Selecting Plants For Screens and Hedges
Selecting Plants For Screens and Hedges
Selecting Plants For Screens and Hedges
Table of Contents
Part 1: Planning a Living Screen or Hedge.. 3
Benefits of Living Screens and Hedges........ 3
Planning, Design, and Development........... 4
Space Requirements............................ 4
Formal or Informal.............................. 4
Deciduous or Evergreen....................... 5 By
Plant Texture...................................... 5 Charles A. Brun, Regional Horticulture Specialist, College of Agricultural,
Human, and Natural Resource Sciences; and Paula Dinius, Urban
Wildfire Defensible Space.................... 5 Horticulturist, WSU Chelan County.
Winter Hardiness Zones....................... 5
Published: June 2015
Avoid Invasive Plants........................... 6
Native Plants...................................... 6
Part 2: Plant Choices................................. 6
Dwarf Conifers as Hedges.......................... 6 Abstract
Medium Height Conifers for Use as Screens This publication discusses the many benefits of installing screens and hedges
and Hedges.............................................. 7 in the home landscape. It also provides information on how to plan layouts,
Tall Conifers for Use as Screens including spacing issues, types of design, and the best plant choices for
and Hedges.............................................. 9 creating healthy and effective screens and hedges.
Shorter Broadleaf Evergreens
for Hedges...............................................10
Medium Height Broadleaf Evergreens
for Screens and Hedges............................11
Tall Broadleaf Evergreens for Screens
and Hedges.............................................12
Shorter Deciduous Shrubs for Hedges.......13
Medium Height Deciduous Shrubs for
Screens and Hedges.................................14
Tall Deciduous Trees and Shrubs for
Screens and Hedges.................................15
Further Reading and Resources.................17
Pollinator Resources...........................17
habitat for pollinators and other or informal publication, which focuses on plant
beneficial wildlife. All wildlife design; the choices. The mature height and width
needs food, water, and shelter to need for listed reflect the generally recognized
survive. Screens and hedges can deciduous size of plants grown in the northern
In this publication
provide one or more of these basic or evergreen temperate zone of the United States.
a bee icon can be
needs. plants; the These data came from university
found in the plant
section to identify aesthetics of references (Bassuk 2009; Breen 2015;
Choose trees and shrubs that will Brun 2015; Brand 2015; Detweiler
pollinator-friendly plant texture;
provide year-round nectar, pollen, or 2006; Kuhns 2015; and Love 2009).
species. and, in areas
fruit resources for food. Pollinators
prone to
include birds, butterflies, bees, and Formal or Informal
wildfire, the need for defensible space.
beetles (Webb 2011), so planting
flowers in a variety of sizes, shapes, Choosing a formal or informal
Space Requirements hedge or screen depends on the site
and colors is important. Use at least
three different plant species, each with characteristics and personal choice.
During the planning and design
consecutive bloom times throughout Consider the maintenance level, space
phase, it is important to know the
the season. available (which allows plants to take
square footage of the planting area.
their natural form) and the overall
Additional pollinator-friendly flowers Measurements of the planting site
aesthetics desired. An informal hedge
can be planted in the landscape to should be considered not only to
can be left to grow naturally or it can
supplement habitat needs (Figure 2). ensure adequate plant root soil be selectively pruned using thinning
Many of our native bee pollinators volume, but also to ensure enough and heading cuts to maintain desired
are ground nesting, so part of the soil available width and height for height and width (Figure 3). With
should be accessible and undisturbed. mature plant clearance. Be aware of formal hedges, start with a young
For other wildlife, such as birds, overhead utility lines, street visibility, plant to build the structure of the
consider branch density, thorns, and sidewalk clearance, and property line hedge and continue to prune on a
evergreens for shelter, nesting, and boundaries. This information will regular basis. When building the
overwintering sites (Vaughan et al. guide plant selection, the number of structure, prune the top of the hedge
2013). plants needed, and their spacing. One narrower than the base to ensure
of the biggest design mistakes made good light penetration. Otherwise,
Planning, Design, and is planting species that are too large the lower limbs will de-foliate,
Development for the designated area (Mason 2013). thus reducing the desired privacy.
Select plant material based on mature Flowering hedges should be pruned
It is important to plan the layout of size, with consideration of formal or after the blooms have dropped.
a screen or hedge before installation. informal hedge type. Frequent shearing of flowering hedges
Once trees or shrubs are planted and often results in a reduction of flower
begin growing, it can be difficult to The height, width, form, and salient bud formation over time (Gilman
make changes. Factors to consider characteristics of 80 different species 2005). There are many pictorial guides
include the available space on the that could be used for screens and to pruning formal hedges available
property; whether it will be a formal hedges are described in Part 2 of this (Gilman 2010).
Figure 3. With
its fine texture
and numerous
sharp thorns,
William Penn
barberry (Berberis
gladwynesis) can
be left to grow
naturally or
sheared to form
an impregnable
hedge. It grows to
5 ft in height and
width; hardy to
Zone 5.
Figure 2. European honey bee (Apis mellifera) is a Photo by Charles
key pollinator for the landscape. Photo by Charles Brun, WSU
Brun, WSU
Native plants Figure 6. USDA Plant hardiness zones. (Hardiness Zones 2014).
This publication does note native
plants that could be considered as
screens or hedges. A native plant is
defined as one that occurred naturally
in a particular region at the time when
the first European settlers arrived in
North America, and which was not
a result of direct or indirect human
influence. Oregon grape (Figure 7) is
a native plant that can be used as a
screen throughout the state, though Figure 7. Oregon
it has a ragged habit and generally is Grape (Mahonia
not sheared. It is hardy to Zone 5. The aquifolium) can
cultivar Compacta matures at 3 ft in serve as a native
height and has a finer texture than the screen, growing
native species (Rhodus 2015). Because 3–10 ft tall.
of its dense habit, it can be sheared Part 2: Plant Choices for foliage, which is very effective at
into a hedge. providing visual interest during the
Screens and Hedges
winter months when herbaceous
Native plants are generally adaptable perennials have gone dormant. In
because they evolved with competing Dwarf Conifers as Hedges
the genus Picea (spruce), look for
species, predators, and diseases over The smaller dwarf conifers can be a wide selection of globe-shaped
many thousands of years. Thus they effectively used in the contemporary dwarfs that feature extremely dense
are considered to be in ecological residential landscapes as they add foliage arranged in trim shapes. In
balance in the region where they interesting texture, diversity of the genus Tsuga (hemlock), look for
were first found. There are guides form, and coloration to the garden shade-loving selections.
to the use of native plants for areas (Relf 2015). There are a number
west of the Cascades Mountains of different genera to choose from In general, dwarf conifers are
(McMahan 2008; Leigh 2005), as well (Table 2). Within each genus, note considered free from disease pests
as the arid regions on the east side of the diverse number of cultivars. (Pscheidt 2015), and they do not
the state (Detweiler 2008). Refer to In the genus Chamaecyparis (false require any annual pruning. In areas
other publications on native plants cypress), look for cultivars with west of the Cascades, they will all
under Further Reading. predominately yellow-colored grow very well and fill out their
allotted space, while in areas east Avoid using them as foundation Medium Height Conifers for Use
of the Cascades, high temperatures shrubs in areas prone to wildfires. as Screens and Hedges
can affect their growth. West of the While many of the dwarf conifers may
Cascades they are all considered not be readily available at local garden Conifers that mature to heights of
drought tolerant, winter hardy, and centers, they can be mail-ordered as less than 10 ft are very functional as
insensitive to soil fertility levels. In small plants (one gallon containers). a screen or hedge; many mature at
eastern Washington, variegated and A web search using a plant’s genus shoulder height (Fare 2009). They are
golden foliage may burn in hot, sunny especially useful in urban areas as they
will yield a plethora of cultivars.
areas. do not overwhelm the yard, or block
Landscape contractors should be
the view of distant landscapes.
With their lower heights, dwarf able to provide the dwarf conifers as
conifers could be used to line a well, as they have access to wholesale All of the selections shown in Table
walkway leading up to a home’s grower suppliers, who do not sell 3 have dense canopies that extend
entrance (Russ and Polomski 1999). directly to retail customers. to the ground. They could be used
Figure 8. Abies balsamea ‘Nana’ Figure 9. Abies nordmanniana ‘Golden Figure 10. Abies procera ‘Glauca’ Figure 11. Chamaecyparis pisifera
Spreader’ ‘Golden Mop’
Dwarf balsam fir Blue Prostrate noble fir
Golden Spreader Golden Mop threadleaf
Zone 3 Width: 3 ft Zone 5 Width: 4 ft
Nordmann fir false cypress
Prostrate version of native
Dense globose form; light
Zone 4 Width: 5 ft Noble fir; steely-blue foliage; Zone 4 Width: 4–5 ft
green new growth contrasts Dwarf spreader to 4 ft; soft, soft textured needles; shear A ground-hugging mounder;
with dark green older foliage; bright yellow winter foliage; any upright shoots to maintain mop-like stringy foliage stays
can take shade. greener in summer; best in full form. golden yellow; best in full sun.
sun; best not sheared.
Figure 12. Picea pungens Figure 13. Thuja occidentalis ‘Danica’ Figure 14. Thujopsis dolobrata ‘Nana’ Figure 15. Tsuga heterophylla
‘Glauca Globosa’ ‘Thorsens Weeping’
Danica arborvitae False Hiba cedar
Globe blue spruce Thorsens Weeping hemlock
Zone 3 Width: 4 ft Zone 6 Width: 5 ft
Zone 2 Width: 6 ft A slow-growing, dense, Spreading bun shape; green Zone 6 Width: 3 ft
Beautiful silver blue prickly globular foundation shrub; and white needles; tolerates Mounding habit if staked,
needles; needs full sun; widely bright green foliage in vertical light summer shade and dry otherwise, forming a prostrate
adaptable, very drought sprays; shear as desired. sites; best unsheared. groundcover; soft green
tolerant. foliage; can take shade if
needed in hot climates.
as alternatives to the conventional conifers are especially well suited to foliage, and does not grow to the
6-ft-tall fence that is often used formal gardens, serving as specimen mature height of the more commonly
between adjacent yards. The selections or focal plants (Walton 2008), they planted Emerald Green arborvitae.
listed in this category are hardy for can be arranged in rows for screening. Both of the pines listed here are
areas east of the Cascades and are Both of the junipers listed will grow winter hardy for all of Washington.
considered drought tolerant. well without any maintenance For a bright winter accent plant, look
pruning and have been found to shed for Louie eastern white pine, which
The Montgomery blue spruce would snow better than the taller arborvitaes features soft, feathery needles. For
be especially useful with its sharp, in western Washington. shady yards, consider Moon Frost
prickly foliage that could serve to keep hemlock whose white spring growth
intruders out. When a very narrow Where there is more space, the dwarf sets it apart from other shade-tolerant
screen is desired, consider columnar Aurea Nana oriental arborvitae would species. Keep in mind that in eastern
conifers, such as Compressa or Gold be highly appropriate as it forms a Washington variegated and golden
Cone junipers. While columnar very dense wall of soft yellow-green foliage may burn in hot, sunny areas.
Tall Conifers for Use as Screens ranging in height and width to fit these workhorses will prove their merit
and Hedges many screen designs. They come in as year-round evergreens. If desired,
a variety of colors from bright green some can be sheared, such as Emerald
The tall conifer selections shown in (Smaragd arborvitae and Incense green arborvitae and Skyrocket juniper.
Table 4 can be used very effectively as cedar), to blues (Colorado blue spruce, Caution should be taken not to cut
screens. They provide dense, intricate Vanderwolf’s Pyramid pine, Arizona into the interior dead zone of conifers
branching and fine leaves (needles) cypress). Branch characteristics can be because they will not fill out with new
that can block out unsightly views found from upright (Incense cedar) to
green growth (McConnell 1998). A
and undesired light exposure, both weeping (Weeping white spruce) forms
screen planted with tall conifers can be
summer solar radiation and urban that provide aesthetic appeal.
a useful backdrop for other plants to
light pollution. Tall conifers block cold
winter winds, capture air pollutants, It is important to remember the mature create a beautiful landscape. Wildlife
and can reduce noise significantly. size of these plants, as many can grow find that conifers provide good shelter
quite large, potentially 50 ft or more and protection from predators and
The selection is vast, with cultivars (Cox 2005). Where space is available, harsh environmental conditions.
Table 4. Conifers Over 10 ft at Maturity
Figure 24. Calocedrus decurrens Figure 25. Chamaecyparis Figure 26. Cupressus glabra Figure 27. Juniperus scopulorum
nootkatensis ‘Blue Ice’ ‘Skyrocket’
Incense cedar
Weeping Alaska cedar Blue Ice Arizona cypress Skyrocket juniper
Zone 5 Width: 15 ft
Upright conical shape to 75 ft; Zone 4 Width: 12 ft Zone 5 Width: 12 ft Zone 3 Width: 2 ft
dense canopy; aromatic green Ascending to 60 ft; horizontal Grows to 30 ft; drought A drought Rocky Mountain
foliage; furrowed bark; no branches; scale-like, blue-green tolerant; powdery-blue foliage; juniper cultivar; matures at 14 ft;
winter browning. foliage; best west of Cascades. do not shear; best west of the minimize shearing; blue-green
WA state native WA state native Cascades. foliage. WA state native
Figure 28. Picea glauca ‘Pendula’ Figure 29. Picea pungens var. glauca Figure 30. Pinus flexilis ‘Vanderwolf’s Figure 31. Thuja occidentalis
Pyramid’ ‘Smaragd’
Weeping white spruce Colorado blue spruce
Vanderwolf’s Pyramid pine Emerald Green arborvitae
Zone 2 Width: 8 ft Zone 3 Width: 15 ft
Rocketship form may reach 40 Stately pyramidal growth Zone 2 Width: 15 ft Zone 2 Width: 3–5 ft
ft; weeping, prickly needles; habit; excellent cold hardiness; Soft, silvery, blue-green Very common; allow to grow
striking accent; no shearing. silvery-blue foliage; great on needles; grows to 30 ft; full 8–20 ft tall; shear as needed;
the east side. sun; do not shear. WA state do not top; set plants 4 ft apart
native in rows.
Photos 24-31 by Charles Brun, WSU
Shorter Broadleaf Evergreens between sidewalk and street curb). leucothoe, Sutherland Hebe, Fragrant
for Hedges For alternatives that circumvent Sweetbox, and Taunton’s hybrid yew
the maintenance and pest issues will all perform well. For flowering
Low-growing evergreen shrub associated with boxwood, consider hedges, gardeners should consider
selections (Table 5) are very popular as the fine texture offered by Sutherland Grosso lavender, Girard’s Rainbow
foundation plants that can either be Hebe, which should not be sheared, leucothoe, or Orchid rockrose. In
left to develop on their own or sheared and Grosso lavender, which can be order to attract a plethora of nectar-
into formal hedges (Klett 2011), in sheared as it ages. With the exception seeking pollinators in early July,
contrast to the low-growing conifers of Sutherland Hebe and the Orchid plant a row of lavender from the vast
(Table 2) that are best not sheared. rockrose, all of the selections are selection of cultivars available. For a
largely winter hardy for most of barrier shrub, the Warty barberry is an
Most of the selections shown in Table Washington State. excellent choice as it has very spiny
5 are suitable for pathways leading foliage. The Goshiki Holly Osmanthus
up to the entrance of a home, or Gardeners with shaded sites will find can serve as an alternative for English
as fillers in a boulevard strip (area that Warty barberry, Girard’s Rainbow Holly for Christmas greenery.
Table 5. Broadleaf Evergreens Under 4 ft at Maturity
Figure 32. Berberis verruculosa Figure 33. Cistus purpureus Figure 34. Hebe pinguifolia Figure 35. Lavandula intermedia
‘Sutherlandii’ ‘Grosso’
Warty barberry Orchid rockrose
Sutherland Hebe Grosso lavender
Zone (5) 6 Width: 5 ft Zone 7 Width: 4 ft
Arching habit; branches are Rounded form, 1-in.-long, Zone 7 Width: 4 ft Zone 5 Width: 4 ft
very stiff; foliage glossy dark narrow leaves; dull grey above, Rounded form, dense habits This popular herbal shrub
green and spiny; 3-part spines lighter below; 2–3 in. flowers, with small silver-green leaves, features summer flowers used
cover the stems; rod shaped, pink with 5 red spots; yellow small white summer flowers; for perfumes and sachets;
very small fruit in the fall; stamens; typically not sheared. typically not sheared; drought grows to 3 ft; often used to line
very drought tolerant. Can be tolerant. a pathway; best sheared in the
sheared as desired. spring.
Figure 36. Leucothoe fontanesiana Figure 37. Osmanthus heterophyllus Figure 38. Sarcococca confusa Figure 39. Taxus × media ‘Tauntonii’
‘Girard’s Rainbow’ ‘Goshiki’ Fragrant Sweetbox Taunton’s hybrid yew
Girard’s Rainbow Goshiki Holly Osmanthus Zone (6) 7 Width: 4 ft Zone 5 Width 6 ft
leucothoe Zone 6 Width: 4 ft Widely used in the floral A foundation shrub with dark
Zone 4 Width: 6 ft Goshiki Holly features glossy market for its very fragrant green foliage; a spreading
A leucothoe cultivar with green variegated leaves with white winter flowers and habit; resistance to winter burn;
early season white, pink, and splashes of pink and orange lustrous green leaves; dense good summer heat tolerance;
coppery foliage; matures to that lack spines; fragrant spring habit; spreads by underground can withstand full shade. Shear
green with streaks of cream; flowers, can be sheared to form shoots; shiny black berries if as desired.
fragrant, urn- shaped flowers. a hedge. not sheared; can take shade.
Do not shear.
Medium Height Broadleaf lack any serious pest issues. All of the The Mexican orange and Delavay
Evergreens for Screens and selections feature small leaves that will Osmanthus both work well in the
block views through their canopies. shade. Finally, the Japanese pieris
All of them offer interesting colors makes a wonderful addition in any
The medium height evergreens listed that provide nice contrasts to the garden as it offers a multitude of
in Table 6 represent the best plant traditional evergreen hedges. colors as the season progresses. To
material for arranging into hedges, ensure a bountiful supply of flowers,
The Blueblossom and Delavay
which can be used to divide yards Osmanthus make very attractive limit the amount of pruning, or prune
from one another. They can be hedges, which pollinators will according to flowering time. Prune
informal or sheared, as desired. Other greatly enjoy when the flowers are plants that flower in the spring on last
than the Blueblossom, Sundance in full bloom. The Meserve hybrid year’s wood after flowering display.
Mexican orange, and Escallonia, hollies and the Ebbinge’s silverberry For plants that flower in the summer
they are all generally winter hardy offer vigorous growth that can be on new wood, prune in late winter
in many areas of Washington and easily sheared into dense hedges. (Gilman 2005).
Figure 40. Ceanothus thyrsiflorus Figure 41. Choisya ternata ‘Sundance’ Figure 42. Elaeagnus ebbingei ‘Gilt Figure 43. Escallonia langleyensis
Edge’ ‘Pride of Donard’
Blueblossom Sundance Mexican
orange Ebbinge’s silverberry Pride of Donard
Zone 7 Width: 6 ft
Vigorous growth; bright shiny Zone 8 Width: 6 ft Zone (6) 7 Width: 6 ft
2-in. green leaves; spike-like, Mounding form; chartreuse Dense habit; 2–4-in.-long Zone 7 Width: 6 ft
blue flower cluster from May golden foliage arranged in leaves with ruffled margins; Arching stems; narrow dark
through June; a great hedge whorls; citrus smelling, white variegated green/yellow green leaves; scarlet flowers
plant; takes well to shearing. spring flowers; likes part shade. foliage; excellent hedge plant; spring through summer; can be
WA state native shear as needed. hedged.
Figure 44. Ilex meserveae Figure 45. Ilex x meserveae Figure 46. Osmanthus delavayi Figure 47. Pieris japonica
‘Blue Girl’ ‘Heckenstar’ Delavay Osmanthus Japanese Pieris
Blue Girl meserve Castle Wall blue Zone 7 Width: 8 ft Zone 5 Width: 6 ft
holly holly Sweet April flower fragrance Upright habit; narrow, elliptical
Zone 5 Width: 8 ft Zone 5 Width: 4 ft (peach fruit scent) and dark leaves arranged in whorls;
Bright red stems bear blue- Columnar blue-green holly green leathery leaves. Tea Olive spring growth red; summer
green foliage; bright red fruit is ideal for narrow privacy makes a great shade- tolerant growth green; white urn-
on female plants; needs male hedging; grows 2 in. per year; evergreen mound. It looks best shaped flowers.
plant for pollination; good for takes well to shearing. not sheared and may produce
hedging; shear in winter. small blue-black berries.
Photos 40-44 and 46-47 by Charles Brun, WSU; Photo 45 by Paula Dinius, WSU Chelan County
Tall Broadleaf Evergreens for plant selection and form because it in order to reduce the incidence of
Screens and Hedges will be hard to shear an evergreen fungal leaf spot.
shrub that is over 10 ft in height,
The plants listed in Table 7 have been unless a stepladder is used to stand When space is at a premium, consider
proven to grow vigorously throughout alongside the hedge. the Japanese plum yew, which can
Washington State. However, not all be sheared to stay narrow. To attract
are hardy in the colder regions of In order to attract songbirds to a home pollinators, Zanzibar variegated
the state. Most broadleaf evergreen garden, consider plants that provide California lilac, Pacific wax myrtle,
shrubs do best west of the Cascades. In food, shelter, and protection, such Pacific rhododendron, and mountain
eastern Washington, consider species as the female Altaclara holly, Pacific laurel are good choices (Webb 2011).
hardiness and tolerance to winter leaf wax myrtle, or Burkwood viburnum. The Altaclara holly is popular in
burn. For shadier sites, consider the Europe as it is not invasive and does
Japanese plum yew, mountain laurel, not have the spiny leaves of English
These plants form tall, dense screens or Burkwood viburnum. The Fraser holly. It is available from mail-order
that can be left either natural or photinia is popular with its early supply houses. Plant both a male and
sheared to a desired height and width. season red leaves, but it does require a female if one desires beautiful red
If a formal look is desired, consider good air circulation and a sunny site berries in the fall.
Figure 48. Cephalotaxus harringtonia Figure 49. Ceanothus thyrsiflorus Figure 50. Ilex x altaclerensis Figure 51. Kalmia latifolia
‘Fastigiata’ ‘Lawsoniana’
Zanzibar California Mountain laurel
Upright Japanese plum yew lilac Lawsoniana Altaclara Zone 4 Width: 15 ft
Zone 5 Width: 7 ft Zone 8 Width: 10 ft Open form with age; leaves
Columnar habit; erect Greenish-yellow leaves Zone 7 Width: 10 ft 2.5–5 in. long and elliptical;
branches; dark green 2-in.- blotched with green centers; Pyramidal habit; untoothed flowers 5-sided; red or pink
long needles with sharp tips; profuse light blue flowers in leaves with yellow centers and bloom; sun to full shade;
can take full shade. the spring that are attractive to green margins; female plants prefers acidic sites. WA state
pollinators. with red berries. Takes well to native
Figure 52. Rhododendron Figure 53. Myrica californica Figure 54. Photinia fraseri Figure 55. Viburnum burkwoodii
macrophyllum Pacific wax myrtle Fraser Photinia Burkwood viburnum
Pacific rhododendron Zone 7 Width: 20 ft Zone 7 Width: 15 ft Zone 5 Width: 5 ft
Zone 6 Width: 15 ft An extremely vigorous shrub Very vigorous upright habit; Forms a rounded mound to 10
Rounded habit; large, oblong that could exceed 30 ft at brilliant red new growth fades ft; 2.5-in. white flower heads
leaves; large rose-purple flower maturity; 4-in.-long, narrow to glossy green; white flowers in April (often called snowball
clusters in late spring/summer; leaves; yellow flowers produce in umbels; no fruit; ensure viburnum); black berries in fall;
acid soil loving; shade tolerant; purple berries for the birds. WA good sunlight and air exposure, partial shade; can be sheared.
Washington State flower. WA state native hedge plant.
state native
Photo 48 by John Ruter, University of Georgia,; Photos 49–55 by Charles Brun, WSU
Shorter Deciduous Shrubs for 2011). If low shrubs are used in this next year’s flower buds begin to form
Hedges way, care must be taken to ensure at this time. Plants with flowers that
plant sun and shade requirements are bloom after June can be pruned in
The lower-growing deciduous shrubs met. For example, Goldfinger shrubby late winter, before growth starts.
listed in Table 8 are often used for cinquefoil requires full sun, therefore, These plants flower on current-year
lining walkways and feature seasonal if used at the base of taller plants, the wood.
interest. Many produce attractive low growers must be oriented toward
flowers and fruits, as well as bold fall a southern exposure. If full sun is not Plants with unique form are best left
color, such as the black chokeberry possible, the selection should include unsheared, although many species
and American cranberry bush. plants with shade and part-shade tol- will tolerate shearing. Snow Mound
erance, such as the black chokecherry, spirea is such a plant. Shearing it
Shorter deciduous shrubs are best Caucasian daphne, or sweetspire. can be done to create a more formal
when densely planted to facilitate structure, but in doing so will reduce
hedgerow closure. These smaller When flowers or fruit are desired flowering and restrict the fluid motion
shrubs can also be planted at the base and pruning is needed, prune of the arching stems. For more infor-
of taller trees or shrubs to increase according to season of bloom. If mation on hedge pruning, see An Illus-
hedge density, which can provide a flowering occurs before June, prune trated Guide to Pruning (Gilman 2006)
noise buffer or wildlife habitat (NRCS immediately after flowering because in Further Reading.
Figure 56. Aronia melanocarpa Figure 57. Cornus sericea ‘Kelseyi’ Figure 58. Daphne caucasica Figure 59. Fothergilla gardenii
Black chokeberry Kelsey dogwood Caucasian daphne Dwarf Fothergilla
Zone 3 Width: 5 ft Zone 2 Width: 3 ft Zone 4 Width: 5 ft Zone 5 Width: 4 ft
A sucker-forming shrub; Globe shaped; oblong leaves; Globe shape to 4 in.; small pale Mounding shape; bluish-green
serrated, glossy green summer white flat-topped flower green leaves; fragrant white foliage all summer; green-white
leaves turn red in the fall; white clusters; fall foliage bronze- flowers in June; sporadically bottle-bush-like flowers in
flowers yield pea-sized, glossy purple. later; shade loving. April–May; red fall foliage.
black berries in the fall.
Figure 60. Hydrangea serrata Figure 61. Itea virginica Figure 62. Potentilla fruticosa Figure 63. Spiraea nipponica
‘Bluebird’ ‘Goldfinger’ ‘Snow Mound’
Bluebird lacecap Goldfinger shrubby Snow Mound spirea
Zone 5 Width: 6 ft
hydrangea cinquefoil
A round ball shrub with 3–6 in. Zone 4 Width: 4 ft
Zone 6 Width: 4 ft white drooping flower clusters Zone 3 Width: 4 ft Arching stems on this round
Rounded form; sea-blue, sterile in June; likes partial shade; Dense, rounded shrub bearing ball shrub; 1-in.-diameter white
florets surround a cluster of rich red leaf color in fall; pollinator bright yellow flowers all flowers smother the branches
blue, fertile flowers; reddish fall friendly. summer long; very drought in the spring; multiple plants
foliage. tolerant; no pests; best in full for hedge.
sun. WA state native
Figure 64. Aronia arbutifolia Figure 65. Callicarpa bodinieri Figure 66. Cornus alba Figure 67. Cornus sericea
‘Brilliantissima’ ‘Elegantissima’
Bodinier beautyberry Red twig dogwood
Brilliant Red Variegated dogwood
Zone 6 Width: 6 ft Zone 3 Width: 12 ft
chokeberry Upright, bushy form; ovate Zone 3 Width: 6 ft Fast- growing thicket shape to
Zone 5 Width: 8 ft leaves 2.5–5 in. long; purple Mounding habit to 6 ft; striking 10 ft; green summer foliage
Sucker-forming, round; elliptic flowers give rise to small purple bicolor foliage; could be gives rise to reddish purple in
leaves; green morphing to red; berries in the fall. sheared for a hedge if desired. the fall; lovely red twigs in the
bright red fruit lasts into winter. winter; white fruits attract song
birds; generally not sheared.
WA state native
Figure 68. Enkianthus campanulatas Figure 69. Philadelphus virginalis Figure 70. Ribes sanguineum Figure 71. Viburnum trilobum
Redvein Enkianthus Red flowering American cranberry
Natchez flowering currant bush
Zone 4 Width: 6 ft
mock orange
Upright narrow form; leaves Zone 5 Width: 5 ft Zone 2 Width: 6 ft
at ends of branches; green in Zone 4 Width: 8 ft Northwest native to 10 ft; Slender upright form; 3-lobed
summer turning to red in fall; Fast growing to 8 ft; upright upright habit bearing 3-in.- leaves; green in summer; red
egg-shaped fruit. fountain shape; 2-in. fragrant long, white or pink flower in fall; white flowers yield red
white flowers in the spring clusters; red fall berries for the berries.
cover the bush; mass plant for birds; best not sheared.
Tall Deciduous Trees and Shrubs well in most areas of Washington a dense hedge slowly overtime.
for Screens and Hedges State. These plants possess varying Extreme cuts after plants have
characteristics for assorted uses. For grown too large can cause stress and
Tall deciduous plants make excellent example, the hornbeam, European become problematic. When shearing,
screens and hedges for large filbert, and beech have been used be sure to leave the bottom of the
properties. They can be planted as hedges for centuries throughout plant slightly wider than the top,
in groups or combined with other Europe for just such landscape so sun can reach the entire plant.
species, like conifers. For these large- elements. The Star magnolia has Otherwise, the lower portion of the
growing plants, spacing is important beautiful spring blooms and can take hedge will become bare and woody.
at planting timing. Plants left to grow light shearing. The Staghorn sumac For natural form plants like lilacs,
in natural form should be spaced should not be sheared. occasional removal of old large stems
farther apart than those that will be will encourage strong new growth.
formally pruned. If a formal look is desired for any More information on pruning can
of these selections, it is best to start be found in the Further Reading
Table 10 lists plants that will do structural pruning early and develop section.
Figure 72. Carpinus betulus Figure 73. Corylus avellana Figure 74. Fagus sylvatica ‘Purple Figure 75. Magnolia liliiflora
‘Frans Fontaine’ Fountain’
European filbert Lily magnolia
European hornbeam European purple beech
Zone 4 Width: 12 ft Zone 5 Width: 15 ft
Zone 4 Width: 8 ft Fast-growing shrub/tree from Zone 4 Width: 15 ft Sprawling, multi-stemmed;
Columnar shape to 40 ft; 12–20 ft tall and wide; suckers Growing to 25 ft in height, this green foliage; purple-white
summer green foliage; golden profusely, making a dense purple-leafed spire makes a spring flowers stand erect and
yellow in fall; multiple plants hedge; trees bear tasty edible great accent species; multiple appear before leaves.
for hedging; takes to shearing. hazelnuts in October. plants would make a hedge.
Figure 76. Magnolia stellata Figure 77. Rhus typhina Figure 78. Staphylea trifolia Figure 79. Syringa vulgaris
‘Royal Star’ Staghorn sumac American bladdernut Common lilac
Star magnolia Zone 3 Width: 20 ft Zone 3 Width: 15 ft Zone 3 Width: 10 ft
Zone 5 Width: 12 ft Open-spreading habit; velvety Fast-growing, suckering shrub Vigorous shrub 1 to 5 ft;
Dense, oval shrub/ small tree stems bear compound leaves with compound 3-part leaves; irregular shape; spring flowers
to 20 ft. Early spring fragrant that are dark green in summer, bell-shaped, showy white in multiple colors with good
white flowers; dense foliage; yellow-orange in the fall. flowers in April and May; fruit fragrance; many cultivars; best
mass plant for hedges; no WA state native 1 to 2 in. long, egg-shaped in full sun; mass plant for a
shearing. capsules in the fall. hedge; best not sheared.
Pscheidt, J., and C. Ocamb. 2014. J. Goldenetz-Dollar, B. Borders, Guide to Pruning. 3rd Edition.
Pacific Northwest Plant Disease K. Pendergrass, J. Williams, A. DelmarCengage Learning, Albany,
Management Handbook. Corvallis, Young-Mathew, and G. Ellen. 2013. NY.
OR: Oregon State University. http:// Conservation Cover (327) for Illustrated-Guide-Pruning-Edward- Pollinators: Western Oregon and Gilman/dp/111130730X.
Washington. The Xerces Society Kruckeberg, A. R. 2012. Gardening
Relf, D., and B. Appleton. 2015.
for Invertebrate Conservation. with Native Plants of the Pacific
Selecting Landscape Plants: Coni- Northwest. Seattle: University of
fers. Virginia Cooperative Extension
uploads/2013/01/InstallGuideJob- Washington Press.
Publication 426-605. http://pubs.ext.
Walton, C., and B. Cregg. 2008. On
Plants for Pollinators Sources
Rhodus, T. 2015. OSU Pocket
the Straight and Narrow. Conifer Association Master Beekeeper
Gardener. Ohio State
Corner Newsletter. Michigan Certification Committee. Research
State University Horticulture Paper #1.
Department. http://migarden.msu. wp-content/uploads/2012/11/
Russ, K., and B. Polomski. 1999. edu/uploads/files/straight_narrow_ Forage-for-Honey-Bees-Franclyn-
Foundation Plantings. Clemson conifers_apr08.pdf. Heinecke.pdf.
Cooperative Extension Publication
Webb, J. 2011. Beyond Butterflies: The British Beekeepers Association.
HGIC 1702. http://www.clemson.
Gardening for Native Pollinators. 2011. Pollen and Nectar Rich Plants
University of Georgia Extension for your Garden by Season. http://
Publication B1349. http://extension.
Straight, R., and J. Brandle. 2007. pollen_&_nectar_rich_plants_for_
Windbreak Density: Rules of cfm?number=B1349. your_garden_by_season_june_2011_
Thumb for Design. USDA National for_website_1310045511.pdf.
Wright, B., and K. Stuhr. 2002. Wind-
Agroforestry Center. Agroforestry Center for Urban Ecology. 2013.
breaks: An Agroforestry Practice.
Notes. AF Note-36. http://nac.unl. Plants for Pollinators. University of
Agroforestry Notes (USDA-NAC).
edu/documents/agroforestrynotes/ Minnesota. http://cues.cfans.umn.
3-1-2002. University of Nebras-
an36w03.pdf. edu/old/pollinators/plants.html.
ka-Lincoln. http://digitalcommons.
Strine, J. 2004. Windbreaks for Kansas. Heinecke, F. 2011. Knowing
Kansas Forest Service. Kansas State cle=1024&context=agroforestnotes. the Neighborhood for Bees:
University Publication MF2120. Information and Resources for
University of Georgia Cooperative New Beekeepers to Use to Assess
Extension University of Georgia
pubs/MF2120.pdf. the Forage Area for Stationary,
Cooperative ExtensionWright, B.,
USDA–Agricultural Research Service. and K. Stuhr. 2002. Windbreaks: An Year-Round Hives. Washington
2014. Plant Hardiness Zone Maps. Agroforestry Practice. Agroforestry State Beekeepers Association. Note–25. University of Nebras-
PHZMWeb/. ka-Lincoln. http://digitalcommons. uploads/2012/11/Forage-for-Honey- Bees-Franclyn-Heinecke.pdf.
USDA, Natural Resources Conservation
Service. 2010. Conservation Practice cle=1024&context=agroforestnotes. Ogle, D., P. Pavek, R. Fleenor, M.
Standard Code 422, Hedgerow Stannard, T. Dring, J. Cane, K.
Planting. http://www.nrcs.usda. Further Reading Fullen, L. St. John, and D. Tilley.
gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/ Dirr, M.A. 2009. Manual of 2011. Plants for Pollinators in
nrcs144p2_024519.pdf. Woody Landscape Plants: Their the Inland Northwest. Boise, ID/
Identification, Ornamental Spokane, WA: USDA–Natural
USDA, Natural Resources Conservation
Characteristics, Culture, Resources Conservation Service
Service. 2011. Conservation Practice
Propagation and Uses. Champaign, Technical Note, Plant Material No.
Standard Code 380, Windbreak/
IL: Stipes Publishing L.L.C. 2B.
Shelterbelt Establishment. http://
Internet/FSE_PLANTMATERIALS/ Dirr, M.A. 2011. Dirr’s Encyclopedia publications/idpmstn10799.pdf.
DOCUMENTS/stelprdb1046943.pdf. of Trees and Shrubs (1st edition).
Portland: Timber Press Inc. Shepard, M. Plants for Native Bees
USDA, Natural Resources Conservation
in North America, Invertebrate
Service. 2014. Plants Database: Firewise Home and Landscape. Conservation Fact Sheet. Xerces
Introduced, Invasive, and Noxious 2014. Society.
Plants. preparedness/be-firewise/home- chesterfield/programs/anr/
noxiousDriver. and-landscape.aspx. Pollinators/Xerces_general_plant_
Vaughan, M., E. Mader, J. Guisse, Gilman, E. 2012. An Illustrated fact_sheet.pdf.
Cover image is the Emerald Green arborvitae (also Figure 31), photo by Charles Brun.
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Issued by Washington State University Extension and the U.S. Department of Agriculture in furtherance of the Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914.
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Vietnam-era or disabled veteran. Evidence of noncompliance may be reported through your local WSU Extension office. Trade names have been
used to simplify information; no endorsement is intended. Published June 2015.