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Around the World and

Into History
In 1519, a fleet of five Spanish ships with more
than 250 crew sailed from Spain. Ferdinand
Magellan, the captain, had been commissioned
to sail around the Americas to the Spice Islands.
Three years later. a single battered ship limped back
into a Spanish harbor. On board were just 1 8
malnourished, skeletal sailors, so weak they could
barely walk. Magellan and all but one of the ship's
officers had perished. The survivors told an amazing
tale. One recorded in his journal:

"From the time we left that bay . . . until the

present day, we had sailed 14,460 leagues [nearly
60,000 miles]. and furthermore had completed the
circumnavigation of the world from east to west. "

Listen to the Witness History audio to hear more

about this historic voyage.

"'iilll A Portuguese painting from 1 522 tells the

story of the martyrdom of Ursula, a medieval
Catholic saint. The religious story and the
sailing ships in the background express the
themes of the age of exploration.

Chapter Preview
Chapter Focus Question How did European
voyages of exploration lead to European
empires in the Eastern Hemisphere?

Section 1
The Search for Spices

Section 2
Turbulent Centuries in Africa

Section 3
European Footholds in South
and Southeast Asia

Section 4
Encounters in East Asia

Use the r1 Quick Study Timeline

at the end of this chapter to preview
chapter events.

The Search Is On
Cinnamon, pepper, nutmeg, cloves . . . these and
other spices were a vital part of the world
economy in the 1400s. Because the spice trade
was controlled by Arab merchants and traders,
Europeans didn't know how to get the spices they
desperately wanted. Even when Europeans
learned that spice plants could be obtained in
Asia, they didn't have a hope of growing them in
Europe. As an Indonesian ruler boasted to a
European trader,
" You may be able to take our plants, but you
will never be able to take our rain."

Europeans knew that the only way they could

take control of the spice trade would be to
establish sea routes to Asia-at any cost.

Focus Question How did the search for spices

lead to global exploration?
A French traveler in the 1 400s illustrated workers harvesting
pepper in southern India; a clove plant is shown at left.

The Search for Spices

Objectives Throughout history, groups of people-from the ancient Greeks to
• Understand European motivations for exploring Muslim Arabs and the Vikings of Scandinavia-had explored the
the seas. seas, trading and migrating over long distances. The European
• Analyze early Portuguese and Spanish sailors of the 1400s began a dramatic new period of exploration.
Describe European searches for a direct route
Motivations for Exploring the Seas

to Asia.
Europeans traded with Asians long before the Renaissance. The
Terms, People, and Places Crusades introduced Europeans to many luxury goods from Asia,

Moluccas Line of Demarcation carried on complex overland routes through the Mongol empire of
Prince Henry Treaty ofTordesillas the 1200s and 1300s. The Black Death and the breakup of the
cartographer Ferdinand Magellan Mongol empire disrupted that trade. By the 1400s, though,
Vasco da Gama circumnavigate Europe's population was growing, along with its demand for trade
Christopher Columbus goods. The most valued items were spices, used to preserve food,

Note Taking add flavor to meat, and make medicines and perfumes. The chief
source of spices was the Moluccas, an island chain in present-day
Reading Skill: Identify Causes and Effects
Indonesia, which Europeans then called the Spice Islands.
Examine the text for clues that signal cause and
In the 1400s, Arab and Italian merchants controlled most trade
effect. Then use a flowchart like this one to record
major causes and effects of European exploration. between Asia and Europe. Muslim traders brought prized goods to
eastern Mediterranean ports, and Italian traders carried them to
• European markets. Europeans outside Italy knew that it would be
Reasons to Portugal
Explore Leads : more profitable to gain direct access to Asia. They were also driven

Control - •
1-- 0

by Renaissance curiosity to seek new lands.
0 • 0
: .I Checkpoint What factors encouraged European exploration?

446 The Beginnings of Our Global Age: Europe, Africa, and Asia
!I Geouraphvtnter�ive
For: Audio guided tour �

Map Skills Spain, England, France, and 1. locate (a) West Indies (b) East Indies 3. Draw Inferences Why do you think
the Netherlands quickly followed Portu­ (c) Line of Demarcation (d) Strait of explorers from different countries fol­
gal's lead in exploring the world by ship. Magellan lowed similar routes?
2. Describe Describe the route of

Explorers for Portugal Explorers for England

--• Dias, 1487-1488 - Cabot, 1497
-DaGama, 1497-1499 Explorers for France
Explorers for Spain - Cartier, 1534-1535
--• Columbus, 1492-1493 Explorers for the Netherlands
-Balboa, 1510-1513 - Hudson, 1609
..... Magellan and Elcano, 1519-1522

., {j •

0 �-
Pacific Indian
· ·
•· ··· · ·
·· ·
.. Ocean Ocean

.. AU��---+-__:
\j d�.
-�-- ·-�;; -1\Str\a.�/Callpc4-
90' W Hom
0 1 000 2000 km

90 E 12! r l S()'E l
60 s --+--.Magellan --�t
b- ------ ·
-- -

Portugal Sails East

Prince Henry led the way in sponsoring exploration for Portugal, a
small nation next to Spain. First, Prince Henry's navigators discovered
and claimed the Madeira and Azores islands to the west and southwest
of Portugal. By 1415, Portugal had expanded into Muslim North Mrica,
seizing the port of Ceuta (SYOO tah) on the North African coast.

Mapping the African Coast Prince Henry saw great promise in

Africa. The Portuguese could convert Africans-most of whom practiced
either Islam or tribal religions-to Christianity. He also believed that in
Mrica he would find the sources of riches the Muslim traders controlled.
Finally, Prince Henry hoped to find an easier way to reach Asia, which
meant going around Africa. The Portuguese felt that with their expert
knowledge and technology, they could accomplish this feat. At Sagres, in
southern Portugal, Henry gathered scientists, cartographers, or map­
makers, and other experts. They redesigned ships, prepared maps, and
trained captains and crews for long voyages. Henry's ships then slowly
worked their way south to explore the western coast of Mrica.
Henry died in 1460, but the Portuguese continued their quest. In
1488, Bartholomeu Dias rounded the southern tip of Africa. Despite the
turbulent seas around it, the tip became known as the Cape of Good
Hope because it opened the way for a sea route to Asia.

Chapt er 14 Section 1 447

Seeking India In 1497, Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama fol­
lowed in Dias's footsteps, leading four ships around the Cape of Good
Hope. Da Gama, however, had plans to go farther. After a ten-month voy­
age, da Gama reached the great spice port of Calicut on the west coast of
India. On the long voyage home, the Portuguese lost half their ships, and
many sailors died of hunger, thirst, and scurvy, a disease caused by a
lack of vitamin C in the diet.
Despite the hard journey, the venture proved highly profitable. In
India, da Gama had acquired a cargo of spices that he sold at an enor­
mous profit. He quickly outfitted a new fleet, seeking greater profits. In
1502, he forced a treaty on the ruler of Calicut. Da Gama then left Portu­
guese merchants there whose job was to buy spices when prices were low
and store them until the next fleet could return. Soon, the Portuguese
had seized key ports around the Indian Ocean, creating a vast trading
empire. Da Gama's voyages confirmed Portugal's status as a world power.

./ Checkpoint How did Portuguese exploration lead to the creation of

a trading empire?

I n the 1 400s, European knowledge of the world-and how to navigate

it-greatly expanded. Geographers gave navigators more accurate maps,
and shipmakers built ships more suitable for crossing the ocean. Naviga­
tors began to use existing instruments like the compass and astrolabe in
new ways. With each voyage, they added to their knowledge, resulting in
even better maps and improved technology.

The portolan map ..,..

Navigators used
portolan maps with
A better compass A
magnetic compasses.
The Chinese had used the compass for centuries,
The lines on the portolan
but the magnetic compass did not become a customary
map radiated out from
navigational tool until the 1400s. The magnetic compass
compass points, showing
uses an iron needle, magnetized by a mineral called
navigators how to find
lodestone, that aligns with Earth's north-south poles.
their way to key ports.
Navigators used it to find their bearings and chart courses.

- - - ... .. -
448 The Beginnings of Our Global Age: Europe, Africa, and Asia
Columbus Sails West
News of Portugal's successes spurred other people to look for a sea route to
Asia. An Italian navigator from Genoa, named Christopher Columbus,
wanted to reach the East Indies-a group of islands in Southeast Asia,
today part of Indonesia-by sailing west across the Atlantic. Like most
educated Europeans, Columbus knew that Earth was a sphere. A few
weeks sailing west, he reasoned, would bring a ship to eastern Asia. His
plan made sense, but Columbus greatly underestimated Earth's size. And
he had no idea that two continents lay in his path.

Reaching Faraway Lands Portugal refused to sponsor him, but

Columbus persuaded Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain to finance his voy­ Vocabulary Builder
age. To increase their authority, the Spanish rulers had taken radical authority-(uh THAWR uh tee) n. the
measures, including expelling Jews from Spain. They hoped their actions power to give commands and enforce
would strengthen Catholicism. However, the loss of some of Spain's most
affluent and cultured people weakened the nation. The rulers hoped
Columbus's voyage would bring wealth and prestige.

...,.. A more accurate world map
In the 1400s, world maps
showed Europe accurately
(far left) but the rest of the
world as one giant landmass.
By 1 560, the geographer
Abraham Ortelius had

produced a map (left) that
showed all of the continents
with accurate shapes.

'Y A faster ship

The light, fast caravel was devel­
oped in the 1400s. Unlike most
heavy European ships, it was ...,.. A n e w use for an o l d tool
easily maneuvered along Astronomers had used astrolabes in
coasts and could travel ancient times. Renaissance sailors
long distances. found them useful for naviga­
0 tion. Navigators looked through
' the astrolabe at the sun or a
star, and determined its angle
using the degrees marked on
the instrument. The angle of

the sun or star helped them to
determine their ships' latitude
as well as the local time.

Thinking Critically
1 . Synthesize Information Why
would a portolan map be -
inappropriate as a resource for a
geography class?
2. D raw Inferences What J
limitations did the astrolabe
have that the magnetic compass
did not?

Chapter 14 Section 1 449
Henry the Navigator
All of the European explorers owed a
debt to Prince Henry (1394-1460),
whose Christian faith, curiousity, and
national pride ushered in the great age
of European exploration. The English
nicknamed Henry "the Navigator." Yet
Henry himself, who sponsored and
encouraged navigators, geographers,
and merchants, never traveled the
seas. Henry's work required financial
risks, and his enthusiasm motivated his
navigators to take great personal risks.
Henry also inspired generations of
later explorers. What characteristics
does the artist ascribe to Henry
(center figure in black)?

On August 3, 1492, Columbus sailed west with three small ships, the
Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. Although the expedition encoun­
tered good weather and a favorable wind, no land came into sight for
many weeks. Provisions ran low, and the crew became anxious. Finally,
on October 12, land was spotted.
Columbus spent several months cruising the islands of the Caribbean.
Because he thought he had reached the Indies, he called the people of the
region "Indians." In 1493, he returned to Spain to a hero's welcome. In
three later voyages, Columbus remained convinced that he had reached
the coast of East Asia. Before long, though, other Europeans realized
that Columbus had found a route to previously unknown continents.

Dividing the Globe in Half In 1493 Ferdinand and Isabella appealed

to the Spanish-born Pope Alexander VI to support their claim to the
lands of the new world. The pope set a Line of Demarcation, dividing
the non-European world into two zones. Spain had trading and explora­
tion rights in any lands west of the line. Portugal had the same rights
east of the line. The specific terms of the Line of Demarcation were
agreed to in the Treaty of Tordesillas, signed between the two coun­
tries in 1494. The actual line was unclear, because geography at the time
was imprecise. However, the treaty made it obvious to both Spain and
Portugal-and to other European nations, eager to defy what they saw as
Spain and Portugal's arrogance-that they needed to build their own
empires quickly.

Naming the Western Hemisphere An Italian sea captain named

Amerigo Vespucci wrote a journal describing his voyage to Brazil. In
1507, a German cartographer named Martin Waldseemiiller used Ves­
pucci's descriptions of his voyage to publish a map of the region, which he
labeled "America." Over time, the term "Americas" came to be used for
both continents of the Western Hemisphere. The islands Columbus had
explored in the Caribbean became known as the West Indies.

.I Checkpoint How did Columbus influence the Treaty of Tordesillas?

450 The Beginnings of Our Global Age: Europe, Africa, and Asia
The Search for a Di rect Route Continues
Though Europeans had claimed vast new territories, they had not yet
found a direct route to Asia. The English, Dutch, and French explored
the coast of North America unsuccessfully for a "northwest passage," or a
route from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific through the Arctic islands.
Meanwhile, in 1513 the Spanish adventurer Vasco Nunez de Balboa,
helped by local Indians, hacked a passage westward through the tropical
forests of Panama. From a ridge on the west coast, he gazed at a huge
body of water. The body of water that he named the South Sea was in fact
the Pacific Ocean.
On September 20, 1519, a minor Portuguese nobleman named
Ferdinand Magellan set out from Spain with five ships to find a way to
reach the Pacific. Magellan's ships sailed south and west, through storms
and calms and tropical heat. At last, his fleet reached the coast of South
America. Carefully, they explored each bay, hoping to find one that would
lead to the Pacific. In November 1520, Magellan's ships entered a bay at
the southern tip of South America. Amid brutal storms, rushing tides,
and unpredictable winds, Magellan found a passage that later became
known as the Strait of Magellan. The ships emerged into Balboa's South
Sea. Magellan renamed the sea the Pacific, from the Latin word meaning
Their mission accomplished, most of the crew wanted to return to
Spain the way they had come. Magellan, however, insisted that they
push on across the Pacific to the East Indies. Magellan underestimated
the size of the Pacific. Three more weeks, he thought, would bring them
to the Spice Islands. Magellan was wrong. For nearly four months, the
ships plowed across the uncharted ocean. Finally, in March 1521, the
fleet reached the Philippines, where Magellan was killed. On
September 8, 1522, nearly three years after setting out, the survivors­
one ship and 18 sailors-reached Spain. The survivors had been the first
people to circumnavigate, or sail around, the world. Antonio Pigafetta,
one of the few survivors of the expedition, observed: "I believe of a cer­
tainty that no one will ever again make such a voyage."

.I Checkpoint What was the significance of Balboa's discovery?

Progress Monitoring Online

For: Self-quiz with vocabulary practice
Web Code: naa-1 41 1

Terms, People, and Places Comprehension and Critical Thinking e Writing About History
1. For each term, person, or place listed at 3. Recognize Cause and Effect How Quick Write: Gather Information
the beginning of the section, write a did the Renaissance motivate European Choose one of the following people from
sentence explaining its significance. explorers? this section for a biographical essay: Prince
4. Recognize Ideologies How did Henry, Christopher Columbus, or Ferdinand
Note Taking Prince Henry's Christian faith shape his Magellan. Gather information about the

2. Reading Skill: Identify Causes and role as a sponsor of exploration? person you chose. Note events that were
Effects Use your completed flowchart 5. Identify Alternatives If Columbus both directly and indirectly influenced by
to answer the Focus Question: How did had understood the real geography of this person.
the search for spices lead to global the world, would he still have made his
exploration? voyage? Why or why not?
6. Predict Consequences What effect
might Magellan's circumnavigation of
the world have on English, Dutch, and
French explorers?

Ch apter 1 4 Section 1 451


Great Seabirds Arrive

A Portuguese captain named Alvise Cadamosto
reached West Africa in the mid-1400s. He
described the reaction of the West Africans to the
sight of his ship:
" It is said that the first time they saw sails . . .
they believed they were great seabirds with
white wings, which were flying and had come
from some strange place. . . . Some thought
the ships were fishes, others that they were
ghosts that went by night, at which they were
A Benin ivory carving
(right) depicts a
Portuguese sailor in a -Aivise Cadamosto, 1455
ship. Iron weights (top)
Focus Question What effects did European
were used in western
Africa to weigh gold. exploration have on the people of Africa?

Turbulent Centuries in Africa

Objectives : European encounters with Africa had occurred for hundreds of
• Describe how the Portuguese established : years. Yet the European explorers who arrived in the 1400s

footholds on Africa's coasts. • brought great and unforeseen changes to Africa's peoples and cul-

• Analyze how European actions affected the

tures .

slave trade and the rise of African states. •

Explain how the European presence in Africa
: Portugal Ga i ns Footholds

expanded. •
• As you have read, the Portuguese who explored Africa's coasts in

Terms, People, and Places • the 1400s were looking for a sea route to Asia that bypassed the

Mombasa Osei Tutu • Mediterranean. They also wanted to buy goods directly from their

Malindi monopoly source, rather than trading through Arab middlemen.
plantation Oyo empire The Portuguese began carrying out their strategy in West
Affonso I CapeTown Mrica, building small forts to collect food and water and to repair
missionary Boers their ships. They also established trading posts to trade muskets,
Asante kingdom tools, and cloth for gold, ivory, hides, and slaves. These were not
colonies peopled by settlers. Instead, the Portuguese left just
Note Taking
enough men and firepower to defend their forts.
Reading Skill: Identify Effects As you
From West Africa, the Portuguese sailed around the continent.
read, record effects of European exploration
They continued to establish forts and trading posts, but they also
in Africa in a chart like the one below.
attacked existing East African coastal cities such as Mombasa
and Malindi, which were hubs of international trade. With can­
nons blazing, they expelled the Arabs who controlled the East
African trade network and took over this thriving commerce for
themselves. Each conquest added to their growing trade empire.

452 The Beginnings of Our Global Age: Europe, Africa, and Asia
Over the next two centuries, some Portuguese explorers managed to
reach parts of present-day Congo, Zambia, and Zimbabwe, establishing
limited trade. In general, however, the Portuguese did not venture far
from the coasts. They knew little about Africa's interior, and they lacked
accurate maps or other resources to help them explore there. Further­
more, Africans in the interior, who wanted to control the gold trade,
resisted such exploration. As a result of all these factors, when the Portu­
guese empire declined in the 1600s, the Portuguese did not leave a strong
legacy in Africa .

.I Checkpoint Why did the Portuguese establish a presence mainly

along the African coast?

The African Slave Trade Explodes

In the 1500s and 1600s, Europeans began to view slaves as the most
important item of African trade. Slavery had existed in Africa, as else­
where around the world, since ancient times. Egyptians, Greeks, A Valuable Com m od ity
Romans, Persians, Indians, and Aztecs often enslaved defeated foes. The Since ancient times, gold was a valuable
English word slave comes from the large number of Slavs taken from trade good in western Africa. Beginning in
the 1 500s, it became an important part of
southern Russia to work as unpaid laborers in Roman times.
the slave trade. Europeans melted down
The Arab empire also used slave labor, often captives from East Africa.
African gold jewelry like the pieces above to
In the Middle East, enslaved Africans often worked on farming estates. make gold coins.
Others became artisans, soldiers, or merchants. Some rose to prominence
in the Muslim world even though they were slaves.

Europeans Enter the Slave Trade Portuguese

traders quickly joined the profitable slave trade, A Portuguese observer described the first ship of African slaves
followed by other European traders. Europeans arriving in Portugal in 1 444 from West Africa. Judging from the
bought large numbers of slaves to perform labor on writer's words, what was his opinion of what he saw?
their plantations-large estates run by an owner Primary Source
or an owner's overseer-in the Americas and else­
" Some kept their heads low and their faces bathed in tears,
where. Rich Europeans also bought slaves as
exotic household servants. By the 1500s, European
looking at each other . . . others struck themselves in the face
participation had encouraged a much broader
and threw themselves to the ground; and others sang sad
Atlantic slave trade.
songs-although we did not understand their words, the
Europeans seldom went into Africa's interior to
sound told of their great sorrow. . . . The mothers threw them­
take part in slave raids. Instead, they relied on
selves flat on the ground. They were beaten but they refused
African rulers and traders to seize captives in the
to give up their children."
interior and bring them to coastal trading posts
-From Chronicle of the Discovery and Conquest of Guinea
and forts. There, the captives were exchanged for ..>)� AUDIO
textiles, metalwork, rum, tobacco, weapons, and
gunpowder. Over the next 300 years, the slave trade grew into a huge
and profitable business to fill the need for cheap labor. Each year, traders
shipped tens of thousands of enslaved Africans across the Atlantic to
work on sugar, rice, tobacco, and other plantations in the Americas.
These slaves were considered to be property, and they had no hope of bet­
tering their situations.

African Leaders Resist Some African leaders tried to slow down or

stop the transatlantic slave trade. But in the end, the system that sup­
ported the trade was simply too strong for them. An early voice raised
against the slave trade was that of Mfonso I, ruler of Kongo in west­
central Africa. As a young man, Affonso had been tutored by Portuguese
missionaries, who hoped to convert Africans to Christianity.

Chapter 1 4 Section 2 453

After becoming king in 1505, he called
on the Portuguese to help him develop
Kongo as a modern Christian state. But
Azores· he became alarmed as more and more
Portuguese came to Kongo each year to
buy slaves. Mfonso wanted to maintain
contact with Europe but end the slave
trade. His appeal failed, and the slave
trade continued.
In the late 1700s, another African ruler
Cape v;rde
Islands tried to halt the slave trade in his lands.
He was the almany (from the Arabic

words meaning "religious leader") of Futa
F.quator Taro, in present-day Senegal. Since the
s 1500s, French sea captains had bought
slaves from African traders in Futa Taro.
Atlantic In 1788, the almany forbade anyone to
Ocean transport slaves through Futa Taro for

D Major slave trading region

- African state about 1700
.tJ.:::�� -
Miller Projection
500 1000

m i'
sale abroad. However, the inland slave
traders simply worked out a new route
to the coast. Sailing to this new market,
the French captains easily purchased the

0 500 1000 km slaves that the almany had prevented
20 w 0 40. E
60'F. them from buying in Futa Taro.
I i

Map Skills By about 1700, many ./ Checkpoint How did the African
of Africa's states and kingd oms slave trade expand?
were involved in the slave trade.
1. Locate (a) Malindi (b) Kongo
(c) Asante (d) Bornu New African States Arise
2. Describe Which states were The slave trade had major effects on Mrican states in the 1600s and 1700s.
part of a major slave trading In West Mrica, for example, the loss of countless numbers of young women
region? and men resulted in some small states disappearing forever. At the same
3. Synthesize Information In time, there arose new states whose way of life depended on the slave trade.
general, where were most The rulers of these powerful new states waged war against other Africans to
slave trading regions located? dominate the slave trade.
The Asante Kingdom The Asante kingdom (uh SAHN teh) emerged
Geographvlnter�ctive in the area occupied by present-day Ghana. In the late 1600s, an able
For: Audio guided tour military leader, Osei Tutu, won control of the trading city of Kumasi.
Web Code: nap-1421
From there, he conquered neighboring peoples and unified the Asante
Vocabulary Builder kingdom. The Asante faced a great challenge in the Denkyera, a powerful
dominate-(DAHM uh nayt) v. to rule or neighboring enemy kingdom. Osei Tutu realized that in order to with­
control by superior power stand the Denkyera, the people of his kingdom needed to be firmly
united. To do this, he claimed that his right to rule came from heaven, and
Vocabulary Builder that people in the kingdom were linked by spiritual bonds. This strategy
unified-(YOO nuh fyd) v. combined into paid off when the Asante defeated the Denkyera in the late 1600s.
Under Osei Tutu, government officials, chosen by merit rather than by
birth, supervised an efficient bureaucracy. They managed the royal
monopolies on gold mining and the slave trade. A monopoly is the
exclusive control of a business or industry. The Asante traded with Euro­
peans on the coast, exchanging gold and slaves for firearms. They also
played rival Europeans against one another to protect themselves. In
this way, they built a wealthy, powerful state.

454 The Beginnings of Our Global Age: Europe, Africa, and Asia
The Oyo Empire The Oyo empire arose from successive waves of
settlement by the Yoruba people of present-day Nigeria. It began as a
relatively small forest kingdom. Beginning in the late 1600s, however,
its leaders used wealth from the slave trade to build up an impressive
army. The Oyo empire used the army to conquer the neighboring king­
dom of Dahomey. At the same time, it continued to gain wealth by
trading with European merchants at the port city of Porto-Novo.

./ Checkpoint What caused some African states to grow?

The European Presence Expands

Following the Portuguese example, by the 1600s several European
powers had established forts along the western coast of Africa. As Por­
tuguese power declined in the region, British, Dutch, and French trad­ i'".k I

ers took over their forts. Unlike the Portuguese, they established
permanent footholds throughout the continent.
In 1652, Dutch immigrants arrived at the southern tip of the conti­
nent. They built Cape Town, the first permanent European settle­
ment, to supply ships sailing to or from the East Indies. Dutch
farmers, called Boers, settled around Cape Town. Over time, they
ousted, enslaved, or killed the people who lived there. The Boers held
a Calvinist belief that they were the elect, or chosen, of God. They
Elmina Castle
looked on Africans as inferiors and did not respect their claims to their
European traders called the places where
own land. In the 1700s, Boer herders and ivory hunters began to push they held and traded slaves "castles." Built
north from the Cape Colony. Their migrations would eventually lead to by the Portuguese in 1482, Elmina Castle in
battle with several African groups. present-day Ghana was used as a base for
By the mid-1600s, the British and French had both reached present­ trading slaves, gold, and imported European
day Senegal. The French established a fort in the region around 1700. In
the late 1700s, stories about British explorers' search for the source of
the Nile River sparked an interest in Africa among Europeans, especially
the French and British. In 1788, the British established the African
Association, an organization that sponsored explorers to Africa. Over the
next century, European exploration of Africa would explode.

./ Checkpoint How did the European presence i n Africa expand?

Progress Monitoring Online

For: Self-quiz with vocabulary practice
Web Code: naa-1421

Terms, People, and Places Comprehension and Critical Thinking e Writing About History
1. What do many of the key terms and 3. Determine Relevance How did the Quick Write: Write a Thesis Statement
people listed at the beginning of the Portuguese strategy of building forts Write a thesis statement that will support a
section have in common? Explain. instead of permanent colonies affect biographical essay about either Osei Tutu
Portugal's history in Africa? or Affonso I. Remember that the facts and
Note Taking
4. Recognize Cause and Effect How events you cite in your essay should sup­
2. Reading Skill: Identify Effects Use did Europeans change the nature of port your thesis statement. For example,
your completed chart to answer the African slavery? the following thesis statement is not sup­
Focus Question: What effects did Euro­ 5. Analyze Information Why did the ported by the facts in the text: Affonso I
pean exploration have on the people of Asante and Oyo need to trade with was instrumental in slowing the slave trade
Africa? Europeans to maintain power? in Africa.
6. Predict Consequences Would the
Europeans have taken the same course
in Africa if the people there had been
Christian like themselves?

Ch apter 14 Section 2 455

King Mfonso 1:
Letter to King John III of Portugal
In 1490, the Portuguese converted the son of a Kongo king to
Christianity and then helped him take his father's throne.
The new king, born Nzinga Mbemba, was renamed Affonso.
King Affonso soon realized that his relationship with
Portugal had extremely negative consequences, as can be
seen from his letter to King John III of Portugal in 1526. In
this letter, the king of Kongo appeals to the king of Portugal
to end the slave trade.
A A Congolese brass and wood crucifix
dating from the 1 500s blends Christian
and traditional African symbols.

ir, Your Highness of Portugal should know how our Kingdom is being
lost in so many ways. This is caused by the excessive freedom given by
your officials to the men and merchants who are allowed to come to this
Kingdom to set up shops with goods and many things which have been
prohibited by us. Many of our vassals, whom we had in obedience, do not
comply because they have the things in greater abundance than we
ourselves. It was with these things that we had them content and
subjected under our jurisdiction , so it is doing a great harm not only to
the service of God, but to the security and peace of our Kingdoms and
State as well.
And we cannot reckon how great the damage is, since the mentioned
merchants are taking every day our natives, sons of the land and the sons
of our noblemen and vassals and our relatives. The thieves and men of bad
conscience grab them wishing to have the things and wares of this
Kingdom which they are ambitious of; they grab them and get them to be
sold. And so great, Sir, is the corruption and licentiousness that our
country is being completely depopulated, and your Highness should not
agree with this nor accept it as in your service. And to avoid it we need
from those your Kingdoms no more than some priests and a few people to
teach in schools, and no other goods except wine and flour for the holy
That is why we beg of Your Highness to help and assist us in this
matter, commanding your factors4 that they should not send here either
merchants or wares, because it is our will that in these kingdoms there
should not be any trade of slaves nor outlet for them. Concerning what is
referred to above, again we beg of Your Highness to agree with it otherwise A King John Ill of Portugal
we cannot remedy such an obvious damage.

Thinking Critically
1. Identify Causes What does King
Affonso believe has caused his
vassals to become disobedient?
1 . comply (kum PLY) v. agree to a request
2. Analyze Information What
2. jurisdiction Goor is DIK shun) n. area of authority or power specifically does King Affonso say he
3. licentiousness (ly SEN shus nis) n. lack of morality still needs from the Portuguese?
4. factors (FAK turs) n. agents


Gunfire Over Malacca

In 1 51 1, a Portuguese fleet commanded by Afonso de
Albuquerque (AL buh kur kee) dropped anchor off
Malacca, a rich Islamic trading port that controlled the
sea route linking India, Southeast Asia, and China. The
fleet remained at anchor for several weeks before
opening fire. According to a Malaysian account:
" The cannon balls came like rain. And the noise of
the cannon was as the noise of thunder in the heav­
ens and the flashes of fire of their guns were like
flashes of lightning in the sky: and the noise of their
Commander Afonso
matchlocks [guns] was like that of groundnuts
de Albuquerque
(right); a Portuguese [peanuts] popping in the frying pan."
rifle (top) -From the Malay Annals
Focus Question How did European nations build
empires in South and Southeast Asia?

European Footholds in South

and Southeast Asia
Objectives Portugal was the first European power to gain a foothold in Asia.
• Summarize how Portugal built a trading empire The Portuguese ships were small in size and number, but the fire­
in South and Southeast Asia. power of their shipboard cannons was unmatched. In time, this
• Analyze the rise of Dutch and Spanish superior firepower helped them win control of the rich Indian Ocean
dominance in the region. spice trade and build a trading empire in Asia.
• Understand how the decline of Mughal lndia
affected European traders in the region.
Portugal Bui lds an Eastern Empire
Terms, People, and Places After Vasco da Gama's voyage, the Portuguese, under Monso de
Afonso de Albuquerque Dutch East India Company Albuquerque's command, burst into the Indian Ocean. By that
Mughal empire sovereign time, Muslim rulers, originally from central Asia, had established
Goa Philippines the Mughal empire throughout much of India. The southern
Malacca sepoys regions of India, however, were still controlled by a patchwork of
outpost local princes. The Portuguese won these princes to their side with
Note Takin_g promises of aid against other Europeans. With these southern
footholds, Albuquerque and the Portuguese hoped to end Muslim
Reading Skill: Identify Causes and Effects As
power and turn the Indian Ocean into a "Portuguese lake."
you read this section, fill in a chart like the one
below with the causes and effects of European A Rim of Trading Outposts In 1510, the Portuguese seized the
exploration in South and Southeast Asia.
island of Goa off the coast of India, making it their major military
and commercial base. Albuquerque burned coastal towns and
Portugal Netherlands Spain Britain crushed Arab fleets at sea. The Portuguese took the East Indies
• • • • port ofMalacca in 1511, massacring the city's Muslims .
• • • •

Chap t er 1 4 Section 3 457

In less than 50 years, the Portuguese had built a trading empire with
military and merchant outposts, or distant areas under their control,
rimming the southern seas. They used the cities they had seized on the
east coast of Africa to resupply and repair their ships. For most of the
1500s, Portugal controlled the spice trade between Europe and Asia.

A Limited Impact Despite their sea power, the Portuguese lacked

resources and faced too much resistance to make great inroads into the
region. They made harsher efforts to convert local people to Christianity
than they had in Africa, attacking Muslims and destroying Hindu temples.
Still, by 1600 the Portuguese had converted fewer than a million people to
Christianity. The conversion rate was especially low among Asian Muslims.

./ Checkpoint How did the Portuguese control the spice trade?

Rise of the Dutch

The Dutch were the first Europeans to challenge Portuguese domination
of Asian trade. The land we know today as the Netherlands included a
group of provinces and prosperous trading cities on the North Sea. In the
early 1500s it was part of the Holy Roman Empire, but later the Protes­
tant northern provinces won independence. The independent Nether­
lands entered vigorously into competition for overseas influence.

Building a Mighty Sea Power In 1599, a Dutch fleet returned to

Amsterdam from Asia after more than a year's absence. It carried a cargo
of pepper, cloves, and other spices. The success of this voyage led to a
Vocabulary Builder frenzy of overseas activity. Soon Dutch warships and trading vessels had
strategic-(struh TEE jik) adj. important made the Netherlands a leader of European commerce. Dutch power set
to carrying out a plan of action up colonies and trading posts around the world. With their strategic settle­
ment at Cape Town, the Netherlands had a secure foothold in the region.
Different Perspectives
A European artist (right) shows the king of A Powerful Dutch Company In 1602, a group of wealthy Dutch mer­
Sri Lanka and a Dutch explorer meeting as chants formed the Dutch East India Company. From the beginning,
equals. In the Indian painting to the left, this company had an unusual amount of power. Unlike Portuguese and
Europeans are shown as vassals bringing Spanish traders, whose expeditions were tightly controlled by govern­
gifts to India's ruler. How did European and
ment, the Dutch East India Company had full sovereign powers. With
Asian artists bring their own perspectives
to early encounters? its power to build armies, wage war, negotiate peace treaties, and govern
overseas territory, it came to dominate the region.

458 The Beginnings of Our Global Age: Europe, Africa, and Asia
Asserting Dutch Dominance In 1641, the Dutch captured Malacca Symbols of the Dutch Empire
from the Portuguese and opened trade with China. Soon they were able The Dutch painting Jacob Mathieusen and
to enforce a monopoly in the Spice Islands, controlling shipments to His Wife (c. 1650) shows a senior official in
the Dutch East India Company overl oo king
Europe as well as much of the trade within Southeast Asia. Like the Por­
the Dutch fleet in Batavia, Indonesia. A slave
tuguese, the Dutch used military force to further their trading goals. Yet holds a parasol, an Asian symbol of power.
they forged closer ties with local rulers than the Portuguese had. Many How can you tell that the artist was
Dutch merchants married Asian women. European?
In the 1700s, the growing power of England and France contributed to
the decline of the Dutch trading empire in the East. Still, the Dutch
maintained an empire in Indonesia until the 1900s.

.I Checkpoint How did the Dutch build u p a strong presence in

Southeast Asia?

Spa i n Seizes the Ph i l i ppi nes

While the Portuguese and Dutch set up bases on the fringes of Asia,
Spain took over the Philippines. Magellan had claimed the archipelago
for Spain in 1521. Within about 50 years, Spain had conquered and colo­
nized the islands, renaming them for the Spanish king Philip II. Unlike
most other peoples of Southeast Asia, the Filipinos were not united. As a
result, they could be conquered more easily.
In the spirit of the Catholic Reformation, Spanish priests set out to
convert the Filipino people to Christianity. Later, missionaries from the
Philippines tried to spread Catholic teachings in China and Japan.
The Philippines became a key link in Spain's overseas trading empire.
The Spanish shipped silver mined in Mexico and Peru across the Pacific
to the Philippines. From there, they used the silver to buy goods in
China. In this way, large quantities of American silver flowed into the
economies of East Asian nations .

.I Checkpoint Why was Spain able to conquer the Philippines easily?

Ch apt er 14 Section 3 459

Mughal I n d ia and European Traders
For two centuries, the Mughal empire had enjoyed a period of peace,
strength, and prosperity. European merchants were dazzled by India's
splendid Mughal court and its many luxury goods.

A Center of Valuable Trade Mughal India was the center of the

valuable spice trade. It was also the world leader in textile manufactur­
ing, exporting large quantities of silk and cotton cloth. The Mughal
empire was larger, richer, and more powerful than any kingdom in
Europe. When Europeans sought trading rights, Mughal emperors saw
no threat in granting them. The Portuguese-and later the Dutch,
English, and French-thus were permitted to build forts and warehouses
in Indian coastal towns.

A Great Empire Shatters Over time, the Mughal empire weakened.

Conflicts between Hindu and Muslim princes rekindled. Years of civil
war drained Mughal resources. Rulers then increased taxes, sparking
rebellions. Corruption became widespread, and the central government
collapsed. As Mughal power faltered, French and English traders fought
for power. Like the Dutch, both the British and the French had estab­
lished East India companies. These companies made alliances with local
officials and independent rajahs, or local chiefs. Each company organized
An Indian Sepoy its own army of sepoys, or Indian troops.
An Indian officer in the British army poses By the mid-1700s, the British and the French had become locked in a
with his wife in this Indian painting dating
bitter struggle for global power. The fighting involved both nations' lands
from the 1700s.
in Asia and the Americas. In India, the British East India Company used
an army of British troops and sepoys to drive out the French. The com­
pany then forced the Mughal emperor to recognize its right to collect
taxes in the northeast. By the late 1700s, it had used its great wealth to
dominate most of India .

.I Checkpoint How did Britain gain control of India?

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Terms, People, and Places 4. Analyze Information Why did the e Writing About History
1. For each term, person, or place listed at leaders of the Netherlands give so Quick Write: Present Evidence to
the beginning of the section, write a much power to the Dutch East India Support a Thesis Write a biographical
sentence explaining its significance. Company? essay about Afonso de Albuquerque. First,
5. Identify Central Issues What about think of a thesis statement that describes
Note Taking the location of the Philippines made it the main points you want to make. Then
2. Reading Skill: Identify Causes and a valuable asset for Spain? write the main body text, referring fre·
Effects Use your completed flowchart 6. Identify Assumptions The Mughal quently to your thesis statement. The
to answer the Focus Question: How did empire gave trading rights to several details in a biographical essay should
European nations build empires in European countries. What assumptions directly support your main point. For exam·
South and Southeast Asia? about the power of those countries pie, if your thesis is that Albuquerque was a
does this show? violent man, you would include details
Comprehension and Critical Thinking
about his takeover of Malacca.
3. Draw Inferences You read that the
Portuguese did not attempt to conquer
inland territory. What does that tell you
about their assessment of the inland

460 The Beginnings of Our Gl oba l Age: Europe, Africa, and Asia

A Jesuit in China
In 1 583, a young Jesuit priest arrived in China. He
had studied Chinese and immediately impressed
Chinese rulers with his fluency as well as his
knowledge of European science. Matteo Ricci
recognized that the Chinese would not accept a
European religion " unless it be seasoned with an
intellectual flavoring." In his nearly 30 years in
China, Ricci translated five European books into
A Chinese watercolor
portrays Matteo Ricci Chinese. Ricci adopted Chinese dress and
with European established friendships with Confucian scholars.
objects, including a When he died in 1 61 0 at age 58, he was buried
model of the universe. near the emperor. Much of Europe's knowledge
A geography book
about China came from Ricci's writings.
that Ricci translated
into Chinese is shown Focus Question How were European
at the top. encounters in East Asia shaped by the worldviews
of both Europeans and Asians?

Encounters in East Asia

Objectives Portuguese ships first reached China from their base in Malacca in
• Describe European contacts with Ming China. 1514. To the Chinese, the Portuguese, like other foreigners, were
• Understand the Manchu conquest and its impact barbarians. Europeans, by contrast, wrote enthusiastically about
on European trade. China. In 1590, a visitor described Chinese artisans "cleverly mak­
• Analyze the factors that led Korea to isolate ing devices out of gold, silver and other metals," and wrote with
itself from other nations. approval: "They daily publish huge multitudes of books."
• Summarize Japan's attitudes toward foreign
trade and how they changed over time.
European Contact With Ming China
Terms, People, and Places European interest in China and other parts of East Asia continued
Macao Qing to grow. The Ming, however, had no interest in Europe-since, as a
Guangzhou Qianlong Ming document proclaimed, "our empire owns the world."
Matteo Ricci Lord Macartney
Manchus Nagasaki The Ming Limit Trade The Portuguese wanted Chinese silks
and porcelains, but had little to offer in exchange. European tex­
Note Taking tiles and metalwork were inferior to Chinese products. The Chi­
Reading Skill: Understand Effects Fill in a chart nese therefore demanded payment in gold or silver. The Ming
like the one below with effects of European eventually allowed the Portuguese a trading post at Macao near
contacts in East Asia. Canton, present-day Guangzhou (GWAHNG joh). Later, they let
Dutch, English, and other Europeans trade with Chinese mer­
European Contacts in East Asia
chants. Foreigners could trade only at Canton under the supervi­
China Korea Japan sion of imperial officials. When each year's trading season ended,
• • .
they had to sail away.
• • •

Chapter 1 4 Section 4 461

Seeking Converts Portuguese m1sswnaries arrived in China along
with the traders. In later years the Jesuits-from Spain, Italy, and Portu­
Vocabulary Builder gal-arrived. Most Jesuits had a broad knowledge of many subjects, and
imperial-(im PIHR ee ul) adj. relating to the Chinese welcomed the chance to learn about Renaissance Europe
an emperor or empire from these scholars. The brilliant Jesuit priest Matteo Ricci (mah TAY
oh REE chee) made a particularly strong impression on the Chinese. Still,
Ricci and other priests had little success spreading their religious beliefs
in China. They did, however, become important sources of information
for Europeans who knew little about China.

7 Checkpoint Why did Ming China demand that Europeans pay for
goods with gold or silver?

The Manchu Conquest

By the early 1600s, the aging Ming dynasty was decaying. Revolts
erupted, and Manchu invaders from the north pushed through the Great
Wall. The Manchus ruled a region in the northeast, Manchuria, that
had long been influenced by Chinese civilization. In 1644, victorious
Manchu armies seized Beijing and made it their capital.


M erchants and traders followed on the heels of the European explorers,

establishing trading posts and ports throughout the Eastern Hemisphere.
Within a few years, European ships carrying valuable goods were criss­
crossing the waters of Europe, Africa, and Asia.

Atlantic Ocean

A fr i c a

Divers in the 1990s exploring a European
America shipwreck off the southwestern coast of


Miller Projection
1,000 miles
England found these African objects.
Dating from the 1600s, the objects point
�- � - to a thriving trade relationship between
0 1,000 kilometers Africa and Europe at the time.
Scale at the Equator

Founding the Qing Dynasty The Manchus set up a new dynasty WITNESS HISTORY VIDEO
called the Qing (ching). The Manchus won the support of Chinese scholar­
Watch Manchu China and the Weston the
officials because they adopted the Confucian system of government. For rM
Witness History Discovery School video
each top government position, the Qing chose two people, one Manchu and
program to learn more about the interactions
one Chinese. Local government remained in the hands of the Chinese, but between two very different cultures.
Manchu troops stationed across the empire ensured loyalty.
Two rulers oversaw the most brilliant age of the Qing. Kangxi (kahng !E!!!!
shee), who ruled from 1661 to 1722, was an able administrator and mili­ �·
tary leader. He extended Chinese power into Central Asia and promoted
Chinese culture. Kangxi's grandson Qianlong (chyahn lung) had an
equally successful reign from 1736 to 1796. He expanded China's borders
to rule the largest area in the nation's history. Qianlong retired after
60 years because he did not want to rule longer than his grandfather had.

Spreading Peace and Prosperity The Chinese economy expanded

under both emperors. New crops from the Americas, such as potatoes and
corn, had been introduced into China. These crops boosted farm output,
which in turn contributed to a population boom. China's population rose
from 140 million in 1740 to over 300 million by 1800. The silk, cotton,
and porcelain industries expanded. Internal trade grew, as did the
demand for Chinese goods from all over the world.

China Hlstorv Inter�di�

The Chinese prized silk, For: Interactive trade routes \
using it to make elabo­ Web Code: nap-1431
India rate clothes like the
Indians turned cotton into imperial robe below.
clothes, wall hangings (left), and Thinking Critically
Europeans eagerly
household goods. Though cotton became involved in the 1 . Analyze Information Which
had been grown in India, Egypt, silk trade in the 1600s. European country most likely
and China since ancient times, it monopolized the Indian
was not known to most Europ­ cotton trade?
eans until the 1 600s. A�:-J.\1�...__1 2. Make Predictions What
impact would important
goods like cotton have on
European struggles for power
in the Americas?

Japanese blue-and-white porce­
lain, like this dish made in the
Ocean 1600s, was prized by Europeans.
Later Dutch pottery known as

The Spice Islands delftware was an imitation of
Cloves and other spices originated in this Japanese style.
the Moluccas, later called the Spice
Islands. Asians used such spices for Ports controlled by
centuries before Europeans began to Australia e England e Nctl,erl.nds e Spa;n
import them. e France 0 Portugal - Trade routes

Rejecting Contact With Europeans The Qing maintained
Emperor Qianlong wrote the Ming policy of restricting foreign traders. Still, Europeans
a letter to King George Ill kept pressing to expand trade to cities other than Guangzhou. In
denying Britain's request 1793, Lord Macartney arrived in China at the head of a British
for more trading rights diplomatic mission. He brought samples of British-made goods to
and permanent show the Chinese the advantages of trade with Westerners. The
ambassadors. How does Chinese, who looked on the goods as rather crude products,
Emperor Qianlong's thought they were gifts offered as tribute to the emperor.
language express his Further misunderstandings followed. Macartney insisted on
view that China is superior to Britain? an audience with the emperor. The Chinese told Macartney he
would have to perform the traditional kowtow, touching his head
Primary Source
to the ground to show respect to the emperor. Macartney refused.
" As to your entreaty to send one of your
He also offended the Chinese by speaking of the natural superi­
nationals . . . to my Celestial Court, this request ority of the English. The negotiations faltered.
is contrary to all usage of my dynasty and can­ At the time, Qianlong's attitude seemed justified by China's
not possibly be entertained . . . . successes. After all, he already ruled the world's greatest empire.
I have but one aim in view, namely, to Why should he negotiate with a nation as distant as Britain? In
maintain a perfect governance and to fulfill the the long run, however, his policy proved disastrous. In the 1800s,
duties of the State: strange and costly objects China would learn that its policy of ignoring Westerners and
do not interest me. . . . Our dynasty's majestic their technology would have undesired consequences.
virtue has penetrated unto every country under
Heaven, and Kings of all nations have offered .I Checkpoint How did the Qing respond to Britain's

their costly tribute by land and sea. As your diplomatic mission?

Ambassador can see for himself. we possess all
things. I set no value on objects strange or
ingenious, and have no use for your country's
Korea Chooses Isolation
manufactures." Before the 1500s, Korean traders had far-reaching contacts across
East Asia. A Korean map from the 1300s accurately outlines lands
from Japan to the Mediterranean. Koreans probably acquired this
lmowledge from Arab traders who came to Korea.
In 1592, and again in 1597, the Japanese invaded Korea. The Japa­
nese were driven out in 1598, but the invasions proved disastrous for
Korea. Villages were burned to the ground, famine and disease became
widespread, and the population decreased. Then, in 1636, before the
country was fully recovered, the Manchus invaded Korea. When the
Manchus set up the Qing dynasty in China, Korea became a tributary
state. It was run by its own government but forced to acknowledge
China's supremacy.
Devastated by the two invasions, Korean rulers adopted a policy of iso­
lation, excluding foreigners except the Chinese and a few Japanese.
When European sailors were shipwrecked on Korean shores, they were
imprisoned and held as spies. Although Korea had few contacts with
much of the world for almost 250 years, Koreans on tribute missions
brought back maps as well as books on scientific discoveries. This was
also a great age for Korean arts and literature.

.I Checkpoint Why did Korea become isolated?

Foreign Traders i n Japan

Unlike the Chinese o r Koreans, the Japanese at first welcomed Westerners.
In 1543, the Portuguese reached Japan, followed by the Spanish, Dutch, and
English. They arrived at a turbulent time, when Japanese daimyo were
struggling for power. The daimyo quickly adopted Western firearms which
may have helped the Tokugawa shoguns centralize power and impose order.

464 The Beginnings of Our Global Age: Europe, Africa, and Asia
Jesuits, such as the Spanish priest Francis Xavier, found the Japanese Bringing Trade and Christianity
curious about Christianity. A growing number of Japanese adopted the This 1 600s decorative screen shows
new faith. The Japanese also welcomed the printing press the Jesuits Japanese people meeting a Portuguese ship
carrying European goods and missionaries.
brought. The Tokugawa shoguns, however, grew increasingly hostile
Did the presence of missionaries help or
toward foreigners. After learning that Spain had seized the Philippines,
hurt European-Japanese trade relations?
they may have seen the newcomers as threats. They also worried that
Japanese Christians-who may have numbered as many as 300,000- Vocabulary Builder
owed their allegiance to the pope, rather than to Japanese leaders. In allegiance-(uh LEE juns) n. loyalty or
response, the Tokugawas expelled foreign missionaries. They brutally devotion to a cause or person
persecuted Japanese Christians, killing many thousands of people.
By 1638, the Tokugawas had turned against European traders as well.
Japan barred all European merchants and forbade Japanese to travel
abroad. To further their isolation, they outlawed the building of large
ships, thereby ending foreign trade. In order to keep informed about
world events, they permitted just one or two Dutch ships each year to
trade at a small island in Nagasaki harbor.
Japan remained isolated for more than 200 years. Art and literature
flourished, and internal trade boomed. Cities grew in size and impor­
tance, and some merchant families gained wealth and status. By the
early 1700s, Edo (present-day Tokyo) had a million inhabitants, more
than either London or Paris.

.I Checkpoint Why did the Tokugawas turn against Europeans?

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: Terms, People, and Places Comprehension and Critical Thinking e Writing About History

: 1 . Place each of the key terms, people, or 3. Analyze Credibility Reread the quo­ Quick Write: Write a Conclusion Write a
: places listed at the beginning of the tation from the Ming document on sentence to conclude a biographical essay
: section into one of the following cate- page 461. Do you think its character­ about Matteo Ricci. Read the information

gories: politics, culture, government, ization of China is credible? Explain. about Ricci in this section. Then construct a
or geography. Write a sentence for 4. Draw Inferences What do Qing broad summary sentence that covers the
each term explaining your choice. China's trade policies with Europeans main point you want to make about his life.
in the 1 700s tell you about the state of For example, if your thesis is that Ricci
Note Taking
the Qing economy? believed Chinese culture to be superior to
2. Reading Skill: Understand Effects 5. Make Comparisons Why did both European culture, you would include that
Use your completed chart to answer the Japan and Korea respond to increased point in your summary sentence.
Focus Question: How were European foreign contact by going into isola­
encounters in East Asia shaped by the tion?
worldviews of both Europeans and 6. Synthesize Information Why did
Asians? Japan allow limited contact with the
Dutch, but not with the Spanish or

Chapter 1 4 Section 4 465

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Causes of European Exploration • European Footholds in the Eastern

• Desire for Asian luxury goods such as spices, gold, Hemisphere
and silks -----
• Motivation to spread Christianity Country Date Foothold Reason for Interest

• Strategic need to gain more direct access to trade Portugal 1 502 Calicut, India
• Desire to gain glory for country Portugal 1 510 Goa, India Military and commercial base
• Renaissance curiosity to explore new lands Portugal 1511 Malacca, Southeast Asia Center of sea trade
• Competition with other European countries � Spain 1 521 The PhilipPJnes
-- -1
Center of sea trade
Portugal 1 589 Mombasa, East Africa Hubof international trade

Netherlands 1652 Cape Town, '""" '""'" fm "'''''''
southern Africa and resupplying ships
I Great Britain 1757 Northeastern India Spices, trade goods

Important European Explorers • Major Asian Dynasties and Empires

Expl orer Accomplishment Ruler location Description European Contact

Vasco da Gama Sailed around Cape of Good Mughal empire India Major trading empire After two centuries of peace and
(Portugal) Hope; established ports on prosperity, civil war between Muslim
Indian Ocean and Hindu princes weakened empire;
Christopher Columbus Sailed west across Atlantic European powers took control in 1700s
(Spain) Ocean to Caribbean Ming dynasty China Prosperous dynasty Allowed some trade with Europeans
Vasco Nuiiez de Balboa Crossed Panama, reaching that had sponsored and sought out European learning;
(Spain) Pacific Ocean overseas exploration revolts in the 1 600s led to overthrow
Ferdinand Magellan (Spain) Circumnavigated the globe by the Manchus
Qing dynasty China Powerful dynasty that Increasingly restricted European
expanded China's borders trading rights
and promoted
Chinese culture
Choson dynasty Korea Chinese-influenced Had few contacts with the outside
Confucian state world except for China and Japan
Tokugawa Japan Powerful warrior kingdom Welcomed Europeans at first but then
shogunate expelled missionaries and most traders

1492 1 498 1 522

• Europe, Africa, and Asia Christopher Columbus Portuguese explorer Magellan's
1 4 1 5-1 796 reaches the Caribbean. Vasco da Gama expedition
rounds Africa and circumnavigates
the globe.
Chapter Events
Global Events

The Ottoman Turks take The kingdom Akbar begins

Constantinople, ending of Kongo the Mughal
the Byzantine empire. thrives in reign in India.

C�ncept I ConnectOr
Essential Question Review • Connections to Today
To connect prior knowledge with what you have learned in 1. Trade: The Dutch Trading Empire In the 1500s, the
this chapter, answer the questions below in your Concept Dutch began establishing an overseas trade empire in South­
Connector journal. Use the journal in the Reading and Note east Asia, using the tools of sea power and monopolistic
trade policies. Today, the Dutch are not known for their sea
Taking Study Guide to record your answers (or go to
power or overseas domination, yet the strong economy of
www.phschool.com Web Code: nad-1407). In addition,
the Netherlands still depends heavily on trade. Research
record information about the following concepts:
Dutch trade, including its global rank in exports, the number
• Technology: the compass and types of companies owned by the Dutch in the U nited
• Trade: Dutch trading empire; Indian trade in Southeast Asia States, and the role of multinational companies i n the
1. Empire With the founding of the Qing Empire, the Manchus economy of the Netherlands. Write two paragraphs sum­
established one of China's most successful dynasties. Identify marizing the importance of trade to the Netherlands today.
policies the Qing Dynasty used to gain the support of the Chi­ 2. Technology: The Compass European exploration would
nese people and explain how these policies helped the Qing not have been possible without the compass. The compass
to expand their empire. allowed navigators to find direction accurately, rather than
2. Conflict As the French and British began to establish global relying on the sun, stars, and moon. Consider the events and
empires in the 1600s and 1700s, they frequently came into discoveries that the compass made possible. Then think of
conflict. Review the Causes of European Exploration on the recent technological inventions that have had profound
opposite page. Then create a list of factors that would cause impacts on the world today. Which technology do you con­
conflict between two European countries pursuing global sider to be equivalent in its impact to the compass? Why?
empires during this period. Consider military, economic, and
political goals.

3. Trade As trade brought different nations into greater con­

tact with one another from the 1 400s to the 1700s, there
were both winners and losers. What were some of the costs
and benefits of international trade in this era? How did some
states demonstrate their resistance to this expanded con­
tact? Consider the impact on the following:
• economics
• politics
• society

1 602 1 641 1 736

The Dutch estab­ The Dutch take China's emperor
lish the Dutch East Malacca from the Qianlong begins
Hlstorv lnter<{!_dive
India Company. Portuguese. his reign. For: Interactive time line \
Web Code: nap-1451

1 603 1 642 1 756

The Tokugawas come The English Civil The Seven Years' War
to power in Japan. War begins. breaks out between
Britain and France.

Chapter Assessment
Terms, People, and Places Chapter Focus Question
1. Define cartographer. How did Prince Henry encourage the 1 5. How did European voyages of exploration lead to European
work of cartographers? empires in the Eastern Hemisphere?
2. Write a sentence or two that shows why scurvy was a prob­
lem for sailors who circumnavigated the globe. Critical Thinking
3. What was the role of European plantations i n the growth of 1 6. Predict Consequences What might have happened if
slavery? Asian explorers, rather than Europeans, had first reached the
4. Define outpost. Why were European outposts important in Americas?
the development of overseas empires? 1 7. Geography and History How did Japan's geography
5. Why did European trading companies organize armies of allow the Tokugawas to maintain a long period of isolation?
sepoys in India? 18. Draw Conclusions Did missionaries hurt or help European
6. How did the Asante kingdom use monopolies to keep its attempts to establish trade in Asia? Explain your answer.
power? 1 9 . Analyze Visuals The woodcut below was made in 1 555 by
a Swedish geographer. What does it tell you about European
Main Ideas knowledge of the world before the age of exploration?

Section 1 (pp. 446-4 5 1 )

7. How did European interest i n the spice trade lead to the dis­
covery of new routes and lands?
Section 2 (pp. 452-456)
8. How did new sea routes lead to an expanded European pres-
ence in Africa?
9. What legacy did the Portuguese leave in Africa?
Section 3 (pp. 457-460)
1 0. How did Portugal gain dominance of the spice trade?
1 1 . How did the Dutch use their foothold in Cape Town to
develop an overseas trade empire?
1 2 . What effect did European trade have on the Mughal empire?
Section 4 (pp. 461 -465) 20. Recognize Cause and Effect How did competition
1 3. Summarize European attempts to establish trade and mis­ among European countries affect overseas exploration and
sions in East Asia. conquest?
1 4. Why were East Asians generally resistant to European trade
and ideas?

e Writing About History • Draw conclusions about the person you have chosen. Think
about how you can turn these conclusions into main points for
In this chapter's four Section Assessments, you developed your essay.
skills for writing a biographical essay.
Writing a Biographical Essay Many great Europeans, • Write an introduction and a thesis statement. Your thesis state­
Africans, and Asians shaped the history of our global age. Write ment should summarize the main point you want to make about
about one of the following important people in a biographical the person you chose.
Ferdinand Magellan, Affonso I, Afonso de Albuquerque, • Write the body text, introducing details and evidence that sup­
.:......�n..�• Qianlong, or Matteo Ricci. Consult page SH1 8 of the port your thesis statement. Then write a conclusion.
ng Handbook for additional help.
iting • Use the guidelines for revising your essay on page SH19 of the
the person who interests you the most. Take notes about Writing Handbook.
person and his role in shaping the age of global exploration.
Document- Based Assessment
Why Did Eu ropeans Explore the Seas? Document c
..,.. This fifteenth-century
In the 1 400s, Europeans began to embark on long and dangerous painting depicts Henry the
voyages to unknown destinations. Why did this age of exploration Navigator, standing at
begin? In Documents A and 8, a contemporary observer and a right in round black hat. A
modern-day historian describe the impetus behind these early Portuguese prince, Henry
expeditions. did much to advance mari­
time exploration and the
Document A fields of navigation and
"The discovery of the new Western World followed, as an inciden- cartography.
tal consequence, from the long struggle of the nations of Europe
for commercial supremacy and control of the traffic with the
East. In all these dreams of the politicians and merchants, sailors
and geographers, who pushed back the limits of the unknown
world, there is the same glitter of gold and precious stones, the
same odour of far-fetched spices."

-Sir Walter Raleigh, 1 509

Document B
"The starting point for the European expansion out of the
Mediterranean and the Atlantic continental shelf had nothing to
do with, say, religion or the rise of capitalism-but it had a great
deal to do with pepper. . . . . [Pepper] comprised more than half
of all the spice imports into Italy over a period of more than a
century. No other single spice came within one-tenth of the
value of pepper. . . . However, since about 1 470 the Turks had
been impeding the overland trade routes east from the
Mediterranean. As a result the great Portuguese, Italian, and
Spanish explorers all sailed west or south in order to reach the
Orient. The Americas were discovered as a by-product in the
search for pepper."
-From Seeds of Change by Henry Hobhouse

This page from a sixteenth-century book about navigation

depicts England's Queen Elizabeth in the ship at the right. ..,...

Analyzing Documents
Use your knowledge of European exploration and Documents A, B, C, and D to answer questions 1-4.

1. Documents A and 8 both make the point that the discovery of 3. What does Document D suggest about how European
new lands was motivated by monarchs viewed exploration?
A religious fanaticism. A They saw it as vitally important to their nations.
B adventurous dreams. B They viewed exploration as interesting but unnecessary.
C wanting to make money. C They saw it as important but not worth spending
D Renaissance ideals. money on.
D They had no opinion about exploration.
2. What motivation for exploration is implied in Document C?
A the search for spices 4. Writing Task Using information from the chapter, assess
B the desire to please king or country the various motivations for exploration. Are there any that
C the desire to spread Christianity are not shown in these documents? Choose the motivation
D both 8 and C you think was the most compelling for Europeans. Use spe­
cific evidence from the chapter and documents to support
your argument.

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