Roa vs. Collector - Case Digest
Roa vs. Collector - Case Digest
Roa vs. Collector - Case Digest
Whether or not Roa is considered a citizen of the Philippines.
Yes, Roa is a citizen of the Philippines. Since Philippines at that time was
ceded to the United States, the allegiance of native inhabitants was transferred from
Spain to US, thus the principle of citizenship of US must be applied in the case at bar
since Spanish laws were deemed abrogated. In US, the predominating principle is
jus soji or citizenship by place of birth. The rule in US in case of widows was that
she ipso facto reacquired the nationality of the country of her birth as she was living
and never left that country. The nationality of the appellant having followed that of
his mother, he was therefore a citizen of the Philippine Islands on July 1, 1902, and
never having expatriated himself, he still remains a citizen of this country.