7thCPC Qualifying Service For Promotion MoD Order
7thCPC Qualifying Service For Promotion MoD Order
7thCPC Qualifying Service For Promotion MoD Order
\ Minrstry of Defence
(Department of Defence)
All concernecj are requested to download the OM dated 04.07.2023 whrch is stated
below issued by Ministry of Firrance (Departrnent of Expenditure) fronr the website of
MoF/DoE for necessary actionicornpliance. fhe provisions contained therern are duly
applicable to Defence Civilian Employees paid frorn Defence Servrce Estimates. The same
are also being uploaded on the Minrstry of Defence/Deparlment of Defence websrte under
the link 'Ernployees Corner > Seventh Central Pay Commission" to facilitate the immediate
(Subhash Chand)
Under Secretary to the Govt of lndia
Tele: 23012414
D(O-il) D(AG) D(N-il) D(Air-lll) DMA/Coord
otnrl D(O&c) D(cG) D(GS-il ) D(cs_vl) D(BR) DAD/Coord
D(GS-r) D(GS-rv) | D(R&D) D(Mov) D(Res-ll) D(OA) DDP/Coorci
D(OS) D(csD) DoD/D(Works-ll)
)- with the request to upload this lD Note on the website of MoD al foCation:
MoD>DoD>Employees corner > seventh cpc :- Hindi version will follow
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rlitrriiil'j:.i3 strrr,;itcr t'ccr r.tii'crt lirr l.ri'ornoLioil, to be 1l'esct"il;cci 11 thc:
'jr:rtrirl(l/ I(ecr't-titt:r.,:ttt j3r.rles, iLti llcr 'Lhc levisecl 1:ay S[ruc[Itre inl-r"oc.l'r_rce c1 as
l)cl rilooll.lint:ttcil"rrj.c-r:t'tr,; oi'thc 0llr (lPC:u.Lc1 eiccepted l:y thc Govcr:rrr.r,ret,rt. 'I'ii,;
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tnininrrir-:r qualiiyirlg ser',.rj.,.tr: i:tsi per Stli ()J:,C ;tat-v scal:s.
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