Contributors 041519
Contributors 041519
Contributors 041519
The Contributors
Patrick Adriel H. Aure is currently the Vice Chair Tia Mare L. Ebdane is a full-time faculty
of the Management and Organization Department, member of the College of Business Administration
Ramon V. del Rosario College of Business. He of the University of Eastern Philippines. She has
advocates social entrepreneurship as head of the been serving as faculty member since 2009 teaching
Social Enterprise Research Network of the Center for business management subjects. She recently obtained
Business Research and Development (CBRD-SERN) her Doctor of Philosophy in Business degree at De La
and as co-chair of the Lasallian Social Enterprise for Salle University.
Economic Development (LSEED) at De La Salle
University. Divina M. Edralin is a Professorial Lecturer at
the Management and Organization Department of the
Ma Cresilda M. Caning is an Associate Professor Ramon V. del Rosario College of Business of De La
and the current Dean of the College of Economics and Salle University. She is also currently the Director
Management of the Central Bicol State University of of the Research and Development Center as well as
Agriculture. Ms. Caning is currently taking up her a faculty of the Graduate School of Business of San
doctorate degree in Business Administration at the Beda University. Dr. Edralin is a research/management
De La Salle University – Manila. As an Associate consultant and trainer of schools, business firms,
Professor, she is actively engaged in research and international organization, government institutions,
extension activities and has published articles on NGOs, and trade unions. She has written several books
innovation, entrepreneurship, value chain and network like Entrepreneurship and published many articles
governance. published in SCOPUS/ISI Indexed Journals related
to trade unions, decent work, and human resource
Cynthia P. Cudia is Associate Professor and a management.
permanent full-time faculty member of the Accountancy
Department of De La Salle University (DLSU). She Ferran Giones is an assistant professor in
obtained her Doctor of Philosophy in Economics and Technology Entrepreneurship at the University of
Master of Science in Accountancy from DLSU. She Southern Denmark – Mads Clausen Institute (SDU-
completed her Bachelor in Accountancy (cum laude) MCI). His research explores how and when do new
from the Polytechnic University of the Philippines. She technologies spark entrepreneurial activity, and how
was a recipient of the Fulbright Scholar-In-Residence, does this entrepreneurial activity contribute to social
J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Program. and economic growth.
She is a member of the Philippine Institute of Certified
Public Accountants and the Association of Certified Brian C. Gozun is Dean of the De La Salle
Public Accountants in Education – Philippines. University – Ramon V. Del Rosario College of
Her specialization includes managerial accounting, Business (Philippines). He obtained his Doctor of
auditing, and research methods in accounting. Her Philosophy from the National Graduate Institute for
research interests include financial performance Policy Studies (Japan). His research interests include
analysis, poverty, and entrepreneurship. entrepreneurship, systems analysis, and structural
equation modelling.
146 The Contributors
Maria Andrea L. Santiago is the Basant and Tereso S. Tullao, Jr. is a University Fellow, Adjunct
Sarala Birla Professorial Chair in Asian Family Professor of Economics, and the Director of the Angelo
Corporations. She obtained her Advanced Certificate King Institute for Economic and Business Studies.
in Family Business Advising (ACFBA) as well as in He was former Dean of the College of Business and
Family Business Wealth Advising (ACFBWA) from Economics (CBE) at De La Salle University (DLSU).
the Family Firm Institute Global Education Network He has been teaching for more than four decades
an American-based association of global business at DLSU. He was visiting professor and scholar at
advisors. She is the author of the book “The Family various institutions in Japan, USA, China, Thailand,
Incorporated: Lessons Learned from the Filipino France, and Laos. As a researcher he has published
Business Families” published by Anvil Publishing several articles, monographs and books in Filipino and
2017. English in the fields of economics of education, trade
in services, movement of natural persons, migration
Emilina R. Sarreal is permanent full-time faculty and remittances.
member of the Decision Sciences and Innovation
Dept. of De La Salle University (DLSU), Manila. She Arnel Onesimo O. Uy is a full professor in the
is an Associate Professor teaching Entrepreneurship Accountancy Department, Ramon V. Del Rosario
Research, Environmental Scanning, Management College of Business at the De La Salle University
Science and Methods of Research both in the in Manila. He obtained his Doctor of Philosophy in
undergraduate and graduate programs. She is currently Business degree from De La Salle University and
the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies his Master’s in Business Management degree from
of the Ramon V. del Rosario College of Business the Asian Institute of Management. He is a Certified
(RVR COB). She obtained her Doctor of Business Management Accountant (Australia) and a Hall of
Administration (DBA) with high distinction from the Fame and Lifetime Achievement awardee from the
De La Salle University’s Graduate School of Business Institute of Certified Management Accountants of
(now under the RVR College of Business). She Australia. His research work also includes studies
received her Master of Business Administration (MBA) on personal values, cost behavior and its various
degree from the same institution. She is the recipient of implications to company flexibility, competitiveness
the Outstanding Entrepreneurship Educator Award of and sustainability.
the National Capital Region from the Entrepreneurship
Educators Association of the Philippines (ENEDA). Eula Bianca Villar is a research consultant for
Prior to being an educator, she worked as a research non-government organizations, private sector, and
analyst in non-government organizations and financial government agencies engaged in disaster risk reduction
institutions. Her corporate experience as well as her and management. She holds a PhD from La Salle
Economics degree complemented her career in the (Universitat Ramon Llull) and was an EU Marie
academe. Curie Fellow. Her research expertise is found at the
intersection of organization studies and disaster studies,
Maria Victoria P. Tibon is an Associate Professor using inductive research drawn from thick qualitative
and Chair of the Management and Organization data. Thematically, she is interested in organizing
Department of the Ramon V. del Rosario College of processes in disaster contexts, innovation in the
Business of De la Salle University. She has corporate humanitarian space, and sustainable entrepreneurship.
experience from telecom, travel and real estate
companies and is a consultant for organizations. She has Junius W. Yu is a full time faculty and current
published researches related to marketing, innovation, Vice Chair for Decision Sciences and Innovation
entrepreneurship and sustainability. She completed her Dept., RVR College of Business, DLSU. He obtained
AB Economics (cum laude) at the University of Asia his MBA from the Australian National University
and the Pacific, her Master of Business Administration last 2004 and went to Harvard Business School as a
at the University of the Philippines-Diliman and her representative of DLSU for the Global Colloquium in
Doctor of Business Administration (with distinction) 2016. He wrote a book titled “Legend of the 9” and
from De la Salle University. was launched in Fully Booked Fort Bonifacio in 2009.
148 The Contributors
The objective of the DLSU Business & Economics Review (DLSU B&E Review) is to publish high-quality
theoretical, empirical, and methodological research in the fields of accounting, business management, commercial
law, economics, finance, and marketing. The DLSU Business & Economics Review aims to reach an audience in
these six fields and is published twice a year. It is listed in SciVerse Scopus since 2011 (ISSN – 0116-7111) and
abstracted and Indexed in EBSCO since 2009. It is included in the Journal Incentive Program of the Commission
on Higher Education since 2017. It is also listed in ACI database ( Since it is the major
academic journal of the Ramon V. del Rosario College of Business (RVRCOB) and the School of Economics
(SOE) of De La Salle University, the articles published must meet high standards of scholarship. They should
make significant contributions to the business and economics disciplines, and stimulate interest in further research.
In line with the objective of the DLSU B&E Review, priority shall be given to the following:
• Theoretical research: Studies that explore or test theoretical issues and provide additional insights on the
• Empirical research: Studies that re-examine important empirical work using alternative theoretical or
empirical frameworks, or a different data set. These studies often involve experimental designs and
multivariate techniques that examine relationships among variables.
• Methodological research: Studies that present new approaches in analyzing data or addressing research
• Review articles: Surveys that review and critically evaluate the literature. A review article must go beyond
summarizing previous research. It must provide a critical and integrative evaluation of prior research,
develop a conceptual framework to explain contradictory findings and suggest directions for further
The DLSU B&E Review also encourages and welcomes papers that use an interdisciplinary approach (e.g., law
and economics) in analyzing issues as well as those that use multiple research methods to support hypotheses.
In addition to the above types of articles, the DLSU B&E Review also welcomes critiques, short notes, or
comments on previously published articles and consequently, rejoinders from the authors of these articles. Short
articles which are not “full-blown” research papers, but whose content adds new insights into or knowledge to
their respective fields will be considered. These short articles and comments shall be included under a separate
section called “Research Notes.”
Guidelines for Authors 149
Reviews of new books (published no more than one year prior to the review date) will also be considered. The
review of a second or a revised edition is discouraged, unless the revisions are substantial. Reviews of textbooks
will not be considered. A separate section called “Book Reviews” will be added to the journal issue when necessary.
The DLSU B&E Review is published twice a year. Unless otherwise noted, the ideas, opinions, and conclusions
expressed in the DLSU B&E Review are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Editorial Board or
the management and staff of De La Salle University.
The journal uses double-blind peer review, in which both reviewers and authors are anonymous to each other.
Papers are reviewed by an Advisory Editorial Board and invited experts in the fields of accounting, business
management, commercial law, economics, finance, and marketing. From the pool of articles reviewed, six or
more papers are reviewed again by the Editor-in-Chief. If major revisions are required, the papers are sent back
to the authors for revision and re-submission. Each author of a paper not accepted is given a written notice of the
action taken on his/her paper. The Editorial Board of the DLSU B&E Review reserves the right to keep copies of
all papers submitted.
The authors may submit their manuscript together with a cover letter electronically to the Editor-in-Chief at
[email protected], the Associate Editor at [email protected], and to the Editorial Assistant
at [email protected]. Please include in the cover letter the main theme of the paper, the novelty of the
paper, and relevant contribution to the DLSU B&E Review.
Before submission, authors must carefully read the guidelines for authors and make sure the paper conforms
to these guidelines. For reference, you may want to look at related papers that DLSU Business and Economics
Review have published in recent years available online: Each manucript is
checked for plagiarism, and assessed if it is complete, readable and appropriate for this journal. If the manuscript
merits having experts to review it, the journal editor will appoint reviewers.
In addition, manuscripts must be copy-edited, not just proof-read, for English fluency and clarity before
submitting it for publication. It is highly advisable to have a professional editor copy-edit the main text, list of
references, tables and figures. Papers not conforming to the guidelines and referencing style of DLSU Business
and Economics Review will be returned to the author with no comments.
A manuscript should follow guidelines given in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological
Association, 5th edition (APA style). It should not exceed 20 pages, inclusive of text, tables, figures, references,
and appendices. The manuscript should be typed with Arial or Times New Roman 12 pt. font, double-spaced,
150 Guidelines for Authors
on 8½ x 11-inch page size, with a margin of one inch on all sides. The right-hand margin should have justified
alignment. Equations must be numbered. Tables should be inserted as an MS Word-formatted table, not as an
image. Figures and charts should also be inserted as an MS Excel-formatted figure or graph. Images must be
clear and clean, and should be set at 300 dpi for color or grayscale. Footnotes should not be used for reference
purposes and should be avoided when possible. All references and/or content notes must be placed at the end of
the text. Abstracts should be no longer than 200 words, and it should summarize the objective, methods, results,
and conclusion. Up to ten keywords should be provided for easy indexing, and if possible, subject keywords
should be indicated to aid in selecting reviewers. A detailed set of style guidelines will be sent to the author once
a manuscript is accepted for publication.
The author of a manuscript accepted for publication should be submitted electronically, with 5 to 6 keywords
and JEL classification codes. The preferred word processor for the final version is Microsoft Word. The final
version should also include a data and model appendix of the paper, in appropriate format, together with a metadata
such as a brief “readme.txt” file. The data used to derive main results of the paper will also be published along
side the article on the journal website. We are making the data and models available online so as to increase the
visibility of and citations to the article.
The author should also submit a short profile (50 words or less) for inclusion in the section “The Contributors”.
It should include the complete name of the author, academic and/or professional affiliations, and educational