The Illusion of Choice
The Illusion of Choice
The Illusion of Choice
The point I'm making is that yes, Malcolm X told us to fight, but you cannot simply fight for
things or "rights" in a material world. You will always struggle and not have everything you need
because you are focusing on multiple things and not the key thing. There is only one thing key
you are fighting for and this key will fix all of the other problems. This key thing is the
domination of the image of a God that looks like you. What do I have to tell you for you to
understand that is the single most important thing in the world. Why else has the Arab banned
images except for his language and why else has the Europoid devoted his entire culture to the
production of his image as both the religious and secular hero!
This is what the Kemetyu were telling us and why they made the two most important divinities,
Amen-Ra and Ausar, most characterized by midnight Black skin!
There is no power like the power that comes from promoting your image as THE image of the
Supreme Being. Our enemies know this and do it daily through their media, yet we underestimate
its significance and focus on every other little thing. All your problems in the world have one
root source: it is your lack of commitment to showing yourself as both the divine and secular
supreme hero!
Below is Ausar (the God-Self) with an erect phallus as Min (the self-created creator) embodying
the position of the 90 degree right angle. This right angle is the basic unit of the mathematical
design of the universe. This was the way our ancestors were telling us that the Black God-Self is
the self-created creator that designs the universe. Kushite-Kemetic spirituality was not religion,
but the science of empowerment!