Measures of Central Tedency Cont.
Measures of Central Tedency Cont.
Measures of Central Tedency Cont.
In continuous series the values of the variable are given in the form of class intervals with
corresponding frequency. For calculation of mean in case of continuous series, following methods are
() Direct method : Let "m' represents the mid values of class intervals and f the coresponding
frequencies. The arithmetic mean is calculated by the formula :
Ef N
Illustration 12. Calculate arithmetic mean from following data. Use direct method.
No. of holdings 8 12 14 16 10
Mid value
X fm
0 10 8 5 40
10 2 0 12 15 180
20 3 0 14 25 350
30-40 16 35 560
40 50 10 45 450
N 60 2 fm =
N 60
26 33 Ans.
(u)Short Cat Method : Compute the mid values off various class intervals. Out of these mid
v a l u e s One vaiue 15 taken as assumed mean and deviation are calculated. Then multiply deviations w
respective frequencies take sum. The Arithmetic mean is calculated by the formua
Ilustration 13. Calculate mean using following data. Use short cut method.
Marks 5-15 15-25 25-35 35-45 45-55 55-65 65-75
No. of Students 8 10 14 20 16 12 6
Marks Mid value A = 40
X m dx = m - A fdx
5 15 8 10 -30 -240
15 2 5 10 20 20 -200
25 3 5 14 30 -10 -140
35 4 5 20 40 0
45 55 16 50 10 160
55- 65 12 60 20 240
65 7 5 6 70 30 180
N 86 2fdx = 0
X =A +
= 40+ 86
= 40 Ans.
(ii) Step Deviation Method: In a continuous series the calculations can be further reduced if
the values of 'dr' obtained in the short-cut method are divided by some common factor. Values so
obtained are known as step deviations and are represented by d'x. Symbolically, the arithmetic mean is
calculated by the formula
where, c = Common Factor
d'r= dr
Illustration 14. The frequency distribution given below gives the cost of production of sugarcane in
different holdings. Obtain the arithmetic mean using short cut and step deviation methods.
No. of Holdings: 47 52 36 19 03
1 9 21
C = 4
Cost of No. of Mid value A 16
Production Holdings m dx = m - 1 6 fdx d'x fd'x
- 12 -3 -3
2-6 01 4 12
- 18
8 -8 -72 -2
6-10 09
- 84 -1 -21
10-14 21 12 4
0 00 00
14 18 47 16
208 1 52
18-22 52 20
24 8 288 2 72
22-26 36
28 12 228 3 57
26-30 19
16 48 4 12
30-34 03 32
2 fdx= 604 2 fd'x =
N 188
(i) By short cut
=16+ O
1 6 +3.21 19.21 Ans.
deviation method
(iii) By step
=A+ 2fd'xx=16+x 4 =16+=19.21Ans.
N 188 188
Arithmetic Mean in Case of
Inclusive Series
hen data are given in inclusive series, it is not necessary to convert data into exclusive series to
find arithmetic mean.
ion 18.
lustration 18. From the following data find arithmetic mean
50 54 55-59 60-64 65-69 85-89
X: 70-74 75-79 80-84
1 5 17 36 25
: 11 4
Mid Value A 67 C=5
dx = m--A
m d'x fd'x
50-54 52 -15 -3
55 5 9 5 57 -10 -2 10
60- 64 17 62 -5 -1 17
65-69 36 67 0 0 0
70 74 25 12 5 1 25
75 79 11 77 10 2 22
80-84 4 82 15 3 12
85-89 87 20 4 04
N 100 2 fd'x = 33
2 fd'x 33
X =A+ xc=67+ x5=67+1 65
N 100
68 65 Ans.
- Ilustration 9. alculate arithmetic mean from following data
11-10 10-9 9-8 8-7 7-6 6-5
f: 4 8 12 6 3
Solution: For calculation of mean, there is not need to write series in ascending order.
Mid value A 8 5
X m dx m-A fdr
11-10 4 10.5 8
10-9 8 9.5 8
9-8 9 85 0
8-7 12 7:5 - 12
7-6 6 6 5 -2 - 12
6-5 3 5-5 -3 -9
N =42 fdx=-17
X 2Jax
2fdr =8-5+
=A + =8.1 Ans.
N 42
Arithmetic Mean in Case of Unequal Class Intervals
Conversion of unequal class intervals into equal class intervals is not necessary to find arith
Wages 4
30 60
60- 100
100 150
Wages m
X 5
4 120
0-10 20
6 360
10- 30 45
8 800
30 6 0 80
10 500
60- 100
125 1440
100 150 180
8 = 3240
2 fm
N 40
- 3240-I
Arithmetic Mean in Case of Open End Class Intervals
In case of open end series, class intervals are to be determined by the class interval of the
adjoining class.
f: 5 8 6 7 4 3
Solution: Open end class intervals are completed as
Mid Value
X m fm
0-10 5 5 25
10-20 8 15 120
20-30 6 25 150
30-40 7 35 245
40-50 4 45 180
50-60 3 55 165
N 33 2 fm =
=26 818 Ans.
N 33
Arithmetic Mean in Case of Cumulative Frequency Distribution
Whea t a are given in 'More than' or °Less than' cumulative frequency form, they are first
Converted into simple
frequency distribution to calculate A.M.
Ilustration 23. Calculate mean marks from the following data
40 50 60 70 80 90
Marks more than 0 10 20 30
or equal to
43 28 16 10 8
No. of Students: 80 77 72 65 55
converted into simple frequency.
Solution: For calculating mean, the cumulative frequency is
Class A 45 C 10
Interval Mid Value
i*=m-A| d'x Jd'x
Marks c. X
-40 -4 -12
80-77 3 5
More than or 80 0-10
equal to 0
-30 3 - 15
10-20 77-72-5 15
More than or 77
equal to 10
-20 -2 -14
72-65 7 25
More than or 72 20-30
equal to 20
35 -10 -10
More than or 65 30-40 65-5 =10
equal to 30
0 0
55-4312 A5
More than or 55 40-50
equal to 40
55 10 1 I5
50-60 43-28 15
More than or 43
equal to 50
65 20 2 24
60-70 28-16 12
More than or 28
equal to 60
75 30 3 18
More than or 16 70-80 16-10 6
equal to 70
40 8
80-90 10-8 2 85
More thanor 10
equal to 80
50 40
90-100 8 95
More than or 8
equal to 90
2 fdx 54
N 80
= 45+x
10=45 + 6 75 51 75 Ans.
Illustration 24. Calculate mean age from the following data
60 70 80
Less than 10 20 30 40 50
Age (Yrs): 78 79
No. of Persons 18 34 49 61 71 76
Solution: For calculating mean cumulative series is converted into simple frequency series as:
Age Class Interval Mid Value A 35 C 10
X dx = m-A d'x fdx
X c m