FAQ Rulebook Saga 2022

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Page 9, replace the 2nd and subsequent paragraphs with:

A die roll can be modified up or down during the game (+1 or
-2 for example). All results modified to less than 1 count as a 1,
while any result of 6 or more counts as a 6. Note that you could
get results of more than 6 in a previous version of the rules, so
you’ll occasionally see game effects that say “6 or more”. Finally,
when the result of a die is referenced, it’s always the result AFTER

FAQ 2022
modifiers have been applied, not the “natural” roll of the die.
These rules don’t apply to Saga dice, which can be re-rolled as
many times as desired and never have any numerical modifiers

Page 9, add a new section:


When one of your game effects is limited to X instances (“send 3

units to hell” for example), you can always limit yourself to fewer
instances. In our example, you could decide to only consign 2
units to infernal carbonisation. Note however that this does not
The Basics apply to a rule or Saga ability that says “All”. In this case, all means,
well “All”. So if a rule states that you activates all your units, you
activate all of them. In ludo-scientific jargon, we summarise this
RE-ROLLS as: those “who can do more, can do less”.

La phase d’ordre
A player can only re-roll his own dice, never those of an opponent.
So, any ability that allows you to re-roll dice means that you can
re-roll your own dice, never force the opponent to re-roll any of
his own dice. An ability that forces an opponent to re-roll dice PLACING SAGA DICE New
would explicitly state that.
Page 12, add a new paragraph at the end of the section:
WIDTH OF THE MEASURING STICKS On the other hand, if you started the turn with dice on the ability
When the width of the measuring sticks is important (as it can and you trigger it during the Orders phase, it’s possible for you to
be the case with some Saga abilities), the width is considered as activate it again immediately. The rule is simple: each ability can
being 1’’ wide (2,5cm). only be activated once per turn, and only triggered once per turn.


It is important to note that in Saga when a sentence says “a Page 14, replace the first sentence of the penultimate paragraph with:
unit must be within X” or “a unit must be at X ”, it is X or less. For During the Activation phase, you trigger Activation abilities one
example, when a unit must be within L of a terrain zone, it can be after another until you want to stop or you have no more abilities
anywhere as long as it is at L or less of that zone. This applies to to unleash.
all distances from Saga. Being “within X” means “at X or less than
X”. And “within” is inclusive, so being exactly at “X” qualifies at
“being at X”.
For a unit to be at or within “X” it is sufficient that only one of
its figurines is at “X” or less than “X”. The only exception to this
is during deployments. If a unit is to be deployed “within X” it is
understood that it must be fully deployed “within X” (i.e. with all
its figures fully within X or less).

Page 8, replace the 3rd paragraph with:
Secondly, no figure in the unit can be more than S away from the
FAQ SAGA Rulebook • december 2022

unit’s reference figure (who you choose and who you can change
at will during the game). Mounted units have a wider formation
radius of M - see Mounts, p.39. All of them must therefore fit
within an imaginary circle centred on the reference figure you
choose for the check. This can be a different figure each time you
need to check this rule. The circle has a radius of S, or M if the unit
is mounted.
Movement Charge
During a movement (charge, movement or other) a model is Page 20, replace the whole section with:
considered as occupying at any time the entire surface of its base.
At the moment when a unit is activated to charge, and before
Therefore, it will not be able to pass over an impassable element if part
moving the charging unit’s figures, you must tell your opponent
of its movement causes its base to overlap an impassable element.
clearly which unit you are targeting. “I’m charging that unit of
It is the player’s responsibility to ensure that the unit’s cohesion warriors” is acceptable, but we recommend a bit more gusto so
is respected at the end of movement or charge. If the movement as to attract the favour of the gods. You can choose any enemy
or charge has started and it appears that cohesion cannot be unit. A unit can only charge a single enemy unit - there are no
respected, the figures return to their initial position, and the exceptions to this rule! Of course, you can’t declare a charge
movement or charge is cancelled. Players should ensure that against an enemy unit that isn’t within charge range.
the final position of the unit is legal before all figures have been
Once the target has been pointed out, give your opponent a
moved. This can generally be checked even before the first
chance to trigger any Activation/Reaction Saga abilities - you’ll
miniature has been moved.
see what these abilities are further on in the rules. That done, it’s
time to move your figures! Follow the steps below in order:
 hoose one of the figures in your unit. This will be your unit’s
Page 16, replace the 2nd bullet with : reference figure during this charge. Unlike moving, when you
Two cohesion checks must be made once all the figures in the can freely choose your reference figure when checking the unit
unit have moved. Firstly, all the figures must be part of a chain is in formation, charging forces you to use the first figure you
with a maximum of VS between two figures. Secondly, all the move as your reference figure.
figures must be within S of the reference figure. You choose •P
 lace the measuring stick that matches their charge distance
this figure from among the figures in the unit, and it’s just used in base contact with them and move the model along the stick
to determine whether a unit is in cohesion. It can be a different until they’re in base contact with at least one model of your
figure each time the unit moves. For more details, refer to the choice from the target unit (that they can reach). You may never
Formations paragraph on page 8. bend the ruler: the figure must move in a straight line. At no
point may the figure cross impassable terrain or be in contact
Page 17, add a new sidebar: with any enemy figures except those in the target unit. The
figure can freely pass through figures in their own unit during
A base that isn’t round can only change its facing at the end of its • I f this move doesn’t allow the figure to make contact with any
move. In real terms, what this means is that between its starting models from the target unit, the charge activation is cancelled
position and the end of its move (before it reorients itself), you (see Cancelled Activation, p. 31). This usually happens when the
need to be able to trace a corridor that follows the movement opponent uses the unit’s fatigue to reduce its charge distance,
rules on page 16 - like, for example, not crossing friendly figures if some spiteful game effect moves its figures between the
who aren’t part of its unit. At the end of its move, you can reorient declaration of your charge and this step, or if the unit targeted by
the base however you please. Keep in mind that no part of the the charge can no longer be reached for any reason whatsoever.
base can move further than the unit’s maximum movement
distance. •O
 nce this charge move has been made, choose another figure
and move it according to the rules above. It must end this move
within VS of another figure in its unit which has already moved,
and within S (or M for a mounted unit) of the first figure to be
If a unit has increased movement beyond L, for example L+S, the moved.
rules governing movement are the same as for two rulers. Thus,
• I f, while following the rules above, the figure can come into base
a unit using two rulers of M and one of C will be able to bend its
contact with a figure from the enemy unit, it must do so.
movement twice: once between each ruler.
• I f a figure can’t end its charge in base contact with an enemy
figure, it moves as far as possible towards any figure in the
charged unit while obeying the rules above (ending its move
within VS of another figure in the unit, and within S - or M - of
the first figure to be moved).
 figure can never move further than their charge distance.
 his process is repeated for each figure in the charging unit.
Once the charge movement has been resolved, a melee
FAQ SAGA Rulebook • december 2022

immediately follows between the two units in contact with each

other (see Melee, p. 26).

Shooting Page 25, add a new section:


Some speical rules or game effects resolve a shooting attack
The line of sight is blocked when crossing the second time the without any actual shooting unit, like a shower of meteors or a
edge of a single area terrain. So your line of sight can cross the sudden explosion of subterranean gases. The rule or game effect
edge of the area you’re into, and cross another edge (like a wood will indicate the target and the number of bonus attack dice that
were the target is located). the shooting attack is granted. Your combat pool consists of only
these bonus attack dice. You won’t be able to gain extra dice with
COMBAT POOL Saga abilities but you’ll be able to roll all these dice, even if you
started the shooting with an empty pool.
At the end of the step 1 of the Shooting, you may have up to 8
Attack Dice in your pool. During step 2, you can gain extra attack
dice, but at before rolling them during step 3, you must ensure
that you do not have more than twice the number you had at
the end of step 1. The same applies to melee, except that the
threshold at the end of step 1 is 16 dice rather than 8.Resolving By default, any unit without special equipment or rules that
a shooting. prevent it from closing ranks can choose this option. It is not
necessary to consider the action of reducing the number of
Any fire that resolves without activating a unit is covered by the
attack dice to gain a defence benefit (the hard cover) too literally,
3rd paragraph of the first column on page 22 (“Note that Saga
abilities...”). it can be a defensive posture, or an attitude that promotes
preservation at the expense of aggression. So even animals can
Such shots do not require a line of sight to the target, and have no
close ranks!
range restrictions. Since no units are activated, when the combat
pool is assembled, only the bonus attack dice of the effect that
generated the fire are added to the combat pool. STEP 2: ASSEMBLING THE COMBAT POOL New
Replace the 6th paragraph with:
Next, add any bonus attack dice granted by any applicable Saga
Page 23 replace the last four paragraphs with : abilities or special rules. Therse bonus attack dice can’t exceed
either the attack dice generated by your unit (so bonus attack
Once this is done, add any bonus attack dice granted by any
dice can, at most, double the unit’s attack dice), nor the number
applicable Saga abilities or special rules. These bonus attack dice
of figures in your unit (so you can’t gain more bonus attack dice
can’t exceed either the number of attack dice generated by your
than your unit has figures). The Presence special rule has no
unit (so bonus attack dice can double the unit’s attack dice at
effect on this count. Special rules and Saga abilities can also give
most), nor the number of figures in your unit - so you can’t gain
bonus defence dice. This is the moment when each player takes
more bonus attack dice than your unit has figures. The Presence
these dice to keep in front of them.
special rule has no effect on this count.
If the shooting attack was generated by a special rule or a Saga WITHDRAWAL New
ability rather than originating with a unit, you can add all its
bonus dice to your pool even though it contained no dice. Special Page 28, replace the last paragraph with:
rules and Saga abilities can also grant the defender bonus If it’s impossible for the unit to withdraw while following the rules
defence dice. This is also when the defending player takes these above, the opposing unit must withdraw instead. However, this unit
dice and puts them in front of themselves. Generally, a game doesn’t need to move a full S. Instead, it must move the minimum
effect producing a shooting attack will only provide bonus attack to no longer have any figures in contact with the enemy unit.
dice since there’s no shooting unit to generate dice. In this case,
your pool is made up solely of bonus dice.
If the combat pool exceeds eight dice, remove any excess. A unit
can only ever have a maximum of 8d6 in their combat pool at the
start of a shooting attack. We call this pool of dice the starting
combat pool.

Page 25, add a new paragraph between the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs:
To count as entirely in cover, the entirety of ALL the bases of ALL
the figures in the defender’s unit must be inside an area that grants
cover - Saga brooks no messing about when it comes to cover!
FAQ SAGA Rulebook • december 2022

Rest and fatigue As soon as the Hero is the only figure in their unit, the unit ceases
to be a heroic unit and instead becomes a normal Hero unit who
can use the Bodyguards special rule as usual.
A Hero can never leave their heroic unit.
Page 30, add a new paragraph between the 7th and 8th paragraphs:
When measuring this radius of S, use the position of the figures COMPOSITE BOWS New
before the casualties that eliminated the unit are removed. For
Page 37, replace the whole section with:
example, if a unit of 3 figures took 3 casualties all at once, any friendly
unit within S of any one of those 3 figures would take a fatigue. Composite bows are ranged weapons with a range of M. A unit
with composite bows reduces its Armour by -1 in melee combat,
REST (PAGE 31) and can never close ranks. Only mounted figures (whatever
they’re riding) can use them. A unit using composite bows has
Some game effects or saga ability allow a unit to remove 2 or the following advantages.
more fatigues instead of one during a Rest. It is important to note
that these abilities are resolved even if the unit has only one (or •
During its owner’s Activation phase, a unit equipped with
even zero) fatigue. Thus, an ability that says “Activate all your composite bows can be activated to shoot for free. This can be
units for rest, they each remove 2 fatigues during this activation” done as many times as the rules below allow.
may be resolved even if some units have only one fatigue and • The shooting Activations of a unit equipped with composite
some others none. bows don’t generate fatigue, regardless of the activation’s
The same rule applies to a play effect that would remove fatigue origin (special rule, basic Saga ability, or advanced Saga ability).
(out of a Rest activation). Thus, it would resolve itself even if it • A unit equipped with composite bows can never resolve two
is not possible to remove all the fatigue indicated by the effect. consecutive shooting activations in the same turn. Once a unit

Terrain with composite bows has resolved a shooting activation, it must

resolve another type of activation (like moving or charging) to
be able to activate to shoot again. A cancelled activation does
DANGEROUS TERRAIN not count as a resolved activation.
Note that dangerous terrain does not count as uneven terrain for
Saga abilities. It has the same effect on movement and charges JAVELINS New
distance, but only terrain with the “uneven” classification in the Page 39, replace the whole rule wih:
terrain table on page 48 counts as such.
Javelins are ranged weapons with a range of M. A unit equipped
with javelins has -1 Armour during hand-to-hand combat (their
Special rules Armour value against shooting attacks is unchanged). They can
never close ranks.

WE OBEY A unit equipped with javelins has the two following advantages.

The Warlord cannot activate himself with this rule. It should be • During the resolution of a melee, they get a +1 to their attack
able to activate any other unit. dice if they charged. This bonus doesn’t apply if the opponent
has solid cover, whether that cover comes from the terrain
they’re in, a special rule, or the decision to close ranks.
• Once during each of their player’s Activation phases, a unit
Page 36, add at the end of this section:
equipped with javelins can be activated to shoot for free. This
In addition, a unit suffering a casualty via the Bodyguards can’t use activation generates no fatigue.
this rule in turn - even if it has it! In other words, it’s impossible to
make casualties suffered via Bodyguards special rule “bounce off”. MOUNTS: HORSES New
Page 39, replace the last bullet with:
The formation distance of units mounted on horses is M rather
Page 36, replace this section with :
than S. This means that during the initial deployment, and after
A heroic unit counts as a Hero unit and benefits from all the special a movement or a charge, all models must end within M of the
rules for the Hero in the unit. The only exception is the Bodyguards reference figure, and not within S as would be the case with foot
rule, which can’t be used until the Hero is the last figure in the unit. models.
Any special rules held by the figures accompanying the Hero are
ignored. The heroic unit generates as many Saga dice as its Hero,
while the figures escorting it are simply ignored for this calculation.
To determine the number of figures in this unit, the Hero counts as
Saga Abilities
FAQ SAGA Rulebook • december 2022

4 figures if they have the Presence special rule. The other figures
are added to this initial number. In regards to Saga abilities, a
heroic unit counts as a Hero unit. The Hero in a heroic unit is always Page 41, add at the end of the second bullet:
the last figure removed as a casualty. If they have to be removed as
With a charge or a shooting attack you declare the target of the
a casualty to avoid breaking unit cohesion or to avoid breaking a
charge or the shooting when you resolve the activation of the unit.
rule, the Hero is swapped with one of the other figures in the unit
and that figure is removed as a casualty instead.
IMPORTANT NOTES New Clah of warlords New
Page 42, add two new bullets: Page 49, replace last 4 paragraphs with:
• Who Can Do More, Can Do Less: When an ability has a maximum When deploying a unit, you must follow the rules on cohesion (no
numerical effect like “gain 2 dice” or “target 3 units”, you can figure more than S -or M-from reference figure, and each figure
always choose to reduce the ability’s effect. Note however that must deploy within VS of another figure already on the board).
if an ability says “gain 3 apples, and your opponent gets as many
Method A: Each player deploys their units entirely between S and
apples as you”, you can reduce how many apples you get, but your
L away from their board edge.
opponent will get exactly as many apples to munch on as you.
Method B: Divide the table in half by tracing an imaginary line
• Sometimes, a Saga ability has two separate effects. Its
between two diagonally opposite corners of the first player’s
components may be linked, like in “Remove a fatigue from the
choice. Each player must deploy their units in the zone which
target to gain 3 attack dice”, or “Remove a fatigue from the
includes their table edge. All units must deploy entirely between
target. Then, gain 3 attack dice”. In this case, the second effect
M and L away from the centre line.
- gaining the attack dice - depends on the first being resolved. If
the ability says “Remove a fatigue from your unit. Gain 3 attack Method C: Both players deploy their units across the width of the
dice”, then the elements are separate, and gaining attack dice table, entirely between M and L + M away from the short table
doesn’t depend on removing the fatigue. That means you can edge to the right of their table edge. No figures can be deployed
gain the dice without removing any fatigue. You must always within M of any table edge.
resolve an ability’s effects in the order they appear.
Page 49, replace the first paragraph of the special rules with:
Before the start of the first turn, the second player rolls 3 Saga
Assembling a Warband dice and puts them on their board. They can’t trigger any Saga
abilities, but they start the game with a few carefully placed dice,
which will let them go head-to-head with their opponent.
Page 49, replace the “Dawn” entry of the special rule chart with:
Page 47, add this new section:
Dawn: During each player’s first turn, no-one can shoot or charge
After having assembled the figures for your warband and before
more than M.
organising them into units, you can choose one of the exchanges
below: Page 49, replace the “Old Grudge” entry of the special rule chart with:
• Remove 2 Hearthguards from your warband to replace them Old Grudge: During each player’s first turn, each unit’s first
with 4 Warriors or 6 Levies. activation is free.
• Remove 4 Warriors from your warband to replace them with Page 49, replace the 6th bullet with:
2 Hearthguards or 6 Levies.
Each enemy mercenary unit reduced to at least half its starting
• Remove 6 Levies from your warband to replace them with figures is worth an additional
2 Hearthguards or 4 Warriors.
1 point, which is added to the points scored by eliminating the
You can only make a single swap of this kind. Figures whose troop figures in the unit. If the unit is completely destroyed, they’re
type isn’t Hearthguard, Warrior, or Levy can’t be used in this type worth an additional 2 points instead.
of swap.

FAQ SAGA Rulebook • december 2022

Thanks to the community for the feedbacks. Special thanks to Andy Lyon, to the Northern Tempest Saga Podcast
and to the Rodge Rules Youtube Channel and their Saga Throsday show.
Huge thank you to John «Ducat» Fry for his incredible help, support and friendship.

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