Ap World Exam Review Units 1-3
Ap World Exam Review Units 1-3
Ap World Exam Review Units 1-3
2.2 - The Mongol Empire and the Making of the Modern World
● Started with Temujin (Genghis Khan)
● aggressively, quickly conquered places
○ Many people ran away before of their coming
● Conquered people were made part of the tribe not enslaved
○ Religious tolerance
● Organized society into mil. units
Conquering China
● Unified China
○ Confucaisn believed mongols chosen by mandate of heaven
● Yuan Dynasty
○ Improved roads, built canals
● Allowed landowners to keep lands if they pledged loyalty
Conquering Persia
● Persians fell easily from attacks
● Sacking of Baghdad-200,000 Perisans died
● Influenced by Peris
○ Adopted admin system
○ Many became Muslim
8.1 - Setting the Stage for the Cold War and Decolonization