67447ee78427 PDF
67447ee78427 PDF
67447ee78427 PDF
Co-Organizers :
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Conference Chair:
Dr. Evizal Abdul Kadir, ST., M.Eng
ICoSEEH UIR 08-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSEEH UIR 08-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
It is our great pleasure to join and to welcome all participants of the International Conference
on Science Engineering and Technology (ICoSET) and International Conference on Social
Economic Education and Humaniora (ICoSEEH) 2017 in Pekanbaru. I am happy to see this
great work as part of collaborations among Chiba University, Saga University, Universiti
Teknologi Mara, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Dayen University, Kyungdong University. In
this occasion, I would like to congratulate all participants for their scientific involvement
and willingness to share their findings and experiences in this conference.
I believe that this conference can play an important role to encourage and embrace
cooperative, collaborative, and interdisciplinary research among the engineers and scientists.
I do expect that this kind of similar event will be held in the future as part of activities in
education research and social responsibilities of universities, research institutions and
industries internationally.
My heart full gratitude is dedicated to organizing committee members and the staff of Islamic
University of Riau for their generous effort and contribution toward the success of the
ICoSET & ICoSEEH 2017.
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSEEH UIR 08-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
November 09, 2017
07.30-08.00 Re-registration Committee 1st
08.00-17.00 Siak Tour:
1. Istana Siak
2. Klenteng Hock Siu
Kiong (Bangunan
3. Masjid Syahabuddin
4. Balai Kerapatan Adat
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
International Conference on Science Engineering and
Technology (ICoSET)
Time Paper
No Author Title
Slot ID
Feasibility Study On Solar Power Generation
Evizal Abdul Kadir, Ahmed
1 1001 In Islamic University Of Riau Pekanbaru
A. Al Absi, Sri Listia Rosa
Capacity 1 Mw
Parallel Presentation 1 (13.00-15.00)
ICoSEEH UIR 08-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Time Paper
No Author Title
Slot ID
Dewandra Bagus Eka Putra,
Rock Mass Classification System Using
Yuniarti Yuskar, Catur
1 1012 Rock Mass Rating (Rmr) Of A Cut Slope In
Cahyaningsih, Seppia
Riau – West Sumatra Road
Factors Affecting Production of Coconut
(Cocos Nucifera Linn)
Sisca Vaulina, Khairizal,
2 1016 In Gaung Anak Serka District Indragiri Hilir
Hajry Arief Wahyudy
Riau Province
Parallel Presentation 1 (13.00-15.00)
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSEEH UIR 08-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSEEH UIR 08-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
International Conference on Science Engineering and
Technology (ICoSET)
Pekanbaru, Indonesia, 08-10 November 2017
No ID Author Paper
Evizal Abdul Kadir, Ahmed A. Al Feasibility Study On Solar Power Generation In
1 1001 Absi, Sri Listia Rosa Islamic University Of Riau Pekanbaru Capacity
1 Mw
Arbi Haza Nasution, Yohei
Similarity Cluster of Indonesian Ethnic
2 1002 Murakami, Toru Ishida3
Efficiency Of Rubber People Production In
3 1003 Heriyanto Kampar Regency Of Riau Province
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
No ID Author Paper
Utilization Of Palm Oil Waste With
Dody Yulianto, Dedikarni Kurnia
17 1017 Polypropylene Matriks (Pp) Recycling On
Hastuti, Juraiz Saputra
Particle Board Composite (Particle Board)
Profile of Habits of Mind Student of Biology
18 1018 Tengku Idris, Nurkhairo Hidayati
Education Program Islamic University of Riau
Ida Syamsu Roidah dan Dona Improving Family Revenues Through Role Of
19 1019
Wahyuning Laily Household Mother In Rejotangan District
Hermaini, Sugeng Wiyono, Anas Study Of Concrete On Rigid Pavement With
20 1020
Puri Addition Scanfibre
Energy Resource Development Strategy At
21 1021 Muhammad Ariyon
Indragiri Hulu Regency Riau Province
Rosyadi, Agusnimar, Abdul Fatah Giving Chlorella sp with Different Amount for
22 1022
Rasidi DevelopmenT Moina sp
Analysis Of The Competitiveness Of Farming
23 1023 Sri Ayu Kurniati, Welly Sampurno
Oil Palm People Bengkalis Regency In Mandau
Learning Outcome Comparison In Biology
Subject Between Problem Based Learning (Pbl)
24 1024 Suryanti, Sepita Ferazona Method Applied And Guided Discovery
Learning (Gdl) Method Applied At Class Xi
Sman Pekanbaru Academic Year 2016/2017
Measurement of Electric Grid Transmission
Husnul Kausarian, Batara,
Lines as the Supporting of National Energy
25 1025 Dewandra Bagus Eka Putra, Adi
Program in West Sumatra Area, Indonesia
Suryadi, Evizal Abdul Kadir
through Geological Mapping and Assessment
Relationship Between Adolescent
Fathra Annis Nauli, Jumaini, Diva
26 1026 Characteristic and Bullying Incidents at Private
de Laura
Junior High School In Pekanbaru
Green Beans Plant Response (Vigna Radiata L)
27 1027 Ernita, M. Noer, Sidik Arif Irawan On Liquid Organic Fertilizer (Lof) Nasa and
NPK Compound Fertilizer
Analysis Of Human Resources Work In
Production Activity Hydroponic Vegetables
28 1028 Darus, Hajry Arief Wahyudy Commodity (Case Study: Technical
implementation Unit of Agro Garden in Islamic
University of Riau)
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Currently electricity power supplies have limited resources because of most power
generation from diesel engine and others limited resources. Solar power is one of
alternative energy resources that having in tropical region especially in Indonesia. This
research conduct on feasibility and capacity that potential be generate in Islamic
University of Riau. Method use is based on survey and data collected in area of campus
Islamic University of Riau. Results shows within as space on open area that available
as 2 Hectare in Islamic University of Riau, potential to generate electricity power by
installing solar photovoltaic as much as 1 MW. This capacity have potential to replace
electricity usage in campus daily in day time and night time will be less because not
much activity compare to daytime. With this solar photovoltaic power generation will
be reduce University expenses in monthly electric bill as well in night time power is
surplus then can be sell to resident that get extra income for University.
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
country where no technicians, tools and to insulate or think about solar aspect
equipment are easily available. anymore. We just put the air-con on, and
When it comes to our energy needs, that will heat and cool the house at the touch
there are three main problems. We have of a button, cheap fossil fuels have had an
confused needs and desires, cheap energy enormous part in making renewable energy
and not educated ourselves enough on seem expensive. Fossil fuels receive a huge
understanding energy. Need is a word that chunk of currency from governments to
gets used out of context all the time, it falls keep the energy coming so that we don’t get
into the category of words like have to, upset when there is no energy at the power
should, got to and must. When we hear points. If they charged us the true cost of
those words, we feel as if our choice is taken what it takes to get energy to our power
away and we are presented with something points, I guarantee that would instantly help
we have to do or else. The reason is what is reduce the need for energy in our homes.
it we need in our homes that require energy, The math is simple, multiply your energy
people say all the time to me, but I need a bill by 10 times, and that’s how much of a
dryer, air-con and else. When in reality they discount the government is paying for you
are just desires. Things we would like to every month right now to subsidies fossil
have to make our days easier so we can get fuels and that is worldwide.[1]
more done in a day. So that we can go to
work to pay for our electricity bills in reality, 2. LITERATURE REVIEW
more people on earth live without electricity
than with, so we don’t need it at all to Solar PV technology converts energy
survive. Have a think about how much from solar radiation directly into electricity.
excess electrical load you have in your Solar PV cells are the electricity-generating
home just because it saves you time or helps component of a solar energy system. When
you do something faster. sunlight (photons) strikes a PV cell, an
electric current is produced by stimulating
The next part of the problem is cheap electrons (negative charges) in a layer in the
energy, what has made us go out and buy a cell designed to give up electrons easily.
lot of electrical devices that save us time. The existing electric field in the solar cell
That way we can go to work and make more pulls these electrons to another layer. By
money as it’s cheaper to have the electricity connecting the cell to an external load, this
work for us at home while we go work. This current (movement of charges) can then be
has helped a lot of desires become needs. used to power the load (e.g., a light bulb) as
Cheap energy has helped bad building shows in figure 1.
designs to get built because we don’t need
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
PV cells are assembled into a PV as needed to reach the specific voltage and
panel or modules, PV modules are then current requirements for the array. The
connected to create an array. The modules direct current (DC
are connected in series and then in parallel
electricity generated by the array is
then converted by an inverter to useable A typical PV system is made up of
alternating current (AC) that can be several key components, including:
consumed by adjoining buildings and • PV modules
facilities or exported to the electricity grid. • Inverter
PV system size varies from small residential • Balance-of-system (BOS)
(2–10 kW), to commercial (100–500 kW), components.
to large utility scale (10+ MW). Central
distribution plants are also currently being These, along with other PV system
built in the 100+ MW scale. Electricity from components, are discussed in turn
utility-scale systems is commonly sold back below in figure 2.
to the electricity grid.
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Geometrical theory was used to the part of the generation that occurs when
evaluate Equation 1, which was used to five of the panels are affected by the
calculate the expected increased generation reflectors. η0r is the part of the generation
for different solar paths. that occurs when none of the panels are
affected by the reflections.
E = 2 * α – S – 90 (1)
Reflectors lead to an increased
The angle E means that the reflections temperature, which results in decreased
will add as an extra light source with the efficiency. The estimated increased
incoming angle E. The increased radiation temperature (ΔT) and the decreased
(R), during solar noon, was calculated with efficiency per ΔT gives the decreased
Equation 2. efficiency. In order to recommend and
present a cost-effective energy system,
R = cos (90 – E) * ηr * ηsurf based on solar panels, a few alternative
(2) systems have been designed and compared.
The systems are designed by estimating the
The reflection efficiencies (ηr) are power consumption throughout the year and
evaluated from the results of an experiment adapting the power generation to the load.
by (4). When the increased generation over The month with lowest values of insolation
one full day should be estimated, the solar was used for dimensioning the generation,
height and the varying generation over the in order to cover the electricity demand for
day are included. Equation 3 was evaluated every month of the year. Attached reflectors
to estimate the increased generation over were included in some of the alternatives to
one full day (RF). give conclusions if reflectors should be
recommended to solar power systems.
RF = R * η6r + R * η5r + R * η0r Some of the alternatives use a Maximal
(3) Power Point Tracker (MPPT) charge
controller, while other uses a regular Pulse
η6r is the part of the total daily generation Width Modulations (PWM) controller. This
that occurs during the time when all the six gives a conclusion of which investment is
panels fully can absorb reflections. η5r is preferred.
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
In general, data for 10 years is needed Energy Laboratory) United States. These
to provide variations at the level reasonable data sources have varying quality and
belief. Data used in energy calculations sun resolution. It takes the right skills to
for Photovoltaic Power Generation (PLTS) interpret the data. Figure 7 shows estimated
Universitas Islam Riau is the data coming monthly energy loss due to inconsistence
from NASA NREL (National Renewable sun light
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Energy, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 916–923, Jul. [22] D. A. Dickey and W. A. Fuller,
2015. “Likelihood ratio statistics for
[13] P. E. Bett and H. E. Thornton, “The autoregressive time series with a unit
climatological relationships between root,” Econometrica, vol. 49, no. 4, pp.
wind and solar energy supply in 1057–1072, 1981.
Britain,” Renew. Energy, vol. 87 Part [23] A. Harvey, Time Series Models.
1, pp. 96–110, 2016. Rossendale, U.K.: Philip Allan, 1981.
[14] J. Widen, “Correlations between large- [24] G. Ljung and G. E. P. Box, “On a
scale solar and wind power in a future measure of lack of fit in time series
scenario for Sweden,” IEEE Trans. models,” Econometrica, vol. 66, pp.
Sustain. Energy, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 67–72, 1978.
177–184, Apr. 2011. [25] B. Tammelin et al., “Production of the
[15] J. Vasilj, P. Sarajcev, and D. Jakus, FinnishWind Atlas,” Wind Energy,
“Estimating future balancing power vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 19–35, 2013.
requirements in wind–PV power [26] C. Rigollier, O. Bauer, and L. Wald,
system,” Renew. Energy, vol. 99, pp. “On the clear sky model of the
369–378, 2016. ESRA—European Solar Radiation
[16] M. Koivisto, J. Ekstr¨om, J. Sepp¨anen, Atlas—with respect to the heliosat
I. Mellin, J. Millar, and L. Haarla, “A method,” Sol. Energy, vol. 68, no. 1,
statistical model for comparing future pp. 33–48, 2000.
wind power scenarios with varying [27] Solar radiation data (soda) service, Aug.
geographical distribution of installed 2016. [Online]. Available:
generation capacity,” Wind Energy, http://www.soda-
vol. 19, pp. 665–679, May 2016. is.com/eng/services/
[17] M. Koivisto et al., “Wind speed [28] Gamesa G128-5.0 MW Wind Turbine
modeling using a vector Data Sheet, Aug. 2016. [Online].
autoregressive process with a time- Available:
dependent intercept term,” Int. J. http://www.gamesacorp.com/recurso
Elect. Power Energy Syst., vol. 77, pp. s/doc/productos-servicios
91–99, 2016. /aerogenerado res/catalogo-g10x-
[18] D. Villanueva, A. Feij´oo, and J. L. 45mw-eng.pdf
Pazos, “Simulation of correlated wind [29] M. Mattei, G. Notton, C.
speed data for economic dispatch Cristofari,M.Muselli, and P. Poggi,
evaluation,” IEEE Trans. Sustain. “Calculation of the polycrystalline
Energy, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 142–149, Jan. PV module temperature using a
2012. simple method of energy balance,”
[19] D. C. Hill, D. McMillan, K. R. W. Bell, Renew. Energy, vol. 31, no. 4, pp.
and D. Infield, “Application of auto- 553–567, 2006.
regressive models to U.K. wind speed Aldous, S. How Solar Cells Work.
data for power system impact studies,” Retrieved October, 2008, from
IEEE Trans. Sustain. Energy, vol. 3, http://www.howstuffworks.com/solar
no. 1, pp. 134–141, Jan. 2012. -cell.htm
[20] H. L´utkepohl, New Introduction to Ben Arnoldy. (2008). Brighter Future for
Multiple Time Series Analysis, 2nd Solar Panels: Silicon Shortage Eases.
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2007. http://features.csmonitor.com/innovat
[21] J. Hamilton, Time Series Analysis. ion/2008/06/05/brighter-future-for-
Princeton, NJ, USA: Princeton Univ. solar-panels-silicon-shortage-eases/
Press, 1994. CalFinder. What is net metering? Retrieved
September, 2008, from
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Lexicostatistic and language similarity clusters are useful for computational linguistic
researches that depends on language similarity or cognate recognition. Nevertheless,
there are no published lexicostatistic/language similarity cluster of Indonesian ethnic
languages available. We formulate an approach of creating language similarity
clusters by utilizing ASJP database to generate the language similarity matrix, then
generate the hierarchical clusters with complete linkage and mean linkage clustering,
and further extract two stable clusters with high language similarities. We introduced
an extended k-means clustering semi-supervised learning to evaluate the stability level
of the hierarchical stable clusters being grouped together despite of changing the
number of cluster. The higher the number of the trial, the more likely we can distinctly
find the two hierarchical stable clusters in the generated k-clusters. However, for all
five experiments, the stability level of the two hierarchical stable clusters is the highest
on 5 clusters. Therefore, we take the 5 clusters as the best clusters of Indonesian ethnic
languages. Finally, we plot the generated 5 clusters to a geographical map.
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
• 19 are institutional,
• 86 are developing,
• 260 are vigorous,
• 266 are in trouble, and
• 75 are dying.
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Here are the definitions of each level of • Extinct (EGIDS 10) — The
Development or Endangerment: language has fallen completely out
of use and no one retains a sense of
• Institutional (EGIDS 0-4) — The
ethnic identity associated with the
language has been developed to the
point that it is used and sustained by
o Kaniet (10 (Extinct)),
institutions beyond the home and
Uruava (10 (Extinct))
o Buginese (3 (Wider
communication), 5,000,000), 3. AUTOMATED SIMILARITY
Javanese (4 (Educational), JUDGMENT PROGRAM
84,300,000) Historical linguistics is the scientific study
• Developing (EGIDS 5) — The of language change over time in term of
language is in vigorous use, with sound, analogical, lexical, morphological,
literature in a standardized form syntactic, and semantic information
being used by some though this is (Campbell, 2013). Comparative linguistics
not yet widespread or sustainable. is a branch of historical linguistics that is
o Minangkabau (5 concerned with language comparison to
(Developing), 5,530,000), determine historical relatedness and to
Bali (5 (Developing), construct language families (Lehmann,
3,330,000 ) 2013). Many methods, techniques, and
• Vigorous (EGIDS 6a) — The procedures have been utilized in
language is unstandardized and in investigating the potential distant genetic
vigorous use among all generations. relationship of languages, including lexical
o Iranun (6a (Vigorous), comparison, sound correspondences,
256,000), Batak Mandailing grammatical evidence, borrowing, semantic
(6a (Vigorous), 1,100,000) constraints, chance similarities, sound-
• In trouble (EGIDS 6b-7) — meaning isomorphism, etc (Campbell, L.
Intergenerational transmission is in and Poser, W.J., 2008). The genetic
the process of being broken, but the relationship of languages is used to classify
child-bearing generation can still languages into language families. Closely-
use the language so it is possible that related languages are those that came from
revitalization efforts could restore the same origin or proto-language, and
transmission of the language in the belong to the same language family.
o Temuan (6b (Threatened), Swadesh List is a classic compilation of
22,700 (2008 JHEOA)), basic concepts for the purposes of
Tambunan Dusun (6b historical-comparative linguistics. It is used
(Threatened), 15,600 (2000)) in lexicostatistics (quantitative comparison
• Dying (EGIDS 8a-9) — The only of lexical cognates) and
fluent users (if any) are older than glottochronology (chronological
child-bearing age, so it is too late to relationship between languages). There are
restore natural intergenerational various version of swadesh list as shown in
transmission through the home; a Table 1. To find the best size of the list,
mechanism outside the home would Swadesh states that "The only solution
need to be developed. appears to be a drastic weeding out of the
o Nusa Laut (9 (Dormant), list, in the realization that quality is at least
2,230 (1989 SIL)), Ura (8b as important as quantity....Even the new list
(Nearly extinct), has defects, but they are relatively mild and
few in number." (Swadesh, 1955)
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
There are a lot of previous works using comparing the word lists. The classification
Levenshtein Distances such as dialect is based on 100-item reference list of
groupings of Irish Gaelic (Kessler, 1995) Swadesh (Swadesh, 1971) and further
where they gather the data from reduced to 40 most stable items (Holman et
questionnaire given to native speakers of al., 2008). The item stability is a degree to
Irish Gaelic in 86 sites. They obtain 312 which words for an item are retained over
different Gaelic words or phrases. Another time and not replaced by another lexical
work is about dialect pronunciation item from the language itself or a borrowed
differences of 360 Dutch dialects (Heeringa, element. Words resistant to replacement are
2004) which obtain 125 words from Reeks more stable. Stable items have a greater
Nederlandse Dialectatlassen. They tendency to yield cognates (words that have
normalize LD by dividing it by the length of a common etymological origin) within
the longer alignment. Tang (2015) measure groups of closely related languages.
linguistic similarity and intelligibility of 15
Chinese dialects and obtain 764 common 4. LANGUAGE SIMILARITY
syllabic units. Petroni (2008) define lexical CLUSTERING APPROACH
distance between two words as the LD
normalized by the number of characters of We formalize an approach to create
the longer of the two. Wichmann et al. language similarity clusters by utilizing
(2010) extend Petroni definition as LDND ASJP database to generate the language
and use it in Automated Similarity similarity matrix, then generate the
Judgment Program (ASJP). hierarchical clusters, and further extract the
stable clusters with high language
The ASJP, an open source software was similarities. The hierarchical stable clusters
proposed by Holman et al. (2011) with the are evaluated utilizing our extended k-
main goal of developing a database of means clustering. Finally, the obtained k-
Swadesh lists (Swadesh, 1955) for all of the means clusters are plotted to a geographical
world's languages from which lexical map. The flowchart of the whole process is
similarity or lexical distance matrix shown in Figure 3.
between languages can be obtained by
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Stable Clusters
High Stability
Level? No
Plot k-means clusters to a map
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Population Population
Ranked by Ranked
Code based on based on Language
Wikipedia by AJSP
Wikipedia AJSP
L1 1 1 210000000 232004800 INDONESIAN
L2 3 2 84300000 84300000 OLD_OR_MIDDLE_JAVANESE
L3 4 3 34000000 34000000 SUNDANESE
L4 2 4 210000000 15848500 MALAY
L5 7 5 3900000 15848500 PALEMBANG_MALAY
L6 5 6 13600000 6770900 MADURESE
L7 6 7 5500000 5530000 MINANGKABAU
L8 8 8 3500000 5000000 BUGINESE
L9 12 9 2700000 5000000 BETAWI
L 10 9 10 3500000 3502300 BANJARESE_MALAY
L 11 10 11 3500000 3500032 ACEH
L 12 11 12 3300000 3330000 BALI
L 13 16 13 1600000 2130000 MAKASAR
L 14 13 14 2700000 2100000 SASAK
L 15 14 15 2000000 2000000 TOBA_BATAK
L 16 17 16 1100000 1100000 BATAK_MANDAILING
L 17 18 17 1000000 1000000 GORONTALO
L 18 19 18 900000 1000000 JAMBI_MALAY
L 19 27 19 500000 900000 MANGGARAI
L 20 21 20 800000 770000 NIAS_NORTHERN
L 21 22 21 700000 750000 BATAK_ANGKOLA
L 22 24 22 600000 700000 UAB_METO
L 23 23 23 600000 600000 KARO_BATAK
L 24 25 24 500000 500000 BIMA
L 25 26 25 500000 470000 KOMERING
L 26 28 26 400000 350000 REJANG
L 27 32 27 300000 331000 TOLAKI
L 28 29 28 300000 300000 GAYO
L 29 30 29 300000 300000 MUNA
L 30 31 30 300000 250000 TAE
L 31 15 31 1900000 245020 AMBONESE_MALAY
L 32 20 32 900000 230000 MONGONDOW
We further generate the similarity matrix of exactly the same (100% similarity). For a
those 32 languages as shown in Table 4. We better clarity and to avoid redundancy, we
also added a white-red color scale where only show the bottom-left part of the table.
white color means the two languages are The headers follow the language code in
totally different (0% similarity) and the Table 3
reddest color means the two languages are
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L 10 L 11 L 12 L 13 L 14 L 15 L 16 L 17 L 18 L 19 L 20 L 21 L 22 L 23 L 24 L 25 L 26 L 27 L 28 L 29 L 30 L 31
L2 24
L3 39 22
L4 85 21 41
L5 68 32 39 73
L6 34 15 20 34 34
L7 62 25 31 62 64 34
L8 31 18 25 32 31 18 32
L9 69 10 25 67 58 23 50 24
L 10 72 33 39 71 64 34 60 33 55
L 11 27 11 19 27 30 22 25 16 21 25
L 12 38 20 29 35 39 23 31 30 24 37 22
L 13 33 22 24 30 32 25 33 36 25 33 16 29
L 14 44 20 28 42 44 30 44 31 37 47 22 29 35
L 15 37 24 23 37 36 21 40 25 35 37 13 21 25 35
L 16 25 16 14 27 27 20 27 23
Table244. Lexicostatistic
25 14 20/ Similarity
18 24Matrix
58 of 32 Indonesian Ethnic Languages by ASJP (%)
L 17 19 14 16 18 19 9 18 20 14 17 12 12 18 20 17 9
L 18 79 26 40 78 78 34 69 31 70 73 27 35 38 46 39 21 20
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ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
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ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Language Similarity
Language Similarity
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
21 0
20 0
19 0
18 0
17 0
16 0
#cluster (k)
15 0
14 0.06
13 0.02
12 0.04
11 0.08
10 0.12
9 0.20
8 0.42
7 0.28
6 0.48
5 0.78
4 0.66
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90
Success Rate
21 0
20 0
19 0
18 0.002
17 0.002
#cluster (k)
16 0.004
15 0.008
14 0.010
13 0.030
12 0.046
11 0.076
10 0.104
9 0.140
8 0.230
7 0.408
6 0.558
5 0.784
4 0.758
0.000 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 0.600 0.700 0.800 0.900
Success Rate
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
21 0
20 0
19 0.0008
18 0.0006
17 0.0010
16 0.0054
#cluster (k)
15 0.0066
14 0.0144
13 0.0230
12 0.0438
11 0.0760
10 0.1194
9 0.1804
8 0.2542
7 0.3756
6 0.5556
5 0.7852
4 0.7538
0.0000 0.1000 0.2000 0.3000 0.4000 0.5000 0.6000 0.7000 0.8000 0.9000
Success Rate
21 0.00004
20 0.00004
19 0.00012
18 0.00056
17 0.00172
16 0.00316
#cluster (k)
15 0.00754
14 0.01490
13 0.02680
12 0.04466
11 0.07222
10 0.11554
9 0.17536
8 0.25894
7 0.37472
6 0.55570
5 0.78222
4 0.75526
0.00000 0.10000 0.20000 0.30000 0.40000 0.50000 0.60000 0.70000 0.80000 0.90000
Success Rate
21 0.00001
20 0.00004
19 0.00018
18 0.00054
17 0.00142
16 0.00333
#cluster (k)
15 0.00742
14 0.01425
13 0.02644
12 0.04515
11 0.07434
10 0.11639
9 0.17515
8 0.25639
7 0.37357
6 0.55481
5 0.77950
4 0.75787
0.00000 0.10000 0.20000 0.30000 0.40000 0.50000 0.60000 0.70000 0.80000 0.90000
Success Rate
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Islam Riau Jl. Kaharuddin Nasution, Marpoyan,
Pekanbaru 28284 Riau, Indonesia
Email : [email protected]
Kampar regency is one of the districts in Riau province which contributes significantly
to the economy in Riau Province, especially in the agricultural sector in the plantation
sector. Rubber plantations are a source of prosperity, progress, independence, and
pride of Kampar district government. Plantation management at present still relies on
and relies on the abundance of human resources are relatively cheap. Efficiency,
productivity, quality, sustainability are still low. This study aims to analyze the
efficiency of rubber production in Kampar regency by building multiple linear
regression model and production efficiency analysis. The results showed that the
dominant factors affecting rubber production in Kampar Regency were number of
plants, plant age, number of labor and investment. The factors of production are the
number of plants, and the amount of labor is not technically efficient, allocative, and
economical. The use of fertilizers tends to be technically and economically efficient,
but alocatively inefficient. In order to obtain optimal production, this study
recommends the need for rejuvenation of old or damaged rubber plants using superior
seeds and maintained in accordance with the standards of rubber cultivation
techniques. The efficient use of labor can be achieved by applying a rubber tapping
system appropriately tailored to the conditions of the plant and the price of rubber. In
addition, the use of balanced fertilizers in accordance with the recommended should
be applied.
The agricultural sector in Indonesia The value of Gross Domestic
is divided into five subsectors, namely food Product (GDP) of agricultural, livestock,
agriculture sub-sector, estate sub-sector, forestry and fishery products at 2000
forestry sub-sector, livestock sub-sector and constant prices amounted to 304,777.1
fishery sub-sector. The agricultural sector is billion rupiahs in 2010 and 339,890.2
continually required to play a role in the billion rupiahs in 2013 or an increase of
national economy through the formation of 10.33 percent. While the role of agriculture
Gross Domestic Product (GDP), foreign sector to Indonesia's GDP in 2013 fell from
exchange gain, food supply and industrial 13.17 percent to 12.89 percent. The role of
raw materials, poverty alleviation, agriculture sector to GDP is ranked second
employment and income generation. after the management industry sector is
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
26.83 percent. (Badan Pusat Statistik there was a tendency of increasing rubber
Indonesia, 2014). plantation area to 92,609 ha and a decrease
The contribution of the agricultural of rubber production to 60,714 tons (BPS
sector to the total value of GDP of Riau Kabupaten Kampar, 2014). The decline in
Province ADHK-DM in 2010 has an the area of rubber plantation is suspected
increasingly fluctuating trend. In 2010, the due to the conversion of rubber land to palm
contribution of the agricultural sector to the oil which is considered easier in the
total value of GRDP of ADHK-DM company and has a higher economy.
Province was 17.08%, increasing to 17.73% Rubber plantations in Kampar
in 2014. During the period 2010 - 2014, the regency are dominated by smallholder
average growth of agricultural sector rubber plantations. Observing the results of
contribution increased by 0.75% per year. smallholder productivity with low
Where the agricultural sector ranked second productivity of smallholder rubber based on
only to the mining sector. GRDP for data from Kampar District Plantation Office
Kampar District from agriculture was 29.95 is only 0.78 tons / ha / year, caused by
percent in 2009 and 28.91 percent in 2013 factors such as: (1) the majority of farmers
or decreased by 0.70 percent. Where the have not used rubber planting material of
agricultural sector in kampar district ranks superior clones grafting) and has not yet
second after the mining sector. Thus seen applied the standard of cultivation and
that the agricultural sector is able to maintenance of rubber plantation as well as
contribute significantly to PDRB Kampar recommended post-harvest technology, (2)
regency. there is a large old rubber garden area that
At the Kampar regency level is not needs to be rejuvenated soon. These factors
much different from the provincial level. In affect each other. This factor becomes a
2013 the largest area of plantation crops is determinant as well as a barrier to
occupied by oil palm plantation with an area production, especially in rural areas so that
of 190,486 Ha. While the rubber plant is in rural communities, especially rubber
second with 92.509 Ha and Gambir plant is farmers who have problems in their efforts
in third with 4,817 Ha. In the period of to boost production.
2009-2012 the area of rubber plantation Based on the above study in
decreased. In 2009 the total area of rubber general this study was conducted with the
plant is 91,328 Ha and in 2012 the total area aim to analyze the efficiency of rubber
of rubber plant becomes 91,143 Ha. But not production in Kampar regency. Specifically
so with the production of rubber plants, aimed at analyzing the dominant factors
where in the year 2009 to 2012 rubber affecting rubber production, analyzing
production has increased from 46,656 tons technical efficiency, allocative efficiency
to 61,040 tons. Whereas in 2012 until 2013 and economic efficiency of rubber
This research was conducted in Each sub-district took as many as 20 rubber
Kampar Regency, using multy stage farmers and a total sample of 60 rubber
purposive sampling method with the criteria farmers.
of 1-3 ha with the age of 13-25 years old. Methods of data analysis in this
Samples were taken in 3 sub-districts, study using Cobb-Douglas production
namely Kampar Kiri Hulu, Kampar Kiri function. The Cobb-Douglas function is a
Hilir and XIII Koto Kampar sub-districts, function or equation involving two or more
because the three districts are rubber variables. Mathematically, the Cobb-
production centers in Kampar regency.
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
from F arithmetic of 312.69 and probability The value of Durbin-Watson (DW) in the
<0.0001. built model is 2.064, at n = 60 and k = 6
The result of normality test using from the DW distribution table with 1
Shapiro-Wilk statistic shows that the result percent real level obtained dL value of
of Shapiro-Wilk statistic calculation for 1,808 and du 2,192. This indicates that the
rubber production is 0.88. The value is data is normalized, does not occur
significant at a real 1 percent level. The multicollinearear, does not occur
multicollinearity test of VIF values for all heterokedasitas and there is no
independent variables (number of plants, autocorrelation.
plant age, amount of labor, use of fertilizers, The dominant factor affecting
and investment) has a value less than 10. rubber production can be seen from the
The result of heteroscedasticity test shows a estimation of the model of the use of rubber
Breusch-pagan statistic of 7.77, the value is production factors in Table 1 below
different with zero at 5 percent real level.
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Linear delta robot is a type of parallel robot, which consists of three arms linked together
in parallel with the center joint as the end effector. Delta robot has a 3-DOF for XYZ
translation. This paper present an another way from inverse kinematics to determine
three sliders Z-axis position using the Pythagoras principle and supported by Computer
Aided Design (CAD).
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Length of the arm that can be set manually origin O (0,0) is located at one of poles of
depend on the dimensions of the robot. The robot platform (P1) as shown in Fig.2.
Fig. 2 Top view of Delta robot’s workspace with poles and end-effector
There are several steps calculations before distance Qn-Pn is obtained, then determine
determining the Z-axis position of the sliders. the height of all the sliders position / Z-axis
First determine the XY coordinates of each position also using Pythagoras equation. Z-
point that required in the delta robot. Next position can be obtained if horizontal
determine the horizontal distance of distance and length of arm is known.
spherical joint of the end-effector (Qn) to the
origin (Pn). The detail procedure to obtain A. Determining the XY Coordinates at
horizontal distance of Qn to Pn is using XY- The Required Point
coordinate, determine of resultant from the Determine the XY coordinates of each point
X-Y distance by using the Pythagoras are required depending on the mechanic size
equation. The resultant is a minimum of the robot to be made. However, it can also
distance of Qn to Pn. After a minimum be done using CAD design using AutoCAD
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
software as a sketcher for robot concept to that despicted in Fig. 3 sketching isosceles
determine the XY coordinates. For example triangle using CAD
As seen in Fig. 3, P1 is origin O, Q1 is the platform. The data of sketch dimension that
origin O 'and R is the midpoint of the moving can be taken from Fig. 3 as shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Example for Coordinates of X and Y axis for points from origin
Point X Y
P1 0 0
P2 407,03 0
P3 203,52 -352,5
Q1 (from O’) 0 0
Q2 (from O’) 75,22 0
Q3 (from O’) 37,61 -65,14
R (from O’) 37,61 -21,71
R 203,52 -117,5
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Where n = 1, 2, and 3. [2] Stolfi, F., Avanzini, A., Welker, B., &
From equation which has been obtained, the Isinhue, A. (2014). "Design Review
slider position can be determined according of Delta Robot". MECE E3430
to the desired position on the end-effector. Engineering Design, 10-19.
The use of this method is another way to [3] Wikipedia. (2015). Delta Robot.
determine the movement of the slider Delta Retrieved September 2015, from
Robot that in general is using inverse Wikipedia Website:
kinematics calculation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delta
[4] Liu, X. J., Wang, J., Oh, K. K., & Kim,
3. CONCLUSION J. (2003). "A New Approach to the
In this paper, we have illustrated Design of a DELTA Robot with a
pythagoras principle to determine sliders Desired Workspace". Journal of
position of 3-DOF Linear Delta Robot as Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 210.
other way from inverse kinematics. In [5] Vischer, P., & Clavel, R. (1998).
conclution, the Z-axis position of three "Kinematic Calibration of the
sliders same as inverse kinematics Parallel Delta Robot". Robotica,
calculations. 207-218.
The #1Online Encyclopedia Dedicated [6] Pauly, M. L. (2014). Workspace
to Computer Technology Analysis of a Linear Delta Robot:
[Online]. Available Calculating the Inscribed Radius.
http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/R/robo Rose-Hulman Institute of
tics.htm Technology.
The #1Online Encyclopedia Dedicated [7] Williams II, R. L. (2015). "The Delta
to Computer Technology Parallel Robot: Kinematics
[Online]. Available Solutions". Internet Publication.
http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/R/robo Retrieved from
tics.htm www.ohio.edu/people/williar4/html
he #1Online Encyclopedia Dedicated /pdf/DeltaKin.pdf
to Computer Technology [8] Greensite, F. (2012). "A New Proof of
[Online]. Available the Pythagorean Theorem and Its
http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/R/robo Application to Element
tics.html Decompositions in Topological
he #1Online Encyclopedia Dedicated Algebras". International Journal of
to Computer Technology Mathematics and Mathematical
[Online]. Available Sciences.
http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/R/robo [9] Ratner, B. (2016). "Pythagoras:
tics.htm (Ayob, Nurshazwani, & Jalani, Everyone Knows His Famous
2015) Theorem, but Not Who Discovered
It One Thousand Years before Him".
[1] Bonev, I. (2016). Affordable Academic [10] Ayob, M. A., Nurshazwani, W., &
Parallel Robots. Retrieved from Jalani, J. (2015). "Inverse
Parallemic: Kinematics Analysis of a 5-Axis
http://www.parallemic.org/Reviews RV-2AJ Robot Manipulator". ARPN
/Review002.html Journal of Engineering and Applied
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Nibung (Oncosperma tigillarium (Jack) Ridl.) is the identity of the Riau Province that
serve as the mascot of the flora of the province. The purpose of doing research is to
know the morphological characterization of the flora as the mascot nibung Riau
Province. Morphological observation in the field can provide useful information for
determining the character of a plant and into a special identifier and identity in
distinguishing a plant. Morphological characters observed morphological character that
consists of a quantitative and qualitative nature of the observed sample directly on the
original habitat in nibung. Morphological observations of the next data diskoring and
presented in the form of pictures. In addition, qualitative data are presented in visual
form and description. The results showed that plants have a life habit nibung merumpun
with a wooden rod hard. The plants live observable Nibung merumpun. Vegetative
organ that has been observed is composed of parts of the roots, stems, and leaves. Type
of plant rooting nibung root-shaped fibers. The stem and leaves are protected by spines
hard long black. Its leaves are arranged menyirip nibung (pinnatus) with type compound
leaves and pertulangan leaves. Generative organs observed is composed of organs of the
flowers and fruit. Flowers plants nibung arrayed in Yellow River. While the fruit is
round-shaped, dark green to dark purple. Types of flowering plants observed nibung
pertained type compound interest.
determining the character of a plant that to collect and maintain, but also
wants to be developed or be a special characterize and evaluate genetic diversity
identifier in distinguishing a plant. and genotype.
Morphological characters of the identifier is Morphological observation in the field
important can be the identity of the plants. can provide useful information for
Morphological marker is the first step of the determining the character of a plant that
observed directly based on the nature of the wants to be developed or be a special
morphological characteristics among others identifier in distinguishing a plant.
are secondary (Jamsari, 2008). Morphological characters of the identifier is
One of the obstacles faced in nibung important can be the identity of the plants.
plant conservation efforts in Riau Province Morphological marker is the first step of the
is a natural growing place of habitat damage observed directly based on the nature of the
and exploitation are not responsible. In morphological characteristics among others
addition, yet the abundance of information are secondary (Jamsari, 2008).
on plant morphological characters nibung in One of the obstacles faced in nibung
Riau Province causing the plant not known plant conservation efforts in Riau Province
by people in Riau in particular as the mascot is a natural growing place of habitat damage
flora regions themselves. Therefore, it is and exploitation are not responsible. In
expected that with the characterization of addition, yet the abundance of information
the morphology of this activity can be a on plant morphological characters nibung in
reference in the socialization and Riau Province causing the plant not known
exploration efforts nibung plants as the by people in Riau in particular as the mascot
mascot flora Riau, so expect public flora regions themselves. Therefore, it is
awareness will use wisely protective expected that with the characterization of
measures and the existence of this flora. In the morphology of this activity can be a
addition, it is expected to serve as a material reference in the socialization and
consideration for policy makers in plant exploration efforts nibung plants as the
conservation efforts nibung in the days to mascot flora Riau, so expect public
come. awareness will use wisely protective
Characterization of the morphology of measures and the existence of this flora. In
plants nibung (O. tigillarium) is expected to addition, it is expected to serve as a material
provide information about all the characters consideration for policy makers in plant
and morphology of etnobotaninya, so that it conservation efforts nibung in the days to
can help in the effort of development and come.
conservation of plants nibung. To date Characterization of the morphology of
information on the characterization of plant plants nibung (O. tigillarium) is expected to
nibung in Riau Province is still not there. provide information about all the characters
Therefore, the activities of the and morphology of etnobotaninya, so that it
characterization of the morphology of can help in the effort of development and
Botanicals in Riau Province nibung is very conservation of plants nibung. To date
important observed. information on the characterization of plant
nibung in Riau Province is still not there.
2. METHODOLOGY Therefore, the activities of the
characterization of the morphology of
Nibung (O. tigillarium) is typical of
Botanicals in Riau Province nibung is very
plants that serve as the mascot for the flora
important observed.
of the province of Riau. Nibung plant is one
of the important germplasm in Riau 3. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
Province. According to Jamsari, (2008), Based on the results of observation of
germplasm as a descendant of the nature of the morphological characterization,
the substance need to get attention, not only
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
characters have been observed qualitative between the clumps of one with the other
and quantitative character measurements clumps. This is in accordance with the
plants nibung (O. tigillarium). Details of the results of the research of Baba, Chan and
results of observations of plant Aksornkoae (2013) stating that the herbs
morphological characters nibung described in the family including Palma nibung that
as follows: normally grows wild, grow berumpun
1. Habit like bamboo. One tree can have 5-30
The plant is a plant similar nibung Palm- nibung saplings.
paleman thrives around the area of the
neighbourhood and the community of the 2. Vegetative Organs
plantation area in the District of Vegetative organ that has been observed
Bengkalis Riau. Plants observed Nibung is composed of the part of root, stem, and
live merumpun, where each rumpunnya leaf (Figure 1). Type of plant rooting
can consist of 8 to 18 with saplings nibung root-shaped fibers. The stem and
nibung per clump. Plant saplings nibung leaves are protected by spines hard long
resembles bamboo shoots at the base of black. Its leaves are arranged menyirip
rumpunnya. Plant clumps nibung can nibung (pinnatus) with type compound
become very large and formed a unity leaves and pertulangan leaves
Figure 1. Vegetative Plant Organs of Nibung; Root (A); stem (B), and leave (C)
43| Universitas Islam Riau
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
The stem is very strong and resistant that each plant has specific morphological
nibung rotted so much used as a pillar of the descriptions which is the marker of a plant.
coastal area houses and other building Morphological marker is a marker that had
materials such as shipyards, docks and long been used in conducting taxonomic
fishing by fishermen. In addition, nibung descriptions because it is more convenient,
used as poles home staging, flooring, and fast, simple and relatively cheap.
bridges. Young shoots of plants has also
been much nibung utilized by communities 4. CONCLUSION
in the Province as a source of food and
vegetables. Part of the young shoots of Characterization of the morphology of
plants nibung rated by the community to the plant was done nibung consists of
have a better taste compared to bamboo characters which are quantitative and
shoots of bamboo. qualitative. The results showed that plants
In this case, the character of plant have a life habit nibung merumpun with
morphology nibung has been used in the wooden rods, which flourished around the
process of identification and as a plant area of the neighbourhood and the
nibung identifier as the mascot of Riau community of the plantation area in the
Province. This is in accordance with District of Bengkalis Riau. Plants observed
statement of Jamsari (2008), which States Nibung live merumpun, where each
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Drilling is one of the key in the exploration and exploitation of oil and gas. In every
drilling job, drilling target should be achieved well with the optimum Rate of
Penetration (ROP). Calculation and analysis of rock, bit selection, Weight on Bit
(WOB), optimum ROP, mechanical characteristic, and drilling hydraulic system need
to be done in order to obtain optimum ROP. WOB optimization is one of the ways to
obtain optimum ROP and also to avoid damage to the bit which caused by overloading.
The drilling rate is successfully increase if the drilling time is short and the drilling
target achieved according the plan itself. Calculation of ROP optimization at well X
by using Burgoyne and Young method. This method is suitable to apply at well X
because it caused by the drilling mechanical characteristic analysis. Calculation of bit
usage time needs to be done before determine optimum ROP to determine RPM, WOB
data is needed to optimize ROP in order to minimize drilling cost. From WOB analysis
obtained, ROP at 0 ft – 200 ft is 42.87%, at 208 ft – 641 ft is 59.71%, at 641 ft – 943
ft is 59.08%, at 943 ft – 1149 ft is 63.09%, at 1149 ft – 1419 ft is 56.91%, at 1419 ft –
1653 ft is 55.88%, and at 1653 ft – 1894 ft is 58.85%.
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
which leads to minimize drilling cost per because it takes the largest number of
foot. (Bourgoyne and Young Jr., 1974) operational parameters into account and
Achieving the optimum ROP involves still is widely employed. (Edalatkhah,
understanding a series of operational 2009), (Formighieri and Filho, 2016). In
parameters such as flow rate and pressure at this model, there are some unknown
the bottom of the well (which are related to parameters or coefficients, which must be
well clean liness and safety),the weight determined based on previous drilling
exerted on the drill bit (WOB) and the experience in field (Bahari and Baradaran
rotational speed of the bit or rotation per Seyed, 2007). Bourgoyne and Young
minute (RPM). The greater the weight and method was published in 1974, which
the higher the rotation of the bit, the faster considers the effects of the depth, the
the ROP will be. characteristics of the formation being
However, increasing these parameters drilled, the mechanical factors of the
can also lead to excessive wear to the bit. drilling process WOB, RPM and the drilling
Considering that the greatest costs are fluid system properties.
related to expenditure on rental of The formation characteristics, which
operational equipment, a bit change would determine WOB and ROP needs in
operation can be a very expensive order to achieve the target, are: (Adams and
procedure.(Formighieri and Filho, 2016) Charrier, 1985)
In view of this, well drilling operations 1. Soft Formation
must be very carefully planned and This formation needs lower WOB, but
executed to ensure that they run safely and when the other parameter already suit to this
within the time-frame predicted. Several formation, such as the the rotation table is
data-driven models have been developed large enough and the circulation rate is good,
recently in attempts to deal with the current ROP optimization will be achieved. With
complexity of this problem and in response the addition of WOB, it may cause many
to in monitoring technologies. Some of problems, such as slope of the hole, bailing
these approaches employ neural networks up, bit will break if it stuck on hard
as a black-box model of ROP and the formation and the main problem is the hole
operational variables (Edalatkhah, 2009), will not form completely.
while others employ Bayesian networks for 2. Hard Formation
decision support or for prediction (Jacinto et Hard formation has higher compressive
al., 2013), (Al-yami et al., 2012) strength, the increase of small amount of
There are also older mathematical WOB the bit and bearing will worn out fast.
models that are used for analytical support
in parallel with the more modern models, 2. METHODOLOGY
primarily during the well planning phase. ROP optimization is done by
Of these, the model that has gained greatest calculating the effect of WOB and RPM.
acceptanceis the Bourgoyne and Young The equations which been used to calculate
Model (BYM) (Bourgoyne Jr. et al., 1986) WOB are: (Irawan et al., 2012), (Alexandri,
𝑊 𝑤
𝑤 𝑎5 𝐻1 ( ) max +𝑎6 ( )𝑡
𝑑𝑏 𝑑𝑏
(𝑑 ) 𝑂𝑝𝑡 =
𝑏 𝑎5 𝐻1 +𝑎6
(W/d) opt =Optimum bit weight per inch
a5 = Bit weight constant
H1 = Constants that depend on bit type
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Where the abrasive constants of the drilling is done. The torpidity of the
drilling bit (H) is the average value when drilling bit and bit time of use can be
calculate by using these equations:
J 2 (h f H 2 h f / 2)
……………………………………………………...……...… (3)
b m db
W N 1 H / 2
4 2
d b …………………………………………………..…...(4)
TrH J 2 H (h f H 2 h f / 2)
Which: in a normally compacted formation.
Tr = Drilling time, hours (Kutas et al., 2015)
J2 = Bit torpidity parameteres f3 = effect of pore pressure
hf = Bit torpidity This term models the effect of
compaction on ROP, assuming
After the WOB and RPM analysis are exponential increase of ROP with the
done, optimum ROP determination can be increased pore pressure gradient. High
done by using Bourgoyne and Young ROP is common in formations like
equation: sandstone while low ROP is common in
ROP = f1 x f2 x f3 x f4 x f5 x f6 x f7 x shale and limestone. The lower ROP is
f8 ………………………………………… mainly related to overburden stresses,
…......(6) consequently adumbrate a more
Equation 1 consist of 8 sub – functions compacted and less porous interval.
which act and have significant influence in (Kutas et al., 2015)
the ROP performance (Hasan et al., f4 = effect of differential pressure
2008)(Kutas et al., 2015).(Bataee and This term represents the effect of
Mohseni, 2011) Which: pressure differential across the bottom
f1 = effect of formation strength of the hole on ROP. Increased bottom
The expression of a1 primarily hole pressure can have a negative effect
represents the effect of formation on ROP because cuttings can be held on
strength on the rate of penetration bottom, increasing the friction and teeth
(ROP), also represents drilled solid. wear of the drill- bits and also
(Kutas et al., 2015) decreasing the hole cleaning efficiency.
f2 = effect of compaction on ROP (Kutas et al., 2015)
This term models the effect of f5 = effect of drill bit diameter and WOB
compaction on ROP, assuming an This term models the effect of bit weight
exponential decrease in ROP with depth and bit diameter on penetration rate.
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Increased WOB has an exponential and and less on formation type. (Kutas et al.,
proportional response on ROP. It should 2015)
be noted that the drilling process strarts f8 = effect of bit hydraulic jet impct force
after a minimal applied WOB. (Kutas et This term represents the effect of bit
al., 2015) hydraulic on penetration rate.Increased
f6 = effect of rotary speed jet force implies in better cleaning of
This term represents the effect of rotary cuttings around the bit teeth on the
speed on ROP. It assumes that the bottom of the hole, also better hydraulic
increased rotary speed is directly environment for cutting transportation
proportional and exponential to the to the surface by maintaining the whole
penetration rate. Normally, after a area around the bit and drill string more
maximum increased RPM (foundering clean, avoiding differential sticking,
point) it has negative effect on ROP. decreasing friction rate, which could act
(Kutas et al., 2015) against a higher ROP.
f7 = effect of drill bit tooth wear Equation 1 can be split into 8 different
This term represents the effect of tooth equations which can be seen at equation 7
wear on penetration rate. The value of to 14:
a7 depends primarily on the bit type,
f1 =e2.303a1……………………………………………………………………………… .(7)
F2 = e2.303a2(1000-D)……………………………………………………………………......(8)
F3 = e2.303a3D0.69(gp-9)………………………………………………………………….......(9)
F4 = e2.303a4D(gp-ρc)………………………………………………..…………………..….(10)
𝑊 𝑊 𝑎5
−( )𝑡
F5=[ 𝑑𝑏 𝑑𝑏
𝑊 ] …………………………..…...…………………………………….…..... (11)
4−( )𝑡
𝑁 𝑎6
F6 = (60 ) ………………………………………………………………………….... ....(12)
F7 = e ……………………………………………...................................................... .(13)
𝐹𝑗 𝑎9
F8=(1000 ) ……………………………………………....………………………..……...(14)
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ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Table 4 shows the comparison between actual WOB and calculated WOB
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Number Depth (ft) WOB Opt 1000 lb/ft
1 208 15,000 14,250
2 641 15,000 14,240
3 943 15,000 14,240
4 1,149 15,000 14,240
5 1,419 15,000 14,240
6 1,653 15,000 14,240
7 1,894 15,000 14,240
8 2,000 15,000 14,240
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
14.25 50.00
WOB, lb/ft
N, Rpm
14.24 10.00
14.24 0.00
- 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500
Depth, ft
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
The comparison between actual ROP and calculated ROP can be shown in fig. 2.
Fig 2.
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ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Eren, T., Ozbayoglu, M.E.E., 2010. Real during drilling operation based on rate
Time Optimization of Drilling of penetration model. Res. J. Appl. Sci.
Parameters During Drilling Operations. Eng. Technol. 4, 1690–1695.
SPE Oil Gas India Conf. Exhib. 1–14. doi:1690-1695, 2012
doi:10.2118/129126-MS Jacinto, C.M.C., Freitas Filho, P.J., Nassar,
Formighieri, S., Filho, P.J.D.F., 2016. S.M., Roisenberg, M., Rodrigues,
Estimation of Bourgoyne and Young D.G., Lima, M.D.C., 2013.
Model coefficients using Markov Optimization models and prediction of
Chain Monte Carlo simulation. Proc. - drilling rate (ROP) for the Brazilian
Winter Simul. Conf. 2016–Febru, pre-salt layer. Chem. Eng. Trans. 33,
1172–1183. 823–828. doi:10.3303/CET1333138
doi:10.1109/WSC.2015.7408243 Kaiser, M., 2007. A Survey of Drilling Cost
Hasan, M., Sensifai, B., National, B., Oil, I., and Complexity Estimation Models.
2008. Determining Bourgoyne and Int. J. Pet. Sci. Technol. 1, 1–22.
Young Model Coefficients Using Kutas, D.T., Mul, M.L., Nascimento, A.,
Genetic Algorithm to Predict Drilling Estadual, U., Unesp, P., 2015. A Study
Rate. doi:10.3923/jas.2008.3050.3054 of the Applicability of Bourgoyne &
Irawan, S., Abd Rahman, A.M., Tunio, S.Q., Young ROP Model and Fitting.
2012. Optimization of weight on bit
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Government bureaucracy that seem convoluted also occurs at the village government
level. This is not caused by the standard service system that has been in force in
general, but the staff and the lack of infrastructure that causes the excellent service to
the community become disrupted. Self-service software can be a solution to reduce
the bureaucratic path that is considered convoluted without having to eliminate the
role of the parties concerned. In this self-service software the community can access
services such as taking care of letters (certificate) and cover letters for various
purposes. To minimize the public in typing use id card reader to read the number on
the ID card. Before the software is fully implemented, it builds the first self-service
software prototype, which begins with a running system analysis using PIECES
analysis tools. Modeling process in software using unified modeling language method.
Implementation of process modeling using PHP programming and interface using
HTM5, CSS and javascript. The study produced a prototype of self service software
that was installed on the computer stand of the design and assembled itself. Wifi
connection is used to connect standing computer (client) with server.
Keywords: self services, uml, pieces, village government
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
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ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
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ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
1. Performance
Table 1 PIECES analyst result for performance
Paramater Analyst Result
Troughout Data processing is using computer and office software like Microsoft word and excel.
Employee staff performance in input data, making letter and letter of introduction of
village office through computer not maximal done because of limited human resources.
Respon Time The database for storing population information is still limited and not updated
2. Information
Table 2 PIECES analyst result for Information
Paramater Analyst Result
Accuracy The service system of making a letter and cover letter is still done conventionally that is
displaying information in the administration service (counter), banners, and standing
Relevance The letter-making and cover letter service is dependent on the staff so that it becomes an
issue if the staff is not present.
Tepat Waktu Service system in the conventional way takes time in terms of data searching, re-input and
re-verify. All will be checked one by one.
3. Economy
Table 3 PIECES analyst result for economy
Paramater Analyst Result
Cost Economically, the service of making a certificate and introduction to the village has not
had an impact on the use of costs with the existing system.
4. Control
Table 4 PIECES analyst result for control
Paramater Analyst Result
System control Supervision of the service system of making a certificate and cover letter has been done
by dividing the system permissions in accordance with the needs, but caused by the limited
human resources will be computer skills it becomes somewhat hampered.
5. Efficiency
Table 5 result of PIECES for efficiency
Paramater Analyst Result
Cost sources Fees for the service of making a certificate and cover letter shall be borne by the Village
Government. Villages also have potential budget that can be utilized to improve the
service quality to the community.
Power Source The service system of making the certificate and cover letter has not been flexible due to
the system being done still manually and dependent on the staff of the village officials.
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
6. Service
Table 6 result PIECES for service
Paramater Analyst Result
Service Currently the service of making the certificate and the village introduction is still done
process manually by way of the community coming to the village office. Then the village
administration staff put on administrative completeness. Further verification is done. If the
data is properly processed according to the desired service.
3.3 System Weakness Analysis of ID card, a copy of the family card but
still be able to make a letter or cover
1. Every service. The administration must
open the resident file. This takes time
3. It takes technology to manufacture a
in searching and verifying data.
letter or cover letter that does not
2. Any letter of introduction or certificate
depend on the presence of the
shall be made, the public shall
complete the administration. Like a
copy of ID card, copy of family card
3. If the clerk on the part of the 3.5 Modeling System
administration is unable to attend, the 3.5.1 Use Case
service will be constrained
In the usecase diagram the actor
consists of Community and village admin.
3.4 Data Analyst The community has three cases and village
1. To facilitate the verification of admin has one case. Figure 1 is described
population data and facilitate the search the usecase. Use case scenario described the
for data with minimal time in need of sequence of steps describe between the user
population database organized. and the system.
2. It takes a technology that facilitates the
service without having to bring a copy
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Actor Community.
Description This use case describes the actor that make sertificate with the ID Card number and
population data
Typical cource of Actor action system response
a. Choice type of certificate a. Showing the page based on the
b. Input data based on the selected certificate selected type of certificate
c. Click print button b. Save the data
c. Print the certificate
Alternate courses If Actor has the access, they can access the service
Post condition Sistem save the certificate data to database and give certificate to actor in pdf format
Use case id 2
Actor Community.
Description This use case describes the actor that scan ID Card for get id card number
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
(a) (b)
Figure 2 (a) Activity diagram make butt on sign in system check whether no
certificate (b) actvity diagram registered in database. If the registered
authentication process service page will open and if it is not
registered, an access rejection message will
be displayed, see figure 3 (a). To use
4.5.2 Squence Diagram community services to choose a menu of
services, the system checks whether people
Community scan ID card reader on have access rights to the service, for
standing computer, then system read parent example poor letter-making services, not all
number of residence and display it to communities can use the service. If access
rights are available, then the public can
input the data of the certificate and print it,
see figure 3 (b).
(a) (b)
Figure 3 (a) Squence diagram authentication process (b) Squence diagram make
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
The design interface for the creation of this case people just choose the full name
a certificate is made similar to the official then all the required data will be seen. To
letter form. Figure 6 is one example of the get the certificate, people can choose the
interface design of making a certificate. In print button.
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Nugraha, Ucu (2017). Analisis Sistem
Informasi Pelayanan Desa XYZ
Menggunakan Kerangka Kerja Pieces,
Jurnal Masyarakat Informatika
Indonesia, Vol. 2 No. 1 pp. 40-48
Prasetya, H., Sholiq., dan Artwodini, F,
(2015), Perancangan Dan Pembuatan
Sistem Informasi Manajemen Pustaka
Pada Program Pendidikan Dokter
Spesialis (Ppds) Anestesiologi Dan
Reanimasi Rsud Dr. Soetomo. Jurnal
Teknik POMITS.
Widodo, P.P dan Herlawati., 2011.
Menggunakan UML (Unified
Modeling Language), Bandung:
Penerbit Informatika
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
The existence of Tengku Agung Sultanah Latifah Bridge is the main route access from
and to the center of Siak’s districts. That had the impacts of the development of the
surrounding areas in Siak districts, mainly in the Siak sub districts. One of the impacts
was physical development in Siak sub districts. Research objective was to identify the
physical development impact toward the construction of the Tengku Agung Sultanah
Bridge. The research methods were qualitative descriptive and quantitative. Prime and
secondary data were used to determine the physical characteristics and the impacts of
physical development after the construction of the Tengku Agung Sultanah Bridge.
The results shown that the impacts of construction of Sultan Agung Sultanah Latifah
bridge in the physical aspects were the change of city spreading pattern of concentric
into linear pattern follow the pathway that direct to the bridge. The other impact was
occurred land use change from non built up area into settlement and trading mainly in
the city center and near of the bridge and the increasing the number of facilities and
infrastructure in Siak sub districts.
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Latifah bridge. The bridge was very influential to the conditions. With the high
development of surround area, such as : accessibility, that will be the trigger
a. The Population Movement factors to the people come to the Siak
Regarding the existence of the bridge, sub districts and the will be improve
the population movement in Siak sub the social and economic conditions.
districts becomes higher than before. Based on the above explanation, the research has a
That occurred because the people’s purposed that was to identify the effect of Tengku
activities will be speeded up and ease. Agung Sultanah Latifah bridge toward physical
b. The Physical Development development in Siak sub districts.
The high number of people activities
will affect the physical conditions in 2. METHODOLOGY
adjacent areas in this research was
Siak sub districts. The change of The research methodology was used deductive
approach and qualitative analysis. The first part was
physical could be in the form of land
determined the theories related the city development
use change and the increasing the and physical development. After that, the theories
number of facilities and infrastructure. will be compared to the facts in the field. For the
c. The Improvement of Social and further explanation, the research methodology will
Economic Conditions be explained in table1
The existence of the bridge will
improve the social and economic
Table 1. The Steps of Research Analysis
No Goal
Variables Indicators Analysis
1 The The facts of Urban physical Descriptive Qualitative
identification physical spreading: Analysis;
of physical conditions at a. Social, economic a. The basic of city
characteristics Siak Sub conditions development.
in Siak Sub Districts b. The physical b. The pattern of city
Districts. characteristic development
2 The analysis The City The Development of This part was used
impacts of Development Urban spread pattern; descriptive qualitative
Tengku Agung a. The land use and quantitative method
Sultanah pattern based on primary and
Latifah Bridge b. The pattern of secondary data;
existence transportation 1. Primary data; based
towards path on field
physical c. The observation,
development in agglomeration interview to the
Siak Sub of urban activities government and the
Districts Land Use a. The urban land community with the
Change use number of samples
b. The urban land was 202 people
use change 2. Secondary data;
The increasing a. The development agencies
of the number of facilities and
Facilities and infrastructure
Infrastructures b. The distributions
of facilities and
Sources : The Results Analysis, 2013
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
3. RESULT AND DISCUSSION physical and the other sectors that were being held
by Siak government.
Tengku Agung Sultanah Latifah bridge was located
in the Kampung Rempak Village. The bridge After the constructions of Tengku Agung Sultanah
characteristics were had length about 1.196 meters, Latifah bridge, the Kampung Rempak Village had
width 16.95 meters with the pavements on the both been significant developments especially in physical
sides, about 2.25 meters and the height of the bridge and economic aspect. The land use had been
was 23 meters. The purposed of that bridge dominated by the settlements that follows the pattern
constructions was to ease the access into the Siak of the roads and keep growing as the existence of the
districts especially in Siak sub districts. These bridge. Besides that, the existence of the bridge was
constructions have many benefits to the community followed by the development of the facilities and
around. Before the constructions, the access there infrastructures to support the activities. Today, The
was used ferry boat or boats. The bridge existence bridge also became the tourism icon in the Kampung
can be trigger factor in many aspects of Siak sub Rempak Village, so made the village had high
district's development, especially in economics, economic values
Based on analysis results of existing observation, the path and Siak river such as the Suak Lanjut village,
city development of Siak sub districts categorized as Kampung Rempak village, Langkai village and
interstitial, that means the city had been develops another village. The Kampung Rempak village has
inside. The areas and the height of building fixed the significant spreading with the form of linear
while the quantity of built up land increased (Zahnd, pattern. Linear pattern was the spreading following
2006). The facts in Siak sub districts shown that the the road pattern while the areas near the road was
number of populations and built up land have been faster than other areas, especially that has a radial
increased. The built up land in Siak sub districts pattern from main city (Yunus, 2001).
encountered in the form of settlement, offices,
commercials and the others supported facilities. The Based on primary and secondary data analysis, that
height of the building in Siak sub districts was be concluded three points related the effects of
dominated by two story building. Tengku Agung Sultanah Latifah bridge existence,
there were :
The spreading pattern of the physical conditions in
Siak sub districts was occurring in all surround areas a. There were occurred the development
in Siak sub districts. In the beginning, the city of the city spreading from the
spreading was centered in Siak sub districts and concentric patterns in the Kampung
now the spreading was occurred following the road
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Dalam village into the linear pattern That was opposite with non built up
follow the road path leads to the land area, the total non built up land
bridge in the Kampung Rempak area after the constructions were
Village. 27.626,68 Ha.
b. There were occurred land use change, c. The number of facilities and infrastructures
when before the constructions built has been increased after the construction. The
up land has large amount 1.474,98 Ha kind of facilities that’s been increased was
and non built up land amount housing, trade and services, education, health
38.363,22 Ha. After the constructions, and places of worship and open space of social
the built up land area has been activities and the infrastructure were the
increased in the amount of 10.736,54 increasing number of road network and
Ha and the total were 12.211,52 Ha. drainage.
The pattern of City The city spreading has concentric The city spreading has linear pattern
Spreading pattern and centered at Kampung follows the road path and the
Dalam Village. physical development has been seen
in another village that leads into the
bridge (Kampung Rempak)
Facilities : Facilities :
Housing : 4.914 Housing : 5.409
Worship : 30 Worship : 42
Education : 17 Education : 32
Health : 13 Health : 30
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Video frame loss that is occured due to low quality of internet stream influences
perceived quality that is experienced by viewer. This research is focused to analyze how
significant position of the frame loss in degrading the perceived quality on different
characteristic of video content. Experiment has been conducted to vary Group of Picture
(GOP) lost in three video contents i.e. head-and-shoulder video, fast moving object
video, and video with printed words. 18 videos has been generated and showed to 47
assessors in video quality assessment based on ITU P.910 recommendation. Result of
the experiment shows that lost of video frame in beginning, middle, and end of video
degrades the perceived quality with average Mean Opinion Score (MOS) value 2.74.
Bassed on the video content, video with fast moving object does not significantly
influenced by position of frame loss (σMOS=0.20). Result of the research can be used
as knowledge base to implement strategy to stream the video. Therefore, optimum
perceived video quality can be achieved in limited network resource. Further research
can be designed to analyze other type of frame loss position, different kind of video
content, and number of video quality assessor.
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ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
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ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
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ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
(a) (b)
Figure 3. (a) Application interface for assessor information (b) Application interface for
video test material
Break time Actual Session (First Round) Break time Actual Session (First Round)
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Type of Frame
Frame Loss Position Video Content MOS Value
Middle I-Frame 2.29
video with printed
Middle I-Frame 2.54
fast moving object
Middle I-Frame 3.32
Beginning & End B-Frame 3.33
video with printed
Beginning & End B-Frame 2.78
fast moving object
Beginning & End B-Frame 3.70
Beginning & End P-Frame 2.81
video with printed
Beginning & End P-Frame 2.22
fast moving object
Beginning & End P-Frame 3.61
Beginning & End I-Frame 2.45
video with printed
Beginning & End I-Frame 2.06
fast moving object
Beginning & End I-Frame 3.50
Beginning-Middle-End B-Frame 3.21
video with printed
Beginning-Middle-End B-Frame 2.30
fast moving object
Beginning-Middle-End B-Frame 2.84
Beginning-Middle-End P-Frame 2.89
video with printed
Beginning-Middle-End P-Frame 2.54
fast moving object
Beginning-Middle-End P-Frame 2.98
Beginning-Middle-End I-Frame 2.42
video with printed
Beginning-Middle-End I-Frame 2.57
fast moving object
Beginning-Middle-End I-Frame 2.92
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Compared to these two averaged MOS MOS of 2.74. If this result is further
result, video with frame loss position in the analyzed based on video content, the result
beginning-middle-end position experiences is displayed as line chart as shown in Figure
the most degraded quality with average 5
head-and-shoulder video video with printed words fast moving object video
Figure 5. MOS value for three video contents and three frame loss position
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
One possible attack in the biometric system is the template stored in the database. This
attack can cause Biometric template information leakage, thus pose a serious privacy
security threat. Most available template protection techniques fail to meet all the desired
requirements of practical biometric systems such as diversity, revocability, security,
and performance matching accuracy. This paper aims to review the various fingerprint
template protection (ftp) approaches that have been proposed by researchers in recent
decades. Some of the proposed schemes are standard encryption, biometric
cryptosystem, template transformation, hybrid scheme and homomorphic encryption.
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
transformation, hybrid method and 4. Spoofing the features, the features vector
homomorphic encryption. This paper aims generated from biometric samples are
to summarize and present information on replaced by a set of synthetic (fake)
various fingerprint template protection features created.
techniques. The technique used is 5. Attack on matcher, the matcher can also
systematic literature review. The paper is be subjected to Trojan horse attacks that
organized in the following way. Section 2 always result in high or low match scores
of the paper discusses the attack on regardless of where the user presents the
fingerprint template. Then, Section 3 biometric on the sensor.
presents desirable properties of fingerprint 6. Attack on templates, the templates
template protection. After that, Section 4 generated during the user enrollment can
discusses fingerprint template protection be stored locally or in network location
approaches and Finally, Section 5 that modify the saved template or replace
concludes the paper. it with a new template.
7. Attacks on communication channels,
2. ATTACK ON FINGERPRINT Data transferred through a
TEMPLATE communication channel can be
The security ensured by the fingerprint intercepted for malicious reasons and
biometric systems can itself be modified and reinserted into the system.
compromised. The general analysis of a 8. Attack on the decision module, The final
fingerprint biometric system for decision generated by the biometric
vulnerability assessment determines the system can be replaced by the Trojan
extent to which an imposter can horse program.
compromise the security offered by the
fingerprint biometric system. Many of the Biometric matching is usually only part
attacks are applicable to any information in of a larger information and information
fingerprint biometric system , the attacks security management system. Thus the non-
can be using fake fingerprint biometrics and biometric module in the whole system can
template modification are unique to also introduce some security flaws. There
biometric systems. According to Ratha, et are several techniques to disrupt attacks at
al. [2] Biometric recognition system has various points. For example, sensing a
some vulnerable point attacks. Attacks that finger conductivity or pulse can stop a
may occur in the fingerprint verification simple attack on the sensor. Encrypted
system is as follows : communication channel [3] can eliminate at
least remote attack on synthesized feature
1. Attack at the sensor, A fake biometric
factor and override final decision. The
sample can be presented in a sensor to
simplest way to stop attacks at override
gain access such as a fingerprint trace of
matcher, attacking the channel and modify
an object touched by that person.
template in database is to have the matcher
2. Replay Attack, There is a possibility of
and database reside in a secure location.
the adversary to interpret or obtain a
Storing templates in a smartcard that a user
digital copy of a stored biometric sample
brings with them to the point of service can
and replay this signal that passes through
also eliminate some attacks of type stored
the biometric sensor.
template [4].
3. Trojan horse attacks,The feature
extractor can be replaced with a program
that generates a set of desired features.
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
The performance of biometric template APPROACHES
protection systems can be evaluated by
The major fingerprint template
three categories namely, protection, protection schemes can be categorized into
operational and technical. Performance standard encryption, biometrics
protection includes the cryptosystem, template transformation,
irreversibilitygandgdiversitygofgbiometric hybrid methods, and homomorphic
ginformation. Operational performance can encryption such as shown in Figure 2. Each
be evaluated with the independence of of schemes will discussed detail in the
modality, interoperability, and Quality of following sections.
Performance. Technical performance can
be evaluated with accuracy, throughput, A. Standard Encryption
storage requirements [5].There are four The easiest way to secure fingerprint
major requirement when a biometric templates is by encrypting them using
template protection algorithm is design: [6] standard cryptographic techniques like
RSA, DES and AES. This is the
A. Revocability: When the biometric
methodology used in most commercial
template is compromised, it should be
possible to revoke the compromised biometric systems. However, it must be
template and reissue a new template emphasized that some acquisitions with the
based on the biometric trait. same biometric properties do not produce
B. Diversity: The cross-matching of a the same feature set. Typically, the standard
secured templates should be ensured in encryption function is not smooth function
such a manner that the privacy of the true and a small difference in the feature set
owner of the template should be ensured. values extracted from raw biometric data
C. Security - It should be extremely difficult will result in a huge difference in the
to generate the original biometric feature resulting encrypted features. Consequently,
set from the protected biometric one can not perform biometric matching
templates. directly in an encrypted domain. Instead,
D. Performance: The biometric template the template should be decrypted to match
protection techniques developed should the query feature. As a result, the original
not decrease the accuracy of the biometric feature is exposed during each
recognition system. authentication attempt, irrespective of
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
differentiate minutiae from chaffgpoints legitimate user and the impostor would be
attacking fuzzy vaults based on fingerprints. able to be identified using the same fuzzy
Since the chaff points are made one by one, vault. Kholmatov and Yanikoglu [14]
it created later tend reveal smaller empty extended Scheirer and Boult [12] presenting
surroundingg areas which is verified experimental evidence that confirms a
experimentally, i.e., the security of a fuzzy fuzzy vault‟s vulnerability to record
vault highly relies on the methodologygof multiplicity (correlation) attacks.
generating chaff points.
Nandakumar, et al. [13] further mention the
Scheirer and Boult [12] discussed the possibility of exploiting the non-uniform
vulnerability of fuzzy vaults to three nature of biometric features to launch an
potential attacks, namely, surreptitious key- attack on a fuzzy vault based on statistical
inversion (SKI) attacks , blended analysis of points in the vault. The authors
substitution attacks and attacks via record also note the vulnerability of a fuzzy vault
multiplicity (ARM). The authors suggest to attacks during the authentication stage,
that a fuzzy vault is particularly vulnerable where a genuine user‟s original template is
to ARM attacks, where access to two or temporarily exposed and therefore
more fuzzy vaults generated from the same vulnerable to snooping [15].
biometric data, but with different keys and
Another liability of the fuzzy vault
chaff points, would enable an adversary to
scheme is the considerable increase in
easily identify the original points in the two
biometric template size as a result of the
vault and thus decode the vault.
addition of a large number of chaff points.
Therefore, the fuzzy vault approaches This may be undesirable in recognition
does not gave diversity and revocability. systems that require a small template size.
This means that, if a fuzzy vault is Furthermore, recognition accuracy may be
compromised, a new vault cannot be created adversely affected as a result of the large
from the same biometric data by simply number of false points or too few true points
binding it with a different key. Furthermore, in the protected template. For example,
the vulnerability of fuzzy vaults to ARM Clancy, et al. [16] implementation of the
attacks allows cross-matching of templates fuzzy vault on minutiae fingerprint
across different systems, thereby user showed an unacceptably high FRR of 20-
privacy is not ensured [13]. In a stolen key- 30%.
inversion attack, if an attacker is able to
Furhermore, key binding Fuzzy
recover the secret key embedded in the
commitment Simoens, et al. [5] is a
fuzzy vault (for example, through snooping),
biometric cryptosystemgthat can begused to
the secret polynomial may be directly
secure biometric traits representedgin the
reconstructed; thereby, the unprotected
form of binary vectors. This characteristic
biometric template can be easily separated
of fuzzy commitment scheme makes it
from the chaff points. A blended
useful for applications biometric
substitution attack is straightforward if an
authenticationgsystems, in which data is
adversary is able to modify an existing
subject to random noise. Because
fuzzy vault. In this attack, an impostor takes
thegscheme is tolerantgof error, it is capable
advantage of the myriad chaff points
of protecting biometric data such as
existing in the fuzzy vault to substitute some
conventional cryptographic techniques,
of these random points with his or her own
biometric data, in which case both the
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
such as hashgfunctions, are used to protect random key (K) or password. The matching
alphanumericgpasswords [17]. process is performed on the transformed
domain. The feature transformation
In the key
approach scheme can be further categorized
generationgbiometricgcryptosystems, the
helper data is generated only from biometric as salting or non-invertible transforms.The
templates and cryptographic keys directly security of salting schemes is based on the
generated from helper data and query secrecy of the key or password. While, the
biometric features. The direct key security of non-invertible transformation
generation of biometrics is an attractive techniques uses one way functions
template-protectiongapproach that can be computationally difficult to invert, even if
very usefulgin cryptographicgapplications. the key is known. Nevertheless, the
Nevertheless, it is problematic to generate a disadvantage of these techniques is that
key that could funding at the same time high security of the system is very difficult to
stability and entropy due to intra- verify due there is no foundation of
usergvariationgin the template. It’s hard to mathematical to perform a robust security
develop a scheme that generates the same
analysis and it is assumed that the
key for different templates of the same
distribution of uniform biometric features
person and at the same time very different
keys for different persons. E.g. quantization [21] and enemies may be able to utilize non-
schemes and secure sketch. uniform biometric properties to launch
In the quantization scheme method, attacks that may require less effort to
helpergdata is quantized togobtain a compromise system security.
stablegkey. This scheme takes feature
vectors from multiple biometric samples • Salting
and gets feature element intervals. The Salting is a an approach used two-factor
interval is encodedgandgthengstored in authentication scheme, in which an
helpergdata. Throughout authentication, unprotected biometric template is
biometricgfeatures aregcalculated and transformed into a protected template via a
mappedgto determinedgintervals. Several function Specified by an external key or a
studies in this method such as [18] use the
user-specific keyword. Because
DividegandgConquer methodgfor
transformations can be reversed for the
fingerprintgimages, and bio keys are
generatedgusing minutiag set. Yang, et al. most part, keys must be kept or remembered
[19] proposed a fingerprintgcryptosystem securely by the user and presented during
by modifyinggVoronoi Neighbor Structure authentication. The need for additional
(VNS). In the same year, Yang, et al. [20] information is the key to improving entropy
focused on the using of "Delaunay from biometric templates and therefore
Quadrangle-based fingerprint making it difficult for opponents to guess
authentication system that uses topological templates [6].
code for local enrollment and security
enhancements." The limitations of the salting approach is
that the security of this scheme depend on
C. Template Transformation the secrecy of the key or password [15, 22].
In this approach, the transformation As a result, effective key management
function algorithm (F) is applied to the procedures must be put into place, or else
biometric template (T) and the result is the user is obliged to memorise the secret
stored in the database. The transformation key; however, relying on users‟ memory for
function parameter usually comes from a the protection of complex secret keys re-
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
introduces the weakness of password-based FRR [25]. It has also been claimed that
schemes that we are trying to circumvent . Biohashing has a high tolerance to data
Since matching is performed directly in the capture offsets, such that the same
transformed domain, the salting functions biometric trait acquired at different times
must be designed such that they do not have will produce highly correlated bit strings
an adverse effect on the recognition (BioHashes) [24]. This is due to the
performance. This becomes especially invariance of the feature vector created
important in the presence of large intra-user during the first stage of the Biohashing
variations. Salting methods generally use process, as well as the subsequent
quantization to deal with intra-user discretization of the invariant feature
variability during matching in the vector in the second stage. Another
transformed domain. advantage of Biohashing is that it
addresses the problem of irrevocability of
Several studies related to fingerprint
biometric features: a user‟s compromised
salting approach will be discussed below.
BioHash can be easily revoked and
Teoh et al [23] introduced the bio phasor
replaced with a new one by using a
technique. This method is the pseudo-
different secret seed for
randomgnumbergmixing iteration with the
enrolment.However, Biohasing schemes
fingerprintgfeature. Thisgwork is
have weaknesses that have been presented
considered a stolengkeyg scenario. Then,
by researchers. The most commonly
Jin, et al. [24] proposed salting biohashing.
analysed limitation of the Biohashing
The biohashing procedure was initially
approach is the degradation in matching
proposed for the fingerprint modality, and
performance when an adversary has access
it consists of two stages. Firstly, the
to a user‟s secret key (seed) and uses the
extracted fingerprint feature vector is
legitimate key with their own biometric
transformed into a translation, rotation,
features in order to fool the system into
and scale invariant feature set, employing
authenticating them [26].
the Wavelet Fourier-Mellin Transform
(WFMT)2. Secondly, the resulting data is Several researchers have presented
discretised via an inner product methods for resolving performance
computation between the invariant feature degradation resulting from a stolen-token
vector and a tokenised pseudorandom scenario, such as [27-29]. Beacuse a
number sequence. The second stage of this salting approach is by nature invertible,
process produces the protected biometric almost no any existing literary works focus
template vector, which is referred to as a on improving the non-invertibility
BioHash. property of Biohashing; however, there are
two suggestions are presented in [30, 31].
The Biohashing procedure has been
In fact, Biohashing on its own technically
proven to be advantageous in several ways.
cannot be made to be noninvertible. A
Firstly, biohashing simultaneously
hybrid protection scheme, incorporating
provides high intra-class variation and
techniques other than salting, would be
extremely low inter-class correlation,
required; for example, applying
which essentially leads to an Equal Error
Biohashing to a non-invertible template.
Rate (EER) of zero (when the legitimate
Other salting techniques, which do not
token is used). This means that the
adopt Biohashing, are also available in the
occurrence of a False Accept is eliminated
literature; such as [32, 33].
without a corresponding increase in the
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
and the ordinate values secured by fuzzy Barni, et al. [54] shows distributed
commitment. biometric systems by utilizing
Furthermore, Chin, et al. [49] proposed a cryptosystems, homomorphic encryption on
hybrid system using fingerprint and Fingercode templates in a semi-honest
palmprint features, then Sandhya and
Prasad [50] constructed Delaunay triangles
from fingerprint minutiae. The features are
transformed and then a cryptosystem was
built using fuzzy commitment scheme. WORK
Convolution code was used to generate the
error correction code. Finally, Jin, et al. [51] This paper provides and summarizes
proposed a long ECC free key-binding information about research issues related to
scheme with a cancelable transforms for fingerprint template protection. Based on a
minutia-based fingerprint biometrics. The survey of 54 papers conducted it can be
minutiae information is secured by a strong concluded that there are 5 techniques that
noninvertible cancelable transform called can be done to solve the problem of
modified Randomized Graph based
fingerprint template protection that is
Hamming Embedding. The advantage of
hybrid protection schemes is that they can encryption standard, biometric
combine the high revocability and diversity cryptosystem, template transformation,
properties characteristic of feature hybrid methods and homomorphic
transformation approaches with the high encryption. Then there has not been the
security offered by biometric cryptosystems best approach to template protection that
[6].After the text edit has been completed, actually meets the main requirements of
the paper is ready for the template. template security, revocability. diversity
Duplicate the template file by using the
Save As command, and use the naming and performance matching accuracy.
convention prescribed by your conference Application requirements and user-desired
for the name of your paper. In this newly scenarios play a key role in the selection of
created file, highlight all of the contents and template protection schemes.
import your prepared text file. You are now
ready to style your paper; use the scroll REFERENCES
down window on the left of the MS Word
[1] A. K. Jain, K. Nandakumar, and A.
Formatting toolbar.
Nagar, "Fingerprint template
E. Homomorphic Encryption protection: From theory to practice,"
Another alternative, apart from the above in Security and Privacy in
4 methods is homomorphic encryption. This Biometrics, ed: Springer, 2013, pp.
technique allows a limited subset of 187-214.
calculations on encrypted data. Combining [2] N. K. Ratha, J. H. Connell, and R. M.
Homomorphic Encryption with a biometric Bolle, "An analysis of minutiae
recognition system will meet the matching strength," in International
requirements of Biometric Template Conference on Audio-and Video-
Protection without degrading the accuracy Based Biometric Person
[52]. The fingerprint template protection Authentication, 2001, pp. 223-228.
study under the Homomorphic Encryption
scheme was developed at Rane et al. [53] [3] B. Schneier, "Security pitfalls in
They presented the calculation of Hamming cryptography," 1998.
distance for fingerprint applications. Then,
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Ariyon, M, Nugroho, R. S
Universitas Islam Riau
Pressure depletion happens when the well is produced after a long time. This depletion
will caused the increase of associated gas production. RSN field is well known field
with high GOR. Electric Submersible Pump (ESP) is a kind of artificial lift which used
in RSN field. Well performance in RSN field is decreased time to time because of
increase of gas production. Gas production caused zero maag which disrupting
performance of ESP. This gassy problem in RSN field can be solved by converting
ESP to gas lift. Gas lift is an artificial lift which is suitable for high GOR field. Before
converting to gas lift, field performance evaluation needs to be done for each wells
(GOR, casing pressure, productivity index). After evaluation, optimization will be
done by converting to gas lift. Gas lift design is generated by making sensitivity
analysis with injection gas rate and well head pressure as variable. The last is economic
analysis from the gas lift conversion. Based on the gas lift optimization in RSN#36,
the previous oil rate is 4 bpd using ESP which is below the economic limit. The
optimized oil rate is 13.1 bpd with 0.2 mmscfd gas injection rate and 100 psi of well
head pressure with the gas injection cost is 200$/d. Pressure compression to reach 100
psi is 100$/d. The result is cumulative oil production for 4 years is 17.27 mstb and net
revenue is 125.84$M.
Keywords : Zero Maag, Injection Gas Rate , Gas Oil Ratio, Casing Pressure, Net
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
depletion will cause associated gas produced reservoir by injecting gas through wellbore to
to the surface. The selection of artificial lift lift fluid to the surface, in this case also used
is needed to solve this gassy case. to fix well performance, which has high
Productivity Index (PI) by considering the
RSN field is well known high GOR field, but ESP performance to be converted to gas lift.
there’s some field which still produce oil. Gas lift design is needed to optimize RSN
Most of the wells in RSN field uses Electric field.
Submersible Pump (ESP). RSN field
average performance, which used ESP pump Gas lift is the method to produce fluid to the
is decline time to time. This case also surface by injecting gas through tubing-
followed by the increase of associated gas casing annulus in several pressure and
production, which caused gas lock in ESP. temperature (Ebrahimi, 2010). The main
This gas also cause zero maag which purpose is to produce expected oil rate
disrupting the performance of ESP. through the decrease of well flow pressure
gradient in the tubing.
ESP is sentrifuge pump, which run by
electric motor. This motor designed to be The purpose of this research is to analyze the
submerged to the working fluid. The purpose performance of RSN field, which used ESP
is to avoid cavitation to the pump. This to be converted to gas lift and optimize the
special designed pump used to several well. Economic analysis is needed to make
special cases, like to produce sludge and also sure the job is feasible to be run.
to produce oil while drilling.
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
3. RESULT AND DISCUSSION RSN field has high average GOR which well
RSN Field Performance Evaluation and known as high GOR field. One of well has
Well Selection 1190.3 scf/stb GOR. Figure 2 shown each
GOR is the main parameter in evaluating GOR in several wells in RSN field
each well in RSN field. This is caused by
1400.0 Nilai
from Several WellsMinyak
in RSN FieldRSN
Gas oil ratio Scf/Stb
Can be seen that RSN#36 and RSN#49 has besides GOR, Productivity Index (PI) and
the highest GOR which is 1190.3 scf/stb and casing pressure is needed as parameter to
1293.7 scf/stb. These wells can be made as select the suitable well candidate in oil rate
candidate in ESP to gas lift conversion, optimization using ESP to gas lift conversion
Nilai PI Sumur
PI from Minyak
Several Wells RSN
in RSN Field
Productivity Index Bpd/Psi
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
From these parameters (fig 2, 3, 4) RSN#36 When theres many associated gas produced
is the suitable candidate to be converted from in ESP, it will disturb the performance of
ESP to gas lift. This can be seen that RSN#36 ESP. High PI will show there is a big
has high GOR (1190.3 scf/stb), 2 bpd/psi of potention in reservoir deliverability to
PI, and casing pressure is 145.6 psi. The high produce high oil rate to the surface.
GOR and casing pressure will indicate Conversion ESP to gas lift will be effective
associated gas when produced through ESP. because the high existance of associated gas.
Before optimization, need to be known casing pressure, this well has big potential to
that RSN#36 has low oil rate, 4 bpd of oil rate be optimized by converting from ESP to gas
is below average economic limit (5 bpd) but lift.
73.93 mcfd gas production which is high.
From amp chart, RSN#36 has high gas
This data can be seen in table 1. Comparing
production so, when this well is still
to economic limit 5 bpd, this well is not profit
produced using ESP it will be disturbed by
enough to be produced. From GOR, PI, and
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Based on figure 5, the ampere which is shown by arrow mark, this current formed
obtained from troubleshooting. This figure circle which indicates gas production or
shown theres a curren regular current which gassy well (Roosa, S, 2011).
Depth 5778 ft
QL 1500 Stb/h
Tubing Size 2.5” Inch
Reservoir Pressure 2309 Psi
Well Head Pressure 246 Psi
Gas Liquid Ratio 800 Scf/Stb
Specific Gas Gravity 0.6 Sp Gravity
PKO 1000 Psi
PSO 900 Psi
Well Flow Pressure 2034 Psi
Well Flow Temperature 301.79 F
Surface Temperature 288 F
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Table 2 is parameters in gas lift design. To software. These parameters is the input to the
convert ESP to gas lift, gas lift design needs software. This can be done when the PVT
to be done in RSN#36 using PROSPER input already matched.
From figure 6 can be concluded that the which can be seen in table 3. From the figure,
depth of RSN#36 is 5778 ft. Using gas lift the Point of Injection is 3947.61 ft.
completion design, there are 7 injection valve
Valve 1 1687,94
Valve 2 2394,06
Valve 3 2915,4
Valve 4 3300,33
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Valve 5 3584,53
Valve 6 3794,36
After the completion design is done, IPR and well head pressure as the variable.
curve will be made to determine the Various Scenario will be made based on
operationg point using nodal analysis. Nodal these variables so, the optimum injection gas
analysis is generated using IPR vs Outflow rate and well head pressure can be
Performance Relationship (OPR) plot so, the determined to produce optimum oil rate in
sensitivity can be run with injection gas rate gas lift.
Depth 5778 Ft
PI 2.0 STB/Psi
Static Pressure 2309.189 Psi
Well Flow Pressure 2034.667 Psi
Bubble Point Pressure 2176 Psi
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
IPR curve generated and simulated from optimum rate from RSN#36, nodal analysis
table 4 data. After running, can be seen in needs to be done by seeing the intersection
figure 7 that Absolute Open Flow (AOF) is from IPR vs OPR curves with gas rate
4615.8 STB/day whcich shown the interval from 0 to 1 mmcfd and well head
maximum fluid rate can be produced from pressures are 100 psi, 246 psi and 300 psi so,
RSN#36 is 4615.8 STB/day. To determine the sensitivity can be seen to the oil rate.
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
100 Psi
246 Psi
300 Psi
Figure 8 and 9 shown nodal analysis from whcich simulated in figure 9 can be
inflow and outflow from RSN#36 using gas concluded in table 5 for each well head
lift. When the gas incetion rate is 0, there is pressure and gas injection rate will produce
no intersection with IPR curve (figure 8), so various oil rate for each scenario
it cleared that RSN#36 need gas injection to
optimize oil production. From sensitivity
Table 5 Oil Rate Based on Injected Gas and Well Head Pressure
Oil Rate (STB/D)
Injection Gas
(MMSCF/D) Pwh 100 (psi) Pwh 246 (psi) Pwh 300 (psi)
0 0 0 0
0.1 9.7 6.8 6
0.2 13.1 10.2 9.3
0.3 15 12.2 11.2
0.4 16.1 13.4 12.5
0.5 16.8 14.2 13.3
0.6 17.3 14.8 13.9
0.7 17.7 15.2 14.3
0.8 18 15.5 14.6
0.9 18.2 15.8 14.9
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
1 18.4 16 15.1
From table above can be seen that using 1 Economic Analysis fron Gas Lift
mmcfd gas and 100 psi of well head pressure Scenarios in RSN#36
will produce 18.4 STB/day of oil. This is the
Using economic parameters, gas injection
highest value from each scenario from
cost is 100$/day and oil price is 50$/bbl can
sensitivity which is made. This opinion need
be calculated net revenue and gross revenue
to be strengthened using economic analysis if
for each scenario
using 1 mmchd gas which produce 18.4
STB/day of oil is the most economical
Table 6 Economic Analysis from 100 Psi Scenario
Gas Injection Prod oil Oil Sale Revenue Gross
(MMSCF) (STB/D) ($/d) 4 Years NP Revenue Net Revenue ($)
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
From 3 tables above can be seen that using From each scenarion can be concluded in
0.2 mmscfd gas injection rate will give the table 9 that using 0.2 mmscfd injection rate is
highest revenue, even 1 mmscfd of gas the optimum gas injection rate with 100 psi
injection rate will give negative revenue. well head pressure.
Gas Injection(MMSCF/D) Pwh 100 (psi) Pwh 246 (psi) Pwh 300 (psi)
From table above, using 0.2 mmscfd gas 655M$ with net revenue is 425.85M$ for 4
injection rate and 100 psi well head pressure years.
will give high oil sale revenue which is
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Authors want to thank Chevron Pacific
Indonesia to the support in permitting autors
to do this research. Autors also want to
thank Petroleum Engineering Departement
in UIR for the full support of this research.
Based on the oil rate and ESP to gas lift
Petroleum Experts Limited. IPM
conversion can be concluded:
PROSPER guide versi 7.0. Petex
1. RSN#36 has high GOR, 1190 scf/stb, 2 House. Edinburgh, Skotlandia.
STB/d PI and 145.6 psi casing pressure.
Guo, Buyon; Lyons, William; Ghalambor,
These parameters are important to prove
A. (2007). Petroleum Production
this well is suitable for ESP to gas lift
Engineer – A Computer Assisted
conversion with good PI.
Approach. Lousiana: Elsevier
2. From optimization ESP to gas lift Science & Technology Books.
conversion in RSN#36, the optimum
operating point is 0.2 mmscfd gas Ebrahimi.(2010). Gas Lift Optimization in
injection rate and 100 psi well head will One of Iranian South Western Oil
give 1314.4 STB/d liquid rate and 13.1 Fields presented SPE 133435 at
STB/d oil rate with the valve will be Trinidad and Tobago Energy
pointed at 1687.94 ft, 2394.06 ft, 2915.4 Resources Conference
ft, 3300.33 ft, 3584.53 ft, 3794.36 f, and
the Point of Injection located at 3947.61 Stuart, Roosa. (2011). Submersible Pump
ft. Handbook Tenth Edition. Oklahoma:
3. From economic analysis with oil price is Baker Hughes
50$/bbl, net revenue is 425.84M$ from
0.2 mmscfd and 100 psi scenario.
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Slope failure periodically occurred in Riau-West Sumatra road that could disconnect
and affecting the activities in this two important provinces. The study of rock mass
classification system using rock mass rating (RMR) had been done to obtain the
information about rock strength of a cut slope along the road particularly in Desa
Tanjung Alai (KM 78-99). Six scanline with 10m each had been establihed to
determine the RMR value of cut slope by observed some parameters. UCS value of
the cut slope grouped into medium strong rock (20-50 MPa). RQD variation ranged
from 9.4% to 78.7% caused by the difference of weathering grade. Similar
discontinuity spacing and condition had been found in the cut slope with 200-600mm
space, slightly rough surface, separation less than 1mm and slightly weathered wall.
Absence of groundwater means the cut slope is in dry condition. Average RMR value
is 58.5 therefore the cut slope classified as Class III (Fair Rock), which means the
slope need some supporting method for potential failure prevention. Rock bolt and
shotcrete were among the methods that had been recommended based on the rock mass
Keywords: slope failure, Desa Tanjung Alai, rock mass classification system, rock
mass rating
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
. RESULT AND DISCUSSION b. Scanline 1-4 has < 0.1mm of
Similar UCS value had been aperture while scanline 5- 6 has
estimated from the six scanline in range none therefore rating 5 have been
between 25-50MPa. Based on its value, the given to scanline 1-4 and rating 6 for
cut slope belonging to medium strong rock scanline 5-6.
group and given the rating 4. RQD value of
c. Rough discontinuity surface had
cut slope in the study area is in between 9.4 been found along the cut slope
& to 78.7%. Scanline 6 has the smaller which given the rating 5.
RQD value and rating because of the higher
weathering grad that can be shown by the d. The absence of infilling material in
presence of soil. Each scanline has similar discontinuity, gives the rating 6
average spacing of discontinuity, 0.04-0.2m e. Weathering grade of scanline 1-5 is
which given the rating 10. Some parameters moderate (rating 3) meanwhile
of discontinuity condition had been scanline 6 has higher weathering
measured: grade and lower rating.
a. Persistence or discontinuity length There is no water that flowed out from
ranged from 0.06-0.12m and given the cut slope which mean it has dry
the rating 6. condition and given the rating 15.
Favourable condition of cut slope gives -5
rating adjustment to the RMR value.
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
From the result of field survey, the RMR value can be calculated as shown in Table 2
Table 2: RMR value of cut slope
Scanline Number Sc 1 Sc 2 Sc 3 Sc 4 Sc 5 Sc 6
UCS (MPa) 4 4 4 4 4 4
RQD (%) 17 8 13 8 8 3
Spacing of discontinuity (m) 10 10 10 10 10 10
Condition of discontinuity 25 25 25 25 26 24
Condition of groundwater 15 15 15 15 15 15
Orientation of discontinuity -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5
Total RMR 66 57 62 57 58 51
RMR description Good Fair Good Fair Fair Fair
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
wire mesh in crown and 50-10mm shotcrete South African Institute of Civil
in crown and 30mm in sides could be the Engineering. 15, 335–44.
solution. Bieniawski, Z. T. (1989). Engineering rock
mass classifications, New York: Wiley
4. CONCLUSION Hack, R., Price, D. and Rengers N. (2003).
A new approach to rock slope stability-
UCS of rock slope in the study area
a probability classification (SSPC),
has value in between 25-50MPa that
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and
classified as medium strong rock. Variation
the Environment. 62(2), 167–184.
of RQD values in the study area resulting
from the different weathering grade which Haines, A. and Terbrugge, P. J. (1991).
in range from 9.4% to 78.7%. Discontinuity Preliminary estimation of rock slope
spacing and condition of each scanline has stability using rock mass classification
similar characterisation, 200-600mm space, systems, In: Wittke, W. (Ed.), Proc 7th
slightly rough surface, separation less than Congr on Rock Mechanics 2, ISRM,
1mm and slightly weathered wall. Aachen, Germany. Balkema,
According to the absent of water seepage Rotterdam, 887–892.
from the cut slope, the groundwater Hajiazizi, M. and Khatami R. S. (2013).
condition categorize as dry condition. Seismic analysis of the rock mass
Average RMR value in the study area is classification in the Q-system,
58.5 therefore the cut slope is classify as International Journal of Rock
Class III (Fair Rock). This RMR class Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 62,
means the slope need some supporting 123–130.
methods as propossed by Bieniawski (1989),
i.e., rock bolt (systematic bolts 4 m long, Hoek, E. and Brown, E.T. 1980. Empirical
spaced 1.5-2 m in crown and walls with strength criterion for rock masses. J.
wire mesh in crown) and shortcrete (50-100 Geotech. Engng Div., ASCE 106(GT9),
mm in crown, and 30 mm in sides). 1013-1035.
Liu, Y. C,. and Chen, C. S. (2007). A new
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT approach for application of rock mass
classification on rock slope stability
Author would say thanks to assessment, Engineering Geology. 89,
Kemenristek DIKTI and Lembaga 129–143.
Penelitian Universitas Islam Riau for giving
grant to support this study. Palmström, A. (1982) The volumetric joint
count - a useful and simple measure of
REFERENCES the degree of jointing; Proc. IV Int.
Congr. IAEG, New Delhi, pp V.221-
Barton N. R., Lien, R. and Lunde J. (1974). V.228.
Engineering classification of rock
masses for the design of tunnel support, Pantelidis, L. (2010). An alternative rock
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. mass classification system for rock
6, no. 4, 189–239. slopes, Bulletin of Engineering
Geology and the Environment. 69, 29–
Bell, F.G. (2007) Engineering Geology. 39.
Second Edition, Elsevier, pp.61-68.
Putra, D., & Choanji, T. (2016). Preliminary
Bieniawski, Z. T. (1973). Engineering Analysis of Slope Stability in Kuok
classification of rock masses, Trans and Surrounding Areas. Journal Of
Geoscience, Engineering,
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Yuniarti Yuskar1, Dewandra Bagus Eka Putra1, Tiggi Choanji1, Ziadul Faiez1, Muhammad Habibi2
Department of Geological Engineering, Universitas Islam Riau, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
PT. SPR Langgak, Riau, Indonesia
Email : [email protected]
Sungai Kuning Village and surrounding area located in the eastern region of Bukit
Suligi. Bukit Suligi and its surroundings are the exposed terrain of sandstone from the
Sihapas Formation, which is the main reservoir in the Central Sumatra Basin. This
study aims to get the sandstone analogy of surface geological data to be able to get
better understanding of sand reservoir in the Central Sumatra Basin. Correlation of
surface and subsurface geological data is done by identifying the characteristics of the
lithology. The method used is field geological survey, laboratory analysis of
petrography, micropaleontology, depositional environment and geological structure.
Based on the characteristics of lithology, age, deposition environment, and geological
cross sectional reconstruction, the Sihapas Formation has correlation with reservoir
rock in oil and gas field in eastern of Bukit Suligi. Sihapas Formation consist of
conglomerate, sandstone and shale.
Keywords: sungai kuning, central sumatra basin, reservoir rock, oil and gas
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
based upon outcrop data (Fig. 1). contribution to achieve the objective of this
Laboratory analyses and both surface and study (De Coster, 1974)
subsurface geological reconstruction giving
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Fig. 2. Fied outcrop and vertical log section of geological data at Bukit Suligi
Table. 1. Comparison of Stratigraphic column between surficial geological data and Well
Data from Petapahan Oil Field.
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Indonesian Journal on Geoscience, 8 Rozalli, M., Putra, A., Budiman, A., Utomo,
(3), 143–149, (2013). W., Suandhi, P. A., & Bachtiar, A.
New Insights Into the Petroleum
R.A. LEE. Petroleum Geology Of The
Geology of the Mountain Front Area.
Malacca Strait Contract Area (Central
Proceedings Indonesian Petroleum
Sumatra Basin). In Proceedings
Association Thirty-Sixth Annual
Indonesian Petroleum Association
Convention & Exhibition, (2012).
Eleventh Annual Convention. (1982).
Wongsosantiko, A. Lower Miocene Duri
Roezin, S. The Discovery and Development
Formation sands, Central Sumatra
of the Petapahan oil field, Central
Basin. Indonesian Petroleum
Sumatra. Indonesian Petroleum
Association, Proceedings 5th Annual
Association, Proceedings 3rd Annual
Convention Jakarta, I, 133–150. (1976).
Convention, Jakarta, 111–128. (1974).
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
The Nailed-slab Pavement System was proposed as an alternative improving for rigid
pavement performance on soft soils. Puri, et.al. (2012a) proposed a new approach for
practical purpose in designing where pile friction resistance is fully mobilized and the
tolerable settlement is considered. The additional modulus of subgrade reaction due to
pile installing is defined by using safety factor 2.5. Effect of variation in safety factors
(SF) were not considered yet. In this paper, effect of SF variation due to slab deflection
will be considered by using SF 1.0 to 3.0. The slab deflection will be calculated by using
beam on elastic foundation theory. Analysis will use data of loading test on 1-pile row
full scale Nailed-slab by Puri, et.al. (2013). Observed deflection data will be used to
determine the additional modulus of subgrade reaction. Calculated deflection based on
the additional modulus of subgrade reaction is compared to the observed deflection.
Results show that SF variation affects the calculated deflections. Good results are
obtained in the sense that the calculated settlement is in good agreement with
observation. The SF = 1.0 is adequate for analysis. The Nailed-slab in the field will have
extensive area and alot of number of installed pile under the slab. Hence, the
performance of this system would be better due to reduction on the slab deflection.
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Hardiyatmo, 2008, 2009, 2011; Nasibu, subgrade reaction from plate load test (k)
2009; Dewi, 2009; Taa, 2010; Puri, et.al, and the additional modulus of subgrade
2011a, 2011b, 2012) and for sand (Somantri, reaction due to pile installing ( k). The
2013). Analysis of deflection of a nailed- equivalent modulus of subgrade reaction
slab by using equivalent modulus of (k’) is given as follows (Hardiyatmo, 2011;
subgrade reaction has been done by Dewi, 2009; Puri, et.al., 2011b, 2012a):
Hardiyatmo (2009, 2011), Puri, et.al.
k ' k k (1)
(2011b, 2012a, 2012b, 2013), Somantri
(2013) and Puri (2015, 2017). This modular
Where k is the modulus of subgrade reaction
was also implemented in cakar ayam
from plate load test (kN/m3), k is the
analysis (Puri & Ardiansyah, 2017;
additional modulus of subgrade reaction
Afriliyani, et.al. 2017; Agustin, et.al. 2017).
due to pile installing (kN/m3).
The equivalent modulus of subgrade
The mobilisation of unit friction resistance
reaction is the cumulative of modulus of
of pile shaft is in elastic zone (Puri, et.al.
subgrade reaction from plate load test (k)
2012a). Safety factor 2.5 is usually used in
and additional modulus of subgrade
practical of determining the pile allowable
reaction due to pile installing ( k).
bearing capacity. Then the the additional
Hardiyatmo (2011) used the additional
modulus of subgrade reaction due to pile
modulus of subgrade reaction based on the
installing ( k) can be defined as
relative displacement between the pile and
soils. The developing of formula was based
f s As
on static theory. Puri, et.al. (2012a) k (2)
proposed a new approach for practical 2.5 a A ps
purpose in designing Nailed-slab System
where pile friction resistance is fully Where a is the tolerable settlement of rigid
mobilized and the tolerable settlement is pavement slab (m), fs is the ultimate unit
considered. friction resistance of pile shaft (kN/m2), As
is the surface area of pile shaft (m2), Aps is
The proposed method of analysis is based the area of plate zone which supported by
on one row of pile. Practically, the Nailed- single pile (m2), and 2.5 is the safety factor.
slab will be constructed by multiple rows of
piles. This system will have higher capacity And the Equation (2) can be written as
and stiffness. Hence, designing of the (Puri, 2015)
Nailed-slab System based on an analysis of
the one row pile will produce a safe design f s As
k (3)
(Puri, et.al. 2012a; Puri, 2015). SF a A ps
This paper is aimed to discuss the effects of The end bearing resistance of pile can be
safety factor in the additional modulus of ignored for nailed-slab which resting on soft
subgrade reaction due to the prediction of soils. Ultimate unit friction resistance of the
deflection on nailed-slab under concentric pile shaft in saturated clay is expressed by
loading. The experimental was conducted
f s ad cu (4)
by full scale model test of one row pile
nailed-slab system. Where ad is the adhesion factor (non-
In designing the Nailed-slab, it is required dimensional), and cu is the undrained
an equivalent modulus of subgrade reaction cohesion of soil (kN/m2).
due to pile bearing contribution (k’). The
The slab deflections due to the load acting
analytical approach of this moduli is
determined by accumulating the modulus of on plate-supported piles can be calculated
by theory of beams on elastic foundation
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
(BoEF) (Hardiyatmo, 2009, 2011; Taa, Detail of the procedure on 1-pile row full
2010; Puri, et.al., 2011b, 2012a, 2012b; scale Nailed-slab is presented in Puri, et.al.
Somantri, 2013; Puri, 2015, 2017). In this (2013) and briefly described in Puri, et.al.
case, BoEF will use Roaks formulas (2014). The 1-pile row full scale nailed-slab
according to Young dan Budynas (2002). was constructed on soft clay. The soft clay
The k is replaced by k’ for analysis of properties are presented in Table 1. The slab
nailed-slab system. and piles were reinforced concrete. The
concrete strength characteristic of the slab
and piles was 29.2 MPa and 17.4 MPa
respectively. The flexural strength of the
slab was 4,397.6 kPa.
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Load δa=δs Safety Δk x k' x 103 Load δa=δs Safety Δk x k' x 103
(kN) (mm) factor, 103 (kPa/m (kN) (mm) factor, 103 (kPa/m
SF (kPa/m ) SF (kPa/m )
) )
5 1 149.32 152.62 40 0.93 1 16.06 19.36
1.5 99.54 102.84 1.5 10.70 14.00
2 74.66 77.96 2 8.03 11.33
2.5 59.73 63.03 2.5 6.42 9.72
3 49.77 53.07 3 5.35 8.65
10 0.27 1 55.30 58.60 80 2.06 1 7.25 10.55
1.5 36.87 40.17 1.5 4.83 8.13
2 27.65 30.95 2 3.62 6.92
2.5 22.12 25.42 2.5 2.90 6.20
3 18.43 21.73 3 2.42 5.72
20 0.41 1 36.42 39.72 150 4.52 1.0 3.30 6.60
1.5 24.28 27.58 1.5 2.20 5.50
2 18.21 21.51 2.0 1.65 4.95
2.5 14.57 17.87 2.5 1.32 4.62
3 12.14 15.44 3.0 1.10 4.40
Load, P (kN)
0 50 100 150
Observed (Puri, et.al.
-2 2013)
SF = 1.0
Deflection, (mm)
SF = 1.5
-6 SF = 2.0
-8 SF = 2.5
SF = 3.0
Fig. 2 shows the distribution of calculated loads. The utilitation of the additional
deflection along the slab of nailed-slab for modulus of subgrade reaction (k) can well
load 40 kN. Good results are obtained in the predict the deflections, despite of the k
sense that the calculated settlement is in theory based on elastic condition (Puri,
good agreement with observation. et.al. 2012, 2013; Puri, 2015, 2017). The k
Calculated deflections tend to over- was developed based on elastic theory;
estimated by increasing the SF and litle bit however it can well predict the deflection in
uplift on the both ends of slab. These similar plastic zone
behaviour were also occured for other
Observed (Puri, et.al. 2013) SF = 1.0
SF = 1.5 SF = 2.0
SF = 2.5 SF = 3.0
Fig. 2. Distribution of calculated deflection along the slab of nailed-slab for load 40 kN.
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
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ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
The use of compost fertilizer with the right maturity level can improve the characteristic
of peat. Besides, the use of appropriate varieties on peat will increase plant production.
Aim of this research was to determine the effect of maturity level of compost and shallot
varieties to growth and yield of shallot in peat soil. The experiment was conducted from
March to August 2017 at Experimental Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Islamic University
of Riau, Pekanbaru. The research used a completely randomized design with 3
replications. First factors is maturity level of compost consists of 4 levels ie no compost,
1 week, 3 weeks, and 5 weeks. The second factor is varieties which are Kampar, Medan,
and Brebes. The results showed that compost maturity level 3 weeks gave the lowest
C/N ratio (18.67) than the compost of 1 and 5 weeks. The compost also provides the
highest nutrient content in N-total, P, K, Ca and Mg. The maturity level of compost gives
different results on the growth and yield of each variety. The compost maturity level 1
week on Brebes variety gave the highest of wet weight bulb (42.51 g), dry weight bulb
(36.83 g), and total yield of shallot (9.21 ton/ha).
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
peatlands are feasible for agriculture. level of compost and shallot varieties to
Assess the potential that allows shallot to be growth and yield of shallot in peat soil.
developed in peat.
Peat soil is defined as an 2. METHODOLOGY
accumulation of the debris of plant, trunk The experiment was conducted at
and roots under the water logging condition Experimental Farm, Faculty of Agriculture,
(Mohamed et al., 2014; Adon et al., 2012). Islamic University of Riau, Pekanbaru from
Soil on land or forest peat bogs derived of a March to August 2017. Material used is
pile of organic matter saturated water or shallot varieties Kampar , Medan, and
flooded that the process decomposition are Brebes, compost fertilizer from debris corn ,
not going well .This condition caused it NPK 16: 16: 16 , label , insecticide ,
were poor in nutrients and low pH. Based fungicide. An instrument used is a
on these problems required the equipment cultivation, measuring unit ,
improvement of physical and chemical soil analytic scale , and stationery.
characteristics. The way to improve the The research used a factorial
characteristics of the peat is using compost. completely randomized design with 3
Composting is the controlled replications. First factors is maturity level
aerobic conversion of mixed organic of compost consists of 4 levels ie no
material into a form that is suitable for compost, 1 week, 3 weeks, and 5 weeks.
addition to soil (Hubbe et al., 2010). The The second factor is varieties consists of
three most important factors for making are Kampar, Medan, and Brebes. Plot size
good compost are the chemical makeup of of 1 m x 1 m with planting distance of 20
the raw ingredients, the physical size and x 20 cm. Weeding was done manually
shape of the feedstocks and the porosity of plants adapted to the circumstances of weed,
the pile, and the population of while control of pest and disease were done
microorganisms involved in the composting by the observations every day.
process (Cooperband 2000). Composting begins with enumeration of
Compost maturity is one of the debris corn with a enumerators compost
significant parameters to evaluate the machine.Then the chopped plant was given
quality of compost. Compost maturity plays an activator. The activator used was EM4
an important role in distinguishing whether with a dose of 1 L per 1 ton of chopped plant.
it can be used as a soil conditioner for Activators dissolved into sugar sollution.
physical, chemical and biological fertility Chopped plant fragments that have been
benefits or for disease suppression in soil mixed with EM-4 solution, stirred evenly
(Kutsanedzie et al., 2015). Many uses of and then taken to the field to form
compost require a mature product that will composting pile. Stirring and reversal twice
prevents nutrients that are present in the soil a week. Composting time is adjusted to the
from being tied up or immobilized (Latifah level of treatment.
et al., 2015). Therefore, mature compost is Observation variables included plant height,
important because it will not adversely age of harvest, weight of wet bulb per
affect plant development due to reduced cluster, weight of dry bulb per cluster, and
oxygen or nitrogen availability and/or the production. The data were analyzed by F-
presence of phytotoxic compounds. test, whereas between treatments were
Assess the potential peat in Riau and tested by Tukey test at the 5% significance
by the provision of compost with proper level.
maturity level expected to improve the
production of shallot in Riau. This paper
aims to determine the effect of maturity
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
the building blocks amino acids and immobilization or N nutrient change form
protein (Taiz dan Zeiger, 2002). into a form that is not available for plant.
In addition to nitrogen nutrients, a The low C / N ratio caused absence of
value of C/N ratio also had an influence on competition in obtaining N elements
shallot height. The C/N value of compost 5 between plants and microbial decomposers,
weeks, is still in extend standard limit that making it easier for plants to absorb
is 20 so that wouldn’t cause nutrients nitrogen (Yunindanova et al., 2013).
The effect of shallot varieties on the day after plant (DAP) (Table 3). While the
plant height showed that Brebes variety varieties of Medan give the longest harvest
produced the highest plant height is 34.97 age of 68 DAP. Based on the decryption of
cm. The lowest plant height was seen on varieties, the harvest age of three varieties
Medan variety. The difference in growth is still in accordance with the description.
parameters probably attributed to genetic This showed that the variables of harvest
variation among the varieties. Similar result age are more influenced by the character of
was reported by Ademe et al. (2012) in that each variety so that harvest age is also
shallot growth parameters were affected by different.
varieties. It also shows that the three Table 3 also shows that in Kampar
varieties are able to adapt to peat soil, variety given compost application
because the plant height still in accordance significantly accelerate age harvest on
with descriptions of varieties of each plant. shallot. This is because the given organic
material is able to provide nutrients to peat
The Harvest Age soils especially N and P which are
Interaction of maturity level of indispensable for vegetative and generative
compost and shallot varieties significantly growth. The nutrients contained in this
affect the harvest age. The effect of compost will improve physical, chemical ,
combination of maturity level and shallot and biology characteristic of peat , so that is
variety showed that varieties of Brebes and available and assist the process of plant
Kampar with compost maturity level 1-5 development (Armaini et al., 2012).
weeks gives the fastest harvest age of 61
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
While the rate of population growth in recent, shows that the need/demand will be higher
the coconut is caused by the increasing oil consumption and some products from coconut
cant substituted by other commodities, such as coconut milk coconut. Increasing growing
needs of coconut, then the effort was undertaken to increase the production of coconut in
it. As for the purpose of this research is to know the: (1) the income of farming of coconut
in Indragiri Hilir regency, (2) the factors that affect the production of coconut in Indragiri
Hilir Regency. This study used a survey method. The research was Gaung Anak Serka
District (GAS), in four villages namely (1) Rambaian village; (2) Idaman village; (3) Iliran
village; (4) Tanjung Harapan village. Each village taken samples as many as 15 people
coconut farmers, so that the total sample as many as 60 people coconut farmers. The
research was May 2017 until December 2017. The results showed that total fixed cost for
per arable IDR 103,921.96 (2.94%) while for variable costs of IDR 3,427,514.77 (97.06%).
Gross income received in coconut farmers amounted to IDR 8.608.363,29/harvest and a
net income of IDR 5.076.926,56/harvest. The value of the coefficient of determination R2
= 0.693; 69.30% means that the variation of production of coconut in Indragiri Hilir
Regency is affected by all the variables (Xi) while the rest 30.70% influenced by variables
other than the model. Partially, the variable land and the number of plants produce effect
on production while labor, terusi, salt and pesticides have no effect against the production.
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
rubber, and sago. Coconut (Cocos nucifera almost all districts in the regency. Coconut
Linn) is one of the very important plantation has been developed by hereditary and
commodities national economy, as well as generally maintained traditionally, land
export commodities and producers of tenure is limited, and most of the farmers
vegetable oils in needs of the community. are not using seeds. Traditionally
Riau Province is the largest producer of management will have an impact on
coconut in Indonesia. Indragiri Hilir productivity resulting in coconut farmers.
Regency, as the largest producer of coconut Vaulina and Elfi (2014), productivity
in Riau Province and already known by the resulting coconut in Indragiri Hilir less than
expanse of coconut an area of land 439,955 one ton per hectare.
ha (85.11% of the total land area of Riau Coconut is one of the leading
Province) with a total production of commodities Indragiri Hilir Regency.
359,372 tons (85.23% of total production of Almost throughout the Sub-district planted
Riau Province) (BPS, 2015). with coconut. Land area, production,
The suitability agroclimatology in most productivity and the number of coconut
areas tends to dry in Indragiri Hilir. This is based on sub district can be seen in Table 1.
apparent from the spread of Palm plants
Table 1. Land area, Production, Productivity and the Number of Farmer Plantations in
Indragiri Hilir Regency, 2014
No. Sub Land Production Productivity Amount Of Farmers
Area (Ha) (Kg) (Ton/Ha) (People)
1 Keritang 26,967 25,868,850 0.959 5,503
2 Kemuning 19 16,996 0.894 24
3 Reteh 24,993 17,628,320 0.705 5,101
4 The River Rods 14,052 7,844,200 0.558 2,868
5 Enok 44,118 30,219,397 0.685 9,004
6 Tanah Merah 10,821 12,968,400 1.198 2,208
7 Kuala Indragiri 25,721 14,566,800 0.566 5,249
8 Concong 14,166 8,607,600 0.608 2,891
9 Tembilahan 9,092 9,606,660 1.057 1,856
10 Tembilahan Hulu 3,645 3,739,200 1.026 744
11 Tempuling 10,159 7,400,200 0.728 2,073
12 Kempas 6,100 5,323,200 0.872 1,245
13 Batang Tuaka 24,391 18,746,910 0.768 4,978
14 Echoes Of Older 15,381 7,656,918 0.498 3,139
15 Mandah 55,216 45,439,200 0.823 11,374
16 Kateman 37,689 28,802,400 0.764 7,692
17 Pelangiran 15,728 15,860,304 1.008 3,210
18 Bay Of 3,524 6,055,200 1.718 719
19 Bird Island 10,879 9,771,600 0.898 2,220
20 Echo 28,956 18,647,937 0.644 5,909
The total number of 381,617 566,755,865 1.485 78,007
Source: BPS Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir, 2015
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
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ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Based on Table 2, on farming, the greatest existence of coconut in the sector is still the
cost incurred are costs variable with the base and provide the multiplier effect has
percentage 97.06%. Views of variable costs, the power to push the economic growth
the cost of labor is a cost incurred (40.51%). regions in Indragiri Hilir. Dongoran (2013),
The magnitude of the labor costs incurred farming coconut has a very good economic
for the cleaning of the gardens/weeding, opportunities to be developed in an attempt
fertilizing, harvesting and hauling. Wage to increase people's economy.
labor in the place of research, IDR
75.000/HKP and IDR 65,000/HKW. Return Cost Ratio (RCR)
Income Based on Table 3, ratio between gross
Coconut production, which provided income and costs of farming production of
the object in this research are the form of coconut in 2.45. This means that if the IDR
coconut. Based on the results, the median 1, the allocation of production costs will
land area-averaged coconut farmers was then be retrieved gross revenue of 2.45 or
2.19 ha and the number of trees with tree equivalent net income of 1.45 so coconut
162-average production per production farming viable and profitable to develop.
2,847 Kg/harvest and flat-flat Palm trees
cultivated in location of research already 3.2. The Factors Affecting the Coconut
fruitful (productive). Production
Based on Table 3, gross income The results of the analysis show that
received Coconut farmers amounted to IDR simultaneously all independent variables
8.608.363,29/harvest and a net income of (Xi) influential real (highly significant) of
IDR 5.076.926,56/harvest or IDR the dependent variable. This is shown by the
1.692.308,85/month. Vaulina and Saipul comparison between F-acount (20.678) and
(2015), Coconut farmers income In F-table (2.045). The value of the coefficient
Indragiri Hilir district belongs to low. of determination R2 = 0.693; 69.30% means
Supadi and Nurmanaf (2006), low of that the variation of production of coconut
earnings obtained from coconut farmers in Indragiri Hilir Regency is affected by all
because have no capital to maintain an the variables (Xi) while the rest 30.70%
intensive garden, let alone manage the influenced by variables other than the
plantation as well as optimally cultivate model.
result. Though so, Vaulina (2012), the
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
b. Labor (X2)
The amount of use of labor on farmers f. Pesticides (X6)
have coconut in the value of the regression The variable X6 for pesticides has the
coefficient of 0. 109 This means that the use value regression of 0.876 this means that
of the workforce do not affect total pesticides have no effect against total
production. The value t Sig for the use of production.
labor by farmers is 0.109.
c. The Number Of Plants Produce (X3 )
1. Total fixed cost for per arable IDR
The value of the coefficient of 103,921.96 (2.94%) while for variable
regression of the number of plants produce costs of IDR 3,427,514.77 (97.06%).
on coconut farming in of 0.442, This means Gross income received coconut farmers
that the number of plants produce amounted to IDR 8.608.363, 29/harvest
influential positive against total production, and a net income of IDR
where each crop improvement coconut by 1 5.076.926,56/harvest.
percent, would increase the total production 2. The value of the coefficient of
of 0.442 percent. The value t Sig for the use determination R2 = 0.693; 69.30%
of the number of plants produce by farmers means that the variation of production
is 0.002, This means seed effect is very of coconut in Indragiri Hilir Regency is
significant to the total production. Based on affected by all the variables (Xi) while
the observations in field of coconut farmers the rest 30.70% influenced by variables
commonly plant coconuts are 74 stems per other than the model. Partially, the
hectare. When referring to the variable land and the number of plants
recommendations issued by the Ministry produce effect on production while
Peron (2010), that needs the number of labor, terusi, salt and pesticides have no
recommended plants totaled 106 up to 176 effect against the production.
rods per acre. It is similar with research
Lamusa (2005), number of plants producing
influential real against the production of REFERENCES
Abankwah, V., R. Aidoo and B.
d. Terusi (X4) Tweneboah-Koduah. 2010. Margins
The variable X4 for terusi has the value and Economic Viability of Fresh
regression of 0.512 this means that terusi Coconut Marketing in the Kumasi
does not affect total production. Terusi does Metropolis of Ghana. The Journal of
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Oil palm plants that have reached the age of no longer productive at the age of
approximately 25 years should be done rejuvenation (replanting). The plant will become
a waste that can be utilized optimally as a particle board so it is not wasted in vain.
Research conducted on particle board composites reinforced with fiber-shaped palm
rods and particles arranged with a polypropylene (PP) matrix of waste plastic bottles.
The research stages were started from the selection of fibers, particle size, mixing and
addition of Adiptif Maleic Anhydride (MAH) ingredients by 5% by weight of matrix
and Benzoyl Peroxide (BPO) by 15% of MAH weight and particle formation, up to the
testing stage. Composite particle board is made by hot press method. The composite
particle board consisting of fibers / particles with polypropylene matrix (PP) measured
its composite mechanical properties against bending strength with variation of volume
fraction of oil palm rod - polypropylene (PP) by 60%: 50%, 50%: 50%, and 40% : 60%.
The specimens and bending testing procedures refer to the ASTM D 790-03 standard.
Testing of mechanical properties tends to increase with increasing adhesive (matrix)
levels. The highest bending strength on particle board composites with a 40%: 60
composition of 13.01 N / mm2 is higher than that of composite particle board with a
composition of 60%: 40%, 50%: 50% of 11.17 N / mm2. This research has obtained the
right composition on the manufacture of particleboard that meets the SNI 03-2105-1996
quality standard. The results of this research is one of the solutions in the utilization of
waste oil palm and recycled plastics so as to have a favorable economic value for the
community around the palm plantation.
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Jamilah Lubis, et al 2009) is to replace the 3. Measuring tools: digital scales are used
matrix Polyethylene (PE) with a type of to measure the weight of each
Polypropylene (PP) recycled plastic that has composition.
a tensile strength and clarity is better. Based 4. Screen 16 mesh: 16 mesh screen is used
on the above background, the authors want to filter the fiber of oil palm rod so that
to conduct research with the title "Analysis get particle granules.
of Bending Strength and Impact on Oil 5. Fan: the fan is used to assist or accelerate
Palm Waste Trunk With Polypropylene the cooling when finished in the heat.
Matrix (PP) Recycled On Particle Board 6. Other Helping Tools: gloves,
Composite (particle board)". screwdrivers, chisels, aluminum foil,
scissors, knives etc.
In this research and testing required some The materials used in this study are as
equipment and materials for workmanship as follows:
follows: 1. Fibers of oil palm stalks that have been
The equipment used in this study is as done several stages of treatment so that
follows: it can be taken fiber to be a test sample
1. Test tool: Impact and Bending. In this test there
The bending test aims to determine the are 2 samples that is rough fiber fiber
combination of the quality of a material and fiber bar (Particle), can be seen in
due to tensile, tap and shear loads. figure 2.1.
2. Hot press printing tool aims as a hot
press tool to print the particle board into
a sheet.
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
2. Recycled plastic, the type of bioplastic used is glass plastic mineral water pack as
powder binder particles of palm fiber rod fibers are polypropilene (PP) type.
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Based on the size of the mold above the printed volume can be calculated as follows:
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Uji Bending
Bending Strenght
10 SNI (7.85)
6 Serat Partikel
60% Serat : 40% Plastik 50% Serat : 50% Plastik 40% Serat : 60% Plastik
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Habits of mind are an intelligent behavior associated with actions to be taken when
encountering problems and determining the most appropriate solution of the problem. Habits
of mind have three aspects: self-regulation, critical thinking and creative thinking. Habits of
mind become fundamental for students because when they attend classes and at work,
students can find various problems that must be solved. Information about the habits of mind
of students in Biology Education Program of Islamic University of Riau so far has never
been known. Based on this, this study aims to find out the habits of mind profile of the
student. The study was conducted in odd semester 2017/2018 with the number of
participants as much as 263 students from 5th and 3rd semester. Obtaining habits of mind
data using a questionnaire consisting of 3 aspects of self-regulation, critical thinking and
creative thinking with the number of 60 item statements. Data analysis is done by counting
percentages then interpreted into several categories. Based on the research, it can be
concluded that the habit of thinking (habits of mind) of Biology Education Program students
in the category is enough with the percentage of 69.85% with the highest percentage in self-
regulation category followed by creative thinking and the lowest critical thinking category.
While based on student habits of 2015 (semester 5) is better than the habits of the class of
2016 (semester 3) in all categories HoM. In addition, all students have received feedback
with an average of 5 times / subject from lecturers and lecturers provide rules using 5 - 10
references in completing the course task.
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Habits of mind is also very supportive of because no research has examined it. Based on
student performance in everyday life. Habits of this background, this study aims to find out the
mind is a mixture of many skills, attitudes, and habits of mind profile of the students of
experiences of the past. This means that there Biology Education Program of the Islamic
is a link between one pattern of thinking over University of Riau
another. Therefore, it implies that habits of
mind should be used when making choices. 2. METHODOLOGY
This choice includes sensitivity to contextual The research was conducted on Biology
cues to situations to determine the right pattern Education Study Program of Islamic
of decision making (Teachtaught, 2012) University of Riau and the data was taken in
Someone who is intelligent in thinking the odd semester of FY 2017/2018. The
will be able and ready to face all the changing population in this study is all students of
times. In college students, the lecture is a Biology Education Program of Islamic
period in which an individual experiences a University of Riau. Sample selection was done
transition from adolescence to adulthood, by purposive sampling. In this sampling
including psychological development. The technique, the population is divided into
student has a duty to learn, but he must also several groups based on the force and GPA.
start thinking about how his survival will be. The study was conducted in odd semester
According to ASCD (2009), a good starting 2017/2018 with the number of participants as
point when introducing habits of mind by much as 263 students from 5th and 3rd semester.
developing an in-depth understanding and The instrument used to obtain student
appreciation of their own habits. habits of mind data is a questionnaire of habits
Given the urgency of habits of mind in of mind by Marzano (1993) which has been
determining the life of a person, it is necessary developed by Sriyati (2011). This
to know the habits of mind profile of students questionnaire contains three aspects of habits
as stock in undergoing various problems in life. of mind: self regulation, critical thinking and
Information about the habit of minds of the creative thinking. Clearly, the habits of mind
students of Biology Education Program of the questionnaire grid can be seen in Table 1.
Islamic University of Riau so far is unknown
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Aspect No Indicator
Creative Thinking 1 Can be involved in the task although the answer and the solution
is not immediately apparent
2 Make efforts to maximize the ability and knowledge
3 Produce a new way of looking at a situation different from the
usual way of prevailing in general
Data on student's habits of mind that have (76-85%), enough category (60-75%), less
been collected through the next questionnaire category (55-59%) and less category once (≤
are analyzed. For each item the statement on 54%) (Purwanto, 2008).
the questionnaire consists of four score
options. Data analysis is done by calculating 3. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
the percentage based on scores that have been Based on the research that has been done at
selected by students for all items then the Islamic University of Riau Habit of Mind
interpretation into several categories. Very Students can be seen in Figure 1.
good category (86-100%), good category
74.00 72.50
71.52 71.21 71.56
72.00 70.00 69.85
70.00 68.91
68.14 68.13
68.00 66.28 66.6
SR Critical T Creative T HoM
5 3 Rata-Rata
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
The data above is in line with previous data ie necessary resources (75,71%) while to realize
5th semester students have better habits (self- self-thinking of 5th semester student better
regulation) compared to the 3rd semester. than semester 3 with the most percentage low
Students of Biology Education Program of (70.58%) compared to other indicators.
Islamic University of Riau have good habit in
evaluating their action (79,50%) and using the
Critical thinking habits are the lowest category indicators in this category with the highest
compared with other habits such as self- percentage in the first indicator that is accurate
regulation and creative thinking. Overall the and look for accuracy followed are sensitive
habit of critical thinking is in sufficient and know the ability of friends.
category with a percentage of 68.13%. All
Creative thinking consists of 3 indicators, different from usual way generally. The
namely (1) trying to complete the task even second indicator is the lowest indicator of the
though the answer is not yet know (2) doing three indicators with a percentage of 66.71%
business maximizing ability and knowledge with sufficient category.
and (3) generate new way to see situation
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
1 2 3
Based on Figure 2 above shows that all showed higher habits compared to the lower
students both in the 3rd and 5th semesters semester (3) in all HoM categories. An
have received feedback from lecturers attitude will turn into habits or Habits takes
related to the task he made but have time and a long process is in line with
different levels. In the 5th semester the research conducted Idris (2013) shows that
average student get feedback as much as 4 to train habits it takes a longer time.
times whereas in semester 3 the average Of the three categories of habits of
student get feedback from the task of mind the self-regulation category has the
college as much as 6 times. This data highest percentage compared to other
indicates that there is an increase of categories such as critical thinking and
feedback by lecturers from assignments in creative thinking. The results of this study
each semester. This proves that there is a are in line with almost all habits of mind
positive trend of lecturers to provide research indicating the highest self-
feedback on the task in order to get the regulation category indicator (Sriyati
process and maximum results in the lecture. (2011), Idris (2013), Hidayati and Idris
In addition, the average student gets the (2015), Sriyati and Bidayati (2014)). Self-
obligation to use at least 5 - 10 kinds of organizing habits are able to assist students
relevant references of the task created. in completing the tasks and problems they
Habits of mind is a habit of thinking face. The better the student in managing
that can help a person in completing tasks herself the better the values in the lecture.
and problems that will be in the future. The This is in line with the statements of
better a person is in managing himself the Morosanova and Fomina (2017) which
better they are in solving problems or tasks states that self-regulation contributes
in the future. Based on the results of the significantly to student learning outcomes
study showed that students of UIR and self-regulation also acts in controlling
Biological Education Program Academic the emotions, thoughts and actions of a
year 2017/2018 showed that HoM students person who will contribute to students'
in the category enough with a percentage of academic ignorance (Magi et al., 2016).
69.85%. In addition, higher semesters (5)
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
CSNH MLC. Habits of Mind Costa Purwanto. 2008. Metodologi Penelitian
Kallick. Kuantitatif, Untuk Psikologi dan
Pendidikan. Yogyakarta. Pustaka
Costa , A.L. & Kallick, B 2000b. Assessing Pelajar
and Reporting on Habits of Mind.
Alexandria: Association For Rodzalana, S.A & Saat, M.M. 2015. The
Supervision and Curriculum Perception of Critical Thinking and
Development (ASCD). Problem Solving Skill among
Malaysian Undergraduate Students.
Cuoco, A., Goldenberg, E.P., Mark, J. Procedia - Social and Behavioral
1996. Habits of Mind: An Sciences, 172(2015), 725–732
Organizing Principle for
Mathematics Curricula. Journal of Sriyati, S. 2011. Penerapan Asesmen
Mathematical Behavior 15, 375-40 Formatif Untuk Membentuk Habits
Finn, B., Thoman, R., Rawson, K.A. 2017. of Mind Mahasiswa Biologi.
Learning More From Feedback: Disertasi Sekolah Pascasarjana UPI
Elaborating Feedback with Bandung:. tidak diterbitkan
Examples Enhance Concept Stiggins, R. J. (1994). Students
Learning. Learning and Instruction centered-Classroom Assessment.
(2017), 1-10 New York: Merill Macmillan
Colege Publishing Company.
Marzano R. J., Pickering and Mc Righe.
1993. Assessing Student Outcomes. Teachtaught. 2012. What Are The Habits
Performance Assessment Using the Of Mind. Online.
Dimension of Learning Model. http://www.teachthought.com/peda
Alexandria, Virginia; Association gogy/what-are-the-habits-of-mind/,
for Supervision and Curriculum diakses 19 September 2017)
Development Volkmann, M.J & Eichinger, D.C 2010.
Habits of Mind: Integrating the Social and
Noreen, S., Whyte, K.E., Dritschel, B. Personal Characteristics of Doing Science
2015. Investigating the role of Into the Science Classroom. School
future thinking in social problem Science and Mathematics, 99 (3),
solving. J. Behav. Ther. & Exp. 141–147
Psychiat, 46 (2015), 78-84
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Strong food security starts from the smallest scope of the family in this case housewives
who have a very important role in realizing food security in the family. Housewives
farmer are human resources in development activities, so farmers housewives need to
have the motivation, knowledge, education and skills that meet the needs and demands
of development in increasing agricultural production through post-harvest in order to
maintain the sustainability of household income. The purpose of writing is (1). Analyze
the income of housewives in the presence of gender equality; (2) Analyze the role of
housewives in increasing family income. The method used in this research is descriptive
research conducted by field survey. The results of the study that the role of housewives
in helping their husbands begin from their awareness of the necessities of life that is
increasing so increase the family income is necessary and not depend on the income
provided by the husband to meet daily needs. In addition, the use of the yard around the
house by using pots or polybags, and directly planted with various kinds of plants (fruits
and vegetables) has largely been understood but housewives have not been maximally
in the management of their yard because it still assume that the size of the yard affects
the difference of planting system which is conducted.
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
in the development of farmers is quite large, housewives have, despite their great
not only visible in physical activity but also responsibilities and roles:
in making decisions and in terms of a) Farmer housewives still lack the
increasing income. In addition to the opportunity to participate in
family's income, they do not have to work agricultural development.
in the office but can also do their own work b) Farmer education is low.
or work as farm laborers (onfarm), factory c) Farmers' housewives are not given
workers or work in the home industry, such access and various services in the
as making various kinds of industrial agricultural sector.
products that can be sold to supplement d) There is a gap in the wage structure
income. between men and women in the
Development of housewives in the agricultural sector and the lack of
family, can not be separated from efforts to respect for women.
increase the role of women as an internal Efforts made by housewives in
part in national development. Therefore, the helping their husbands income begin their
guidance direction refers to the mandate of awareness of the necessities of life is
GBHN and the policy of the Minister of increasing, for that awareness of
Women's Empowerment which stipulates housewives participate in supplementing
that efforts to increase the role of women in family income is necessary. Thus they
the nation's development are based on depend not only on the income that their
harmonious harmony partnership among husbands provide to meet their daily needs.
men and women in harmony, harmonious
and balanced with gender approach. The Objectives and Benefits of Research
approach between men and women has The objectives of the study were (1)
equal rights, duties and positions in to analyze the income of housewives in the
development in all fields, including social presence of gender equality; (2) to analyze
life, family, nation and state without leaving the role of housewives in increasing income.
the natures, dignity and dignity as women. Benefits of research include (1)
The development of the age of housewife knows role in increasing income
women's role has not been considered, as is in family; (2) to broaden knowledge
the case with rural women. Despite its large horizons about the role of housewives in
role in households both in family farming as increasing income; (3) for consideration in
managers, producers and workers. This conducting further research in the same
means that the participation rate of field.
housewife farmers is increasing from year
to year. The roles and responsibilities of 2. METHODOLOGY
farmer housewives in some areas are very Time and Location Research
prominent, whereas the farmer's housewife The study was conducted in January
strongly supports her role in raising family - June 2016 by collecting primary data and
income by working outside the agricultural secondary data at Rejotangan sub-district
sector such as doing skills, trading, raising, level which were sourced from reports and
sewing, or being a seasonal worker in the reviews from several research results,
company or on the land of people other. It especially on the role of housewives in
is also often seen that decision-making in Rejotangan sub-district.
terms of adoption of new technologies and
the determination of the type of business of Types of Research
family activity is determined by women. The type of this research is
Some of the obstacles that farmers' descriptive analysis with survey method
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
the narrow land they own and added with The contribution of farmers'
the production produced only barely to be housewives income is used in addition to
consumed by his family. In the study area, fulfilling their household needs such as
additional work by housewives of different buying kitchen needs and such, for the cost
kinds. But there is a tendency to work in the of their children's education and so on. This
field of home industry engaged in the income generated by housewives can not be
agribusiness sector that is making snacks in separated from the pen.
the form of fried foods sold every afternoon
and making crackers based Gadung. This Contribution of Mother Household
activity is done after resolving household Income to Family Income
affairs so as not to disrupt its domestic The contribution of farmers
activities. In certain seasons on average 'housewives' income is seen as having an
each day can produce krupuk gadung about effect on all household needs. This can be
5 - 7.5 kg with an average income of Rp seen from the need that usually can not be
25,000 - Rp 37,500. While on a working day fulfilled become fulfilled because there is
is not a full month but more or less for 15 contribution of housewife's income. Like
days per month, but this time - time can the small contribution of income that
change depending on the order, such as housewives provide to their families, it
during the season around the community provides considerable benefits to family
have a show or during the Eid season so that welfare. Indirectly the income generated
the number of requests so much weekdays can meet the needs that should be met
also increase. To perform the activity properly.
usually starts at 08.00 am after completing The goal to be achieved in
the affairs in the kitchen. agricultural development is to increase the
Activities to make gadung crackers income and welfare of the family from time
take a long time, such as peeling gadung, to time. An increase in the amount of
slicing then soak it, clean or remove the income in rural households will provide job
former immersion until steaming and opportunities for the housewife to improve
drying it. In the immersion of the material and improve the quality, quantity and
used is grilled ash, this is done with the aim variety of goods and services they will
to eliminate toxins that exist in the yam yam purchase. In addition, households that have
so it will not cause poisoning after eating it. increased revenues are expected to make
The results of interviews conducted with their spending budgets according to their
respondents can be seen that the average - household needs. If the amount of income
every female worker can produce earned per household in the countryside is
approximately 7.5 kg krupuk gadung that is not as great as each other. This is due to the
in a state ready for consumption. From the differences in:
description can be seen that the average 1. Ownership of agricultural land.
income generated by each housewife per 2. Business capital.
month there are reaching approximately Rp 3. Opportunity to obtain employment
700,000. But there are also housewives either in agriculture sector or
whose monthly income is only Rp 215,000. outside agriculture sector.
If it is projected between the amount of 4. Type of business undertaken.
income of wife to husband, it can be seen The difference in income levels will
that the contribution of wife earnings can clearly lead to differences in the patterns of
reach 23,53% up to 93,33%. This shows household consumption and the control of
how much influence the income contributed capital (wealth) rather than land. For
by housewives to her family. example, smallholder households or
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Concrete is an important material and widely used in the construction world. One is the
use of concrete rigid pavement (rigid pavement). In rigid pavement planning does not
give priority to the compressive strength but which is preferred is the flexural
strength. Because the rigid pavement is rigid in nature, it must be able to withstand the
lapping of the vehicle wheel load. Hence the question arises how to increase the value
of strong bending on rigid pavement? In this study used Scanfibre as a mixture of
This research uses experimental method with total of 240 test object. A total of 120
pieces for cylindrical compressive test specimens with a diameter of 15 cm and a height
of 30 cm with variations of Scanfibre 0% (normal concrete), 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3%, 0.4%,
0.6%, 0.8%, and 1.0 %. A total of 120 more for bending beam-shaped test specimens 15
x 15 x 60 cm with variation of Scanfibre 0% (normal concrete), 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3%, 0.4%,
0.6%, 0.8%, and 1.0% tested at age 7, 28, and 56 days.
The results showed that the use of Scanfibre in various levels did not give a significant
effect on the bending strength of concrete. These results are in line with the results of
analyzes performed at ages 7, 28, and 56 days. The optimum bending strength of the
concrete at the ages of 7.28 and 56 days was 4.38 MPa, 4.71 MPa, 4.75 MPa. Based on
the formula of f s = K (f'c) 0.5, the relationship between the compressive strength and
flexural strength at the age of 7, 28 and 56 days, the importance of the average value of
the constant is 0.7345, 0.7687, and 0.7404 .
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
g. Los Angeles machine and steel 3. Stage III, the stage of making the
balls for abrasive aggregate specimen.
abrasion testing. At this stage the work is done as
h. Small pot for water container follows:
i. Mixer to mix a. Determination of mix design of
j. A set of molds of 100 x 100 x concrete.
600 mm for flexural strength test b. Concrete mixing.
and d: 150 mm t: 300 mm for c. Check slump value.
compressive strength test. d. Creation of specimens.
k. Abrams cone for slump testing. 4. Stage IV , the stage of treatment
l. A set of concrete compressive (curing).
strength test kits. At this stage the treatment of test
m. A set of concrete bending specimens that have been made in
strength test equipment. stage III. Treatment is done by using
n. Supporting equipment such as the test specimen after being removed
hand shirts, masks, wrenches and from the mold.
screwdrivers. 5. Stage V Called the testing phase.
At this stage, the test of compressive
2.4 Test objects strength and bending strength.
The test specimens in this study Flexural strength test was performed
were cylindrical and beam with 5 test on 150x150x600 mm concrete beam
specimens for each treatment ie 0%, 0.1%, samples, while the compressive
0.2%, 0.3, 0.4%, 0.6%, 0.8% and 1.0% for strength test was performed with
Scanfibre for testing Compressive cylindrical sample with diameter 150
strength and flexural strength at 7 days, 28 mm and height 300 mm.
days and 56 days. 6. Stage VI, the data analysis phase.
At this stage, the data obtained from
2.5 Stages and Procedures Research the test results are analyzed to obtain
The implementation of this research a conclusion of the relationship
conducted several stages from the selection between the variables studied in the
of concrete materials, material testing, study.
manufacture of test objects, test object 7. Stage VII Called the stage of
testing, data analysis and conclusions from conclusion.
the results of research. At this stage, the data that has been
The research implementation is divided into analyzed made a conclusion related
several stages, namely: to the purpose of the study.
1. Phase I, the preparation stage.
At this stage all materials and 2.6 Experimental Variations
equipment needed in the research are In this test variation testing is done:
prepared in advance for research to In
run smoothly. additionScanfibre 0, 1%, 0, 2%, 0, 3%, 0.4
2. Phase II, the material test stage. %, 0.6%, 0.8%, and 1.0% in terms of the
At this stage, a study of concrete weight of fresh concrete.
materials is made. This is done to
determine the nature and 2.7 Test Result Testing, Analysis and
characteristics of the material. In Conclusions
addition to know whether the After testing is done, then the analysis of
material meets the requirements or research results and take conclusions from
not. the processing of data analysis.
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
2. Abration 25.7 %
3. Weight Release 1,356 (Kg / m3)
• Pseudo Weight
• Absorption
2. Abration 25.7 %
3. Weight Release 1,397 (Gr / cc)
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Based on the data in Table 3.4 above 10.04%, and 1.0% Scanfibre addition
shows that the compressive strength of increased 3.93% compressive strength
concrete at the age of 7 days without added when compared to compressive strength
Scanfibre is 31.25 MPa. In the addition of value of concrete mixture without Scanfibre
Scanfibre of 0.1% there was an increase of addition.
2.18%, on the addition of Scanfibre of 0.2%
a decrease in compressive strength of 7.42%, b. Compressive Strength Concrete at
in addition Scanfibre of 0.3% decreased 28 Days
compressive strength of 1.31%, the addition Tests were performed at 28
of Scanfibre of 0.4% was decreased days. The data of concrete
compressive strength of 9.61%, Scanfibre compressive strength test results with
addition of 0.6% decreased compressive the addition of Scanfibre can be seen
strength of 10.48%, Scanfibre addition of in Table 3.5 below.
0.8% was decrease in compressive strength
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Based on the data in Table 3.5 above strength of 63.91%, and the addition of
shows that the compressive strength of Scanfibre by 1.0%, a decrease in
concrete at 28 days without added Scanfibre compressive strength by 4.65% when
is 35.07 MPa. In addition of Scanfibre 0.1% compared with the value of compressive
there was an increase in compressive strength of concrete mixture without
strength of 9.75%, in addition of Scanfibre Scanfibre addition.
0.2% a decrease in compressive strength of c. Compressive Strength Concrete 56 Days
9.52%, in addition Scanfibre of 0.3% Press The test is done at the age of 56 days.
of 10.92%, the addition of Scanfibre 0.4% The result data of concrete
increase in compressive strength of 1,69, compressive strength test with
Scanfibre addition of 0.6% increase in Scanfibre addition can be seen in
compressive strength of 1.94%, Scanfibre Table 3.6 below
addition 0, 8% a decrease in compressive
Table 3.6 Compressive Strength at 56 Days
Based on the data in Table 3.6 above Scanfibre fiber of 0.3% Press of 21.53%, in
shows that the compressive strength of addition Scanfibre of 0.4% increase in
concrete at age 56 days without added compressive strength of 16.06%, Scanfibre
Scanfibre is 37.39 MPa. In the addition of addition of 0.6% increase in compressive
Scanfibre 0.1% there was an increase in strength of 10.22%, Scanfibre addition of
compressive strength of 2.55%, in addition 0, 8% a decrease in compressive strength of
of Scanfibre 0.2% a decrease in 14.56%, and the addition of Scanfibre of 1.0%
compressive strength of 2.92%, in addition increase in compressive strength of 7.30%
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Kuat Tekan Beton (MPa)
0,1 %
0,2 %
0,3 %
0,4 %
0 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 0,6 %
Umur Beton (hari) 0,8 %
Compressive Strength and Concrete Age of concrete at 28 days was lower than
e. Compressive Strength Comparison at 7 the average concrete compressive
Days, 28 Days, and 56 Days strength at the age of 56 days.
Based on Figure 4.5 above shows that
the average concrete compressive 2. Concrete Bending Strength
strength at the age of 7 days without a. Strong Bending Concrete Age 7
more less compared with the Days
compressive strength of the average Testing is done at 7 days. The result
concrete at the age of 28 days and 56 data of the concrete bending strength
days. The average concrete strength of the concrete with the addition of
Scanfibre can be seen in Table 3.7
Based on the data in Table 3.7 above strength at age 7 days without added
shows that the flexural compressive Scanfibre is 3.96 MPa. In Scanfibre
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
addition of 0.1% there was a 6.1% increase decreased the bending strength by 1.29%
in bending strength, in addition of Scanfibre when compared with the flexural strength of
of 0.2%, increased flexural strength by the concrete mixture without the addition of
6.06%, in addition to Scanfibre of 0.3% By Scanfibre.
10,05%, the addition of Scanfibre by 0,4% b. Concrete bending strength Age 28
there was increase of bending strength by Days
4,73%, Scanfibre addition by 0,6%, Tests were performed at 28 days. The
decrease of bending strength by 11,33%, result data of the concrete bending
Scanfibre addition 0,8% % There was a strength of the concrete with the
decrease in the flexural strength of 3.29%, addition of Scanfibre can be seen in
and the addition of Scanfibre by 1.0% Table 3.8 below.
Based on the data in Table 3.8 above of Scanfibre by 1.0% occurred a 10.11%
shows that the flexural strength of concrete reduction in the bending strength when
at 28 days without added Scanfibre is 4.63 compared with the flexural strength value of
MPa. In the addition of Scanfibre of 0.1%, the concrete mixture without the addition of
the increase of bending strength by 0.59%, Scanfibre.
in the addition of Scanfibre of 0.2%,
increased the bending strength by 0.63%,
the addition of Scanfibre of 0.3% Bending c. Concrete bending strength 56 Days
of 0.35%, in addition of Scanfibre of 0.4%, The test is done at the age of 56
increased bending strength by 1.85%, days. The result data of the concrete
Scanfibre addition by 0.6%, a decrease in bending strength of the concrete with
bending strength by 6.60%, Scanfibre fiber the addition of Scanfibre can be seen
addition of 0, 8% there was a decrease in the in Table 3.9 below.
flexural strength of 6.10%, and the addition
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
0,1 %
0,2 %
0,3 %
0,4 %
0,6 %
0 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 0,8 %
Concrete age (day) 1,0 %
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
4.22 4.20 4.38 4.32 4.34
4.00 3.96 4.15 4.16
3.83 3.91
3.50 3.51
2.50 Umur 7 Hari
Umur 28 Hari
1.00 Umur 56 Hari
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Persentase Pemakaian Scanfibre (%)
Figure 3.3 Comparison of concrete bending age 7 Days, 28 days, and 56 Days
Use Strong The relationship
No Strength (fc
Scanfibre Bending (f s)(MPa) between f sand
') (MPa)
1. 0.0% 31.25 3.96 0.7085
2. 0.1% 31.93 4.22 0.7461
3. 0.2% 28.93 4.20 0.7811
4. 0.3% 30.84 4.38 0.7881
5. 0.4% 28.25 4.15 0.7805
6. 0.6% 27.98 3.51 0.664
7. 0.8% 28.11 3.83 0.7225
8. 1.0% 32.48 3.91 0.686
Table 3.10 The Relationship between fc & concrete or the strong bending of
fs use of Scanfibre as an added ingredient concrete. As mentioned earlier, In the
in concrete mixture has no significant effect, addition of scanfibre of 0.1%, 0.3%, 0.4%,
either on the compressive strength of the and 1.0% of concrete compressive strength
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
when compared with concrete compressive strength of concrete when compared to the
strength without Scanfibre fiber addition. In compressive strength of the concrete
addition of Scanfibre 0.2%, 0.6%, 0.8% without the addition of Scanfibre.
there was a decrease in the compressive 2. Relation Between fc and fs
Use Strong The relationship
No Strength (fc
Scanfibre Bending (f s)(MPa) between f s and
') (MPa)
1. 0.0% 35.07 4.63 0.7812
2. 0.1% 38.49 4.65 0.7501
3. 0.2% 31.73 4.66 0.8265
4. 0.3% 38.90 4.64 0.7444
5. 0.4% 35.48 4.71 0.7910
6. 0.6% 34.39 4.32 0.7368
7. 0.8% 29.48 4.34 0.8001
8. 1.0% 33.44 4.16 0.7192
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
From the correlation table between the adding scanfibre seen that fiber scanfibre
compressive strength and bending strengths used as a mixture is not broken. This proves
above, the average value of constant that the bond between the cement paste
constants is 0.7404. This result is close to scanfibre not perfect. So therefore, the
the value of the existing constants for the failure or collapse that occurred can be
concrete using the broken aggregate is 0.75. categorized by the collapse over
3. Forms of Collapse Test reinforced with the understanding that no
a. Forms of Test Material Collapse significant fiber function. This condition is
The failure or collapse that occurred in also not ideal as the condition that occurs in
the compressive strength testing occurs over reinforced concrete slabs, because
at the interface zone (zone between the the over-reinforced conditions constantly
surface) is the contact area between the while on this study only scanfibre are
cement paste to aggregate, where the bond discontinuous.
is not perfect and not because of the
outbreak of the aggregate. In mechanisms 4. CONCLUSION
explored collapse press can also be seen that Of all the tests and observations on
the pattern collapse occurs forming concrete mix with the addition of Scanfibre
longitudinal pattern down, it is in be concluded as follows:
accordance with the pattern of the concrete 1. The use of Scanfibre in various levels
collapse in general. The pattern collapse is not a significant difference in the
occurs in all age concrete testing, both at the compressive strength of concrete. These
age of 7 days, 28 days and 56 days. results are in line with the analysis carried
b. The collapse of the test specimen after out at the age of 7, 28, and 56 days.
testing the flexural strength 2. The average value of the flexural
The collapse of the test specimen after strength of concrete at 28 days 4,16 - 4,71
testing the flexural strength can be seen in Mpa. From these results it can be concluded
the picture below. that there is no real difference between the
From the picture that be observed that flexural strength of the test specimen with
the flexural testing largely collapse occurs the addition of Scanfibre.
also in the interface zone (zone between the Based on the formula of f s = K (f ' c) 0.5 , an
surface). In flexural testing of concrete by association between the compressive
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
strength and flexural strength at the age of Shopping And Strong Flexible
7, 28 and 56 days , then obtained a constant Concrete Using Tras Sand Jatiyoso
value (K) of the average is 0.7345, 0.7687, As Substitute For Rigid
and 0 , 7404 . Pavement (Rigid Pavement) ",
Department of Civil Engineering
REFERENCES Faculty of Engineering, Universitas
Ariatama, A ,. (2007), "Effect of Fiber Wire Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014.
Hooked On High Quality Concrete Mustari, MI ,. (2011) , "Study of Concrete
Strength v On Bending strength Rigid Pavement
Based Fiber Diameter Optimasai", With Fiber Additions Fiberglass In
Diponegoro University, Semarang Concrete Normal " , Article ILTEK,
2007. Volume 6, Number 12, 2011.
National Standardization Soroushian, P., and bayasi., Z.,
Agency. 2008. ISO 1969: 2008, Test 1987 , "Concept of Fiber Reinforced
Method Density and Water Concrete" , Proceedings of the
Absorption of Aggregate Coarse. Bandung. International Seminar on Fiber
National Standardization Reinforced Concrete, Michigan State
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Method Density and Water Suhendro, B., 1991, Effect of Fiber Wire
Absorption of Aggregate Fine. Bandung. On Qualities Concrete, Seminar
National Standardization Mechanics of Materials in Various
Agency. 2008. ISO 2417: 2008, Aspects, Yogyakarta
Test Method Wear of Tampubolon, H ,. (2014), "The Effect of
Aggregate With Los Angeles Abrasion Copper Cable Additions Against
Machine. Bandung. Waste Concrete Compressive
Department of Public Works Strength", Department of Civil
(2012), " General Specifications of Faculty of Engineering, University of
Highways 2010 revision 3 " , the Lancang Kuning, Pekanbaru, 2014.
Public Works Department of Tjokrodimuljo, K., 1996 , "Concrete
Highways, Jakarta, in 2012. Technology", Publisher Naviri,
Dwicahyani, A ,. (2012), "Comparison of Yogyakarta.
Compressive Strength and Strong Wiyono, S ,. (2009), " Materials and
Concrete Bending Machine Iron Material Path " Lecture Material
Against Waste Fiber Concrete Fiber Properties and Road Construction
Fabrication", Faculty of Engineering Materials in Civil Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering Graduate Islamic University of Riau,
Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Pekanbaru 2009.
Fiorentino, A ,. (2014), "The Influence of
Utilization of Sand River Takuana
With Addition of Waste Fiber Wire
Bending Strong Against Concrete",
Department of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, University of
Lancang Kuning, Pekanbaru, 2014.
Gunawan, A ,. (2014), "Review of
Compressive Strength, Strong Pull
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Indragiri Hulu Regency is blessed with great and varied natural resource riches, such as
crude oil, coal, palm oil, sunlight, and peat. The many types of natural resources have
become the support for development at Indragiri Hulu Regency for the purpose of
reaching the well-being of the people. The use of the entire natural resources should be
carried out as optimally as possible without reducing or eliminating the opportunity on
the use of one or more types of resources. Therefore, a study on the strategy and priority
on the use of energy resources should be conducted so that the conflict of land use due
to the existence of more than one type of resource potentials may be avoided. The study
of the priority on the use of energy resource was conducted on the framework of
synchronizing policies between each sector of natural resource management, in order
to come in contact with the relationship between each energy resource and fulfilling the
principle of justification, continuity, optimality and environmentally friendly aspect. In
principle, all of the resources should be able to be used as optimally as possible for
much of the people’s welfare and the acceleration of sustainable development of
Indragiri Hulu. At present, only the wealth of energy resources that may be relied upon
for improving the economy of Indragiri Hulu Regency in the future. With the presence
of priority saving in funding, time and workforce necessary may be realized. Besides
that, it may increase efficiency in terms of resource allocation. The priority usage of
energy resource industry may also be considered as a guarantee for the investor
candidates to invest safely in Indragiri Hulu Regency. The research provided the
strategy and priority on the use of energy resources at Indragiri Hulu Regency. Priority
was drawn from the judgement of competent people various in the management of
natural resources using the method of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). It also used
SWOT analysis to formulate policy of energy resource development as research support
method. Economic, environmental and technical aspects are the main factors which are
used in AHP method. The main factors were devided into criteria and sub criteria which
could represent the characteristics of each energy resource. Dominant energy resources
as alternatives are crude oil, coal, oil palm plantation, sunlight and peat. The result of
analysis shows that coal has the highest priority, whereas the priority of oil palm
plantation, crude oil, sunlight, peat is second, third,fourth and fifth respectively. The
development of Indragiri Hulu Regency as a reliable region aimed toward the region of
Batam and to the area of Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore Growth Triangle, demands
great attention from the planners and executors of development. It is expected that the
study may become an input for regional government in formulating strategies in the use
of energy resources for sustainable development at Indragiri Hulu Regency.
Keywords: energy resource, Analytical Hierarchy Process, Strategy, Priority, SWOT
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
b. Selection of Respondents
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
The resource persons are experts on the Industry and Cooperative Office of
utilization of natural resources and Indragiri Hulu Regency, and Association
energy in integrated systems of young entrepreneurs Riau and
(integrated and comprehensive - macro Academics. The selection of respondents
and micro conditions) whether is based on the consideration that their
practitioners, academics, or level of recognition and expertise on the
bureaucrats. Respondents in this study priority assessment of the utilization of
were 28 people, among others: from natural resources and energy for
Department of local government sustainable development in Indragiri
Indragiri Hulu Regency, Bhedalda Hulu is considered to answer / solve this
Indragiri Hulu Regency, Bawasda problem. Assessment by the respondents
Indragiri Hulu Regency, Mining and is based on the ability of perceptions,
Energy Office of Riau Province and reasoning, insight and instinct that relies
Indragiri Hulu Regency, Fishery and on their experience in development in
Marine Office of Riau Province, Indragiri Hulu on an ongoing basis.
Department of Food Crops of
Holtikultura and Fisheries Regency of a. Pengolahan Data AHP
Indragiri Hulu, Regional Revenue 1. Penentuan Bobot Faktor Utama
Service of Indragiri Hulu Regency, Terhadap Goal
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Peng. Wil
Manfaat = 0.334* (0.042**)
= 0.346* (0.125 **) Pendapatan
Asli Daerah
= 0.228* (0.029**)
Pot. Pertumb
= 0.438* (0.055**)
= 0.363
Ketersediaan = 0.627* (0.05**)
= 0.218* (0.079**) B. Ekstraksi
= 0.373* (0.03**)
Biaya Investasi
= 0.331* (0.02**)
Pengusahaan PBP
= 0.167* (0.061**) = 0.284* (0.017**)
= 0.386* (0.023**)
= 0.602* (0.059**)
= 0.268* (0.097**)
= 0.398* (0.039**)
Kesempatan Kerja
= 0.527* (0.105**)
Sosial Budaya
= 0.5* (0.199**)
= 0.269* (0.053**)
= 0.204* (0.041**)
= 0.398
Dampak terhadap
= 0.444* (0.088**)
Fisik Kebutuhan lahan
= 0.5* (0.199**) = 0.16* (0.032**)
Kebutuhan air
= 0.395* (0.079**)
Peralatan yang
= 0.373* (0.039**)
= 0.442* (0.106**)
= 0.627* (0.066**)
= 0.239 Ketersediaan
Tenaga Kerja
Keterangan : Sumber Daya = 0.414* (0.055**)
* Prioritas Lokal Manusia
=0.558* (0.133**) Tingkat Pendidikan
** Prioritas Global
= 0.586* (0.078**)
Picture 3 Local Priorities and Global Factors, Criteria and Sub Criteria
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Total Alternative Global Weight of SDAE .242 .233 .191 .179 .155
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Level 0 Level I Prioritas Level II Prioritas Level III Prioritas Level IV Prioritas
Global Faktor Global Kriteria Global Sub Kriteria Global SDA
Peng. Wil
Manfaat = 0.042
= 0.125 Pendapatan
Asli Daerah
= 0.029
Pot. Pertumb
Aspek Daerah
Ekonomi = 0.055
= 0.363
Ketersediaan = 0.05
= 0.079 Biaya
Marginal = 0.03
Batubara = 0.242
Biaya Investasi
= 0.02
Pengusahaan PBP
= 0.061 = 0.017
= 0.023
Kelapa Sawit = 0,233
= 0.059
Orientasi Pemasaran
= 0.097 Domestik
= 0.039
Kesempatan Kerja
= 0.105 Minyak Bumi =
Sosial Budaya
= 0.199 Tingkat Pendapatan
= 0.053
Persepsi Masyarakat
= 0.041
= 0.398 Dampak terhadap Cahaya Matahari =
ekosistem 0,179
= 0.088
Fisik Kebutuhan lahan
= 0.199 = 0.032
Peralatan yang
= 0.039
= 0.106 Pengolahan
= 0.066
Teknis Ketersediaan Tenaga
= 0.239 Kerja
Sumber Daya = 0.055
= 0.133 Tingkat Pendidikan
= 0.078
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Table 4 Weight (likehood total) and Inter-Alternative Priority Utilization Natural resources
and energy
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ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
The study aimed to obtain the best amount of Chlorella sp for growth and breeding of
Moina sp. The research was conducted in a natural food culture laboratory at Fish Seed
Center Faculty of Agriculture Islamic University of Riau Pekanbaru. The test material
used by Moina sp and as feed was used Chlorella sp. The research design used was a
complete randomized design of one factor with four treatments and three repetitions.
The amount of Chlorella sp used in each treatment was 75x104 cells / L, 100x104 cells
/ L, 125x104 cells / L and 150x104 cells / L. The result of the research showed that the
highest density of Moina sp was 8,992 ind / L with Chlorella sp 150x104 cell / mL, with
peak population on day 14, and lowest density 1,942 ind / L on Chlorella sp 75x104 cell
/ L, with peak population on the 12th day. The highest growth rate of Moina sp
population in treatment of Chlorella sp as much as 150x104 cells / L was 5.12 (ind.2x10-
3xhari-1), and the lowest value was 75x104 cells / L of 3.58 (ind.2x10-3xday-1). The
water quality of culture media during the study was still supportive for the growth and
breeding of Moina sp.
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
prey Moina sp. Moina sp has nutrient Referring to the study, researchers
content consisting of 37,38% protein, fat conducted the administration of Chlorella sp
13,29%, and coarse 0,00%, ash 11,0% and with different amounts for growth and
water content 99,60% (Marine and breeding of Moina sp. The purpose of the
Fishery Research Agency, 2006 in study to determine the best results of different
Wijayanti , 2010). amounts of Chlorella sp for the growth and
breeding of Moina sp. While the benefits of
Moina sp belongs to the research make Moina sp as an alternative
zooplankton group and if given to the natural food for larvae / fish and shrimp seeds.
larvae / seed the fish will provide the
stimulation to eat it, because the organism
has a slow movement. To grow Moina sp
as feed of larvae / fish seed, first must be 2. METHODOLOGY
done culture of feed. In the waters of The material used in this research is
Moina sp food consists of herbs and Moina sp, which comes from the pond around
detritus (the remnants of dissolved organic the fish seed hall of the Faculty of Agriculture
matter), among the plants are microalgae of the Islamic University of Riau Perhentian
(Chlorella sp). By culturing Chlorella sp Marpoyan Pekanbaru. Inokulum Chlorella sp
purely, it can be determined the amount of from labor Dahril, liquid organic fertilizer
feed that will be required by Moina sp for from the composting process of central
its growth and proliferation. market waste Pekanbaru, chicken manure. As
The resulting moina spin can be a culture medium of Chlorella sp and Moina
used as alternative feed for Tubifex worms sp, used mineral water (gallon) and drilling
in the form of frozen or fresh, on the well water.
hatchery of Siamese catfish, jelawat, Tools used include shelves of culture
gurami and mas. In addition Moina sp of Chlorella sp and Moina sp, 5 liters of water
fresh also used as a starter to grow natural gallon bottles, 5 liter plastic jars, aerators,
feed in the pond. Thus Moina sp has an aeration hoses, aeration stones, plankton net,
enormous opportunity to replace the measuring cups, petridish saucers, measuring
Tubifex worm as a fish larvae feed pipettes, haemacytometers , lux glass, handy
(Rianasari, 2009). caunter, bucket, basin and binocular
microscope with the equipment, 40 watt
Utilization of Chlorella sp as fluorescent lamps and a computer set.
zooplankton food has been done by other To measure water quality parameters used
researchers for the type of Rotifera equipment such as mercury thermometer to
(Brachionus sp). Hirayama et al., In Dahril measure temperature, litmus paper to
(1996), states there are two types of algae measure the degree of acidity (pH) of water,
namely Synechococcus elongates and then spectrophotometer to measure the
Chlorella sp can be the best food for content of phosphor and nitrogen elements.
Rotifer. From his research the optimal cell The design of the study was a complete
density required for Chlorella sp type is randomized design (RAL) with four
150x104 cells / ml. Then from the results treatments and three repetitions, the four
of research conducted Hirayana and treatments were: (P1) Chlorella sp
Ogawa (1972) in Dahril (1996), suggests administration with amount of 75x104 cells /
that Chlorella sp with a density of L, (P2) Chlorella sp giving 100x104 cells / L,
213x104 cells / ml in culture media, is the (P3) Administration of Chlorella sp with the
best density for Rotifer. amount of 125x104 cells / L and (P4)
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Table 1 shows the population increase of of Chlorella sp is not sufficient for the growth
Moina sp, according to treatment and the and breeding of Moina sp.
day of observation of population increase For the administration of Chlorella
is not the same. Then the density of Moina sp as much as 150x104 cells / L, the increase
sp in each treatment, peak population on in Moina sp density was faster than that of
certain days, and then density will Chlorella sp as much as 125x104 cells / L, as
decrease. well as lower amount of administration. This
At the peak phase, the proliferation of is because if the availability of feed enough,
Moina sp occurs when feeding is in the then Moina sp will grow quickly.
form of Chlorella sp, in balance with the Radiopoetro (1983) in Zuhidah et al., (2012),
need for breeding of Moina sp. Then on says that in sufficient feed conditions, young
maintenance the next day Moina sp Daphnia sp. (Juvenil) will grow and change
density began to decline, as Moina sp skin to adult individuals and reproduce in
began to experience death. In this phase of parthenogenesis, resulting in the addition of
death the availability of food in the form individuals being several-fold.
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Kepadatan Moina
4000 P2
2000 P3
0 P4
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Pengamatan (hari)
Figure 1. Average Graph of Increasing Number of Individuals Moina Population sp Every
Treatment During Research (ind / L)
Figure 1 shows the growth graph of is still low, at which time Moina sp is still in
Moina sp on the 2nd day until the 8th day the adaptation phase or adjustment to the
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
environment. Then on the 10th day Moina the number of population of Moina sp
sp showed faster growth. This indicates increases, while the number of available
that Moina sp has been able to utilize Chlorella sp same in each treatment, so
Chlorella sp as optimal feed. Suwignyo et Moina sp began to experience death.
al., (2005), says the food of Moina sp is
composed of phytoplankton, organic According to Purwantini (2009) in
matter detritus (detritus), and small Darmawan (2014), the increase in population
animals (zooplankton). growth of Daphnia sp occurs because at the
time before reaching the peak, the
Next Hara (2007) in Rianasari (2009), concentration of feed contained in the media
Moina sp food in nature consists of is more than the maintenance requirement
phytoplankton, particles of organic matter, (the amount of feed that has no effect on
and bacteria. While Mudjiman (1985), growth) from Daphnia sp.
said the type of food is good for its growth
is bacteria and phytoplankton. Then Odum Furthermore, Noerdjito (2004) in
(1971), explains the fluctuations in Darmawan (2014), Daphnia sp growth
population development can occur due to pattern is influenced by several factors, such
changes in the physical environment or as physical condition of waters, feed type,
interaction between individuals in getting and feed concentration. When these three
food. factors are favorable, the growth rate of
Daphnia sp will take place more rapidly and
For the administration of Chlorella sp result in a higher population peak. Then
as much as 150x104 cells / L, there was a Freshwater Cultivation Center (1984),
decrease in Moina sp density from 8,992 Daphnia sp population decreases when
ind / L to 2,750 ind / L. In contrast to other available feed is not sufficient, this occurs
treatments the decrease in population due to competition of feed.
density of Moina sp is not dractically
significant. Decreased Moina sp density, The result of variance analysis shows
caused because Moina sp started to die. that the administration of Chlorella sp with
different amounts gives a different effect.
Moina sp death due to the availability Further test results of BNT Moina density sp
of Chlorella sp food is not proportional to are presented in Table 2.
the total population of Moina sp. Where as
Based on the results of further test To see the relationship between the
of BNT density of Moina sp in the above number of maintenance days of Moina sp
table, showed that treatment of P4 gave density during maintenance, can be explained
very significant different result to by the regression equation in the graph of Fig.
treatment of P1, P2 and P3 at 99% 2.
confidence level.
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Figure 2. Graph of Relationship Between the Number of Days Maintenance Against Moina
Density During Maintenance (ind / L)
cells / L maximum density of Moina sp can
occur after 106.89 days.
FIG. 2 illustrates that, by administering
Chlorella sp as much as 75x104 cells / L,
the maximum density of Moina sp
occurred after 9.84 days, for 100x104 cell Population Growth Rate of Moina sp
/ L of maximum density after 9.98 days From the result of data analysis of population
and Chlorella sp 125x104 cell / L increase of Moina sp, got population growth
maximum density after 11.64 days. As for rate of Moina sp. To see data of population
the provision of Chlorella sp 150x104 growth rate of Moina sp during observation
is presented in Table 3.
Table 3. Mean Population Growth Rate of Moina sp of Each Treatment During the Study
(ind.x2x10-3x day-1)
Treatment / Growth Rate
Day of Observation to-
P1 P2 P3 P4
2 0.99 1.28 1.38 1.59
4 0.62 0.69 0.78 0.86
6 0.48 0.51 0.56 0.62
8 0.42 0.45 0.48 0.50
10 0.37 0.44 0.41 0.43
12 0.35 0.34 0.42 0.43
14 0.23 0.24 0.29 0.41
16 0.12 0.19 0.22 0.28
Total 3.58 4.14 4.54 5.12
Mean 0.447 0.517 0.567 0.640
In Table 3 shows that during the Moina sp population at each treatment, the
observation of the rate of growth of the highest growth rate was observed on day 2.
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
However, on the same day observations, macro and micro nutrients contained in the
for treatment of Chlorella sp as much as culture medium.
75x104 cells / L, population growth rate
was lower when compared with the Table 3 also shows that, overall, the
treatment of giving Chlorella sp with more rate of population growth of Moina sp at all
number. This is because the availability of treatments, decreased during observation
food for Moina sp is not sufficient for its time, which began on the 4th day until the
growth rate. 16th.
1 P1
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Waktu pengamatan (hari)
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
World market outlook is good for palm-based products and is believed to increase farmers
' productivity, open employment opportunities, and increase the purchasing power of rural
communities as well as an overview of economic efficiency and financial efficiency of farm
input allocations and the best policy directions formulated by the government. The purpose
of this research is to: 1) identify the characteristics of farmers, 2) analyze the financial and
economic benefits, 3) analyze the competitiveness of oil palm farming, and 4) analyze the
impact of government policy on competitiveness. This research used a survey method in the
Mandau Sub-district of Bengkalis Regency with sample number 90 people. Data analysis
using descriptive method and quantitative analysis of the Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM).
The results of research on the characteristics of farmers stated that the average age of
farmers 45 years, low educated, 14 years of farming experience, and the average number of
family members 3 souls. Palm oil farming benefits financially and economically as well as
has a competitive and comparative advantage owing to more than one PCR and DRCR
scores. The Government's policy on output causes domestic output prices to be higher than
international prices while the Government's protection against inputs and producers receives
subsidies so they can buy at low prices. The policy on input-output has not been fully
effective in protecting oil palm farmers, in Sub-district Mandau, Bengkalis District.
Agriculture as one of the dominant sector improve and increase yield, diversify the
in the improvement of people's income is also quality of the production, processing and
a flagship sector work opportunities, ultimately as a contributor to the country's
expanding markets both at home and abroad, foreign exchange from the sector's non oil and
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
gas. Special sub plantation sector, Indonesia palm plantation acreage . Large of acreage, the
has oil palm crop commodities, where the number of production and productivity of oil
development program and the development of palm in Indonesia in the past year 2011-2015
palm oil increased and prospects the world continues to increase, including a look at the
market for Palm oil-based products are quite following table:
good, encouraging Governments to develop oil
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
direction of the best policy formulated by the Descriptive statistical methods used, i.e.
Government. Based on the background so the methods to collect, summarize, presenting, and
purpose of this study is to: 1) Knowing the describes the data so as to provide useful
characteristics of farmers, 2) Analyze profit information (Nisfiannoor, 2009), include old
(profitability) is financially and economically, age, education, experience, effort and number
3) Analyze power competitiveness of farming of members family,
Palm oil, and 4) Analyze impact Government Method for analyze the financial and
policy towards the competitiveness of farming economic advantages, competitiveness, and
oil palm the impact of government policies is the Policy
Analysis Matrix (PAM). Some steps needs to
be done, namely:
a. Identify the input in farming oil palm in
This research using survey method in full
Bengkalis Regency Mandau, arguing that this b. Assignment of the input components to
region has the largest oil palm productivity tradable inputs (input are traded in
levels in Bengkalis and farmers who cultivate international markets, either import or
oil palm plantations are typically the peasant export) and non tradable inputs (input
folk. The population in this study are all generated in the domestic market and not
farmers who cultivate oil palm crops as staple traded International).
jobs. Sample farmers deliberately dictated on c. Determination of shadow prices of inputs
farmers who have plant oil palm yield (TM) and outputs.
and age of the plant more than 10 years that 1. Shadow price of inputs, the same as the
came from the village of Internal Batuah, new financial price i.e. land, seeds,
hope, Chamfer, and Pamesi, with the total fertilizers, pesticides, and labor.
sample was 90 people are farmers. Shadow price of land and seeds are in
Data collection consisted of primary data price that applies in the area of
and secondary data (Kuncoro, 2003). Primary research. The price of urea fertilizers
data obtained through surveys in the field shadows refer to price FOB because
through direct interviews with sample peasant urea is already produced in Indonesia
to based on a detailed questionnaire, including even exported, while fertilizer TSP,
variable production inputs (seeds, fertilizers, ZA, and NPK refers to the price CIF as
pesticides, labor, and equipment), the price of it still imported. Shadow price of labor
inputs, the number of production, and data based on wages in place of research.
other related research. While secondary data 2. The output shadow price, with the CPO
include a general overview of the area, as its output, is determined by FOB at
population, area, production, acreage and the nearest port. CPO output shadow
productivity of palm oil, which is obtained pricing is influenced by the exchange
from the relevant agencies, such as the Office rate so that the price of currency
of the district, BPS, and Office of the estate exchange shadow by standard
conversion factors (SCF) according to
RESULT AND DISCUSSION Gittinger (1986) is needed: SER= 𝑆𝐶𝐹
1. The characteristics of the oil palm Where :
Growers SER = Shadow Exchange Rate
OER = Official Exchange Rate
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
number of the domestic resources that can costs. A positive value of J (J > 0)
be saved to make one unit of foreign shows the social price of foreign input.
exchange. If the DRCR < 1 means As a result the producers paying more
economically efficiency and can be more expensive inputs. Conversely, if J < 0
efficient when it is produced in the country shows government subsidies towards
compared with the import (for commodity foreign input, so that farmers do not
import substitution) or a high export pay full social korbanan that should
opportunities (for commodity export have paid.
orientation). The Formula Of The DRCR b. input nominal protection Coefficient/
= G/E-F Nominal Protection's on Input an
indicator that shows the level of
4. Analysis of the impact of Government Government protection against
policy domestic input prices. If the value of
Policy Impact Analysis Output NPCI < 1 then Government policies are
a. Transfer The Output/ Output Transfer(I) protective of the input and the input
=A–E producers receive subsidies over
It is the difference between the value foreign tradable so that manufacturers
of acceptance based on the price of can buy with lower prices. If the value
financial and social acceptance based of NPCI > 1 then there is protection
on price. Positive output transfer against foreign producers of tradable
values reflect the magnitude of the input, which causes the sectors using
transfer from the public to the these inputs will be adversely affected
manufacturer because the public buys by the high cost of production. Formula
the output at a price above the price NPCI = B/F
should be. While the negative output c. Transfer factor (K) is an indicator used
transfer value indicates that the to analyze the impact of the
applicable policy resulted in output Government's policy against the non
prices manufacturers received is lower tradable inputs. If K is positive means
than the price should be. there is a Government policy which is
b. Output protection Coefficient nominal/ to protect domestic input producers.
Nominal Protection's on Output is the The Formula K = C-G
ratio between the reception and the
acceptance of financial prices based Policy Impact Analysis Input-Output
upon a social price. If the value of a. the NET Transfer (L) is the difference
NPCO > 1 means government policy between the net profit actually accepted
resulted in output prices in the local the manufacturer with its social net
market higher than the price on the profit, whether adverse or favorable to
world market. Formula NPCO = A/E the farmers. The value L > 0 the surplus
Policy Impact Analysis Inputs informed that additional manufacturers
a. Transfer input/ Input Transfer(J) = B-F caused by the existence of a
indicates that the input policy expected Government policy against input and
in tradable inputs caused the output. L = D – H
difference between the input costs b. effective protection Coefficient
privately tradable and tradable input (Effective Protection's) is an indicator
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
of the overall impact of policy inputs production costs are greater than social
and outputs of the system of production costs to produce. The Formula Of The
of commodities in the country. The SRP = L/A-B
value of the EPC describing the extent
to which government policies are to
protect or inhibit domestic production. 1. The Characteristics Of The Oil Palm
The value 1 means > EPC policies Growers
protecting domestic manufacturers a. Age , describe the level of maturity of the
effectively. Formula EPC = A-B/E-F attitude of each individual and affect the
c. Profit Coefficients (Profitability's) way of thinking and the ability of the
describes the overall influence of the power of the individual to work. Usually
policies that led to the private profit in younger farmers will be stronger and
contrast to social benefits. If the value enterprising work if compared to the
of the PC > 1 then the Government farmers who are old, beside that young
policy of making profits received by farmers will also receive faster innovation
producers is smaller when compared and more dynamic. But sometimes less
with no policy. Formula PC = D/H young farmers can control the emotions
d. the ratio of the Value of subsidies for when faced with problems in farming, this
producers (Ratio of Subsidies to often makes young farmers taking
Producers) indicate the level of decisions in a hurry. For more details the
addition and subtraction of acceptance characteristics of the farmer according to
due to Government policy. The value of age groups can be seen in the following
the SRP < 0 means government policies table:
caused the manufacturer pulled out
Based On Table 3 Note that the b. Long Education , having regard to the power
aged farmer most range between 35-44 of reason , the attitude of the , and the
year i.e. 36.67 % of total sample with an behavior of farmers . As high education
average age overall was 4 5.67 years . The then managed efforts tend to be more
sample included farmers age categories rational to take advantage of educational
age productive so farmers work societies, either obtained a formal or non
productivity is high enough. When one is formal. Long education that traveled every
in the age of productive results obtained farmer here's what affects and
more work and income increased. distinguishes the mindset of every farmer,
as in the following table:
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Table 7. The results of the analysis PAM Farming oil palm in Bengkalis Regency, Mandau, 2017
Based on Table 7 Note that Palm resulting oil palm productivity is still below the
farming in the Mandau is profitable, both potential production plus the applicable prices
financially as well as economy. This can be constantly fluctuate. Although there have been
seen from the advantages of private and social interventions from the Government in terms of
benefits were positive. Selling price of granting subsidies for fertilizer, but still
production at the level of farmers join in required policies that provide greater impact
influencing the value of acceptance, where the for production of farming oil palm farmers.
prices prevailing at the time the research is The average profit earned by farmers on
$1,840/kg TBS. private Profit is positive farming oil palm in the Mandau Rp
indicative of government intervention in 57,248/hectare. This value indicates that the
farming in oil palm Mandau Sub district. absence of Government policy then farmers
However, farmers still pulled out the high cost will take advantage of that value. The high
of production for farming especially for value of profits caused by the high value of the
fertilizer and labor wages. Besides the acceptance of the farmer, and this value is far
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
greater than the social benefits are issued. The 4.3 analysis of the competitiveness of
magnitude of the social acceptance because of Previous calculations have been performed
the shadow price of palm oil is much higher against the value of the currency conversion.
than the actual price. Shadow price is higher Conversion value gained 1.18 dollars to the
than the actual prices shows that the price of value of current research at Rp 13,436 so
palm oil in foreign countries is higher than in shadow prices obtained by the exchange rate of
the country. Rp 11,385.19. The results of the analysis of
competitiveness can be seen in the following
Table 8. Analysis of the competitiveness of farming oil palm in Bengkalis Regency Mandau,
The value
No. Indicator Private profit (USD/ha) Social benefits ($/ha)
of the
1 PCR 0.01 89,627.2 -
2 DRCR 0.03 - 31,952.8
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Table 9. The result of the Transfer of the Output and Output Nominal Protection Coefficient of
farming oil palm in Bengkalis Regency Mandau, 2016
The transfer of the output is the more than one, meaning with the presence of
difference between the calculated over the Government policy resulted in the price of
acceptance of private prices with acceptance at output in the local market higher than the price
a price socially, whereas NPCO is acceptance on the world market.
ratio is calculated based on the price of private
and social price. Based on Table 4.4.1 value Impact Of Policy Input
TO note that it has a positive and greater than The magnitude of the impact of the
one NPCO. This means that the magnitude of Government's policy against oil palm farming
the transfer from the public to the manufacturer inputs in the Mandau is shown by the value of
was Rp 57,248 /hectare or society purchasing the Input (it) Transfer, a Nominal Input
output with rates above the price should be. Protection Coefficient (NPCI), and Transfer
Value TO offset value NPCO also positive and Factor (TF), as shown in the following table:
Table 10. The result of the Transfer of the Input, the Input Nominal Protection Coefficient, and
Transfer Factor of farming oil palm in Bengkalis Regency Mandau, 2016
Based on Table 10 Transfer of Input Tax of Earth and building (PBB) and value
values to see that (it) is negative or less than added tax (VAT).
zero. This is shows government subsidies
towards foreign input, so that farmers do not Input-Output Policy Impact
pay full social victim that should have paid. Impact of policy composite can be seen from
NPCI Ratio of less than one indicates the the NET Transfer indicators (TB), an efficient
presence of protection against the input and the Protection Coefficient (EPC), the coefficient
input producers receive subsidies over foreign of Profit (PC), and the Ratio of Producer
tradable so that manufacturers can buy with Subsidy (SRP), as shown in the following table:
lower prices. Offset Transfer value again with
factors (TF) negative value indicating the
presence of implicit tax or transfer (intensive)
of the domestic input producers because oil
palm farmers in domestic input prices receive
the Mandau is more expensive rather than a
social price. Some implicit tax policy include
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Table 11. The results of the analysis of the Transfer of clean, Efficient Protection
Coefficient, Coefficient gain, and the Ratio of farming Subsidies, the producers of palm oil
in the Bengkalis Regency Mandau, 2016
Table 11 shows the value of positive benefits has a positive and greater than
TB informs that the existence of additional zero.
surpluses of manufacturers that are caused 3) The results of the analysis of the
by the existence of a Government policy competitiveness of farming oil palm in
against input and output. The value EPC is the Mandau shows that farming on site
positive and more than one, meaning the research have competitiveness, good
Government's policy against the prevailing competitive advantages of comparative.
input-output oil palm farmers protect This is apparent from the value of PCR
effectively. The value of the coefficient of (0.01) and the DRCR (0.03) positive
profit (PC) worth more than one, this means and smaller than one.
the existence of more favourable protection 4) The output shows the value TO policy
when in the absence of protection. and positive NPCO and more from a
Government policy towards private profit single, meaningful Government
causes output of farming oil palm is higher policies resulted in the price of output
than the profit that is supposed to received in the local market higher than the price
if there is no Government policy (social on the world market. Policy inputs
benefits). While the value of the SRP is provide value negative IT shows
more than zero indicate that the prevailing government subsidies towards foreign
government policy during this causes oil input, so that farmers do not pay full
palm farmers income experienced a slight social victim that should have paid.
NPCI ratio of less than one indicates
the presence of protection against input
CONCLUSION and producers receive subsidies over
1) The characteristics of the oil palm foreign tradable inputs so that
growers include the average age of manufacturers can buy with lower
45.67 years, average education level is prices. While the value of TF negative
a JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL graduate, indicates the implicit tax or transfer
the experience of the average farming (intensive) of the domestic input
is 14.07 years, the number of members producers because oil palm farmers in
of the family generally is 3 people. domestic input prices receive the
2) Farming oil palm in Bengkalis Mandau is more expensive than the
Regency Mandau benefit financially social price. Input-output policy
and economically, evidenced by the showed the value of positive TB
value of the private benefits and social informs the existence of additional
surpluses of manufacturers that are
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Attachment 1 . Analysis of Advantages of farming oil palm People in Bengkalis Regency,
Mandau, 2017
No. Description Values ($/ha)
1 Variable Costs:
Fertilizer 8,805,278
Pesticides 445,430
TKLK 21.6 HOK 1,727,833
The total number of 14,938,668
2 Fixed Costs:
TKDK 29.8 HOK 2,232,294
Depreciation of tools 322,762
The total number of 2,555,056
3 The Total Cost Of 17,493,724
4 Acceptance:
Production 49,998 kg
Price Usd 1,840/kg 91,996,320
5 Advantage 74,502,596
6 R/C 5.26
Attachment 2 . Calculation Standards Convertion Factor and the Shadow Price of Exchange
Rate, 2017
Description Value (Usd Billion)
The Total Value Of Exports (Xt) 144,444,770
The Total Value Of Imports (Mt) 129,008,234
The Acceptance Of Export Taxes (TXt) 12,053,000
Receipt Of Import Tax ('s TMt) 37,204,000
OER (US $) 13,436
SCF 1.18
SER 11,385.19
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
This research aims to find the differences of learning outcome for biology subject between
classes that applied problems based learning (PBL) method and guided discovery learning
(GDL) method to student of Class XI IPA SMAN Pekanbaru in academic year 2016/2017,
with type of research is quasi-experiment.The data obtained analyzed by using quantitative
data analysis and the learning outcome that measured was student’ cognitive and
psychomotor on excretion system study material. Data retrieval took place on January to
April 2017.The result of comparative research on PPK value between 9 schools of SMA
Negeri Pekanbaru shows SMAN 5 score the highest at 88.99 with a very good category for
experiment class-1 which applied PBL method and experiment class-2 which applied GDL
method score 86,24 with a very good category.In the comparative result for psychomotor
within 9 school of SMA NegeriPekanbaru, the highest score for experiment class-1 was
SMAN 5 which scored 92.54, and experiment class-2 scored by SMAN 2 with 89,49, both
schools are in very good category. From t-test data analysis result is discovered that SMAN
5 Pekanbaru which has the highest result on post-test among other school show that
tcount>ttable = 15,33 > 2,00; indicated that H1 accepted and H0 rejected and there are
significant contrast at biology study learning outcome in experiment class-1 and experiment
class-2; In other hand, SMAN 4 Pekanbaru which has the lowest result on post-test shows
tcount>ttable = 3,60 > 2,00, indicated that H1 accepted and H0 rejected which mean there
are significant contrast at biology study learning outcome between experiment class-1 and
experiment class-2.Overall, as seen from t-test value of post-test on whole school shows h1
accepted and h0 rejected and concluded that there are significant difference learning
outcome between Problem Based Learning (PBL) Method Applied class And Guided
Discovery Learning (GDL) Method Applied class with excretion system study material at
student in class XI SMA NegeriPekanbaru academic year 2016/2017.
Keywords : Problem Based Learning (PBL), Guided Discovery Learning (GDL), Learning
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
100 86.24
95 83.55 85.6 88.99 84.37 83.93 84.52
90 81.62 83.83 82.98 84.48 84.95 80.15
81.62 80.85
85 77.17 78.87 75
40 PBL
20 GDL
92.46 92.54 92.15
91.51 91.19 91.59
90.44 89.96
89.49 89.25
90.00 89.16 88.46
86.98 87.45 87.56 87.55
85.00 PBL
80.00 GDL
10 11 14 15
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
explore the problem, observe and also do solving problem and create higher thinking
some experiment. skill, student need to understand taught
concept because they are the one who
On the experiment class-2 (GDL), conclude the concept. In other hand, the
SMAN 5 obtained the highest score by lowest score is come from SMAN 2 with
86,24 with a very good category. This is 89,16 and grouped as very good category.
because student active to follow the This is because the student less active and
learning process using LKPD, even though less confidence during group discussion.
they rarely ask a question, but this condition Makes only a few students bravely asking
does not affected their cognitive ability questions. Other than class discussion,
because student supported by teacher’s during the practicum they tend to work
guidance as in GDL syntax, teacher play the individually and less teamwork within the
role as student’s guide during learning group. In addition, the time slot after break
process. This is in accordance to Roestiyah time makes them less concentrate to the
(2008:20), GDL has advantages to help class. In accordance to Saefudin and
student learning by guiding them to develop Berdiati (2014:53), that PBL have to
and master the cognitive skill. Meanwhile, wrapped with good teamwork,
the lowest score obtained by SMAN 14 collaboration within team member to build
which scored 75,00 and group as good atmosphere that encourage the experiment,
category. This is because the student lack of shared argument and developed thinking
seriousness during learning process as it skills with various social skills.
takes place during daytime. The class
interrupted by breaks time cause student’s At experiment class-2 (GDL) the
concentration dissolvesand make student highest scorer is SMAN 2 with 89,49 and
hard to understanding the material. In line predicated as very good category, because
with Syah (2008:132), the result of learning during the research, the student more active
affected by several factors, internally and and curious to ask question to discover the
externally (student factors), ie. problem which marked higher than average.
environmental conditions around the In addition, the class takes place in morning
student and breaks their concentration. slots make the learning atmosphere more
conducive. In line with Rusman (2012:241),
On psychomotor score, experiment state that all student need a capability to
class-1 (PBL) the highest score obtained by seek and found a problem and they can
SMAN 5 with 92,54 with very good formulate their own discovery full with
category. This condition occurs because confidence and enthusiast. The lowest score
during lesson in class, the student more obtained by SMAN 14 with SMAN 14 with
active and proactive to understand the 84,65 and grouped as good category.
material, these raises many question and During discussion and presentation smarter
create good discussion atmosphere actively. student tend to be more dominant to ask
Aside from that, during practicum, the question but get less precisely answers from
teamwork within student group is really fellow student, and also some of teacher’s
good, supported by their curiosity and question ignored by student who less active
excitement at the subject make the during discussion time. The daytime time
experiment about excretion system by slot and break time for Dzuhur pray also
glucose test in urine more fun. After that, makes student less prepared mentally, this
their excellence skill on connecting concept is affected their discovery process and
and material can be seen on presentation of problem solving using problem’s paper,
their practicum report. In line with Putra also student can not connecting the concept
(2013:82-84), problem based learning and study material. In line with Roestiyah
method involve the student to actively
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
(2008:20), that student need preparation and delivery make student unhappy to both
mentally prepared to get study using guided teacher or material.
discovery learning method approach.
Student need to be brace and curious to In post-test outcome between
observe the surrounding. experiment class-1 and experiment class-2
at SMAN Pekanbaru, obtained that SMAN
With data analysis using t-test, 5 Pekanbaru get the highest score within
obtained inferential analysis of pre-test whole school, thitung > ttabel = 15,33 > 2,00, as
score between experiment class-1 and H1 accepted and H0 rejected, it means there
experiment class-2 at SMAN Pekanbaru, were significant differences on biology
SMAN 14 Pekanbaru earn highest pre-test learning outcome between experimetn
score Fhitung < Ftabel = 1,45 < 1,82, as H0 class-1 and experiment class-2, because on
accepted and H1 rejected which mean the class that applied PBL method on the
experiment class-1 and experiment class-2 experiment class 1, the learning process
are homogeneus or have similar varians. happen in 1st and 2nd term time slot which
This is because lecture method and started at 07.30-09.00 and GDL method
discussion group often used on teaching applied, on experiment class-2, study start
process in the past, the material taken as on 3rd and 4th time slot at 09.00-10.45,
pre-test is about animal and plant cells, the student really enthusiast on discussion and
question given during pre-test taught by quite serious on doing their LKPD task and
LCD media with lecture method. The quizes, their active attitude make them
teacher cooperative makes student more easier to understand the material, the post-
excited and antusiast during the class, test include that have been taught during
supported by student that actively asking research which is excretion system.
questions. While the lowest score occured
at SMAN 6 Pekanbaru Fhitung < Ftabel = 1,00 In other hand, post-test outcome
< 1,84, as H0 accepted and H1 rejected between experiment class-1 and experiment
which mean experiment class-1 and class-2 at SMAN 4 Pekanbaru have the
experiment class-2 are homogeneus or have lowest score, thitung > ttabel = 3,60 > 2,00, H1
similar varians. This is obtained because the accepted and H0 rejected, it means there
material that taken during the pre-test data were significant differences on biology
is material about animal and plant cells, the learning outcome between experimetn
method that usually used by teacher is class-1 and experiment class-2. This is
lecture and rarely using discussion group strenghened by PBL method applied in
method, this kind of method makes student experiment class-1, study start on 3rd and
lost interest and bored during the class, 4th time slot at 09.00-10.45, and class that
supported with cloudy weather and rain. applied GDL method in experiment class-2,
study start on 5th and 6th time slot at 10.45-
From discussion above, it can bee seen 12.15, the method used during this study
that generally, teacher using lecture method poorly understood in syntax causing class
during lesson time. This is triggering low not condussive, less enthusiast and not
score outcome in pre-test. In line with seriously discussing. GDL class begin after
Slament (2013:65), state that less decent break time causes poor result. Then, when
teaching method that teacher applied student is less likely to understand the
affected how student learn. The less decent material , also causes the post-test in this
teaching method can be caused by less research is low.
prepared or less understand to learning
material, and how teacher deliver the The post-test score is higher that pre-
material unclear or bad attitude during test score before. Because new teaching
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
The need for energy in Indonesia continues to increase and the Indonesian government
is keen to realize the development of electricity transmission network in Alam Pauh Duo,
Alam Pauh Duo Subdistrict, Solok Selatan District. The topography of this region
consists of Geomorphology Units of the Hills and High Geomorphological Units with
an altitude of about 900-500m (meters) with lithology composed of volcanic rock
lithology and breakthroughs of granite and granodiorite. The method used in the review
survey (reconnaissance) is road sweeping or tracking using a handheld GPS. The results
of this mapping and assessment are the coordinate values of the markers or dividing
marks that are already available and scattered in each location point. The final result is
a map that has a description of the location of Land Power plantand Transmission Tower.
There are 15 transmission towers planned for the builders as well as power plant (GI).
The required land area of each transmission tower is about 15x15 m (meters) up to 20x20
m and the land area for 3ha (hectare) power plant (GI) development. Then the distance
between each tower of transmission approximately 30 meters.
Keywords: Power Plant, Transmission Line, Alam Pauh Duo, Geological Mapping,
Geological Assessment
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
to the surface of the earth in the form of so that it can be distributed up to consumer
steam, which can be used to drive turbines electric users (Sheng et al., 2013).
to produce electricity. The cost of
exploration, as well as the capital cost of STUDY AREA
geothermal power plants, is higher than
other power plants that use fossil fuels. The Study site is located in Alam Pauh Duo,
However, once it starts operating, its Kecamatan Alam Pauh Duo, DistrictSolok
production costs are low compared to fossil Selatan, Geographically at 01°36'17.635’’ -
fuel power plants. Power Transmission Is a 01°37'26.464’’ S dan 101°8'37.704’’ -
process of distributing electricity (Ding et 101°7'44.508’’ N. Landform at the study
al., 2011, Gao et al., 2007, Huang et al., site is an area of hills and there are also local
2016) from power plant to power community plantations (Figure 1).
distribution lines (power plant distribution)
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Figure 3. Locations of the power plant and the transmission tower (modified from
insulating medium between the wire
Based on survey data that has been obtained
conductor with the surrounding objects. To
then produced a map that has a description
refute / span wires with the height and
field site power plant and transmission
distance are safe for humans and the
tower. There are 15 planned develop
surrounding environment, the conductor
transmission tower and Power plant (GI).
wires mounted on a sturdy building
The land area required for each
transmission tower around 15x15 m (meters) construction, commonly called the tower.
There is a 15 point locations potential to
up to 20x20 m and the area of land for the
build a transmission tower (Figure 3),
construction of the Power plant (GI) 3HA
marking the point of this site in the form of
(hectares). Then the distance between each
stakes barrier. Here are images of locations
transmission towers approximately 230
around the pegs of the transmission tower
(Figure 4).
Electrical energy is stream through aerial
transmission lines rely on air as the
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Access tower peg 7 to a location the access road to get there is a path, and
approximately 180 meters. Transmission 8 located alongside a hill. Access tower peg
tower’s locations as well as in the villagers' 10 to a location about 200 meters.
rice fields and there are shrubs and the transmission 12 tower’s locations are in
access road to get there is a path that is shrubs and the access road to get there is a
usually passed by farmers and residents. path, and located alongside a road project.
Access tower peg 7 to a location Access tower peg 11 to a location
approximately 200 meters. Transmission 9 approximately 200 meters. transmission 13
tower’s locations are in the villagers' rice tower’s locations are in shrubs and the
fields, there are shrubs and the access road access road to get there is a path, and
to get there is a path that is usually passed located alongside a road project. Access
by farmers and residents. The Access for tower peg 12 to a location approximately
peg 8 tower to a location approximately 200 200 meters. transmission 14 tower’s
meters. Transmission 10 tower’s locations locations are shrubs and the access road to
are in the villagers' rice fields, there are get there is a path, and located alongside a
shrubs and the access road to get there is a road project. Access tower peg 12 to a
path that is usually passed by farmers and location approximately 200 meters.
residents. Access tower peg 9 to a location In general, it can be described the
approximately 200 meters. appropriate location to build power
Transmission 11 tower’s locations are in transmission lines using the tower as in
community garden and there's shrubs and Figure 5.
Figure 5. Final Result of the Profile of Topography Survey Location for the Transmission
Tower Recommendation.
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Kausarian, H., Sumantyo, J. T. S., Kuze, H., Knott, E. F. (2012). Radar cross section
Karya, D., & Panggabean, G. F. (2016). measurements. Springer Science &
Silica Sand Identification using ALOS Business Media.
PALSAR Full Polarimetry on The
Northern Coastline of Rupat Island, LI, Y. J., LI, B., & LI, S. S. (2012).
Indonesia. International Journal on Discussion on Application of the
Advanced Science, Engineering and Power plant Three Dimensional
Information Technology, 6(5), 568-573. Design. China Electric Power
(Technology Edition), 4, 012.
Kausarian, H., Sri Sumantyo, J. T., Kuze, H.,
Aminuddin, J., & Waqar, M. M. (2017). MEI, N., CHEN, D., DU, X., YANG, Y.,
Analysis of Polarimetric WANG, Z., & CHENG, W. (2012).
Decomposition, Backscattering Three-Dimensional Digitalization
Coefficient, and Sample Properties for Transfer of Qinghai-Tibet±400 kV DC
Identification and Layer Thickness Interconnection Project [J]. Electric
Estimation of Silica Sand Distribution Power Construction, 5, 008.
Using L-Band Synthetic Aperture
Radar. Canadian Journal of Remote O'Rourke, T. D., & Palmer, M. C. (1996).
Sensing, 43(2), 95-108. Earthquake performance of gas
transmission pipelines. Earthquake
Spectra, 12(3), 493-527.
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
SHENG, D., QIE, X., HU, J., WU, Z., & QI,
L. (2013). Conducting Research and
Development of Grid Information
Model (GIM) Technology and
Constructing the Sharing Platform of
Smart Grid Technology
Information. Electric Power
Construction, 8, 004.
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Bullying is one of the most serious school violence for educators, parents, and the
public. According to KPAI, bullying behavior increases every year, by 2015 bullies
increased by 39%. The aim of this research was to identify the relationship between
adolescent characteristic and bullying incidents at Private Junior High School in
Pekanbaru. The data was conducted by 208 students. The univariate analysis was
conducted to show respondent tcharacteristic and bivariate analysis was
conducted by chi-square test. The result showshere was a relationship between ages
and incidents of being an offender of bullying with p value (0.036) < (0.05), but
there is no relationship between ages and incidents of being a victim of bullying
with p value (0.064) > (0.05), gender and incidents of being an offender of bullying
with p value (0.384 > 0.05), gender and incidents of being a victim of bullying with
p value (0.438 > 0.05), and gender and bullying category with p value (0.870 > 0.05).
This research further can be a reference for schools to develop anti-bullying school
in dealing with bullying
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Total (n=208)
N %
13 years 45 21.6
14 years 88 42.3
15 years 54 26.0
16 years 20 9.6
17 years 1 0.5
Total 208 100
Male 99 47.6
Female/ 108 52.4
Total 208 100
The results of the analysis in the table shows respondents are female as many as 108
that from 208 respondents, the most age of respondents (52.4%).
the respondents was 14 years as many as 88 B. Bivariate Analysis
respondents (42.3%), while most of the 1. Relationship between age and bullying
Table 2: Relationship between ages and incidents of being an offender of bullying
Table 2 shows the most incidents of being much as 11 respondents (55.0%). Statistic
an offender of bullying were happened on shows p value 0.036 which means there was
age 14 years old as much as 13 respondents a relationship between ages and incidents of
(14.8%), following by age 16 years old as being an offender of bullying
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
From the table above, the most incident of 0.064 which means there is no relationship
being a victim of bullying happen in age 15 between ages and incidents of being an
years old as much as 25 respondents, victim of bullying
following by age 14 years old as much as 22 2. Relationship between gender and
respondents. Result shows that p value was incidents of bullying
Table 5 shows as much as 35 respondents (35.4%) 77 other female respondents (70.6%) were
were male and being a victim of bullying when not. Statistic shows p value was 0.438 which
64 other male respondents (67.1%) were not, means there was no relationship between
and as much as 32 respondents (29.4%) were gender and incidents of being a victim of
female and being a victim of bullying when bullying
Table 6: The difference of total incidents of bullying offender and victim based on gender
Offender Victim
Gender Do Don’t Do Don’t
n % n % n % n % n %
Male 19 19.2 80 80.8 35 35.4 64 67.1 99 100
Female 15 13.8 94 86.2 32 29.4 77 70.6 109 100
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
From the table, the most offender of most victim of bullying also male as much
bullying was male as much as 19 as 35 respondents (35.4%) while female as
respondents (19.2%) while female only as much as 32 respondents (29.4%).
much as 15 respondents (13.8%). The
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
This study is not in line with research boys show more acceptance of bullying
conducted Susan (2013) in his research on behaviors and are more often involved in
bullying in the United States reported that bullying (AASA, 2009). Previous research
there is a relationship on the occurrence of conducted by Ediana (2013) on the
bullying in both sexes. Male gender analysis of factors affecting bullying
occupied the higher level of the treatment behavior showed that bullying behaviors
of bullying to other students as much as 6% are more prevalent in men than women
compared to female gender which only 4- with 17.29 bullying on average more than
5%. Fika's study (2012) on the relationship women 16.04.
between the characteristics of primary As much as 93 respondents (93.9%)
school-aged children and bullying also were male and were on low bullying
explained that there was a significant categories when 6 other male respondents
relationship between sex and the (6.1%) were on moderate category, and as
occurrence of bullying and the results much as 104 respondents (95.4 %) were
showed that boys were 5 times more likely female and were on low bullying
to experience bullying than girls (p = categories when 5 other female
0.011 <0.05). respondents (4.6%) were on moderate
As much as 35 respondents (35.4%) category. Statistic shows p value was
were male and being a victim of bullying 0.870 which means there is no relationship
when 64 other male respondents (67.1%) between gender and bullying categories.
were not, and as much as 32 respondents Lee's research (2009) shows that gender is
(29.4%) were female and being a victim of not a dominant factor that relates to
bullying when 77 other female bullying behavior because sex is more
respondents (70.6%) were not. Statistic decisive in the relationship between sex
shows p value was 0.438 which means and bullying behaviors, the more sex the
there was no relationship between gender role plays in determining the type of
and incidents of being a victim of bullying. bullying. Women are more likely to
Rohman's research (2016) obtained the perform psychological bullying types than
results of crosstabulation test between sex men and men are more likely to do
with the tendency of being bullied victims physical bullying types than women
from 81 respondents got the result that the Boys although found to be more likely
tendency of victim of bullying is more to use physical oppression than girls, but
found in male gender as much as 22 people girls are more dominant using more verbal
(60%) than from female gender only 14 suppression than boys. This difference is
people (32%). more related to the socialization of men
The most offender of bullying was and women in our culture than with
male as much as 19 respondents (19.2%) physical courage and size (Abdullah,
while female only as much as 15 2013). Viewed from the characters based
respondents (13.8%). The most victim of on male gender has masculine characters
bullying also male as much as 35 such as rational, assertive, competition,
respondents (35.4%) while female as arrogant, orientation domination,
much as 32 respondents (29.4%). calculation, aggressive, objective and
Sex differences are recognized as one physical. While the female characters are
of the risk factors that encourage bullying more feminine like emotional, flexible,
behavior (National Crime Prevention cooperation, always succumb, orientation
Center Canada, 2008). The results of this in relationships, using instinct, passive,
study indicate that boys are more likely to nurturing and fussy (Rostyaningsih, 2010).
receive bullying because boys tend to Based on the theory and related
behave physically aggressively, while research described above it can be
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
The purpose of research is to know the effect of interaction and each of the main factors
on growth and yield of Green Bean (Vigna radiata, L.) and determine the best response
treatment. The research was conducted in experimental garden of Agriculture Faculty
of Islamic University of Riau from November to February 2017. The research design
used was a Factorial Randomized Complete Design consisting of 2 factors. The first
factor is: LOF Nasa (P) concentration consisting of 4 levels: 0 cc / l water (PO), 2 cc /
l water (P1), 4 cc / l water (P2) and 6 cc / l water P3) The second factor is: NPK
Compound Fertilizer consisting of 5 levels ie: without NPK (N0), NPK Mutiara
16:16:16 18 g / plot (N1), NPK Mutiara 16:16:16 36 g / plot (N2 ), NPK Grower 18 g
/ plot (N3) and NPK Grower 36 g / plot (N4). The parameters observed were plant
height, number of primary branch, number of effective root nodule, flowering age,
harvest age, number of plant pods, percentage of pods, 100 dry seed weight and dry
seed weight. The data were analyzed statistically and tested further with advanced test
of real honest difference (BNJ) at 5% level. The results showed that interaction of LOF
Nasa and NPK compound fertilizer had significant effect on: plant height, flowering
age, number of pods, weight of 100 dry seeds and dry seed weight. The best response
treatment is LOF Nasa 4 cc / l water and NPK Mutiara compound fertilizer 18 g / plot
(P2N1). The main effects of LOF were significant on plant height, number of primary
branches and number of effective root nodules, flowering age, weight of 100 dry seeds
and dry seed weight per plant. The best response treatment was LOF concentration of
4 cc / l water (P2). The main effects of NPK compound fertilizer were significantly on
plant height, number of primary branches, number of root nodules, flowering age,
harvest age, number of plant pods, percentage of pods, 100 dry seed weight and dry
seed weight. The best response treatment is NPK Grower 36 g / plot (N4) compound
Keywords: LOF Nasa, NPK Compound Fertilizer, Green Bean (Vigna radiata L)
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) is a solution plate, wood and nail. While the tool used in
of decomposition of organic materials this research is hoe, machetes, saws,
derived from plant residues, animal waste hammer, meter, analytical scale, bucket,
that contain more than one element of the gembor, rakes, cameras and stationery.
ingredients. The advantages of liquid
organic fertilizer is able to overcome This research uses Factorial Design 4 x 5
nutrient deficiency quickly because it can which is arranged in Completely Random
be absorbed quickly. Organic fertilizers with 3 replications. The first factor was the
generally do not damage soil and plants concentration of LOF Nasa (P) with 4 levels
even though they are used as often as ie 0 cc / l water (PO), 2.0 cc / l water (P1),
possible. In addition, LOF also has a binder 4.0 cc / l water (P2) and 6.0 cc / l water (P4).
so that the solution can be directly utilized The second factor is NPK compound
fertilizer (Hadisuwito, 2012). fertilizer (N) consists of 5 levels, namely:
Without compound fertilizer (NO), NPK
Nasa organic liquid fertilizer is one type of Mutiara yaramila 18 g / plot (N1), NPK
fertilizer that can be given to the leaves and Mutiara yaramila 36 g / plot (N2), NPK
soil, containing macro and micro nutrients, Grower 18 g / plot (N3) and NPK Grower
can reduce the use of Urea, SP-36 and KCl 36 g / plot (N4) to obtain 60 experimental
reach 12.5% - 25%, NOC nutrient content units. Each experimental unit consists of 15
Nasa is N 0.12%, P2O5 0.03%, K 0.31%, plants and 3 plants as sample plants. The
Ca 60.4 ppm, Mn 2.46 ppm (Anonymous, observed data were analyzed statistically. If
2005). In addition LOF Nasa contains F arithmetic is bigger than F. The table then
organic hormones such as auksin, cytokines, continued with a real test of honest
gibberellins that promote growth, rooting, difference (BNJ) at 5% level.
flowering and fertilization in plants. The
recommended concentrations in food crops The field of research is cleaned and then
and horticulture 2.5 - 3.0 cc / l water. While done the processing of soil with a depth of
the results of research Barus, Khair and 0-20 cm and the plot with the size of 1.2 x
Anshar Siregar (2014), menunujukan that 1.0 meters as much as 60 plots, the distance
the concentration of 4.0 cc / l of water is best between plots 50 cm.
in increasing the growth and production of The seeds to be planted are first inoculated
green beans. Based on the above is expected with green bean soil with a ratio of 100
with the provision of LOF nasa can reduce grams of soil / 0.5 kg of seeds, by wetting
the need for NPK fertilizer and can the seeds with a little water and then stirring
determine the type of NPK compound evenly with soil. Inoculated seeds are then
fertilizer is best in improving the growth planted in a planting hole as much as 2 seeds
and production of green beans. per hole with a distance of 40 cm x 20 cm.
LOF Nasa was administered 4 times, giving
METODHOLOGY the first one week before planting by
splashing to soil and stirring evenly with
The experiment was conducted in dose of 600 ml / plot (50 liter / 100 m2).
experimental garden of Agricultural Faculty Subsequent administration by watering the
of Islamic University of Riau for four soil on the crop line 3 times starting at 7
months starting from November 2016 until days with 10 days interval with wet criterion
February 2017. The materials used in this (age 7 days, 17 days and 27 days) as much
research were Vima-1 Varieties. LOF Nasa, as 600 ml / plot each giving so the LOF dose
NPK Mutiara 16:16:16 Yaramila, NPK during the study as much as 2, 4 liters / plot.
Grower, Dithane M-45, Decis 25 EC, zinc
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Table 1. The High Mean of Green Beans on the Treatment of LOF Nasa and NPK
Compound Fertilizer (cm)
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Figures on columns and rows followed by the same lower case are not significantly
different according to BNJ at the 5%
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Table 2. Number of Prime Branches of Green Beans on Treatment of LOF Nasa and NPK
Compound (piece)
LOF Nasa NPK Compound Fertilizer Averag
(cc/l water)
0 Mutiara 36 Grower Grower
18 (N1) Mutiara 18 (N3) 36 (N4)
(N0) s (N2)
0 (P0) 3.77 4.11 3.77 3.53 4.33 3.90 c
2 (P1) 3.77 4.33 + 4.55 4.00 4.66 4.26 b
4 (P2) 3.89 5.33 5.33 4.89 5.33 4.95 a
6 (P3) 3.77 4.44 4.00 3.89 5.00 4.22 bc
Average 3.80 d + 4.55 4.41 bc 4.08 cd + 4.83 a
KK = 8.10% BNJ P = 0.34 BNJ N = 0.41
The numbers on rows and columns followed by the same lowercase letters show no
significant difference according to the Advanced Test of Honest Real Difference (BNJ) at
the 5% level.
The provision of compound fertilizers Reka (2012) that the number of branches
differed significantly with the number of formed in plants affected by varieties, plant
primary branches where the most primary spacing and soil fertility.
branches were found in NPK Grower 36 g /
plot (N3) NPK fertilizer did not differ NPK Grower fertilizer contains N by 15%
significantly from the treatment of Mutiara while NPK Mutiara fertilizer contains N
16:16:16 of 18 g / plot. This is because NPK 16%. Nutrient nutrients, especially N, cause
Grower and NPK Mutiara fertilizers the vegetative growth process of the plant to
provide the nutrients N needs in plant run well including the formation of primary
growth vegetative growth. According to branches.
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Table 3. Number of Effective Root Root of Green Bean Age Plant 28 Days At Treat of
LOF Nasa and Compound Fertilizer NPK (piece)
LOF Nasa NPK Compound fertilizer (g/plot) Averag
(cc/l water)
0 Mutiara 36 Grower Grower
18 (N1) Mutiaras 18 (N3) 36 (N4)
(N0) (N2)
0 (P0) 6.33 9.00 7.00 is. .. 7.00 c is. ..
2 (P1) 7.67 10.00 9.00 7.00 8.67 8.47 b
4 (P2) 7.67 11.00 10.33 11.00 11.00 at 10 a
6 (P3) is. .. 10.33 9.33 7.67 9.33 8.67 b
Average 7.09 c at 10 a 8.92 ab 8.09 bc 9.00 ab
KK = 3.90% BNJ P = 1.03 BNJ N = 1.23
The numbers on rows and columns followed by the same lowercase letters show no
significant difference according to the Advanced Test of Honest Real Difference (BNJ) at
the 5% level.
Nasa is a natural liquid organic fertilizer stabilize the pH, regulate the movement and
extract from natural ingredients besides distribution of nutrients in the soil, will also
containing macro and micro nutrients also create an environment suitable for the
comes with humat and fulfat acid that helps
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
proliferation of soil microorganisms that are age of green bean plants. The average
useful for soil and plants (Anonimus, 2016). observation of flowering age of green bean
plants after further testing with BNJ at 5%
The main effect of NPK compound level can be seen in Table 4.
fertilizer was significantly different from
the number of effective root nodules. The In Table 4, it can be seen that LOF Nasa and
highest number of root nodules was found NPK Compound interacted significantly
in the NPK 18 p / plot (N1) NPK treatment different effect on flowering age of green
although not significantly different from the bean plants. The fastest flowering plant is
NPK Mutiara 36 g / plot (N2) treatment and found in LOF Nasa 2 cc / l water treatment
the NPK Grower 36 g / plot (N4) fertilizer with NPK Mutiara 18 g (P1N1) and LOF
while the lowest number of root nodules Nasa 4 cc / l water with NPK Mutiara 18 g
was treated without NPK but not (P2N1) and LOF Nasa 4 cc / l water with
significantly different with NPK Grower NPK Mutiara 36 g / plot (P2N2). ie 30.33
treatment 18 g / plot (N3). hari.Lebih plant with LOF treatment 2-4 cc
/ water and NPK Mutiara 18-36 g / plot
Nitrogen present in NPK Mutiara and NPK caused LOF Nasa can improve the soil
Grower plays an important role in the conditions that cause the growth of rooting
formation of green leaf which is very useful of green beans plants take place well
in photosynthesis process. Another function because LOF Nasa contains nutrients macro
is to form proteins, fats and various other and micro, as well as humat acid and acid
organic compounds. In the roots of plant that can dissat dissolve chemical fertilizers
nuts, carbohydrate compounds, proteins and in the soil so that the soil becomes more
other compounds can be utilized bacteria fertile and loose so that the roots growth
for life (Anonimus, 2014). goes well. Good rooting and high
Age Flowering availability of soil nutrients cause nutrient
uptake to increase so as to improve the
The observation of flowering age of green process of photosynthesis of green beans
bean plants after the analysis of variance and then assimilate the results of
showed that interaction of LOF Nasa and photosynthesis can be utilized to spur plant
compound fertilizer as well as their growth.
respective significant effect on flowering
Table 4. Flowering Age of Green Beans on Treatment of LOF Nasa and NPK Compound
Fertilizer (days)
LOF Nasa NPK Compound fertilizer (g/plot) Average
(cc/l water) 0 Mutiara Mutiara Grower Grower
18 (N1) 18 (N3) 36 (N4)
(N0) 36 (N2)
0 (P0) c 33.00 31.67 abc c 33.00 32.67 bc 32.67 bc 32.60 c
2 (P1) 32.00 abc 30.33 a 32.33 abc 32.67 bc 32.33 abc 31.93 b
4 (P2) 31.00 abc 30.33 a 30.33 a 30.67 ab 30.67 ab 30.60 a
6 (P3) 32.67 bc 31.00 abc 32.33 abc 32.33 abc 31.33 abc 31.93 b
Average 32.17 b a 30.83 32.00 b 32.09 b 31.75 b
KK = 2.10% BNJ P = 0.65 BNJ N = 0.77 BNJ PN = 2.06
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
The numbers on the rows and columns followed by the same lowercase letters show no
significant difference according to the Advanced Test of Honest Real Difference (BNJ) at
the 5%
NPK Mutiara 16:16:16 contains a after being tested further with BNJ at 5%
phosphorus (P) element that can meet the level can be seen in Table 5.
nutrient needs of plants in the flowering
process. Lingga and Marsono (2009), states Table 5 shows that compound NPK
that phosphorus for plants is useful for root fertilizers differ significantly in the age of
growth, especially root seeds and young green bean harvest where the fastest harvest
plants. Phosphorus serves as a raw material age was found in treatment of NPK Mutiara
for the formation of certain proteins, assists dose 16 g / plot (N1) 53,33 days although
assimilation and respiration, and accelerates not significantly different with NPK
flowering, ripening of seeds and fruit. Mutiara fertilizer treatment 36 g / N2) and
NPK Grower fertilizer treatment 36 g / plot
Suriatna (1987), suggests that in addition to (N4) whereas the oldest harvest age was
Ca and Mg elements needed in the found without NPK fertilizer. This is due to
development of plants, phosphorus phosphorus (P) contained in both types of
elements also play an important role in fertilizers have been able to meet the
spurring root growth. A good root system nutrient needs of plants in the process of
causes the absorption of more nutrients flowering and fertilization.
smoothly, thus affecting the flowering
process. Lingga and Marsono, (2009) stated that the
phosphorus element for plants is useful for
Harvest Age root growth, especially root seeds and
young plants. Phosphorus serves as a raw
The observation of the age of green bean material for the formation of certain
crop after the analysis of variance showed proteins, assists assimilation and respiration,
that only the main influence of NPK and accelerates flowering, ripening of seeds
compound fertilizer was real to the age of and fruit
green bean crop harvest. The average
observation on the age of green beans crop
Table 5. Harvest Age of Green Beans On Treatment of LOF Nasa and NPK Compound
Fertilizer (days)
LOF Nasa NPK Compound fertilizer (g/plot) Averag
(cc/l water)
0 Mutiara 36 Grower Grower
18 (N1) Mutiaras 18 (N3) 36 (N4)
(N0) (N2)
0 (P0) at $54.00 53.33 at at 53.33 53.73
$54.00 $54.00
2 (P1) 54.33 53.33 54 RP 54.67 53.67 at
4 (P2) 54.67 53.33 53.67 53.33 53.67 53.73
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Number of pods per plant (piece) well as the real main effect to the number of
green beans planting pods. The average
The result of observation of green bean observation of green bean pod number after
plant pod number after the analysis of further test with BNJ at 5% level can be
variance showed that interaction of LOF seen in Table 6.
Nasa and compound NPK compound as
Table 6. Number of Green Beans Planted Peas at Treatment of LOF Nasa and Compound
Fertilizer NPK (piece)
LOF Nasa NPK Compound fertilizer (g/plot) Averag
water) 0 Mutiara 36 Grower Grower
Mutiaras 18 (N3) 36 (N4)
(N0) 18 (N1) (N2)
0 (P0) 17.44 c 21.00 abc 21.00 abc at 22.22 abc 20.62
2 (P1) 18.11 c 21.66 abc 22.55 abc 22.66 abc 24.55 a 21.91
4 (P2) 18.77 bc 24.77 a 20.88 abc 23:11 abc 23.00 abc 22:11
6 (P3) at 19 abc 19.88 abc 24.78 a 21.00 abc 24.11 ab 21.84
Average 18.44 b 21.83 a 22.30 a at 22 a 23:47 a
KK = 8.6% BNJ P = 1.81 BNJ N = 2.16 BNJ PN = 5.73
The numbers on rows and columns followed by the same lowercase letters show no
significant difference according to the Advanced Test of Honest Real Difference (BNJ) at
the 5% level.
Table 6 shows that LOF Nasa and NPK in their effect on the number of green pea
compound fertilizers interacted differently pods per plant. The highest number of pods
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
was found in LOF 4 cc / l water treatment after being tested further with BNJ at 5%
with NPK Mutiara 16 g / plot (P2N1), P3N2 level can be seen in Table 7.
and P1N4. This is due to the complete
nutrient obtained by plants resulting from Table 7 shows that NPK compound
the fertilizer of LOF Nasa and with the fertilizers differ significantly on the
provision of NPK Mutiara 16:16:16 and percentage of green pea pods. The highest
NPK Grower containing elements of P and percentage of pods was found in the
Ca so as to give effect to the formation of treatment of NPK Mutiara 18 g / plot and
the number of pods. NPK Grower 36 g / plot was not
significantly different with NPK Grower 18
LOF Nasa contains ZPT that can help the g / plot and without NPK but significantly
process of formation of the plant, accelerate different with NPK Mutiara treatment 36 g
the growth of plants, stimulate flowering / plot This was caused by compound
and fruiting plants and prevent or reduce the fertilizer NPK contains Pospor, Ca, and Mg
level of loss of flowers and fruits in plants which play a role in seed formation.
(Sampit, 2012).
Phosphorus contained in NPK fertilizer
Novizan (2005), suggests that a plant can capable of absorbing green beans as a
produce well if the nutrient needs for plants source of energy for the growth and
are in a state of being fulfilled. NPK development of plants that many are in
Compound Fertilizer meets the needs of development in the form of nucleotides that
plant nutrients especially P that plants need function as a compiler of RNA and DNA
in the growth and development of plants. that play a role in the development of plant
Proper and balanced nutrient fulfillment cells and as an enzyme activator.
will result in the growth and development of Phosphorus also plays a role in stimulating
vegetative crops well that will support the generative growth such as the formation of
growth and development of generative flowers, fruits and seed filling. NPK
plants including pod formation. fertilization with the right dosage can cause
the number of pods that contain increasing
and will affect the percentage of pods.
The results of a variety can not be separated
Percentage of Base Pod (%) by adaptation or stability of appearance in
the growing environment. The ability to
The result of observation of percentage of produce number of packed pods is also
green bean plant pods after variation determined by the varieties of plants. Vima
analysis showed only the main influence of 1 vaitas green bean plant is a superior
NPK compound fertilizer significantly on variety that has the ability to produce good
the percentage of green bean planted pods. pods, including producing a number of pods.
The average of observed percentage of pods
Table 7. Percentage of Green Beans Planted Beans Pod in NOC LOF and NPK Compound
Fertilizer (%)
LOF Nasa Pupuk Majemuk NPK (g/plot) Rerata
(cc / l air) 0 (N0) Mutiara Mutiara Grower Grower
18 (N1) 36 (N2) 18 (N3) 36 (N4)
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
The numbers on rows and columns followed by the same lowercase letters show no
significant difference according to the Advanced Test of Honest Real Difference (BNJ) at
the 5% level.
Table 8. Weight of 100 Dry Seeds of Green Bean On Treatment of LOF Nasa and NPK
Compound Fertilizer (g)
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
The numbers on rows and columns followed by the same lowercase letters show no
significant difference according to the Advanced Test of Honest Real Difference (BNJ) at
the 5% level.
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Table 9. Dry seed weight of green beans on NOC LOF and NPK Compound Fertilizer (g)
LOF Pupuk Majemuk NPK (g/plot) Rerata
(cc/l) 0 (N0) Mutiara Mutiara Grower Grower
18 (N1) 36 (N2) 18 (N3) 36 (N4)
0 (P0) 12.11 g 14.77efg 14.88 defg 15.44 defg 17.22abcde 14.88 c
2 (P1) 14.78 efg 14.22 fg 16.22 bcdef 16.78abcde 17.33abcde 15.87 c
f f
4 (P2) 15.44 def 19.99 a 18.33 abc 17.33abcde 19.44 ab 18.11a
g f
6 (P3) 16.22bcde 18.22 abcd 17.22abcde 15.78 cdef 17.66 abcd 17.02 b
f f e
Rerata 16,64 c 16,80 ab 16,66 b 16,33 b 17,91 a
KK = 6,70 % BNJ P = BNJ N = 1,29 BNJ PN = 3,42
The numbers on rows and columns followed by the same lowercase letters show no significant
difference according to the Advanced Test of Honest Real Difference (BNJ) at the 5% level.
Table 9 shows that POC Nasa and NPK lower. Wijayanti, Purwanti and Adie, (2014)
compound fertilizers interacted significantly for also stated that plant height, number of pods,
the weight of dry seeds per plant where the seed weight have direct effect and have strong
heaviest dry seed weight was found in POC correlation to crop production, with high
Nasa 4 cc / l water with NPK Mutiara 16 g / plot variability and heritability value.
(P2N1). This is due to the effect of nutrient
availability found in the optimal POC Nasa on When converted to crop production per Ha by
green bean plants so that the increase of Treat POC 4 cc / l and, 18 m Mutiaras of plot /
photosynthesis and assimilat produced in the plot of about 2.50 tonnes is not different from
form of carbohydrates, proteins and amino acids NPK Mutiara 36 g / plot with production of 2.29
needed in the formation of pods and seeds. In tons. While the provision of POC 4 cc / l water
addition, the content of ZPT contained POC and NPK Grower 36 g / plot 2.43 tons and not
Nasa can reduce the loss of flowers and fruits. different with the provision of POC 4 cc / l
water and NPK Grower 18 g / plot of 2.17 tons
The production of dry beans is closely related to / ha. This proves by giving POC Nasa 4 cc / l
the number of planting pods where the number water can save the use of NPK Compound
and weight of the seeds is one of the fertilizer by 50%.
components of the yield. The more number of
pods and the weight of the seeds, the weight of
dry beans per plant is also increasing. Sandra CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION
(2012), states that the high number of good crop
production can be determined by the number of Conclusion
seeds of pith and weight. If the amount and
Based on the results of this study can be
weight of high seeds will cause the weight
concluded as follows:
increase of dry seeds of plants and will affect
the production of crops and vice versa if the 1. The interaction of POC Nasa and NPK
number and weight is low then the production is compound fertilizer has significant effect on
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
Marzuki, R. dan H.S. Soeprapto, 2004. Purwono dan Purnamawati. 2007. Budidaya 8
Bertanam Kacang Hijau. Penebar Jenis Tanaman Pangan Unggul. Penebar
Swadaya. Jakarta. Swadaya. Jakarta
Musa, A.R, 2016. Pengaruh Pemberian Rukmana, R. 2004. Usaha Tani Tanaman
Limbah Ikan dan Pupuk NPK Mutiara Pangan Unggul. Penebar Swadaya.
(16 :16 : 16) Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Jakarta.
Hasil Kacang Hijau. Skripsi Fakultas Sampit A, 2012. Petaniku dan Nasa,
Pertanian Universitas Islam Riau. http://wongtaniku.wordpress.com/tanya-
Pekanbaru jawab/.Diakses tanggal 10 April 2017.
Novizan. 2005. Petunjuk PemupukanYang Sandra, E. 2012. Hubungan unsur hara dan
Efektif. Agro Media Pustaka. Jakarta. tanaman. Penerbit Rineka Cipta.
Nurahmi, E., Har dan Mulyani, S. 2010. Yogyakarta.
Pertumbuhan dan hasil kubis bunga Suryadi. 2010. Kandungan Pupuk Organik
akibat pemberian pupuk organik cair nasa CairNasa.http://wongtaniku.wordpress.co
dan zat pengatur tumbuh hormonik. m/2010/05/04/kandunganu-pupuk-
Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Syiah organik-nasa/. Diakses tanggal 20
Kuala. Banda Aceh.Jurnal Agrista.14 (1): Oktober 2016.
1-7. Sutisman, 2012. POC NASA (Pupuk Organik
Pasaribu, S., Barus, A. Dan Kurnianto, H. 2011. Cair Nusantara Subur
Pengaruh Konsentrasi Dan Interval Alami).http://pupuk
Waktu Pemberian Pupuk Organik Cair nasaonline.blogspot.com/2011/11/poc-
(POC) Nasa Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan nasa.html. Diakses tanggal 10 Oktober
Produksi Jagung Manis. Fakultas 2016.
Pertanian Universitas Muhammadiyah Wijayanti R,Y, S. Parwanti dan Adie M. M,
Sumatera Utara. Jurnal Agrium. 17 (1): 2014. Hubungan Hasil dan Komponen Hasil
1-8. Kedelai (Glycine max L. Merril) Populasi F 5.
Purwono dan Hartanto, R. 2005. Kacang Hijau. Jurnal Vegetalika 3(4): 88-97.
Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta.
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
b. Seed Selection
Selection of seeds in the cultivation of
hydroponic vegetables is very important
because as a benchmark high low
productivity of hydroponic cultivation. Seeds
used in the cultivation of hydroponic
vegetables in Agro Garden Islamic Figure 4 Seedling Technique of
University of Riau are mostly still using Vegetable Hydroponics NFT.
imported seeds. The selection of seeds in the
study was in accordance with the opinion of d. Nurseries
Haryanto (2007), which states that the After the seeds 2-3 cm in size then
selection of seed is very important because given nutrients 1.5 cc every day for 10
the productivity of the plant depends on the days. Provision of nutrients is done every
benefits of selected seed day so that when the seeds have reached
c. Seedling Seed the age to be transferred to the greenhouse
treatment, the seeds can absorb nutrients
Seedlings for small seeds are done by so that the seeds can grow well.
placing the seeds above the netpot that has
been filled with the planting medium. For
green lettuce, red lettuce, butterhead and
mustard pakcoy the seeds used in the netpot
are only 1 seed per netpot. After finishing the
seedbed the seeds are stored in a green house,
before the netpot tray is covered with black
plastic tarpaulin / plastic first watered using
clean water. Closure using plastic / black
tarpaulin is done for 2-3 days until the seeds
germinate. Figure 5. Ten-day Hydroponics
Vegetable Seeds
e. Transplanting
Before transferring the 2-week-old
seedlings to the greenhouse the treatment
is firstly selected for seedlings that already
have roots that come out of the netpot 1-2
cm long, this is done so that the plants that
have been transferred to the greenhouse
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
treatments can absorb nutrients well. Before Nutrition dose with 1 week of plant age is
moving the vegetable seeds, fill the container 1.5 cc 2 weeks age is 1.8 cc 3 weeks age is
of water and give nutrition as much as 1.5 cc. 2 cc, and age 4 weeks until harvest as
Transfer the seeds from the nursery much as 2.5 cc. The nutrient solution has
greenhouse by bringing the netpot tray to the EC 1.5mS / cm in the 2-week NFT
treatment greenhouse and inserting the netpot hydroponic vegetable crop while the
into each gutter. Gutter is used as a nutrient solution for the 3-week-old plant
hydroponic vegetable treatment plant that has to panaen has an EC 2.5-3 mS / cm
been removed from the nursery, where the
gutter has a length of 6 meters and has a hole
netpot of 28 holes. In 1 rack gutters can be
filled with 6 gutters along the 12 meters
means that in 1 rack gutters have a hole
netpot as much as 336 holes.
Figure 6. Gutters and Seed Transfer Process Figure 7. Nutrition and Nutrition
Delivery Process
f. Giving Nutrition
g. Treatment Plant
Nutrition is essential for the
The treatment of hydroponic NFT
development of NFT hydroponics vegetables.
vegetables is done with special attention.
Nutrition used consists of two groups,
Hydroponic plants are particularly
namely nutrition wiraagro A and wiraagro B.
vulnerable if water and nutrient content
Nutrition wiraagro A with Ca (NO3) 2. 4H20,
are not circulated perfectly, causing the
(CH2N (CH2.COO) 2) 2 and wiraagro B with
plants to die. Treatments include:
KNO3, KH2PO4, MgSO4 content. 7H2O,
checking the nutrient content in the water
MnSO4. H2O, H3B02, CNSO4. 7H2O,
reservoir, checking the pH of water,
CuSO4. 5H20, (NH4) 6Mo7024. 4H20. Both
checking the water pipes to avoid clogging
nutrients A and B are each thawed in a vat
with dirt, cleaning the water container
containing 100 liters of water for a sack of
once every 10 days to avoid bacteria that
wiraagro nutrients. Nutrition wiraagro A and
can interfere with hydroponic vegetable
B are given with the same dose.
crops, the selection of plants contaminated
Nutrition is done daily with different by disease so as not to spread to other
doses according to the age of the plant.
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
plants and clean the weeds that grow under h. Harvest and Post Harvest
the rack gutters. Harvesting is done at the age of 28-30
day hydroponic vegetables by selecting
qualified hydroponic vegetables.
Harvesting using a knife or scissors by
cutting the stem of the plant. Harvesting is
done when the vegetables will be sent to
the consumer, this is done so that
hydroponic vegetables remain in a fresh
The marketing of hydroponic vegetables
is heavily influenced by post-harvest
treatment. After the hydroponic
vegetables are cut then weighed using
electric scales then in packing using clear
plastic labeled Islamic University of Riau
and pressed to be protected and easy in
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
In Table 4.2 it can be explained that has not been productive in order to be
the highest use of productive work time is at utilized by the management in managing
the stage of plant care of 44.31%. Based on hydroponics vegetable farming in Technical
the observation, it is known that the stages implementation Unit of Agro Garden in
of work is an activity of vegetable Islamic University of Riau to be more
production process that is very important efficient.
and requires special attention and accuracy If it is assumed that the duration of
in the process, such as checking the nutrient work in one production process is 45
content in the water reservoir, checking the working days, one working day is
water ph, check the water pipe so as not calculated for 8 hours, then the available
clogged by dirt, water on every 10 days to time is 21,600 minutes. In addition, based
avoid bacteria that can interfere with on the previous calculation, it is known that
hydroponic vegetable crops, selecting productive working time is 9,750 minutes.
plants contaminated with the disease so as So that the working time is not productive
not to spread to other plants, to clean weeds as much as 11,850 minutes. This indicates
that grow under the gutters. that there is time left for the management to
Furthermore, the lowest productive empower the workforce (employee) on
working time is at the stage of transplanting other productive activities so that the
plants from pre nursery to main nursery of allocation of labor usage can be optimized.
4.31%. Based on the observation, it is
known that the job activity is a one-time 3.2.2. Work Time Optimization
work activity in the production process, Through Calculation Full Time
such as filling the water reservoir, Equivalent (FTE)
dissolving the nutrients in the storage basin,
measuring the concentration of the solution The method of calculating workload
as needed, measuring the pH of water, with FTE is the time calculation method
transferring the seeds that are 2 weeks old used to complete various jobs compared to
greenhouse and placed on each plant hole the effective working time available. FTE
on the gutter. aims to simplify work measurements by
Based on the explanation of the use changing hours of workload to the number
of productive working time, it can be of people needed to complete a particular
calculated also how much work time that job. Table 5 shows the calculation of
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
No Activity (times /
minutes minutes Mins/year
4 Maintenance 6 4320 720 0,00610
checking the nutrient content in the water 6 900 150 0,00127
checking the pH of water, 6 900 150 0,00127
checking the water pipeline so as not to be 6 900 150 0,00127
clogged by dirt,
cleaning the water container once every 10 18 360 20 0,00017
days to avoid bacteria that can interfere with
hydroponic vegetable crops,
Dissecting plants contaminated by the disease 6 900 150 0,00127
so as not to spread to other plants
Clean the weeds that grow under the gutters 6 360 60 0,00051
5 Harvest and Post-harvest 6 840 140 0,00119
Cut plants that can be harvested 6 240 40 0,00034
Standardize and grading vegetables of similar 6 120 20 0,00017
size and quality
Weighing vegetables according to packing 12 60 5 0,00004
Packing vegetables with labeled plastic 6 120 20 0,00017
Perform plastic packing pressing 6 60 10 0,00008
Deliver vegetables to the destination markets 6 240 40 0,00034
FTE Total 0,01377
F = Frequency of activity performed
WA = time allocated to complete the work
WPT = the amount of time used to complete the job
FTE = Full Time Equivalent
Dewi and Satrya (2012) reveal the other activities. At the maintenance stage
implication of FTE value is divided into 3 there is activity of checking nutrient content
types namely overload, normal, and in water reservoir, water pH, pipeline. The
underload. Based on the workload analysis activity can be done in conjunction with the
guidelines issued by the State Personnel activity of sowing plants contaminated with
Board in 2010, the total FTE index value the disease so as not to spread to other plants
above the 1.28 value is considered overload, and to clean the weeds that grow under the
between 1 to 1.28 is considered normal gutters. Likewise with other activities that
whereas if the FTE index value is between can be combined because the process is the
0 up to 0.99 is considered underload or same time.
workload is still lacking. Therefore, based Activities that can be eliminated or
on the calculation results obtained FTE done simultaneously can change the
value on hydroponic vegetable farming in working time to be more effective, so that
Technical implementation Unit Islamic the necessary improvement on hydroponic
University of Riau Agro Garden of 0.01377 vegetable production activities that enable
which indicates that the workload of to make these activities more effective. In
employees are under under conditions. most cases, improvements are made with
In the collection of hydroponic the addition of technology. Therefore, the
vegetable production activities, there are improvement of technology to be one
activities that can be done together with recommendation that can be given to the
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3
ICoSET UIR 8-10 November 2017, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
ISBN: 978-979-3793-73-3