7thCPC Qualifying Service For Promotion MoD Order

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Governnrent of lndia

\ Minrstry of Defence
(Department of Defence)

Subject circulation of oM issued by DoP&T on "Revised pay Levels as per

recommendations of the Seventh Central pay Commiss jon lssue of
instructions on revisron in minimum quaiifying service required for promotion"

All concernecj are requested to download the OM dated 04.07.2023 whrch is stated
below issued by Ministry of Firrance (Departrnent of Expenditure) fronr the website of
MoF/DoE for necessary actionicornpliance. fhe provisions contained therern are duly
applicable to Defence Civilian Employees paid frorn Defence Servrce Estimates. The same
are also being uploaded on the Minrstry of Defence/Deparlment of Defence websrte under
the link 'Ernployees Corner > Seventh Central Pay Commission" to facilitate the immediate

OM issued by OM No, & date Subject

Ministry of Personnel, F. No AB-14017141 Revised Pay Levels ai per
Public Grievances 2021 -Estt(RR) dated recommendations of the Seventh
and Pensions/ 20th September 2022 Central Pqy Commission - lssue of
Deparlment of instructions on revision in minimum
Personnel & Training
qualifying service required for
promotlon - regaldlng

(Subhash Chand)
Under Secretary to the Govt of lndia
Tele: 23012414
D(O-il) D(AG) D(N-il) D(Air-lll) DMA/Coord
otnrl D(O&c) D(cG) D(GS-il ) D(cs_vl) D(BR) DAD/Coord
D(GS-r) D(GS-rv) | D(R&D) D(Mov) D(Res-ll) D(OA) DDP/Coorci
D(OS) D(csD) DoD/D(Works-ll)
)- with the request to upload this lD Note on the website of MoD al foCation:
MoD>DoD>Employees corner > seventh cpc :- Hindi version will follow

MoD lD No 11(3)12016- D(Civ-l) dated ,*"{ 08 2023

Copy to:
AG/Mp-a(CivXa) DG- Coast Guard Air Hqrs/PC-5 CAO (HR Dte) CGDA
DGQA/Admin-78 Hqrs lDS, (Dte of Pers) DoolcaSj DGDE/Admn DG BR
DGNCC/Pers(C) DGEME (Civ) oFB xoiiita DPR
Dy. Dir (oL):- with the request to kindly provide Hindi rranslation of lD Note for
uploading at MoD's website.
Em ployees' Federations: - Al D E F/l N DWF/BPM S/C D RA
/) .'
i .,;-.

Ir. No. Ats-t4OL7 I 4 /2(o21-Estt.(Rll)

Govel'nu:.en"t ctf Ind ia
Mi.istry bf Pcrso,,el, Pultlic Grievir^ccs & perrsio,s
Departrncrlt o1' Persorrncl & Training

Noltli 131oc1<, irlerv Deihi.

Datc: 20 Se1:l.errtitcy'2A)'2,

!u[{Qll t{p}10RANpq}1
;itti:jcr.rt': "llcvis,.:ci Pity Lcveis !rs per'r:ecurnnrel'rclirtions ot'tire Scverrl-]r
(lerrtrlil i)lty Corrirtrissiorr - Issrrc of instrrrctions orr revisiorr in ruinirrrurrr
q rrlilil-v irrg servicr: ruquireci for
1>ro rn otio r.r - regal,rclirrg

'li:e r.rncjrrrsii'-lrec.i js chrccr-eci tcl r.efer. to ll.is Depar.urrer.:t,s Ctv} lrlo.

. i]. I (r- i.lst [. {ll.tt)
I /i ( )'t.-i
3 '.)t:.i clruccl 9.8.2010, u,l'rercilr ttil
I'iinisu'ies/ De1:arl.r:rt:n1.s \!.,/ci'e rrr.ivisccl to atrJ.tend ttre Sen,iL-e lluLles ri-1cl
licci-ititllcitt Itttit::; bv r;L.tbstitut.i:Lg t.hc exjstirrg Pay Bilrcl and Glrrcie tray
v;rtir iire n(j\r,, l)llr). sti,.1ci.ur.c i,c, ,,1.,:vc1 ir:r thc pery i,rlettri-r,,, rts pr:r. r.lie
icr(-:(.)iilt-n(lI.lclirciorrs tsl''i'.t: e1'C Lr-L-:.r-i iitc CL)li (l(cvisccl i,ay) iirrlr:s 201O issLrcri
,)y L,)c': t-,ltl t-tr.lctti. crl' Ii>:1:cnciit-r-rre 'r,ii1c lriot-ificatior: cllrteri 'tirr,,ir.riy, ?O I 6,
'*ll.l';tir]-itliiwrl.Y lvi11-l.Ott t rtu,rldng l r-eielctrcc to the 1)e1:eu'tri-rer;.t r-rl' i:,er.sortnul
:i-r,r-1'L"r'rii':ing (1)C)P&'i')ll-Jnion Priirlic: Ser-r.icc cornrnissrorr (LJps()).

:. .-\i.i.c'rtr-rLrlr i5 iriVi'Ltii LL, li).i :l i):t-,iiILriri:rlt's ()r/i I!.; ,r:il:l..,.tii) ).'7 l0lr,!()0g-
rr:i1., il(l(l i.i :.tttrr(.[ '.!.+.3.'LOl)':), tr.,hic:lt,,^i?:s i:isLl^cc] lb11orv'itr91 tr.:.ri-rlc:rLrcirlitioil ol
l[rs l ec'JIllr.llcll,-lai-joti o1' t.]'re iitir (-)P(), iirclicartirrg tl're reviser:1 rir iitiinl,.rrr
rlitrriiil'j:.i3 strrr,;itcr t'ccr r.tii'crt lirr l.ri'ornoLioil, to be 1l'esct"il;cci 11 thc:
'jr:rtrirl(l/ I(ecr't-titt:r.,:ttt j3r.rles, iLti llcr 'Lhc levisecl 1:ay S[ruc[Itre inl-r"oc.l'r_rce c1 as
l)cl rilooll.lint:ttcil"rrj.c-r:t'tr,; oi'thc 0llr (lPC:u.Lc1 eiccepted l:y thc Govcr:rrr.r,ret,rt. 'I'ii,;
rlr,.ti.l Ul','I i'.'ir.:; i:s',1ecl irr th,j rJontc):t ol err:"licr ills1..ructi.o.r'rs issurecL \/icie.l-)C)l:rt'
iljvi I\'o. Atj.lriu 1-i l'2/!i7-[:;rL. ll111J durccl 25.s.199t_j, prcsr-ribi1r,_r Liic:
tnininrrir-:r qualiiyirlg ser',.rj.,.tr: i:tsi per Stli ()J:,C ;tat-v scal:s.

3. Instn-tct.iorLs r<:r,isitrg the rrrjr:irnurr-r cp-reLlilying selvice r-er; Ltirccl larl

plolnotion, 61s pet-'ith CPC Pay Niritr-Lx/pa;, 1-sr.lri, hirvc nol becn.issuccl sr:,
Irir etllcl i>t'<.r1:osais lc,,r'lrerrrrir:g/autrcrrcii.:rer.rt of ftlts/-service llr:ies eu-e stlll
bcitry,,:joI"Isiclet'ci(1 , basecl on l.hc lr:t1uiit.;rrrcnt-s presclii-rccl ir"r O\,1 clatccl
2'1,3.2u(J!,,'1lroir,g,li Lhe leveIs in lie.,r:scd pery lvratrix &s per.TtLr c1)L) l];r_v
ir4at.ri;t, g;crror-c.: iiy co.l'l'e{il)or1ri, tr-r rtre t-rrc.Lcrrisrlil Cxrcli-- Irlrysf l:r;r1, Sr:al,::: ((,, iir
Circi, l'1u\','evcl-, :t rret:cl u,:rs telt to 1:iescril;c rrrinimlrrn clr-r:di1y:ng l,,crr,ice 1i_)r"
I11'0ll'loL.iOtl i;r ri 1.1()1.' 1'r;1-r7 I-r:vctii) jr: drr: Reyised Pu1, 14.,"rr.' .

rl, 'lircrcl',:i-e, t]rc insh-r-rctions i.ssr-re,:1

'.,icle DCP'l ONI
cla.ter:i lr:l.l-i.:-00!l i-rali
i:een revieq,ecl, ln consultation r"r,ith ti:c UPSC a:icL rvirh ihc api:r'c,r,al ,of lhe
conr.peterrt authorit5r it i:as beel ciecidecl to reyise tite rrorls i:.i'escril-riir,1.
rni.t:itnum eligibiiit), sen,ice rec1r-ri:'cci for pt'orriotion, a.s per' 7'i1
CliC i:'a5' N'I.atrjx curcl Pay Levi:l:;"'lhe rt:rrisccl. nclrms lbl rnini.rt:rril eligibilir:r,
rie:rrir:e fr:r lrr'omoriorr havc l-:ecrr irrclicatt:ci in the table at Anlle>:ulc-1.

5. Th,,:r'r:lirte, the lcr.j secl rror'r1ls 1:rescribirrg ririnimurn cligiiri.lit-y scr.\ri,.:t,

rr':oLrirerl fo:'proriroticn, as per"itl: CPC i)ary ]r.'lau'ix a:rcl Pai, i,ei'€:1 s, gii'erL irr
Ar:nexure-I, rna5, 1:e incorpol'aLeci in the Recrt-iitrnent ltules/Set-\'ice Rrtles l.ry
r:raking suitable runendrnenl.s. A1l tl:e Nlinistries/Departrrel'tt*s erie,
thclelble, reqriesteci to effect l'Iecessar-\. anrendn'ients to tire Rect-ttiturclrt
]lrrlr::i/Scrr',,'irrc Rules, ir..r this rcgrrrcl, af1.er l'ollorving r-he chttl 1-.rt'oc.ecltti'<:,

6. The Recn:iLrrrent/Sen,ice Rules arr: r',I $t.atlltory rtatLu'c. Ivlc;r'r:ovt:i', a:,\;

arncnclment in tlrese Rnlcs generilily l':ave plospectirre ellecl. 'i lrereirtrr:, itr
Lcrms r:f pa:'a 3.1,3 of DoPl Olrri I'Io. AB.l1O17 l48l20\0-Esii. ItR c1ir.t,;r
31.1-2.20 10, '.\,herever reclllired, srritablc 'l:rotection cl,:rt-l$e' Irar,'
1rc tlrcc-r:'1;ori:.{:ecl ir: thc amer:cir1t:nr- prollosecl i-r:1-he lRect'itii"Ll'r<',itt/s(-li'\/icil
liiik::s. 1:r'civiclirtg i'oi't'et(:lrLioll oi exisrling eiigibilitlr:st)r-',,it-:c ii.rr c;<is1-it'r,;
irr l:rl.ltl-,r:rr{.s hrtlcl ir-lg i.he fcerier pc)stli orr reglr.riar-r b;,tsis, i..,iitrt'r- tlir:: eli!.iiiiliti'
r;cr'r,,tcc: lo:'l:r'orlrotiolr 1rr'c:scriircci irt t.i Le e:ist.i tr1.,, ruJel; is lrciiig c.itl.t r.r iit:<':ti iitirl
..vlreic rire cllange is lil<elt, to aileci. tlre ltlorrrotion ai'ti.tesc ii'tci-irnircttt.s.

7, Ivliiiisti:icsi Depat'trlellts nlai, ir:itj.ate rlction to coml;1crcr t.ile l'(:t,ictv ii,

rhis regarcl nnd fi-rrnish necessary amenCulent p1'oposals to 1.lre DOIrI irnd
thc: UPSC ii-r 1-he casc of Group A arnd (iror-rp 13 posls rvi.thin si-,i itir-rrtLlttr ll(r!r,r"
:.lre deir-c ol'iris;r:t: ol'thi:; Oliice i\4r:nro;'artcl t.trLt
'(-t "'-,\P--
' (liarljeetliumalSr.tcilteiirsltul
Ur-lder Secretary to dre Goverur:rent. of lndia
)" C)

Ai1 \4iir ist L-ie s,/ D epau'tm e:r 1:s

(,ts pcl St.crrrdrrrcl iisl)


1.'i'hc.: 1:rt'esidetrt's Sect'et.ariat, l\r:r.',' Dt:ilri.

:2. Tl're Vir;e-P:'esident's Seci'etariat, Nen' Deilti
3. 'l'hc i)rirne ivlir-rister's Ofiice, ltlcu, Dr:ihi.
4. 'lhe Cabinet Secretat'iat, IVeu' Dclhi.
5, Tire l?ajrra Sai:ha Secletetriat, Netv Dclhi
6. The T-cl< Sabira Secletariat, fJen, Delhi.
7. TlLe Cornp.troller a-rrcl Auclitor Ciencral ol India, Ne'"v Deihi.
i. ..)

!), 'lir(:i Ullioii Pu.blic Scr'.'ice Coniltrissiort, New Delhi

c) All rttla.cireii Oi'llcr:s tr:lc1ct' tlrc iVllo Pcrsonttel, lltibiic Gritvartces :tncj
Pen sionr;.
i0. lisi:ri-,lisi[rictt.t C.tfiice| rtrrti Sec:r'eteuy, ACC (10 co1:rics)'
ll.l\11 Ol[icers rgrcl Scctiols in the ])epartruetrt oi'Persorrnel C'5'l.r"ainurg.
Iil . Sir;lrt:1.r1l;:-1,, Sl.Itl.l Siciu, i'J:rtiorlill. Co'.ltrcil (,iCI\.'lj, L'j'C, ltcroi'-r;l'rirlt iil'r:'r'r'i'
il,l . r.ll S:r:rti ti'ir:lill.;ci's; r:ri l\iit1.Ii"'lrl.,l (li:rirrell ('iC'vi)
i,l . i\ii :iir,iir ivicrrL:.lrci's o1 l-irc De1:t,1rt.r'rLcrrteil (lor-trlci.l (,Ji)ivi ). A'i,it) 1:'cIst)l|Lt'-:1,
i:r'i I :,t.1 :l.i L)r:tlsil-;ill;
:- ii. .r:,sr ;i t:lj :L]rric.ll i 11R i:i I)i'.',t.:;r)ir) i I u co1;ies)
li:,. l\i.i(-1, i(r:ri'tli .i::,iui.:lc 1r.rr r:,r:':iirri:, riri i.iri: rrellsit.(j.
. .r,,rr-''):.'
(ItaLnj eet I{'.rrr.r i,r.r Sr-rclhnu shr-r)
Urrtlt-:t' Set:rell,uy ttl Gt.rlrt:t-trttieill. Ol' L rciil'i

Sl. No Level Mininrr"rrr qualii'yring
Frcm -r^
t t-l service for' ltroniotiorr

,3 '---*_,,,i
1 Level 1 Level 2 ^ ^ ..-.
.) \,/I edti, i

2^ Le,rel 2 Level 3 -_---_------_.,I

3 \'ears
Level 2 Level 4 c \/^ ^,.^
LJ I t:jclli) I

4 Level 3 l-evel 4 EAI'S


q I

l-evel 4 l-evel 5 5 Years i


t) Level 4 Levei 0 1[)11/e_qi.g

7 l-ertel 5 l-evel 6 i':
I )
\.'I r_rr'l{
-.... ,.-\

t) Ler,,ei 6 l-errei 7 5 't",:,a ls

o Ler.rel 6 L.-c':rlel 8
Level 6 L-evel 9
11 Level 6 L.er,,el 10 ll r ','.aaIe
i \/(f,t J

lt I oiral A Levei 1 1 'l') Va,o..-

ta I trcrl Ll
l'-l Level l-evel B
7 ? \'ears
1tl tevd 7- Level ! 3 \'ears
is Leizi:l 7 l-evel 10 ! 'Lqas
Lerzel '1
ID Lerrel 'l 'l 9 Ye ars
17 Level 8 I crrai
r.-uvLt O
u 2 years
Ic) Level B L_:eygl 10 ziYears
Level 8 -- Level 1 1 S , su1r
v \';-'. r<:
)t I
Level I Level 0
:11 Levei I L-i:vr:l

-l -- ---a):"*c!:i
7 ,\'eal's
.-_* __i

')') Level 'i0 Level '1 'l

i- /-. 5 Ycairs
./_ -) l-errel '1'1 I nrr,:l 'l 'J 5 Years
24 L-evel 1i L"e'rel 13 'lO Yeai's
)\ Level i2 I crroi
'1 ?
iU 6 \/,..rra
) l.t
Level -12 Level 13A 6 t/ears
?-7 Level 13 Levei 13A 2 Years
28 Level 1 3 Level '14 3 Years
29 Level 134 Level '14 2 Years
30 l-evei 14 Level '15 ') I (-,'d,5
.) \,/^^,-^.
,Jt Level 15 Level '16 1 Year'
JZ l-evel 15 Level 17 I y_ears
JJ L.e vel 16 l-evei 17 i\"ear


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