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Seags: 50 Anniversary Symposium of Southeast Asian Geotechnical Society

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50th Anniversary Symposium of Southeast

Asian Geotechnical Society SEAGS

14th – 15th September 2017
AIT Conference Center
Pathumtani, Thailand

Bulletin No. 2

Organized by:
AGSSEA Thai Geotechnical Society (TGS)
Association of Geotechnical Southeast Asian Geotechnical Society (SEAGS)
Society in Southeast Asia
Association of Geotechnical Societies in Southeast Asia (AGSSEA)


Invitation to all geotechnical specialists from the President of the Thai Geotechnical Society and SEAGS
President to attend the SEAGS 50th Anniversary Symposium on 14th-15th September 2017 at the Asian
Institute of Technology Campus in Bangkok.

On behalf of the Chairman & Co-chairmen of the above conference, the Organizing Committee &
the Advisory Committee, it is a pleasure to invite Geotechnical Specialists to the SEAGS 50th Anniversary
Symposium on 14th -15th September 2017 at the Asian Institute of Technology Campus in Bangkok.

Symposium is jointly organized by the Thai Geotechnical Society and Southeast Asian Geotechnical
Society of ISSMGE. The Advisory Committee is prestigiously chaired by Prof. Roger Frank the President of
ISSMGE. Dr. Suttisak Soralump is the President of the Thai Geotechnical Society and Dr. Noppodol
Phienwej is the President of SEAGS.

The Symposium consists exclusively of invited papers. There are about 35 distinguished invited lecturers.
More details can be found on the Advisory Committee, the Lecture topics, biographies of the lecturers,
opening ceremony, session chairmen etc as contained in the conference website. The Histories of SEAGS
and AGSSEA are also contained in the conference website.

We cordially invite participants from everywhere to the beautiful AIT Campus and the scenic city of
Bangkok and Thailand.

Dr. Suttisak Soralump

Dr. Noppodol Phienwej


The Southeast Asian Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) was founded in 1967 by Dr. Za-Chieh Moh as a
regional society to cover Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Hong Kong and Taiwan and other
societies in Asia at that time where no National Society existed. It has now a membership of over 200.
Its members are very active in soil mechanics and foundation engineering, engineering geology, rock
mechanics geoenvironmental engineering, and geosynthetic engineering.

The Association of Geotechnical Societies in SouthEast Asia (AGSSEA) is an enlarged Society of

SEAGS and promoted by SEAGS to bring all National Societies of SE Asia under one umbrella. The
objectives of the Association shall be the promotion of co-operation among geotechnical societies in SE
Asia; and the assistance to member societies who have limited number of members.

Thai Geotechnical Society, TGS, was originally formed as one of technical committees of the
Engineering Institute of Thailand, EIT, under HM The King patronage in 1993. From then on, it has
played an active role in promoting technical advances and research activities in the field of geotechnical
engineering in Thailand. With increasing demand in its activities, the committee decided to establish
TGS in 2008 and joined the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering in
the same year. Current Thai geotechnical engineers are estimated to be around 2,000 actively working
in the country where there are increasing demand for geotechnical expertise.


Thai Geotechnical Society (TGS)


Honorary Chairman:
Dr. Za-Chieh Moh (Founder President SEAGS, Hon. Founder Chairman AGSSEA)

Prof. Roger Frank (President ISSMGE)

Dr. Noppodol Phienwej (President-SEAGS)
Dr. Suttisak Soralump (President-TGS)
Dr. Ooi Teik Aun (past President SEAGS & past Chairman AGSSEA)
Prof. Dennes T. Bergado (past SG & Journal Editor)
Prof. San Shyan Lin (Chairman-AGSSEA)

Prof. A. S. Balasubramaniam

Dr. Neil Taylor (Secretary General, ISSMGE) Dr. Sin-Fatt Chan (Malaysia)
Prof. Jean-Louis Briaud (Immediate Past-President ISSMGE) Ir. Dr. Swee Huat Chan (Malaysia)
Prof. Pedro Pinto (Past President, ISSMGE) Prof. Toe Hlaing (Myanmar)
Prof. Antonio Gens (Vice-President Europe, ISSMGE) Tuk Lal Adhikari (Nepal)
Prof. Paul Mayne (Vice-President North America, ISSMGE) Prof. Mike Pender (New Zealand)
Prof. Ikuo Towhata (Vice-President Asia, ISSMGE) Prof. Kaare Hoeg (Norway)
Prof. Fatma Baligh (Vice-President Africa, ISSMGE)   Dr. Elmo Dibiagio (Norway)
Prof. Mark Jaksa (Vice-President Australasia, ISSMGE) Dr. Amjad Agha (Pakistan)
Prof. Jarbas Milititsky (Vice-President South America, ISSMGE) Prof. Jian Chu (Singapore)
Prof. Askar Zhussupbekov (Past Vice-President Asia, ISSMGE) Dr. Kam Weng Leong (Singapore)
Prof. M. Madhav (Past Vice-President Asia ISSMGE) Prof. Chun-Fai Leung (Singapore)
Dr. Etienne Marcelin Kana (Nominated Board Member, Africa) Dr. Eng Choon Leong (Singapore)
Dr. Marc Ballouz  (Nominated Board Member) Dr. Chian Siau Chen (Singapore)
Prof. Michele Jamiolkowski (past President ISSMGE) Prof. Lal Tennekoon (Sri Lanka)
Prof. Kenji Ishihara (past President ISSMGE) Prof. Kulathilaka (Sri Lanka)
Prof. N.R. Morgenstern (past President ISSMGE) Dr. Farrokh Nadim (Sweden)
Prof. K.Y.Yong (past President SEAGS & past-Chairman AGSSEA) Dr. Peter Brenner (Switzerland)
Prof. San Shyan Lin (Chairmen-AGSSEA) Dr. Chung Tien Chin (Taiwan)
Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai (President AIT) Dr. John Chien-Chung Li (Taiwan)
Prof. Harry G. Poulos (Australia) Prof. Der-Wen Chang (Taiwan)
Prof. Buddhima Indratatna (Australia) Prof. Meei-Ling Lin (Taiwan)
Dr. Erwin Oh (Australia) Prof. Chang-Yu Ou (Taiwan)
Prof. Hadi Kabbaz (Australia) Prof. Yung-Show Fang (Taiwan)
Prof. Heinz Brandl (Australia) Prof. Hung-Jiun Liao (Taiwan)
Dr. Soktay Lim (Cambodia) Dr. Chin Der Ou (Taiwan)
Dr. Dariusz Wanatowski (China) Dr. Apiniti Jotisankasa (Thailand)
Prof. Charles Wang-Wai NG (Hong Kong) Prof. Suched Likitlersuang (Thailand)
Ir. Dr. Johnny Cheuk (Hong Kong) Mr. Sataporn Kuvijitjaru (Thailand)
Ir. Raymond Chan (Hong Kong) Mr. Boonchai Chittikuldilok (Thailand)
Prof. Jian Hua Yin (Hong Kong) Dr. Nattawuth Udayasen (Thailand)
Prof. Masyhur Irsyam (Indonesia) Mr. Titi Paveenchana (Thailand)
Dr. Pinto Tua Simatupang (Indonesia) Dr. Warakorn Mairiang (Thailand)
Prof. Akira Murakami (Japan) Khun Narong Thasnanipan (Thailand)
Prof. Tatsunori Matsumoto (Japan) Prof. Mounir Bouassida (Tunisia)
Prof. Hideki Ohta (Japan) Prof. John Burland (U. K.)
Prof. Osamu Kusakabe (Japan) Prof. Robert Mair (U.K.)
Prof. Kim Sang Kyu (Korea) Prof. Andrew Schofi ld (U.K.)
Prof. D.S. Kim (Korea) Prof. David Wood (U.K.)
Ir. Shaw Shong Liew (Malaysia) Prof. Jay N. Meegoda (U.S.A)
Dr. Wen Hui Ting (Malaysia) Prof. R.D. Holtz (USA)
Ir. Yew Weng Yee (Malaysia) Dr. Phung Duc Long (Vietnam)
Ir. Thien Seng Yee (Malaysia) Dr. Pham Van Long (Vietnam)
Ir. Kenny Yee (Malaysia) Prof. Trinh Minh Thu (Vietnam)

Thursday, 14th - Friday, 15th September 2017
Commemorate Session "How it all started: our contributions in the past 50 years"
Speakers: Founders and Keypersons in SEAGS.

Speakers: SEAGS founders and friends:

Dr. Za-Chieh Moh Dr. Ooi Teik Aun Prof . Dennes T. Bergado

Prof. Roger Frank Dr. Chung Tien Chin Dr. Noppodol Phienwej


Session 1 Geo-Hazards and Geo-Energy

Earthquake related Geohazards I State-of-the-Art Research in Geo-energy and Geo-Environmental Engineering: Geothermal Pile
and Capillary Landfill Cover System I The Case of The New Tagus River Leziria Bridge I Selected Case Histories on Man Made
Slope Failures in Indonesia I Seismic Hazard Assessment Procedures - Reflection on Bangladesh I Evaluating the Efficiency of
Subsurface Drainage for Large Landslides in Taiwan

Session 2 Geotechnical Challenge and Geo-Hazards

50 years of Geotechnical Challenges in Singapore Infrastructure Development I Geotechnical Engineering Practice 1987 – 2016:
Selected Topics I Settlement of river dykes and their adjacent residences on soft clay deposits I Bangkok land subsidence and
groundwater recovery: to pump or not to pump I Liquefaction-Induced Settlement of Structures on Shallow Foundation

Session 3 Slope Stability

The modelling impact of future climate on stability of slopes I The anchors of anchored slopes in Taiwan I Applications of image
processing to rock slope engineering I Sustainable stabilization of problematic soils I Evaluation of Factors Influencing Expansive
Soil Embankment Slope Failure I The Community Slope Safe Awareness at Bukit Antarabangsa, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

Session 4 Foundation
Piling designing, installation and testing on problematical soil ground of Kazakhstan I Finite Element Analysis to Characterize the
Lateral Behavior of a Capped Pile Group I Challenging Technologies of Diaphragm Wall construction I A Critical and Com-
parative Study on The 2D and 3D Analyses of Raft and Piled Raft Analyses I Detrimental effect of lateral soil movements on pile

Session 5 Soil Properties

A New Simplified Hypothesis B Method for Calculating Consolidation Multiple Layers of Clayey Soils with Creep I Common
Blind Spots in Ground Investigation, Design, Construction, Performance Monitoring and Feedbacks in Geotechnical Engineering I
Strength and Stiffness Parameters of Bangkok Clays for Finite Element Analysis I Geotechnical Characterization and Properties of
Bangkok Clay I Optimising cement dosage in ground improvement and early quality control schemes

Session 6 Ground Improvement

Recent developments of soft ground improvements using prefabricated vertical drains (PVD) and deep cement mixing (DCM) I
Recent development in land reclamation and related soil improvement works I Recent Deep Mixing Developments in Saga
Prefecture I Proposed Design Guideline of Dynamic Compaction for Practicing Engineers I Weaving pattern and lateral
confinement effects on the engineering behavior of hexagonal wire mesh panels

Session 7 Transportation Geotechnics and Tunnelling

Recent Developments in Transport Geotechnics I Longitudinal and transverse interactions between stacked parallel tunnels
constructed using shield tunnelling in residual soil I Deep Excavations & Tunnelling Experience in Taipei I Tunnelling
Experiences in Hong Kong I Trenchless Excavations for Undeground Pipelines in Difficult Geology I Recent developments in
soft ground tunnelling I Hydrological and Physical Criteria of Rainfall-Induced Shallow Landslides

Invited Speakers

Prof. Kazuya Yasuhara Prof. Jian Hua Yin Prof. Dennes Bergado

Dr. John C. Li Prof. Hung-Jiun Liao Prof. Ikuo Towhata

Dr. Noppadol Phienwej Dr. Lin Der Guy Prof. Pedro Simão Sêco e Pinto

Prof. Keh-Jian Shou Dr. Geoff Chao Prof. Paulus P. Rahardjo

Prof. Tahmeed Al - Hussaini Prof. Askar Zhussupbekov Dr. Suttisak Soralump

Dr. Tian Ho Seah Dr. Hosoi Takeshi Ir. Dr. Dominic Ong

Prof. John Endicott Prof. Mitsutaka Sugimoto Dr. Chiwan Wayne Hsieh

Dr. Dong-Hyun, Kim Prof. Fauziah Ahmad Dr. Chia-Weng Boon

Dr. V. Balakumar Dr. Erwin Oh Er. Professor Yong Kwet Yew

Prof. B. Indraratna Prof. Chu Jian Prof. Suched Likitlersuang

Ir. Tjie Liong Gouw Professor Charles W.W. Ng Prof. San-Shyan Lin

Prof. Suksun Horpibulsuk Dr. Richard Hwang Dr. Warakorn Mairaing

Dr. Siau Chen Chian Dr. Cholachat Rujikiatkamjorn Dr. Wanchai Teparaksa

The conference will be held at AIT Conference Center
Pathumtani, Thailand.


Conference Registration Fee
Category Registration Fee (US$)
Normal Early Bird
(Received after 31 July 2017) (Received prior to 30 July 2017)
Members – TGS, SEAGS, AGSSEA 250 200
Non Members 340 300

No. Name of Participant(s) Amount

Total Amount

I will be accompanied by: Guest(s): ______

Contact Name:
Mailing Address:

Contact No.:

Southeast Asian Geotechnical Engineering Society School of
Engineering & Technology
PLEASE COMPLETE AND RETURN Asian Institute of Technology (AIT)
WITH REMITTANCE IN FAVOR OF: P.O. Box 4, Klong Luang, Pathumthani 12120, THAILAND
Fax: (66) 02 516 2126
Official web site: [email protected]


Bank Draft or Money Order (add US$ 3 for foreign check)


Bank Transfer (please send the Bank Receipt to us for confirmation of payments)
Asian Institute of Technology
Account Number: 468-046301-2
Bank: Siam Commercial Bank Pcl, Ltd
Branch: Thammasat University Hospital
Address: 95 Moo 8, Khlongnueng, Khlongluang, Pathumthani 12120
Swift code: Thailand SICOTHBK
Phone: 662-516-3470-1
Fax: 662-516-3472

Credit Card (for the amount, add 4%)

Master Card Visa Card * American Express

Cardholder’s Signature: ________________________________________________
*Please add the Card ID for American Express. (Card ID is a four -digit code printed on the face of the Card).


Please book a single/ twin room for me at the AIT Center Hotel for ___ nights staring from ___ to ___
September 2017

Room Rates:
 Single Rooms (new wing): 2,000 Baht / night
 Double Rooms (new wing): 2,200 Baht / night
 Single Rooms (main wing): 1,400 Baht / night
 Double Rooms (main wing): 1,600 Baht / night

I don’t need accommodation.


Floor Plan AIT Level 1

No.1 No.2 No.3 No.4 No.5 No.6


pillar pillar pillar pillar

Coffee Break
No.7 No.8 No.9 No.10 No.11 No.12

Registration Front Office

Contact Person:

Postal Address:

Contact No.: Office No.: Fax No.:

Mobile No.:

Signature: ……………………………………………………
Company Stamp:
Date: ……………………………
Section Cost / Booth No. of Booths Total



Bank Draft or Money Order (add US$ 3 for foreign check)


Bank Transfer (please send the Bank Receipt to us for confirmation of payments)
Account Name: Asian Institute of Technology
Account Number: 468-046301-2
Bank: Siam Commercial Bank Pcl, Ltd
Branch: Thammasat University Hospital
Address: 95 Moo 8, Khlongnueng, Khlongluang, Pathumthani 12120
Swift c de: SICOTHBK
Phone: 662-516-3470-1
Fax: 662-516-3472

Credit Card (for the amount, add 4%)

Master Card Visa Card *American Express

Card Number: ________________________________________________

Expiry Date: ________________________________________________
Cardholder’s Name: ________________________________________________
Cardholder’s Signature: ________________________________________________
*Please add the Card ID for American Express. (Card ID is a four -digit code printed on the face of the Card).

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