Rwandaequip Term 3 Programme Calendar Simplified Version: Week 1 17/04/2023 - 21/04/2023 Week 2-3 24/04/2023 - 05/05/2023
Rwandaequip Term 3 Programme Calendar Simplified Version: Week 1 17/04/2023 - 21/04/2023 Week 2-3 24/04/2023 - 05/05/2023
Rwandaequip Term 3 Programme Calendar Simplified Version: Week 1 17/04/2023 - 21/04/2023 Week 2-3 24/04/2023 - 05/05/2023
Week 1 17/04/2023 - First Week of First Week of First Week of First Week of First Week of
21/04/2023 School School School School School
Week 4 08/05/2023 - Instructional CATs across CATs across CATs across CATs across
12/05/2023 days 9-13 instructional instructional instructional instructional
days 9-13 days 9-13 days 9-13 days 9-13
(excluding (excluding
P1-2) P1-2)
Week 7 29/05/2023 - Instructional CATs across CATs across CATs across CATs across
02/06/2023 day 24 - 28 instructional instructional instructional instructional
days 22-26 days 23-27 days 23-27 days 22-26
Week 8 05/06/2023 - Instructional Instructional Instructional Mock PLE June Mock PLE June
09/06/2023 day 29 - 33 day 27- 31 day 28 - 32 05-June 07, 05 - June o8,
2023 2023
Instructional INstructional
Day 28- 29 Day 27
Week 26/06/2023 - Instructional Term 3 ETE Term 2 ETE Term 2 ETE Term 3 ETE
11 30/06/2023 days 45-46 continued continued continued
June 29, 2023 June 29, 2023 June 29, 2023 June 29, 2023 June 29, 2023
Eid Al Adha Eid Al Adha Eid Al Adha Eid Al Adha Eid Al Adha
Day Day Day Day Day
Week 03/07/2023 - July 3, 2023 July 3, 2023 July 3, 2023 July 3, 2023 July 3, 2023
12 07/07/2023 Independence Independence Independence Independence Independence
Day observed Day observed Day observed Day observed Day observed
July 4, 2023 July 4, 2023 July 4, 2023 July 4, 2023 July 4, 2023
Liberation Day Liberation Day Liberation Day Liberation Day Liberation Day
Week 10/07/2023 Marking Marking Marking Marking Marking
13 - 10/07/2023 - 10/07/2023 - 10/07/2023 - 10/07/2023 - 10/07/2023 -
14/07/2023 12/07/2023 12/07/2023 12/07/2023 12/07/2023 12/07/2023
● P1-P2 have CAT once in a term, this will be scheduled across the 22nd to 26th instructional days for double
shift schools and across the 23th to 27th Instructional days for single shift schools in week 7.
● P5 Single shift will have Mock PLE on June 05 to June 07, 2023 while the P5 double shift will have the
Mock PLE for 4 days on June 05 to June 08, 2023