Navigation 2: Research 3 2 Sem. 2021
Navigation 2: Research 3 2 Sem. 2021
Navigation 2: Research 3 2 Sem. 2021
Terrestrial and Coastal Navigation 1
Research 3
2 Sem. 2021
First Semester
2nd Semester S.Y. 2021
Learning Outcomes……………………………………………………..04
Topic 1 – Introduction…………………………………...……...05
Laboratory Instruction…………………………………………..23
Subject matter After the end of this lesson, the student shall
be able to:
For the first-year students of the BSMT program it is not necessary that the
mathematical principles used in the construction of the various types of chart
projections be introduced this early in their study of navigation. The mathematical
calculations employed in the construction of charts are the of the cartographers
(chart makers). It is sufficient that the student is made aware that there are various
types of chart projections and that there are several kinds od charts used. In actual
avigation work, the navigator does not concern himself on how his chart is
constructed but rather he is more concerned how to used the chart, and interpret
correctly the signs and symbols printed on it. An average navigator can quite safely
navigate his ship without a deep knowledge of the techniques of chart contruction
and projection.
One of the main functions of a nautical chart is to find from it, or lay off there on, the
ship’s position and course. Many methods of position fixing are based on
geometrical principles, so in order that these principles and methods may be
understood it is desirable that a navigator should have a good working knowledge of
the fundamentals of geometry.
This chapter will cover only the basic information that are to be taken from a chart.
Charts are representation of portions of the earth’s surface. They are printed
specifically for the use of the navigator in order that it may present to him in a
comprehensive form the trend of the coastline, position of lights, important head
hands, rocks, shoals, depth of water, direction of tidal streams, channels and all
other information essential for the safe navigation of a vessel in navigable waters.
A map is representation of some part of the earth’s surface that shows political
boundaries, physical features, cities and towns, and other geographic information. A
chart is also a representation of a portion of the earth’s surface, but has been
specially designed for use in navigation.
Charts may be classified into groups according to the purpose they serve and
according to the specifications of the chart makers. Two major chart manufacturers
in the world, the British Admiralty (BA) Charts of Britain and the Defense Mapping
Agency Hydrographic/Topographic Center (DMAHTC) of the U.S., have classified
the charts into the following:
1. Ocean Charts (BA) or Sailing Charts (DMAHTC). These charts are small-scale
charts. That means a long distance of the Earth’s surface is represented by a
comparatively short distance on the chart. These charts are used mainly for deep
– sea navigation and for this reason, its coastal details such as rocks, shoals that
are lining the shores are not depicted.
2. General Charts (DMAHTC) are intended for use in coastwise navigation outside
of outlying reefs and shoals when the vessel is generally within sight of land or
aids to navigation and his course can be directed by piloting.
3. Coastal Charts (BA and DMAHTC). Coastal charts are large – scale charts used
when navigating in close proximity to the coast. Many details of the coast is
depicted such as nature of the coastline, position and characteristics of lights,
radio telegraph stations, towers and beacons, and other prominent features
which are observable from the bridge of the ship and which may aid the
navigator. Depths of water, current and tidal information, positions of rocks,
shoals and buoys and other floating aids to navigation, are also depicted.
4. Plan Charts (BA), Harbor Charts (DMAHTC). These are very large scale charts
on which are depicted detailed information of small areas such as harbors, river
estuaries, etc.
5. Miscellaneous Charts. In this group are included all charts which are not involved
in the other three classes. These include gnomonic charts for facilitating great
circle sailings variation charts, route charts, weather charts, etc.
The transfer of information from the sphere to the flat surface of the chart should be
accomplished with as little distortion as possible in the shape and size of land and
water areas, the angular relation of position, the distance between points, and other
more technical properties. Each of the different projections is superior to others in
one or more of these qualities but none is superior in all characteristics. In all
projections, as the area covered by the chart is decreased, the distortion diminishes
and the difference between various types of projection lessens.
A sufficient knowledge of the “how” and “why” of chart construction will help the
student in understanding and using nautical charts.
Generally, the types of projection used in chart construction are the following:
1. Mercator projection
2. Polyconic projection
3. Lambert conformal projection
4. Gnomonic projection
Actually, the chart is developed mathematically to allow for the known shape of the
earth, which is not quite a true sphere. The meridians appear as straight, vertical
lines. Here we have our first example of distortion: the meridians no longer
converge, but are now shown as being parallel to each other. This changes the
representation of the shape of island or continents by stretching out their dimensions
in an East – West direction.
To minimize the distortion of shape which is one of the qualities that must be
preserved as much as possible, there must be a “stretching-out” of dimensions in a
North-South direction. This north-south stretching results in the increase in the
spacing of the parallels of latitude.
as the Island of Borneo which is situated at the equator when in actual fact the land
area of Borneo is about seven times the land area of Iceland. Similarly, Greenland
appears to be larger than South America, although it is actually only one-ninth (1/9)
as large as the continent.
However, a great circle, the shortest distance between two points on the earth’s
surface, is a curved line in a Mercator chart. Great circle distances and directions
cannot be readily determined without first plotting the great circle on a gnomonic
chart and transferring points along the line to the Mercator chart.
The scale of a Mercator chart will vary with the distance away from the equator as a
result of the North-South (N-S) expansion. The change in scale with latitude
becomes bigger and bigger as the N-S expansion approaches the poles. The
meridians cannot be extended al the way to the pole because the pole has been
already stretched all the way to infinity. As a result, most Mercator projections extend
no farther from the equator than about 70o, and very rarely beyond 80o.
2. Polyconic Projections are developed onto a series of cones tangent to the earth.
It is termed polyconic because it uses separate cones for each parallel of latitude
(see Figure 3). The vertex of the cone is at the point where a tangent to the earth
at the specified latitude intersects the earth’s axis as extended.
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Figure 3 – Development of a Polyconic Projection
The polyconic projection introduces little distortion in shape and relative sizes are
more correctly preserved than in the Mercator projection. The scale is correct along
any parallel and along the central meridian of the projection. Along other meridians,
the scale increases with increases with increased difference in longitude from the
central meridian.
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The parallels of latitude appear as non-concentric arcs of circles and meridians as
curved lines converging toward the pole, concaved towards the central meridian (see
Figure 4). This, type of projection is not so widely used in marine navigation.
The polyconic projection avoids some of these distortions but only because it
uses a series of cones.
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If the spacing of the parallels is altered so that the distortion is the same along
them as long the meridians, the projection becomes conformal, that is, the
angular relationships are correctly represented. This is known as the Lambert
Conformal Projection. It is the most widely used conic projection, although its use
is more common among aviators than marine navigators.
Radio bearings, from signals which are considered to travel great circle paths,
can be plotted on a Lambert Conformal Chart without the correction needed
when using a Mercator Chart. This feature has made this projection popular for
aeronautical charts since airplanes make much use of radio aids to navigation.
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Distortion is great, but this projection is used in special cases because of its
unique advantage-great circles appear as straight lines, which of course is not so
with the other projections.
A special case of gnomonic chart projection occurs when the geographic pole is
selected as the point of tangency. In this case, all meridians will appear as
straight lines and the parallels as concentric circles. The result is a chart that is
used in the polar regions where ordinary Mercator charts cannot be used.
Gnomonic charts are most often used for planning a great circle track between
two points. Points along the determined track known as waypoints are then
transferred to a Mercator chart like the one you can see in figure 7. The great
circle is then followed by following the rhumb line from one waypoint to the next.
The advent of computers have made the of Gnomonic charts because computer
programs which automatically calculate great circles routes between points can
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provide the latitude and longitude of corresponding rhumb line without the
necessity of using the Gnomonic chart.
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Most of the charts of the world that are displayed in the school library as well as
in public and private offices are in the Mercator projection. The Mercator chart
fulfills the two main requirements of navigational chart which are:
1. Rhumb lines, lines that cut all meridians at equal angles should be
represented as straight lines, so that courses may be drawn easily.
2. Angles, such as course angles, should not be distorted.
Navigators often use this kind of chart as it is suited to their special requirements,
because it shows all rhumb lines, including the equator, parallels of latitude and
meridians as straight lines.
As stated before, the Mercator chart, in spite of its many advantages has also
some defects, some of which are:
1. It cannot be used in the polar regions.
2. Every latitude has a different scale of distance.
3. Great circle arcs, except arcs of the equator or meridians, are drawn as
curved lines.
Comparison between the Mercator Chart and Gnomonic Chart.
Mercator Chart Gnomonic Chart
Meridians Appear as vertical, straight Appear as straight lines
lines converging toward the
nearer pole.
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Salient features of the Mercator Chart:
1. Both meridians and parallels are expanded at the same ratio with increased
latitude. The expansion is the same in all directions.
2. If the latitude is small, distances can be measured directly on the chart.
3. Small areas appear in their true size and shape near the equator. However,
areas located in higher latitudes appear large because of the expansion of the
parallels and meridians but still conform to their original shape.
4. The scale of longitude is constant.
5. The scale of latitude varies, increasing towards the poles.
The scale of a chart is defined as the ratio of a distance unit on the chart to the
actual distance on the surface of the earth. Because it is ratio, it does not matter
what size the unit is, or in what system it I measured. For example, a scale of
1:50,000 means that one unit (inch, food, meter, etc.) on the chart represents
50,000 of such units on the earth.
Scales on charts may be expressed in various ways, such as:
1. Natural or fractional scale. This is a simple ratio or fraction. For example,
1:200,000 or 1/200,000 (see Figure 8)
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2. Numerical or equivalent scales. This is a scale that is stated in descripted
terms or a statement that a given distance on the earth equals a given
measure on the chart or vice versa. For example, “20 miles to the inch”
means that 1 inch on the chart represents 20 miles of the earth’s surface.
Similarly, “2 inches to a mile” indicates that 2 inches on the chart represent 1
mile on the earth’s surface. On a Mercator chart, sometimes it is stated that
“1” of longitude equals 1.25 inches. The scale is stated in this form because
the spacing between meridians is the one constant on a Mercator projection.
3. Graphic scale. This is a line or bar that may be drawn at a convenient place
on the chart and subdivided into nautical miles, kilometers, yards, meters, etc.
(see Figure 9).
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The terms “large scale” and “small scale” are often confusing. For example, if a
chart has a scale of 1:100,000 it would seem that it has a larger scale than one
with a scale of 1:50,000. But remember that these scales can also be written in a
fractional form 1/100,000 or 1/50,000 and the larger the denominator of a
fraction, the smaller is the quantity.
At a scale of 1:100,000, one nautical mile is only 0.73 inch in length on the chart;
at 1:50,000. It is 1.46 inches – which is twice as long.
There is on the definition for the terms “large scale charts” and “small scale
charts”. These two terms are only relative, meaning a chart at a scale of 1:50,000
is a large-scale chart compared to a chart at a scale of 1:100,000. Similarly, a
chart at 1:100,000 is a large-scale chart compared to a chart at 1:500,000.
To summarize, remember that small scale charts cover larger areas large-scale
charts cover small areas.
The latitude scale and the longitude scale refer to the graduated meridians and
the graduated parallels that are found in the four borders of chart. The scale of
latitude is found at the left and right borders of the chart and the scale of
longitude is found at the top and between borders. This may seem a little bit
confusing to a person who are not accustomed to using charts.
Just remember that the scale of latitude is graduated along a meridian and the
scale of longitude Is graduated along a parallel of latitude.
The graduated meridians and parallels are divided into degrees and minutes of
arc and in large-scale charts, even the minute are further subdivided.
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As mentioned in 2.4, charts are issued by many various agencies, such as the
Defense Mapping Agency Hydrographic/Topographic Center (DMAHTC) of the
USA, the National Ocean Service (NOS) also of the United States, British
Admiralty (BA), or Canadian Hydrographic Service of Canada and others.
The Charts issued by each of these many various agencies have their own
distinct systems of classifying their charts. So, it is the obligation of every marine
officer to study thoroughly the chart that he is using who issued the chart (BA or
DMAHTC. etc.) what system is used (English or metric) and other details.
The charts published by the National Ocean Service of the United States are
classified according to their scale. The scales of nautical chart range from about
1:2,500 to about 1:5,000,000. These charts are classified into the following
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Learning Activity #3
Directions: Answer the following depending on what the question is looking for.
Essay: Explain Briefly by your own words, do not copy answer from your batch
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2. Describe the Mercator chart and state the advantages and disadvantages from
the navigator’s point of view? (10 pts.)
Use plotting sheet, compass divider, 2 triangles, and pencil to plot the following
coordinates. (30 pts)
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5. Lat 13o 33’ 15” N
Long 120o 47’ 30” E
What time the ship arrived in the last coordinate with the speed of 12 knots.
Time : ?
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Reference: Terrestrial Navigation I – Eugenio J. Ynion
Approved by:
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