdust mixture while the second group is the same as the first sample but in this
sample test the longevity and the first group test the product’s physical quantities. The third group test the brittleness and the last group test is the
standard brick aggregates.

b. As for now, we are collecting data and testing the bricks although we still didn’t find the testing site to test the brick's toughness and strength using
a hydraulic press. The test consists of a pressure test that uses the hydraulic press, and the second test is a temperature test that measures the brick's
durability. The last test is the water absorption test if the brick can hold water, or it will result in breakage. If we are done collecting data from
sawdust concrete brick, we will compare it to the standard brick. We will thoroughly examine and analyze the data results so that you can honestly
trust our collected data and it would be presented in tabular format in statistical and comprehensive.

4. Create a diagram that will present your research process.

Write your answer here:

Having fun Contemplating

Thinking about Starting to
Forming a while on what test
the topic we research about Finalizing
proper researching we will conduct
want to the sawdust Chapter 1 & 2.
research title. with my to have a
research about. concrete brick.
groupmates. proper data.

Group meeting
After product Starting to to have a Revising the Preparing
making starting make the proper incorrect appropriate Finalizing
conduct test to sawdust communication phrases stated materials for Research
collect data concrete brick toward the by the the product Methodology
samples. per batch. product panelists. making.

Collecting data
and comparing This is our entire research process starting from 1st quarter to the present time and we are still collecting data for testing
it to the the sawdust concrete brick.
concrete brick.
4 3 2 1
Researcher gives Researcher clear Researcher Researcher did not give
ample explanation on explanation on what presented a not so clear and appropriate
what are the are the significance clear explanation of explanation on the
Relevance of significance and and benefit from the the importance of the benefits and importance
20 4 20
the study benefit from the study. study. The research. The of the study. The
The explanations are explanations are explanations are explanations are
concrete and not concrete. concrete and not concrete and not general
general statements. general statements. statements.
Literature 30 The theory/theories The theory/theories The theory/theories The theory/theories 4 30
was/were properly was/were fairly was/were fairly was/were not properly
discussed as to what discussed. The paper discussed. But the discussed as to what
they explain, and the also identifies the researchers were not they explain, and the
context in which they theorist/s and the able to site the context in which they
were developed. year the theories were author of the study were developed.
Theorists and the year developed. It is in Researcher did not cite
it was published are aligned with the the author
also identified. It is research paper.
aligned with the
research paper
Researcher presented Researcher presented Researcher presented The summary of their
a clear summary of a clear summary of a vague summary of methodology was not
their methodology their methodology their methodology, presented clearly.
Methods 30 4 30
aligned with their aligned with their and the presentation
research paper. research paper. is not aligned with
their research paper.
Responses has
Responses are free of minimal spelling, Distracting errors in Spelling, punctuations,
Mechanics and distracting spelling, punctuations, and grammar, and grammatical errors
10 4 10
Grammar punctuation, and grammatical errors punctuation and create distractions,
grammatical errors allowing readers to spelling are present. making reading difficult.
follow ideas clearly.
Quarterly Assessment Quarterly Assessment Quarterly Assessment Quarterly assessment is
Timeliness 10 submitted before the is Submitted on the is submitted 1 day submitted 2 days after 4 10
deadline. deadline. after the deadline the deadline
100 TOTAL 28 100

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