201706190545120011328draft Ms Notice Crew Branch 19062017
201706190545120011328draft Ms Notice Crew Branch 19062017
201706190545120011328draft Ms Notice Crew Branch 19062017
The Directorate is in
process of amending
Recruitment and placement a check rist for inspection
of Seafbrers of
Service providers (RpS)
Organizations. b.v Recognized
2. Accordingly draf, Merchant
Shipping Norice have
the orriciat website or bee proposed and
placed on
the oi.*;;;";.::-::::^::en
gov nr ror var uabr i
to the Directorate at
10.07 20;,:TI;ffi:;H[:ent the earriesr or raresr
r) balquzer-dgsOnic. in
2) tgtgslt .q-d ss ?i.nic. in
creu,[email protected]
Rajesh H. Mendhe)
To. Assistant Direqor
C.n..it of Shipping(Creu
l) RPS Pnrviders
2) All stakeholders concerneti
through DGS website.
qrwwrn/covrrruuworllyDn '
milcRrfi {T roqInrnusrnyorsulpplNc
+{6r wfreildq / pnrcinonrrE cENERAL of sf,IpprNc
t:*clr: 9l-21-2 S7 SilO4O 4t qfrur frfrip 9 {r
&. 15 dHrr.tEraBroc.tg'rru)o& T ctct 9 l-tt -}liTSZ[('e{ A $
lrmr 9I-22-2575 2029 t 33 $rf-trr H *ier6, &TgtryK TECEN9 CrMp[rs, F tt 9 l.D.iXit S2.lr9,
{-ta: [email protected]
si5{ rlrrt (fiEl / KA111RMA;16(EAST} E-m rtft dgrhlpldt@lleln
i+ rrrr.dgsh ippin g.gov.io
T*9 - 40w42 I Mrnr{Blr-4oo 0{2. Wcb: rmr.dgshlppirg.gov.la
F.No. CR/MISCzr9120l7
Ddted :t9.06.2017.
of Direcror Generar of
1oo,. r}li1fi:;:;-:'jrll,i,ilo'"'ar Shipping and ex-orficio
Licence Number
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2. Details of the lnsPection team
Name Signature
lnspectionTeam Member
tnspectionTeam Member
IIhe three onswer boxes to the right side of eoch key questions
are: Yes box (Y), No box (N) and Not Applicable box (NA)l
(Figures in bracke'ts indicote MS Rute reference numbers)
3. Operational Stanrtard
3.1 ls the address givenin the license or application for license same as Y N NA
the current address of the place of business?
3.2 ls a copy of RPS license granted under these rules prominently Y N NA
displayed at the premises of the RPS at a place accessible to public?
Note- Please note the addresses of all the branch offices. lf the
Branch offices are undertaking the work of Recruitment and
Placement i.e. if the authorised signatory of the agreement/contract
between the seafarer and the RPS functions from the branch office,
then the said office is also to be inspected separately.
Page 3 of 14
astructure available
Are adequate re:
may be recorded in the
for the RPS to provide its services? Following
comments section below
taken on lease/rent etc
L. Whether the premises is owned/
2. Whether there is any other agency/entity/company
functioning from the same
premises in terms of built-up
3. What is approximate area of the
/carPet area?
4. Number of emPloYees
and Placement of
and staff are adequately
seafarer (RPS) ensure that its management
: i'
1 Names of all the employees along with their educational
qualification, period of employment' and nature of employment
(salaried or contractual) may be obtained'
RPS must have one personnel with
maritime background i'e'
nautical or engineering on its rolls' They
could be regular
employees or contractual employees or
3 The proof of such employment like letter
of contract' TDSI
must be verified'
certificate etc of such maritime personnel
them to test their
their work. inspection team may interview
preliminary knowledge of @
as prescribed in the
Placement of Seafarers) Rules 2016?
with the
ls the Bank Guarantee valid and commensurate
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iPPing (Recruitment and
Placement of Seafarers) Rules 20L6?
2. ls the Bank Guarantee vatid and commensurate with the
number of seafarers Placed bY it?
3. Whether at any given point of time in the lnspection
by the RPS
,has the total number of seafarers engaged
exceeded the limit for which the bank guararrtee. ls
Comment s:
to examine PromPtlY
a Procedure Y N NA
and adequately and respond to any complaint concerning its
activities and inform the Director-General about any unresolved
Commenl s:
tf,"r" a procedure or policy to ensure that no means or mechanism Y N NA
3.12 f s
or lists are used to prevent or deter seafarers from gaining an
employment for which they are qualified?
Note: Recruitment should be carried out without any
discriminatory policy or bias based on race, colour, sex, religion,
political opinion, national extraction or social origin. However, any
distinction, exclusion or preference in respect of a particular job
based on the inherent requirements thereof shall not be deemed
to be discrimination
3.13 Does the RPS service provider have a documented policy stating Y N NA
that no fees or other charges is borne, directly or indirectly, in whole
or in part, by the seafarers, other than the cost to the seafarers in
obtaining medical certificates , seafarers book, and passport or other
similar travel documents.
Note- The above provisions shall be followed in letter and spirit. RPS
shall provide and place on record and undertaking that the RPS or its
employees have not received any such fee or other charge from
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3.14 1. Does the RP5 service provider have a documented policy stating Y N NA
3.20 Does the RPS clearly publicize cost ,if any, which seafarer is expected Y N NA
to bear in the recruitment process.
3.2t Does the RPS have a documented policy /procedure in place to ensure Y N NA
that the seafarers are informed of any particular condition applicable to
the jobs for which they are to be engaged and of the particular ship
owners policies relating to their employment?
3.22 Does the RPS have a documented policy in place to ensure that the Y N NA
procedures followed while dealing with cases of incompetence or
indiscipline are consistent with the principles of natural justice and
law of the law of the land and wherever appricabre, with collective
bargaining agreement?
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Note- Same may be verified during the inspection.
3.26 Does the RPS have a doorrrcr&d policy /procedure in place to verify Y N NA
that the labour conditions on ships where seafarers are placed are in
conformity with applicable Comprehensive Bargaining Agreement
(CBA) concluded between ship owner and seafarer's representative
3.27 Does the service ensure that the terms and conditions of
employment of seafarers comply with applicable laws or regulations
or CBA?
Note: to ensure that all rights of seafarers are duly protected and
3.29 Does the mention number, date of issue , tr," ,-.tiuitv or trr.
license, e-mail ids ,telephone numbers and addresses of its main
office and branch offices in all of their advertisements published and
the license number is mentioned in ail its communications in bold
3.30 Does the RPS service provider have procedure to r.no tr," r.rino", Y N NA
to the Director for its annual inspection, 3 months before its due
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ffis in Form I sent by 12th of every succeeding
month in a manner specified by DG Shipping?
Note -An undertaking should be taken at the time of inspection that
all the sea-service records of the seafarers recruited between the
period of two inspections have been uploaded in the Form -1. lf any
sea service record are not uploaded in the system,the list of such
record be obtained and forwarded to the DSEO along with the report.
Hrr tr," RPS service provider send Form ll to DSEO or any other
person authorized by DG in on-line mode or paper form of any
death or injury to seafarer within 48 hours of incident?
Note: Foilure tofurnish the report within specified period may leod to
suspension or withdrowo! of registrotion gronted or license issued.
Has the RPS service provider made a welfare fund contribution
towards Seafarers Welfare Fund Society, Mumbaion quarterly basis?
personal data ?
actually owns the vessels?
Page 11 of 14
N lrua
3,4L Are following records, as applicable, relateq ro reul
maintained for a minimum retention period of 5 years?
Are records of claims and compensations made relateo to lnjury or I N
death of seafarers maintained?
3.46 Record of medical data relevant to employment maintained Y N lrun
Page 12 of 14
lf yes, whether the licence of such other RPS has ever been
cancelled/suspended by the DSEO and what was the reason for such
Note- any action for suspension/withdrawal of licence is taken
against one RPS as a result of some act of commission/omission by
the Proprietor/Director/partner/employee of one RPS and if the
same person is found to be associated with another RPS as
Proprietor/Director/ Partner/employee , then the same may be
noted and reported to the DSEO.
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Annexure B
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