Math LP (Polygons)

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March 23, 2023 LEARNING AREA Mathematics

5 Daisy QUARTER Third Quarter
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates
understanding of polygons, circles,
and solid figures.

B. Performance The learner is able to construct and

Standards describe polygons,
circles, and solid figures.

C. Learning The learner visualizes, names,

Competencies/Object describes and draws polygons with 5
ives Write the LC or more sides.
code for each M5GE-IIIc-19


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
5. Value Focus Visualizing, naming, describing

B. Other Learning Ppt, worksheet.

IV. PROCEDURES Learners’ Activities Teacher’s Activities
A. Reviewing previous
lesson or presenting the Good morning class.
new lesson Good morning ma’am.
Before we start our class,
kindly pick up some paper
(Learners pick up some trashes and and other trash in your
arrange their char) area, and arrange your

Now let’s all stand up for

(Learners stands up for prayer) our prayer.

You may now all take your

(Learners take their seats) seat.

 Motivation

Now class,
can you
identify what are the
images I have shown?
(Learners raises their hands to
answer) Yes learner #1?

(Learner 1) The first image is a dice Very good

How about the second
image learner #2?
(Learner 2) The second image is an
envelop ma’am. That’s correct very good.

And for the last image?

Yes learner #3
(Learner 3) The last image ma’am is a
stop sign. Very good, all of your
answers are correct.

Now let’s all count if how

many side each object in
the images has.

For the dice, how many

side does it have?
(Learners) Four ma’am.
How about the envelop?
How many side does the
(Learners) Five ma’am. envelop have?

And how many side does

the stop sign have?
(Learners) Eight ma’am.
That is correct. Very good.

B. Establishing a purpose The three images that you

for the lesson identify, and count their
sides are called polygons.

Polygon comes from

Greek. Poly- means
"many" and -gon means

When you say Polygons

these are shapes or solid
object that are made of
straight lines,or line
segment that all the lines
connect to each other.

Now based on what I had

explain of what is
polygons, are these objects
consider as polygons?
(Learners) Yes ma’am.
C. Presenting We have here an example
examples/instances of the shapes of polygon, its
new lesson name, and how many side
does it have.

D. Discussing new Who can write the answer

concepts and practicing (Learners raises their hands to in the board?
new skills #1 answer)
1. How many side does the
pizza have?
2. What is the shape of the

Learner #4 write the

answer of the number 1 in
the board, and learner #5
do answer the number 2 in
(Learner 4 write the answer on the the board.
board) 1. Three/3
(Learner 5 write the answer on the
2. Triangle
Very good, your answers
are correct.

E. Discussing new
concepts and practicing
new skills #2






Now can you identify, if

what kind of polygon does
(Learners raises their hands to each object is?
Please write your answer
on the board, learner #6 for
number 3. learner 37 for
number 4, learner #8 for
number 5, learner #9 for
number 6, learner #10 for
number 7, and learner #11
(Learners write their answers on the for number 8.
(Learner #6) 3. Pentagon
(Learner #7) 4. Hexagon
(Learner #8) 5. Heptagon
(Learner #9) 6. Octagon
(Learner #10) 7. Nonagon
(Learner #11) 8. Decagon
Very good class, you all
have a correct answer.

F. Developing mastery Now that you already

(Leads to Formative master what is polygon.
Assessment 3) Get your activity notebook
and answer this activity.

Direction: Draw and color

Five of any polygons solid

G. Finding practical Group yourselves with five

applications of concepts (Learners group themselves) members each.
and skills in daily living
Instructions: Each group
will be provided with a
board, chalk, and an
eraser. I will show you an
object, and you will write
your answer on the board,
either if I ask you what
name of the polygon shape
it is or how many sides the
object has. You will only be
given 2 minutes to answer;
after the 2 minutes, raise
your board to show your
answer. If your answer is
correct, your group will
gain a point. The group
that will have the most
(Learners participated and enjoy in the points will win the game
game) and receive a prize.
H. Making generalizations In order for your learners to
and abstractions about the visualize, name, describe,
lesson and draw polygons. Give a
brief description or
explanation of what
polygon is, then provide a
visual presentation or
example, for them to
picture out and familiarize
themselves with it. You can
start with a simple to
complex example for them
to master.

I. Evaluating Learning Assignment.

Direction: Draw a solid
polygon object that you can
find in your home. Then
identify what kind of
polygon shape it is. Be
colorful and creative.

J. Additional activities for

application or remediation

A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

Demonstration Teacher: Ma. Jovena Grace F. Inocencio


Checked and observed by:


Course Facilitator

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