Edt 317 Dance-Movement Lesson Plan

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Early Childhood Education

Learning Experience Template

Name: Jenna Giambra Lesson Title: Moving with our Feelings

Date: 03/18/2023 Grade Level: Older Toddlers Circle one: ECE PKSN

Creative Standard- Expression of Ideas and Feelings Through the Arts: Use self-selected materials and media to express ideas and feelings.

Motor Development Standard- Sensory Motor: Use sensory information to guide movement to accomplish tasks.

Pre-assessment of current knowledge: Before I begin the lesson, I will ask the children how they are all feeling. Then, I will ask them if they can demonstrate
those feelings with their bodies and assess how well they are able to demonstrate their feelings by moving their bodies.

Instructional Objectives (2-3) Assessment of Student Learning Learning Experience

Two- Three Assessed Identify Evidence: (What will you collect or record as data Academic Language: Move, rhythm, slow, fast, feelings,
Instructional Objective(s): to demonstrate students have met your objective(s) and listen, music.
-The child will be able to express
ideas or feelings through moving - Observe the movements of the children and record Procedural steps:
their bodies in response to anecdotal notes on individual children’s responses
different types of music. to the music. - Begin by introducing the academic language to the
- Document the feelings that are portrayed through children.
-The child will be able to exercise these movements. - First, the teacher will demonstrate moving their
large motor skills by exhibiting - Evaluate the children’s abilities to coordinate their body. Then, they will ask the children to show how
movements such as jumping, movements to the beat and rhythm of the song they can move their bodies in any way they want to.
skipping, bouncing, hopping, and selections. - Then ask the children to move their bodies slow like
clapping. a sloth, and then fast like a cheetah.
- Explain to the children how we can communicate
Program Monitoring: (How will you aggregate or compile how we feel through moving our bodies in certain
One Assessed Developmental your evidence into a class or group view?) ways. Demonstrate some examples such as how we
Skill: may move if we are sad, happy, angry, excited, etc.
- I will evaluate the data that I have collected and ask the children to show how they would move.
-The child will be able to altogether in order to determine a specific area or - Tell the children that we will be moving our bodies to
demonstrate listening to the beat concept that many children might be struggling music to express how that music makes us feel.
and rhythm of the song, and move with, in order to plan my next lesson around that - First, create an area where the children have a lot of
their bodies accordingly while specific concept. space to move freely.
demonstrating their feelings. - Next, provide the students with different materials
that can be used to facilitate their movement such
as shakers, scarves, ribbons, streamers, maracas,
Early Childhood Education
Learning Experience Template

- Then, play an upbeat pop song and let the children

move their bodies in whatever way they would like,
Safety Considerations: Differentiation: to express how the song makes them feel.
- The children may jump, bounce, clap their hands,
-Move all objects out of the area - For students with mobility issues, make sure that bend their knees, smile, laugh, spin in a circle, wave
where the children will be moving. the area for the activity is safely equipped for their arms, etc.
wheelchair, walker, or other mobility equipment - Next, play a slower song with a calmer rhythm such
-Instruct the children to spread out use. as a classical song or a lullaby for the children, and
and give everyone their own - For students who are unsure how to move their ask them to move their bodies in a way that shows
space. bodies to the music, guide them in different how this song makes them feel.
movements that they could make until they are - The children may sway, clap slowly, spin, gallop,
-Instruct the children to keep their able to do it independently. crawl, etc.
hands and bodies to themselves - For students with hearing difficulties, make sure - Next, play a louder and more energetic rock song
and in their own space bubble. that they are close to the speaker playing the music and ask the children to move to show how the song
during the activity, so that they can feel the makes them feel.
-Monitor the students during the vibrations of the music through the floor. - The children may stomp their feet, march, jump, kick
activity to be sure that everyone is their legs, clap their hands, etc.
moving appropriately and safely. - Continue this process with a few more songs with
different energy levels and rhythms and observe
-Use high quality music that is how the children respond with their bodies.
appropriate for young children. - Once the children understand the activity, allow
them to choose what type of song they would like to
hear more of and move to.

Authentic Materials: (Describe authentic real life, hands-on

- High quality and developmentally appropriate songs
from a variety of different genres (pop, rock, rap,
classical, contemporary, etc.)
- Props (scarves, ribbons, shakers, streamers,
maracas, etc.)

Adult Roles:
- Create an open space in the classroom or out of the
classroom where children can move freely.
- Choose a variety of different developmentally
appropriate songs as well as providing options for
the children and allow them to choose some songs
as well.
- Guide the children through the activity and observe
the children’s individual responses to the songs.
Early Childhood Education
Learning Experience Template

- Provide props and objects to facilitate the movement

of the children.

Resources & References:

Isenberg, J. P., & Jalongo, M. R. (2017). Creative Thinking and Arts-Based Learning (7th ed.). Pearson Education (US).


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