E-Journal of Informatics Engineering Volume.8, No.1, August (2016) ISSN

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E-Journal of Informatics

Engineering Volume.8, No.1, August (2016) ISSN : 3

Members have an obligation to In 1995 a software appeared

which was eventually called
carry out professional services to
Blender. After being observed,
the best of their abilities in the
it turns out that Blender has
interests of service users and
the potential to be used by
consistent with professional
artists outside of NeoGeo.
responsibilities to the public.
Then in 1998 Ton founded a
According to PSA (Statement of
company called Not a Number
Auditing Standards) no. 4 SPAP
(NaN) to further develop and
(2001), accuracy and thoroughness
market Blender. NaN's goal is
in the use of professional skills
to create a compact, cross-
requires the auditor to exercise
platform 3D animation
professional skepticism, namely
software that is free and usable
the attitude of the auditor who by the general computing
thinks critically about audit community.
evidence by always questioning
Unfortunately, NaN's
and evaluating the audit
[2] ambitions did not match the
evidence. realities of the market at that
F. Blender time. In 2001 NaN reformed
into the smaller company NaN
According to Lucky Maharani and launched its first
et al, (2014) In 1988 Ton commercial software, Blender
Roosendaal funded a company Publisher. The target market
engaged in animation called for this software is interactive
NeoGeo. NeoGeo is growing 3D web. Low sales figures and
rapidly to become the largest the unfavorable economic
animation company in the climate resulted in NaN being
Netherlands and one of the closed. This closure includes a
leading animation companies in cessation of development on
Europe. Ton Roosendaal besides Blender.
being responsible as art director is Not wanting Blender to
also responsible for internal just disappear in time, Ton
software development. Roosendaal founded a non-
profit organization called the
Blender is a 3-dimensional
processing and animation
software that is compatible/runs
on several OS, such as;
- windows
- Machintos
Blender - IRIX
Foundation. The main goal of the - Solaris
Blender Foundation is to continue - NetBSD
to promote and develop Blender - FreeBSD
as an open source project. In 2002 - OpenBSD and Linux.
Blender was re-released under the
Blender 3D provides the
terms of the GNU General Public
following uses:
- interfaceswhich is user
G. Definition and Use of Blender friendly and neatly
Blender 3D is free software
- toolsto create complete 3D
that can be used for modeling,
objects including modeling,
texturing, lighting, animating and
UV mapping, texturing,
3-dimensional video post
rigging, skinning, animation,
processing. Blender 3D, which is
particle and other
free and open source software, is
simulations, scripting,
the most popular open source 3D
rendering, compositing, post
in the world. Blender 3D features
production and game
are not inferior to expensive 3D
software such as 3D studio max,
- Cross Platforms, with a
maya or XSI. With Blender 3D
uniform GUI and supports
you can create animated 3D
all platforms. You can use
objects, interactive 3D media,
Blender 3D for all versions
professional 3D models and
of Windows, Linux, OS X,
shapes, create game objects and
FreeBSD, Irix, Sun and
many other 3D creations.
other operating systems.
- High quality 3D
architectural quality and can
be done more quickly and
- Active support through
forums and communities.
In the past, making animation
required an expensive application
with a high level of complexity,
now this can be solved with the
Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac
OS X can too. Blender's features
are not inferior to paid design
applications such as 3d Studio
Max, and

presence of
Blender. This application, which has
a similar name to a kitchen appliance,
offers easier and free use. The easy
definition here doesn't mean it's easy
to use everyday applications, but still,
when compared to previous
applications that required high skills,
Blender offers easier use.
Blender is a pretty good 3D
animation graphic maker application
that Linux users rely on. It has
complete features, light weight, fast
updates, and has an open community
that will help users around the world
exchange ideas. This is what makes it
even more interesting to try.
Especially now that it is available for
operating systems such as Windows,
Mac OS, and Solaris.
Apart from creating 3D content,
Blender can also be used in various
multimedia activities such as video
editing, making games, animation,
compositing, and others related to 3D
animation. There is even a
community that has succeeded in
making a complete 3D animated film
using only Blender
According to most people, Blender
is software for 3-dimensional
graphics that is free and popular
among designers. Blender can be
used to create 3D animations. This
software also has a feature to create
games. Blender is available for
various operating systems, such as:
E-Journal of Informatics
Engineering Volume.8, No.1, August (2016) ISSN : 4

other. His ability to create According to Reskyanti

modeling, compositing to (2012) Adobe Premiere is one
animating is very good. of the most popular and widely
Blender itself is an open used software in video editing.
source software that is now being There is an interface similar to
developed by a non-profit Adobe PhotoShop, Adobe
organization in the Netherlands Premiere and Adobe After
called the Blender Foundation. Effects is to provide ease of
But don't look down on Blender use, images can be created
users, because the issue is that 3D with Adobe Photoshop and
animation makers have the upper special effects can also be
hand. Blender users are being prepared from Adobe After
hunted because there are still very Effects.
few human resources who can use Adobe Premiere is a
Blender. program that is commonly
This community was used by production houses,
television and practitioners in
founded by Hiza Ro in August
their fields. The advantage of
2009 with enthusiasm, faith and
learning to edit videos using
money of 100 thousand rupiah to
The main function of
purchase a domain. Because this
community is a growing Adobe Premiere Pro is more
community in cyberspace, so for assembling images, video
anyone can join it for FREE. and audio, not for animation.
Apart from meeting online, So that your multimedia
Blender users sometimes conduct appearance is more
offline gatherings in the form of attractive.
get-togethers, seminars and III. RESEARCH
workshops. Besides that, there are METHODS
also many animation studios born
[1] In the method or steps in
from this community
the design, there are three
H. Adobe Premiere application stages of manufacture,
namely: the Pre-Production
Idea and Theme
Determination of Ideas and
Themes is the stage where the
Stage, the
writer determines ideas and
Production Stage and the Post-
themes from the results of
Production Stage as shown in
interviews at the North Sulawesi
Figure 3.2
Regional Police Office (see figure
3.3) and the results of
consultations with several
lecturers so that they become the
title of the thesis 3 Dimensional
Animation of Cyber Crime
Prevention (Case Study: Manado
B. Interview
Figure 3.1 Steps
3D Animation Design The interview is the stage where
the author asks directly at the
North Sulawesi Regional Police
Office in the Banking section of
the Cyber Crime Sub-Directorate
for 3D Animation for Cyber
Crime Prevention. With the
following question form:
1. What is your definition of
cyber crime prevention?
2. What crimes fall into the
category of cyber crime?
3. State the cases in the last 5
years and the number of each case
4. What are the stages in cyber
crime prevention measures?
This interview was conducted
on Wednesday 2
September 2015 to employees or
1. Name : Ipda Daud D.
: PanitBanking subdit

Figure 3.2 Results of case interviews

in the last 5 years
C. Questionnaire
The following is a table listing the
questionnaire questions addressed to
several people who frequently use
online media for their activities. The
questionnaire was administered in
August 2015.
In Table 3.1 is a table of
questionnaire questions number
1 (one) with the number of
respondents who answered 7
(seven) people and all of them
answered Very Necessary.

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