2ND-TERM-General Biology
2ND-TERM-General Biology
2ND-TERM-General Biology
The invention of the simple compound microscope in • From figure 3, how can Pasteur disprove spontaneous
the 1600’s led to the first observation of cork plant cells generation theory?
under microscope by Robert Hooke. He first used the Based on the spontaneous generation, both flasks should
word “cells”, as he described those cells as “chamber show signs of living cells in the broth. But due to the
like” structures (Rea et. al, 2020). Later shape of the flask’s neck, living cells cannot pass directly
on, Anton van Leuwenhoek published his illustrations inside the flask, making the broth inside sterile or free
and observation of cells, which he called “animalcules” with living cells. This experiment supports one of the
in 1678. statements in our cell theory, “living cells arise from
Cell Theory and Spontaneous Generation. another living cells” (Reece et. al, 2018). On the
succeeding years, development in the cell biology
Early people believed in the theory of “Spontaneous reached out to the accepted statements in the cell
Generation”, which states that non-living things can theory.
produce living organisms, such as maggots from rotten
meat or fishes from mud (Reece et. al, 2018). 1.Cell is the fundamental structural unit of life (Reece
Several scientists in the past tried to disprove and et. al, 2018)
support spontaneous generation. One scientist, Louis 2. Living organisms are composed of cells-combined
Pasteur, disproved this theory by his famous “Swan
from the conclusion of Matthias Schleiden for plants
and Theodor Schwann for animals (Rea et. al, 2020). - They can be free floating in cytoplasm or attached in
3.Living cells arise from other living cells. -Derived the rough endoplasmic reticulum.
from the research of Rudolf Virchow and Robert Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (rough ER): Site of
Remak. protein synthesis, due to the presence of the attached
ribosomes. It is also responsible with the attachment of
Review: Parts of the Cell. In a far away city called Grant Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (smooth ER): site for
City, the main export and production product is the steel lipid production, steroid hormone production. It is also
widget. Everyone in the town has something to do with responsible to metabolism of drugs, alcohol and other
steel widget making and the entire town is designed to harmful substances (very important in the liver cells). -
build and export widgets. The town hall has the Sarcoplasmic reticulum: in muscle cells, smooth ER can
instructions for widget making, widgets come in all store calcium ions. Calcium ions are important for the
shapes and sizes and any citizen of Grant can get the contraction and relaxation in the muscle cells.
instructions and begin making their own widgets. Golgi Bodies (Golgi Apparatus / Golgi Complex):
Widgets are generally produced in small shops around Packaging center of the cells. It receives proteins from
the city, these small shops can be built by the carpenter's rough ER and modifies proteins for distribution outside
union (whose headquarters are in town hall). After the and within the cells.
widget is constructed, they are placed on special carts Lysosome: Filled with enzymes, lysosomes break down
which can deliver the widget anywhere in the city. In damaged organelles, food material and pathogens. Can
order for a widget to be exported, the carts take the be only found in animal cells.
widget to the postal office, where the widgets are Vacuole: A membrane bound organelle with specialized
packaged and labeled for export. Sometimes widgets functions.
don't turn out right, and the "rejects" are sent to the - Central Vacuole: largest organelle in plant cells. Can
scrap yard where they are broken down for parts or store food, pigments, water, waste and poisonous
destroyed altogether. The town powers the widget shops substances (that can deter plant eaters). It is also acidic,
and carts from a hydraulic dam that is in the city. The similar to lysosomes in animal cells.
entire city is enclosed by a large wooden fence, only the - Food Vacuole: use to deliver ingested materials from
postal trucks (and citizens with proper passports) are outside the cell (see lysosome figure).
allowed outside the city. - Contractile Vacuole: can be found in some freshwater
protist. Use to collect water (osmoregulation).
Cell Parts and Function
Nucleus- a region in the cell where the DNA was stored. Peroxisome: helps break down lipids and hydrogen
It serves as the command center in the cell. It has three peroxide.
distinguishable features. (town hall) Chloroplast: site of photosynthesis (production of food
- It was encased in a phospholipid bilayer sheet called in the form of carbohydrates), and can be only found in
nuclear envelope. The nuclear envelope has pores plant cells. Due to its role in photosynthesis, it also
which selectively allow the passage of materials in and stores chlorophyll pigments. It has double layered
out of the nucleus. membrane, and has its own genetic material (DNA and
- The “cloudy” or the light and dark regions (pink in the RNA) and ribosomes.
drawing) inside the nucleus are composed of different Mitochondria (sing. Mitochondrion): a double
complexes of DNA and proteins called chromatin. membraned organelle, which produces ATP via aerobic
- The large dark blob in the nucleus is the nucleolus. respiration. Same as chloroplast, with its own DNA, RNA
This is where ribosomal RNA is produced, and RNA and ribosomes.
subunits are assembled.
Cytoskeleton: provides support, anchorage and aid
- Prokaryotes do not have a nucleus. Instead, their DNA
movement for the cell.
is clumped in one area, called the nucleoid region.
- Microtubule: - Largest cytoskeleton element. Consist
Ribosomes: responsible for production of protein
of two subunits of tubulin(protein), forming a hollow
(protein synthesis).
tube. - Guide movement of cellular component.
- Composed of 2 subunits, large subunits and small
- Main component of locomotory organelles cilia and the steps on how proteins like insulin is produced in this
flagellum. system.
- Intermediate Filament: - Cable like. Composed of 1. The nucleus will give the “instruction” (in the form of
different fibrous proteins. messenger RNA) to the ribosome attached to the rough
- Helps in anchorage of different cell parts. ER.
- Microfilament: - Smallest among the cytoskeleton 2. Attached ribosomes will synthesize the amino acid
element. - Twisted, double chain of actin proteins. sequence (primary structure of the protein) from the
- Supports the cell’s shape. - Movement in muscle cells. messenger RNA. (see fig. 3)
Centrosome: organelle found only in animal cell. It has 3. The protein will undergo major changes in rough ER.
two centrioles, which produces microtubules (mitotic This will include protein folding and attachment of
spindles/spindle fibers) during cell division. glycoprotein (molecular marker). (see fig. 3)
Cytoplasm: The region between the plasma membrane 4. The protein will be shipped out of the rough ER and
and nucleus. transferred to Golgi bodies using transport vesicles.
- Cytosol: fluid in the cytoplasm. 5. The protein will undergo more modification while it
passes each lumen of the Golgi bodies.
Plasma Membrane: also known as cell membrane, is the
6. The proteins either be shipped out to the cells,
outermost layer of the cell (for animal cells). Regulates
shipped within the cell, or become lysosome. Shipping
transportation of materials in and out of the cells. Mostly
out material via transport vesicles provides new layer
composed of phospholipid bilayer. Proteins can be seen
for the cytoplasm.
scattered and embedded to the plasma membrane.
Extracellular Matrix: composed of collagen (protein) Based on the cell parts and structure, there are two
fibers and glycoprotein, which helps protect and support distinguished groups of organisms.
the plasma membrane. It is situated outside the cell and Prokaryotes: usually smaller in sized compared to
exist in animal cells. eukaryotes. Prokaryotic cells do not have nucleus and
membrane bound organelles (Reece et. al, 2018).
Cell wall: protect and holds the cells in shape.
Eukaryotes: characterized with cell containing nucleus
- Cell wall composition varies in different organisms:
and membrane bound organelles (Reece et. al, 2018).
- Plant cell wall: Cellulose
Currently, taxonomists use Three-domain system,
- Bacteria cell wall: Peptidoglycan
which uses molecular and genomic studies as basis for
- Fungi: Chitin
this grouping.
- Plant cell wall in fruits contain pectin layer, which
Domain Bacteria: Prokaryotes with peptidoglycan cell
degrades upon ripening.
- Holes in the plant cell wall (as shown in figure) are
Domain Archaea: Prokaryotes that can survive in
called plasmodesmata, which allow water and other
extreme conditions.
materials to move from cell to cell.
Ex. Thermophiles: “heat lovers”, can survive in hot
Cilia: very small locomotory organ, covering the cell’s temperature.
exterior. The cilia are moving in an undulatory motion Methanogens: “Methane lovers”, lives in methane rich
(back and forth). environment.
Flagellum: long locomotory organ that moves in a Halophiles: “Salt lovers”, lives in very salty places.
propeller like motion. Domain Eukarya: contains all eukaryotic organisms.
Both of them are composed of nine pairs of Major kingdoms and groups, Protist, Fungi, Animals and
microtubules and 2 central microtubules (9+2). Plants, are members of this domain.
I. Phospholipid Bilayer
One of the major components of the plasma membrane
is the phospholipids bilayer. As shown in figure two, it
has two major parts
Hydrophilic (“water-loving”) Head – with phosphate
ion, which makes the “polar” part of the phospholipid.
Two Hydrophobic (“water-hating”) Tails- with long
chains of hydrocarbons, this comprises the “non-polar”
part of phospholipids. Sometime, it may contain an
unsaturated fatty acid chain (fatty acid with double
bonds in its carbon chain). This unsaturated fatty acid
forms a “bent” or “kink” in the hydrophobic tail.
- Uniporter: transport one molecule only. Osmosis is defined as movement of water from low
- Co-transporter: transport two molecules. solute concentration to high solute concentration,
across a semi-permeable membrane (Reece et. al.,
2018). The cause of this movement is the tendency of
water molecules to achieve equilibrium in terms of
solute concentration on both side of the membrane.
Proteins: The Versatile One Based on the figure, the drastic change in the shape of
Proteins are macromolecules, formed from the complex the blood cell was cause by the change in the amino acid
arrangements of its monomers, amino acids, liked by sequence of the protein hemoglobin. Here are the
peptide bonds. As we discussed in our previous lesson, mechanisms on how sickle cell affects blood circulation:
proteins have various types depending on its functions: 1. In low oxygen areas, such as capillaries, red blood cells
• Structural- found in different connective tissues, skin, with the mutation/changed amino acid sequence will
nails and hair (eg. Collagen for connective tissues and change their shape from normal to sickle shape.
keratin for nails). 2. Due to its shape, sickle red blood cells block the
• Contractile proteins- for muscular movement (actin bloodstream, which can affect the oxygen delivery.
and myosin proteins in muscles). 3. In severe cases, the clogged sickle cells were destroyed
• Storage Protein- albumin in egg white by white blood cells, which can lower the amount of red
• Defense Proteins- such as antibodies, involve in blood cells (anemia).
protection against foreign bodies.
• Signal Proteins- such as protein-based hormones,
which help bodies coordinate with cell to body