3i-Full-Paper-Denise Final Draft

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Presented to the Faculty of the Department of Natural Sciences

 Senior High School Department 

University of Cebu Main Campus

In Partial Fulfillment of the Course Requirements

In Inquiry, Investigation, and Immersion

Presented by:







12 -STEM 6A

MARCH 2023


This Investigatory Project, submitted and prepared by the Grade 12 students

of STEM in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the course Inquiry,
Investigation, and Immersion, have been examined and recommended for
acceptance and approval for Oral Presentation.


MS. MELYBETH R. BERIDO                                                        MS. MICHELLE V.



We take this opportunity to express our gratitude towards everyone who has
contributed to the progress of our investigatory project.

First, we would like to thank our heavenly father for guiding and helping us
to make our investigatory project possible. We would also like to thank our school
authorities for providing us with a platform to showcase our talent and supporting
us in every viable way to make this project a success. Sincerely, we acknowledge the
efforts of our principal, Dr. Abelardo T. Tejo Jr., who has been supportive throughout
our journey and has provided us with all the necessary resources to carry out our
research work.

Our special thanks go to our project advisor Ms. Melybeth Berido for guiding
us throughout the project and providing us with valuable input that helped us to

take the correct path. Without constant support, direction, and encouragement from
our project advisor, it would have been difficult for us to achieve the desired

We would also like to extend our gratitude to the respected teachers and staff
members who have always been approachable, helping and motivating us. We have
learned a lot from their experience and expertise, which have been instrumental in
shaping the project.

We would like to extend our appreciation to the staff and personnel of

University of San Carlos-Talamban Microbiology Department for sharing their
expert knowledge and for providing us with lab facilities to conduct our
experiments. We also thank other researchers who have provided us with valuable
input and have helped us in conducting some of our experiments.

We extend our sincere thanks to our parents for constant support, love, and
encouragement throughout the journey. Their valuable insights and support have
been instrumental in the successful completion of our project.

In general, we would like to express our appreciation to all those who have
been a part of this project in one way or another. Thank you once again for your
constant support and encouragement. 



Title page ................................................................................................................................................................................... i
Approval Sheet .................................................................................................................................................................... ii
Acknowledgement............................................................................................................................................................ iii
Table of Contents .............................................................................................................................................................. iv
Abstract ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1

Chapter 1: Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 1

Rationale ................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
Review of Related Literature ................................................................................................................... 2
Statement of the Problem .................................................................................................................................... 4
Hypothesis............................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Chapter 2: Methodology ........................................................................................................................................... 4

Materials .................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Research Procedure......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Testing Process .................................................................................................................................................................. 6

Chapter 3: Results and Discussion ................................................................................................................. 6

Table 1. Zone of Inhibition (ZOI) ...................................................................................................................... 7

Table 2. Comparison of the Zone of Inhibitions in E.coli ...............................................................8
Table 3. Comparison of the Zone of Inhibitions in Pseudomonas.................................................9
Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Recommendation .............................................................................................................................................................. 9

References .......................................................................................................................................................................... 10

Appendices ........................................................................................................................................................................ 12
Appendix A Transmittal Letter (Principal) ............................................................................................. 12
Appendix B Transmittal Letter (USC-Microbiology Dept) .........................................................13
Appendix C Documentation ............................................................................................................................... 14
Curriculum Vitae ........................................................................................................................................................ 18


Naturally occurring plants have played an important role in the discovery of

new therapeutic agents. Almost all antibiotics are subjected to the problem of
bacterial resistance. Therefore, newer herbal antibacterial compounds from plants
and their semisynthetic derivatives to overcome the resistance are under
investigation.  Garlic extracts have been used to treat infections for thousands of
years. Its typical pungent odor and antibacterial activity depend on allicin, which is
produced by enzymatic (alliin lyase) hydrolysis of alliin after cutting and crushing of
the cloves.

In the Philippines, many important medicines are natural or derived from

natural plants. More than one third (39.1%) of all the approved drugs of the Food
and Drug Administration (FDA) are of natural origin. The Department of Health
(DOH) approved 10 medicinal plants including Allium Sativum, also known as garlic.

The use of medicinal plants of natural origin as an alternative has become more

significant in recent years. This study determined the effectiveness of garlic extract
against foodborne gram-negative bacteria, specifically Pseudomonas and E. coli. The
antibacterial activity of the aqueous extract of garlic was investigated against
Pseudomonas aeruginosa and E. coli by an agar using the Kirby Bauer Method. The
trial was done in triplicates.

The results showed that the local hard-neck garlic exhibited an antibacterial
activity due to its observable zone of inhibition compared to the imported garlic
soft-neck. The bacteria samples are resistant to the imported garlic and were
intermediately susceptible to the local garlic. Local hard-neck garlic could be used as
an effective antibacterial agent for these pathogenic organisms.

Most previous studies of the antibacterial activity of garlic extracts have

focused on Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Ajoene, a lipid-soluble allyl
sulphide derivative of allicin, found in oil-derived garlic extracts has been reported
to cause broad spectrum microbial growth inhibition. The study showed that garlic
has antibacterial activity and is effective in inhibiting bacteria. However, local garlic
is more effective in inhibiting bacteria such as Pseudomonas and E. coli compared to
imported garlic.


RATIONALE (Boy, 2018). Garlic is usually used as a

spice for food, but it also has
One of the problems for compounds that inhibit the growth of
countries worldwide is diseases caused bacteria such as allicin. Allicin is a
by food. Food poisoning is defined as defense molecule from garlic which
the illness caused by the consumption reacts with thiol groups and can
of food contaminated by bacteria such inactivate essential enzymes of bacteria
as Pseudomonas Aeruginosa and E. Coli (Leontiev, 2018).
(Gamara, 2018). According to the
United States Department of
Agriculture (USDA), an estimated 48
million people have been recorded that Cebu City is one of the places
got sick caused by food contamination that needs to investigate more
and about 3,000 deaths each year in the about medicinal plants, as it is prone to
United States. Over the last few food contamination which can cause
decades, dangerous antibiotic-resistant food poisoning due to people’s lack of
microorganisms have become sanitary methods. According to the
increasingly common (Adá n et al., 2018; ABS-CBN News (2017), on the 21st of
Pérez-Rodríguez & Taban, 2019; Younis December, 90 individuals in Cebu were
et al.,2019). Due to the rise in infectious reported and suspected for food
diseases and pathogenic resistance to poisoning. After eating the packed
chemical drugs over time, as well as the lunch distributed in the party, the
side effects and high treatment costs victims experienced stomach pain,
that chemical and synthetic drugs headaches, and vomiting. After a few
impose on human societies, the use of years, the case of food poisoning came
medicinal plants of natural origin has back. On the 24th of May 2021, it was
become more common in recent years reported that 37 individuals have been
(Subramani et al., 2017; Mulat et al., rushed to the hospital because of food
2019; Gorlenko et al.,2020).  poisoning. (Philippine News Agency,

In the Philippines, many

important medicines are natural or With the data presented above,
derived from natural plants. More than it has been important to know what
one third (39.1%) of all the approved medicine of natural origin can be used
drugs of the Food and Drug in fighting against food contaminating
Administration (FDA) are of natural bacteria. The main purpose of this
origin. The Department of Health (DOH) project is to know the effectiveness of
approved 10 medicinal plants including garlic extract against foodborne gram-
Allium Sativum, also known as garlic negative bacteria, specifically

Pseudomonas and E. coli which are one preventing numerous disease-causing
of the most common bacteria that bacteria such as Streptococcus mutans
contaminates food and causes different and Lactobacillus acidophilus
illnesses. (Khsirsagar et al., 2022). Garlic is
known to contain compounds that
inhibit the growth of bacteria. One of its
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE main compounds is diallyl thiosulfinate
AND STUDIES or also known as Allicin.

This section outlines the Properties of Garlic

literature and studies that the
researchers looked at while
determining the significance of the
current study. To better understand the Allicin (diallyl thiosulfinate)  has
research and the notion, it also provides been reported to occur in many plants
a summary of the subject. of Genus Allium such as Garlic (Allium
Sativum), Onion (Allium cepa), leek
(Allium porru) (Lawson & Hunsaker,
2018). Allicin is a compound which is a
Garlic result when alliinase is brought into
contact with the amino acid alliin
(Oxford Dictionary, 2019). It is one of
garlic's primary active components and
Garlic (Allium sativum) is gives it its distinct taste and scent
considered to be a valuable plant in (Nunn,2022).
terms of food. In terms of production, it
is one of the most widely cultivated
plant crops. It is also known and
apparent to most cultures worldwide Numerous clinical trials have
(FAO, 2012). Based on statistics, it has a been made with the use of allicin. It has
world production of 28,042,647 tons been found out that allicin present in
from an area of 1,600,000 hectares. garlic possesses antiseptic,
China and India are the primary garlic antibacterial, and antifungal properties
growing countries, followed by (Leontive et al., 2018).
Bangladesh, Republic of Korea, Egypt,
Spain, USA, Algeria, Uzbekistan, and
Ukraine (FAO, 2019).
In addition, garlic also contains
      phytochemicals that can help fight
bacteria. According to the study of Ali
It is even known to be one of the and Ibrahim (2019), the presence
most important spices in the kitchen of Alkaloid, terpenoids, flavonoids,
because of its taste, aroma, and mainly steroid, phenol, Anthraquinones,
because of its medicinal properties saponin, tannin and glycoside has been
(Ansari, 2020).  In a recent analytical found out after phytochemical
study, Garlic is used in treating or screening of Allium Sativum aqueous

extract and ethanol extract. It is found lungs (pneumonia), or other parts of
out that some phytochemicals present the body after surgery (Healthcare-
in this species’ plant extract contribute Association Infections, 2019). A person
to antimicrobial effects. Their can be infected by pseudomonas in
experimental design suggested and many ways. It can grow on fruits and
verified various claims about the vegetables, so you could get sick from
components of Allium Sativum and its eating contaminated food (WedMD
antimicrobial potential. First, anti- Editorial Contributors, 2022).
microbial properties have been Eradication of Pseudomonas has
reported to be found in two become increasingly difficult due to its
anthraquinones from the ethanol remarkable capacity to resist
extracts of rhubarb rhizomes, in this antibiotics. Strains of Pseudomonas
case, the Allium Sativum, Terpenoid and aeruginosa are known to utilize their
Tannin, two phytochemicals held prominent levels of intrinsic and
positive during the screening, also did acquired resistance mechanisms to
show promising antimicrobial effects. counter most antibiotics. In addition,
Second is an essential oil and volatile adaptive antibiotic resistance
substance contained in garlic, diallyl of pseudomonas aeruginosa is a
thiosulfinate, which is proven to be a recently characterized mechanism,
major component in Allium Sativum’s which includes biofilm-mediated
antimicrobial potential.  resistance and formation of multidrug-
tolerant persister cells (Pang et al.,

        Therefore, based on the studies, it

has been found that even though the
garlic undergoes different physical Consequently, a study was made
treatments, it has remained to have which assesses the antibacterial effect
properties/compounds capable of of crude and aqueous garlic extracts on
inhibiting bacteria. (Ali & Ibrahim, Pseudomonas. The results showed that
2019). both extracts have definite antibacterial
effects on pseudomonas.

E. coli

Pseudomonas is a type of gram-

negative bacteria (germ) that is found E. coli is a gram-negative type of
commonly in the environment, like in bacteria that can be acquired by the
soil and in water. Of the many diverse consumption of meat that has not been
types of Pseudomonas, the one that sufficiently cooked. E. coli
most often causes infections in humans contamination occurs most frequently
is called Pseudomonas aeruginosa, when surrounding animal manure
which can cause infections in the blood, combines with the water supply,

tainting fresh produce like fruits and specifically between Pseudomonas and
vegetables that you consume. E. coli. 
Moreover, raw milk yogurt and cheese
and unpasteurized fruit juices can also STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM
cause E. coli infections. Hand-to-mouth
contact can also potentially spread E. This study determined the
coli from one person to another effectiveness of garlic extracts to
(DerSarkissian, 2022). Some of its eradicate bacteria.
effects on people are watery or bloody
diarrhea, fever, abdominal cramps,
nausea, and vomiting (NCEZID, 2019).
Following the investigation of This study sought to answer the
Tuyishime (2022) about the following:
antibacterial activity of nanoparticles of
garlic, it was found out that the 1.What is the level of
prepared nanoparticles showed effectiveness of garlic extract to
presence of organosulfur and phenolic eradicate the spread of bacteria?
compounds, carboxyl groups, and
protein particles which makes garlic 2. What is the resistance level of
extract a potent antibacterial agent. bacteria when garlic extract is applied?

3. What kind of garlic extract

makes the bacteria more sensitive?
Correspondingly, a study was
made by Batwalkar et. al (2022) which 4. What is the significant
is about the antibacterial activity of difference in the zone inhibition
garlic against E. coli. The results between the samples?
showed that due to the garlic’s active
properties, it can inhibit the growth of The researchers observed the
E. coli.  resistance of the bacteria, and the
effectiveness of the two garlic extracts
when dropped to the two bacteria
differently. This study would help the
Based on the data about garlic medical field to address bacterial
and bacteria, it can be concluded that resistance using natural remedies and
garlic has an antibacterial potential. the people in reduction of bacteria in
However, there has been a gap about food which decreases the food
which type of garlic is more effective in poisoning cases.
inhibiting these bacteria. The recent
information only focused on one garlic’s  
antibacterial properties and effects and
not the comparison of different garlic Specifically, this sought to
species such as local (hard-neck) and investigate the effectiveness of different
(soft-neck). Therefore, it is important to garlic extracts against bacteria.
further investigate which garlic extract Whether Pseudomonas or E. coli can
is more effective against bacteria grow and resist the garlic extract in the

following parameter/s: the zone of C. Others
inhibition of the garlic extracts.
 Mueller Hinton Agar
 Normal Saline Solution
 The following hypothesis were
formulated in this study:  0.5 McFarland Standard

1.There is no significant  Sterile Cotton Swabs

difference between the zone inhibition
samples.  Sterile Scintillation Vials

 1mL micropipette tips (blue)

METHODOLOGY  100 ul micropipette tips

 0.2 nano filters
 A. Garlic Extract
 6 mm Whatman Filter paper 01
 2 bulbs of Garlic  (local &
 Biosafety cabinet Class II
 Distilled water (50ml)
 Autoclave
 Knife
 Analytical Weighing Scale
 Filter Paper
 Incubator
 Glass Funnel
 Pipettes
 Erlynmeyer Flask
 Inoculating Loop
 Mortar & Pestle
 Incinerator
 Test Tube
 Petri dishes (Glass, Pyrex)
 pipette
 Micro caliper or ruler
 Small Clear container
 Alcohol lamp
 B. Bacteria

   Pseudomonas culture  250mL Beaker

   E. Coli culture  20mL Test Tubes

 Reagent Bottle in an inoculum according to the
following procedures: using aseptic
 Fine tip forceps technique, a loopful of freshly grown
bacteria/fungi was inoculated into the
 Matchstick or Lighter igniter prepared 10mL normal saline solution
until it became comparable to 0.5
 Aluminum borer MacFarland standard inside the
Biological Safety Cabinet Class 2.

3. Agar Well Diffusion Method

Research Procedure
A sterile cotton applicator was
1. Preparation of Garlic Extract dipped into the prepared bacterial or
fungal suspension and pressed into the
  Fresh garlic bulbs of local side of the tubes. After this, the cotton
(hardneck) and imported (soft-neck) applicator was gently swabbed into the
were bought from a shop in Carbon prepared Mueller-Hinton agar plates
Market, Cebu City. The garlic were uniformly making sure that all agars
washed several times thoroughly with will be swabbed with the
water and soap. The garlic was then bacteria. Following the Kirby Bauer
dried with a clean cloth.  After drying, Method, the bacteria culture plates
the garlic was sliced into small pieces were labeled accordingly using the
using a knife and then crushed bacterial species name and the position
manually using mortar and pestle. Once of the sample concentration and
crushed, the garlic was added by 10 ml control. Next, using a sterile aluminum
of water then filtered using filter paper. borer (6mm size), a well in the
The filtrate was transferred to a test prepared culture medium plates was
tube mixed with distilled water using a made. Then, 15μL of the garlic extract
pipette in another test tubes by dilution samples and antibiotics were added
(4 ml extract:0 ml water, 3 ml extract:1 into the wells. After this, the samples
ml water, 2ml extract:2 ml water, 1 ml were laid flat allowing it to diffuse into
extract:3 ml water) which is equivalent the agar for 30 minutes to 1 hour before
to a concentration of 100%, 75%, 50% incubation. Then, the plates were
and 25% . Then, using a clean pipette, incubated into the incubator at 37°C for
the garlic extract was transferred into a 24hrs for bacteria in upright position.
small clean container which will serve
as the samples.  After the process, the Testing Process
garlic aqueous extract was stored at
room temperature until used. The diameter of the clear
circular space that formed around the
2. Collection and preparation of disc was measured (in mm) using a
bacteria samples micro caliper and the mean of the
measurements in each concentration
   The bacteria samples were was calculated. This determined the
bought at the USC-Talamban Campus zone of inhibition of garlic extracts. The
Microbiology lab and were re-cultured bacterial response can be interpreted

according to three categories: <8mm
resistant-; 9-14 intermediate
susceptible+; 15 or more susceptible++

Apparently, ANOVA (Analysis of

Variance) was being used using SPSS
software. This helped the researchers Figure 1. Result of the agar-well
to determine the significant difference diffusion. Negative Control: Distilled
in the zone inhibition between the water, Treatment group: 100%, 75%,
samples. This will also determine which 50%, and 25%.
garlic extract is more effective against


Table 1. Zone of Inhibition (ZOI)

Remarks:<8 resistant-; 9-14 intermediate susceptible++; >15 susceptible+++

Table 1 presents the mean and garlic. Moreover, the garlic 1 (imported
standard deviation of the zone of soft-neck) got a mean of 6.44 in 100%
inhibition of the two garlic extracts in concentration, 7 in 75%, 6.89 in 50%
the selected microorganisms. The garlic and 6.22 in 25%. This falls under the
1 (imported soft-neck) got a mean of 6 <8mm remark which means that the
in all concentrations which showed no Pseudomonas is resistant to imported
inhibitory effect to E. coli. This means garlic. The garlic 2 (local hard-neck) got
that E. coli is resistant to imported a mean of 13.22 in 100% concentration,
garlic. Garlic 2 (local hard-neck) got a 11.56 in 75%, 9.89 in 50%, and 9.89 in
mean of 14.78 in 100% concentration, 25%. This falls under the 9-14mm
13.56 in 75%, 11.67 in 50% and 9.78 in remark which means that the
25%. This falls under the 9-14mm Pseudomonas is intermediately
remark which means that the E. coli is susceptible to local garlic. 
intermediately susceptible to local

Figure 2. Zone of Inhibition of garlic extracts in Escherichia coli

Figure 2 shows the neck) exhibited higher zone of

representation of the zone of inhibitions compared to garlic 1
inhibitions of the two garlic extracts in (imported soft-neck) in all
a graph. Based on the data, it can be concentrations. After analyzing the data
observed that garlic 2 (local hard-neck) using ANOVA, the researchers got a p-
showed a high antibacterial activity value of < .001. This is less than .05
compared to garlic 1 (imported soft- which suggests that there was a
neck) which showed the same as the significant difference between the
negative control which is none. This samples. Therefore, local garlic is more
means that E. coli is resistant to effective against E. coli and most
imported garlic. Garlic 2 (local hard- effective at 100% concentration.

Table 2. Comparison of the zone of inhibitions in E.coli

Mean Difference 95% Confidence Interval

(I) Extract (J) Extract (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound
1 2 .00000 1.04330 1.000 -2.7217 2.7217
3 -8.77778 1.04330 .000 -11.4995 -6.0561
2 1 .00000 1.04330 1.000 -2.7217 2.7217
3 -8.77778 1.04330 .000 -11.4995 -6.0561
3 1 8.77778 1.04330 .000 6.0561 11.4995
2 8.77778 1.04330 .000 6.0561 11.4995

Table 2 shows the comparison of hard-neck garlic) got a p-value of <.001.

the zone of inhibitions of the extracts in This is less than 0.5 which suggests that
Post Hoc Test. Post Hoc Test is a test there is a significant difference between
done after knowing that there was a the two extracts. The extract 3 (local
significant difference in the means hard-neck garlic) compared to extract
using one way anova. Since the p-value 1(distilled water) got a p-value of <.001.
of the comparison of the zone of This is less than 0.5 which suggests that
inhibition in E.coli after ANOVA was there is a significant difference
<.001 which suggests that there was a between the two extracts. Therefore,
significant difference, it is important to the extract 3 (local hard-neck garlic)
know what variable contributed to the has a significant difference among the
significant difference found. Based on sample extracts.
the table, the extract 1(distilled water)
compared to extract 2 (imported soft-
neck garlic) got a p-value of 1.0. This is
greater than 0.5 which suggests that
there is no significant difference
between the two extracts. The

extract 2 (imported soft-neck

garlic) compared to extract 3 (local

Figure 3. Zone of Inhibition of garlic extracts in Pseudomonas

Figure 3 shows the graph of the higher zone of inhibitions compared to
zone of inhibitions of the two garlic garlic 1 in all concentrations. After
extracts . Based on the data, it can be analyzing the data, the researchers got
observed that there is a difference in a p-value of < .001. This is less than .05
the zone of inhibition of the two garlic which suggests that there was a
extracts. The garlic 2 (local hard-neck) significant difference between the
showed higher antibacterial activity samples. It can be concluded that local
compared to garlic 1 (imported soft- hard-neck garlic is more effective
neck) which showed almost none. against Pseudomonas and most
Garlic 2 (local hard-neck) exhibited effective at 100% concentration.

Table 3. Comparison of the zone of inhibitions in Pseudomonas

Mean Difference 95% Confidence Interval

(I) Extract (J) Extract (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound
1 2 -.44444 .69240 .815 -2.2508 1.3619
3 -7.22222* .69240 .000 -9.0285 -5.4159
2 1 .44444 .69240 .815 -1.3619 2.2508
3 -6.77778 *
.69240 .000 -8.5841 -4.9715
3 1 7.22222 *
.69240 .000 5.4159 9.0285

2 6.77778 *
.69240 .000 4.9715 8.5841
there is no significant difference
Table 3 shows the comparison of between the two extracts. The extract 2
the zone of inhibitions of the extracts in (imported garlic) compared to extract 3
Post Hoc Test. Since the p-value of the (local hard-neck garlic) got a p-value of
comparison of the zone of inhibition in <.001. This is less than 0.5 which
Pseudomonas after ANOVA was <.001 suggests that there is a significant
which suggests that there was a difference between the two extracts.
significant difference, it is important to The extract 3 (local hard-neck garlic)
know what variable contributed to the compared to extract 1(distilled water)
significant difference found. Based on got a p-value of <.001. This is less than
the table, the extract 1(distilled water) 0.5 which suggests that there is a
compared to extract 2 (imported soft- significant difference between the two
neck garlic) got a p-value of 0.815 This extracts. Therefore, the extract 3 (local
is greater than 0.5 which suggests that hard-neck garlic) has a significant
difference among the sample extracts

The various medicinal

properties of garlic (Allium sativum L.)
CONCLUSION and other alliums have long been
recognized; nevertheless, these

properties and their modus bacteria can also be examined. Lastly,
operandi remain enigmatic. the use of other garlic species to know
which is more effective may be tested.

The study showed that garlic has

antibacterial activity and is effective in
inhibiting bacteria. However, local
garlic is more effective in inhibiting
bacteria such as Pseudomonas and E.
coli compared to imported garlic.

The concentration of the garlic

extract increases we have seen
efficiency increased and hence
inhibition and growth of test bacteria
has been diminished. As observed from
the above tables, Larger clear zones at
higher concentrations and lower clear
zones at lower concentrations. This
implies that, Garlic has both
bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect.


The usage of garlic, especially

local garlic as an antibacterial remedy
can be accommodated. Nevertheless,
improvements are still needed to have a
much precise outcome and accurate
transparency of what the study aims

For future progress and

development on the study, the
researchers would like to recommend
adding specific parameters to get a
more desired result. Using different
antibiotics to use as a positive
control/comparison of how effective
the garlic may be also tested. Examining
the effects of garlic extract on other


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(2021). Antibacterial Properties of Organosulfur Compounds of Garlic (Allium
sativum). Frontiers in Microbiology, 12.



Transmittal Letter


Transmittal Letter

(USC-Microbiology Dept)



Peeling of garlic samples Breaking down of garlic samples

into small species

Pounding of garlic samples Garlic extract samples with solid


Garlic extracts transferred to Filtration of Garlic Extracts

test tubes for filtration

Garlic Extract samples in Prepared garlic samples to be
different concentrations delivered to USC mcrobio lab

Raw Results From USC-Talamban Biology Dept.



Name: : Jay C. Tagalog

Home Address: : Pung-ol Sibugay, Cebu City

Birthday: : February 18, 2005

Religion: :Roman Catholic

Civil Status: : Single



University of Cebu- Pri

J. Alcantara St., Cebu City


Sibugay Integrated School

Pung-ol Sibugay, Cebu City


Sibugay Integrated School

Pung-ol Sibugay, Cebu City


With Highest Honors, First Semester (S.Y. 2022-2023)

With High Honors, S.Y. 2021-2022

With High Honors, S.Y. 2020-2021



Name                      : Ian Arabella O. Handumon

Home Address        : Villa Kalubihan, Basak San Nicolas,

Cebu City 

Birthday                   : July 4, 2005

Religion                   : Roman Catholic 

Civil Status              : Single 



University of Cebu-Main Senior High School Department 

J. Alcá ntara St., Cebu City 


Don Vicente Rama Memorial National High School

Macopa St., Cebu City


Don Vicente Rama Memorial Elementary School

Macopa St., Cebu City


With High Honors, First Semester (S.Y. 2022-2023)

With High Honors, S.Y. 2021-2022

With Honors, S.Y. 2020-2021



Name:.                               :John Andrey B. Mabini

Home Address:               :Upper Malubog, Cebu City

Birthday:.                          :November 10,2004

Religion:                            : Roman Catholic

Civil Status:                      :Single



         University of Cebu-Pri

      J. Alcantara St., Cebu City


      Malubog Integrated School

       Tiguib Malubog, Cebu City


      Malubog Integrated School

       Tiguib Malubog, Cebu City


With High Honor, 2nd Semester S.Y 2019-2020

28th Doñ Sergio Osmeñ a Sr. Academic Excellence Awardee



Name : Johnrie Dion A. Baylon

Home address : Greenvillage, Guadalupe,

Cebu City

Birthday : August 15, 2004

Religion : Roman Catholic

Civil Status : Single



University of Cebu-Pri
J. Alcantara St., Cebu City


University of Cebu - Main Campus

Sanciangko St., Cebu City


University of Cebu - Main Campus

Sanciangko St., Cebu City



Name : Justine A. Araniel

Date of Birth : August 19,2005

Sex : Male

Age : 17

Citizenship : Filipino

Religion : Roman Catholic

Address : sitio Napnapan Brgy.Toong Cebu, City

Civil Status : Single



University of Cebu – Pri

J.Alcantara St.,Cebu City


Toong Integrated School


Toong Integrated School



NAME : Alynna Rhose C. Erispe

HOME ADDRESS : 41- O Mc Arthur Blvd,

Tinago, Cebu City

BIRTHDAY :November 14, 2004

RELIGION :Roman Catholic




University of Cebu - Pri

J. Alcantara St., Cebu City


Tejero National High School

Mj Cuenco Avenue, Cebu City


Tejero Elementary School

Mj Cuenco Avenue, Cebu City


With Honors (2015 – 2016) Elementary Education

With Honors (2019 – 2020) Junior High School


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