EDP, Vivek Bansal, 154-18, Sec-C
EDP, Vivek Bansal, 154-18, Sec-C
EDP, Vivek Bansal, 154-18, Sec-C
I have taken great efforts with this project. However, it would not have been
possible without the kind support of many individuals. First of all, I am highly
thankful to our teacher Mr. Inderjeet for giving me this opportunity to prove my
capability and who has always been very sweet and supportive towards all our
endeavours. I am also very thankful to the librarian of UILS, PU for helping us
find the right and appropriate material pertaining to our course of study and this
project requirement. Next, I want to thank my parents for always being
supportive in all my decisions and letting me work as I please without being
overbearing and providing me with support whenever I required.
1. Introduction
2. Evolution of Entrepreneurship
3. Importance of Entrepreneurship
4. Small Scale Enterprise in India
5. Nature of unemployment in India
6. Webliography
There are so many institutes and organizations which are involved in
entrepreneurship development activities and there are people who join these
programmes as a stepping stone to become entrepreneur. It is a known fact that
so many management institutes are coming up to cater to the growing need of
industries by supplying traditional managers/corporate managers. The scope of
this study is to find out the perception of management students about the
entrepreneurship and compare it with those people who have become
A manager is one who manages all the resources to match with the
organizational needs. In the managerial role resources are allocated to solve
problems and improve the administrative efficiency.
The entrepreneurship is very a old concept according to which any one who
runs business is called an entrepreneur. The more precise meaning of
entrepreneur is; one who perceives a need and then brings together manpower,
material and capital required to meet that need. Entrepreneur is one who
understands the market dynamics and searches for change respond to it and
exploit it as an opportunity.
Entrepreneurship is the dynamic process of creating incremental wealth
and innovating things of value that have a bearing on the welfare of an
entrepreneur.It provides civilization with an enormous amount of goods
and services and enhances the growth of social welfare.
Thus, entrepreneurs take the economy and the society that is the whole
civilization to the state of progress and prosperity. Taking this into
consideration we can describe the significance or importance of
entrepreneurship which is stated below.
2. The Evolution of Entrepreneurship
Richard Cantillo
“A person who pays certain price for a product to resell it at an uncertain
price thereby making decision about obtaining and using resources while
assuming the risk of enterprise”
3. Importance of Entrepreneurship
1. Growth of Entrepreneurship
The statistics reveal that in USA economy nearly half a million small enterprise
is established every year. Our country is not an exception in this regard.
The small enterprises are the only sector that generates a large portion of total
employment every year.
3. Innovation
The collapse of the large industry almost has irresistible damage to the
development of the state and the state of the economy and the financial
condition of the relevant persons. The incumbents lost their jobs: suppliers and
financial institutions face a crisis of recovery.
Customers are deprived of goods, services, and government losses taxes. This
could not happen in the case of failure of entrepreneurship.
Minorities, migrants, and women are safely integrated into entrepreneurship that
will help to develop a well-composed plural society.
That also capable employed persons to consume more goods and services. In
effect, entrepreneurship enhances the standard of living of the people of a
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