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et al. Parasites Vectors (2020) 13:418

Parasites & Vectors

RESEARCH Open Access

Assessing the diversity and distribution

of potential intermediate hosts snails
for urogenital schistosomiasis: Bulinus spp.
(Gastropoda: Planorbidae) of Lake Victoria
Fred D. Chibwana1,2*, Immaculate Tumwebaze1, Anna Mahulu1, Arthur F. Sands1 and Christian Albrecht1

Background:  The Lake Victoria basin is one of the most persistent hotspots of schistosomiasis in Africa, the intesti-
nal form of the disease being studied more often than the urogenital form. Most schistosomiasis studies have been
directed to Schistosoma mansoni and their corresponding intermediate snail hosts of the genus Biomphalaria, while
neglecting S. haematobium and their intermediate snail hosts of the genus Bulinus. In the present study, we used
DNA sequences from part of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (cox1) gene and the internal transcribed spacer 2
(ITS2) region to investigate Bulinus populations obtained from a longitudinal survey in Lake Victoria and neighbouring
systems during 2010–2019.
Methods:  Sequences were obtained to (i) determine specimen identities, diversity and phylogenetic positions, (ii)
reconstruct phylogeographical affinities, and (iii) determine the population structure to discuss the results and their
implications for the transmission and epidemiology of urogenital schistosomiasis in Lake Victoria.
Results:  Phylogenies, species delimitation methods (SDMs) and statistical parsimony networks revealed the presence
of two main groups of Bulinus species occurring in Lake Victoria; B. truncatus/B. tropicus complex with three species (B.
truncatus, B. tropicus and Bulinus sp. 1), dominating the lake proper, and a B. africanus group, prevalent in banks and
marshes. Although a total of 47 cox1 haplotypes, were detected within and outside Lake Victoria, there was limited
haplotype sharing (only Haplotype 6 was shared between populations from Lake Victoria open waters and neigh-
bouring aquatic systems) – an indication that haplotypes are specific to habitats.
Conclusions: The Bulinus fauna of Lake Victoria consists of at least B. truncatus, B. tropicus, Bulinus sp. 1 (B. trigonus?)
and B. ugandae. The occurrence and wide distribution of Bulinus species in Lake Victoria potentially implies the occur-
rence of urogenital schistosomiasis in communities living along the shores and on islands of the lake who depend
solely on the lake for their livelihood. More in-depth studies are needed to obtain a better picture of the extent of the
disease in the Lake Victoria basin.
Keywords:  African lakes, Epidemiology, Phylogeography, Neglected tropical diseases, Schistosoma haematobium

*Correspondence: [email protected]; [email protected]

Department of Animal Ecology and Systematics, Justus Liebig University
Giessen, Giessen, Germany
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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Chibwana et al. Parasites Vectors (2020) 13:418 Page 2 of 18

Background The current water body arose about 14,600 years ago [15,
Schistosomiasis is a parasitic disease caused by digenean 16], which is relatively shorter for snail species radiation
trematodes of the genus Schistosoma and is a socio-nota- [10, 17]. Nevertheless, Brown et al. [17] listed 28 gastro-
ble disease in tropical and subtropical regions. It is preva- pod species in Lake Victoria, of which six are medically
lent in more than 78 countries and territories infecting significant species within genera Bulinus (4 species) and
more than 250 million people worldwide, most of whom Biomphalaria (2 species). Lake Victoria, which is shared
inhabit sub-Saharan Africa [1, 2]. Although more than between Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya, therefore plays
20 Schistosoma species are recognised, only Schistosoma a significant role in the persistence of schistosomiasis in
mansoni and S. haematobium are ubiquitously known in these surrounding countries [18–20]. Despite the increas-
sub-Saharan Africa due to their capability to cause intes- ing efforts to control schistosomiasis with praziquantel
tinal and urogenital schistosomiasis, respectively [1, 3, 4]. through mass drug administration (MDA) programmes,
The highest infections and disease burdens are frequently East African countries are still among the hotspots for
found in school-aged children, particularly in settings this parasitic disease. Herein, the majority of schistoso-
with poor hygiene and sanitary facilities [5]. Human hosts miasis cases are reported from fishing communities and
infected with these Schistosoma species experience acute particularly in school-aged children surrounding Lake
hyperaemia, abnormal growth, internal haemorrhag- Victoria [21–24]. The vast majority of studies focusing on
ing, fibrosis and tissue thickening [6]. As a result, infec- Schistosoma and their intermediate hosts in Lake Victoria
tion with S. mansoni culminates with liver fibrosis, portal and neighbouring aquatic systems have mainly focused
hypertension and ascites, while bladder cancer is the final on S. mansoni and Biomphalaria spp. [13, 18, 25] while
stage of a S. haematobium infection [7]. Furthermore, overlooking Bulinus spp. and their potential role in the
genital schistosomiasis complications associated with urogenital schistosomiasis transmission (i.e. S. haemato-
S. haematobium infections include hypertrophic and bium). However, identifying these potential Bulinus hosts
ulcerative lesions of the female genital tract [8]. Schisto- is an initial step in estimating the extent and relevance of
soma species, like other digenean trematodes, utilise pul- urogenital schistosomiasis in the given area [26, 27].
monate snails to complete their two-host life-cycles; i.e. The genus Bulinus consists of 37 species occurring
Biomphalaria spp. for S. mansoni and Bulinus spp. for S. mainly in Africa, the Middle East and in the Mediterra-
haematobium [1, 3, 4]. nean Area [17]. The recognized Bulinus species fall into
The Lake Victoria ecoregion of the East African Rift four groups, namely the Bulinus africanus, B. reticulatus,
System, is characterized by a wealth of extraordinary and B. forskalii species groups, and the B. truncatus/B.
freshwater biodiversity that has accumulated through- tropicus species complex. Many species within these
out the Quaternary, including almost 700 species of groups except, for example, B. tropicus and B. ugandae
cichlid fishes [9, 10]. Major geological and climatological are involved in the transmission of S. haematobium [28,
changes occurred in this region during this period. These 29]. Moreover, B. africanus group species play an impor-
changes are linked to the development of the East Afri- tant role in the transmission of S. haematobium and S.
can Rift. More recently, anthropogenic pressures in the bovis in Central East Africa [17]. However, precise spe-
Lake Victoria ecoregion have grown exponentially due cies identification of snails of the genus Bulinus is often
to multifactorial stressors such as habitat degradation, difficult because of strong morphological similarities and
pollution, exploitation, the introduction of invasive spe- overlap among species, the coexistence of different forms
cies, ecosystem modifications and climate change [11, and groups in a narrow area and the lack of well-defined
12]. Insights into the consequences of recent and historic criteria by which to distinguish species [17, 29]. Addi-
environmental changes in the region are crucial to under- tionally, some studies have also reported the existence of
standing the diversification dynamics of freshwater biota. cryptic species in some localities [30, 31], which further
Effects of ecosystem changes on the community com- exacerbates the taxonomic uncertainties within genus
position and demography of benthic organisms remain Bulinus.
poorly assessed since few studies have been conducted The knowledge of the number of Bulinus species
apart from cichlid fishes and the schistosome intermedi- occurring within or nearby Lake Victoria is obscure. For
ate host snail genus Biomphalaria [13]. instance, Mandahl-Barth [29] recognised B. trigonus and
Lake Victoria is endowed with a remarkable mollusc B. transversalis as independent species, but Brown [17]
fauna, although it is less diverse than in lakes Malawi viewed them as lacustrine morphs of B. tropicus and B.
and Tanganyika, perhaps due to its younger age and rela- truncatus or synonyms of unnamed Bulinus species
tive shallowness [10, 14]. Despite its young age of about (Bulinus sp.). Moreover, there is a scarcity of informa-
400,000 years, Lake Victoria has experienced three major tion on the geographical distribution patterns of Bulinus
desiccation events within the last 100,000 years [15, 16]. species in the lake. Bulinus trigonus and B. transversalis
Chibwana et al. Parasites Vectors (2020) 13:418 Page 3 of 18

have their type-localities in the Tanzanian side of Lake either stagnant or relatively calm. Specimens were hand-
Victoria, while B. ugandae was first found in Jinja Bay, picked off water plants, rocks, stones or the floor bottom
Uganda [17]. Surveys by Mwambungu [32] reported the where they were more easily accessible or collected with
occurrence of B. ugandae in the Speke Gulf of the lake strainers, long handheld scoops and dredges in more
in Tanzania, Ngupula & Kayanda [33] found B. ugandae challenging situations (e.g. deeper waters). Dredging was
and B. transversalis in Uganda and Opisa et al. [34] and carried out repeatedly per site in depths from 2 m down
Nyakaana et  al. [35] reported the existence of B. globo- to approximately 25 m in the Kenyan and Ugandan part
sus in the lake shores in Kenya and Uganda. Although of the lake. In most of the sites, sampling was carried out
the separation of B. ugandae from B. globosus is dubious close to active anthropogenic activities (e.g. fish land-
and the overall taxonomy of Bulinus spp. in Lake Victo- ing sites or ferry docks) and for at least 30–60  min. All
ria is uncertain [17], it is not clear if all the four Bulinus specimens were collected during various field trips from
groups are represented in the lake. Moreover, knowl- 2010–2019 and snails identified as Bulinus spp. were pre-
edge of how the four groups may be spatially distributed served in 80% ethanol.
remains questionable. Moreover, Bulinus species such as
B. ugandae and B. trigonus, whose type-materials come DNA extraction, amplification and sequencing
from Lake Victoria, are not endemic to the lake, simi- Genomic DNA was extracted using the CTAB method
lar morphs have been recorded in lakes Mutanda and [38] from 2–5 specimens per locality for a total of 74
Edward as well [17]. specimens. A 655-bp target fragment of the mtDNA cox1
In many biological cases where conventional analyses gene was amplified using primers and PCR conditions
have failed to identify species, molecular techniques, par- given by Folmer et al. [39]. In a few cases, the region was
ticularly phylogenetic approaches using DNA sequence amplified using the primers LCO1490 [39] and COR722B
data, have proven successful. For example, the applica- [40] and PCR conditions as detailed by Kane et  al. [37].
tion of markers, such as cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 Primers LT1 and ITS2-RIXO and PRC conditions stated
(cox1) and nuclear genes such as the internal transcribed by Almeyda-Artigas et  al. [41] and Bargues et  al. [42]
spacer (ITS) regions, 28S and 18S, have facilitated spe- were used to amplify the rDNA ITS2 region. Sanger
cies identification of Bulinus spp. [31, 36, 37]. In the pre- sequencing was performed by LGC Genomics GmbH
sent study we, therefore, used two more variable genetic (Berlin, Germany).
markers, cox1 and ITS2, to investigate the phylogeogra-
phy of Bulinus species occurring in Lake Victoria. This Phylogenetic analyses
information is invaluable in improving our understand- Chromatograms were assembled and inspected using
ing of Bulinus species identities and phylogenetic rela- Geneious version 8.0.6 (Biomatters, Auckland, New
tionships, as well as the epidemiology of the potential Zealand; Kearse et  al. [43]). Multiple alignments were
urogenital schistosomiasis. generated for each marker, with the ClustalW tool [44]
Therefore, we combine mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) implemented in BioEdit version [45]. Newly gen-
and nuclear DNA (nDNA) markers to investigate Bulinus erated sequences from 74 specimens were combined
populations obtained from a longitudinal survey in Lake with 57 additional available sequence data from GenBank
Victoria and neighbouring aquatic systems to (i) deter- to expand our datasets (Additional file 1: Table S1). The
mine the identity, diversity and phylogenetic position of online program MAFFT [46], was used to align the ITS2
the species, (ii) reconstruct phylogeographical affinities partition. The phylogenetic trees of the concatenated
and (iii) determine the population structures of the spe- datasets of 620 bp cox1 and ITS2 were estimated using
cies. We discuss the results and their implications for the Maximum Likelihood (ML) and Bayesian Inference (BI)
potential transmission and epidemiology of urogenital analyses. The cox1 and ITS2 partitions were concate-
schistosomiasis in Lake Victoria. nated using Sequences Matrix version 1.2.8 [47]. In both
cases, Indoplanorbis exustus was used as the outgroup.
Methods The best sequence evolutionary model to each parti-
Source of material for genomic DNA tion was evaluated with jModelTest version 2.1.4 [48].
Pulmonate snails of the genus Bulinus were collected Based on the Akaikeʼs information criterion (AIC), HYK
from 20 locations around Lake Victoria and (for com- + G and GTR+G were selected as the best evolution-
parative purposes) from an additional four locations in ary models for cox1 and ITS2 datasets, respectively. ML
the neighbouring aquatic systems of the River Nile and analysis was conducted using Randomized Accelerated
Lake Mburo-Nakivale (Fig.  1, Table  1). Sampling was Maximum Likelihood (RAxML version 7.0.4; [49]) with a
carried out in open waters, on shoreline banks, around bootstrap of 1000 replicates. Bayesian inference analysis,
islands and in bordering marsh habitats where water was to obtain an ultrametric tree for the General Mixed Yule
Chibwana et al. Parasites Vectors (2020) 13:418 Page 4 of 18

Fig. 1  Study area map of East African countries that share Lake Victoria and the sampling sites for this study are shown

Coalescent (GMYC) model of species delimitation [50], the 74 sequences generated herein. The relationships
was carried out using BEAST version 1.8.4 [51]. Runs between haplotypes were identified through a statistical
consisted of 5,000,000 MCMC generations, sampling parsimony network constructed in TCS version 1.21 [54]
every 500th tree. Validation of convergence and mixing with 95% confidence.
was assessed in Tracer 1.5 [52] to ensure that all effective For genetic diversity, differentiation and population
sample size (ESS) values were > 200. We used TreeAn- expansion or shrinkage cox1 sequences belonging to the
notator 1.8.4 (BEAST package) to identify the maximum Bulinus specimens from Lake Victoria basin were split
clade credibility (MCC) tree by discarding 50% of the into two groups representing B. truncatus and Bulinus
trees as ‘burn-in’. sp. 2. Bulinus truncatus sequences were divided into
We applied two DNA-based species delimitation three subpopulations based on habitat, namely, lentic
methods (SDMs) with single and multiple delimiting sand substrate, lentic stones and rock substrates and lotic
thresholds to resolve the species boundaries in Bulinus habitats. The sequences forming the Bulinus sp. 2 group
specimens incorporated. These were the Poisson Tree were also divided into three subpopulations based on len-
Process (PTP [53]) and the GMYC method as mentioned tic habitats; islands, papyrus swamps and marshes (water
above. Both mPTP (maximum likelihood, PTP and hyacinth). We estimated haplotype diversity (h) and
Bayesian, bPTP) and GMYC analyses were carried out nucleotide diversity (π) [55] using DnaSP version 6.12.03
with the web-based service at https​://speci​es.h-its.org/. [56]. Moreover, we performed analyses of molecular vari-
ance (AMOVA), to examine the amount of genetic vari-
Phylogeographical and population analyses ability within and between populations, using Arlequin
Phylogeographical analyses were performed for the novel version [57].
cox1 sequences of the Bulinus specimens from Lake Vic- The mitochondrial DNA sequence data were also tested
toria and the neighbouring systems (i.e. Lake Mburo- for deviation from neutral expectations (e.g. population
Nakivale and the River Nile). The dataset consisted of expansion events). Genetic equilibrium was assessed
Table 1  Locality, voucher, sequence and haplotype information for the Bulinus spp. from Lake Victoria studied
Species Locality Country Latitude Longitude Voucher No. Sequence ID Habitat Haplotype ID GenBank ID
cox1 ITS2

B. truncatus Igabiro Tanzania − 1.17769 31.87792 UGSB 22907 Bkt26885 Stone and rocks BKT1 MT707360 MT707212
B. truncatus Igabiro Tanzania − 1.17769 31.87792 UGSB 22908 BKt26886 Stone and rocks BKT2 MT707361
B. truncatus Kemondo Tanzania − 1.47796 31.7498 UGSB 22909 Ket26887 Stone and rocks KET1 MT707362 MT707222
Chibwana et al. Parasites Vectors

B. truncatus Kemondo Tanzania − 1.47796 31.7498 UGSB 22910 Ket26888 Stone and rocks KET2 MT707363
Bulinus sp. 2 Bumbire Island Tanzania − 1.61476 31.85625 UGSB 22911 Bit26889 Island BIT1 MT707364
Bulinus sp. 2 Bumbire Island Tanzania − 1.61476 31.85625 UGSB 22912 Bit26890 Island BIT2 MT707365 MT707234
Bulinus sp. 2 Bumbire Island Tanzania − 1.61476 31.85625 UGSB 22946 Bit26924 Island BIT3 MT707366
Bulinus sp. 2 Bumbire Island Tanzania 31.85625 UGSB 23464 Bit27073 Island BIT4 MT707367
(2020) 13:418

− 1.61476
Bulinus sp. 2 Bumbire Island Tanzania − 1.61476 31.85625 UGSB 23465 Bit27074 Island BIT5 MT707368
Bulinus sp. 2 Kabunyorwa Tanzania − 2.06018 31.61382 UGSB 22913 Kbt26891 Papyrus KBT1 MT707369
Bulinus sp. 2 Kabunyorwa Tanzania − 2.06018 31.61382 UGSB 22914 Kbt26892 Papyrus KBT2 MT707370 MT707235
B. truncatus Muganza Tanzania − 2.33702 31.75166 UGSB 22915 Mut26893 Open water MUT1 MT707371
B. truncatus Muganza Tanzania − 2.33702 31.75166 UGSB 22916 Mut26894 Open water MUT2 MT707372 MT707220
Bulinus sp. 2 Muganza Tanzania − 2.33702 31.75166 UGSB 22940 Mut26918 Water Hyasin MUT3 MT707373 MT707236
Bulinus sp. 2 Muganza Tanzania − 2.33702 31.75166 UGSB 22941 Mut26919 Water Hyasin MUT4 MT707374
B. truncatus Muganza Tanzania -2.33702 31.75166 UGSB 22945 Mut26923 Open water MUT5 MT707375
Bulinus sp. 2 Chato Tanzania − 2.63292 31.76368 UGSB 23463 Cht27072 Papyrus CHT1 MT707376
Bulinus sp. 2 Nungwe Tanzania − 2.77446 32.0136 UGSB 22919 Nut26897 Papyrus NUT1 MT707377
Bulinus sp. 2 Nungwe Tanzania − 2.77446 32.0136 UGSB 22920 Nut26898 Papyrus NUT2 MT707378 MT707233
Bulinus sp. 2 Nungwi Tanzania − 2.77446 32.0136 UGSB 23466 Nut27075 Papyrus NUT3 MT707379
B. tropicus Nzera Tanzania − 2.51209 32.09845 UGSB 22921 Nzt26899 Sand beach NZT1 MT707380
B. tropicus Nzera Tanzania − 2.51209 32.09845 UGSB 22922 Nzt26900 Sand beach NZT2 MT707381 MT707229
B. truncatus Nyakalilo Tanzania − 2.43669 32.41158 UGSB 22923 Nyt26901 Stone beach NYT1 MT707382 MT707221
Bulinus sp. 2 Nyakalilo Tanzania − 2.43669 32.41158 UGSB 22924 Nyt26902 Papyrus NYT2 MT707383 MT707237
Bulinus sp. 2 Busisi Tanzania − 2.72626 32.87034 UGSB 22925 But26903 Water Hyasin BUT1 MT707384 MT707230
Bulinus sp. 2 Busisi Tanzania − 2.72626 32.87034 UGSB 22926 But26904 Water Hyasin BUT2 MT707385
Bulinus sp. 2 Nyegezi A Tanzania − 2.585 32.88541 UGSB 22927 Sat26905 Water Hyasin SAT1 MT707386 MT707238
B. truncatus Nyegezi A Tanzania − 2.585 32.88541 UGSB 22928 Sat26906 Stone and rocks SAT2 MT707387 MT707223
B. truncatus Nyegezi B Tanzania − 2.58434 32.88331 UGSB 22929 Sbt26907 Stone and rocks SBT1 MT707387 MT707216
B. truncatus Nyegezi B Tanzania − 2.58434 32.88331 UGSB 22930 Sbt26908 Stone and rocks SBT2 MT707387
B. tropicus Nyegezi C Tanzania − 2.58388 33.51714 UGSB 22942 Sct26920 Sand beach SCT1 MT707390 MT707228
Bulinus sp. 1 Nyegezi C Tanzania − 2.58388 33.51714 UGSB 22943 Sct26921 Sand beach SCT2 MT707391
Bulinus sp. 1 Nyegezi C Tanzania − 2.58388 33.51714 UGSB 22944 Sct26922 Sand beach SCT3 MT707392 MT707226
Bulinus sp. 2 Nyanguge Tanzania − 2.51911 33.20884 UGSB 22933 Ngt26911 Marshes/papyrus NGT1 MT707393
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Table 1  (continued)
Species Locality Country Latitude Longitude Voucher No. Sequence ID Habitat Haplotype ID GenBank ID
cox1 ITS2

Bulinus sp. 2 Nyanguge Tanzania − 2.51911 33.20884 UGSB 22934 Ngt26912 Marshes/papyrus NGT2 MT707394 MT707232
Bulinus sp. 2 Nyanguge Tanzania − 2.51911 33.20884 UGSB 23467 Ngt27076 Marshes/papyrus NGT3 MT707395
Bulinus sp. 2 Mwamanyiri Tanzania − 2.43022 33.5424 UGSB 22935 Mwt26913 Marshes/papyrus MWT1 MT707396 MT707231
Chibwana et al. Parasites Vectors

Bulinus sp. 2 Mwamanyiri Tanzania − 2.43022 33.5424 UGSB 22936 Mwt26914 Marshes/papyrus MWT2 MT707397
Bulinus sp. 2 Mwamanyiri Tanzania − 2.43022 33.5424 UGSB 23468 Mwt27077 Marshes/papyrus MWT3 MT707398
Bulinus sp. 2 Lamadi Tanzania − 2.23738 33.84236 UGSB 22937 Lat26915 Marshes/papyrus LAT1 MT707399
Bulinus sp. 2 Lamadi Tanzania − 2.23738 33.84236 UGSB 22938 Lat26916 Marshes/papyrus LAT2 MT707400 MT707240
Bulinus sp. 2 Lamadi Tanzania 33.84236 UGSB 23469 Lat27078 Marshes/papyrus LAT4 MT707401
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− 2.23738
Bulinus sp. 2 Kisumu Kenya − 0.12739 34.74232 UGSB 23446 Kik27055 Water Hyasin KIK1 MT707402
Bulinus sp. 2 Kisumu Kenya − 0.12739 34.74232 UGSB 23447 Kik27056 Water Hyasin KIK2 MT707403 MT707239
Bulinus sp. 2 Kisumu Kenya − 0.12739 34.74232 UGSB 23448 kik27057 Water Hyasin KIK3 MT707406
B. truncatus Nile Uganda 0.42084 33.19639 UGSB 23452 Niu27061 Open water JIU1 MT707407 MT707214
B. truncatus Mayuge Uganda 0.14067 33.60258 UGSB 16758 Myu22513 Open water MYU1 MT707404
B. truncatus Mayuge Uganda 0.14067 33.60258 UGSB 16757 Myu22514 Open water MYU2 MT707405
B. truncatus Mayuge Uganda 0.14067 33.60258 UGSB 23453 Myu27062 Open water MYU3 MT707408
B. truncatus Mayuge Uganda 0.14067 33.60258 UGSB 23454 Myu27063 Open water MYU4 MT707409
B. truncatus Mayuge Uganda 0.14067 33.60258 UGSB 23603 Myu27108 Open water MYU5 MT707411
B. truncatus Mayuge Uganda 0.14067 33.60258 UGSB 23604 Myu27109 Open water MYU6 MT707410 MT707218
B. truncatus Masindi Uganda 2.12852 32.32919 UGSB 23457 Msu27066 Nile river MSU1 MT707412
B. truncatus Masindi Uganda 2.12852 32.32919 UGSB 23458 Msu27067 Nile river MSU2 MT707413
B. truncatus Masindi Uganda 2.12852 32.32919 UGSB 23459 Msu27068 Nile river MSU3 MT707414
B. truncatus Masindi Uganda 2.12852 32.32919 UGSB 23460 Msu27069 Nile river MSU4 MT707415 MT707217
B. truncatus Masindi Uganda 2.12852 32.32919 UGSB 23607 Msu27112 Nile river MSU5 MT707416
B. truncatus Masindi Port Uganda 1.69249 32.09664 UGSB 16759 Mpu22515 Nile river MPU1 MT707417
B. truncatus Masindi Port Uganda 1.69249 32.09664 UGSB 16760 Mpu22516 Nile river MPU2 MT707418
B. truncatus Masindi Port Uganda 1.69249 32.09664 UGSB 23610 Mpu27115 Nile river MPU3 MT707419 MT707219
Bulinus sp. 2 Masaka Uganda − 0.27263 32.02691 UGSB 23461 Mku27070 Water Hyasin MKU1 MT707420
Bulinus sp. 2 Kampala Uganda − 0.27263 32.02691 UGSB 23596 Kau27101 Water Hyasin KAU1 MT707421 MT707241
B. truncatus Kampala Uganda − 0.27263 32.02691 UGSB 23598 Kau27103 Open water KAU2 MT707422 MT707215
Bulinus sp. 2 Kampala Uganda − 0.27263 32.02691 UGSB 23599 Kau27104 Water Hyasin KAU3 MT707423
Bulinus sp. 2 Amotar Uganda 1.55822 32.88828 UGSB 23613 Amu27118 Marshes/papyrus AMU1 MT707424
B. truncatus Kalangala Uganda 0.30371 32.28927 UGSB 16774 Klu22530 Open water KLU1 MT707425
B. truncatus Kalangala Uganda 0.30371 32.28927 UGSB 23616 Klu27121 Open water KLU2 MT707426 MT707213
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Table 1  (continued)
Species Locality Country Latitude Longitude Voucher No. Sequence ID Habitat Haplotype ID GenBank ID
cox1 ITS2

B. truncatus Lake Mburo Uganda 30.9528 UG3 BspJDUG3 MNU1 MT707427

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− 0.638
B. truncatus River Rwizi Uganda − 0.6863 30.8856 UG19 BspJUG19 MNU2 MT707428
B. truncatus River Rwizi Uganda − 0.6863 30.8856 UG22 BspJUG22 MNU3 MT707429
B. truncatus Lake Mburo Uganda − 0.6951 30.8514 UG27 BspJUG27 MNU4 MT707430
B. truncatus Lake Nakivale Uganda − 0.8205 30.8559 UG7 BspJDUG7 MNU5 MT707431
Bulinus sp. 2 Lake Nakivale Uganda − 0.8205 30.8559 UG98 BspJUG98 MNU6 MT707432
B. forskalii Lake Nakivale Uganda − 0.8205 30.8559 UG76 BspJUG76 MNU7 MT707403
B. truncatus Lake Albert Uganda A1 HQ121558 LAU1 HQ121558
B. truncatus Lake Albert Uganda A2 HQ121559 LAU2 HQ121559
B. truncatus Lake Albert Uganda A3 HQ121560 LAU3 HQ121560
B. truncatus Katosho swamp Tanzania T1 HQ121562 KST1 HQ121562
B. truncatus Lake Albert Uganda BO (Booma) GU176747 LAU4 GU176747
B. truncatus Lake Albert Uganda 1PD (Piida) GU176748 LAU5 GU176748
B. truncatus Lake Albert Uganda TO (Toonya) GU176749 LAU6 GU176749
B. truncatus Nyanguge Tanzania Nyanguge AM286313 NGT AM286313
Bulinus sp. 2 Kisumu Kenya ADC farm AM286297 AFK1 AM286297
B. truncatus Lake Sagara Tanzania T04em43A AM286298 LST AM286298
Abbreviation: UGSB, University of Giessen Systematics and Biodiversity collection
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using Arlequin version [57] by calculating Tajima’s As shown in Fig. 2, despite the complexity or the pres-
D [58] and Fu’s Fs [59]. Under the assumption of selec- ence of cryptic species in GenBank sequences desig-
tive neutrality, Arlequin version was also used for nated as B. globosus, SDMs treated Bulinus specimens
mismatch distribution analysis of pairwise differences from the banks and surrounding marshes, regardless
within and between populations. The relative popula- of the location they were collected, as one species
tion sizes (θ0 and θ1) and relative time since population (MOTU). The specimens from the banks matched only
expansion (τ) were estimated also using Arlequin version with Bulinus sp. T04em43A (GenBank: AM286298) The estimated τ value was used to estimate time from Lake Sagara in Tanzania, and accordingly, SDMs
since expansion using the formula τ= 2 µt, where µ is the placed them under the same MOTU. The phylogeny
mutation rate per site per generation and τ is the time and SDMs from cox1 also identified Bulinus nasutus
since population expansion [60]. In the present study, productus and B. forskalii collected from Lake Mburo-
the substitution rate of 1.22 ± 0.27% per million years Nakivale system within the Lake Victoria basin. Simi-
was applied for the mtDNA (cox1) region [61]. Addition- lar results are shown for cox1 analyses (Additional
ally, a Mantel test for matrix correspondence between file 2: Figure S1)
genetic and geographical distances was performed using
GenAlEx version 6.5. [62] to test the isolation by distance
(IBD). The input matrices for genetic distance were con- Phylogeographical and population analyses
structed in Mega X [63]. Although the phylogeographical analysis of the present
study did not acquire sufficient samples from the Ken-
Results yan side and small islands, in particular, TCS networks
Species identification and phylogenetic relationships supported the phylogenies (Fig.  3) that Lake Victoria is
Both Maximum Likelihood (ML) and Bayesian Infer- dominated by two distinct clades of Bulinus species; spe-
ence (BI) analyses of concatenated genes (cox1 and ITS2) cies occurring in the lake proper and those inhabiting the
generated strongly supported phylogenies that revealed banks and surrounding marshes. However, at the confi-
the presence of two main Bulinus groups in Lake Victo- dence limit of 0.95, the dataset comprising specimens
ria (Fig.  2). Clade I comprised of B. truncatus/tropicus from the banks and marshes represented B. africanus
complex and Clade II contained the B. africanus group group species (A in Fig.  3) while those from the open
Moreover, Clade I exhibited a complex structure that water (lake proper) revealed three separate networks:
corresponded to Bulinus specimens that inhabited open B. truncatus/B. tropicus complex, i.e. B. truncatus (B in
waters and sandy beaches of Lake Victoria. For instance, Fig. 3), B. tropicus (C in Fig. 3) and an undefined species
specimen labelled Sct26922, collected from Nyegezi Bulinus sp. 1 (D in Fig. 3). Bulinus nasutus productus and
on the Tanzanian side of the lake, was found in shallow B. forskalii from Lakes Mburo-Nakivale systems formed
waters near sandy beaches coexisting with a physid spe- separate networks (E and F in Fig. 3, respectively). Similar
cies. Both species delimitation methods (SDMs), PTP to phylogeny and SDMs, TCS analysis revealed a Bulinus
and GMYC, categorised the specimen as a unique molec- specimen collected from Nyegezi in Tanzania (Haplotype
ular operational taxonomic unit (MOTU; Bulinus sp. 1.). 47) as a distinct species (D in Fig. 3). Generally, the TCS
Clade I also contained Bulinus samples collected outside analysis showed that Bulinus species had shared haplo-
the lake albeit within the lake basin i.e. the Lake Mburo- types distributed throughout Lake Victoria, indicating
Nakivale and Nile River ecosystems, denoting that these that these species are not localised in the lake (Fig.  4).
species are not endemic to Lake Victoria. Moreover, Moreover, the TCS analysis corroborated phylogenies
combined phylogenetic and SDMs analyses revealed the and SDMs that specimens sampled from the banks and
presence of B. truncatus and B. tropicus in Lake Victoria, surrounding marshes of Lake Victoria relate to poten-
although B. truncatus are more widely distributed than B. tially undescribed bulinid species, Bulinus sp. T04em43A
tropicus. (GenBank: AM286298) from Lake Sagara, Tanzania and
Novel sequences forming subclade I (SCI, Fig.  2) Bulinus sp. K3.03 (GenBank: AM286297) from Lake Vic-
were isolated from Bulinus specimens collected from toria in Kisumu, Kenya.
the banks and marshes surrounding the lake and The mtDNA loci showed high overall haplotype (h) and
small islands, particularly Bumbire in Tanzania and nucleotide (π) diversity among populations (0.984 and
Mayuge in Uganda. Although these Bulinus speci- 0.071). The population analysis of B. truncatus revealed
mens formed a well-defined and supported clade in 22 haplotypes, out of which 2 haplotypes were shared
both analyses (ML = 100% and BI = 1.0), they did not between sand beaches and river systems (Table 2). On the
intermingle with other species within the clade; they other hand, Bulinus sp. 2 (Clade II) population consisted
formed a definite group of their own (Bulinus sp. 2). of 17 haplotypes and a least one haplotype was shared
Chibwana et al. Parasites Vectors (2020) 13:418 Page 9 of 18

between two habitats i.e. islands, papyrus and water hya- intestinal schistosomiasis [13, 18, 25]. The present study
cinths. Nevertheless, no haplotype was shared among the provides molecular-based evidence on the presence of
three habitats; an indication that haplotypes are specific two Bulinus groups in the lake; B. truncatus/B. tropi-
to habitats. Nucleotide and haplotype diversities were cus occupying the open waters, covering sand beaches,
also high within each habitat (Table 2). stones and submerged rocks, while B. africanus group
The inbreeding coefficients (FST), defined from the dominates the banks, small islands and surrounding
AMOVA, for B. truncatus and Bulinus sp. 2 populations marshes. Although the number of species determined by
were 0.034 (P = 0.045) and 0.064 (P = 0.020) respectively. PTP and GMYC was slightly indecisive, the present study
These FST values demonstrate an apparently low genetic supports previous findings [27, 31, 35–37] that molecu-
differentiation between habitats. Table 2 summarises the lar methods could delineate the monophyletic subclade
genetic variations of the Bulinus in these groups occur- comprising of B. truncatus and its sibling B. tropicus
ring in Lake Victoria. Generally, FST values (0.021–0.023) (Fig. 2), which are morphologically difficult to distinguish
between and within habitats groups were low (Table  2) [17].
indicating that the gene flow among Bulinus species pop- From Mandahl-Barth [64] to present, the taxonomy of
ulations and subpopulations within the Lake Victoria is Bulinus species in Lake Victoria is in scrutiny. Accord-
high. The AMOVA concurs with the haplotype network, ing to Brown [17], four species of Bulinus occur in Lake
in which there was no clear demarcation between the Victoria and the most common are the coexisting diploid
localities where a given specimen was collected and its and tetraploid populations forming the B. truncatus/B.
genetic affiliation with other haplotypes (Figs. 3, 4). tropicus complex that lack an apparent taxonomic
The estimates of Tajima’s D and Fu’s Fs test of Buli- boundary. Other Bulinus material was classified as B.
nus populations from Lake Victoria (i.e. within the lake, trigonus and B. transversalis [64], though Brown [17]
banks and surrounding marshes) were negative and sta- suggested that they might be lacustrine morphs of B.
tistically significant (Table  2), which denotes that the tropicus and B. truncatus. However, the present molec-
Bulinus species in the lake have undergone a recent pop- ular analysis of material from Bumbire Island, the type-
ulation expansion. With a 95% confidence interval (CI), locality for B. transversalis [17], grouped the material
estimates of θ0 and θ1 for Bulinus species indicated that with Bulinus sp. 2, which is regarded by the present study
populations expanded, both demographically and spa- as B. ugandae. Nonetheless, the specimens from the
tially, from a compact to a considerable size (Table  3). island were smaller than those collected from the banks
Using the tau values (τ) of 3.787 and 4 for the B. trunca- and marshes elsewhere. Although potentially topotypic
tus in the open water and Bulinus sp. 2 occurring in the material was collected and a single species only occurred
banks and marshes of Lake Victoria, we roughly estimate there, we cannot conclude that Bulinus sp. 2 is, in fact, B.
the starting time for Bulinus rapid population expan- transversalis. Morphological characteristics of the snails
sion to be between 207,694 (± 107,823) and 464,678 studied here suggest that nowadays the waters around
(± 278,312) years ago (Table 3). the island are rather inhabited by B. ugandae.
There was no significant correlation between genetic Phylogenetic analysis accompanied by SDMs also
and geographical distances within the Bulinus popula- revealed a unique MOTU of Bulinus, Bulinus sp. 2, in
tion (B. truncatus) inhabiting the proper lake (r2 = 0.018, Lake Victoria (Fig.  2, Clade II/Subclade I), which was
P > 0.05) or those (Bulinus sp. 2) from the banks, islands strongly supported as sister to B. globosus in the B. afri-
and marshes (r2 = 0.0038, P > 0.05). Overall all Bulinus canus group. Although our phylogenetic analyses did
samples from Lake Victoria did not exhibit any correla- not find sequences of Bulinus from Lake Victoria in the
tion between genetic variations and distance (r2 = 0.0175, GenBank database to compare with, our sampling is rea-
P > 0.05), indicating the variation in genetic distance is sonable to relate the Bulinus sp. 2 to B. ugandae. In our
mainly due to taxonomic differences as already shown by perusal of the literature regarding genus Bulinus in Lake
both phylogeny and parsimony networks. Victoria, only B. ugandae shares similar features to the
present material. Both Mandahl-Barth [29] and Brown
Discussion [17] while scrutinising the morphological characters of B.
Identity of Bulinus in Lake Victoria and their phylogenetic ugandae, they questioned its taxonomic position in rela-
affinities tion to B. globosus. Loker et  al. [65] also acknowledged
The present study, to our knowledge, is the first to apply the challenging task of separating accurately B. globosus
molecular techniques on the longitudinally surveyed and B. ugandae from the Lake Victoria region. Moreover,
Bulinus species occurring in Lake Victoria. A majority of Mwambungu [32] encountered B. ugandae in the Speke
studies on molluscs in Lake Victoria have been conducted Gulf of the lake on the Tanzanian side and Ngupula &
on Biomphalaria species for their role in the spread of Kayanda [33] found B. ugandae and B. transversalis in
Chibwana et al. Parasites Vectors (2020) 13:418 Page 10 of 18

Fig. 2  The BI phylogenetic tree of Bulinus species with bars, on the right, denoting different species delimitation results, based on the dataset of
concatenated cox1 and ITS2 sequences. Within the phylogeny, nodes supported and shared between BI and ML methods are marked with stars
where support equates to 90–100% (ML) and 0.95–1 (BI). Names in bold are for specimens collected in the present study and the rest have been
retrieved from GenBank: B. truncatus (a); B. tropicus (b); Bulinus sp. 1 (c); Bulinus sp. 2 (d). Locality details are provided in Table 1. Abbreviations: CLI,
Clade I; CLII, Clade II; SCI, Subclade I; SCII, Subclade II. The three-letter abbreviation for countries is also given. Notes: the blue colour represents
different species, while green stands for the same species according to species delimitation methods. The three-letter abbreviations represent
countries: NIG, Nigeria; SAF, South Africa; UGA, Uganda; MLW, Malawi; TZA, Tanzania; CAM, Cameroon; SEN, Senegal; ZNZ, Zanzibar; KEN, Kenya; ANG,
Angola. The information for sequences retrieved from the GenBank is presented in Additional file 1: Table S1
Chibwana et al. Parasites Vectors (2020) 13:418 Page 11 of 18

Fig. 3  Statistical parsimony network of cox1 sequences (connecting limit: 95%) of Bulinus species from Lake Victoria; Bulinus sp. 2 (a), B. truncatus
(b), B. tropicus (c), Bulinus sp. 1 (d), B. nasutus (e) and B. forskalii (f). The size of the circles corresponds to the number of individuals belonging to
the respective haplotype. Mutational steps for the missing haplotypes are presented as small circles, and numbers correspond to the number of
individuals with a given haplotype. Green stands for GenBank material
Chibwana et al. Parasites Vectors (2020) 13:418 Page 12 of 18

ugandae in Lake Victoria. While the separation of B.

ugandae from B. globosus morphologically is paradoxical
[17, 29], most workers used the names interchangeably.
In this analysis, we also found a unique MOTU of Buli-
nus (Bulinus sp. 1) which were collected in the south-
ern part of Lake Victoria at Sweya beach in Nyegezi,
Mwanza. The strong phylogenetic support for Bulinus sp.
1 (BS = 100%, PP = 1.00; Fig. 2) within the B. truncatus/B.
tropicus clade and the separation of B. truncatus and B.
tropicus haplotypic networks (Fig.  3), is a clear indica-
tion that Bulinus sp. 1 is a different species. The closest
match to the cox1 sequences of Bulinus sp. 1 was 97.22%
with B. tropicus (GenBank: KJ157492) from Cameroon
[36]. Morphologically, Bulinus sp. 1 were similar to other
members of the B. truncatus/B. tropicus species complex
except that they were found co-existing with B. tropi-
cus and physids in much shallower water on the mud-
covered sand beach. Given that this species is neither B.
truncatus nor B. tropicus nor B. transversalis (see above),
we remain with B. trigonus as the sole known member
of the B. truncatus/B. tropicus complex for Lake Victo-
ria. More research is, however, needed to decide whether
Bulinus sp. 1 indeed represents B. trigonus.
It is noteworthy that the shallow lake systems west
of Lake Victoria harbour at least two different Bulinus
species (i.e. B. nasutus productus and B. forskalii; see
Figs. 2, 3, 4). Summarizing the current Bulinus diversity
Fig. 4  A map of Lake Victoria showing Bulinus species haplotypes
distribution. Specimen details are provided in Table 1
(Table 4), the Lake Victoria fauna consists of at least four
species: B. truncatus; B. tropicus; Bulinus sp. 1 (B. trigo-
nus?); and B. ugandae (Bulinus sp. 2).
Uganda. A study Opisa et al. [34] also found B. globosus
distributed along the shores of Lake Victoria in Kisumu,
Kenya. The close relatedness of the present specimen Genetic population analysis
and Bulinus sp. (GenBank: AM286297) from Kisumu The genetic variation, analysis of molecular variance
in Kenya [26] further shows a wide distribution of B. (AMOVA), and isolation by distance showed Bulinus

Table 2  Results of genetic diversities, AMOVAs and mismatch distribution for populations of Bulinus spp. in Lake Victoria
Bulinus truncatus Bulinus sp. 2
Mean (n = 29) Lentic sand Lentic stone & River systems Mean (n = 31) Islands (n = 5) Swamp Marshes water
substrate rocks substrate (n = 7) papyrus hyacinth
(n = 14) (n = 8) (n = 15) (n = 11)

Haplotype (h) 22 11 8 5 17 4 10 7
Haplotype 0.978 ± 0.005 0.956 ± 0.0156 1.000 ± 0.022 0.905 ± 0.040 0.940 ± 0.005 0.900 ± 0.016 0.895 ± 0.022 0.909 ± 0.041
diversity (h)
Nucleotide 0.01067 0.01134 0.01014 0.08387 0.00753 0.005 0.010 0.084
diversity (π)
FST (P-value) 0.034 (0.045) 0.014 (0.297) 0.048 (0.072) 0.047 (0.027) 0.064 (0.020) 0.077 (0.081) − 0.016 (0.432) 0.080 (0.000)
Tajima’s D − 0.126 (0.484) − 1.092 (0.144) 0.096 (0.575) 0.618 (0.733) − 1.158 (0.112) − 1.162 (0.058) − 0.606 (0.279) − 0.317 (0.414)
Fu’s FS − 1.735 (0.237) − 2.549 (0.097) − 3.273 (0.022) 0.617 (0.585) − 5.439 (0.014) − 0.445 (0.277) − 2.088 (0.149) 0.644 (0.312)
Note: The ordering of specimens was based on the habitats they were found
Chibwana et al. Parasites Vectors

Table 3  Results of the mismatch distribution analyses for the demographic and spatial expansions of the Bulinus species from Lake Victoria populations and time since expansion
Bulinus truncatus Bulinus sp. 2
(2020) 13:418

Demographic expansion Spatial expansion Demographic expansion Spatial expansion

Lentic sand Lentic stones Lotic habitats Lentic sand Lentic stones Lotic habitats Islands Swamp Marshesa Islands Swamp Marshesa
substrate & rock substrate & rock papyrus papyrus
substrates substrates

SSD (P-value) 0.095 (0.280) 0.079 0.024 (0.160) 0.095 (0.430) 0.069 (0.040) 0.020 (0.600) 0.023 (0.130) 0.087 (0.010) 0.069 (0.170) 0.021 (0.370) 0.059 (0.100) 0.063 (0.410)
(< 0.0001)
RI (P-value) 0.310 (0.280) 0.219 0.073 (0.280) 0.310 (0.510) 0.219 (0.110) 0.073 (0.640) 0.032 (0.450) 0.092 (0.580) 0.213 (0.200) 0.032 (0.680) 0.092 (0.430) 0.213 (0.390)
(< 0.0001)
Theta0/ 0.000 1.900 0.000 0.05589 0.001 0.001 0.000 5.500 1.622 0.010 0.010 1.180
Theta1 16.211 3414.978 34.961 46.951 3414.978 49.882
τ (Cl) 3.469 (2.258- 4.000 (2.822– 5.556 (2.994– 3.233 (1.555- 5.811 (2.309– 5.363 (2.788– 6.277 (3.646– 5.000 (3.555– 5.438 (3.344– 6.121 (3.805– 7.234 (2.901– 5.453 (2.619–
6.211) 7.725) 7.803) 6.146) 7.509) 7.639) 8.352) 13.682) 10.984) 7.578) 8.282) 10.173)
T in years 222,824 256,951 356,946 207,694 373,288 344,497 403,243 321,188 349,293 393,184 464,678 350,287
ΔT in years ± 77,788 ± 75,655 ± 164,610 ± 107,823 ± 224,936 ± 165,400 ± 169,000 ± 92,843 ± 134,498 ± 148,784 ± 278,312 ± 182,033
Abbreviations: SSD, sum of squared deviations; RI, raggedness index; CI, 95% confidence interval; τ, population parameter Tau; T, time since expansion
  Water hyacinth
Page 13 of 18
Chibwana et al. Parasites Vectors (2020) 13:418 Page 14 of 18

species populations in Lake Victoria to be panmictic. nowadays might contribute significantly to the mixing of
The overall ­FST value (0.034) in cox1 was significantly low, populations across the lake and adjacent aquatic ecosys-
which may be explained by high gene flow rates among tems [74]. Even though we found no indication of such
Bulinus populations in Lake Victoria to favour the evo- human effects for the Bulinus populations studied, future
lution of phenotypic plasticity within species [66]. Also, studies employing more sensitive markers should focus
AMOVA produced ­FST values within populations rang- on these potentially confounding factors affecting popu-
ing from 0.00–0.080, meaning Bulinus species in Lake lation structures across the lake. Differential impacts of
Victoria consist of overlapping populations. However, human disturbances on snail existence and abundances
the ranges of genetic differentiation between populations have been demonstrated in the Kenyan part of Lake Vic-
(0.00–0.08) are comparable to previous studies on Buli- toria [75]. Whereas some species might disappear, others,
nus species [67–69], who attributed the variations to self- including intermediate host snails, i.e. pulmonates gener-
fertilization within the populations. Given the size of the ally, might be even favoured by eutrophication processes
lake and high gene flow observed, it can be hypothesized and as such might increase the risks of transmission [75,
that Bulinus species in Lake Victoria could be both cross 76]. The general abundance of pulmonate snails is high
and self-fertilizers. The cross-fertilization and patho- throughout the lake and marsh systems (FC and CA, per-
genesis in the banks and surrounding marshes may be sonal observations). This in concert with reduced preda-
increased due to intrusion of water weeds water hyacinth tor pressure from molluscivorous fishes might account
(Eichhornia crassipes), which are implicated in creating for the comparatively high biomasses of certain gastro-
new habitats for snails [70, 71]. Moreover, our findings pod species including some of the Bulinus spp. There
corroborate Standley et  al. [13] who argued about the is evidence for the roles of habitats in shaping (eco-)
impossibility of sudden demographical events that would morphotypes in the less diverse Biomphalaria in Lake
influence the genetic diversity and population structure Victoria [77]. Such effects remain to be studied in detail
of snail populations in Lake Victoria. for Bulinus, although our results so far indicated a link
Studies in Lake Victoria have shown that, despite between habitat types and genetic diversity.
its large size, it is one of the youngest large lakes in the
African Rift and has existed only 400,000 years ago with Parasitological implications of Bulinus species in Lake
three complete desiccations in between, and the current Victoria
water body was refilled about 14,600 years ago [15]. In Lake Victoria is one of the most well-known hotspots of
contrast, our findings showed the Bulinus populations schistosomiasis worldwide with fishing communities and
in Lake Victoria began spatial and demographic expan- school-aged children reported to be the most infected
sion about 99,700–743,000 years before the present. The demographic groups in the surrounding countries of
explanation may be twofold, (i) the snails colonized the Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda [18–20, 23, 24]. However,
lake from neighbouring aquatic systems during the last a vast majority of reports on schistosomiasis in the lake
refilling and (ii) the lake did not completely dry to reflect and banks have focused on Biomphalaria species and
the 100,000 years of Milankovitch climate forcing cycles their consequential S. mansoni [13, 18, 25]. There are
[10, 15]. Both scenarios could be associated with the low two specific or subspecific forms of Biomphalaria spe-
levels of genetic variation and population structure indi- cies that preserve transmission of schistosomiasis in the
ces at the intrapopulation level within the Bulinus species lake: (i) B. sudanica, mainly found along the shores and
in Lake Victoria [29]. Our results, however, support the surrounding marshes and swamps; and (ii) B. choanom-
scenario that the current biota in Lake Victoria recolo- phala, a more in-depth water inhabitant of Lake Victoria
nized the refilling lake from refugia as argued by Nalugwa (Stanley et al. [18], but see Zhang et al. [25] for a discus-
et al. [72] given that about 100,000 years ago Lake Victo- sion on species identified). The present findings showed
ria probably collected its waters from regions near Lake that two dominant taxa of Bulinus occur in the lake: (i)
Tanganyika [10]. The occurrence of Bulinus species in B. ugandae (Bulinus sp. 2), mainly found along the banks
Lake Sagara in the Ugalla-Malagarasi drainage system and surrounding marshes and swamps in the mainland
in western Tanzania [37] and B. truncatus in Lakes Kivu and islands; and (ii) members of B. truncatus/B. tropicus
and Tanganyika (Katosho swamp) [73], respectively, sim- complex, which are found in open water habitats.
ilar to those found in Lake Victoria, further supports the Although the present study did not test the col-
invasion theory. lected snails for patent and prepatent infections with
Schistosoma spp. or other digenean trematodes, the
Ecological aspects presence of certain Bulinus species in Lake Victoria
Lake Victoria experienced tremendous ecological per- potentially implies the presence of S. haematobium. Both
turbations in the Anthropocene, and human activities B. truncatus/B. tropicus complex, B. africanus and B.
Chibwana et al. Parasites Vectors (2020) 13:418 Page 15 of 18

Table 4  Species diversity of the genus Bulinus in the Lake Victoria basin
Species Occurrence Role as host Reference Present study

B. africanus Near LV in Kenya, Mwanza, Tanzania Main host in South Africa, NW Tanzania Brown [17] Not found
B. globosus Mwanza, LV, Kisumu Southern Africa, Main host in NW Loker et al [65]; Opisa et al [34] Not found
B. forskalii LV not confirmed Brown [17] B. forskalii (not
found in
lake proper)
B. nasutus productus Eastern shore LV Main host in NW Tanzania Brown [17] Mandahl-Barth [14] B. nasutus pro-
ductus (not
found in
lake proper)
B. tropicus Not mentioned before Not known B. tropicus
B. reticulatus Near Kisumu and Mwanza Not known Brown [17]; Loker et al [65] Not found
B. trigonus LV and Lake Edward B. truncatus: main host in NE, W and N Brown [17] B. trigonus?
B. transversalis LV and Victoria Nile Not known Brown [17]; Mandahl-Barth [14] Not found
B. ugandae LV, NW Tanzania Not known Brown [17]; Mandahl-Barth [14] B. ugandae
Notes: Taxa mentioned in the literature, their distribution, assumed or proven roles as intermediate hosts for S. haematobium are provided. Where possible, findings
from the recent study are compared to the previous information
Abbreviation: LV, Lake Victoria

forskalii group members have already been implicated in transmission. Another promising tool in predicting and
the transmission of S. haematobium elsewhere in Africa identifying transmission potential (contamination and
[17, 31, 78]. Bulinus nasutus productus has been known exposure) is the environmental DNA approach [81]. This
to occur around the eastern shore of the lake [33] and has very recently been successfully used for environmen-
was now also found in the west. This species has been tal surveillance of schistosomiasis [82].
shown to be involved in S. haematobium transmission Previous studies on the prevalence of S. mansoni and
[12]. Even if B. tropicus is not known to be an interme- S. haematobium showed the species were partitioned
diate host for Schistosoma species [17], the present find- according to distance from the lake, i.e. S. mansoni
ings are particularly important because hitherto the occurred close to the lake and S. haematobium further
morphological distinction within B. truncatus/B. tropicus on the hinterland [83]. Additionally, the spatial distri-
complex is challenging [17]. Bulinus truncatus is not yet bution of S. haematobium was in line with the pres-
known to be a host in equatorial Africa; however, there ence of streams and ponds [79]. These observations
is potential [17] since it is the main host in the regions imply that intermediate host species of Biomphalaria
up the Nile river (Nile Province of South Sudan) where and Bulinus, the respective intermediate hosts for S.
high prevalences of S. haematobium infections have been mansoni and S. haematobium, likely occur inside and
reported [79]. Bulinus ugandae is apparently not known outside the lake, respectively [18]. Our results, on the
to host S. haematobium but screening for B. globosus other hand, corroborate the previous observations that
should continue in and around Lake Victoria. Given that arrange of Bulinus species are present in the lake and
B. africanus group members are found close by (B. nasus- are confirmed here to be widespread, but their role in
tus and B. forskalii in satellite lakes that are hydrologically S. haematobium transmission remains uncertain. A
connected to Lake Victoria), there is a hidden risk for the widely neglected aspect relates to schistosomiasis as a
prevalence of S. haematobium. Therefore, the occurrence disease of veterinary concern [27]. Bulinus tropicus and
and wide distribution of Bulinus species in Lake Victo- B. ugandae are a well-known host for S. bovis, a para-
ria potentially threaten the health of communities living site extensively infecting livestock [81]. Zoonotic schis-
along the shores and on islands of the lake who depend tosomiasis is currently largely underestimated [84] but
on the lake for their livelihood. This situation is even trig- could be studied in the setting of Lake Victoria in the
gered by the increasing pollution of the lake, which has future. Zoonotic schistosomiasis could be of high con-
recently been demonstrated to worsen the infection risks cern for both livestock and also wildlife existing in the
[80], this is yet another factor complicating the combat adjacent world-famous national parks.
of schistosomiasis in this hotspot [24]. Future studies
should undertake more experimental approaches to snail
Chibwana et al. Parasites Vectors (2020) 13:418 Page 16 of 18

Conclusions his technical assistance in the field. National Councils for Science and Technol-
ogy (Uganda, Kenya) and Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology
This study has reported two major Bulinus groups (COSTECH) are also acknowledged for providing the relevant collection
and at least four species occurring in Lake Victoria, B. permits.
truncatus/B. tropicus complex and B. africanus inhabit-
Authors’ contributions
ing vegetation-free sand and stone beaches, and banks FC and CA conceived the study. FC carried out the sampling in the Tanzanian
and surrounding marshes/papyrus beds on the main- side of Lake Victoria. FC also produced the sequences and performed data
land and islands. These findings reflect previous find- analyses, with the help of AM, IT and AFS. IT and CA collected part of the
material from Kenyan and Ugandan sides, and all authors were involved
ings on Biomphalaria species. Since in this study, we in data interpretation. Figures were produced by FC. All authors critically
did not trace how far deep B. truncatus/B. tropicus reviewed and approved the final manuscript.
complex can occur, we recommend a depth abundance
relationship analysis for Bulinus species be carried out. FC was supported by the Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship for
Our findings also conclude that the assumed B. ugandae postdoctoral researchers. CA gratefully acknowledges support from the Ger-
dominates the banks and surrounding marshes. Bulinus man Research Foundation (DFG).
trigonus might indeed be a separate species whereas the Availability of data and materials
B. transversalis remains to be studied genetically. Fol- All data generated or analysed in the course of this study are included in the
lowing our findings, a parasitological examination of article, its additional files or have been deposited in the University of Giessen
Systematics and Biodiversity (UGSB) repository, which are available upon
Bulinus species around the lake is paramount to under- request. Additionally, newly generated sequences were deposited in the
standing their role in the epidemiology of urogenital GenBank database under the accession numbers MT707360-MT707433 (cox1)
schistosomiasis and its subsequential control. It is also and MT707212-MT707241 (ITS2).
recommended to study in parallel patterns in co-occur- Ethics approval and consent to participate
ring Biomphalaria spp. throughout seasonal cycles and Not applicable.
along environmental gradients.
Consent for publication
Not applicable.
Supplementary information
Supplementary information accompanies this paper at https​://doi. Competing interests
org/10.1186/s1307​1-020-04281​-1. The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Author details
Additional file 1: Table S1. Summary of additional sequence data from  Department of Animal Ecology and Systematics, Justus Liebig University
the crater lakes and other regions retrieved from GenBank with the locali- Giessen, Giessen, Germany. 2 Department of Zoology and Wildlife Conserva-
ties and haplotypes noted. Additionally, the locality, voucher, sequence tion, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
and haplotype information for the Bulinus species from Lake Victoria stud-
ied for the first time herein are also given. Abbreviation: UGSB, University of Received: 28 April 2020 Accepted: 3 August 2020
Giessen Systematics and Biodiversity.
Additional file 2: Figure S1. The BI phylogenetic tree of Bulinus species
with bars, on the right, denoting different species delimitation results,
based on the dataset of concatenated cox1 sequences. Within the
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