Forms of Modern Conflict

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the forms of armed/violent conflict have changed radically over the last 50 years.

In this assignment, you

will research the various forms of conflict that are prevalent in our world today.

Instructions: Research the following types of forms of conflict that are utilized in today’s society.
Depending on the circumstances and objectives of a group their tactics may vary – so it is important to
be able to differentiate between its different forms.

You will want to define in your own words, and give a specific example of this form of conflict. Make sure
to explain HOW your example directly relates to your definition. Your definition is key to determining
whether your response is correct or not.

1. Conventional Warfare

a. Defined:

i. Conventional warfare is a form of warfare conducted by using conventional

weapons and battlefield tactics between two or more states in open
confrontation. The forces on each side are well-defined and fight by using
weapons that target primarily the opponent's military.

b. Example

i. the Russo-Ukrainian War

ii. military measures are the same as those applied in conventional warfare, based
on a nation's relative combat power.

2. Guerilla Warfare

a. Defined:

i. irregular warfare in which small groups of combatants, such as paramilitary

personnel, armed civilians, or irregulars, use military tactics including ambushes,
sabotage, raids, petty warfare, hit-and-run tactics, and mobility, to fight a larger
and less-mobile traditional military.

b. Example

i. the Chinese Civil War

ii. From 1927 to 1936, the Chinese Red Army fought almost continually and
employed guerrilla tactics contently. At the very beginning, a positive policy was
adopted. Many bases were established, and from guerrilla bands, the Reds were
able to develop into regular armies.
3. Civil War

a. Defined:

i. a war between organized groups within the same state. The aim of one side may
be to take control of the country or a region, to achieve independence for a
region, or to change government policies

b. Example

i. The Russian Civil War was a multi-party civil war in the former Russian Empire
sparked by the overthrowing of the monarchy and the new republican
government's failure to maintain stability, as many factions vied to determine
Russia's political future.

4. Insurgency

a. Defined:

i. a violent, armed rebellion against authority waged by small, lightly armed bands
who practice guerrilla warfare from primarily rural base areas.

b. Example

i. In the Star Wars movies, the rebel forces stage an insurgency. Around the world,
many insurgencies exist, using violence and other means.

5. Terrorism

a. Defined:

i. The unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate

or coerce a Government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in
furtherance of political or social objectives.

b. Example

i. On September 11, 2001, 19 militants associated with the Islamic extremist group
al Qaeda hijacked four airplanes and carried out suicide attacks against targets in
the United States. Two of the planes were flown into the twin towers of the
World Trade Center in New York City, a third plane hit the Pentagon in Arlington,
Virginia, just outside Washington, D.C., and the fourth plane crashed in a field in
Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Almost 3,000 people were killed during the 9/11
terrorist attacks, which triggered major U.S. initiatives to combat terrorism and
defined the presidency of George W. Bush.
Which form of conflict do you believe is the most efficient and why? Give at least three concrete details
to justify your response.

● Terrorism. it is violent or threatens violence, damage to private and public property, designed to
have far-reaching psychological repercussions beyond the immediate victim or target, targetting
noncombatant, neutral, or randomly chosen people

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