English Forward Planning Document
English Forward Planning Document
English Forward Planning Document
TERM/WEEKS: Term 3 Weeks 6-10 YEAR LEVEL: Year LEARNING AREA/TOPIC: English – Writing
General Capabilities:
Critical and creative Personal and social
Literacy Numeracy ICT Ethical Behaviour Intercultural Understanding
thinking Competence
Cross-curriculum priorities:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability
LESSON Lang Literature (include learner diversity)
Week 6
Lesson 1
Period 7
Week 6 ACELA ACELY1 ACELT16 Students will be Observation – When Long writing lesson: 1 hour and 40-minute lesson What is a Whiteboard and
1518 711 17 able to: the teacher is Learning intention: We are learning to identify the key features and narrative? markers
Lesson 2
ACELA ACELY1 ACELT18 observing students’ characteristics of a narrative and start planning our narrative What is a structure
Wednesday 1525 714 00 Identify the purpose participation and Introduction: of a narrative? Laptop and projector
ACELY1 of a narrative contributions to the 1. The teacher and students will discuss what the purpose of a What needs to be
415 lesson, activities and narrative and recap what they already know included in the Writing books
Period Identify the key class discussions, the 2. As a class, the teacher and students will brainstorm the key orientation?
features and teacher will record features in a narrative What are the main Colour pencils and
characteristics of a notes and opinions in 3. Discuss the structure, main language features and any other language features pens
narrative in small a checklist. features and purpose of each area and what should be included- of a narrative?
groups and in class this was done with a PowerPoint and students wrote the notes in What does each Highlighters
discussion Checklist – The Class their writing books. This was successful as students were part of the
checklist will record all engaged and understood the purpose of a narrative narrative mean? Example of a
Plan and create a students’ work and 4. Teacher will record students answers on the whiteboard in a What person can narrative
narrative in the participation, and the mind map format a narrative be
savannah and use work samples will be 5. Teacher will explain the learning intention and expectations for written in? 4-6 narratives for
the planning marked against the the lesson and what we are aiming to achieve each group
template checklist standards Lesson steps: What is the title of
that link back to the 1. The teacher will introduce a narrative text on the projector the text? Large piece of paper
objectives. 2. Students will have a couple of minutes to read the text by What is the for each group
themselves orientation?
Work samples – 3. Teacher will ask students to read the text aloud to the class, What is the Check list of areas
students written work changing readers each paragraph climax? they need to find
and group work. 4. As a class, discuss the text and identify the main features and What is the
Group work will be structure of the text resolution? Narrative planning
placed in the 5. Teacher will model the next activity and the activity sheet What language sheet
classroom floor book. students will be completing in their group when analysing the text have they used?
6. Teacher will record students’ ideas and notes on the class What could be PowerPoint of
Individual student enlarged activity sheet included or narratives and
checklist/rubric – 7. The sheet will include: improved with the planning sheet
assessing students The structure of the narrative, identifying the setting, text?
work each lesson characters, orientation, rising action, climax and resolution Pictures of a
against the checklist of What language features were used savannah and notes
a narrative and Person it was written in, tense from science class
grading the work from How can it be improved?
excellent to needs 8. In groups, students will receive a different narrative text to read
improving. and analyse text and fill in the same activity sheet
9. After students have finished analysing their narrative text, each
Floor Book Portfolio group with share what their narrative what they have written on
the activity sheet
Two stars and wish 10. The teacher will explain the next step towards developing a
reflection narrative – which is planning their narrative
11. The teacher will introduce a common theme or idea that each
student’s narrative will be based on
12. Narrative theme for these writing sessions is ‘savannah’ basing
off what they have just learnt in science on biomes & adaptations
13. Pictures of a savannah will be placed on the board
14. Discuss the features of a savannah, where it is, what lives there,
what stories or events students can link to
15. Teacher will introduce the planning sheet students will fill in to
plan their narrative
16. Teacher will explain and model each section of the planning
sheet in more detail and will use a PowerPoint to each area
17. Each student will receive a planning sheet
18. The teacher will have facts about the savannah on the board for
students to read and generate ideas for their narrative
19. Encourage students to brainstorm words and ideas that they
could use in their narrative
1. Students will swap their planning sheet to their narrative with a
2. Students will read their partners work think of two stars about
their work and one wish of where they could improve or add to
make their story better – done on a post it note
3. Ask some students to share their stars and wishes
Enabler: CR will be in a group that includes her and involves her
ideas and supports her learning. Her planning sheet will be more
guided and structured and the theme for writing links back to home so
she can include some personal experience. Had a great group to
support her
Extension: depending on the groups, students who are more
advanced will receive harder narratives to analyse.
Week 7 ACELA ACELY1 ACELT16 Students will be Observation – When Long lesson: 1 hour and 40 minutes What does the Whiteboard and
1525 711 17 able to: the teacher is Learning intention: We are going to write the first paragraph to our introduction markers
Lesson 3
ACELY1 ACELT18 observing students’ narrative paragraph tell us?
Monday 714 00 State the purpose of participation and First lesson was recapping what we know on narratives, what we What is the Laptop and projector
ACELY1 the introduction contributions to the learnt from the previous lesson and what we are working towards setting?
415 paragraph and what lesson, activities and Students used this lesson to finish their planning for their writing. In Is the setting Writing books
Period 2 & 3 it includes class discussions, the period three students started writing their narrative clear?
teacher will record Introduction: Are my characters Modelled
Write their notes and opinions in 1. As there is not much time in this lesson and students leave early well introduced? introduction
introduction a checklist. to catch the bus the teacher will jump straight in teaching Have used paragraph written up
paragraph to their 2. Students will recap what they learnt from the previous lesson enough
narrative using their Work samples – 3. Discuss the theme of the narrative, what a narrative includes, ad descriptive and Think aloud
notes from their students written work planning sheet figurative moments and
planning sheet and group work. 4. Teacher share her planning sheet that they completed as the language? changes to the
Group work will be teacher will use it to start writing her first paragraph What else could I paragraph
Edit their instruction placed in the 5. Teacher will state the learning intention and expectations include?
paragraph using the classroom floor book. Lesson steps: Is my punctuation Different coloured
VCOP process 1. Teacher and students will discuss what should be included in the correct? pens
Individual student first paragraph – what does orientation include Have I included
checklist/rubric – 2. Teacher will model how to write the first paragraph with think everything from VCOP editing cards
assessing students aloud moment my planning
work each lesson 3. Teacher will ask students what they think could be included in the sheet? Student checklist
against the checklist of first paragraph
a narrative and 4. Teacher will demonstrate how to edit the first paragraph and how
grading the work from modify it to make it sound better with a different coloured pen
excellent to needs 5. Teacher will show students a self-checklist for students to use
improving. when they are writing
6. Students will then start writing their first paragraph in their writing
Self-checklist – books
student assessing 7. Students who have finished can start editing their paragraph
their writing as they go using the VCOP editing skills and using a different coloured pen
and use the checklist 8. Once students have edited and checked their introduction with
as a guide their self-checklist students can start writing their next paragraph
Two stars and wish 1. Ask students if they want to share their first paragraph in small
reflection groups/partners
2. The other students will give two stars to the students writing
Enabler: The teacher will not require as many descriptive and
figurative language from CR and just wants to see that the structure of
the narrative is correct, and the paragraphs meet the correct
requirements. Teacher can help student to add and change words in
their introduction paragraph.
Extension: The students can move on to the next paragraph.
Week 7 ACELA ACELY1 ACELT16 Students will be Observation – When Long writing lesson: 1 hour and 40-minute lesson Is the narrative in Narrative stories cut
1525 711 17 able to: the teacher is Learning intention: We are going to write about the rising action order? up into paragraphs
Lesson 4
ACELY1 ACELT18 observing students’ (events) and the complication How do you
Wednesday 714 00 Sort the narrative participation and Introduction: know? Whiteboard and
ACELY1 cards in order from contributions to the 1. Students will be separated into groups What are the markers
415 beginning to end lesson, activities and 2. In each group, the students will receive cut up paragraphs of a features in the
Period class discussions, the narrative narrative? Laptop and projector
Identify the purpose teacher will record 3. The paragraphs are not in order and students have to sort the Does the narrative
of the rising action notes and opinions in cards to make sure they are in order and the story flows need Writing books
and climax a checklist. 4. The group to solve the narrative wins house points improvement?
paragraphs 5. Each group will share their story to the class Example of rising
Work samples – Lesson steps: What is rising action paragraph
Write the rising students written work 1. The teacher will state the learning intention and expectations action?
action paragraphs and group work. 2. The teacher and the students will discuss what is included in the What needs to be Modelled climax
using their planning Group work will be rising action and what it means included in the paragraph, written
sheet and checklist placed in the 3. Teacher will explain how to write next paragraph paragraph? up
as guidance classroom floor book. 4. Teacher will model how to write the complication paragraph as
the teacher is teaching students to raise tension and choose their How many Think aloud
Write the climax Individual student vocabulary carefully - this was not done and needs to happen paragraphs will moments and
paragraphs using checklist/rubric – next lesson you need? changes to the
their planning sheet assessing students 5. This paragraph will be prepared and read to change and add paragraph
and checklist as work each lesson words in for the class – think aloud moments What is climax?
guidance against the checklist of 6. Teacher will demonstrate how to make changes and adaptions to What needs to be Different coloured
a narrative and the work with a different coloured pen included? pens
Edit their paragraphs grading the work from 7. Teacher will ask students what they think could be included. What should you
using the VCOP excellent to needs 8. Class discussion on climax paragraph and the purpose be feeling? VCOP editing cards
process improving. 9. Students will spend the rest of the lesson finishing introduction How do I make
and writing rising action and climax paragraph sure my readers Student checklist
Self-checklist – 10. Students who have finished will edit what they have so far and feel what I am
student assessing check against self-checklist feeling?
their writing as they go Conclusion: What can be
and use the checklist 1. Students will swap their work with the partner included?
as a guide 2. Students will read and analyse their work and think of two stars Is the problem
and a wish for the student to improve on clear?
Two stars and wish 3. Students will self-reflect on their writing and choose to use the Have I used
reflection partners notes enough figurative
Enabler: The teacher will not require as many descriptive and and descriptive
figurative language from CR and just wants to see that the structure of language?
the narrative is correct, and the paragraphs meets the correct
requirements. Teacher can help student to add and change words in
their next paragraphs.
Extension: The students can move on to resolution
Students will be Observation – When Long writing lesson: 1 hour and 40-minute lesson What does the Whiteboard and
able to: the teacher is Learning intention: We are going to write the resolution to the story resolution markers
observing students’ and make any final changes to the story paragraph
Identify the purpose participation and Introduction: include? A3 paper for group
of the resolution contributions to the 1. The students will be in their table groups ready to start the lesson How is it supposed short narratives
paragraph lesson, activities and 2. The teacher will write the first sentence of a story to make you feel?
class discussions, the 3. Students have to come up with their continuation of this sentence How can we make Laptop and projector
Write the resolution teacher will record to build on the story it better?
paragraph using their notes and opinions in 4. Each student will write for 1 minute and then they will pass the Is there enough or Writing books
planning sheet and a checklist. paper to the next student in their group too much detail?
checklist as 5. Groups will have 5 minutes to write their short story Does the story Modelled conclusion
guidance Work samples – 6. Each group will then share their story with the class have a clear paragraph, written
students written work 7. Students will recap what they learnt from the previous lesson ending? up
Edit their paragraphs and group work. 8. Discuss what is required in the complication/resolution paragraph Have I completed
using the VCOP Group work will be (purpose) the self-checklist? Think aloud
process to make placed in the 9. Teacher will state learning intention and expectations Are there any last moments and
sure all key features classroom floor book. Lesson steps: changes I need to changes to the
are in the narrative 1. The first lesson (period 2) the teacher will read their story to the make? paragraph
Individual student complication and will get students to close their eyes while
checklist/rubric – reading the story Different coloured
assessing students 2. The teacher will ask students to focus on the complication and pens
Week 8 work each lesson how they felt in the story
ACELY1 against the checklist of 3. Students will share what they felt in the complication Student laptops
Lesson 5 711 ACELT16 a narrative and 4. Teacher will go through the checklist of the complication with the
Monday ACELA ACELY1 17 grading the work from students again VCOP editing cards
1525 714 ACELT18 excellent to needs 5. Students will finish writing their complication in period 2
09/9/2019 ACELY1 00 improving. 6. Inn Period 3, teacher will model how to write the resolution Student checklist
Period 2 & 3 415 paragraph which is already prepared
Self-checklist – 7. Teacher will demonstrate how to make changes and adaptions to
student assessing the work with a different coloured pen
their writing as they go 8. Teacher will explain that these adaptions and changes is how
and use the checklist editing process works and linking to the class VCOP editing
as a guide process
9. Students will write their final paragraph and will edit any last
details of their work
10. Students will go back through their self-checklist and check they
have met the requirements
11. Ask students to peer review their story with another student and
students peer check the narrative
12. Students who have finished can then type up their work and print
a final copy or read their narrative in small group and share their
1. Ask any students who would like to read out their final narrative
2. Students will give two stars to the reader
3. Teacher will end the lesson by reading their final narrative
Enabler: The teacher will help CR edit her work and give some
guidance and suggestions the student can make.
Extension: students can apply their ICT skills and type their narrative
or draw a picture to match their narrative
Observation Plastic sleeve
Self and peer checklist Lined paper
Summative (rubric) Planning sheet
Week 8 Student checklist
Long writing lesson: 1 hour and 40-minute lesson
11/9/2019 1525 714 ACELT18 Week 8 and 9 is for writing competition
415 Lesson 1 – planning and introduction
3&4 Lesson 2 – series of events
Lesson 10 ACELA ACELY1 Students will be Observation – When Long writing lesson: 1 hour and 40-minute lesson What is an Whiteboard and
1518 711 able to: the teacher is THESE NEXT THREE LESSONS CANCELLED – due to unfinished explanation text? markers
ACELA ACELY1 observing students’ work and last day of school What is the
1525 714 Identify the purpose participation and Lesson intention: We are learning to identify the key features ad purpose of an Laptop and projector
ACELY1 of an explanation contributions to the characteristics of an explanation text explanation text?
415 text lesson, activities and Introduction: Where and when Writing books
class discussions, the 1. The teacher and students will discuss what the purpose of an do we write
Identify the key teacher will record explanation text explanation texts? Colour pencils and
features and notes and opinions in 2. As a class, the teacher and students will brainstorm the key What are the pens
characteristics of an a checklist. features and characteristics of an explanation text features of an
explanation text as a 3. Discuss the structure, main language features and any other explanation text? Highlighters
whole class Checklist – The Class features and purpose of each area and what should be included What is the title?
checklist will record all 4. Teacher will record students answers on the whiteboard in a How many Example of an
Identify the key students’ work and mind map format – class brainstorm paragraphs? explanation text
features and participation, and the 5. Teacher will explain the learning intention and expectations for What is the from the writing
characteristics of an work samples will be the lesson and what we are aiming to achieve purpose of each book
explanation text in a marked against the Lesson steps: paragraph?
small group checklist standards 1. The teacher will introduce an explanation text on the projector What and where 4-6 explanation texts
that link back to the 2. Students will have a couple of minutes to read the text by at the features in for each group
objectives. themselves this text?
3. Teacher will ask students to read the text aloud to the class, Large piece of paper
Work samples – changing readers each paragraph for each group
students written work 4. As a class, discuss the text and identify and highlight the main
and group work. features and structure of the text Check list of areas
Group work will be 5. Teacher will model the next activity and the activity sheet they need to find
placed in the students will be completing in their group when analysing the text
classroom floor book. (hamburger planning sheet from the writing book) Burger planning
6. Teacher will record students’ ideas and notes on the class sheet for each group
Individual student enlarged activity sheet
checklist/rubric – 7. Activity sheet will include: PowerPoint of
assessing students 8. In groups, students will receive a different explanation text to explanation texts
work each lesson read and analyse text and fill in the same activity sheet
against the checklist of Conclusion:
a narrative and 1. Each group will share their explanation and what they have
grading the work from written on their activity sheet
excellent to needs 2. Each member must say one area
improving. 3. The teacher will state the class they we will be writing an
explanation text and will use our knowledge on electricity to help
us plan
Enabler: CR will be in a group that includes her and involves her
ideas and supports her learning. She will receive an easy part to share
to the group
Extension: Depending on the groups, students who are more
advanced will receive harder explanation texts to analyse.
Students will be Observation – When Long writing lesson: 1 hour and 40-minute lesson Is the explanation Explanation texts cut
able to: the teacher is Learning intention: We are going to plan our explanation paragraph text in order? up into paragraphs
observing students’ and start writing our introduction paragraph How do you
Sort the explanation participation and Introduction: know? Whiteboard and
cards in order from contributions to the 1. Students will be separated into groups What are the markers
beginning to end lesson, activities and 2. In each group, the students will receive cut up paragraphs of an features in the
class discussions, the explanation paragraph explanation text? Laptop and projector
Identify the purpose teacher will record 3. The paragraphs are not in order and students have to sort the Does the
introduction notes and opinions in cards to make sure they are in order and the explanation flows explanation text Writing books
paragraph a checklist. 4. The group to solve the explanation text wins house points need
5. Each group will share their explanation text to the class improvement? Articles and videos
Identify and take Work samples – Lesson steps: on lightning
notes on the key students written work 1. The teacher will state the learning intention and expectations What interesting
points and areas that and group work. 2. Teacher will discuss that we are writing our explanation facts did you get Burger planning
on how lightning is Group work will be paragraph on lightning how it is formed from the article or sheet for each
created placed in the 3. As a class read an article on lightning or watch a video on video? student
classroom floor book. lightning and how it is created Does it explain
Plan and create an 4. Students will take notes on how lightning is created as they will how lighting is Modelled
explanation text on Individual student use these notes to plan and write their explanation text created? introduction
how lightning is checklist/rubric – 5. As a class we will share our notes and write them on the What are the key paragraph, written
created and use the assessing students whiteboard points? up
planning template work each lesson 6. Teacher will introduce the planning sheet students will fill in to
against the checklist of plan their explanation on lightning What does Think aloud
Write the introduction a narrative and 7. Teacher will explain and model each section of the planning introduction moments and
ACELY1 paragraph using their grading the work from sheet in more detail and will use a PowerPoint to each area require? changes to the
Lesson 11 711 planning sheet and excellent to needs 8. Each student will receive a planning sheet and use their notes to paragraph
CANCELLED ACELA ACELY1 checklist as improving. plan their explanation text – discuss how many body paragraphs What are your
1525 714 guidance we will need three topic Different coloured
ACELY1 Self-checklist – 9. The teacher will gain students attention, ready to model the first sentences? pens
415 Edit their paragraphs student assessing paragraph
using the VCOP their writing as they go 10. Teacher and students will discuss what should be included in the How are you going VCOP editing cards
process and use the checklist first paragraph - introduction to back up your
as a guide 11. Teacher will model how to write the introduction with think aloud topic sentence? Student checklist
12. Teacher will ask students what they think could be included in the How many
first paragraph sentences in the
13. Teacher will demonstrate how to edit the first paragraph and how introduction?
modify it to make it sound better with a different coloured pen How can I make it
14. Teacher will show students a self-checklist for students to use sound better?
when they are writing
15. Students will then start writing their first paragraph in their writing
16. Students who have finished can start editing their paragraph
using the VCOP editing skills and using a different coloured pen
17. Once students have edited and checked their introduction with
their self-checklist students can start writing their next paragraph
1. Ask students if they want to share their first paragraph to the
2. The other students will give two stars to the students writing
Enabler: Teacher will give CR notes on lightning and guide her with
her topic sentences, and helps student choose correct vocabulary
Extension: Students can start writing their next paragraph or make a
vocabulary journal on the words that they have learnt
Lesson 12 ACELA ACELY1 Students will be Observation – When Long writing lesson: 1 hour and 40-minute lesson What do the body Whiteboard and
1525 711 able to: the teacher is These two lessons will not happen during this term paragraphs do in markers
ACELY1 observing students’ Learning intention: We are going to write the body paragraphs to our an explanation
714 Identify the purpose participation and explanation on how lightning is created. text? Laptop and projector
and the structure of contributions to the Introduction: What is the
the body paragraphs lesson, activities and 1. As there is not much time in this lesson and students leave early structure of a body Writing books
class discussions, the to catch the bus the teacher will jump straight in teaching paragraph?
Write the body teacher will record 2. Students will recap what they learnt from the previous lesson How many Planning chart
paragraphs using notes and opinions in 3. Discuss what is purpose of an explanation text sentences does it
their planning sheet a checklist. 4. Discuss the purpose of the body paragraph need? Modelled body
and checklist as 5. Teacher will state learning intention and expectations What is the topic paragraph, written
guidance Work samples – Lesson steps: sentence? up
students written work 1. Teacher and students will discuss the structure of the body How do you back
Edit their paragraphs and group work. paragraphs and how to link the ideas together up your topic Think aloud
using the VCOP Group work will be 2. Teacher will model how to write one body paragraph and will use sentence? moments and
process to make placed in the planning notes to help write the paragraph Are my sentences changes to the
sure all key features classroom floor book. 3. Teacher will check the paragraph with the students and make too long? paragraph
included sure facts are all clear and the sentences flow How can it be
Individual student 4. Teacher will also model how to edit using VCOP and a different changed or Different coloured
checklist/rubric – coloured pen adapted? pens
assessing students 5. Students will then write their three body paragraphs in their Is the information
work each lesson writing books correct? Student laptops
against the checklist of 6. Students will use the self-checklist to help then with their writing Am I using the
a narrative and and check that they have reached the requirements correct VCOP editing cards
grading the work from Conclusion: terminology?
excellent to needs 1. Students will swap their work with the partner Student checklist
improving. 2. Students will read and analyse their work and think of two stars
and a wish for the student to improve on
Self-checklist – 3. Students will self-reflect on their writing and choose to use the
student assessing partners notes
their writing as they go Enabler: Teacher is checking CR is structure is correct and that she
and use the checklist understands what she is writing, so does not have to use the same
as a guide vocabulary as other students. Teacher can help student to add and
change words in their next paragraphs.
Extension: Student can attempt to write the conclusion.
Lesson 13 ACELA ACELY1 Students will be Observation – When Long writing lesson: 1 hour and 40-minute lesson Is this a fact or ‘Fib’ and ‘Fact’ label
1524 711 able to: the teacher is Learning intention: We are continuing writing our body paragraphs fib? cards
ACELA ACELY1 observing students’ and starting to write our conclusion How do you
1525 714 Identify the purpose participation and Introduction: know? Fib and fact
ACELY1 and the structure of contributions to the 1. Before jumping into writing, play a game of ‘fact or fib’ Do you have scenarios
415 the conclusion lesson, activities and 2. Label one side of the classroom fact and the other side fib proof?
paragraph/statement class discussions, the 3. The teacher will say a statement e.g. horses sleep standing up, How could you Whiteboard and
teacher will record and students will walk to the side of the classroom they think is find proof? markers
Write the conclusion notes and opinions in correct Do you all agree?
paragraph/statement a checklist. 4. Students will state their reasoning behind their choices and the Laptop and projector
using their planning then the teacher will say the answer What is the
sheet and checklist Work samples – 5. Teacher will ask some random questions and then relatable conclusion Writing books
as guidance students written work questions to their explanation test on lightning and electricity paragraph?
and group work. Lesson steps: Planning chart
Edit their paragraphs Group work will be 1. Teacher will then explain the learning intention and expectations What do you need
using the VCOP placed in the for the lesson to include? Modelled conclusion
process to make classroom floor book. 2. Discuss what is purpose of an explanation text paragraph, written
sure all key features 3. Discuss the purpose of the body paragraph and what needs to How long does it up
included Individual student be included need to be?
checklist/rubric – 4. Students will then continue writing their body paragraphs Think aloud
Label and draw a assessing students 5. After majority have finished their body paragraphs the teacher Does the moments and
diagram to match work each lesson will then model how to write the conclusion statement explanation finish changes to the
their explanation against the checklist of 6. Teacher and students will discuss the purpose of the conclusion off strong? paragraph
paragraph a narrative and and what needs to be stated
grading the work from 7. Teacher will model how to edit their work using VCOP and a How can I make it Different coloured
excellent to needs different coloured pen sound better? pens
improving. 8. Students will then write their conclusion
9. Once they have finished, they can make any final edits and Have I completed Student laptops
Self-checklist – changes and check their work against the self-checklist all the areas on
student assessing 10. Students can then either type up their explanation on lightning or the checklist? VCOP editing cards
their writing as they go draw a labelled diagram of how it works
and use the checklist Conclusion: Have I finished all Student checklist
as a guide 1. Ask any students who would like to read out their final my editing?
explanation on lightning
2. Students will give two stars to the reader Can you draw a
3. Or students share their work in small groups diagram to match
Enabler: Teacher is checking CR is structure is correct and that she your explanation?
understands what she is writing, so does not have to use the same
vocabulary as other students. Teacher can help student to add and
change words in her paragraphs.
Extension: Typing up their work or drawing a labelled diagram to go
with their explanation