Aeroplane Construction
Aeroplane Construction
Aeroplane Construction
A Handbook on the various Methods and
Details of Construction employed in
THE articles embodied with other matter in this book,
S. C.
. . ... . . 6
, ',
. 59
Standardization of Details.
Whatever may be said for the standardization of aeroplane
types, a scheme which should effect a considerable saving in
labour and material, and which offers chances of success,
would consist in the standardization of metal fittings and
wood components generally, for in this direction there is cer-
tainly great need for improvement. Taking as a hypothesis
the various makes of scouting machines, we find hardly any
two details the same. This means that if in this country
there are six firms producing machines of their own design
(these figures, of course, being purely suppositionary), there
will be six sets of detail drawings, six sets of jigs, templates,
and press tools, and sundry special machine tools. There
seems no valid reason why many of the fittings for all
machines within certain dimensions should not be of standard
design, and a brief review of the various details which could
be standardized without detracting in the least from aero-
dynamical efficiency will indicate the extent to which the con-
serving of labour could be carried. In the construction of the
fuselage, the clips fastening the longerons and cross struts
could easily be of one design, whatever the make of the
machine. At present we find some clips are bent up from a
stamping and attached to the longeron without the drilling
of the latter; some built up from various parts, such as
one may instance the fact that for the swaged streamline, or
R.A.F. wires, there are at least three different terminals in
use. Although more difficult of achievement, there is scope
for improvement in the arrangements for the fixed
Methods of Manufacture,
It is fairly well known that the output of some firms is
Metal Construction,
The question of the aircraft materials of the future is not
so mucha problem as a matter of
gradual evolution. In view
of thedwindling supplies of suitable timber, it certainly seems
more than probable that some form of metal construction will
one day constitute the structure of the aeroplane. The manu-
facture of the variouscomponents in wood does not necessitate
an extensive plant, the labour necessary is comparatively
cheap and easily available, and moreover tHe transitory nature
of the whole business, and the ease with which essential
SEEING that wood constitutes the material for the greater part
of the structure of the aeroplane, that iswith very few excep-
tions, some notes on the characteristics and qualities of those
woods most commonly used may prove of interest. The choice
of a suitable wood for aircraft construction is a matter of
some difficulty, engendered by the variety of considerations of
which at least some observance is essential. The fundamental
principle of aircraft construction, that of obtaining the maximum
strength for a minimum of weight, affords one standpoint
from which a particular wood may be regarded, but this does
not constitute in itself a sufficient reason for its choice. Of
almost equal importance are such considerations as the length
and size of the balks obtainable from the log, the total stock
available, the relative straightness of grain and freedom from
knots as well as the durability of the wood.
exactly the same species, and also of different portions cut from
the same tree. The nature of the site upon which a tree is
grown exercises a marked influence upon its properties, while
as a general rule, it may be taken that the greater number of
annual growth rings per inch, the greater the strength. It is
Another point, and one which is intimately concerned with
the proper seasoning of timber, is the amount of moisture
contained in a specimen, and this latter point is of some con-
siderable importance, as not only is a large amount of moisture
detrimental to the strength values of the timber, but it also
renders useless any attempt at precision of workmanship. It
isthis very point of shrinkage, which constitutes the greatest
bar to the achievement of a measure of component standard-
ization, and it is also one of the most serious disabilities of
wood as a material for aircraft construction. It is now
necessary in the production of finished parts to make some
allowance for resultant shrinkage, which is a matter of guess-
work, and only practicable where some time will elapse
between the finishing of the part and its erection in the
complete machine. Under present conditions, more often
than not the parts are assembled almost immediately they
are made, which means that no allowance over the actual size
is possible, this being due to the various fittings which in
the majority of machines are of set dimensions and clip or
surround the material.
As a natural sequence shrinkage occurs subsequent to the
attachment of the fitting, followed by looseness and loss of
Silver Spruce.
The wood most extensively used for the main items of
construction is silver spruce, or Sitka spruce, found in great
quantities in British Columbia. Experience has proved this
wood pre-eminently suitable for aeroplane construction, its
strength-weight ratio is particularly good, it can be (at least
until recently) obtained in long lengths up to 80ft., and,
moreover, is particularly straight grained and free from knots
and other defects. There are other woods possessing higher
strength qualities, but in most cases their value is greatly
diminished by reason of the greater weight, and that only a
limited portion straight of grain and free from knots is obtain-
able. The weight of Sitka spruce varies from 26 to 33 Ibs.
per cubic foot, and although it is difficult to give a precise
Virginia Spruce.
This is weight per cubic foot than Sitka spruce,
of a lower
but does not possess such a good strength value, cannot be
obtained in such large pieces, and is generally subject to
small knots, which limit the straight-grained lengths
It is distinguishable from Sitka spruce by its whiteness of
colour and general closeness of grain.
Norwegian Spruce.
This wood is also known as spruce fir and white deal, and
is grown principally North Europe.
in Selected balks can
be obtained to weigh no more than 30 Ibs. per cubic foot,
which compares very favourably with silver spruce. It can be
obtained in average lengths, but it is subject to the presence
of small hard knots and streaks of resin, although the writer
has seen consignments with very few knots. A material
known as Baltic yellow deal and Northern pine is procured
from the same source, and more durable than Norwegian
This wood is onemost valuable of those employed,
of the
Hickory, a species of walnut, is imported from New Zealand
and America, and possesses characteristics similar to those of
ash. It is obtainable in about the same lengths as ash, but in
This wood is almost entirely devoted to the making of air-
screws, although the dwindling supplies and the very short
lengths obtainable has practically enforced the employment of
other woods for this purpose.
" "
The term mahogany covers an infinite variety of
One finds very few instances of the use of this wood for
Under this name is included such woods as American
whitewood, cotton wood, bass wood, etc. The wood sold under
one or other of these names is generally very soft and brittle,
and although of a light nature, weighing about 30 Ibs. per
cubic foot and very little utility for the work under
less, it is of
discussion. It has been used for minor parts such as rib webs,
and fairings to tubular struts.
Oregon Pine.
The scarcity of silver spruce has led to the adoption of the
wood known as Oregon pine for most of the components for
which 'the former wood has hitherto been used. The term
" "
Oregon pine is applied to the Douglas fir, one of the largest
of the fir species, a length of being an average. It is
200 ft.
Other Woods.
The foregoing which are in fairly general
constitute woods
use for one purpose or another, there being, of course, very
many other varieties, some of which may be called into use
with the progress of the industry. Of the conifer species, silver
spruce is easily the most suitable timber for aeroplane con-
struction, and one realizes this more as the various substitutes
are tried. As an instance,. cypress is straight of grain with
no very great increase over the weight of spruce, being also
well up the table of strengths. It is, however, much too brittle
for the various members of small section of which an aeroplane
is composed, and does not seem to have any extensive future
Multi-ply Wood.
This term is applied to the sheets of wood composed of a
number glued together with the grain reversed.
of thin layers
As the layers are obtained by rotating the tree against cutters
in such a manner that a continuous cut is taken from the
outside almost to the centre, it is possible to get very great
Defects in Timber.
dividing the timber at the centre while Fig. 2, a star;
Steel Tube.
The present use of aluminium is restricted to the cowling
of the engine, and occasionally as a body covering. Although
it is light in weight, its extremely low strength values render
it of very little use for other purposes. It attained some
Of the different alloys, duralumin is probably the best,
although one believes that its qualities are principally the
result of special heat treatment. Its use is at present
process of
annealing imparts to the metal
a tendency to
become brittle with time. The writer has often contended
that, where duralumin is used, it should be with a real desire
to reduce weight. Too often one sees a fitting of such lavish
dimensions as to entirely nullify the advantage of the lighter
Spar Sections.
The I section form wing spar, shown by Fig. 7, is in
hollow spar with the solid, and neglecting the cost factor,
the writer contends that the advantage is indisputably with
the former. The tendency of the I-section spar to buckle
laterally is of much lesser moment in a hollow spar of the
FIG. 10. Hollow spar with FIG. 11. Hollow spar with
stiffened sides. multi-ply sides.
Strut Sections.
In the construction of the interplane and undercarriage
struts, one does not find a very decided preference for any one
FIG. 13. Steel tube FIGS. 14, 15. Inter-plane struts spindled
strut with fairing from the solid.
bound on.
the vertical struts being shown by Fig. 17. The ply- wood is
Strut Materials.
truing up is commenced.
Fuselage Struts.
In the general features of those struts associated with the
construction of the fuselage and nacelle, there is very little
Effects of Standardization.
parallel for the greater part of its length, while the end form-
ing the tip of the wing is gradually tapered to a comparatively
fine edge. This may be said to constitute prevailing practice.
The other method which is illustrative of monoplane practice
is not used to anything like the same extent, and differs in
that it is
constantly tapering from root to tip. The advantage
of this spar construction is the improved distribution of the
material for the stresses involved, and also that a wing built
with this spar may possibly possess a greater degree of lateral
stability owing to the weight of the complete wing being
located nearer the centre of gravity. Against this one must
balance the fact that each rib must necessarily be different in
contour, entailing a greater number of jigs, an increase in the
time taken in building, with a consequent increase in cost. In
addition, all strut fittings would differ in size, so that, taking
allthings into consideration, this construction is hardly justi-
fied. It will be noted that at the point of attachment of the
interplane strut fittings, or, in the case of the monoplane
wing, the anchorage for the wires, the spar is left solid. It is
possible to channel the spar right through, from root to tip,
and to glue blocks where fittings occur ; and although there is
a possible saving of labour thereby, it hardly conforms to the
standards of modern workshop practice.
and here it may be remarked that the use of the best material
is a most important factor for ensuring sound construction,
and one that in the end pays. If a spar should happen to be
cut from a wet log, it may in the interval between its finishing
as a part and subsequent assembly in the wing cast or warp,
which may cause trouble in assembling, and is more likely to
result in eventually being sawn up as scrap. The resultant
section ofany wing is really dependent upon the spar being of
correct section, and should the spar be out of ''truth," the
section will vary at different points. This may not be eradi-
cated even in the erection of the machine, so that finally the
actual flying properties of the machine will be affected
another illustration of the importance of thorough construc-
tion in ensuring a good and lasting performance. To secure
uniformity and interchangeability the wing spars are set out
for the wing positions, and the necessary holes for the fittings
drilled to jig, before being handed over to the wing erectors.
Arrangement of Planes.
fuselage, and the top planes being the same span, the width
of the body is made up by a centre plane. Another method is
to make the top plane in two portions only, thus obviating the
centre plane; and occasionally the spars of the top plane
run through, from wing-tip to wing-tip, although this is only
possible in machines of small span. Apart from the fact that
such a wing requires extra room, it is difficult to procure
timber of length exceeding 20 ft. sufficiently straight in the
grain and a minor detail would be the difficulty of repair, as
spars, are the ribs, box-ribs, stringers, and leading and trailing
The ribs, which is the term applied to the very light
framework built over the spars to maintain the correct curva-
ture, are variously constructed one of the most popular
FIG. 30.
FIG. 81.
FIG. 32.
possibly both of the following (1) the rib will buckle laterally
: ;
attached on the top side only, the wonder is that extended flying
was possible at all. For some comparatively classic
all that,
than those at the tip, for at this point the stresses are
amount of vibration from the engine having
greater, a certain
to be contended with, in addition to the effects of the slip-
stream of the air-screw. Particularly noticeable is the ten-
dency for the fabric to sag down on the top surface of the
leading edge, a feature which imparts to the machine, especially
when viewed from the front, a not unpleasing corrugated
appearance. At this part of the section the curve is somewhat
sharp, and naturally the fabric tends to conform to the
definition of the distance between two points, a
straight line. This, of course, is aggravated in flight, when
the planes are under load, and by far the greatest amount of
pressure is located at the front portion, or leading edge, of
the wing.
False Ribs.
In some wing constructions the forces are minimized by
the provision of subsidiary or false nose-ribs, Fig. 35, which
extend usually from the leading edge as far back as the front
spar and occasionally to the longitudinal stringer. While
this prevents, to a certain
extent, the sagging in of the fabric,
it does not entirely eradicate it. The only successful way in
which the characteristics of the wing contour may be preserved
is by covering the leading edge with thin veneer, spruce, or,
stillbetter, three-ply, as Fig. 36. Despite the great advantages
attending this constructional feature, its use cannot be said to
be really extended.
FIG. 40.
Wing Baffles.
An attempt to prevent air leakage caused by this is
Fig. 41, which also sliows the exposed spars streamlined with
a fairing of three-ply. It is typical of the varied opinions
which still exist, that on some machines the wing roots are
merely washed out somewhat abruptly. If this air leakage is
of any moment, it is apparent that it must detrimentally affect
the lift-drift ratio. As a proof of the existence of pressure at
the openings in the wing, the writer remembers the case of a
well-known seaplane, where the wing baffles oh the centre
section were made of somewhat thin three-ply. In flight it
was noticed by the pilot that these were being forced away
monoplane, built some time before the war, in which the spars
and ribs were of steel and the covering of thin aluminium
sheet. In flight this machine was particularly fast, which may
be accounted for by the reduction of skin friction, which a
smooth surface such as aluminium would afford. In addition,
the tendency of a fabric covering to sag was also obviated.
Another example of metal construction is afforded by the
Clement-Bayard monoplane, exhibited at Olympia in 1914.
The plane construction of this machine, as shown by Fig. 43,
consisted of channel steel spars, steel leading and trailing edges,
and thin steel strips replacing the usual wooden stringers.
However, steel construction in modern English machines is
restricted to the various organs of the empennage, and occa-
Fabric Attachment.
Fabric and its attachment is a matter requiring consider-
able attention, with the great pressure to which modern wings
are subjected. In the old days any fabric which was light
with a moderate degree of strength was utilized. Nowadays,
it is required to stand a certain strain in
warp and weft, and
rightly so, since the bursting of fabric in flight can only have
one result. It is interesting to note that the fabric used on
the Deperdussin hydro-monoplane was specially woven with
threads running at right angles, forming innumerable squares.
The purpose of this was that, should a bullet or any object
pierce any one of the squares, damage would be confined to
that square, and thereby prevented from developing ; but the
writer cannot recallany instance of its use to-day.
In covering, the fabric should be tightly and evenly
stretched from end to end of the wing, and only comparatively
lightly pulled from leading to trailing edge. If too much strain
is applied to the fabric crosswise it will result in undulations
being overstrained.
With regard to the actual attachment of the covering to
the wing framework modern practice is restricted to two
methods. The older method is illustrated by Fig. 44, and
consists of strips of spruce, or more usually cane, tacked or
screwed to the ribs. and certainly preferable, to
It is usual,
is that in which the fabric was tacked to the ribs with brass
pins and taped with linen tape. All sewn joints in wing
covers should be, and generally are, of the double lapped
variety (Fig. 46), and arranged to run diagonally across the
wing. A minor and somewhat insignificant detail of wing
Connections in Use.
The the varying degrees of
illustrations given indicate
strut, the ends of the latter being capped with steel tube of
streamline section. A similar arrangement is that shown by
Fig. 50, the lug plate being pressed out and bent, but in this
example the strut terminates in a socket of oval steel tube
Monoplane Trussing.
From the standpoint of simplicity, the monoplane equals
the biplane. As each wing of the former may be considered
as a cantilever, it is the difficulty of adequately staying the
mast and spar the main bracing-wires are taken. That this
system is of real use is demonstrated by the fact that, amongst
others, the Antoinette, Flanders, and Martinsyde monoplanes
incorporated this system. It is worthy of note that this
system also characterized the huge Martinsyde trans-Atlantic
'bus, the wing-spread being in the neighbourhood of 70 ft.
Biplane Trussing.
The most common form of biplane truss is shown by the
diagram (Fig. 59), sometimes, as in the case of various pusher
FIG. 59. Biplane Truss.
ij Strut Machines.
The arrangement shown by Fig. 63 is responsible for the
designation of machines so built as 1^ strutters." A later
Drift Bracing.
So far the methods dealt with denote the methods of
staying in a vertical dimension, and it remains to consider
the provision for trussing in the fore-and-aft direction. There
are two methods in use, one being to brace the wings inter-
Fuselage Types.
The different types or methods of construction may be
classified in the following order :
Box-Girder Type.
Dealing with each type in greater detail, and in order of
and methods of manufacture of type
classification, the details
1 may be considered. The longerons are usually of ash or
hickory, although latterly silver spruce has come into use for
this purpose, this being due to the desire to reduce weight to
the absolute minimum.
In the opinion of the writer, a spruce longeron should be
of larger section than one of hard wood, for one or two reasons.
Spruce is a soft wood, and the outside fibres are far more apt
to get damaged by a fitting which has been bolted home with
too much pressure, also the corners may get rubbed or knocked
off, which all means a reduction in strength. The use of a
spruce longeron precludes any sharp bends in the contour of
the fuselage, as this wood does not lend itself to bending,
although it may be sprung to an easy curve. By disposing
joints in the longerons, it is possible to arrange the lengths
so that the bend is contained in one portion. This portion
can then be of laminated construction, i.e. it can be built up
of a number of layers glued together, and clamped to a block
of the required shape until the glue has set. In some cases
the longerons from the engine mounting to the rear cockpit,
where additional strength is necessary, are of ash, while aft of
that, to the stern post, spruce is the material.
It is usual, in this country at least, to spindle the rails to
one by Fig. 67, this spindling or
of the sections illustrated
the tail
part only being spindled. This channelling is always
stopped at the intersection of the cross-struts with the rails,
to provide the abutment for the struts, and the extra material
to compensate for any holes necessary for the attachment of
the fitting. In the shaping of the rails longitudinally, two
methods are available they may be tapered or gradually
rarely used.
Another arrangement consists of keeping the rail of equal
thickness for approximately 10 ft. 'from the engine bearers,
and then diminishing in a series of steps to the stern post.
By this method only three or four sizes of fittings are neces-
sary. Some fittings are not affected by the taper of the rails,
and are made the same size throughout, but in nearly every
case the attachment to the rails is accomplished either by
bolts or screws. The piercing of the longeron, particularly
when this is of spruce, is hardly commendable practice, and
Jointing of Longerons.
A popular method of jointing longerons consists usually of
a plain butt joint, clipped with some form of steel tube socket,
or by fish-plates flanged to clip the edges of the longerons and
bolted through. A spliced joint is sometimes used when
timber is not procurable in any great length, this consisting
Three-ply Fuselage.
The third system is typical of the method adopted for the
series of German Albatross machines. There are few, if
examples of its use in this country, although prior to the war
a few constructors favoured its use, and one successful mono-
plane of note was so built.The writer is acquainted with one
pioneer designer who very
strongly believes in this form of
construction, and certain later developments in the use of
three-ply confirm this view. The advantages of this form
of construction are: (1) quickness of production; (2) great
strength in a vertical and horizontal direction (3) the result ;
pletely encircle the formers, but are jointed at the top and
bottom, a light longeron being arranged at these points.
A which would appear to be of great utility at the
Fuselage Contours.
In the design of the contour of the fuselage the type of
the motor used is the determining influence. With the vertical
" "
engine, it is possible to design a slim narrow body,
in line
while a rotary or radial engine necessitates an increase in
width, which also means increased air resistance. With the
Vee type engine, the popular practice is to allow the tops of
the cylinders to project through the cowling, which permits
of a narrower body than if the width of the body
equalled the
overall width of the engine. Where a rotary engine is em-
ployed and the mounting is of the overhung type, the width
of the fuselage may be reduced
by allowing the engine to
project over the sides, and the cowling carried on an arrange-
ment of formers and stringers, which gradually merges into
the main structure, as in Fig. 69. It is apparent that the line
greater the weight, for the struts have not only to be made
longer but also of greater overall section. The practice in
this country is to keep the longerons parallel to the centre line
Fig. 71.
This simplifies the fittings, the sockets for the centre plane
nose the body gradually widens out until the maximum width,
generally in the vicinity of the front seat, is reached, from
where it tapers to the tail. This shape appears to satisfy
aero-dynamic requirements more closely than either of the
making one set of press and bending tools only for the
machines of the one type built. Another aspect, quite as im-
portant, is the simplification of the supply of spares. Accelera-
tion of aircraft output, if achieved only through the medium
of small part production, is one of the most important con-
tributary factors towards ultimate success in the field.
Types in Use.
The sketches, explained in detail hereafter, are illustrative
of some of the many systems in use, and taken collectively
fall under two categories (1) those in which attachment to
requirements of both.
The clip indicated by Fig. 76 is the particular form of
construction associated with the various versions of the Bleriot
monoplane, and favoured by the early pioneers generally. It
was retained in the Bleriot construction until some time after
the outbreak of the war as a matter of fact, until the type was
deleted for war purposes.
It is composed, as will be seen from the sketch, of simply
the war,
accomplished some meteoric performances during
and, moreover, was designed and in use a considerable period
before the war.
ence, is
largely conjectural. However, a fitting of this kind
was used in the construction of the nacelle of a seaplane
exhibited at Olympia in 1914.
of tube or rod is welded to the struts, and from this are taken
the bracing wires. As the welded joints impart a certain
rigidity to the structure, the fact that the wires are exerting
a side pull on the struts may be of little consequence, although
this method could hardly be used in conjunction with the
forming the anchorage for the two ends. The trend of design
in this country seems to incline towards the clip, stamped out
from sheet steel and bent up. This class of fitting can be
produced accurately and quickly, and, in the writer's opinion,
is by far the bestmanufacturing proposition. Aluminium
castings are quite obsolete, and the built-up fitting, involving
welding or brazing, does not seem greatly in vogue.
Principles of Design.
One of the most important points is that rolling shocks
should be completely absorbed, and the least possible strain
FIG. 85.
Undercarriage Types.
The type of landing gear in use to-day does not vary in
weight, there are other systems, some of which have been tried-
out, while others still exist, incorporating features designed
for some Of these the Farman type is an
specific purpose.
example landing gear designed for the requirements of
of a
school work, consisting of two long ash skids, which, extended
from the rear end of the nacelle, being gradually bent upwards
to carry the front elevator. This was the arrangement on the
type with no tail skid has the wheels disposed forward of the
C.G., while a single central skid, connected to the fuselage by
a series of V struts, replaced the double skids, as in Fig. 88.
This type was used on the original Nieuport monoplane, and
with minor modifications on the Avro 80 h.p. Gnome tractor
biplane. Its chief advantage is low head resistance, but un-
Recent Developments.
During the last three years the vital necessity of speed and
climb, and more speed and climb, has resulted in the gradual
elimination of skids, struts, and wires, until to-day the chassis
Methods of Suspension.
In the preliminaries of design referred to in the last
chapter, it was observed that the action of rolling and alighting
called for a good system suspension and shock absorption,
and this is accomplished on modern machines by binding the
axle to the main members of the structure with either rubber
cord (this being a number of strands of rubber about in. ^
square, compressed and bound together with a woven twine
casing) or plain rubber rings. The latter are more or less
obsolescent, at least in this country, the reason being found in
the better lasting qualities of the cord, which will also with-
stand a much higher ultimate stress, the fabric covering con-
tributing largely to this. In a number of cases, and generally
for heavy machines, steel helical springs are fitted. Various
attempts right from the beginning of successful flight have
been made to utilize steel springs for suspension, but hitherto
Various methods exist for connecting the rubber to the
main members, a typical arrangement with the Vee under-
web plate in Fig. 93 forms a means for guiding the axle in its
upward travel, and is another version of the one-time popular
Axle Fairings.
It is now thepractice to streamline the compression tubes
between the vees of the undercarriage with a fairing of alu-
minium or three-ply. This is so arranged that in flight the
Undercarriage Brakes.
Additional means for restricting the length of travel after
contact with the ground is sometimes found in the employ-
ment of brakes of various types. A very simple and widely
used arrangement is to terminate the tail skid in a claw fit-
down, bringing the skid into contact with the ground. The
disadvantage is that undesirable strains may be carried to the
fuselage members.
Another version recently patented is to construct small
planes to conform to the wing curve, and hinged so that by a
system of wires and pulleys, actuated from the pilot's seat,
they could be adjusted to offer a normal surface to the direc-
tion of The efficiency of this arrangement at low
Main Principles.
The control of all modern aeroplanes is effected in a lateral
directionby small planes hinged to the rear spar of the outer
ends of the wings, and known as "ailerons"; in a longi-
tudinal or "fore-and-aft" direction by the elevator planes;
and for steering by the rudder. Although these functions are
alluded to separately, they are more often than not combined
in their actions. The correct proportion of the controlling
surfaces is an important factor in determining the ease or
otherwise with which a machine can be handled in flight, and
faults in this direction are responsible for the terms " heavy
or "stiff" on the controls being applied to a machine. The
use of subsidiary flaps or ailerons for lateral control is a com-
paratively modern innovation. At one time it was usual to
warp the entire plane, or in some cases the outer section only,
and although the principle is the same that of forming a
negative or positive surface to the line of flight structural
considerations are wholly in favour of ailerons. With warp-
ing, the whole plane is subjected to continuous torsional
movement, and to obtain this some of the trussing wires have
Wheel Controls.
While the " type of control is greatly in favour,
there are various forms of wheel control in use. American
machines are almost entirely fitted with wheel controls, and
FIG. 102. Dep" type control.
tube, the general system of its working being the same as the
wheel control shown by Fig. 101. Incidentally, passing
loop without fracture of the wire. For this reason piano wire
gradually gave place to a softer grade of wire which, while
being strong, was tough and ductile, enabling bends to be
made with a lesser danger of fracture. The original con-
nection used for the piano wire stay is shown by Fig. 103, this
consisting of a loop or eye, the free end being turned round a
ferrule of soft copper tube, this being sometimes varied by the
use of a flat strip of tinned iron, wrapped round and soldered.
While this was fairly satisfactory for short stays, it was hardly
suitable for the main
wires of the interplane bracing,
Result of Tests.
Tests undertaken at the instance of the American Advisory
Committee for Aeronautics showed that 80 per cent, of the
wires tested failed by the free end pulling through the ferrule,
the remaining 20 per cent, failing by fracture, the stays
possessing an average efficiency of 68 per cent, of the
maximum strength of the wire. Although various modifica-
tions,such as tying the free end to the ferrule with fine wire,
as in Fig. 105, resulted in an increase in total efficiency,
Stranded Cable.
The gradual increase in engine power and total weight of
Cable Connections.
The earliest form of terminal connection for stranded cable
consisted of a loop, the free end being bound to the main part
of the wire and soldered. With the addition of a binding or
serving of wire round the loop to prevent injury, due to
contact with the wiring lug, or strainer eye, this wire, in a
recent test, gave an efficiency of 100 per cent, for all diameters
up to j in.
Relative Strengths.
For a given diameter the solid-wire stay possesses the
Streamline Wires.
Although in the quest for increased speed the
number of
a minimum, the
exposed wires were reduced to aggregate
resistance still remained considerable, this leading to the
development of the swaged streamline wire, the
of which is generally ascribed to the Royal Aircraft Factory ;
and these wires are now generally used for all exposed wiring.
ing ;
it should also be of a moderately low weight. More-
over, the general arrangement must offer a minimum of head
resistance, although in this direction the type of engine used
is a determining factor. Rigidity is a paramount considera-
tion, for the slightest tendency to slackness or play," under
the effect of engine vibration, speedily develops, until either
serious stresses are induced in the fore part of the fuselage or
the engine loses its correct alignment, with a consequent
detrimental effect on the flying qualities of the aeroplane.
This, of course, should be provided against in the general
design ;
but it is also a contingency which should be kept in
mind during the actual construction of the various components
of the complete mounting.
A which does not always receive sufficient attention
is the provision of adequate bracing against the thrust of the
engine. Where the construction is such that the engine-
bearers form an integral part of the fuselage structure, there
is generally little fault to find, but with some sheet steel
Overhung Mounting.
The overhung type of engine mounting which is used for
both propeller and tractor aeroplanes, is shown by Fig. 118.
In this case the back plate of the motor is bolted to the capping
0569/2 IMCHES
FIG. 120. An overhung mounting built up of steel tubes.
Multi-Engine Mountings.
Several versions of the type of machine employing two or
more engines, and which, by the way, is regarded as being the
type most suitable for the commercial purposes of the future,
are existent. The usual arrangement with the twin-engined
machine is to support the engines between the planes on
either side of the body, the bearers being mounted on a
structure of struts, which also serve as inter-plane supports.
With regard to the flying-boat type of machine, a favourite
practice is to mount the motor on the four struts supporting
the centre section of the upper plane, which is braced by
struts and wires from different points on the hull or body.
bility of the brace not being held true, which means that the
hole becomes larger than necessary and not infrequently oval
in shape. An additional bad point is the impossibility of
detecting such a fault after the fitting is bolted on, and it may
not be realized until a noticeably slack wire in the complete
machine indicates the movement of the fitting. In the fore-
going, absolute accuracy in the various fittings has been
assumed, but unfortunately in practice almost the reverse is
true. Variation generally occurs in built- or bent- up fittings,
and is usually the result of jigs of either incorrect or bad
design. Where the variation includes a hole out of position,
the use of this fitting on a previously drilled wood part is only
possible by the bad practice of drilling through with the
results explained above. It will thus be realized that the
Locking of Bolts.
Throughout the complete machine it is necessary to lock
the nuts of the bolts, to prevent their gradual loosening under
the vibration of the engine, and different methods of accom-
plishing this are in use. Undoubtedly the best form of lock is
by the use of a castellated nut and split pin. By this method
one can readily ascertain whether or no a bolt is locked, while
by the withdrawal of the split pin the bolt
may be taken out.
A disadvantage is use
its considerable drilling, so
that a modification consists of fitting castellated nuts to all
bolts liable to removal for minor adjustments ;
while elsewhere
the threaded portion of the bolt is left a little longer than the
nut, and then riveted over. Although this reduces labour, it
is a somewhat destructive method; and it is also difficult to
of great utility.
Fuselage Erection.
As the fuselage constitutes the nucleus of the aeroplane,
and the top rails of the body are horizontal, viewed in side
elevation, it is up on a bench. This consists of
-usual to true
a wooden structure built up of strong sides, with legs at short
intervals, the whole being well braced. The top surface, on
which the body lays, is composed of boards placed wherever a
plan-strut occurs. The bench should be rigidly fixed to a
concrete floor, the top planed until it is level both longitudi-
nally and transversely, and a centre line marked on each
board, while these lines, checked with a fine steel wire stretched
from end to end, should be in exact agreement with it. The
fuselage, having been previously assembled, with the wires
inserted and the plan struts accurately centred, is placed on it
in an inverted position. All wires should be then slacked off,
and the top, which is now underneath, should be wired until
the centre on each strut coincides with the centres on the
bench. The side wires are then tensioned until the stern post
is such as wing- spar
vertical, or until various fixed points,
attachments, are in agreement with points marked on the
bench and squared or lined up, and also until the longerons
are touching every board. The sectional wires are then
tightened and adjusted so that each diagonal is of the same
length; and this will ensure the centre lines on the cross-
struts connecting the bottom rails being plumb or vertical
over the centre lines of the cross-struts connecting the top
rails. Where the top rails of the fuselage are not parallel to
the line of flight, down towards the tail, it would be
but slope
necessary, if the bench method is used, to construct it so that
tfre boards conform to the slope. With the wire-braced fuse-
lage minor adjustmentsto the wing-spar attachments, which
the angle of incidence of the main planes, can
be subsequently made. A type of fuselage which precludes
Checking of Fuselage.
To check the fuselage for alignment it should be placed on
a pair of trestles, one underneath the forward undercarriage
strut fixing and the other under a vertical strut a short
distance from 'the stern post. The body should then be
levelledup longitudinally by a straightedge placed on two short
straightedges of exactly similar widths, one being placed at
the front and the other towards the tail. It should then be
packed up on the trestles until the top longerons are dead
level across. At this point, if the body is in correct align-
ment, the engine-bearers would be level both longitudinally
and transversely, the incidence of the main spar attachments
should be correct and the stern post perfectly vertical in all
directions. Other tests should include the placing of a straight-
edge at the nose, and another placed at the points where struts
when "
occur, should, sighted across the top edges, be out of
wind," that is in agreement. A point which should be care-
fully levelled is that portion of the fuselage towards the stern
post to which is attached the fixed tail
plane. Any inaccuracy
here will result in the being twisted in relation to the
FIG. 126.
which can be verified by a plumb-line dropped from the top of
the rudder-post. In plan view the fixed fin should correspond
with the centre line of the fuselage although there are excep-
tions to this rule, notably where the fin is set over, to
neutralize propeller torque, and in this case the measurements
given in the general drawings must be adhered to.
Tension of Wires.
The correct tensioning of wires is a matter upon which
some variation of opinion occurs. Although wires should not
be left slack,
conversely they should not be over-tensioned, as
this results in the spars, wires, and struts, being initially
stressed beforeany load due to flight is applied. In this con-
nection the importance of even or uniform tension in the
wires may be emphasized. The wires in one bay being of
" "
Aileron and warp control, Control, the Wright
101 107
Aluminium, 16 Control surfaces, balancing
tions, 51 struction, 72
Multi-ply wood, 13
Leading and trailing edges,
43 Oleo-pneumatic gear, 95
Lift wires, anchorage of, 62 Oregon pine, 12
Locking of bolts, 125
Longerons, 68 Parang, 13
Longeron sections, 69 Piano wire bracing, 108
Longeron, jointing of, 70 Piano wire connections,
Longeron, shaping of, 69 109
Shakes, 14 Suspension springs, rubber,
Shrinkage, 7 97
Silver spruce, 8
Silver spruce, weight of, 8 Tabulated tests, unrelia-
The Aircraft
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Associate Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Member of the
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