Final Research Stepfamilies

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Benitez, Maria Soledad

Binolo, Mary Victorine

Biscocho, Eileen Ivers

Buenviaje, Jesus Jones

Cabral, Andrea Pauline

Dr. Jed C. Tolentino



Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………… 3
Statement of the Problem ………………………………………………………............... 4
Conceptual Framework ……………………………………………………………...…... 6
Theoretical Framework ………………………………………………………………….. 7
Significance of the Study ………………………………………………………............... 8
Scope and Limitation …………………………………………………………………..... 9
Operational and Conceptual Definitions ……………………………………….............. 10


Related Literature ………………………………………………………………………. 12
Related Studies …………………………………………………………………………. 15
Foreign Studies ………………………………………………………………………… 15
Local Studies …………………………………………………………………………… 16
Synthesis ……………………………………………………………………………….. 17


Research Design ………………………………………………………………………... 20
Tradition of Inquiry …………………………………………………………………….. 20
Sample and Sampling Technique ………………………………………………………. 21
Data Collection and Procedures ………………………………………………………... 23

Questionnaire …………………………………………………………………………... 24
Bibliography and Other References ……………………………………………………. 26
Resume …………………………………………………………………………………. 28




A house would feel like home if the family living in it is composed of a father, a mother

and a child/children but when a couple of circumstances came to ruin the family’s

correlation, the fragile relationship shatters into pieces leaving each and every member of

the family wounded inside and they feel like their shoulders were not meant for their

partner to lean on and unfortunately decides to end their vows. But what happens after this

downfall of the family? The children, being the powerless, are the most affected in this

case. Having their families broken and seeing their parents live with another partner, the

only choice that they had was to accept it and be a part of a new unit of the community

called the stepfamily.

Seeing or getting involved within a stepfamily seems to be normal for us, especially

here in our country, the Philippines. The term “stepfamily” may sound so strange for it is

not often used by the society. Stepfamily is also often called as a blended family wherein

either one or both parents include their child/children from the past relationship into a new

relationship and family that they have created. It is usually an outcome of a failed past

relationship which often leads to divorce that causes the increasing number of stepfamilies.

Statistics tell us that more than 45% of the people who get married these days have

been married before. And, more than half of those are the custodial parent of at least one

child. This means that more than seven million children are being involved into

stepfamilies each year. With this, the roles of a failed relationship are often fulfilled by the

new members of the family but having high expectations with the children involved

commonly causes the first downfall of the newly built family.

Blended family may bring individuals together but their relationship should be dealt

accordingly to what each individual needs. The children are the ones who are really

affected with this kind of family. They are required to adjust for the sake of the

relationship’s success. But the biological parents should at least maintain a good

relationship with their children. Since developing a good relationship within the stepfamily

takes a lot of work and time, the research is made to gather data from the people qualified

with the given condition/s and be able to pinpoint the factors that affect their relationship

with one another.

Traditionally, the parents of a blended family would be married, often after a

divorce or death of a previous spouse, but modern blended families may not have married

parents; cohabitant parents can both serve as role models for the children without a

marriage ceremony.

In many cases, the non-biological parent will adopt the other’s children, but not

always. To formalize an adoption, both biological parents except in a case of a death, will

need to approve an adoption. Formalizing an adoption gives the new stepparent legal

authority with the children, including the ability to authorize emergency medical care and

the responsibility to help provide care if the parents’ relationship ends.

The researcher chose the topic in purpose to come up with the idea on how their

relationship goes in their everyday lives. This may have a contribution with regards to other

behavioral studies and psychological studies that may give factors with respect to the topic

of the research. This can also be a justification for the psychological changes that happens

within the family members involved.

While the concept of the step family has been around for centuries, many blended

families were not recognized until the two parents married and agreed to care for the

children together, even if one parent was not biologically related. Today, it is much more

acceptable for the adults in the relationship to live together and raise the children jointly

without the legal commitment of a marriage and adoption.

It is one of the main issues of our society, as well as in Psychology since this may be

included on the factors with regards to behavioral changes. The data should be factual and

well-analyzed to attain the best results for the study.


The study aimed to analyze and determine the experiences of the members within the

stepfamilies. The following questions should be answered throughout the study.

1. What are the factors that affect their relationship with one another?

2. What are the positive and negative effects of being involved in a stepfamily?

3. Are there any psychological changes within the children or the parents?

4. How was their relationship with one another going?

5. Is it fine for them to have a stepfamily?


Input: Process: Output:


members of
Figure 1: “Phenomenological Study Regarding Stepfamilies in Batangas City and their

Relationship with one another”

The conceptual framework of the study uses the input-process-output (IPO) whereas

the input of the study the researchers will find out the qualified individual in Batangas City.

The process is gathering data through interview and analyzation of data and the output of

the study where the researchers want to know the psychological behavior and relationship

within the members of stepfamilies.

Family Systems Theory

A theory introduced by Dr. Murray Bowen, cites how systematic a group of

individual works or the roles of each individual that takes part on a family. Families are

systems of interconnected and interdependent individual. And that a dysfunction on a

family member greatly affects each individual involved in a system.

This will help the researchers determine on how the family behaves on how it differs

from a stepfamily and how the dysfunction of a family member greatly affects the whole.

The formation of step-families

Children in step families have been found to experience more behavioral problems,

higher rates of accidents, more contact with the police, lower self-esteem and early school

leaving than children with two biological parents present (Baker et. al 2000).

This will help the researchers determine the behavior of the children in a stepfamily

and will help us describe the physical and psychological state the child is going through in

the process.

Social Learning Theories

Theories that children learn aggressive responses from observing others from either in

the family or through the media and their wider environment. However, family member's

behavior is the most prominent source of behavior a child acquires, Crick and Dodge


This will help the researchers determine the factors affecting the behavior of the child in a



This study is identified to be beneficial to the following:

Field of Psychology

The study deals with the behavior of each individual within the stepfamily. This may

contribute a lot in the field of Psychology since this may give a factor about the behavioral

changes of at least one of the members of this kind of family.


The community is where the family belongs and this research may contribute a lot on

how the community and the people consisting it can deal with the members of this kind of


University Officials

The study can help the officials on how to handle a student with this kind of case that

affected the individual’s behavior and studies.

Senior High School Department

This study can help the department to acquire the study’s purpose and gain knowledge

about the result of the research.


The output of the study could be a great help to other families to be informed on how

to treat the individuals included in a blended family.


Through this study, the students’ awareness with this kind of family will be awakened

and on how they will act towards the individuals qualified to the study.

Future Researchers

The findings will help them a lot in studying the relationship of the members within a

stepfamily and this study can act as their guide to come up with a better result of their



This study will focus on the status of the relationship within the stepfamilies in

Batangas City using the process of interviewing the specific participants qualified for this

study. Their experiences will be used to help in the establishment of the study's result.

Descriptive methods of research will be used in the study with at least two participating

families. Interview will be the main tool in data gathering and this study will be conducted

during the second semester of the school year 2017-2018.

The researchers found three families and those families were passed in the given

characteristics that the researchers are finding to. Those families are all called stepfamilies

because the members were blended, and those families are valid in the following criteria.

Those families came from the family they have before and found a new one, and decided

to be married and live as their own.


• Ambiguous
(Operational) uncertainty of each member of the family
(Conceptual) open to more than one interpretation
• Biological parents
(Operational) parents who are related to their children by birth or by blood
(Conceptual) real parents or connected be blood
• Cohabitant parents
(Operational) live in partners
(Conceptual) to live together and have a sexual relationship
• Custodial
(Operational) guardian
(Conceptual) guardian
• Downfall
(Operational) failure of the relationship of a family
(Conceptual) something that causes failure
• Failed Relationship
(Operational) when a couple decides to go on their separate paths
(Conceptual) when a couple both decided not to continue their relationship
• Home
(Operational) a unit of community also called as family
(Conceptual) the place (such as a house or apartment) where a person lives
• Mediocre
(Operational) normal teenagers that are involve in a blended family

(Conceptual) only moderate quality
• Stepfamilies
(Operational) often called as a blended family wherein either one or both parents include
their child/ children for the pass relationship into a new relationship and family that they
have created.
(Conceptual) a family that is formed on the remarriage of a divorced or widowed person
and that includes one or more children.
• Systematic
(Operational) went under a method
(Conceptual) using a careful system or method; done according to a system



This chapter presents the related literature and studies after the thorough and in-

depth search done by the researchers to fully understand its connection to the main topic

of this inquiry.


Filipinos are known to be family-oriented and step families are relatively common

in one’s hearing. Yet despite of those, the members of step families, especially the children,

are often criticized just because they are in this kind of situation. The traditional system of

family law is premised on the important assumption that the biologic mother and father

have exclusive relationships with their children. Within this framework, the legal

recognition of stepparent-child relationships calls into question established social and legal

assumptions about the family. Stepfamily members and others seeking a broader legal

definition of the family have frequently encountered stiff resistance, because their position

is viewed as a threat to traditional family values. (Mahoney, 2011)

Jeannette Lofas, Founder and President of the Stepfamily Foundation, Inc. in New

York (2009) teaches that it is not the people in the situation that are the problem but the

dynamics of the situation along with the issues, the differences, the pervasive myths and

the unrealistic expectations of everyone, on top of the lack of information about how to

best meet the extraordinary challenges of living in step families.

Life in a single-parent family often is temporary. According to Jeynes (2007) and

Nicholson et al., (2008), about 60 percent of divorced parents remarry within a few years.

Others cohabit; or share a sexual relationship and a residence with partner outside marriage.

Parent, stepparent, and children form a new family structure called the blended, or

reconstituted, family. For some children, this expanded family network is positive, bringing

greater adult attention. But most have more adjustment problems than children in stable,

first-marriage families.

While parents are likely to approach remarriage and a new family with great joy

and expectation, kids or the new spouse’s kids may not be nearly as excited. Children, most

likely, feel uncertain about the upcoming changes and how those will affect relationships

with their natural parents. Preschool and early school-age children often blame themselves

for a marital breakup and fear that both parents may abandon them (Lansford et al, 2006).

Hence, they are more likely to display both anxious, fearful and angry, defiant reactions

than older children and adolescents with the cognitive maturity to understand that they are

not responsible for their parents’ divorce.

They’ll also be worried about living with new stepsiblings, whom they may not

know well, or worse, ones they may not even like (, 2012)

Furthermore, there are challenges a child will need to overcome in interacting with their

stepsibling. Sibling rivalry is a natural part of a functioning family. As children

participate in a wider range of activities, parents often compare siblings’ traits and

accomplishments. The child who gets less parental affection, more disapproval, or fewer

material resource is likely to be resentful and show poorer adjustment over time. (Dunn,

2004; Tamrouli-Makkink et al., 2004)

Not only interacting with their new stepsibling will need major adapting

relationships but also with new stepparents. Switching to stepparents’ new rules and

expectations can be stressful, and children often regard step relatives as intruders. How

well they adapt, is again, related to the overall quality of family functioning (Herrington &

Kelly, 2002).

This depends on which parent forms a new relationship, the child’s age and sex,

and the complexity of blended family relationships. (Berk, 2013)

Grounded in Darwin’s theory of natural selection, evolutionary theory posits that

the family plays an important role in the survival of individuals (Ingoldsby et al., 2004).

Hofferth and Anderson (2003) used the evolutionary perspective to suggest why biological

parents may have a larger investment in their children than their stepparents.

Life-story interviews were conducted with 40 young adults, aged between 19 and

29 years, living in New Zealand. The participants were from a range of cultural background

and had experienced parental separation/divorce as children or adolescents. Previous

studies have found that the negative effects of divorce can carry through into adulthood

with adult offspring experiencing more mental health problems, difficulty in intimate

relationships and increased rates of divorce; whilst other studies have found that young

adults of divorce function as well as those from non-divorced families. This paper

examines the participants' own views of the impact of parental divorce on themselves and

their lives. Whilst a minority of them were positive about their parents' decision to separate,

the majority of participants considered that they had experienced or were currently

experiencing negative effects related to the divorce and associated events. (Cartwright,


Family traditions rarely work themselves out so there is zero conflict for the newly

formed family. You will not be able to be in two places at the same time. At some point in

time, you may come to a decision that it is important for you as a couple to have your own

traditions and wish to spend that time at home with your own family. Open communication

with your extended families is important if you are changing your involvement in long

established traditions.

There is also evidence that sibling relationships can play a positive part in

stepchildren's adjustment. Young adolescents in a US study of stepfamilies reported their

siblings to be sources of support, influence, and acceptance more frequently than those in

non-stepfamilies.20 The quality of the sibling relationship is, then, the key: an affectionate

supportive sibling relationship can act as a protective factor (S A Graham-Berman, Dunn

Archives of Disease in Childhood 1995; 73: 487-489).


Foreign Studies

Reynolds, “The Presence and Impact of Loss in Stepfamilies, 2015”, this study aimed

to present an ambiguous loss found to be a type of loss experience that creates unclear

family boundaries. This thesis examined and explored the existence of ambiguous loss and

gain in the stepfamily system and how it impacted the child’s role in the family. By

engaging in semi structured interviews with participants, many topics were explored and

many issues were brought out in the open. There were six common themes that emerged

from the data that gave insight into the role ambiguous loss and gain played in the family

system. The results showed that for each participant some form of ambiguous loss and gain

was experienced at some point in time; for some it was a brief moment that dissolved after

any boundary ambiguity was resolved, yet for others it is still experienced in their young

adult lives, perhaps only in a subtler way than before.

Van Zinderen, “The Voice of the Adolescents in Stepfamilies, 2015”, this inquiry

presented the understanding of the adolescents living in stepfamilies by collecting new

information. The objective of the research is to study the experiences of adolescents, 12-

18 years of age, living in stepfamilies. It was a qualitative research and it used thematic

analysis. The participants of that study had diverse backgrounds of how and when their

stepfamily had been formed, how their living arrangements had been taken care of and how

they experienced the stepfamily life overall. The experiences represented positive, negative

and neutral aspects and there was not a clear emphasis on any of them when looking at the

entity of the findings. This said, it must be emphasized that the experiences of the

participants can be seen overall quite ordinary descriptions of family life despite what the

family form is, since the main themes were largely dealt with issues concerning

relationships between family members.

Local Studies

Magpantay et al., “Behavioral Problems and Coping Strategies of Selected

Adolescents Belonging to a Step Family, 2014”, this study aimed to present behavioral

problems that became a devastating dilemma among adolescents. Most of them belong to

a step family. This family stress causes lack of parental support and guidance which results

to adolescents’ emotional and behavioral problems. This leads to disrespectful and

aggressive behavior of adolescents. Mediocre teenagers tend to lie to their parents, thus

making it the most manifested behavioral problem. While, violent behaviors such as trying

to hurt or kill others are not primarily a choice for them. This proves that the present

adolescents did not yet reach the peak of cruelness. However, these behaviors affect the

adolescents’ health, emotional, and social status.

Most of them experienced eating disorders and exhibited poor self-esteem. Because

of having low self-confidence, they are having problem in socialization. Problem in making

friends and keeping friends was the common dilemma in terms of their social status. Due

to their difficult situation, they tend to cope negatively. They still find vices as a solution

to forget their situation for a period of time. Though, there are few adolescents cope

positively by engaging themselves in sports. On the other hand, some of them shared their

insights and gave their best advices to adolescents experiencing the same situation. They

uttered that adolescents must be optimistic. They have to express their emotions in order

for them to lessen their loneliness. Instead of dwelling to negative people, they should

engage themselves to sports or any organizations that will help them to discover their self-

worth. Accepting the reality and their situation will help them to free from emotional

distress. But the most important is to love their selves.

Alvarez et al., “Problems Encountered and Coping of Adolescents Living with

Stepfamily, 2014”, this inquiry showed the problems encountered by the participants with

stepfamily, and their significant differences on the coping of the participants when group

according to each family profile, and significant relationship between problems

encountered and the participants coping.

From the given data of the research, emotional, physical, and social problems were

often encountered by the participants according to the interviewed made. As their coping,

positive reappraisal was the most used by the participants. Since all the values were not

significant, this could be also mean that the participant do not differ on their coping

mechanism to the problems encountered.


The literature and studies are much related to the main topic about the relationship of

stepfamilies, because its content regarding different aspects is much connected to form an

information for seeking the answers as stated in chapter one. This inquiry aims to come up

with the idea of the response on how their relationship goes in their everyday lives. This

may have a contribution with regards to other behavioral studies and psychological studies,

and may give factors with respect to the topic of the research.

Stepfamilies from the reliable related studies, once said that children from stepfamilies

involving psychological behaviors is different, because of such experiences they have

within a blended family. This becomes the dilemma from the children of both their parents,

because of their status being mixed or blended to other families.

Different aspects are being involved from the given studies above. This includes the

emotional, physical, and social problems that are often encountered by the participants

according to the interviewed made.

Family is very important to increase the percentage of lessening the miserableness of

each member of the kinsfolk. Not only being a part of the family is important, but also each

member’s relationship towards his or her mates in a single home.



As indicated in this title, this chapter includes the research methodology of research

and its procedures. In more details, in this part the researchers outlined the research design,

tradition of the inquiry, the sample and sampling technique, and lastly the data collection

and procedures.


The qualitative design using semi-structured one-to-one interview was utilized

for data collection. The author sought in-depth understanding of the perceptions of

stepfamily’s relationship to one another. Following the phenomenological approach,

researchers will go in search for information and answers to understand meaning of the

events in each classified interviewees. Furthermore, the context and answers from the

interviewees are very important to the interpretation of data.


The purpose of this inquiry is to have in- depth insight on how the relationship of

the stepfamily goes in their everyday lives. This research may provide information’s

regarding behavioral and psychological studies that may give factors with respect to the

topic of the research. This can also be a justification for the psychological changes that

happens within the family members involved. In addition, researchers intend to identify

the stepfamily’s emotions and feelings towards each other. Also, the purpose of this inquiry

is to answer such questions given below:

1. What are the factors that affect their relationship with one another?

2. What are the positive and negative effects of being involved in a stepfamily?

3. Are there any psychological changes within the children or the parents?

4. How was their relationship with one another going?

5. Is it fine for them to have a stepfamily?

Many blended families were not recognized until the two parents married and

agreed to care for the children together, even if one parent was not biologically related, and

it is the main goal of the study, to gather a factual data and well-analyzed to attain the best

results of the study about the relationship with one another of the stepfamilies in Batangas



Researchers will use their connections to other people to look for possible participants

of the study. Also, researcher would use the purposive sampling technique. A sample size

of three families will be needed for the pursuit of the implementation of the study.

Participants should have valid characteristics for the said goal of this research and they

must possess the following given criteria: they must be a resident of Batangas City; two

parents come from a family who’s their husband or wife died or been gone to find another

partner; and currently both of them have children. The researchers find the participants


Family A

Both woman and man had a family before. The first woman’s husband died from an

accident, and the first man’s wife left him and went to find another partner. Both of them

had children from their first family. When that woman and man met, they decided to got

married as soon as possible, and both of their children lived along with them.

Family B

The woman had a first family with two children, and she decided to leave her husband

because of financial problems. She found a new partner, and that man was single. They got

married, and the man accepted the two children from the first family of his wife.

Family C

Biological parents separated as they fell out of love. One day, they just started losing

interest about each other even though they had a child. A boy. An only child, just a middle

schooled. This boy has two families-one with his biological father's side and one on his

biological mother's side.

On his biological mother's side, his stepdad had an offspring younger than him, which

means that he has a stepbrother. He gets along well on his younger brother playing with

him, feeding him, and helping hid parents taking care of him. His stepdad bonds with him

by playing with him or going out on little trips with his biological mother. His stepdad can

be strict at times but he is not restricting him to go to his biological father and stepmom.

Having that said, his biological father together with his stepmom is fun too. They bond

with music as it is their common hobby. His bio dad plays guitar while himself and his

stepmom would sing. He has no stepsibling on this side so he would feel all their love they

pour on him.

At times when he got sick, he would be taken care of both blended families. They get

along with each other and they showed love in front of him. If a lot of people with get

exhausted with going back and forth on every family, he gets excited and looks forward to

each day with them.


For the purposes of this research, in-depth interviews were used. In depth

interviews are personal and unstructured interviews, whose aim is to identify participant’s

emotions, feelings, and opinion regarding the relationship of the members of the stepfamily

to each other. The main advantage of personal interviews is that they involve personal and

direct contact between interviewers and interviewees, as well as eliminate non-response

rates, but interviewers need to have developed the necessary skills to successfully carry an

interview (Fisher, 2005, Wilson, 2003).

What is more, unstructured interviews offer flexibility in terms of the flow of the

interview, thereby leaving room for the generation of conclusions that were not initially

meant to be derived regarding a research subject. However, there is the risk that the

interview may deviate from the pre-specified research aims and objects.

As far as data collection tools were concerned, the conduction of the research

involves the use of semi-structured questionnaire, which uses as an interview guide for the

researcher. Some certain questions are prepared, so as for the researcher to guide the

interview towards the satisfaction of research objectives, but additional questions are also

given during the interviews.


1.1 What is your age gap with your stepsiblings?

1.1.1 How does your age gap with your stepsibling affect your relationship?

1.2 How do you think that gender differences affect the relationship with your


1.2.1 How does a gender difference affect your communication with one another?

1.3 What is your perspective on the new family formed?

1.3.1 What are the ways that you did to cope up with your family's situation?

2.1 How did the experience of getting involved in the stepfamily changed your

perspective on how to establish a family?

2.2 How was the bonding time that you have with your new family?

2.3 How did you feel that your family got bigger, this time?

3.1 How did you feel about being involved in a stepfamily?

3.2 What are the struggles with forming a new relationship with your stepparent?

3.3 What are the emotional changes you've experienced ever since you got involved in

this kind of family?

4.1 How was your relationship with your stepsibling?

4.1.1 What are the things that you do to bond with one another?

4.1.2 Now that you have a sibling, do you think that the attention given by your

biological parent included in the blended family, now divided among all of you?

5.1 What are the ways that you did to cope up with the new situation?

5.2 What is your perception about a stepfamily?



Berk, Laura E. (2013), Child Development

Fine, Mark A. (2013), Handbook of Family Theorems: A Content-Based Approach







Love, K. M., & Murdock, T. B. (2004). Attachment to Parents and Psychological Well-

Being: An Examination of Young Adult College Students in Intact Families and

Stepfamilies. Journal of Family Psychology, 18(4), 600-608.

Mahoney, Margaret M., Stepfamilies and the Law (1994). University of Michigan Press,


Claire Cartwright PhD, DipClin, Psych (2008) You Want to Know How It Affected Me?,

Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 44:3-4, 125-143, DOI: 10.1300/J087v44n03_08

Judith M Planitz, Judith A Feeney & Candida C Peterson (2014) Attachment patterns of

young adults in stepfamilies and biological families, Journal of Family Studies, 15:1, 67-

81, DOI: 10.5172/jfs.327.15.1.67

Dunn Archives of Disease in Childhood 1995; 73: 487-489 2018

Regents of the University of Minnesota




1101 B. Bejasa Street, Aplaya, Bauan, Batangas City
Zip Code Number 4201
Contact Number 0950-697-7050 / 0905-468-4713
Email Address [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]


To prevail a job within my chosen field that will challenge me and

allow me to take liberties of my education, skills and past experiences
in a way that is mutually beneficial to both myself and my employer
and allow for future growth and advancement.

Birthday December 21, 2001
Age 15 years old
Place of Birth Aplaya, Bauan, Batangas
Gender Female
Nationality Filipino
Religion Roman Catholic
Height 155 cm
Weight 58.5 kg
Language English and Filipino
Civil Status Single
Social Media Facebook

Mother Mary Ann B. Benitez Contact Number 0949-847-5824

Nationality Filipino Religion Roman Catholic

Father Apollo M. Benitez Contact Number 0927-298-2118

Nationality Filipino Religion Roman Catholic

Secondary Education (Senior High School)

School Batangas State University

Address Rizal Ave. Ext., Batangas City, Batangas
Strand Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

Grade 11 Present
Academic Year August 2017-May 2018

Secondary Education (Junior High School)

School Batangas State University

Address Rizal Ave. Ext., Batangas City, Batangas
Grade Level Grade 7 – Grade 10
Academic Year June 2013 – May 2017

Graduated May 2017

Primary Education (Elementary)

School West Bauan Central School

Address C. Ingco St. 4200 Bauan, Batangas
Grade Level Grade 1
Academic Year June 2007 – March 2008

School Center of Excellence (CENTEX)

Address J.Y Orasa St. Poblacion 3, Bauan, Batangas
Grade Level Grade 2- Grade 6
Academic Year June 2008 – March 2013

Graduated March 2013

Basic Education

School West Bauan Central School

Address C. Ingco St. 4200 Bauan, Batangas
Grade Level Kinder 1 – Kinder 2
Academic Year June 2005 – March 2007

Graduated March 2007


• Kinder 1 (1st honor) - 2006
• Kinder 1 Best in Math
• Kinder 1 Best in Science
• Kinder 1 Best in Filipino
• Kinder 1 Best in English
• Kinder 1 Best in Social Studies
• Kinder 1 Most Responsible
• Kinder 1 Most Punctual
• Kinder 1 Most Honest
• Champion in “Pagtula ng Wikang Filipino” - 2006
• Kinder 2 (1st honor) – 2007
• Star Scout of the year (2006-2007)
• Kinder 2 Best in Math
• Kinder 2 Best in Science
• Kinder 2 Best in Filipino
• Kinder 2 Best in English
• Kinder 2 Best in Social Studies
• Kinder 2 Loyalty Award
• Kinder 2 Most Responsible
• Kinder 2 Most Punctual
• Kinder 2 Most Honest
• Kinder 2 Most Courageous
• Grade 1 Class President
• Grade 1 (1st honor) – 2008
• Grade 1 (Special Award: Best Leader of the Year)
• Grade 1 Model Student
• Grade 1 Best in Math
• Grade 1 Best in Science
• Grade 1 Best in Filipino
• Grade 1 Best in English
• Grade 1 Best in Social Studies
• Grade 1 Best in Music
• Academic Excellence Award
• Co-Curricular Excellence Award
• Champion in Math Quiz Bee (District Level – 2007)
• 2nd place in Math Quiz Bee (Division Level – 2007)
• 9th place in Math Quiz Bee (Regional Level – 2008)
• 2nd place in MTAP Quiz Bee - 2008
• 2nd place in Science Quiz Bee (District Level – 2007)
• 4th place in Science Quiz Bee (Division Level – 2008)
• 7th place in Science Quiz Bee (Regional Level – 2008)
• 3rd place in “Pagtula ng Wikang Filipino” – 2008
• Grade 2 – Rank 8
• Grade 3 – Class Vice President
• Grade 3 – Rank 2
• Grade 4 – Eight Honors
• 6th place in Hekasi Quiz Bee (District Level – 2010)
• Grade 5 – Class Vice President
• Grade 5 – Rank 5
• Grade 6 – Class Vice President
• Grade 6 – Rank 9
• 9th place in Science Investigatory Project – November 2011
• 9th place in Hekasi Quiz Bee (2012)
• Grade 9 Achiever
• Grade 10 Achiever
• Commercial Cooking: NCII Passer (2017)
• Junior High School Completer Batch 2017


• Fast Learner
• Responsible
• Writing
• Independent
• Multilingual
• Baking and Commercial Cooking
• Proficient in playing piano
• Communication Skills
• Leadership Skills
• Physically Fit and Strong
• Active Listener
• Multi-tasking
• Time Management
• Interpersonal
• Creative Thinking
• Critical Thinking
• Behavioral
• Ability to work under pressure and Budgeting


Gwyneth Biscocho Comia
Grade 11 Student
Strand - Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
Sta. Rita, Karsada, Batangas City

Angel Margareth Landicho Reyes

Grade 11 Student
Strand - Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
Sitio Maligaya Cuta, Batangas City

Lyzette Macatangay America

3rd year College Student
Course - Business Management
1101 B. Bejasa Street, Aplaya, Bauan, Batangas

I hereby declare that the information provided is true and correct. I also
understand that any willful dishonesty may render for refusal of this application or
immediate termination of employment.

Maria Soledad Bendanillo Benitez

Pulo Balagtas, Batangas CitY

Contact Number 0950-697-7050 / 0905-468-4713
Email Address [email protected]

Birthday December 28, 2000
Age 16 years old
Place of Birth Golden Gate General Hospital, Batangas City, Philippines
Gender Female
Nationality Filipino
Religion Roman Catholic
Height 5’2”
Weight 108 lbs.
Language English and Filipino
Civil Status Single
Social Media

Mother Emma D. Binolo Occupation Housewife

Nationality Filipino Religion Roman Catholic

Father Adriano G. Binolo Occupation Seaman

Nationality Filipino Religion Roman Catholic


Tertiary Education

School Batangas State University

Address Rizal Ave. Ext., Batangas City, Batangas
Strand Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

Grade 11 Present
Academic Year August 2017-May 2018

Secondary Education

School Batangas State University
Address Rizal Ave. Ext., Batangas City, Batangas
Grade Level Grade 7 – Grade 10
Academic Year S.Y. 2013 - 2017

Graduated May 2017

Primary Education (Elementary)

School Casa Del Bambino Emmanuel Montessori

Address Alangilan, Batangas City
Grade Level Grade 1- Grade 6
Academic Year S.Y. 2005 - 2013

Graduated March 2013

Basic Education

School Balagtas Daycare Center

Address Balagtas, Batangas City
Grade Level Kinder 1 – Kinder 2
Academic Year S.Y. 2003 – 2005

Graduated March 2007


• Achiever – Pre-Elementary to Grade 6

• Silver Medalist, Grade 3
• 2nd Placer- Science Quiz Bee
• Nominee For Model Youth, Grade 6


• Computer Literate
• Fluent In English
• Proficient in playing drums
• Leadership Skills
• Communication Skills


Mr. Jomari Montalbo

Grade 11 Instructor
General Mathematics/ Statistics/ DRRR (STEM)

Ms. Ma. Lourdes Marquez

Grade 11 Intsructor
Philosophy/ Personal Development (STEM)

Ms.Shaina Marie Mendoza

Grade 11 Student
Strand - Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

I hereby declare that the information provided is true and correct. I also
understand that any willful dishonesty may render for refusal of this application or
immediate termination of employment.

Mary Victorine Dalisay Binolo



Banaba West, Batangas City
Contact Number 0930 - 373 - 265
Email Address [email protected]

Birthday September 26, 2000
Age 17 years old
Place of Birth Sta. Clara Ibaba Batangas City
Gender Female
Nationality Filipino
Religion Roman Catholic
Height 5’6”
Weight 49 kg.
Language English and Filipino
Civil Status Single

Mother Marivel M. Biscocho Occupation Housewife

Nationality Filipino Religion Roman Catholic

Father Menandro H. Biscocho Jr. Occupation Pipefitter

Nationality Filipino Religion Roman Catholic

Sibling/s Rose Andrea M. Biscocho

15 years old
Grade 10
Batangas State University


Tertiary Education

School Batangas State University

Address Rizal Ave. Ext., Batangas City, Batangas
Strand Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

Grade 11 Present
Academic Year August 2017-May 2018

Secondary Education

School Batangas State University

Address Rizal Ave. Ext., Batangas City, Batangas
Grade Level Grade 7 – Grade 10
Academic Year S.Y. 2013 - 2017

Graduated May 2017

Primary Education (Elementary)

School Banaba West Elementary School

Grade Level Grade 1- Grade 6

Graduated March 2013


• Graduated with honors (Elementary)

• Journalist of the Year
• Girl Scout of the Year
• Model Student


• Leadership Skills
• Fluent In English


Lilybelle Agon

Edward Biscocho
Sales Clark

Mr. Jomari Montalbo

Grade 11 Instuctor
General Mthematics/Statistics/DRRR (STEM)

I hereby declare that the information provided is true and correct. I also
understand that any willful dishonesty may render for refusal of this application or
immediate termination of employment.

Eileen Ivers Biscocho



1101 B. Bejasa Street, Aplaya, Bauan, Batangas City
Zip Code Number 4201
Contact Number 0950-697-7050 / 0905-468-4713
Email Address [email protected]

[email protected]
[email protected]

Birthday June 11, 2001
Age 16 years old
Place of Birth Aplaya, Bauan, Batangas
Gender Male
Nationality Filipino
Religion Roman Catholic
Height 125 cm
Weight 45.5 kg
Language English and Filipino
Civil Status Single
Social Media Facebook

Mother Marcialita D. Macatangay

Nationality Filipino Religion Roman Catholic

Father Wally Herbert M. Buenviaje

Nationality Filipino Religion Roman Catholic


Secondary Education (Senior High School)

School Batangas State University

Address Rizal Ave. Ext., Batangas City, Batangas
Strand Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

Grade 11 Present
Academic Year August 2017-May 2018

Secondary Education (Junior High School)

School Batangas State University

Address Rizal Ave. Ext., Batangas City, Batangas
Grade Level Grade 7 – Grade 10
Academic Year June 2013 – May 2017

Graduated May 2017

Primary Education (Elementary)

School West Bauan Central School

Address C. Ingco St. 4200 Bauan, Batangas
Grade Level Grade 1- Grade 6
Academic Year June 2007 – March 2013

Graduated March 2013

Basic Education

School West Bauan Central School

Address C. Ingco St. 4200 Bauan, Batangas
Grade Level Kinder 1 – Kinder 2
Academic Year June 2005 – March 2007

Graduated March 2007


• Participated a Poster-Making Contest 3rd Runner-up

• Recognized as a Model Student and awarded an Model Student Award
• Participated a Battle of the Bands Contest 3rd place
• Participated Martial Arts Competition Karate-Do and Arnis Competition
• Certification of Participation on the 20th Jamborette Boy Scout Camp.


• Independents
• Plays Instruments (guitar etc.)
• Communication Skills
• Computer Literate
• Creative Thinking


Leny Fallariasuerte
Romblon City

Mhar Salvador Gamez

Grade 11 Student
Strand - Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

David Jezzrel Ramirez

Grade 11 Student
Strand - Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
#547 Everlasting St. Malitam 2, Batangas City

I hereby declare that the information provided is true and correct. I also
understand that any willful dishonesty may render for refusal of this application or
immediate termination of employment.

Jesus Jones Macatangay Buenviaje

San Isidro Village, San Isidro, Batangas City
Contact Number 092-777-4088-654
Email Address [email protected]

Birthday May 21, 2001
Age 16 years old
Place of Birth Quezon City
Gender Female
Nationality Filipino
Religion Roman Catholic
Height 5’2”
Language English and Filipino
Civil Status Single
Social Media

Mother Jemelyn P. Cabral Occupation Housewife

Nationality Filipino Religion Roman Catholic

Father Apolonio M. Cabral Occupation MIS/IT Manager

Nationality Filipino Religion Roman Catholic

Sibling/s Daverick P. Cabral


Tertiary Education

School Batangas State University

Address Rizal Ave. Ext., Batangas City, Batangas
Strand Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

Grade 11 Present
Academic Year August 2017-May 2018
Secondary Education

School Batangas State University

Address Rizal Ave. Ext., Batangas City, Batangas
Grade Level Grade 7 – Grade 10
Academic Year S.Y. 2013 - 2017

Graduated May 2017

Primary Education (Elementary)

School Princeton Science High School
Address Bolbok Road, Batangas City
Grade Level Grade 1- Grade 6
Academic Year S.Y. 2005 - 2013

Graduated March 2013

Pre- Education

School Mary Mother Help of Christian Learning Center

Address Quezon City
Grade Level Kinder 1 – Kinder 2
Academic Year S.Y. 2004 - 2007

Graduated March 2007


• Consistent First Honoree from S.Y 2004-2009

• Participated at Vocabulary Contest on February 11, 2011
• Participated at Science Contest on February 8, 2012
• Participated at Essay Writing Contest-Filipino Category on February 9,
• Attended at Campus Journalism Seminar in Princeton Science School on
May 2012
• Participated at Essay Writing Contest on August 31, 2012
• Recognized as an Achiever at BatStateU Recognition Day on May 31,
• Recognized having Outstanding Class Performance for 1 st Quarter on
November 3, 2017


• Leadership Skills
• Fluent In English


Ms. Grace Anne Abante

Ms. Dhes Marquez

Mr. Jomari Montalbo

I hereby declare that the information provided is true and correct. I also
understand that any willful dishonesty may render for refusal of this application or
immediate termination of employment.

Andrea Pauline Pangilinan Cabral



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