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(See Rules 13(1) and 26) of Registration of Electors Rule-1960

Application for Correction to Particulars Entered in Electoral Roll

To, The Electoral Registration Officer, West Bengal Basanti Assembly / Parliamentary Consitituency

I request that entry relating to myself appearing in the electoral roll the above Constituency is not correct and it should be

(a)Name Basudeb বাসুেদব

(b) Surname(if any) Baidya বদ

(c) Details of registration with electoral roll
Name of Assembly/ Parliamentary Constituency Basanti
Part No. of Electoral Roll 12 Serial No. of Electoral Roll 307
(d) EPIC No. (If issued) WB/15/101/090791
(e) Please tick the entry which is to be corrected
Name ☐ Photograph ☑ EPIC ☐ Address ☐ Date of Birth ☐
Age ☐ Name of Relative ☐ Type of Relation ☐ Gender ☐
The correct particulars in entry to be corrected are as below:-
(g) Email Id(optional)
(g) Mobile No.(optional)
I hereby declare that the facts and particulars mentioned above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.I am aware that making a statement or
declaration which is false and which I know or believe to be false or do not believe to be true, is punishable under Section 31 of the Representation of the People
Act, 1950 (43 of 1950).
Place Keuti
Date 13/10/2019


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