Parvati 8

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4/17/23, 8:08 PM form8


                                             ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA

                                                                                                                       [See Rules 13(3) and 26]

Voter Application Form for shifitng of Residence/Correction of Entries in Existing Electoral Roll/
Replacement of EPIC/Marking of PwD
To, The Electoral Registration Officer,
Karnataka Bidar
 Assembly / Parliamentary Consitituency
I request that entry relating to myself appearing in the electoral roll the above Constituency
is not correct and it should be corrected.
Name Parvati ಪಾರ್ವತಿ
Surname(if any)
EPIC No. (If issued) WHI6971824
Aadhaar Number
Mobile No. of Self (id available) 8867380487 Relative ☐
Email id of Self(If available) Relative ☐
(II) I submit application for (Tick any one of the following)
1. ☐ Shifting of Residence (or)
2. ☑ Correction of Entries in Existing Electoral Roll (or)
3. ☐ Issue of Replacement EPIC without correction (or)
4. ☐ Request for Marking as Person with Disablity (or)
2. Application for Correction of Entries in Existing Electoral Roll
Please correct my following details in Electoral Roll/EPIC:
                           1. ☐  Name                                 2. ☐  Gender                                 3. ☑  DoB/Age                                
4. ☐  Relation Type                                
                           5. ☐  Relation Name                   6. ☐  Address                                7. ☑  Mobile Number                      
8. ☑  Photo                                
The correct particulars in entry to be corrected are as under:-
Date of birth 01/06/1960
Mobile Number 9900862593


I HEREBY DECLARE that to the best of my knwoledge and belief that I am a citizen of India and I am aware
that making a statement or declaration which is false and which I know or believe to be false or do not believe to
be true, is punishable under Section 31 of Representation of the People Act, 1950 (43 of 1950) with imprisonment
for a term which may extend to one year or with fine or with both.
Place Bidar
Date 17/04/2023

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