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Basic trems
* chart * map *plane *Mercator projection chart * rhumb line *gnomonic chart *great circle= orthodromic
curve *rhumb line course *hyperbolic graticule *prominent features *chart datum * variation *track *rhumb
line track *great circle track *oblique angle *right/acute/obtuse angle *loxodromic curve *plotting *great
circle sailing *straight line *Hydrographic Institute *nautical publications *Sailing Directions *Notices to
Mariners *Tide Table-s *Distance Tables *List of Lights *Nautical Almanac *Pilots *electronic chart *ecdis
(electronic chart display system) * navigational equipment * map data *plotting chart/sheet *scale *graticule:
lattice *compass rose *position line * navigational tools: triangle, parallel ruler, plotter, protractor, divider =
compasses, nautical computer

A chart is a representation on a plane surface of an area of a spherical surface (the Earth) used
for navigational purposes. In general terms, two types of charts are produced for use, a
straight-forward navigational chart, on a Mercator or equivalent projection, in which rhumb
line courses appear as straight lines, and gnomonic charts, on which great circle bearings
appear as straight lines in general navigation terms, ships steaming from one place to another
across the sea steer rhumb line courses; charts on the gnomonic projection are used when
wireless and direction-finding bearings, which travel in great circles, need to be plotted. A
modern development, following the wide introduction of radio aids to navigation such as
Decca, Loran, etc., is the combination of these two charts into one by the superimposition of
hyperbolic graticules in colour on the navigational detail of the ordinary chart. A chart is
essentially a map of a sea area, showing on it any coastlines, rocks, ete., within the area
covered, the position of buoys, lighthouses, and other prominent features, the characteristics
of all lights, and depths of water below the chart datum. A compass rose on every chart
shows the direction and annual rate of increase or decrease of variation.

Mercator Projection: Great Circles Appear as Curves

Gnomonic Projection: Great Circles Appear Straight

A rhumb line intersects all meridians at the same angle. On a plane surface and over
relatively short distances, where the curvature of the Earth is negligible, a rhumb is used for
plotting a ship's course. Over longer distances at sea, and especially Ocean passages, great
circle sailing provides a more direct course. Because of the importance of rhumb-line sailing,
the principal requirement of a navigator in relation to his chart is that it should be constructed
on a projection on which rhumb lines are projected as straight lines. Such a chart is the
Mercator chart which is based on the Mercator projection.
In addition to the Admiralty or any national sea charts each ship must carry a number of
publications such as Sailing Directions, updated Notices to Mariners, Tide tables, List of
Lights, List of Radio Signals, Nautical Almanac, Pilots, etc. IMO and some of the world's
most advanced shipping companies have approved the application of electronic charts.
Modern ships have conventional paper seacharts illuminated from beneath by a light point
controlled by the ship's own navigational equipment to show the ship's position at all times.
Now seacharts are combined with radar and electronic colour charts will integrate map data
with the ship's radar creating a detailed picture. To this end IMO has approved the electronic
chart display system (ecdis) consisting of the electronic navigational chart (ENC) as a data
file and the electronic chart display equipment.
A plotting chart (or sheet) is an outline chart on a specific scale and Mercator projection,
usually showing a graticule and compass rose. It is used as all aids to a standard nautical
chart, on which a navigator plots position lines obtained from astronomical observations. In
the Decca, Loran-C or Omega plotting chart it is over-printed with a lattice of a hyperbolic
radio navigation system.
The standard navigational tools are the triangle, parallel rulers, protractor, divider or
compasses, nautical computer or calculator, etc.
A. Comprehension & vocabulary

A.1 State which terms from the Basic terms are described below:
1.__________: a line on the charted surface of the sea that cuts all meridians at a constant
angle that is other than a right angle.
2.__________: sea level used in connection with the water soundings on a chart.
3.__________: angle between magnetic and true meridians at any given position.
4.__________: a rhumb line on the surface of the Earth.
5.__________: a network made on a chart by lines of latitude and longitude or by hyperbolae.
6.__________: a circle of the sphere whose plane passes the centre of the sphere.
7.__________: sailing between two positions when the route is along a great circle.
8.__________: a sheet of plain or squared paper on which a navigator draws position lines
obtained from astronomical observations.
9.__________: graduated circles on a chart indicating the direction of true and magnetic
North and angular values from these points.
10.__________: a line on a chart drawn through all positions at which a ship may be situated.

A.2 Complete the following sentences (see the reading text):

1. Do the rhumb lines in the Mercator projection appear as __________?
2. On gnomonic charts straight lines represent the __________
3. Gnomonic charts are used when _________
4. Decca and Loran charts are a combination of the Mercator and the gnomonic chart in
which the hyperbolic graticules are superimposed on ________
5. A sea chart shows __________
6. A compass rose shows __________
7. A rhumb line intersects _________
8. Loxodromic curves are _________
9. Along with a set of seacharts a ship also carries a number of publications such as
10. In the near future electronic colour charts will integrate ________
11. The plotting chart is used as an aid on which ________
12. Decca or Omega plotting charts are overprinted with ________

A.3 Give full forms for the following sea chart abbreviations:
1.G __________
2. B __________
3.Cr __________
4. pk __________
5. Str __________
6. Pass __________
7. Thoro __________
8. Chan __________
9. Entr __________
10. Est __________
11. Mth __________
12. Anch __________
13. Hbr __________
14. P __________
15 . I __________
16. Pen __________
17. C __________
18. Pt __________
19. Rk __________

B. Grammar

B.1 Supply the right form of the verb in brackets:

Electronic charts
The trend towards the introduction of electronic charts (accelerate) 1.__________ within
recent years. A modern nautical chart (originate) 2.__________ from a map (show)
3.__________ shorelines, depth contours, shoals, rocks, and other dangers, and a growing
mass of information about currents, tides, harbours etc. Many people (not agree)
4.__________ and see the use of electronic charts as running parallel with the use of paper
Electronic charts (use) 5.__________ for main routes only, and only after shipowners and
authorities (become) 6.__________ convinced of the need. At the first stage the information
from the radio-navigation aids such as Loran and radar (integrate) 7.__________ and
(display) 8.__________on the screen combined perhaps with the addition of some coastline
information and navigational way points. Probably the most important advantage of a
seachart (be) 9.__________ to display the position of the ship on the chart and (maintain)
10.__________ a continuous plot (include) 11.__________ the full accuracy of any navaid in
use. So, the navigator (be able) 12.__________ to see at a glance where he (be)
13.__________ without (have) 14.__________ to plot a fix. It (be) 15.__________,
however, hard to believe that the navigator (give up) 16.__________ his paper chart easily.

B.2 Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of the stressed syllable:
·chart · plane · surface · navigational · Mercator · rhumb · straight · gnnmonic · circle
bearing · radio · aids · Loran · Decca · hyperbolic · graticule · feature · datum· compass
· annual · variation · line · meridian · oblique · angle · loxodromic · negligible · passage
· provide· publication · almanac · nautical · pilots · company· equipment · radar
·integrate · display ·file · navigator · astronomical · lattice · triangle

C. Writing skills
C.1 Find and underline the sentences in the reading text which provide answers to the
questions below:

1. What are the two types of charts used in navigation?

2. On what courses do ships steer when crossing the seas or oceans?
3. When are gnomonic charts used?
4. What is shown on a sea chart?
5. What does the compass rose show?
6. What are the loxodromic curves?
7. Why is great circle sailing better over long distances at sea?
8. Where are rhumb lines projected as straight lines?
9. Which publications are carried on each ship?
10. What are the most recent developments in making sea charts?
11. What are the map data integrated with?
12. What is a plotting chart?

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