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A. Basic Information
1. Title of Program/Project: Engaging and Empowering Homegrowers and OSYs
thru Cacao Backyard Farming and Processing in the
Municipality of Lasam (School Plus Home Cacao
Phase 2)
Project Components:
Project 1: Profiling and Organization of Homegrowers as Technology Takers
thru Cacao Backyard Farming and Processing
Project 2: Establishing Cacao Backyard Farming Sites intercropped
with cash crops
Project 3: Promotion of Cacao processing technologies through
enterprise development
Project 4: Impact assessment of the Homegrowers Cacao Backyard Farming
Processing project

2. Proponents
Name and Signature: Prof. Gilbert C. Magulod Jr., PhD
Bernard P. Madarang, Ronel T. Pacubat
Janilete R. Cortez Perla R. Bautista
John Carlo T. Banan Angelito Salas
Jehan U. Gerardo Jackielen R. Garcia

3. Project Duration: February 2023- December 2023

4. Project Location/s: Barangay Magsaysay, Barangay Alannay and Barangay IBJ
5. Total Budget Requirement: Php 200,000.00

B. Technical Information
1. Rationale

Poverty reduction was prioritized heavily in both the post-2015 development

agenda for the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs). Poverty is a global socioeconomic issue because people
and households lack access to fundamental necessities (Cudia, 2019). Despite its best
efforts, the Philippines continues to lag behind its Southeast Asian neighbors in the
fight against poverty, with about 22 million Filipinos living below the national
poverty threshold (PSA, 2018). Additionally, for the past 50 years or so, the
Philippines' economic development and growth have seen a boom and bust cycle
(Asian Development Bank, 2007). As a result, numerous Philippine administrations
have failed in their attempts to decrease poverty (Agbola et al., 2017). Furthermore,
the Philippine government falls short in developing the country's agricultural industry.
The Philippines' integration of agriculture and fisheries into global value chains has
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not significantly alleviated rural poverty, in contrast to many other Southeast Asian

One of the main causes of poverty in the country include weakness in employment
generation and the quality of jobs generated. While the labor force is continually
expanding, with a greater share of young people, employment generation has not kept
up to accommodate new workers (Camba, 2020). As a result, unemployment has a
particularly negative impact on young people, making it a serious socioeconomic
issue in the Philippines. Additionally, Filipinos are more likely to labor in low-quality
occupations, be underemployed, put in long hours for meager pay, participate in
hazardous work, or have only temporary or informal employment arrangements
(Chulanova et al. 2019).

The Philippines, through the Cacao Industry, has been recognized due to the
increasing supply and demand gap in the domestic and exports market (PCI 2022).
The Philippine country in Asia is seen to have a competitive advantage in cacao
production, given its strategic location and climactic condition. In Cagayan Valley
Region, as of 2014, the total production was 4%. According to the study by Madarang
et al. (2021), cacao growers in the municipalities of Region 2 earn more or less
75,000.00 annually with their raw products. However, if processed, it will double or
even triple the earnings of the cacao growers. Cocoa is the most important and
valuable input for the chocolate industry, which faces daily challenges, seeking to
maintain the supply of standard products with non-standardized raw materials (Calvo
et al., 2019). According to information from the Municipal Agriculturist Office in the
municipality of Lasam, Cagayan, Philippines, which will be the project site, there is
now a cocoa plantation there with about 58,528 plants, including 16, 537 fruit-bearing

Cacao is an important crop since it offers food, money, employment, and raw
materials for industry in addition to resources for alleviating poverty. Along with
serving as a source of income for millions of smallholder farmers, cocoa is used as a
raw ingredient in the multibillion-dollar worldwide chocolate business. The project,
through cacao technologies, aims to provide livelihood, better health, and climate
resiliency which are very helpful considering the demand of the current situation.
With those being stated, the project supports the sustainable development goals
(SDG) which advocate for the inclusion of no poverty, zero hunger, good health and
well-being, and partnership for the goals as the cornerstones of global progress.

In response to this problem, this project aims to promote cacao production and
processing technologies for commercialization and poverty alleviation in Cagayan
Valley. This project will promote a model for connecting the community households
to engage in cacao farming and processing in the Municipality of Lasam, Cagayan. It
will be an integrated approach to improve the economic wellbeing through enterprise
development, nutrition and education of the community. Likewise, the project is
envisioned to directly contribute to improved food and nutrition security, cacao value
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adding and commercialization, and community organization in response to the

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), National Greening Program, Climate
Change, Adaptation and Mitigation, Solid Waste Management, and Organic
Agriculture, High-Value Crops Development Act of 1995, Philippine Disaster
Reduction and Management Act (RA 10121), Philippine Technology Transfer Act of
2009 (RA 10055), and the Cagayan State University IREP mandates (PD 1436).

The Cagayan State University at Lasam with its niche-program on Cacao

Processing sees the synergy of the community as a potential strategy in promoting
cacao production and bringing its developed technologies to the community it serves.
The DOST, in collaboration with Cagayan State University, established the cacao
processing center at Lasam Campus. This center aims to conduct research and
development (R&D) of new innovative cacao products. The center envisions to be
locally and internationally known for cacao processing research, development and
extension programs. It also ventures to strengthen the research, development and
activities and enhance the extension delivery system that will lead to increased
sustainability, and global competitiveness of cacao products in the Cagayan Valley
Region. Through participatory development approaches and synergism, the
commitment and participation of all concerned stakeholders can be harnessed to
achieve the primary goal of providing business enterprise through Cacao production
and processing.

Backyard farming is seen as a profitable, productive and technically efficient

approach to address food insecurity (Ojo, 2009, Joseph et al, 2009, Ayambire et
al ,2019). Backyard farming is a compound type of farming located around the
homestead for the production of varieties of crops and rearing of livestock for
consumption, food security, and income generation (Oghenero et al, 2020).
Homestead farmers are those individuals who cultivate crops and raise livestock
around their houses (residence) or close to their residence. Backyard farming has the
advantages of low start-up capital, low risk of theft, utilization of households’ wastes
and it is easy to manage and monitor. The backyard farm is, therefore, an important
aspect of the households as it is usually the center of family lives (Onuebunwa and
Adesope, 2006). Household backyard farming contributes to food security by
ensuring the availability of harvested produce and livestock which eventually will be
used to feed family members often daily. Once a good understanding of household
backyard farming practices, constraints and objectives are established and farmers can
work on how to get improved varieties of crops.

In this project, the production of Cacao through backyard gardening is seen as a

potential strategy to ensure the availability ad sustainability of cacao seeds for
processing. The engagement and empowerment of Homegrowers and OSYs in the
selected barangays of Lasam will also be trained for cacao processing. The household
backyard can be referred to as the very beginning of agriculture which has played a
vital role in providing food and income for families. Household backyard farming is a
small-scale production system that involves the cultivation of land which may be
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around the household or within walking distances from the Homegrowers and OSYs

The engagement and empowerment of the Homegrowers on Cacao backyard

farming and processing will serve as a start-up for value adding activity m as they will
be established as registered organization venturing on cacao business enterprise.
Empowerment is viewed as “increasing poor people’s freedom of choice and action to
shape their own lives” by providing access to information, inclusion and participation,
social accountability, and local organizational capacity.
2. Objectives
In general, this project aims to engage and empower the Homegrowers of the
community through Cacao Backyard Farming and Processing in the Municipality
of Lasam. Specifically, it will aim to:
1. Characterize the Homegrowers and OSYS target clients of the community
2. Develop, implement, and maintain cacao backyard farming site of the selected
clients of the community
3. Determine the impact of the Cacao backyard farming and processing to the
target community
4. Promote cocoa processing technologies of CSU Lasam through enterprise

3. Methodologies

Site/ Group Selection of Homegrowers and OSYs

Pre-implementation Phase
Profiling and Characterization

Capacity Building on Cacao Designing of Cacao Cacao Backyard Farming

Backyard Farming and Processing Backyard Farming Design Presentation

Implementation Phase
Establishment of Cacao Monitoring and Evaluation
Backyard Farming Site

Technology Adoption and Commercialization Phase

Conduct mass production and commercialization of
Capacity building intervention for the technology takers
the product

Figure 1. Methodology Framework of the Project

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a. Profiling
 Conduct Socio-economic Profiling of the Cacao Homegrowers and OSYs
as to age, sex, annual family income, availability of land for cacao planting
 Assess the willingness to participate in the cacao backyard farming and
 Ascertain the knowledge on cacao backyard farming and processing

b. Public Advocacy and Awareness Building

 Conduct inception meeting
 Assist in Establishing the organizational profile of Cacao Homegrowers
Association to be registered as an NGO through the Securities- Exchange
Commission (SEC), CDA and DTI
 Conduct site Assessment of Cacao Homegrowers Backyard
 Forge MOA/ MOU for project implementation

c. Development of IEC Materials

 Design and develop learning modules and IEC materials on Cacao
Backyard Farming
 Design and develop learning modules on Cacao Processing

d. Capability Building/Training

This project will incorporate the conduct of capacity building on Cacao

Backyard farming and cacao processing to engage the Homegrowers and OSYs.

o Conduct Cacao Training on Backyard Farming

1. Lecture on the Technology Investment Profile of Cacao
2. Lecture and Workshop on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)
3. Design workshop on Home Cacao Garden
o Conduct Cacao Processing Training
1. Training on Tableya and Dark Chocolate Making
2. Training on Product Labelling and Marketing

3. Establishment of Project

In the establishment of the project, it will follow three steps as follows:

Step 1. Planning and Site Analysis and Setting Backyard Criteria:

o Availability of garden space with 36 square meters for cacao farming

for ten (10) cacao seedlings per households
o Availability of water source
o High level of willingness of the Homegrowers and OYs

Step 2. Design Phase (Integration and Hardscapes, Softscapes and Landscape

Designs) for Cacao Backyard Farming:
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o Trellis and Container for cacao backyard gardens to be intercropped with

(cash crops ginger, banana)
o Land preparation and tilling stage

Step 3. Implementation Phase (Integration and Hardscapes, Softscapes and

Landscape Designs)

4. Adoption of Project/Technology

This project will implement R4D Based Food Products and Processing Technologies. The
processed products of the Homegrowers and OSYs will be registered as Cacao brands to DTI
IPO- Phils assisted by the Cagayan State University. It will facilitate the adoption and
promotion of Cacao technologies for successful technology commercialization projects. This
project will facilitate conduct of Capacity building intervention for the technology takers
(Homegrowers and OSYs) on the following:

 GAP Cacao Training

 Training on GMP, Food Safety, Business Enterprise
 Actual Hands-on Training for the Cacao Processing Technologies, Pricing, Basic
Accounting and Bookkeeping
 Provision of equipment

5. Entrepreneurship Development
The engagement and empowerment of the Homegrowers on Cacao Backyard
farming and processing will serve as a value adding activity for them as they will be
established as registered organization venturing on cacao business enterprise. The
process flow of entrepreneurship development will follow the following:
1. Conduct of FGD and Market Research
2. Product development and improvement
3. Facilitate adoption and assistance of the technology takers and marketing
4. Conduct mass production and commercialization of the product.

6. Monitoring, Evaluation and Documentation

In the successful implementation of the project, monitoring, evaluation, and

documentation will be conducted. The project management team will regularly conduct site-
visits with the Homegrowers’ cacao garden. Checklist of the proper management of Cacao
will be provided. Monitoring can be done through face-to-face or virtual. The conduct of
monthly meeting with the stakeholder will help document the strengths of the project.
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C. Workplan Schedule
Municipalit Q CO Q Q Q Q
  y/ Brgy.)   Q1 Q2 3 Q4   DE 1 2 3 4 TOTAL
One (1) SEC,
Profiling and and OSY
Organization of Association
Homegrowers as  Barangay
Technology Magsaysay, Profiled 30
Takers Barangay homegrowers
thru Cacao Alannay & and OSYs as
Backyard Barangay Technology
Farming and IBJ Takers
Processing               Php 40,000
Developed and
Materials: Two
(2) learning
modules for
Cacao Backyard
Farming and
Processing; five
(5) IEC
IEC Material
Development and Four (4)
Capacity trainings
Building on conducted
Cacao Backyard
Farming Php 40,000
Distributed 400
cacao seedlings
for Backyard

Provision of
assistance and
materials and
Magsaysay, Site validation
Establishing Barangay and monthly
Cacao Backyard Alannay & monitoring
Farming Sites Barangay
IBJ               Php 70,000
Two(2) Cacao-
Based event and
Promotion of Barangay exhibits
Cacao processing Magsaysay,
technologies Barangay
through Alannay &
enterprise Barangay
development IBJ                 Php 30,000
assessment of the
Homegrowers Barangay
Cacao Backyard Magsaysay,
Farming and Barangay
B. Alannay &
Processing Barangay
project IBJ                    Php 20,000
Total  Php
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D. Logical Framework

Narrative Summary Objectively Verifiable Means of Verification Key Assumptions

The goal of the project is to Increased cacao Impact assessment of the
improve the livelihood status of the production and project after its
community through Cacao commercialization in implementation
production, processing and Cagayan Valley Region
Improved food and
nutrition security

Increased climate
adaption and disaster
The purpose of the project is to
engage and empower the
Improved the economic Records, minutes of the Strong partnership and
Homegrowers and OSYs on Cacao
value of Cacao in the meeting, documentation, high level of willingness
Backyard Farming and Processing
Province of Cagayan MOA signing of the target clienteles
in the
and stakeholders
Municipality of Lasam
Promote Policy on One (1) SEC, DTI and
adoption and recognition CDA Registered Cacao
of Cacao for strong Homegrowers and OSY
commitment of LGUs Association
and the community
Profiled 30 homegrowers
and OSYs as Technology


This proposed project will focus on Improved processes,

the 6Ps as expected output. information, and
technologies on Cacao
Established technology
Product: Formulated Cacao backyard farming and
and investment profile of
Processing Technologies processing
Cacao as a commodity in
Number of processed
the Municipality of
Publications: Two (2) Scientific products, number of
articles and one (1) instructional articles published,
material (recipe book) and ten (10) number of IEC Materials
IEC materials developed, number of
ordinance enacted on
Cacao, number of
People Services: 50 Homegrowers
and OSYs in the three (3)
barangays in the Municipality of

Places and Partnerships:

Barangays, DOST, DA-BAR,
DepEd, Cooperatives, MDRRMC,
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LGU Lasam, Cacao Lasam

Council, Barangay Councils,

Policies: One (1) policy

recommendation on the adoption of
Cacao Home Gardens

Patents: Two (2) utility model for

Instant Champorado (Chocolate

Peso: POTs/ sustainability of high-

quality cacao products in the local
market/ Technology Licensing
Agreement (TLA).


Profiling of the homegrowers and Active SEC/ DTI/CDA Minutes of the meeting Organized cacao home
OSYS target clients of the Registered organization and documentation, growers and OSYs as
community of Cacao home growers AVPs, Learning technology takers
and OSYs Materials, number of
Cacao seedlings
Improved technologies distributed, number of
High level of adoption of
for adoption cacao technologies
Developing, implementing, and new practices and
maintaining cacao backyard technologies on Cacao
farming site of the selected clients backyard farming and
of the community processing
Improved KSA of the
Conduct training on Cacao clienteles on cacao
backyard farming and processing farming and processing
Cacao backyard farming and
processing to the target community
Commercialized cacao
Promoting cocoa processing
R4D Based products
technologies of CSU Lasam
through enterprise development

E. Budgetary Requirement

Project/Activities Particulars Budget

Profiling and Organization of Office supplies, Php 60,000
Homegrowers as Technology communication and travel
Takers expenses and food, SEC
thru Cacao Backyard registration fees
Farming and Processing
IEC Material Development IPR Application, food, Php 40,000
and Capacity Building on publication fee, IEC
Cacao Backyard Farming material printing expenses,
training kits, tokens and
honorarium of experts
Establishing Cacao Backyard Cacao Seedlings, vegetable Php 70,000
Farming Sites seeds, materials for
hardscapes, softscapes and
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Promotion of Cacao AVP development, Php 30,000
processing technologies travelling expenses, food,
through enterprise cacao raw material for
development processing, utilities
TOTAL Php 200,000

F. Sustainability Plan

The project will implement the following sustainability plan for the successful
implementation of the project:

 Joint action planning multi-stakeholder workshop among the partner agencies and
stakeholders will help in scaling up the project.
 The project leader will conduct constant communication and consultation with the
stakeholders (face to -face/ virtual)
 The project will conduct of event-based cacao technology transfer and exhibit

G. Expected Output, Outcome and Impact

This proposed project will focus on the 6Ps as expected output.
1. Product: Formulated Cacao Processing Technologies
2. Publications: Two (2) Scientific articles and one (1) instructional material (recipe book)
and ten (10) IEC materials
3. People Services: 50 Homegrowers and OSYs in the three (3) barangays in the
Municipality of Lasam
4. Places and Partnerships: DOST, DA-BAR, DepEd, Cooperatives, MDRRMC, LGU
Lasam, Cacao Lasam Council, Barangay Councils, Schools
5. Policies: One (1) policy recommendation on the adoption of Cacao Home Gardens
6. Patents: Two (2) utility model for Instant Champorado (Chocolate Porridge)
7. Peso: POTs/ sustainability of high-quality cacao products in the local market/ Technology
Licensing Agreement (TLA).

The project will fulfill the following outcomes and impacts of the project will
focus on the benefits to economy, education, nutrition and well-being of communities
aligned to technical, socio-cultural, environmental, financial, and policy-institutional
aspects aligned to the following:
1. Improved food and nutrition security
2. Increased climate adaption and disaster resiliency
3. Improved the economic value of Cacao in the Province of Cagayan
4. Improved Cacao Processing technologies
5. Policy on adoption and recognition of Cacao for strong commitment of LGUs and
the community

H. SUC Levelling indicators to be addressed:

a. Active linkages
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This project will provide three (3) active partnership and linkages with the three
selected barangays of Lasam.

b. Trainings/capacity building
The project will initiate four (4) trainings to be conducted.

c. Adopters
The project will engage 30 home growers and OSYs in the three barangays of
Lasam, Cagayan

d. Establishment of viable demonstration project

The project will empower the organization of 30 Home growers and OSYs to
plant 300 cacao seedlings to be intercropped with cash crop (e.g. ginger and
banana) and the trained for cacao processing.

Prepared by:

Prof. Gilbert C. Magulod Jr. PhD

Printed Name and Signature Date

Received by:

Prof. Josie Y. Bas-ong

Printed Name and Signature Date

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