Chapter 14 Population and Natural Environment
Chapter 14 Population and Natural Environment
Chapter 14 Population and Natural Environment
2. Short Questions
a) What is population density?
b) What are the two problems created due to population growth?
c) List the name of two things that pollute both soil and water.
d) Write the name of two fuels used in hybrid cars.
e) Natural resources are gradually decreasing in Bangladesh. What
is the main reason of it?
f) Write the name of basic human needs?
2. Short Questions
a) What is population density?
b) What are the two problems created due to population growth?
Answer: Problems created due to population growth are -
i. It creates shortage of food cloth housing and land
ii. It pressures on natural resources
c) List the name of two things that pollute both soil and water.
Answer: Two things those pollute both soil and water are -
i. Chemical fertilizers
ii. Pesticides and insecticides
d) Write the name of two fuels used in hybrid cars.
Answer: Two names of fuel used in hybrid car are -
Electricity and gasoline.
e) Natural resources are gradually decreasing in Bangladesh. What
is the main reason of it?
Answer: The main reason of it is population growth. Increase of
population decreases natural resources gradually.
f) Write the name of basic human needs?
Answer: The basic human needs are food, cloth, shelter,
medicine and education.