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Nueva Ecija High School - SHS


Automatic Hand Soap Dispenser with Timer using

Arduino Nano and Ultrasonic Sensor

An Investigatory Project Presented to

The Faculty of Nueva Ecija High School - Senior High School

Cabanatuan City

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements in Academic Track - Science, Technology,

Engineering & Mathematics (STEM)







Second Semester SY 2020-2021

Nueva Ecija High School - SHS


The researchers would like to extend their most heartfelt gratitude to the people who

made it possible for them to accomplish this project despite the current circumstances

brought about by the pandemic.

To our beloved parents and family members, for their never-ending support and

motivation they gave us and for helping us in assembling the parts of the device. We are

grateful for their moral and financial support that enabled us to finish our project on time.

To our project advisers, Mrs. Miradel Bautista and Mrs. Evangeline Gonzales for

guiding us, from the proposal stage of our project up to the time it was finished. We would

like to thank them for the wisdom they imparted to us regarding communication and

teamwork strategies that were essential for the completion of our goals.

To Mr. Angelo Libed of ABM 12 C for sharing his insights about the programming

and hardware of the device that helped us in troubleshooting the problems that arose during

the data gathering phase.

Above all, to our Almighty God who gave us the strength, patience, and wisdom that

we needed for the success of this research.

L. S. R.

D. M. D.L. M.

R. B. A.

N. G. E.

J. C. B. L.


Nueva Ecija High School - SHS


This project, titled “Automatic Hand Soap Dispenser with Timer using Arduino Nano

and Ultrasonic Sensor”, aimed to minimize surface contact when washing hands and to

provide a guide for the recommended duration of hand washing.

The device was programmed using the Arduino IDE. Other components used were the

electrical relay, DC pump, and the LEDs and buzzer for the timer. It was tested for

effectiveness, duration of the cycle, amount of liquid dispensed, sensitivity of the ultrasonic

sensor, response time of the pump, response time of the timer, and accuracy of the timer. The

device was found to be 100% effective in delivering its function. The following are the

calculated values for the percent error of each parameter: 1.45% for the duration of the cycle,

18.67% for the amount of liquid dispensed, 6.47% for the sensitivity of the ultrasonic sensor,

8.27% for the response time of the pump, 16,73% for the response time of the time, and

0.28% for the accuracy of the timer.

ANOVA was used to determine if there is a significant difference among the obtained

values. The results showed that there is no significant difference among the obtained values

for every parameter.

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Title Page i

Acknowledgement ii

Abstract iii

Table of Contents iv

List of Figures vi

List of Tables vii



Statement of the Problem 4

Hypotheses 4

Significance of the Study 5

Scope and Limitation 6

Definition of Terms 6




Gathering of the Materials 17

Set-up of Arduino Nano 17

Set-up of Ultrasonic Sensor 19

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Set-up of DC Pump Motor 19

Set-up of LEDs and buzzer 19

Combining codes 20

Construction of the Device 20

Testing of Device 20

Data Gathering 22

Statistical Analysis 22




Summary 34

Conclusions 35

Recommendations 38



Appendix A. Materials 42

Appendix B. Construction of the Device 43

Appendix C. Testing of the Device 45

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1 Schematic Diagram 15

2 Conceptual Framework 16

3 Codes of Arduino 18

4 Arduino Nano 42

5 Ultrasonic Sensor 42

6 DC Pump 42

7 Electrical Relay 42

8 LEDs 42

9 Buzzer 42

10 Battery Holder 42

11 Laying out the Components 43

12 Soldering and Connecting the Components 43

13 Finalized Circuit without the Pump 43

14 Physical Appearance of the Device 44

15 Initial Testing of the Device 45

16 Measuring the Amount of Liquid Dispensed 45

17 Measuring the Sensitivity of the Ultrasonic Sensor 45

18 Testing of Time-related Parameters 46

19 Checking of Serial Monitor Feed 46

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1 Price and Quantity of the Main Components 24

2 Effectivity and Duration of Cycle 25

3 Amount of Liquid Dispensed 26

4 Sensitivity of the Ultrasonic Sensor 27

5 Response Time of the Pump 28

6 Response Time of the Timer 29

7 Accuracy of the Timer 29

8 ANOVA for Duration of the Cycle 30

9 ANOVA for Amount of Liquid Dispensed 31

10 ANOVA for Sensitivity of the Ultrasonic Sensor 31

11 ANOVA for Response Time of the Pump 32

12 ANOVA for Response Time of the Timer 32

13 ANOVA for Accuracy of the Timer 33

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According to O'Horo (2020), SARS-CoV-2 or Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

is a newly identified coronavirus that is likely begun as a zoonotic virus that mutated or

otherwise evolved in ways that it can be obtained by humans. The outbreak of the virus

started in China and on March 11, 2020, the virus spread throughout the world and was

labeled as a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). The virus is recorded to be

transmitted through person-to-person close contact of respiratory droplets. Although,

according to CDC (2020), Coronavirus is transmitted far more frequently through respiratory

droplets but it can be also transmitted through contact with infected surfaces.

Out of all the numerous ways and tools for maintaining cleanliness and good hygiene,

proper handwashing is far better and it needs to be taken seriously especially with the current

situation in the Philippines where COVID-19 spreads rapidly through hand-to-hand contact.

According to McIntosh et. al (2020), COVID-19 can possibly be transmitted when the

infected hands of a person touches the mucous membranes such as the nose, eyes, and mouth.

Compliance to hand hygiene is one essential component to prevent and control

infection (Buxton, 2019). It includes hand washing (with plain soap), hygienic hand washing

(with medicated soap), and hygienic hand rubbing (with antiseptic solutions) (Akuoko, 2019).

Moreover, according to Lee (2016), one of the most important ways to avoid infections is

hand washing with soap and water. In the study of Brassard (2012), Center of Disease

Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests that it is essential to wash hands at least 20 to 30

seconds and make sure to wash the back of the hands, wrists and between fingers. Hand

washing is also one of the most cost-effective public health measures in reducing the spread

of infectious diseases around the world.

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Hand washing is highly crucial before and after touching with body fluids or wounds

of a sick person; after using the toilet, changing diapers, or assisting a child with toileting,

after coughing, sneezing, or blowing one’s nose, after touching animals, their food or waste,

and before and during the preparation of food (Lee, 2016). However, a typical bathroom

faucet contains over a million microorganisms including virus and bacteria for a person to

acquire (Bianchi et al., 2013).

Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs) pose a significant threat to the healthcare

system that results in significant deaths, morbidity, and other economic consequences all over

the world (Akuoko, 2019). In the study of Tong et al. (2016), there are significant numbers

of bacteria living on the surface in the environment for disease transmission causing

infections to the patients and health care workers through hands.

Based on the study conducted by Ikechukwu et. al (2014), the World Health

Organization (WHO) said that proper hand washing procedures contributed to the decreasing

occurrence of diseases such as trachoma, pneumonia, scabies, skin and eye infection, as well

as cholera and dysentery. Moreover, as stated by the US CDC from the study of Meadows &

Le Saux (2004), hand washing has been reported to be an effective way of preventing the

spread of infections.

Furthermore, from the study of Adzam (2012), Kartha stated that in order to achieve

good health, regular hand washing should be followed but most of the people perceive it as

pointless and a waste of time to put your effort into. In a study conducted by Tambekar &

Shirsat (2009), WaterAid proposed that common cold and gastrointestinal illnesses like

diarrhea are some of the countless number of infectious diseases that usually disperse by

means of hand-to-hand contact.

Nueva Ecija High School - SHS

Meanwhile, the findings from the study of Babu (2020) states that robot interference

was found to be successful in increasing levels of hand washing with soap. Automated hand

washing also limits the surface contact to limit the transfer of microorganisms.

Currently, automatic hand soap dispensers can only be seen in malls and private

establishments. These can also be expensive and not fit for household use. It also does not

solve the problem of people not washing their hands correctly. According to a 2013 study,

(Borchgrevink, Cha & Kim) only 5% of people wash their hands properly after going to the

toilet. This poses a health risk as the remaining germs on their hands can proliferate and may

infect them or other people.

In line with this, the researchers aimed to create a device that automatically dispenses

soap and provides a timer that reminds the user how much time is left for them to finish

washing their hands. This was to improve on the current model of automatic hand soap

dispensers that can be bought online by adding more functions and making it cheaper.

This also used more affordable parts than that of the design of the Techatronic

Youtube Channel that used an Arduino Uno board, and two micro servo motors. Instead, the

current research project utilized an Arduino Nano board, DC Pump, LEDs and a buzzer as

signals for the timer. The design was also more compact and reusable instead of the

components being attached to the dispenser bottle.

Overall, the current research created a device that minimizes surface contact through

an automatic hand soap dispenser with a timer that ensures that the suggested hand washing

duration is followed.

Nueva Ecija High School - SHS

Statement of the Problem

Generally, this study aimed to construct an automatic hand soap dispenser with a

timer to limit the spread of germs and to ensure proper hand washing.

Specifically, it sought answers to the following questions:

1. How may the automatic hand soap dispenser with a timer be constructed?

2. How may the efficiency of the device be described in terms of:

a. Cost

b. Physical appearance

c. Function

3. How may the effectiveness of the device be described in terms of:

a. Duration of the cycle

b. Amount of liquid dispensed

c. Sensitivity of the ultrasonic sensor

d. Response time of the pump

e. Response time of the timer

f. Accuracy of the timer

4. Is there a significant difference among the obtained values for the duration of the

cycle, amount of liquid dispensed, sensitivity of the ultrasonic sensor, response time

of the pump, response time of the timer, and accuracy of the timer.

Hypotheses of the Study

The following are the hypotheses of the study:

1. There is no significant difference among the obtained values for the duration of the


Nueva Ecija High School - SHS

2. There is no significant difference among the obtained values for the amount of liquid


3. There is no significant difference among the obtained values for the sensitivity of the

ultrasonic sensor.

4. There is no significant difference among the obtained values for the response time of

the pump.

5. There is no significant difference among the obtained values for the response time of

the timer.

6. There is no significant difference among the obtained values for the accuracy of the


Significance of the Study

The results of the study will be beneficial to the following:

Community. The device will help people in the community to learn about the proper hand

washing and will aid them in doing so by providing a guide for the suggested hand washing


Health Sector. The minimized surface contact and proper hand washing protocol will help

lower the spread of germs and thereby the infection rates that may send people to the hospital.

The Authorities. There would be less contact tracing for people that go to the restroom since

the spread of the virus is minimized due to less surface contact.

Future Researchers. This will help future researchers that may conduct similar studies or

would want to improve on the design of the current project.

Nueva Ecija High School - SHS

Scope and Limitation

The study aimed to construct an Automatic Hand Soap Dispenser with Timer that will

minimize surface contact and will help people observe the recommended 20- to 30-second

hand washing duration. The device was tested for the duration of the cycle, amount of liquid

dispensed, sensitivity of the ultrasonic sensor, response time of the pump, response time of

the timer, and accuracy of the timer. The liquid soap used for the testing is from a foam

handwash that has a non-viscous consistency; viscous liquids were not tested on this device.

The materials used for the study were bought from DEECO Electronics in Cabanatuan City

and from online shops in Shopee and Lazada. The program of the device was written and

executed during May 2021.

Definition of Terms
Arduino Nano - a microcontroller with an ATmega328P microchip, 6-20 input voltage, 14

digital input/output (I/O) pins, 8 analog input pins, 32 kB flash memory, clock speed of 16

MHz, microUSB connection and a reset button

Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 - a device that detects an object and measures its distance by

emitting ultrasonic sound waves that reflects back from the object it hits and is converted by

the device into an electrical signal

Direct Current (DC) Pump - a component that uses direct current to move fluids, for this

device the DC pump used runs on three to six volts

Electrical Relay - it is a component that is used to turn an AC or DC component on or off

based on digital signals that it receives from a source, in this case, the Arduino Nano; the

model used for this device is SRD-05VDC-SL-C.

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Software - written programs that are used by the microcontroller to control the hardware

components connected to it

Hardware - physical components that are connected to the microcontroller and can be

controlled using a program

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This section contains information from previous studies that are related to the current


Arduino System

Arduino is an open-source platform for hardware and software. It makes use of a

microcontroller board where the user connects hardware components. The microcontroller

board serves as the brain of the system where programs can be uploaded using a USB cable.

This comes with an Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE) where the user can

write codes that will be used to control the hardware connected to the board. (Opensource,


Compared to other microcontrollers such as the Intel 8051, Arduino has a larger flash

memory, random access memory (RAM), and an electrically erasable read only memory

(EEPROM). Programs can also be easily uploaded to Arduino boards through a USB cable

compared to other microcontrollers that need a separate programmer. Arduino is popular

among students and hobbyists due to its intuitive programming aided by an IDE that makes it

easier for a layman to understand. Arduino also has a larger development community which

makes it easier for beginners to improve their skills. (Projects, 2019)

Arduino boards come in different types and sizes depending on its use for the project.

Some of these are Arduino Uno (R3), Arduino Nano, Arduino Mega (R3), Arduino Leonardo

and Lilypad Arduino. Nevertheless, most of the boards contain digital pins, analog pins,

voltage input and output, a reset button and a port where you can upload the program.

(Sparkfun, n.d.)

Nueva Ecija High School - SHS

For this project, an Arduino Nano board will be used. Arduino Uno will only be used

for computer simulations of the code. They basically have the same features, except Arduino

Nano is smaller and has more pins while Arduino Uno is more ideal for projects that use

shields. According to a Technoprenuer article from 2018 (Aqeel), the Arduino Nano board

has 14 digital pins, eight analog pins, two reset pins and six power pins. It has 32 kB flash

memory, clock speed of 16 MHz and a microUSB port.

Additionally, there are devices called sensors and shields that perform specific

functions that can be connected to the board. Sensors are inputs that can detect different

things such as distance for proximity sensors, smoke sensors and humidity sensors.

Meanwhile, shields are modular circuit boards that can be connected directly to the board and

add other functionalities to it. (Sparkfun, n.d.)

Hand Soap Dispenser

According to the WHO (2009), it is important for everyone to wash hands when they

come into contact with visibly dirty objects, possibly infectious people, and after going to the

toilet. It is suggested that for hand hygiene, hand washing duration should be 20 to 30

seconds while 40 to 60 seconds when visibly soiled.

Common soap dispensers use a spring-loaded pump that requires contact every time it

is used. In addition to this, poor hand washing practices can lead to the proliferation of germs

contracted from the dispenser pump. (Architonic, 2020)

The use of soap dispensers is also better than using a communal bar soap. Bar soaps

can remain moist after being used and can be a breeding ground of germs that may be

harmful especially for the immunocompromised. With the use of soap dispensers, this can be

minimized. (Marturana, 2014)

Nueva Ecija High School - SHS

Meanwhile, soap dispensers are also included in the rising number of automated

devices. These can be seen in shopping mall bathrooms although household use in the

Philippines is not that common. These can be bought online while there are also instructions

on how to make your own using infrared proximity sensors. (Hareendran, n.d.)

Automatic hand soap dispensers are even more efficient in minimizing the spread of

germs given that people wash their hands properly. This is because the device no longer

needs to be touched to dispense the soap and the amount of soap dispensed can be controlled,

hence, it saves resources. (National Purity, 2013)


As it is defined, programming is a way to command the computer. This is done by

writing codes in a language that the computer understands. (Goel, 2021)

There are a lot of programming languages. One or more can be used on a project

depending on the intended purpose. Some of the programming languages include python,

java, HTML, C#, SQL, and C++. Java, Python, and HTML are commonly used in designing

web pages, SQL is mostly used in databases, and C++ can be used to create operating

systems, browsers, and games. (, 2020)

C++ has a wide array of uses. It can be used in applications such as Adobe Illustrator

to create the graphical user interface (GUI). It provides control for hardware and overrides

the complexity of 3D games. Mainstream web browsers such as Google Chrome and Mozilla

Firefox also make use of this language. It is also used along with SQL in database

management. C++ can also be used for developing operating systems such as Microsoft and

the Apple IOS. (Pedamkar, 2018)

Nueva Ecija High School - SHS

However, the versatility of this language still comes with its own pros and cons. For

the advantages, it is good for low level programming language and for general purpose. It is

compatible with C language, the codes are reusable, and provides high level abstraction.

Meanwhile, for the disadvantages, it can be complex for web-based applications, does not

support Dynamic Memory Allocation, can be difficult to debug and has no support for built-

in threads. (Kumar, 2021)

Arduino uses C++ because it can be used to control the hardware components through

the code uploaded to the board. Arduino IDE can be used to make the interface easier

especially for beginners. It has two main functions: the setup(), used to layout the functions

of each component wired to the board and runs only once, and the loop() which runs

repeatedly given some condition. It also has built-in libraries that the user can integrate to the

functionality of the board. (Copes, 2020)


Software, commonly known as computer software, contains a set of instructions that

allows users to carry out various tasks or are usually used to run the computer. Its primary

function is to guide the user, together with the computer hardware, to focus on the main

issues needed to be resolved. Basically, software directs the whole computer system to the

proper ways of executing an operation. And without software, devices won’t function

properly (Nagar, 2019).

Software and hardware were designed to work together in performing a certain work

on a computer. Moreover, software dictates hardware on what it should do, making hardware

dependent on software (Cox, 2010).

Nueva Ecija High School - SHS

The physical components of a device are referred to as hardware. Hardware is a

tangible object that you can hold or touch, unlike softwares. Hardware plays a role in each of

the key functions of a computer mainly: the input, output, processing and storage (Cox, 2010).

Additionally, hardware is not only limited to the physical components of a computer. It also

includes the wires, plugs, power supply modules, peripheral devices, keyboards, mice, audio

speakers, and printers (Radikovna & Kurbangalievna 2015).

Hardwares and softwares usually perform simultaneously even the simplest tasks in a

computer. Like softwares, the physical dimensions of telephony and telecommunications

network infrastructure are often referred to as hardware (Radicovna & Kurbangalievna,

2015). In these days, hardware/software (HW/SW) interfaces are usually subjected to

extensive testing and validation before being published (Lei et al., 2019).

Ultrasonic Sensor

The ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR04) falls into the family of proximity sensors. Proximity

sensors by definition are devices that detect the presence of an object without the need to

come into contact with it (Jost, 2019).

There are different types: inductive, optical, capacitive, magnetic and ultrasonic.

Inductive proximity sensors can detect metal objects through the principle of induction by

inducing an electromotive force on the target. Optical proximity sensors detect an object by

flashing a light that bounces on an object and is reflected back to its light sensor. Capacitive

proximity sensors can detect solid, granulate, powdered, or liquid metallic and nonmetallic

objects by using the variance in capacitance to conclude that an object has been detected.

Magnetic proximity sensors detect objects by sensing its magnetic field. (Robu, 2020) Lastly,

Nueva Ecija High School - SHS

ultrasonic sensors detect objects by emitting ultrasonic sound waves that bounce off the target

object and are reflected back to the receiver of the sensor. (Burnett, 2020)

The ultrasonic sensor also comes with advantages and limitations. The advantages

include: not being affected by the color and transparency of the object, can be used without

light, low-cost, and unaffected by dust, dirt, and humid environments. Meanwhile, its

limitations are: it cannot work in a vacuum and underwater, the softness of objects affect

detection, is affected by changes in temperature and can only detect objects that are up to

16.5 meters far. (Gillespie, 2019)

Ultrasonic sensors are commonly used in measuring the level of the liquid in tanks

and for measuring distance. (Migatron Corp., 2021) Projects that use arduino include, smart

walking cane, collision avoidance system, and parking alarm. (Vidyakar, 2018). In addition

to this, other devices that utilize this are: intruder alarm, and area scanner. (eTechnophiles,


DC Pump

This project used a three to six volts submersible mini DC pump. It uses a motor to

move fluids in different ways. Since it is a DC component that is not readily compatible with

Arduino systems, it needs to be connected to an electrical relay that is compatible with the

Arduino board. The relay serves as a microswitch that is turned on and off through digital

signals coming from the board which then turns the DC component, in this case the pump, on

and off. (LahisTech, 2018)

The way this works is through a centrifugal water pump that uses a motor to move the

impeller and push the water out of the spout of the pump. It is also fully submersible. Pumps

like this are energy-efficient and do not produce a lot of noise, thus making it ideal for

Nueva Ecija High School - SHS

household use. However, it also comes with a disadvantage of the seals being corroded after a

long time of being submerged which allows the water to reach the motor. (IMTS, 2020)

Related Studies

The current research is inspired by the automatic hand sanitizer uploaded in the

Arduino Project Hub (2020) that used an Arduino Uno board, an ultrasonic sensor and a 9G

micro servo. Most of the inspiration will be taken from the design and placement of the

components but instead, for the current project, the components will be enclosed in a box

instead of being attached to the bottle.

Moreover, the design for the dispenser for the current study is similar to the design of

TechBuilder (2020) which uses a DC pump.

After further research conducted by the researchers, studies similar to the current one

are uploaded in Youtube. These automatic hand soap dispensers with timer use the same

components (Arduino Uno board, ultrasonic sensor, micro servo motor) for dispensing the

soap. For the timer part an LCD was used to display the remaining time, LEDs and seven-

segment display for digital time, and a micro servo motor for analog time. (Raquo, 2021).

Other existing studies use an infrared (IR) sensor for detection, LCD for the timer and

used board paper for the casing (Arduino Project Hub, 2020). Another used ultrasonic sensor,

Arduino Uno, and micro servo motor for analog time. (Techatronic, 2020)

Previous projects that used ultrasonic sensors and DC pumps were reviewed and used

as reference for the program.This includes an irrigation project (BTECH KIDS, 2018) and

sample codes uploaded to Arduino Project Hub (2020).

Nueva Ecija High School - SHS


This section lays out the procedures followed in conducting the research. It provides a

plan on how to execute the assembly and programming of the Automated Hand Soap

Dispenser with Timer. The data and statistical analysis methods are also included in this


Figure 1. Schematic Diagram

Shown in Figure 1 is the Schematic Diagram of the device that gives details on how

each component was connected in the circuit. The components were connected to Arduino

Nano after the development of the device in order to upload the codes and functions. The

Nueva Ecija High School - SHS

ultrasonic sensor, DC pump, LEDs and buzzers are connected to their designated digital pin

I/O and to the voltage output and ground. A 6-volt battery serves as the power source.

Figure 2. Conceptual Framework

The researchers aimed to construct an automatic hand soap dispenser with a timer

wherein the device will release hand soap when the ultrasonic sensor detects a hand and

automatically starts a 30-second timer. This starts a function where the DC pump moves the

liquid soap out of the bottle and through the tubing that directs the soap to the hand. After this,

the timer will commence; The red LED will blink for 20 seconds, the yellow one for the

remaining 10 seconds and the green LED and buzzer will turn on and off three times to

indicate that the 30-second timer is finished. For the construction of the device, Arduino

Nano (microcontroller) was used together with an ultrasonic sensor, DC pump, LEDs, and a

Nueva Ecija High School - SHS

buzzer. Additionally, an application called Arduino IDE was used to encode the commands

that the microcontroller will process and use to control the hardware.

Gathering of Materials

The needed materials are collected for the construction of the device. The materials

are as follows: 1 – Arduino Nano, 1 – DC pump, 1 – tubing , 1 – ultrasonic sensor, 3 – LED

light (red, yellow and green), 1 – piezo buzzer, 1 – 6 V battery pack, 5 meters stranded wire,

1 – Photo Circuit Board (PCB), and an enclosed box . The materials were bought from

DEECO Electronics in Cabanatuan City except the Arduino Nano board ordered from Shopee

and DC pump and tubing from Lazada. Other materials to be used are a soldering gun,

soldering lead, soldering flux, glue gun, glue stick, plywood, spray paint, goggles, and a glass


Set-up of Arduino Nano

The Arduino Nano will be set-up using Arduino IDE and encoded with the proper

commands. The commands and functions are based on the function of each component wired

to the microcontroller.

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Figure 3. Codes of Arduino

The figure above shows the codes used to set-up the Arduino. It starts with the

introduction of the variables to be used. The pins to be used were given names based on the

component connected to them. Other variables defined were those that may be frequently

changed for adjustments; these include the number of blinks for each LED, and duration of

the propagation of the ultrasonic sound waves.

This is followed by the function “void setup” which is run once. Under this, the pin

modes of each pin were assigned as either input or output. The LEDs, buzzer, ultrasonic

sensor trigger, and relay were labeled as outputs while the ultrasonic sensor echo is labeled as

input. This is also where the serial monitor is instructed to begin. The serial monitor gives

feedback on the state of a selected component, in this case it is the propagation of the

ultrasonic sound waves.

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Following this is another function called “void loop” which runs repeatedly. This

includes the command to start the propagation of ultrasonic sound waves and for the serial

printer to present in the serial monitor the duration of ultrasonic wave propagation. This is

followed by the if-else statement. This function tells that the relay and the timer will turn on

when a hand is detected 10 centimeters or less from the sensor, otherwise, the relay will stay

off and the red LED turns on, meaning that the device is turned on.

Set-up of Ultrasonic Sensor

The ultrasonic sensor is a device that is used to measure the distance of an object by

emitting ultrasonic sound waves. This will detect the presence of a hand that has a distance of

10 centimeters or less in front of it. This will then trigger the programmed commands on the

Arduino Nano board.

Set-up of DC Pump Motor

The DC pump moves the liquid soap. This is connected to the electrical relay which is

a microswitch that is turned on and off using digital signals from the microcontroller board.

When the sensor is triggered, the pump turns on for 0.5 seconds and releases 2.5 milliliters of


Set-up of LEDs and Buzzer

The LEDs and piezo buzzer will indicate time through blinks and buzzer sound. After

dispensing the soap for 0.5 seconds, the red LED light will blink for 20 seconds, followed by

Nueva Ecija High School - SHS

the yellow LED for the last 10 seconds and the green LED and the buzzer will turn on and off

three times to indicate that the timer is already finished or it has already reached 30 seconds.

Combining Codes

Once each component was set and fragments of the code were tested on the hardware,

the codes were combined into one file and uploaded to the Arduino Nano.

Construction of the Device

After the prototype of the device on the breadboard was tested and was observed to be

functioning properly, the components were then soldered into a PCB and enclosed in a box.

The images of the final physical appearance of the device are included in the appendices.

Testing of the Device

The function of the device was tested to determine the effectiveness, duration of the

cycle, sensitivity of the ultrasonic sensor, response times of the pump and the timer, and timer


The effectiveness refers to whether the device delivers its function through every trial.

The duration of the cycle refers to the time measured from the moment the sensor is triggered

up until the last beep of the buzzer. It was measured using a digital stopwatch. The target

value for the duration of the cycle is 32.5 seconds.

The amount of liquid dispensed was measured by placing a liquid measuring cup in

front of the tubing. The target value for the amount of liquid dispensed is 2.5 milliliters.

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For the sensitivity of the ultrasonic sensor, the maximum distance for detection that

will trigger the commencement of the function was measured. This was measured by

attaching a ruler to the side of the box and lining it up with the tip of the sensor. Another ruler

was slowly lowered above the sensor until it reached the maximum height at which the sensor

was triggered. The target value for the sensitivity of the sensor is 10 centimeters.

For the response time of the pump, the time it takes from the detection of a signal as

shown on the serial monitor up to the moment the soap is dispensed was measured. For the

response time of the timer, the time it takes from the sensor being triggered to the first blink

of the red LED was measured. A digital stopwatch was used to record the time. The target

value for the response time of the pump was 0.5 seconds and one second for the response

time of the timer.

For the accuracy of the timer, the device timer will be timed for how long it takes for

the red LED and yellow LED to complete their cycle. The target value for this is 30 seconds.

The percent error for each of the parameters was computed and is determined by the

following formula:

�� − ��
Where VT refers to the target value and VA refers to the actual value obtained.

All of the parameters were measured in five sets with three trials each. The pooled

mean was computed from the average of each trial. The overall percent error was based on

the pooled mean.

Nueva Ecija High School - SHS

Data Gathering

After the construction and testing of the device, the data were gathered and tabulated

prior to analysis. The data measured were effectiveness, duration of the cycle, sensitivity of

the ultrasonic sensor, response times of the pump and the timer, and timer accuracy.

Statistical Analysis

The data gathered were analyzed through statistical analysis. Analysis of Variance

(ANOVA) were used to determine whether there is a significant difference among the

obtained values for each parameter. The significance level was set at 0.05.

The results of the analysis were used to either accept or reject the hypotheses.

Nueva Ecija High School - SHS


This section contains the data presented in tables which were subsequently analyzed

and tabulated. The data were also interpreted based on the objectives they answer.

1. Design and Construction of Device

The device was successfully constructed by following all the steps on the correct

connection of the different wires in each component as can be seen in the schematic diagram

(Figure 1). The components of the device were enclosed in a plywood box which also serves

as the pedestal for the soap dispenser. The ultrasonic sensor was placed outside in front of the

soap bottle to be able to detect the hand. The slanted front enables the user to easily see the

three LED lights (red, yellow, green) that blink according to its set time, and the piezo buzzer

to notifies when the time is over.

2. Efficiency of the Device based on Cost, Physical Appearance and Function

a. Cost

The researchers computed the overall cost of the materials used for the construction of

the device which is equal to Php 441.25. Most of the materials were bought from DEECO

Electronics while the DC pump motor, tube for the dispenser, and Arduino Uno were ordered

online from Shopee and Lazada.

Nueva Ecija High School - SHS

Table 1. Price and Quantity of Main Components

Materials Description Quantity Individual Price Total Price
Arduino Nano Microcontroller 1 182 182
DC Pump Pumps liquid soap 1 45 45
Ultrasonic Sensor Detects hand 1 140 140
Uses digital
signals to turn on
Electrical Relay the pump 1 60 60
Indicates time
LED Red through blinks 1 1.45 1.45
Indicates time
LED Yellow through blinks 1 1.4 1.4
Indicates that the
LED Green timer is finished 1 1.4 1.4
Indicates that the
Piezo Buzzer timer is finished 1 10 10

The price of all the materials used were listed as seen on Table 1. We can see that the

constructed device was functioning properly regardless of the low cost of each component

compared to other expensive automatic hand soap dispensers. It is also Php 80.75 or 15%

cheaper compared to the least expensive iteration online that costs Php 522.

b. Physical Appearance

The base of the dispenser is an enclosed box made out of plywood, and the

components are kept inside to avoid getting soaked in water. The LEDs were placed in front

of the device to assist the user by providing a timer, making it easier for users to wash their

hands. Figure 14 in the appendices shows the physical appearance of the device. It is also

more portable since it can run on batteries. It can also be connected to a printer cable for

power or if it needs to be reprogrammed.

Nueva Ecija High School - SHS

c. Function

The purpose of the device plays a significant role in this time of pandemic as it will

help lessen the spread of virus. Once the ultrasonic sensor of the device detects a hand, the

DC pump will start to release the hand soap. By then, the LEDs will start to blink: 20 seconds

for the red LED, 10 seconds for the yellow LED and the green LED will blink three times

together with the piezo buzzer to give notification that the timer has officially ended.

3. Effectiveness of the Device

a. Effectiveness and Duration of the Cycle

Table 2. Effectivity and Duration of the Cycle (s)

Trials Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
Trial 1 + 32.84 + 33.16 + 33.05 + 33.5 + 32.34
Trial 2 + 32.33 + 32.5 + 32.99 + 32.8 + 32.69
Trial 3 + 32.9 + 33.19 + 33.26 + 33.5 + 33.5
Mean 32.69 32.95 33.1 33.27 32.84
Average Percent Error* 0.58 1.38 1.85 2.36 1.06
Pooled Mean 32.97
Overall Percent Error* 1.45%
Target Value*: 32.5 s

Table 2 indicates that the cycles were effectively executed by the device and the

duration of the cycles is close to the accepted value with 1.45% overall percent error.

The device was tested with five (5) sets and three (3) trials each to determine the

duration of each cycle with a target value of 32.5 seconds. The data presented that the

duration of the cycles has a pooled mean of 32.97 seconds with an overall percent error

1.45%. This concludes that there is high accuracy with the duration of the device.

Positive (+) and negative (-) signs were used by the researchers to indicate the

effectiveness of the device in delivering its function. A positive sign indicates that its

Nueva Ecija High School - SHS

function was properly executed, whereas a negative sign indicates that the function was not

properly executed. According to the data collected, the device shows 100% effectiveness in

delivering its function.

b. Amount of Liquid Dispensed

Table 3. Amount of Liquid Dispensed (mL)

Trials Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

Trial 1 7.5 2.5 3.9 3 2.5
Trial 2 2.5 3 2 2.5 2.4
Trial 3 2.5 3.2 2.5 2 2.5
Mean 4.17 2.9 2.8 2.5 2.47
Average Percent
Error* 66.67 16 12 0 1.33
Pooled Mean 2.97
Overall Percent Error* 18.67%
Target Value*: 2.5 mL

Table 3 presents the amount of liquid dispensed by the device. The device was tested

in five sets with three trials.

The mean on set 1 was 4.17 milliliters, 2.9 milliliters on set 2, 2.8 milliliters on set 3,

2.5 milliliters on set 4, and 2.47 milliliters in set 5. This suggests that set 1 has a huge

difference compared to the rest of the sets with an average percent error of 66.67%.

According to Khan (2011), an increase in voltage may cause load fluctuations or temperature

changes. In addition, the voltage is directly proportional to the pressure and the capacity to do

work. This concludes why the device releases an unusual amount of liquid during trial 1 of

set 1 as it may have received a sudden surge of electricity when the device was turned on.

However, the rest of the sets have low percent error indicating that the obtained values are

Nueva Ecija High School - SHS

close to the target value of 2.5 milliliters. All in all, the percent error of the amount dispensed

is 18.67% with a pooled mean of 2.97 milliliters.

c. Sensitivity of the Ultrasonic Sensor

Table 4 shows the maximum distance that triggers the ultrasonic sensor. This was

compared with the target value of 10 centimeters maximum distance.

Table 4. Sensitivity of the Ultrasonic Sensor (cm)

Trials Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

Trial 1 10.5 11 10.5 11.2 10.5
Trial 2 11.5 11.5 10 10.1 10
Trial 3 10.5 10.5 11 10.4 10.5
Mean 10.83 11 10.5 10.57 10.33
Average Percent
Error* 8.33 10 5 5.67 3.33
Pooled Mean 10.65
Overall Percent Error* 6.47%
Target Value*: 10 cm
The data indicate that the sensitivity of the sensor has a pooled mean of 10.65

centimeters with an overall percent error of 6.47%. In conclusion, the maximum distance of

the sensor has high accuracy and its function was properly executed. This also suggests that

the maximum distance that will trigger the sensor is ranging from 10.33 – 11.5 centimeter.

Nueva Ecija High School - SHS

d. Response Time of the Pump

Table 5 presents the time it takes for the pump to dispense the soap.

Table 5. Response Time of the Pump (s)

Trials Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

Trial 1 0.41 0.6 0.43 0.51 0.62
Trial 2 0.9 0.35 0.36 0.33 0.6
Trial 3 0.68 0.45 0.36 0.49 1.03
Mean 0.66 0.47 0.38 0.44 0.75
Average Percent
Error* 32.67 6.67 23.33 11.33 50
Pooled Mean 0.54
Overall Percent Error* 8.27%
Target Value*: 0.5 s

The results showed a pooled mean of 0.54 seconds with an overall percent error of

5.27%. The findings suggest that the pump responds properly with high accuracy to the target

value of 0.5 seconds.

e. Response Time of the Timer

Table 6 shows the time it takes for the timer to respond starting from triggering the

sensor until the first blink of the red LED. The target value of one second is based on the

program uploaded to the Arduino.

Nueva Ecija High School - SHS

Table 6. Response Time of the Timer (s)

Trials Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

Trial 1 1.5 1.28 1.32 0.85 1.51
Trial 2 0.85 0.93 1.19 1.23 1.39
Trial 3 1.4 1.08 1.03 0.7 1.25
Mean 1.25 1.10 1.18 0.93 1.38
Average Percent
Error* 25 9.67 18 7.33 38.33
Pooled Mean 1.17
Overall Percent Error* 16.73%
Target Value*: 1 s

The results showed a pooled mean of 1.17 seconds with an overall percent error of

16.73%. This concludes that the pump responds properly with moderate accuracy to the

target value of one second.

f. Accuracy of the Timer

Table 7 presents the time it takes starting from the first blink of the red LED until the

last blink of the yellow LED which is the duration of the 30-second timer.

Table 7. Accuracy of the Timer (s)

Trials Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5

Trial 1 29.7 29.7 30.3 29.9 29.76
Trial 2 29.7 29.83 29.93 29.77 29.99
Trial 3 29.9 30.36 30.22 29.99 29.7
Mean 29.77 29.96 30.15 29.89 29.82
Average Percent
Error* 0.78 0.12 0.5 0.38 0.61
Pooled Mean 29.92
Overall Percent Error* 0.28%
Target Value*: 30 s

Nueva Ecija High School - SHS

The results showed a pooled mean of 29.92 seconds with an overall percent error of

0.28% when compared with the target value of 30 seconds. In conclusion, the timer

effectively executed its function in accordance with the suggestion of the Center of Disease

Control and Prevention (CDC) that hand washing should at least last for 20-30 seconds long.

4. Analysis of Variance for the Parameters Measured

The mean of the five sets of trials were analyzed using one-way ANOVA with an

alpha value of 0.05.

a. Duration of Cycle

The mean of the five sets of trials that determine how long one cycle is in terms of

seconds were compared using one-way ANOVA.

Table 8. ANOVA for Duration of Cycle

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit

Between Groups 0.599 4 0.150 0.951 0.474 3.478
Within Groups 1.575 10 0.158

Total 2.175 14

Based on the results of the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with 0.05 level of

significance, the calculated p-value was 0.474. It is greater than the alpha (P-value > α) and

less than the F-critical value of 3.478, therefore the null hypothesis is accepted. There is no

significant difference among the obtained values of the duration of the cycle.

Nueva Ecija High School - SHS

b. Amount of Liquid Dispensed

The mean of the five sets trials that determine the amount of liquid dispensed in terms

of milliliters were compared using one-way ANOVA.

Table 9. ANOVA for Amount of Liquid Dispensed

Source of
Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 5.820 4 1.455 0.751 0.580 3.478
Within Groups 19.373 10 1.937

Total 25.193 14
Based on the results of the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with 0.05 level of

significance, the calculated p-value was 0.580. It is greater than the alpha (P-value > α) and

less than the F-critical value of 3.478, therefore the null hypothesis is accepted. There is no

significant difference among the obtained values of the amount of liquid dispensed.

c. Sensitivity of the Ultrasonic Sensor

The mean of the five sets of trials that determine the sensitivity of the sensor, in terms

of the maximum height detected in centimeters, were compared using one-way ANOVA.

Table 10. Sensitivity of the Ultrasonic Sensor

Source of
Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 0.857 4 0.214 0.864 0.518 3.478
Within Groups 2.480 10 0.248

Total 3.337 14

Based on the results of the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with 0.05 level of

significance, the calculated p-value was 0.518. It is greater than the alpha (P-value > α) and

Nueva Ecija High School - SHS

less than the F-critical value of 3.478, therefore the null hypothesis is accepted. There is no

significant difference among the obtained values of the sensitivity of the ultrasonic sensor.

d. Response Time of the Pump

Table 11. ANOVA for Response Time of the Pump

Source of
Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 0.296 4 0.074 2.526 0.107 3.478
Within Groups 0.293 10 0.029

Total 0.588 14

Based on the results of the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with 0.05 level of

significance, the calculated p-value was 0.107. It is less than the F-critical value of 3.478 and

greater than the alpha (P-value > α), therefore the null hypothesis is accepted. There is no

significant difference among the obtained values of the response time of the pump.

e. Response Time of Timer

Table 12. ANOVA for Response Time of Timer

Source of
Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 0.350 4 0.087 1.643 0.239 3.478
Within Groups 0.532 10 0.053

Total 0.882 14

Based on the results of the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with 0.05 level of

significance, the calculated p-value was 0.239. It is less than the F-critical value of 3.478 and

Nueva Ecija High School - SHS

greater than the alpha (P-value > α), therefore the null hypothesis is accepted. There is no

significant difference among the obtained values of the response time of the timer.

f. Accuracy of Timer

Table 13. ANOVA for Accuracy of Timer

Source of
Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 0.270 4 0.068 1.614 0.245 3.478
Within Groups 0.418 10 0.042

Total 0.688 14
Based on the results of the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with 0.05 level of

significance, the calculated p-value was 0.245. It is less than the F-critical value of 3.478 and

greater than the alpha (P-value > α), therefore the null hypothesis is accepted. There is no

significant difference among the obtained values of the accuracy of the timer.

Nueva Ecija High School - SHS


This part contains the summary of the project, conclusions, and recommendations for

future researchers.


This study aimed to create a device that minimizes surface contact and provides a

guide for the users on the recommended duration of washing their hands. It was constructed

using an Arduino Nano microcontroller board, an ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04, DC pump,

electrical relay, and LEDs and a buzzer for the timer. It was programmed using the Arduino

IDE to detect the hand within 10 centimeters in front of the sensor, which will then trigger the

pump to dispense 2.5 milliliters of soap as well as the timer. The red LED blinks for 20

seconds, the yellow LED blinks for the remaining 10 seconds, and the green LED and buzzer

turns on and off three times to signal that the timer is done.

The device costs Php 441.25 to construct which is Php 80.75 or 15% cheaper than the

price of the least expensive version found online. The main components were enclosed in a

box made of plywood and a glass jar containing the pump and the soap is placed on top of it;

this is an original design made by the researchers.

The parameters tested were effectiveness, duration of the cycle, amount of liquid

dispensed, sensitivity of the ultrasonic sensor, response times of the pump and the timer, and

accuracy of the timer.

The device was found to be 100% effective in delivering its functions with a pooled

mean of 32.97 seconds and an overall percent error of 1.45% compared to the target value of

32.5 seconds for the duration of cycle. The amount of liquid dispensed had a pooled mean of

Nueva Ecija High School - SHS

2.97 milliliters and an overall percent error of 18.67% compared to the target value of 2.5

milliliters. The sensitivity of the ultrasonic sensor measured by the maximum distance

detected had a pooled mean of 10.65 centimeters and an overall percent error of 6.47%

compared to the target value of 10 centimeters.

Moreover, the response time of the pump had a pooled mean of 0.54 seconds and an

overall percent error of 8.27% compared to the target value of 0.5 seconds. The response time

of the timer had a pooled mean of 1.17 seconds and an overall percent error of 16.73%

compared to the target value of one second. Lastly, the accuracy of the timer had a pooled

mean of 29.92 seconds and an overall percent error of 0.28% compared to the target value of

30 seconds.

To test the consistency of the values measured, the data underwent ANOVA. The F-

value for the duration of the cycle is 0.951, for the amount of liquid dispensed is 0.751, for

the sensitivity of the sensor is 0.864, for the response time of the pump is 2.526, for the

response time of the timer is 1.643, and for the accuracy of the timer is 1.614. All F-values

were less than the critical value of 3.478 under the significance level of 0.05, and thus the

null hypotheses were all accepted; there are no significant differences among the obtained

values in each parameter.


The following conclusions were drawn based on the objectives:

1. The automatic hand soap dispenser with a timer was constructed using an Arduino

Nano microcontroller, ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04, DC pump, electrical relay, LEDs

and a buzzer.

2. The efficiency of the device can be described in terms of the following:

Nueva Ecija High School - SHS

a. Cost

The device costs Php 441.25 and is Php 80.75 or 15% cheaper than the least

expensive version of the device found online which costs Php 522.

b. Physical Appearance

The main component used for dispensing the soap is a DC pump which makes

it more durable compared to existing versions that use a micro servo motor to

pull the pump plunger. The components are also secured inside a wooden box

that can be easily opened for maintenance such as changing of batteries. The

front part of the box is slanted so that the user can easily see the LEDs.

c. Function

The device performs its function well based on the program installed in it. It

dispenses the soap as soon as the hand is detected and the LEDs and buzzer

perform their purpose as a timer. Compared to existing versions, the current

version is more portable because it can run on batteries and can also be

powered and reprogrammed through a printer cable.

3. The effectiveness of the device can be described in terms of the following:

a. Duration of the cycle

The duration of the cycle had a pooled mean of 32.97 seconds and an overall

percent error of 1.45% compared to the target value of 32.5 seconds.

b. Amount of liquid dispensed

The amount of liquid dispensed had a pooled mean of 2.97 milliliters and an

overall percent error of 18.67% compared to the target value of 2.5 milliliters.

c. Sensitivity of the ultrasonic sensor

Nueva Ecija High School - SHS

The sensitivity of the ultrasonic sensor measured by the maximum distance

detected had a pooled mean of 10.65 centimeters and an overall percent error

of 6.47% compared to the target value of 10 centimeters.

d. Response time of the pump

The response time of the pump had a pooled mean of 0.54 seconds and an

overall percent error of 8.27% compared to the target value of 0.5 seconds.

e. Response time of the timer

The response time of the timer had a pooled mean of 1.17 seconds and an

overall percent error of 16.73% compared to the target value of one second.

f. Accuracy of the timer

The accuracy of the timer had a pooled mean of 29.92 seconds and an overall

percent error of 0.28% compared to the target value of 30 seconds.

4. There is no significant difference among the obtained values for the duration of the


5. There is no significant difference among the obtained values for the amount of liquid


6. There is no significant difference among the obtained values for the sensitivity of the

ultrasonic sensor.

7. There is no significant difference among the obtained values for the response time of

the pump.

8. There is no significant difference among the obtained values for the response time of

the timer.

9. There is no significant difference among the obtained values for the accuracy of the


Nueva Ecija High School - SHS


Based on the conclusions, the following recommendations were made:

1. Future designs may use an LCD or a servo motor for analog time. An IR sensor can

also be used to make the design more compact.

2. A 3D-printed plastic casing may be used instead of wood to make it more durable and


3. A thermistor or a capacitor may be connected to the electrical relay in order to prevent

it from misfiring when it receives a sudden surge of electricity when the device is

turned on.

4. Other proximity sensors can be tested to avoid misfires.

5. Hand soaps of different viscosities may be tested in order to check the versatility of

the pump.

6. The placement of the sensor may be improved to prevent it from catching dust or even


7. Other components in place of the pump may be used in order to omit the use of an

electrical relay, thereby reducing the cost.

8. Future designs may use a different indicator for the end of the timer instead of using a


9. Accuracy of the timer can be tested and compared among different time indicators,

both analog and digital.

Nueva Ecija High School - SHS


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Nueva Ecija High School - SHS

Appendix A. Materials

Figure 4. Arduino Nano Figure 5. Ultrasonic Sensor

Figure 6. DC Pump Figure 7. Electrical Relay

Figure 8. LEDs Figure 9. Buzzer Figure 10. Battery Holder

Nueva Ecija High School - SHS

Appendix B. Construction of the Device

Figure 11. Laying out the Components

Figure 12. Soldering and Connecting the Components

Figure 13. Finalized Circuit without the Pump

Nueva Ecija High School - SHS

Figure 14. Physical Appearance of the Device

Nueva Ecija High School - SHS

Appendix C. Testing of the Device

Figure 15. Initial Testing of the Device

Figure 16. Measuring the Amount of Liquid Dispensed

Figure 17. Measuring the Sensitivity of the Ultrasonic Sensor

Nueva Ecija High School - SHS

Figure 18. Testing of Time-related Parameters

Figure 19. Checking of Serial Monitor Feed

Nueva Ecija High School - SHS

Address: 234 Purok Aguso, Barangay Pangatian,
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija
Cellular Phone No.: 09435080680
Email Address: [email protected]

Age : 18 years old
Date of Birth : October 27, 2002
Place of Birth : Cabanatuan City
Sex : Female
Civil Status : Single
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Mother’s Name : Evangeline S. Roxas
Father’s Name : Virgilio S. Roxas

Little Merry Hearts Montessori Center
Cabanatuan City
Santiago City National High School
Santiago City
Nueva Ecija High School
Cabanatuan City
Senior High School:
Nueva Ecija High School - SHS
Cabanatuan City

Nueva Ecija High School - SHS

Address: Gumamela St., Brgy. Platero,
Gen. Mamerto Natividad, Nueva Ecija
Cellular Phone No.: 09159502593
Email Address: [email protected]

Age : 18 years old
Date of Birth : May 10, 2003
Place of Birth : Cabanatuan City
Sex : Female
Civil Status : Single
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Mother’s Name : Roshelle DL. Madis
Father’s Name : Darius F. Madis

Platero Elementary School
General M. Natividad

Nueva Ecija High School
Cabanatuan City

Senior High School:

Nueva Ecija High School - SHS
Cabanatuan City

Nueva Ecija High School - SHS

Address: 378 Leonor Village, Aduas Sur,
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija
Cellular Phone No.: 09757575017
Email Address: [email protected]

Age : 18 years old
Date of Birth : December 1 , 2002
Place of Birth : Cabanatuan City
Sex : Female
Civil Status : Single
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Iglesia Ni Cristo
Mother’s Name : Jocelyn B. Alota
Father’s Name : Joel DG. Alota

P.G. Crisostomo Elementary School
Cabanatuan City

Nueva Ecija High School
Cabanatuan City

Senior High School:

Nueva Ecija High School - SHS
Cabanatuan City

Nueva Ecija High School - SHS

Address: Purok 7 Barangay San Isidro,
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija
Cellular Phone No.: 09389871647
Email Address: [email protected]

Age : 17 years old
Date of Birth : August 18, 2003
Place of Birth : Cabanatuan City
Sex : Female
Civil Status : Single
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Mother’s Name : Celeste G. Eslaya
Father’s Name : Alvin Q. Eslaya

San Isidro Integrated School
Cabanatuan City

Nueva Ecija High School
Cabanatuan City

Senior High School:

Nueva Ecija High School - SHS
Cabanatuan City

Nueva Ecija High School - SHS

Address: 20 Zulueta St. Purok 1 Brgy. Vijandre,
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija
Cellular Phone No.: 09260762024
Email Address: [email protected]

Age : 17 years old
Date of Birth : September 04, 2003
Place of Birth : Cabanatuan City
Sex : Male
Civil Status : Single
Citizenship : Filipino
Religion : Iglesia ni Cristo
Mother’s Name : Lorena B. Lomboy
Father’s Name : Rogelio A. Lomboy

Lazaro Francisco Elementary School
Cabanatuan city

Nueva Ecija High School
Cabanatuan city

Senior High School:

Nueva Ecija High School - SHS
Cabanatuan city


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