Bibliografía H Ciencia Griega

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The document appears to be a bibliography covering many topics in the history of science and mathematics ranging from ancient Greece to the medieval period.

The bibliography covers topics in mathematics, astronomy, physics and the history of these fields from ancient Greek and Hellenistic sources through the medieval Islamic world.

The sources cited in the bibliography range in date from ancient Greek works through medieval Islamic sources, covering several centuries of the history of science and mathematics.


A. Aaboe, On the Babylonian Origin of some Hipparchian Parameters, Centaurus 4

(1955), pp. 122-125.
A. Aaboe, On a Greek Qualitative Planetary Model of the Epicyclic Variety, Centaurus
9 (1963), pp. 1-10.
A. Aaboe, J.P. Britton, J.A. Henderson, O. Neugebauer, and A.J. Sachs, Saros Cycle
Dates and Related Babylonian Astronomical Texts. Transactions of the American
Philosophical Society, vol. 81.6. Philadelphia, The American Philosophical Society
F. Acerbi, Plato: Parmenides 149a7-c3. A Proof by Complete Induction?, Archive for
History of Exact Sciences 55 (2000), pp. 57-76.
F. Acerbi, Le fonti del mito platonico di Galileo, Physis 37 (2000), pp. 359-392.
F. Acerbi, Concetto ed uso dei modelli nella scienza greca antica, in Scienza, Cultura,
Filosofia, (numero monografico) Koin 1/2 (Gennaio/Giugno 2002), pp. 197-243.
F. Acerbi, Drowning by Multiples. Remarks on the Fifth Book of Euclids Elements,
with Special Emphasis on Prop. 8, Archive for History of Exact Sciences 57 (2003),
pp. 175-242.
F. Acerbi, On the Shoulders of Hipparchus. A Reappraisal of Ancient Greek
Combinatorics, Archive for History of Exact Sciences 57 (2003), pp. 465-502.
F. Acerbi, A Reference to Perfect Numbers in Platos Theaetetus, Archive for History of
Exact Sciences 59 (2005), pp. 319-348.
F. Acerbi, Archimedes and the Angel: Phantom Paths from Problems to Equations,
Aestimatio 2 (2005), pp. 169-226.
F. Acerbi, Euclids Pseudaria, Archive for History of Exact Sciences (2008), in press.
F. Acerbi, In What Proof Would a Geometer Use the podiaiva, Classical Quarterly
(2008), in press.
F. Acerbi, Una scuola matematica alessandrina?, in C. Bartocci, P. Odifreddi (eds.), La
Matematica, Vol. 1. I luoghi e i tempi. Torino, Einaudi 2007, pp. 65-89.
(ed.), New Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Detroit, Ch. Scribner's Sons 2008.
A. Alberti (ed.), Logica, mente, persona. Studi sulla filosofia antica. Accademia toscana
di Scienze e Lettere La Colombaria. Studi CX. Firenze, Leo S. Olschki 1990.

Alcinoos, Enseignement des doctrines de Platon. Texte tabli et comment par J.

Whittaker, traduit par J. Louis. Paris, Les Belles Lettres 1990.
Alcinous, The Handbook of Platonism. Translated with an Introduction and
Commentary by J. Dillon. Oxford, Clarendon Press 1993.
Alexander of Aphrodisias On Stoic Physics. A Study of the De Mixtione with
Preliminary Essays, Text, Translation and Commentary by R.B. Todd. Leiden, E.J.
Brill 1976.
Alexander of Aphrodisias, On Aristotle Topics 1. Translated by J.M. Van Ophuijsen.
London, Duckworth 2001.
Alexandre dAphrodise, Trait du destin. Texte tabli et traduit par P. Thillet. Paris, Les
Belles Lettres 1984.
B. Alexanderson, Die hippokratische Schrift Prognostikon. berlieferung und Text.
Studia graeca et latina gothoburgensia XVII. Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis
B. Alexanderson, Galenos Peri; krivsewn. berlieferung und Text. Studia graeca et
latina gothoburgensia XXIII. Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis 1967.
B. Alexanderson, Textkritischer Kommentar zum Hippokratischen Prognostikon und
Bemerkungen zu Galens Prognostikonkommentar. Studia graeca et latina
gothoburgensia XXV. Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis 1968.
B. Alexanderson, Textual Remarks on Ptolemys Harmonica and Porphyrys
Commentary. Studia graeca et latina gothoburgensia XXVII. Acta Universitatis
Gothoburgensis 1969.
Alexandri Aphrodisiensis in Aristotelis Metaphysica commentaria, in Commentaria in
Aristotelem Graeca, vol. I, consilio et auctoritate Academiae litterarum Regiae
Borussicae edidit M. Hayduck. Berlin, G. Reimer 1891 (reprint ed.: Berlin, De
Gruyter 1957).
Alexandri Aphrodisiensis in Aristotelis analyticorum priorum librum I commentarium,
in Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca, vol. II.1, consilio et auctoritate Academiae
litterarum Regiae Borussicae edidit M. Wallies. Berlin, G. Reimer 1883 (reprint
ed.: Berlin, De Gruyter 1957).
Alexandri Aphrodisiensis in Aristotelis topicorum libros octo commentarium, in
Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca, vol. II.2, consilio et auctoritate Academiae
litterarum Regiae Borussicae edidit M. Wallies. Berlin, G. Reimer 1891 (reprint
ed.: Berlin, De Gruyter 1957).

Alexandri quod fertur in Aristotelis sophisticos elenchos commentaria, in Commentaria

in Aristotelem Graeca, vol. II.3, consilio et auctoritate Academiae litterarum Regiae
Borussicae edidit M. Wallies. Berlin, G. Reimer 1898 (reprint ed.: Berlin, De
Gruyter 1957).
Alexandri Aphrodisiensis praeter commentaria scripta minora. De anima liber cum
mantissa, in Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca, Supplementum Aristotelicum,
vol. II.1, consilio et auctoritate Academiae litterarum Regiae Borussicae edidit I.
Bruns. Berlin, G. Reimer 1887 (reprint ed.: Berlin, De Gruyter 1957).
D.J. Allan, On the Manuscripts of the De Caelo of Aristotle, Classical Quarterly 30
(1936), pp. 16-21.
A. Allard, Les procds de multiplication des nombres entiers dans le calcul indien
Byzance, Bulletin de lInstitut Historique Belge de Rome 43 (1973), pp. 111-143.
A. Allard, Le premier trait byzantin de calcul indien: classement des manuscrits et
dition critique du texte, Revue d'Histoire des Textes 7 (1977), pp. 57-107.
A. Allard, L'Ambrosianus Et 157 Sup., un manuscrit autographe de Maxime Planude,
Scriptorium 33 (1979), pp. 219-234.
A. Allard, La tradition du texte grec des Arithmtiques de Diophante dAlexandrie,
Revue dhistorie des textes 12-13 (1982-3), pp. 57-137.
A. Allard, Les scholies aux Arithmtiques de Diophante d'Alexandrie dans le
Matritensis Bibl. Nat. 4678 et les Vaticani gr. 191 et 304, Byzantion 53 (1983), pp.
T.W. Allen, Palaeographica III. A Group of Ninth-Century Greek Manuscripts, Journal
of Philology 21 (1892), pp. 48-55.
R.E. Allen, D.J. Furley (eds.), Studies in Presocratic Philosophy. Vol. II. Eleatics and
Pluralists. Atlantic Highlands, Humanities Press 1975.
R.E. Allen, Platos Parmenides. Translation and Analysis. Minneapolis, University of
Minnesota Press 1983.
K. Algra, Concepts of Space in Greek Thought. Leiden/New York/Kln, E.J. Brill 1995.
G.J. Allman, Greek Geometry from Thales to Euclid, Dublin 1889 (reprint ed.: New
York, Arno Press 1976).
S. Amigues, Les subordonnes finales par OPWS en attique classique. tudes et
commentaires 89. Paris, Klincksieck 1977.
Ammonii in Aristotelis analyticorum priorum librum I commentarium, in Commentaria
in Aristotelem Graeca, vol. IV.6, consilio et auctoritate Academiae litterarum

Regiae Borussicae edidit M. Wallies. Berlin, G. Reimer 1899 (reprint ed.: Berlin,
De Gruyter 1957).
Anaritii in decem libros priores Elementorum Euclidis commentarii. Ex interpretatione
Gherardi Cremonensis in codice Cracoviensi 569 servata, edidit M. Curtze.
Leipzig, B.G. Teubner 1899 (supplementum ad Euclidis Opera Omnia, ediderunt
I.L. Heiberg et H. Menge. Leipzig, B.G. Teubner 18831916).
Anaritius Commentary on Euclid. The Latin Translation I-IV. Edited by P.M.J.E.
Tummers. Artistarium Supplementa IX. Nijmegen, Ingenium Publishers 1994.
K. Andersen, Ancient Roots of Linear Perspective, in J.L. Berggren, B.R. Goldstein
(eds.), From Ancient Omens to Statistical Mechanics: Essays on the Exact Sciences
Presented to Asger Aaboe. Copenhagen, University Library 1987, pp. 75-89.
K. Andersen, The Central Projection in one of Ptolemys Map Constructions, Centaurus
30 (1987), pp. 106-113.
K. Andersen, The Geometry of an Art. The History of the Mathematical Theory of
Perspective from Alberti to Monge. Berlin/Heidelberg/New York, Springer 2007.
Th. C. Anderson, Intelligible Matter and the Objects of Mathematics in Aristotle, New
Scholasticism 43 (1969), pp. 1-28.
Th. C. Anderson, Intelligible Matter and the Objects of Mathematics in Aquinas, New
Scholasticism 43 (1969), pp. 555-576.
A. Angeli, M. Colaizzo, I frammenti di Zenone Sidonio, Cronache Ercolanesi 9 (1979),
pp. 47-133.
A. Angeli, T. Dorandi, Il pensiero matematico di Demetrio Lacone, Cronache
Ercolanesi 17 (1987), pp. 89-103.
J. Annas, Forms and first principles, Phronesis 19 (1974), pp. 257-283.
J. Annas, Aristotle, Number and Time, The Philosophical Quarterly 25 (1975), pp. 97113.
J. Annas, Die Gegenstnde der Mathematik bei Aristoteles, in A. Graeser (ed.),
Mathematics and Metaphysics in Aristotle. Bern-Stuttgart, Verlag Paul Haupt 1987,
pp. 131-147.
Antigone de Caryste. Fragments. Texte tabli et traduit par T. Dorandi. Paris, Les
Belles Lettres 1999.
Apollonii Pergi de Sectione Rationis Libri Duo. Ex Arabico Msto. Latine Versi.
Accedunt Ejusdem de Sectione Spatii Libri Duo Restituti, Opus Analyseos
Geometric studiosis apprime Utile. Prmittitur Pappi Alexandrini Prfatio ad

VIImum Collectionis Mathematic, nunc primum Grce edita: Cum Lemmatis

ejusdem Pappi ad hos Apollonii Libros. Opera & Studio Edmundi Halley Apud
Oxonienses Geometri Professoris Saviliani. Oxonii, E Theatro Sheldoniano. Anno
Apollonii Pergaei Locorum Planorum libri II. Restituti a R. Simson M.D. Matheseos in
Academia Glasguensi Professore. Glasguae, In Aedibus Academicis, Excudebant
Rob. et And. Foulis Academiae Typographi. A.D. MDCCXLIX.
Apollonii Pergaei quae graece exstant, cum commentariis antiquis, edidit et latine
interpretatus est I.L. Heiberg. 2 vols. Leipzig, B.G. Teubner 1891-93 (reprint ed.:
Stuttgart, B.G. Teubner 1974).
Die Bcher des Apollonius von Perga De Sectione Spatii, wiederhergestellt von W.A.
Diesterweg. Elberfeld 1827 (reprint ed.: Vaduz, Sndig Reprint Verlag 1969).
Apollonius, Conics, Books V to VII. The Arabic Translation of the Lost Greek Original
in the Version of the Ban Ms. Edited, with English Translation and Commentary
by G.J. Toomer. 2 vols. Berlin/Heidelberg/New York, Springer-Verlag 1990.
Apollonius Dyscole, De la construction (syntaxe). 2 vols. Vol. 1. Introduction, texte et
traduction. Vol. 2. Notes et Index par J. Lallot. Histoire des doctrines de lantiquit
classique 19. Paris, Vrin 1997.
Apollonius Dyscole, Trait des conjonctions. Introduction, texte, traduction et
commentaire par C. Dalimier. Histoire des doctrines de lantiquit classique XXIII.
Paris, Vrin 2001.
Apulei Platonici Madaurensis opera quae supersunt. Vol. II, fasc. 1. Pro se De Magia
liber (Apologia), edidit R. Helm. Editio quarta. Leipzig, B.G. Teubner 1963 (reprint
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Aratus, Phaenomena. Edited with Introduction, Translation, and Commentary by D.
Kidd. Cambridge Classical Texts and Commentaries 34. Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press 1997.
R.C. Archibald, Euclids Book on Division of Figures. With a restoration based on
Woepckes text and on the Practica Geometriae of Leonardo Pisano. Cambridge: at
the University Press 1915. (reprint ed.: F. Sezgin (ed.), Islamic Mathematics and
Astronomy, vol. 18, Euclid in the Arabic Tradition, Texts and Studies II, Frankfurt
am Main, Institut fr Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften 1997,
pp. 143-236).

Archimedis Opera Omnia, cum Commentariis Eutocii, iterum edidit I.L. Heiberg. 3
vols. Leipzig, B.G. Teubner 1910-15 (reprint ed.: Stuttgart und Leipzig, B.G.
Teubner 1972).
Archimedis Opera Omnia, cum Commentariis Eutocii, iterum edidit I.L. Heiberg. Vol.
IV: ber einander berhrende Kreise. Aus dem Arabischen bersetzt und mit
Anmerkungen versehen von Y. Dold-Samplonius, H. Hermelink und M. Schramm.
Stuttgart, B.G. Teubner 1975.
Arethae Scripta Minora, recensuit L.G. Westerink. Vol. I (1968); Vol. II. Accedunt
Nicetae Paphlagonis epistulae (1972). Leipzig, B.G. Teubner.
G. Argoud (ed.), Science et vie intellectuelle Alexandrie (IerIIIe sicle aprs J.-C.).
Centre Jean-Palerne, Mmoires 14. Saint-tienne, Publications de lUniversit de
Saint-tienne 1994.
G. Argoud, J.-Y. Guillaumin (eds.), Les Pneumatiques dHron dAlexandrie. Centre
Jean-Palerne, Mmoires 15. Saint-tienne, Publications de lUniversit de Sainttienne 1997.
G. Argoud, J.-Y. Guillaumin (eds.), Sciences exactes et sciences appliques
Alexandrie (IIIe sicle av. J.-C. Ier sicle ap. J.-C.). Actes du colloque
international de Saint-tienne (6-8 juin 1996). Centre Jean-Palerne, Mmoires 16.
Saint-tienne, Publications de lUniversit de Saint-tienne 1998.
G. Argoud, J.-Y. Guillaumin (eds.), Autour de LA DIOPTRE dHron dAlexandrie.
Actes du colloque international de Saint-tienne (17-19 juin 1999). Centre JeanPalerne, Mmoires 21. Saint-tienne, Publications de lUniversit de Saint-tienne
Aristote, Topiques. Tome I: Livres I-IV. Texte tabli et traduit par J. Brunschwig. Paris,
Les Belles Lettres 1967.
Aristote, Topiques. Tome I: Livres V-VIII. Texte tabli et traduit par J. Brunschwig.
Paris, Les Belles Lettres 2007.
Aristote, Du Ciel. Texte tabli et traduit par P. Moraux. Paris, Les Belles Lettres 1965.
Aristote, Mtorologiques. Texte tabli et traduit par P. Louis. 2 tomes. Paris, Les
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Aristote, Problmes. Texte tabli et traduit par P. Louis. Tome I: Sections I-X (1991);
Tome II: Sections XI-XXVII (1994); Tome III: Sections XXVIII-XXXVIII. Index
(1993); Tome IV (2003). Paris, Les Belles Lettres.

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Les Belles Lettres 2005.
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Aristotele, Le confutazioni sofistiche. Organon VI. Introduzione, traduzione e
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Aristoteles Latinus. Vol. VII 1, fasciculus primus: Physica. Translatio Vetus,
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Translatio Vaticana, edidit A. Mansion, editio altera. Leiden/New York, E.J. Brill
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Aristotelis Topica et Sophistici elenchi, recognovit brevique adnotatione critica instruxit
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Aristotelis Metaphysica, recognovit brevique adnotatione critica instruxit W. Jaeger.
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