Bibliografia Básica

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Bibliografia Básica:

BELCH, George E. e BELCH, Michael A. Advertising and Promotion: An

Marketing Communications Perspective. 12th Ed. New York: McGraw-
Hill, 2021
GABRIEL, Martha e KISO, Rafael. Marketing na era digital. Conceitos,
e estratégias. 2. ed. S. Paulo: Atlas, 2020

Bibliografia Complementar:
JONES, John Philip (org.). A publicidade como negócio. São Paulo:
Nobel, 2002
KIRBY, Justin e MARSDEN, Paul. Connected marketing. The viral, buzz
and word of
mouth revolution. Burlington, E.U.A.: Buttersworth-Heinemann, 2006
SCHMITT, Bernd e SIMONSON, Alex. Marketing aesthetics. The
management of brands, identity, and image. New York, E.U.A.: The Free
REID, Mike; LUXTON, Sandra e MAVONDO, Felix. The relationship
Integrated Marketing Communication, Market Orientation, and Brand
Journal of Advertising. V. 34, n. 4, p. 11-23, 2005
SCOBLE, Robert. The new rules of marketing & PR. How to use news
blogs, podcasting, viral marketing & online media to reach buyers
directly. Hoboken,
E.U.A.: John Wiley & Sons, 2007

TAMANAHA, Paulo. Planejamento de mídia. Teoria e experiência. São

Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006
VESTERGAARD, Torben e SCHRODER, Kim. A linguagem da
propaganda. 4. Ed.
São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2004
Artigos, periódicos e outras fontes utilizadas:
ANDRADE, Josmar (2008). A Fama como Passaporte para a Atenção:
Reflexões sobre
o Uso de Celebridades na Comunicação de Marketing Global. Internext.
V.3, n. 1,
pp. 16-38
BALA, Madhu e VERMA, Deepak (2018).. A Critical Review of Digital
International Journal of Management, IT & Engineering. V, 8, n.10, pp.
CAMILLERI, M. A. (2018). Integrated Marketing Communications. In
Marketing, Tourism Economics and the Airline Product (Chapter 5 pp.
Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature
GIELENS, Katrijn e STEENKAMP, Jan-Benedict E.M. (2019). Branding
in the era of
digital (dis)intermediation. International Journal of Research in Marketing.
36, n. 3, pp. 367-384
GUSIC, Nerma e STALLONE, Valerio (2020). The Digital Advertising
Ecosystem –
Status Quo, Challenges and Trends. Proceedings of 18th International
e-Society, pp. 36-42
LAURIE, Sally e MORTIMER, Kathleen (2019) How to achieve true
integration: the
impact of integrated marketing communication on the client/agency
Journal of Marketing Management, V. 35, n. 3-4, pp. 231-252
LIN, Yushan, AHMAD, Zubair, SHAFIK, Wasswa, KHOSA, Saima K.,
ALMASPOOR, Zahra, ALSUHABI, Hassan e ABBAS Faheem (2021).
Impact of
Facebook and Newspaper Advertising on Sales: A Comparative Study of
Online and
Print Media. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience. V. 2021, pp.
MEYERS-LEVY, Joan e MALAVIYA, Prashant (1999). Consumers'
processing of
persuasive advertisements: An integrative framework of persuasion
theories. Journal
of Marketing. N. 63, pp. 45-60
MOHR, Iris (2017). Managing Buzz Marketing in the Digital Age. Journal
Marketing Development and Competitiveness. V. 11, n. 2, pp. 10-16
MORIMOTO, Mariko e CHANG, Susan (2006). Consumers’ Attitudes
Unsolicited Commercial E-mail and Postal Direct Mail Marketing Methods
Intrusiveness, Perceived Loss of Control, and Irritation. Journal of
Advertising. V. 7, n. 1, pp. 1-11.
SHIMP, Terence A (1981). Attitude Toward the Ad as a Mediator of
Consumer Brand
Choice. Journal of Advertising. V.10, N. 2, p. 9-15.
SOMMERFELDT, Erich J. e YANG, Aimei (2018) Notes on a dialogue:
twenty years
of digital dialogic communication research in public relations. Journal of
Relations Research. V. 30, n. 3, pp. 59-64

SONG, Ying Song; ESCOBAR, Octavio; ARZUBIAGA, Unai; e DE

MASSIS, Alfredo
(2022). The Digital Transformation of a Traditional Market into an
Ecosystem. Review of Managerial Science. N. 16, pp. 65-88.
VALOS, Michael J., MAPLESTONE, Vanya L., POLONSKY, Michael J.,
Mike (2017). Integrating social media within an integrated marketing
decision-making framework. Journal of Marketing Management. V 33, n.
pp. 1522-1558
VOORVELD, Hilde A.M. (2019) Brand Communication in Social Media: A
Agenda. Journal of Advertising. V. 48, n. 1, pp.14-26
WAWROWSKI, Bartosz e OTOLA, Iwona (2020). Social Media Marketing
in Creative
Industries: How to Use Social Media Marketing to Promote Computer
Information. V. 11, n. 242, pp. 1-13
WU, Xiaoxue e ZHOU, Jiatong (2021). The Influential Factors of
Developing Better in
the Global Stream Media Market: An Analysis of Netflix. Proceedings of
the 2021
International Conference on Public Relations and Social Sciences.
Advances in
Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, V. 586, pp. 177-
ZHANG, Xi, KUMAR, V e COSGUNER, Koray (2017). Dinamically
managing a a
profitable email marketing program. Journal of Marketing Research.

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