DLL - March 20 - 24, 2023 (3rd Week 6)

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School Sta.

Rita High School Grade 9

Teaching Dates and Time March 20 - 24, 2023 Quarter THIRD
7:30 AM – 8:30 AM 7:30 AM – 8:30 AM 7:30 AM – 8:30 AM 7:30 AM – 8:30 AM
8:30 AM – 9:30 AM 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM
9:30 AM – 10:30 AM 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of parallelograms and triangle similarity.
B. Performance The learner is able to investigate, analyze, and solve problems involving parallelograms and triangle similarity through appropriate and
Standards accurate representation.
C. Learning Proves theorems on trapezoids and Proves theorems on trapezoids Solves problems involving Solves problems involving
Competencies/Objective kites (M9AL-IIi-1) and kites (M9AL-IIi-1) parallelograms, trapezoid, and parallelograms, trapezoid, and
s 1. Identify the different 1. Identify the different kites(M9GE-IIIe-1) kites(M9GE-IIIe-1)
theorems of the trapezoid. theorems of the kite. 1. Identify the properties 1. Identify the properties
2. Prove the theorems of the 2. Prove the theorems of the and theorems of a and theorems of a
trapezoid. kite. parallelogram. parallelogram.
3. Display attentiveness in 3. Display attentiveness in 2. Solve problems involving 2. Solve problems involving
solving the theorems of the solving the theorems of parallelograms. rectangle, rhombus, and
trapezoid the kite 3. Show critical thinking square.
skills in solving problems 3. 3. Show critical thinking
involving parallelograms skills in solving
problems involving
rectangle, rhombus, and
II. CONTENT Theorems on Trapezoid Theorems on Kite Solving Problems Involving Solving Problems Involving
Parallelograms Special Parallelograms
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages 218 - 219 219 – 220
2. Learner’s Materials 331 - 334 335 – 336 309-344 309-344
3. Textbook pages Grade 9 Mathematics by Gladys C. Grade 9 Mathematics by Gladys C. McDougal Littell Geometry, pp. Empowering Through Math 9,
Nivera, Ph.D. and Minie Rose C. Nivera, Ph.D. and Minie Rose C. 330-355 pp.222-228
Lapinid, Ph. D. page. 304 Lapinid, Ph.D. pages. 315 - 318 E-math 9, 238-268
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resources
B. Other Learning https://mathbitsnotebook.com/ https://socratic.org/questions/ activity sheets, instructional activity sheets, instructional
Resources Geometry/Quadrilaterals/ how-do-you-prove-that-a-shape- materials materials
QDTrapKite.html is-a-kite
A. Reviewing previous Begin with classroom routine: The teacher asks the following The teacher lets the students The teacher lets the students
lesson or presenting the a. P rayer questions to the students to help recall and identify the properties recall and identify the properties
new lesson b. Reminder of the classroom them recall on the previous topic. and theorems on parallelograms and theorems on parallelograms
health and safety protocol by completing the following by answering the activity below
c. C hecking of Attendance 1. What is a trapezoid? statements. with a partner.
d. Quick Kamustahan 2. What are the properties of Parallelogram Property 1
an isosceles trapezoid? In a parallelogram, any two Directions: Complete the
3. What are the conditions of opposite sides are ____________. following statements.
a trapezoid? Pa Parallelogram Property 2 1. A rectangle, rhombus, and
What quadrilateral has two pairs In a parallelogram, any two ________ are all parallelograms.
of congruent and adjacent sides? opposite angles are ___________. 2. A rectangle has four _______
Parallelogram Property 3 angles and a rhombus have four
In a parallelogram, any two ________ sides.
consecutive angles are 3. A __________ is both a
____________. rectangle and a rhombus.
Parallelogram Property 4 4. A parallelogram is a rectangle
The diagonals of a parallelogram if: it has one _____ angle.
___________ each other. its diagonals are ______.
Parallelogram Property 5 5. A parallelogram is a rhombus
A diagonal of a parallelogram if: it’s one pair of consecutive
divides the parallelogram into sides are _________.
two congruent __________. its diagonals are ____________.
one diagonal bisects one pair of
__________ angles.
6. A parallelogram is a square if
it has a right angle and two
_______ adjacent sides.
B. Establishing a The teacher lets the students to The teacher lets the students The teacher lets the students The teacher calls some students
purpose for the lesson prepare the assigned materials supply the appropriate realize that there are a lot of real- to share to the class the answer
(bond paper, pencil, ruler, statement/reason in proving the life situations or problems that for each number and ask the
protractor and compass) last theorem of a trapezoid. can be modelled or solved using students the following guide
meeting. the properties or theorems of a question:
The teacher gives the procedures of parallelogram. And to be able to
the activity. solve these problems easily, one 1. What are the properties of a
1. On a bond paper, draw rectangle must memorize or familiarize the parallelogram? Are these
WXIA where WX=7cm and WA = properties or theorems of a properties also true to that of a
5cm. parallelogram. rectangle, rhombus, and
2. On WX, name a point G 1 cm square?
from the W and another point N 2. What are the theorems on a
1cm from X. rectangle? rhombus? square?
3. Form GA and NI, to illustrate
isosceles trapezoid GAIN.
4. Use a protractor to measure the
four angles of the trapezoid. Record The teacher explains to the
your findings in the table below. students that there are a lot of
5. Draw the diagonals of GAIN. real-life situations or problems
6. Use a ruler to measure the that can be modelled or solved
diagonals. using the properties or theorems
on rectangle, rhombus, and
square. And to be able to solve
these problems easily, one must
The teacher lets the students memorize or familiarize the
supply the appropriate properties and theorems about
statement/reason in proving the the parallelograms, rectangles,
theorem of a trapezoid. rhombus, and square.
C. Presenting The teacher asks the following The teacher tells the students The teacher explains and The teacher explains and
Examples/instances of questions to the students based on that today, kites come in different illustrates how to solve problems illustrates how to solve problems
new lesson the given activity. colors, shapes, and designs. involving parallelograms. The involving parallelograms. He/she
teacher explains the following explains the following steps in
1. What type of quadrilateral is steps: solving each problem:
GAIN? 1. Read and understand the 1. Read and understand the
2. What are the measurements of problem/situation given. problem/situation given.
the sides of the trapezoid? 2. Identify the property/theorem 2. Identify the
3. What do you call to the Trivia for the students: to be used based on the property/theorem to be used
trapezoid whose base angles are A simple kite would look like this! parallelogram given. base on the parallelogram given.
equal? Kites were invented in China. 3. Formulate the equation. 3. Formulate the equation.
4. What two pairs of angles formed They were made of split bamboo 4. Solve the equation. 4. Solve the equation.
are base angles? and silk and were used in the 5. Check your solution/s. 5. Check your solution/s
5. Compare the measure of the military for signaling and
angles in each pair. What did you observation. Illustrative example 1. Find the Quadrilateral LOVE is a
find? value of x and y for which CARE rectangle.
6. Make a conjecture about the The teacher asks the students the is a parallelogram.
measures of the base angles of an following questions: C A 1. Given: m ∠E = (x + 40)°and
isosceles trapezoid. Explain. 1. Do you have a kite? Observe
and describe the shape. m ∠V = (2x - 10)° . Find the
7. Which two pairs of angles are
2. How many pairs of congruent value of x.
opposite each other?
angles are there? 2.  Given: LV = 3x + 1 and EO
3. Are the diagonals congruent? P = 21 – 2x. Find the value of
Perpendicular? Do they intersect x.
at their midpoints?
4. Do the diagonals bisect the E R Quadrilateral ROAD is a
kite’s angles? If so, which ones? rhombus. If m∠ROA = 108°,
1. Given: PA = 5x – 4
PE = 4x 1. m ∠ROB
2. Given: CE = 2x + 3 2. m ∠ORB
RA = 5x -13 3. m ∠ORD

D. Discussing new The teacher asks the students, The teacher asks the student to The teacher lets the students, in
concepts and practicing what are the properties of isosceles describe a kite. groups of three, answer the
new skills #1 trapezoid? following.
The teacher presents the
The teacher asks to the students, properties of a kite using kite 1. If SAME is a rhombus with
what are the conditions for a DEFG. AMS = (9x + 15)° and EMS = (8x
trapezoid? + 17)°, find m ∠ESA.
2. If SAME is a square with AR =
(x+5) cm and MS = (4x – 6) cm,
Find RE.

The teacher calls some students

to show and explain the
solutions of the activity.

E. Discussing new
concepts and practicing
new skills #2
F. Developing mastery The teacher lets the students, in The teacher presents the two
(Leads to Formative groups of five, prove the following theorems related to kite.
Assessment) theorem of the trapezoid. The  Theorem 10: In a kite, the
teacher lets the students choose perpendicular bisector of
the appropriate statement/proof a least one diagonal is the
from the box. other diagonal.
 Theorem 11 : The area of
a kite is half the product
of the length of its
The teacher lets the students, in
groups of five, prove the following
theorem of the kite.
G. Finding Practical The teacher lets the students The teacher lets the students
applications of concepts reflect on the following question: reflect on the following question:
and skills 1. Why do you think many 1. Why do you think there
containers such as many objects that are
tackle boxes, jewelry rectangular in shape?
boxes, and tool boxes,
etc. use parallelograms
in their designs?

H. Making The teacher asks the students, The teacher asks the students, The teacher lets the students The teacher lets the students
generalizations and “What are the three theorems “What are the two theorems summarize the lesson by summarize the lesson by
abstractions about the related to an isosceles trapezoid?” related to kite? answering the following answering the following
lesson questions: questions:
1. What are the steps in solving 1. What are the steps in
problems involving solving problems
parallelograms? involving rectangle,
rhombus, and square?
2. What are the properties of a 2. What are the
parallelogram? properties/theorems of a
rectangle? rhombus?
I. Evaluating Learning Determine the relation exists Read and analyze the problem. Read and analyze the problem.
between each of the following:
1. A table cloth is cut into a 1. A rectangular garden
parallelogram in which has a perimeter of 56 ft.
two opposite angles Its length is 5 ft less
measure (8x – 33)ᵒ and than twice the width.
(5x + 15)ᵒ? Find the What is the area of the
measures of all the garden?
angles. 2. A rhombus with a
perimeter of 60 in has a
1. BC and AD = __________ side with a length of (8x)
2. AB and CD = __________ in

J. Additional activities for

application or
V. REMARKS Continuation: Did not discuss due Continuation: Did not discuss
to the conduct of the Regional Mid- due to the conduct of the Regional
Year Assessment Mid-Year Assessment
A. No. of learners who __ of Learners who earned 80% above __ of Learners who earned 80% above __ of Learners who earned 80% above __ of Learners who earned 80% above

earned 80% on the

formative assessment
B. No. of Learners who ___ of Learners who require additional activities for ___ of Learners who require additional activities for ___ of Learners who require additional activities ___ of Learners who require additional activities
remediation remediation for remediation for remediation
require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial ___Yes ___No
____ of Learners who caught up the lesson
___Yes ___No
____ of Learners who caught up the lesson
___Yes ___No
____ of Learners who caught up the lesson
___Yes ___No
____ of Learners who caught up the lesson
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who ___ of Learners who continue to require remediation ___ of Learners who continue to require ___ of Learners who continue to require ___ of Learners who continue to require
remediation remediation remediation
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well:
___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration
strategies worked well? ___ Games ___ Games ___ Games ___ Games
Why did these work? ___ Power Point Presentation
___ Answering preliminary
___ Power Point Presentation
___ Answering preliminary
___ Power Point Presentation
___ Answering preliminary
___ Power Point Presentation
___ Answering preliminary
activities/exercises activities/exercises activities/exercises activities/exercises
___ Discussion ___ Discussion ___ Discussion ___ Discussion
___ Case Method ___ Case Method ___ Case Method ___ Case Method
___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS)
___ Rereading of Paragraphs/ ___ Rereading of Paragraphs/ ___ Rereading of Paragraphs/ ___ Rereading of Paragraphs/
Poems/Stories Poems/Stories Poems/Stories Poems/Stories
___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction
___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Role Playing/Drama
___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method
___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method
Others: ____________________ Others: ____________________ Others: ___________________ Others: ____________________
Why? Why? Why? Why?
___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs
___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials
___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn
___ Group member’s Cooperation in doing their tasks ___ Group member’s Cooperation in doing their ___ Group member’s Cooperation in doing their ___ Group member’s Cooperation in doing their
Others: ____________________ tasks tasks tasks
Others: ____________________ Others: ___________________ Others: __________________

F. What difficulties did I __

Bullying among learners
Leaners’ behavior/attitude
Bullying among learners
Learners’ behavior/attitude
Bullying among learners
Learners’ behavior/attitude
Bullying among learners
Learners’ behavior/attitude
encounter which my __ Colorful IMs __ Colorful IMs __ Colorful IMs __ Colorful IMs
principal or supervisor __ Unavailable Technology
Equipment (AVR/LCD)
__ Unavailable Technology
Equipment (AVR/LCD)
__ Unavailable Technology
Equipment (AVR/LCD)
__ Unavailable Technology
Equipment (AVR/LCD)
can help me solve? __ Computer Lab __ Computer Lab __ Computer Lab __ Computer Lab
__ Prior knowledge of students __ Prior knowledge of students __ Prior knowledge of students __ Prior knowledge of students
Others: ____________________ Others: ____________________ Others: ___________________ Others: ____________________

G. What innovation or Planned Innovations:

__ Localized Videos/Pictures
Planned Innovations:
__ Localized Videos/Pictures
Planned Innovations:
__ Localized Videos/Pictures
Planned Innovations:
__ Localized Videos/Pictures
localized materials did I __ Making use articles from __ Making use articles from __ Making use articles from __ Making use articles from
use/discover which I views of the locality
__ Recycled materials to be used as Instructional
views of the locality
__ Recycled materials to be used as Instructional
views of the locality
__ Recycled materials to be used as Instructional
views of the locality
__ Recycled materials to be used as Instructional
wish to share with other Materials Materials Materials Materials
teachers? Others: ____________________ Others: ____________________ Others: ___________________ Others: ____________________

Prepared: Checked: Noted:


Teacher I Head Teacher I Principal IV

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