Portfolio Optimization For Sustainable Investments
Portfolio Optimization For Sustainable Investments
Portfolio Optimization For Sustainable Investments
Armin Varmaz
Christian Fieberg
University of Bremen
[email protected]
Thorsten Poddig
University of Bremen
[email protected]
October 4, 2022
Declarations of interest: none
Financial investment decisions that must take environmental, social, and corporate gover-
nance (ESG) issues into consideration constitute a fast-growing area in the investment and
banking industry. This growth is driven by the desire of investors to assess the ESG aspects
of firm conduct using nonfinancial data and institutional investors’ direct engagement in
ESG issues (Gillan and Starks, 2000, 2007; Grewal et al., 2016). Motivated by the increasing
popularity of sustainable investments, various approaches have been proposed to incorporate
ESG measures into the investment decision-making process (e.g., Bilbao-Terol et al., 2012;
Ballestero et al., 2012; Bilbao-Terol et al., 2013; Gasser et al., 2017; Pedersen et al., 2021;
Pástor et al., 2021; Steuer and Utz, 2022). A common approach is to extend the traditional
mean–variance approach (e.g., Hirschberger et al., 2013; Gasser et al., 2017; Pedersen et al.,
2021). We will refer to this approach as the extended mean–variance approach.
Investors face various challenges when applying the extended mean–variance approach
from the literature (e.g., Mynbayeva et al., 2022). In this paper, we will focus on three chal-
lenges. The first challenge is that the extended mean–variance approach requires investors
to provide preference parameters for return, risk and ESG. However, for an empirical and
practical application of the extended mean–variance approach, knowledge of investors’ pref-
erences and their parameters is key to implementing utility maximizing portfolios. From a
practical perspective, the choice of preference parameters is unclear. A strand of the litera-
ture estimates the preference parameters from market data (e.g., Jackwerth, 2000; Bollerslev
et al., 2011). Nevertheless, the estimated risk aversions describe an average investor and
hence cannot be easily adapted to a single investor. Another strand of the literature that
we follow links the preference parameters to levels of risk and returns (e.g., Das et al., 2010;
Alexander and Baptista, 2011; Bodnar et al., 2018a). For example, Das et al. (2010) impose
a risk constraint in portfolio optimization and determine the implied risk aversion coefficient.
It seems that the orientation toward risk can be more easily specified by using the level of
Among others, Hirschberger et al. (2013), Utz et al. (2014), Gasser et al. (2017) and Pedersen
et al. (2021) proposed the objective function (1), which assumes a sustainable investor whose
(1) max αµp − λσp2 + θp
w 2
α −1 h
(2) w= V µ + V −1 θ + V −1 1
λ λ λ
This section reformulates the optimization program (1). The reformulation is motivated by
the challenges of specifying investor preferences for return, risk and ESG. Many investors are
unable to consistently specify their preferences and have difficulty quantifying the values for
1 |
(3) min w Vw
w 2
(4) s.t. w| 1 = 1
(5) w| µ = µ∗p
(6) w| θ = θp∗
The levels of portfolio return µ∗p and portfolio ESG rating θp∗ are investor specific and chosen
by each investor individually. Intuitively, the portfolio obtained by (3)–(6) is a minimum
variance portfolio with a desired level of return µ∗p and ESG characteristic θp∗ , i.e., it is an
efficient portfolio. If the levels µ∗p and θp∗ are consistently set to the investor’s preferences α
and , the optimization program (3)–(6) is equivalent to maximization program (1). We show
in appendix A the equivalence of the desired levels of return, risk and ESG of a portfolio with
the corresponding investor’s preferences. By equivalence, we refer to our reformulation of
3.1 The relation among risk, return and ESG: A qualitative description. This
section describes two strands of the literature regarding the relation among risk, return and
ESG. The aim is to introduce two views on ESG from the literature and to discuss their
consequences for portfolio formation. The first strand of the literature argues that there is
a direct relation between ESG characteristics and stock returns (e.g., Friedman and Heinle,
2016; Bolton and Kacperczyk, 2020; Li et al., 2019). For example, investors could favor
firms with high environmental standards. A second strand of the literature argues that
ESG is related to a (systematic) risk factor (see Heinkel et al., 2001; Luo and Balvers, 2017;
Pedersen et al., 2021; Pástor et al., 2021; Hoepner et al., 2021). For example, there could
be an environmental risk factor (Bolton and Kacperczyk, 2020), and firms with high (low)
loadings to the environmental risk factor offer high (low) expect returns.
The key difference between these two strands of literature is easiest to explain with an
The intuition behind the equivalence is that after the optimal portfolio weights from (1) are found, we
can calculate the values for the portfolio return and ESG for the optimal portfolio. If we set the values of
portfolio return and ESG as µ∗p and θp∗ in the portfolio optimization (3)–(6) and solve for optimal weights,
we will obtain the same result.
3.2 The relation among risk, return and ESG: The formal description. This
section describes our asset return model. The introduction of the asset return model helps
to capture the discussion from the literature about the relation among return, risk and ESG.
Let R denote an N × F matrix of F observations of a system of N random variables,
representing F returns on a universe of N stocks. Our assumptions follow the literature
dealing with the estimation procedure for large covariance matrices in the portfolio context
(e.g., Ledoit and Wolf, 2003; Bodnar et al., 2018b; Plachel, 2019).
Assumption 1. The number of stocks N and the number of observations F are fixed and
(7) rit = Et−1 (rit ) + βik f˜kt + ei f˜et + uit
where βik is the loading of asset i on factor k, f˜kt ∼ N (0, σf2k ) is the factor’s k innovation
at time t, ei is the asset i’s loading on the ESG risk factor, and f˜et ∼ N (0, σf2e ) is the factor
innovation of the ESG risk factor at time t. Finally, uit ∼ N (0, σu2 ) is the residual asset
return. According to (7), there are K risk factors, where the K-th risk factor is the ESG
risk factor. The expected return is
(8) Et−1 (rit ) = rf t + βik µk + ei µe + θi c
where µk (µe ) is the premium on the risk factor k (ESG risk factor), θi is the ESG charac-
teristic of the asset i, and c ∈ R is the ESG reward. The covariance matrix for the asset
return is
(9) V = BV f B | + RV
Assumption 4. The risk factors have positive variances, that is, V ar(fk ) > 0, ∀k.
In the last subsection, we described two strands of the literature about the relation
among risk, return and ESG. Applying the equations (7)–(9), we can show the differences
There are some remarks on the assumption 3. For our portfolio approach, the i.i.d. residual returns are
an important feature of the asset return model (7). We only need that the risk factors explain a significant
part of the asset variances and covariances to approximate the i.i.d. assumption. The i.i.d. assumption is a
standard assumption in the literature (e.g., Pedersen et al., 2021; Daniel et al., 2020; Ledoit and Wolf, 2003).
σij = βik βjk σr2k + σuij
where σr2k describes the variance of the k-th risk factor return, σuij = 0, ∀i 6= j and σuij =
σu2 , ∀i = j. Thus, the ESG characteristic affects the expected return but not the risk.
Note that since the ESG risk factor is not included, it affects neither the returns nor the
The second strand of the literature assumes an ESG risk factor. Accordingly, the expected
return of an asset is
Et−1 (rit ) = rf t + βik µk + ei µe
σij = βik βjk σr2k + ei ej σr2e + σuij
where σr2e describes the variance of the ESG risk factor return. Thus, in this literature, the
asset loading to the ESG risk factor drives its expected return and risk.
3.3 Implications for portfolio formation. The asset return model (7)–(9) helps de-
velop a general portfolio optimization program without the need to estimate expected returns
or the covariance matrix. For the sake of simplicity and concreteness, in this subsection, we
rely on a return model that is described by the market risk factor (CAPM), an ESG risk
For the sake of simplicity, it is assumed that the investors know the true βi and ei to avoid
addressing estimation errors in the presentation of the optimized portfolio framework. The
variance of investors’ portfolio, which is the objective function of the optimization program
(3)–(6), can be written according to the equation (11) as
σp2 = w| V w
= w| βσr2m β | + eσr2e e| + RV w
= w| βσr2m β | w + w| eσr2e e| w + w| RV w
where β is the N × 1 vector of asset factor loadings to the market risk factor, e is N × 1
vector of asset factor loadings to the ESG risk factor and I is an N × N identity matrix.
If the portfolio factor loadings βp = N
i=1 wi βi and ep = i=1 wi ei are constrained in the
portfolio optimization to be at the investor-desired levels βp∗ and e∗p , then the terms βp σr2m βp
and ep σr2e ep from the portfolio variance calculation become constants in the optimization.
Adding a constant to the objective function will not change the optimal solution for the asset
The description of general cases with K risk factors and M characteristics is left to our appendix D.
Instead of specifying the level of expected return µ∗p (see constraint (5)), we can also control
for the portfolio factor loadings to the market risk factor (i.e., βp∗ ) and to the ESG risk factor
(i.e., e∗p ) as we already control for the portfolio ESG θp∗ in the optimization program (3)–(6)
(see constraint (6)).
Thus, by assuming the asset return model (7)–(9), the portfolio optimization program
(3)–(6) results in
1 |
(12) min w w
w 2
(13) s.t. w| 1 = 1
(14) w| β = βp∗
(15) w| θ = θp∗
(16) w| e = e∗p
where the constraint (14) constrains the loading to the market risk factor βp∗ , and the con-
We provide sketches of the proofs for general cases with K risk factors in appendix B.
X = [1, β, θ, e]
and the variables on the right-hand side of the constraints are gathered into a 4 × 1 vector
b with
b = [1, βp∗ , θp∗ , e∗p ]|
1 |
(17) min w w
w 2
(18) s.t. X |w = b
The optimal portfolio weights are obtained by minimizing the Lagrange function L(w, κ) ≡
1 |
w w − κ| (X | w − b), where κ| is the Lagrange multiplier. The solution for the optimal
portfolio weights is given in equation (19).
(19) w| = b| (X | X)−1 X |
The optimal solution of Equation (19) differs across investors because they can choose differ-
ent values for the elements of b. Notably, vector b can account for any other investor-specific
portfolio. Thus, if vector b is
b = 1 0.66 0.5 1.8
the investor aims to determine a portfolio that is fully invested and exhibits a beta to
the market of 0.66, an ESG factor loading of 1.8 and an ESG portfolio characteristic of
3.4 ESG characteristic and ESG risk factor portfolios. The optimization program
(12)–(16) follows from our general asset return model (7)–(9). However, the two strands
1 |
(20) min w w
w 2
(21) s.t. w| 1 = 1
(22) w| β = βp∗
(23) w| θ = θp∗
The solution for optimal weights w|θ from optimization program (20)–(23) is
1 |
(25) min w w
w 2
(26) s.t. w| 1 = 1
(27) w| β = βp∗
(28) w| e = e∗p
3.5 Comparison with shrinking techniques. The observation that the expected re-
turns µ and the covariance matrix V can be estimated by risk factor models goes back at
least to Sharpe (1963). Similarly, Jacobs et al. (2005), Maillet et al. (2015), Carroll et al.
(2017) and Ledoit and Wolf (2022) demonstrate the use of factor models to estimate the
expected returns and the covariance matrix for portfolio optimization. This literature pro-
poses a two-step approach for portfolio formation with a risk factor model. In the first step,
the expected returns and the covariance matrix are estimated by applying Equation (7). In
the second step, the expected returns and the estimated covariance matrix are plugged into
the optimization programs (1) or (3)–(6), which are then solved for optimal weights. This
literature usually does not exploit a simplification of the optimization program which, as
shown above, is possible when we assume the asset return model (7)–(9).
Another strand of literature exploits the factor structure of asset returns to regularize
the covariance matrix directly when the number of assets is larger than the number of period
observations (e.g., Laloux et al., 2000; Ledoit and Wolf, 2003; Tola et al., 2008; Kolm et al.,
2014; Bodnar et al., 2018b; Plachel, 2019; Mynbayeva et al., 2022; Nguyen et al., 2022). This
strand of the literature is interested in how to reliably estimate the covariance matrix and
not in portfolio optimization. By assuming a factor model structure, we can considerably
simplify portfolio optimization for investors. The estimation of the full covariance matrix,
which is regarded in the literature as difficult (e.g., Bajeux-Besnainou et al., 2012; Maillet
et al., 2015; Daniel et al., 2020), becomes obsolete with our approach. In appendix C,
we present results from a simulation study that compares our portfolio optimization (12)–
(16) with portfolio optimizations with the same constraints but a slightly different objective
In the last section, the asset return model (Equations (7)–(9)) can incorporate views from
the literature that assume that either ESG characteristics or ESG factor loading is impor-
tant for the cross-section of asset returns. Our portfolio optimization program (12)–(16)
even allows the investor to follow a mixed model, where ESG characteristics and ESG factor
loadings are important. From an investor’s perspective, it is empirically unclear what the
actual relation among risk, return and ESG looks like. Making matters even worse, Berchicci
and King (2020) show that the relation among return, risk and ESG is sensitive to the pe-
riod, market, data provider and methods applied in the literature. Whether the first or the
second strand of the literature, or a combination thereof, describes the expected returns in
the cross-section of asset returns thus requires an empirical clarification. However, this dis-
tinction is crucial for the specification of the optimization problem because it determines the
w| = b| (X | X)−1 X |
(30) λt = W |t−1 r t = D X |t−1 X t−1 X |t−1 r t
where X t is the matrix X at time t, and λt is a consistent vector of the realized returns
of each of the considered portfolios in t. D is a P × 4 matrix, the rows of which are the
right-hand sides of the optimization constraints (b| ). Equation (30) can thus determine the
returns for P different portfolios in a single step at time t. For convenience, we define a
P × F matrix Λ. Each row of Λ represents a time series of realized returns on one of P
portfolios at time t, t ∈ {1, 2, . . . , F }.
Our disentangling test builds on the idea of tracking portfolios. In our optimization
program (12)–(16), we can easily form tracking portfolios by setting one value in the vector
b to one and all other values to zero. If we set the first value of b to 1, then the tracking
portfolio has zero loading to the market risk factor and to the ESG risk factor, and its
ESG characteristic is also zero. Such a portfolio earns a risk-free rate at time t for the
investors (see equation (8)). If we set only the second (third, fourth) element of b to 1 and
the others to zero, then the portfolio tracks the market risk premium (ESG characteristic
reward, ESG risk factor premium) and is a zero-net-investment portfolio. While zero–net–
investment portfolios are rare in practical portfolio management, they are useful for our
disentangling test. Under the null hypothesis of a true risk factor model, the traditional
(31) λt = X |t−1 X t−1 X |t−1 r t ∀t
where the elements of the 4 × 1 vector λt represent the returns of tracking portfolios for the
risk-free rate, the market risk factor realizations, the realization of the ESG characteristic
reward and the realizations of the ESG risk factor premium, respectively.
Specifically, the literature proposes applying spanning tests (e.g., Black et al., 1972;
Fama and French, 1993; Li et al., 2019; Zhu et al., 2019; Li and Sun, 2022) to test whether
(arbitrarily formed) portfolios are priced by a model. Assume that each time series of the
On the other hand, a full–investment tracking portfolio earns the risk-free rate and the risk premiums.
Then, in the traditional approach, we must test whether the regression constant is significantly different
from rf , i.e., the test would be b0 − rf = 0, where b0 is the regression constant.
Our appendix E elaborates in more detail why the identity matrix for the purpose of the disentangling
test is an appropriate choice.
rp1,t = b0,p1 + b1,p1 rm,t + b2,p1 resg,t + εp1,t , . . . , ∀t
rp2,t = b0,p2 + b1,p2 rm,t + b2,p2 resg,t + εp2,t , . . . , ∀t
p3,t = b0,p3 + b1,p3 rm,t + b2,p3 resg,t + εp3,t , . . . , ∀t
rp4,t = b0,p4 + b1,p4 rm,t + b2,p4 resg,t + εp4,t , . . . , ∀t
= BF F | + E
where each row of Λ represents a time series of realized returns on one of the four portfolios
at time t, t ∈ {1, 2, . . . , F }; F is a F × 3 matrix of ones (constant) and two columns of
returns for the market portfolio and the ESG risk factor, respectively. B F is a 4 × 3 matrix
of the regression coefficients, i.e., the constant and two risk factor loadings b1 and b2 from the
spanning test (32) for the four portfolios. Again, the four specific portfolios are considered
for simplicity and concreteness. The appendix shows a general case with many risk factors
and/or characteristics. E is a 4 × F matrix of the random residual returns.
The important consequence from the choice of the values in D as the identity matrix is
that we know the expected values for the factor loadings from the spanning tests (32). If
the two risk factor model is valid, the expected values (E) of the coefficients in B F are
0,p1 = r f 0 0
0 b1,p2 = 1 0
(33) E (B F ) =
b = 0 0 0
0 0 b2,p4 = 1
The disentanglement between the two strands of the literature regarding the relation among
return, risk and ESG is mainly determined by the values of b2,p4 and b0,p3 . Accordingly, we
expect to observe no significant coefficients on the risk factor (b1,p1 , b2,p1 , first row in B F ),
IV Empirical application
1 Data sample
This section aims to demonstrate the empirical application of our portfolio optimization pro-
gram in a case study. The case study also shows how to apply and interpret the results from
our disentangling test. Importantly, the aim of the case study is to demonstrate the appli-
cation and not to decide whether the cross-section of asset returns is described by an ESG
characteristic or by an ESG risk factor. The case study assumes extended mean–variance
investors who are seeking to maximize their utility. These investors will first apply the dis-
entangling test to analyze whether there is a relation of asset returns to ESG characteristics
and/or to ESG factor loading. After the type of relation is determined, these investors form
their portfolios accordingly.
For the case studies, we rely on the database “Refinitiv ASSET4” (ASSET4) to acquire an
independent external ESG measure (e.g., Gasser et al., 2017; Hoepner et al., 2021). ASSET4
offers more than 250 key indicators of environmental, social and governance performance.
The key indicators from these areas are aggregated into an overall ESG measure (TESGS).
We follow the literature and use the aggregated ESG measure as the ESG characteristic of
an asset (e.g., Gasser et al., 2017; Pedersen et al., 2021). The ESG characteristic has values
ranging between 0 and 100, indicating the lowest and highest scores, respectively. Due to
the demonstrative character of our case study to show the application of our portfolio opti-
mization and the disentangling test, we assume that the ESG characteristics from ASSET4
correctly indicate the ESG level of a firm. However, Berg et al. (2022) show that the cor-
relation between ESG characteristics from different data providers is low; hence, the results
We assume a two-risk factor world. The risk factors are a market portfolio and an ESG
risk factor. Regarding the market portfolio, we define its returns as the value-weighted
returns of all assets available at the time of portfolio formation. Regarding the ESG risk
factor, Maiti (2021) proposes forming a zero-net-investment portfolio in line with the factor
construction of Fama and French (1993). In line with Maiti (2021), in each month, the
ESG risk factor-mimicking portfolio goes long into a high-ESG portfolio and short into a
low-ESG portfolio. The high-ESG portfolio consists of assets with an ESG characteristic
greater than the 75th percentile in the month of portfolio formation, and its return is a
simple average of the asset returns. Similarly, the low-ESG portfolio consists of assets with
an ESG characteristic less than the 25th percentile in the month of portfolio formation, and
its monthly return is a simple average of the asset returns.
Table 2 reports the descriptive statistics of our two risk factors, ESG characteristics
θ, factor loadings to the market portfolio β and ESG risk factor e. The mean µ and the
standard deviation σ are time series values in % for the risk factors (rm and rESG ) and
panel data values for the asset- and time-specific θ, β and e. The factor loadings β and
e are calculated in each month in simple time series regressions based on the previous five
rm rESG θ β e
µ 0.74 0.15 58.94 1.08 -0.49
σ 4.06 1.72 17.75 0.51 1.30
Correlation of the risk factor time series
rm 1.00
rESG -0.35 1.00
Correlation of factor loadings and ESG characteristic
θ β e
θ 1.00
β -0.03 1.00
e 0.16 -0.26 1.00
years of observations. The monthly average return of 0.74% and its standard deviation
of 4.06% are considerably higher for the market portfolio relative to the ESG risk factor
(0.15% and 1.72%, respectively). The average firm in our sample has an ESG characteristic
greater than 50, a factor loading to the market portfolio of approximately 1 and a negative
factor loading to the ESG risk factor of approximately −0.5. The time series correlation
between the variables is calculated for the two risk factors and is found to be negative. The
panel correlations are calculated for the asset- and time-specific variables θ, β and e and
are found to be low, particularly the correlation between the ESG characteristic and ESG
factor loading. The correlation values suggest that the ESG characteristic does not simply
translate into a specific value of ESG factor loading. For example, assets with high ESG
values do not automatically have high ESG factor loadings.
2 Case study
This subsection presents the application of the disentangling test and of the portfolio op-
timization program. In the first step, we will test the relation of asset returns to ESG
b0 b1 b2 R2
rp1 0.00 -0.38 -2.26 0.10
rp2 -0.01 0.78 0.09 0.72
rp3 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.12
rp4 0.00 0.01 0.54 0.52
Table 3 shows the coefficients from a time series regression of optimized portfolio excess
returns on the two risk factors. The reported coefficients in the table are OLS coefficients,
but the standard errors are corrected for heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation (HAC cor-
rected). Due to our disentangling optimization approach, we know the expected values of
the regression coefficients. If the first strand of the literature is in line with the data, then we
expect to see a significant regression constant (b0 ) for portfolio 3 and insignificant regression
coefficients b2 for portfolios 3 and 4. If the second strand of the literature correctly describes
the asset return variation, then the risk factor model must be true, and accordingly, we
expect to observe significant coefficients close to one for the market portfolio (b1 ) and the
ESG risk factor (b2 ) in portfolios 2 and 4, respectively, and insignificant regression constants
(b0 ). A mix of the results would indicate that a mixed model of ESG characteristics and
ESG factor loading could be true. If no regression coefficients for portfolios 3 and 4 are
Part A of Table 4 reports the setting of the portfolio optimization. Part B of Table
4 shows the out-of-sample descriptive statistics of the portfolio returns. We present the
monthly average out-of-sample return (column µ), the standard deviation of the portfolio
This paper makes important contributions to the literature. First, motivated by the increas-
ing popularity of ESG aspects in the investment fund- and banking industries, we introduce
and demonstrate an optimized portfolio approach that has technical and practical advantages
over the incorporation of ESG into the traditional mean–variance approach. In particular,
we link the preference coefficients to return, risk and ESG to levels of return, risk and ESG.
The latter are considered easier to understand by investors relative to preference coefficients.
Additionally, based on the assumption of i.i.d. residual returns, we show how portfolio opti-
mization is conducted without the estimation of the covariance matrix. Second, based on the
proposed portfolio formation, we introduce a simple test that allows investors to distinguish
between competing explanations for the relation among ESG, risk and return.
The two-risk factor model and a single (ESG) characteristic are used for concreteness
and simplicity. Our optimized portfolio approach is suitable for more general environments,
as shown in the appendix for arbitrage pricing theory (APT). In fact, the optimized port-
folio approach can address a very large number of (arbitrarily chosen) firm characteristics.
Even with a large number of assets, risk factors and characteristics, the optimized portfolio
approach is very simple to implement. Additionally, our approach can easily be adopted
to create factor tracking portfolios (by setting the respective factor loading constraint to
one), factor neutral portfolios (by setting the respective factor loading constraint to zero),
style tracking portfolios (by setting the respective characteristic constraint to one), style
neutral portfolios (by setting the respective characteristic constraint to zero) or mixtures
of these approaches. Another appealing feature of our optimization approach is that an
analytical solution can be derived. However, numerical solutions will have to be adopted in
cases in which additional weight constraints or a subset selection must be considered. Our
test can also help with the more general debate (e.g. Fama and French, 1993; Daniel and
Titman, 1997; Daniel et al., 2020; Davis et al., 2000) regarding whether the factor loadings
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1 A motivating example
The equivalence of preference formulation and level formulation for the portfolio optimization
is easiest to show starting with the traditional Markowitz portfolio optimization as presented
in optimization program (34).
(34) max w| µ − λw| V w
w 2
s.t. w| 1 = 1
portfolio return is
1 | −1 −1 | −1
µp = µ| w∗ = µ V µ − 1| V −1 µ 1| V −1 1
(35) µ V 1
After the expected returns µ and the covariance matrix V are estimated, the investors’
choice of the risk aversion parameter λ determines the expected return on the portfolio µp .
We can conversely ask investors for the desired portfolio return µ∗p and then solve the
equation (35) with respect to the risk aversion parameter, i.e.,
µ| V −1 µ
λ= −1
µ∗p + 1| V −1 µ 1| V −1 1 µ| V −1 1
The key insight is that the risk aversion parameter determines the expected portfolio return
Analogous to the traditional Markowitz optimization, there is a relation between the desired
levels of return, risk and ESG of a portfolio and the respective preference values. To illustrate
this point, based on the solution (2), we can write the expected excess return of an investor’s
portfolio µ∗p according to Equation (36).
α | −1 h
(36) µ∗p = µ| w = µ V µ + µ| V −1 θ + µ| V −1 1
λ λ λ
α | −1 h
(37) θp∗ = θ | w = θ V µ + θ | V −1 θ + θ | V −1 1
λ λ λ
(38) σp2∗ = w| V w = 2
(αµ + θ + h1)| V −1 (αµ + θ + h1)
lem (12)–(15)
We assume that the F × N matrix of F asset return observations R can be decomposed into
systematic and idiosyncratic parts, e.g., according to factor models or by means of principal
component analysis. Equation (39) shows the decomposition
(39) R = F B| + E
where F is the F × K matrix of returns for the K factor and B is the N × K matrix of
factor loadings. E is the F × N matrix of i.i.d. residual returns. The covariance matrix is
(40) V = BV f B | + RV
σp2 = w| (BV f B | + RV ) w
= w| BV f B | w + w| RV w
= b| V f b + σε w| Iw
(41) min w| w
s.t. w| 1 = 1
w | B = b|
shrinking approaches
Our portfolio optimization approach does not require the estimation of the covariance matrix.
Several approaches have been proposed in the literature to regularize the covariance matrix.
This section presents the results from a simulation study comparing our approach with the
popular approaches proposed by Ledoit and Wolf (2003), Ledoit and Wolf (2004a) and Ledoit
and Wolf (2004b). We conduct the simulation study following the next steps:
Our simulation reflects important style facts from practical portfolio management. The
number of assets can be much larger relative to the number of empirical observations. In
step 4, we allow the residual variances to differ between assets and hence to (mildly) violate
our assumption 3. In step 5, the factor loadings are estimated, while in the main text, we
assume the investor knows the true values to keep the descriptions simple and tractable.
The sample covariance matrix serves only for comparison purposes in our simulation because it is not
positive semidefinite. We use the historical covariance matrix to illustrate the usefulness of alternative
N V ar(ε) = 0.025 V ar(ε) = 0.025 + N (0, 0.01) V ar(ε) = 0.025 + N (0, 0.02)
Panel A: V
50 0.296 0.376 0.355
100 0.379 0.427 0.414
200 21.055 342.844 30.257
500 488.871 381.340 556.267
1000 624.808 624.593 770.940
Panel A: V L1
50 0.302 0.411 0.431
100 0.293 0.427 0.428
200 0.318 0.439 0.377
500 0.326 0.408 0.438
1000 0.322 0.398 0.387
Panel C: V L2
50 0.297 0.422 0.429
100 0.324 0.488 0.453
200 0.505 0.520 0.409
500 0.609 0.418 0.406
1000 0.545 0.395 0.344
Panel D: V L3
50 0.306 0.289 0.342
100 0.302 0.312 0.345
200 0.313 0.323 0.278
500 0.313 0.272 0.341
1000 0.311 0.299 0.299
Panel E: New approach
50 0.282 0.253 0.311
100 0.275 0.293 0.332
200 0.303 0.316 0.271
500 0.312 0.270 0.340
1000 0.310 0.298 0.299
Let asset returns be generated by the asset return model under assumptions 1, 2 and 4 and
the refined assumption 3a (equations (42)–(44)).
(42) rit = Et−1 (rit ) + βik f˜kt + uit
where βik is the loading of asset i on factor k and f˜kt ∼ N (0, σf2k ) is the factor’s k innovation
at time t. uit ∼ N (0, σu2 ) is the residual asset return. The expected return is
(43) Et−1 (rit ) = rf t + ( βik µk + θi cm )
k=1 m=1
| {z }
excess return
where rf t is the return on the risk-free asset at time t, µk is the premium on risk factor k, θi
is the characteristic of asset i and cm ∈ R is the reward for characteristic m. The covariance
matrix for the asset return is
(44) V = BV f B | + RV
We again reformulate the portfolio optimization program (3)–(6). The variance of the
portfolio is
σp2 = w| (BV f B | + RV ) w
= w| BV f B | w + w| RV w
= β | V f β + σε w| Iw
1 |
(45) min w w
w 2
(46) s.t. w| 1 = 1
(47) w| B = β|
(48) w| Θ = θ|
where the constraint (47) constrains the loadings to risk factors and the constraint (48)
constrains the portfolio characteristics.
For the sake of clarity, we gather the variables on the left-hand side of the constraints
(13)–(16) into a N × (1 + K + L) matrix X with
X = [1, B, Θ]
and the variables on the right-hand side of the constraints are gathered into a (1 + K + L) × 1
vector g with
g = [1, β | , θ | ]|
1 |
(49) min w w
w 2
(50) s.t. X |w = g
The solution for the optimal portfolio weights is given in equation (51).
(51) w| = g | (X | X)−1 X |
The optimal solution of Equation (51) differs across investors because they can choose dif-
ferent values for the elements of g.
For the purpose of the disentangling test, we must calculate the portfolio returns at time
t, t = 1, 2, . . . , F . Based on the solution for optimal portfolio weights in equation (51), the
return rpt on portfolio p at time t is
(52) rpt = w|t−1 r t = g | X |t−1 X t−1 X |t−1 r t
By the choices of the elements in vector g, the investors can specify the desired portfolio
features and earn different returns.
We can calculate the returns on P different portfolios in one step when we observe that the
portfolios for one investor differ only with respect to the values in g. Let G = [g 1 , g 2 , . . . , g P ]
be a (1 + K + M ) × P matrix of right-hand-side values of portfolio constraints. The number
of portfolios P can be greater than, less than or equal to (1 + K + M ). For the purpose of
the disentangling test, we are interested in the special case P = 1 + K + M because we test
(53) λt = W |t−1 r t = G| X |t−1 X t−1 X |t−1 r t ∀t
rp = w1 rf t + β11 µ1 + β11 f˜1t − w1 rf t + β21 µ1 + β21 f˜1t
= (w1 − w1 ) rf t + w1 β11 µ1 + β11 f˜1t − β21 µ1 − β21 f˜1t
The realized returns on such a portfolio can directly be used in traditional approaches to
test whether the regression constant is significantly different from zero. On the other hand,
if we use the full–investment portfolio, i.e., w1 + w2 = 1, the return on such a portfolio is
rp = w1 rf t + β11 µ1 + β11 f˜1t + w2 rf t + β21 µ1 + β21 f˜1t
= (w1 + w2 ) rf t + w1 β11 µ1 + β11 f˜1t + w2 β21 µ1 + β21 f˜1t
In this example, the full-investment tracking portfolio earns the risk-free rate and the risk
premiums. Then, in the traditional approach, we need to test whether the regression constant
is significantly different from rf , i.e., the test would be b0 −rf = 0 with b0 being the regression
constant. By means of zero–net–investment, we obtain portfolio returns that are easily tested
in the regression framework.
Consequently, the choice for the matrix G as the (1 + K + M ) × (1 + K + M ) identity
matrix in our disentangling test allows the calculation of the tracking portfolio returns µ for
(54) λt = X |t−1 X t−1 X |t−1 r t ∀t
where the elements of the (1+K +M )×1 vector λt represent the returns of tracking portfolios
for the risk–free rate, the k-th factor return realizations and the m-th characteristic reward
realizations, respectively. For example, the APT factor premium µk is the return on a
portfolio that mimics the k-th risk factor such that µk = N
i=1 wik ri , where wik is the weight
of ones), the portfolio loadings βP k and portfolio characteristics θP m of which are both zero.
Consequently, the portfolio has no loading to either a risk factor or a characteristic reward.
Thus, it has the same expected return as the risk-free rate. If one would use excess return
r, this portfolio would earn an expected excess return of zero. The portfolios represented
by the second to K + 1 rows in W |t require zero net investment. Furthermore, the k + 1
row in W |t represents a portfolio with a portfolio loading of one to the k-th risk factor.
Additionally, the k + 1 portfolio is not exposed to any other risk factor or characteristic
reward. Thus, the k + 1 portfolio has a loading of zero on the remaining K − 1 factors and a
portfolio characteristic of zero on all M characteristic rewards. Such a portfolio, the loading
βP k to the k-th risk factor of which is one and the portfolio loadings to K − 1 remaining risk
factors and the portfolio characteristics of which are zero, simply mimics the ex-post return
realizations of the k-th risk factor. The portfolio of the k-th risk factor is created to comply
with our null hypothesis of a true asset pricing model. If the asset pricing model is true,
the candidate asset pricing model prices without a pricing error each of the portfolios of the
(55) Λ = BF F | + E
where each row of Λ represents a time series of realized returns on one of the (1 + K + M )
portfolios at time t, t ∈ {1, 2, . . . , F }; F is a F × (K + 1) matrix of ones (constant) and K
columns of returns of risk factors. B F is a (1 + K + M ) × (K + 1) matrix of regression
coefficients, i.e., the constant and the risk factor factor loadings β from the spanning test
(55). E is a (1 + K + M ) × F matrix of the random residual returns.
The important consequence from the choice of the values in G as identity from Equation
(54) is that we know the expected values for the factor loadings from the spanning tests (32).
If the risk factor model is valid, the expected values (E) of the coefficients in B F from the
regression of portfolio returns are
rf 0 0 ... 0
0 β1,p2 = 1 0 ... 0
(56) E (B F ) =
0 0 β3,p3 = 1 ... 0
0 0 0 . . . βK,p(1+K+M )
0 0 0 ... 0
0 β1,p2 = 1 0 ... 0
(57) E (B F ) =
0 0 β3,p3 = 1 ... 0
0 0 0 . . . βK,p(1+K+M )
1 A motivating example
For more intuition on the results of our test, we analyze the return of the four optimized
portfolios in a simple two-assets case. The idea of our test is to use the optimization program
(12)–(16) to form portfolios, which are exposed only with specific values to the variables of
interest. The expected returns for each of the portfolios are easily derived in the two-
assets case. Of course, the two–assets case only serves illustration purposes since in the
two–assets case, we would face an optimization problem with four restrictions but only two
(free) weights. Such an optimization program is undetermined. As we only illustrate the
interpretation, we abstract from the computation problems. The return on the first portfolio
(formed with (31)) in the two-assets case is given in Equation (58).
By setting the desired value to βp∗ = 1 and wp∗ , e∗p , θp∗ = 0, the optimization program (12)–(16)
finds a zero-net investment portfolio of firms 1 and 2 with the desired market factor loading
of one, the desired ESG factor loading of zero and the desired ESG characteristic of zero. The
return on this portfolio tracks the realizations of market excess return.10 In a spanning test
regression of the return of this portfolio on the risk factors, i.e., rp2t = b0 +b1 rmt +b1 resg +uit ,
this portfolio must have a factor loading of one to the market portfolio and no factor loading
to other risk factors and an insignificant regression constant close to zero. If we would
This example shows that our approach can also be adopted for factor/index tracking purposes or to
create factor-neutral portfolios. Using our optimization approach for these tasks is even more interesting
since an analytical solution can be determined.
The portfolio tracks the reward of the ESG characteristic. For a spanning test, we run a
regression of the realized returns of this portfolio on the two risk factors. It follows that,
for the ESG characteristic explanation to be a correct description of empirical returns, the
portfolio return must not be exposed to any risk factor, and the regression constant must
be significant. The regression constant represents the return unexplained by the risk factor
model, which does not include the ESG characteristic return.
The fourth portfolio tests whether the ESG risk factor is relevant in modeling expected
returns. Consequently, we set the portfolio ESG factor loading to 1, and we control for
portfolio beta and portfolio ESG characteristics in such a way that they are zero. Then, the
expected portfolio return is
2 Simulation
For the purpose of an additional simplified demonstration of how the results of our test must
be interpreted, we conduct a simulation. More specifically, we simulate the null hypothesis
of a true risk factor model as provided in Equation (59).
Accordingly, the market portfolio and ESG risk factor are priced. We simulate the values
of an ESG firm characteristic, but there is no characteristic reward, i.e., c = 0. Therefore,
the ESG characteristic does not affect the cross-section of the returns. In empirical studies,
a firm characteristic is very often correlated with its congruent risk factor loading (e.g.,
Fama and French, 1993; Daniel and Titman, 1997; Daniel et al., 2020; Davis et al., 2000).
Therefore, we assume that the ESG characteristic of each firm is correlated in the time series
with its firm ESG factor loading bi2t with a correlation coefficient of 0.9. The correlation of
0.9 considerably exceeds the empirical values reported in the literature. There was no time
series correlation between the risk factors.
Table 6 reports the values used in the simulation for the factor model that generates
the simulated returns. All of the values of the simulations conform to the assumption of a
two–risk factor model world and are chosen arbitrarily. The market return premium is two
times greater than the ESG risk premium, while both risk factors have the same standard
µ σ N F
deviation of returns. The values of the simulated risk factor returns and the residual return
i are drawn from a normal distribution with parameters µ and σ. The correlation between
the 2000 simulated asset returns is induced by the risk factor loadings.
Table 7: Results from one run of the simulation. The table reports columns b0 , b1 , b2 and R2 , which show the estimated OLS
coefficients from the regression (32), where the portfolio returns are regressed on the risk factors. The values of the regression
coefficients marked in bold are statistically significant at the 5% level and are calculated with HAC-robust standard errors. The
standard errors are Newey-West corrected with a lag number of 4. R2 is the adjusted R2 .
b0 b1 b2 R2
rp1 0.000 -0.002 0.001 0.001
rp2 0.000 1.001 0.000 0.998
rp3 0.000 -0.002 0.001 0.001
rp4 0.000 0.001 1.000 0.999
indicates significance at the 1% level
Table 7 reports the results of our test based on optimized portfolios. Each row in the
table presents the results of the spanning test for one of the four portfolios, whose returns
are calculated by Equation (30). The first portfolio is expected to have no factor loading to
a risk factor and no abnormal returns. If we include the risk-free rate in our model, then this
portfolio will track the risk–free return. The test confirms this expectation because all of the
regression coefficients are zero. The second portfolio is exposed to the market portfolio but
not the ESG risk factor or ESG characteristic. Therefore, we should observe a significant
factor loading of 1 only to the market portfolio. We observe a value of zero of the constant of