Ifinance Brochure 2020
Ifinance Brochure 2020
Ifinance Brochure 2020
We launched our now extremely popular
iCommunity site
Why iFinance 05
Expenses Capture 10
Stock Management 11
Group Consolidation 12
The Process 14
Get in touch 15
iSAMS Ltd | Welcome to iFinance
iSAMS was the first school management One of our central aims, a focal point since our
information system (MIS) to be entirely software’s initial creation in 2005, continues to be
web-based. Its versatile design consists of a to support your staff members in the completion
single core database which you can then build of their daily tasks; increasing efficiency whilst
on using our suite of portals and apps, giving you enhancing their experience. Specifically with your
bespoke management of all academic, wellbeing Bursar and Finance team in mind, this was the
and administrative information. This intuitive driving force behind our development of iFinance.
system — also accessible on mobile devices
Released in early 2018, this unique software
— is designed to support everyone; from data
brings academic, wellbeing, administrative and
administrators and staff, to students and parents,
fee billing elements together with a powerful
it brings the whole school community together.
accounting and finance solution. As it’s fully
integrated, we aim to save your Finance team
time and increase efficiency, making it even
easier to keep on top of budgets and balance
your books.
Why iFinance?
“In times when every penny counts, we have found the analysis tool
and management information provided by iFinance to be second
to none. This has helped with both day to day operational decisions
through to strategic direction at Board level.”
Powerful Accounting
With our workflow approval, you’re able to automatically send paperless POs
and purchase invoices for approval before they are posted to the accounting
system, including options to add customisable layers of approval.
Some key benefits include: • Keep track of each request with real-time
views of the status of an approval.
• Save time by creating an auto approval
• Make sure your data is secure and won’t be
process for reviewing or approving invoices
accidentally altered, as authorised approvers
by authorised personnel.
don’t need to be system users.
• Avoid laborious manual processing through our
fully integrated invoice capture with accounting.
Expenses Capture
Some key benefits include: • Route expenses for client re-charge as and
when needed.
• Enjoy our easy-to-use Expenses Capture App,
• Tag as company paid or to be re-reimbursed
where you can access key information and
to ensure you keep track of the status of
input data on the move.
each claim.
• Capture photos of expense items or receipts
• Integrated with Google Maps, you can use
with ease on your smartphone and upload
data directly from here when creating
them without having to spend time
start-stop mileage claims.
scanning documents.
• Lock fixed expense items to reduce the risk
• Add in coding so you can more easily trace
of error and avoid multiple submissions for
each claim.
the same expense claim.
• At the click of a button, submit your expense
• Integration with the finance ledger ensure
to your line manager for approval.
expense claims are automatically paid
once approved.
Stock Management
Group Consolidation
Some key benefits include: • Group Sales and Purchase Analysis together,
allowing simpler reporting for frequently
• Manage the consolidations of numerous
bought products and services.
datasets easily.
• Extend access to budget holders outside of your
• Automatically translate the results of each group
Finance team without the risk of errors being
consolidation into your preferred currency, using
made or security breaches.
stored exchange rates from the reporting period.
• Highlight and report on transactions made
• Immediately view overall performance and
across the entire school community in a matter
gain insights into financial trends with a BI
of minutes, shareable through an accessible
analysis structure.
Excel spreadsheet.
The Process
The process for moving platforms is actually much easier than you would think...
The biggest part of transitioning to a new This Project Manager will work with you to decide
accounting system is looking at your nominal how best to move forwards and will ensure that
accounts and analysis codes and deciding how you make the most of the full capacity of our
you want to report moving forwards. iFinance system; iFinance is a very powerful piece
of software, and we want all our partner schools
If you did decide to go ahead with iFinance, you
to experience the full potential of this unique
will be assigned a dedicated Project Manager for
accounting system.
the entirety of the implementation process.
Get in touch
9 Talavera Court, Darnell Way
Moulton Park, Northampton
NN3 6RW, United Kingdom