Lesson 1d - Expanding Philosophical Frames

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I Doing Philosophy Table 1. Western Philosophy
II Eastern and Western Philosophy
A The Greek Triumvirate
B Western Philosophy
C Eastern Philosophy
III Filipino Philosophy (Thought): From Local To Global
A Loob: Holistic And Interior Dimensions
B Filipino Philosophy Of Time
C Bahala na

 Doing philosophy is every man’s vocation.
 Doing philosophy entails digging into the roots.
 Doing philosophy involves the marriage of theoria and
 Doing philosophy necessitates deep reflection.
 Doing philosophy is primarily about questions than it is
about answers.
 Doing philosophy leads to a holistic perspective.


 Three great original centers of Philosophy in the world:
Chinese, Indian, and Greek (Western).


 Socrates (469 – 399 B.C.)
o One of the most powerful thinkers in history.
o The method teaching by a question-and-answer
approach is known as the Socratic Method.
o He devoted his life to gaining self-knowledge and once
wrote, “There is only one good, knowledge; and one
evil, ignorance.”
o Born into a wealthy Athenian family.  Main Schools
o Before he became a philosopher he was a wrestler o Christianity, Rational, Scientific, Logical Schools.
and a poet.  Main Principles
o Studied with Socrates. o Feeling oneself as an element of the Divine.
o Founded the school in Athens called “The Academy” o Life is a service (to the God, money, business, etc.)
in 387 B.C. The school lasted for approximately 900 o Linear view of the universe and life, based on the
years. Christian philosophy where everything has its
o Plato once stated that “Philosophy begins in beginning and the end.
wonder.” o Outer-world dependent.
 Aristotle (384 – 322 B.C.) o Self-dedication to the goal (life vision, success,
o Son of a Physician and one of the brightest student happiness, etc.)
at Plato’s academy. He came there as a young man  The “Me” Concept
and stayed for 20 years until Plato’s death. o “Me” is here and now. The true “Me” in every human
o Founded the school in Athens called “The Lyceum” in being is a part of the Divine that need to become
335 B.C. which rivaled “The Academy”. apparent. True “Me” is given and doesn’t have to be
o Aristotle once argued “He who studies how things cognizable.
originated and came into being … will achieve the  Relationship with Religion
clearest view of them. o Opposition
 Search for Absolute Truth
o More focused on individual events and the role of the

Expanding Philosophical Frames

o Searching outside yourself – through research and

o “The truth that survives is simply the lie that is
pleasantest to believe.” – H.L. M
 Search for Truth & Fundamental Research
o The truth needs to be proved.
o The philosophic base for and culture of fundamental
research is stronger.
 Future
o Your future is unknown, it was predetermined by God
and is not much influences by your deeds.
o “You can never plan the future by the post.” – Edmund
 Beliefs and Values
o The main values are success and achievement. Can
be achieved in many ways but rarely through
developing inner strength.
o The majority of success and achievement criteria have
an external nature (money, faith, popularity, etc.).
o The way to the top is through active outside
o “Happiness lies in virtuous activity, and perfect
happiness lies in the best activity, which is
contemplative.” – Aristotle
 Justice
o Cerebral practice.
o “At his best, man is the noblest of animals; separated
from low and justice he is the worst.” – Aristotle
 Individualism/Collectivism
o A human being has an individualistic nature and is an
independent part of the universe and the society.
Individualism is stronger.
 Improvement/Evolution
o Linear development, hence improvement has a goal.
Development stops when the goal is reached.
 Radical Innovation/Revolution
o The fundamentals of the status quo can – and often
should – be questioned. The culture of considering
and introducing radical changes is stronger.


Table 2. Eastern Philosophy


 Main Schools
o Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Integral Yoga,
Islam, Taoism, Zen.
 Main Principles
o Cosmological unity.
o Life is a journey towards eternal realities that are
beyond the realities that surrounds us.
o Circular view of the universe, based on the
perception of eternal recurrence.

Expanding Philosophical Frames

o Inner-world dependent.
o Self-liberations from the false “Me” and finding the true LOOB: HOLISTIC AND INTERIOR DIMENSIONS
“Me”. The highest state is believed to be a state of “no-
self”, where neither self-worth nor self-importance  Kagandahang-loob, kabutihang-loob, and kalooban
have any real meaning. are terms that show sharing one’s self to others.
o Behavioral ethics.  The Filipino generally believes in the innate goodness
 The “Me” Concept of human being.
o Eternal reality of the universal truth: self-liberation  The Filipino looks at himself as holistic from the
through getting rid of the false “Me” and discovering interior dimension under the principle of harmony; as
the true “Me”. a self, as a total whole, as a “person” conscious of his
 Relationship with Religion freedom, proud of his human dignity, and sensitive to the
o Integration violation of these two (Ramos, 2016).
 Search for Absolute Truth
o Systemic approach – all events in the universe are FILIPINO PHILOSOPHY OF TIME
interconnected.  The Filipino believes in “gulong ng palad” and so looks
o Searching inside yourself – by becoming a part of the at life as a series of ups and downs, a philosophy of life
universe through meditation and right living. that makes him an unmitigated optimist.
o “Though he should live a hundred years, not seeing the  Time is considered cyclic and blends well with some
Truth Sublime; yet better, indeed, is the single day’s life eastern philosophy such as karma, yin and yang and
of one who sees the Truth.” - Buddha “living in harmony with nature”.
 Search for Truth & Fundamental Research
o The truth is given and doesn’t need to be proved. BAHALA NA
o The philosophic base for and culture of fundamental  The pre-Spanish Filipino believed in a Supreme Being,
research is weaker. Batula or Bathala.
 Future  Bathala is a personal being that keeps the balance in the
o Your future is determined by your deeds today. universe; it is endowed with personality.
o “Study the post if you would like to divine the future.” -  The Filipino subconsciously accepts the bahala na
Confucius attitude as a part of life.
 Beliefs and Values  Bahala na literally means to leave everything to God;
o The true key is inside. this philosophy puts complete trust in the Divine
o The inner world of a human being and his or her ability Providence; contains the element of resignation.
to control and develop it is of the highest value.  One of the most outstanding virtues of the Filipino;
o The way to the top is inside yourself, through self- perceived as courage to take risks.
development.  Also seen as fatalistic, sort of leaving everything to God
o “The superior man understand what is right; the inferior or to chance.
man understands what will sell.” – Confucius
o “By chasing desires you will meet only the outer
surface.” – Lao Tzu
 Justice
o Spiritual practice.
o “There is a higher courts than courts of justice and that
is the court of conscience. It supersedes all other
courts.” – Mahatma Gandhi
 Individualism/Collectivism
o A human being is an integral part of the universe and
the society. People are fundamentally connected. Duty
towards all others is a very important matter.
Collectivism is stronger.
 Improvement/Evolution
o Cydic development, hence improvement is a never
ending journey that has no limits.
 Radical Innovation/Revolution
o The fundamentals of the status quo should not be
questioned. The culture of considering and
introducing radical changes is weaker.


 Three dimensions of Filipino thought: Loob, Filipino
Philosophy of Time and Bahala na.

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