Respirometric Assays at Fixed and Process Temperatures To Monitor Composting Process
Respirometric Assays at Fixed and Process Temperatures To Monitor Composting Process
Respirometric Assays at Fixed and Process Temperatures To Monitor Composting Process
Received 1 March 2004; received in revised form 22 September 2004; accepted 30 September 2004
Available online 2 December 2004
A static respirometer was built to determine the respiration index (RI) of composting samples. Respiration indices of different
sludges were determined at 37 °C (RI37) and at the in situ temperature of the composter at sampling (RIT). Results indicated that
both indices correlated well with temperature evolution in the composter. RIT were more representative of the metabolic activity in
the reactor and more sensitive to temperature and composition variations of the composting material, but could not indicate the
stability of the material at later stages of the process. Moreover, significance of RI units was shown in the composting of a highly
compostable residue. According to the stability limits suggested in the literature, initial RI expressed on dry matter (DM) basis cor-
responds to a stable material (RI < 1 mg O2 g DM1 h1) whereas initial RI expressed on organic matter basis (OM) corresponds to
an unstable material (RI = 2.5 mg O2 g OM1 h1).
Ó 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0960-8524/$ - see front matter Ó 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1154 R.B. Gómez et al. / Bioresource Technology 96 (2005) 1153–1159
consumption is a more reliable method since oxygen tained from the de-inking process of a recycled paper
is directly responsible for the oxidation of the organic manufacturing industry.
matter. Still, O2 monitoring requires more control and Wood chips, consisting of a variable mixture of pine
therefore more sophisticated equipment and is more and beech tree wood, were obtained from a local carpen-
time consuming than the measurement of CO2 try and used as bulking agent. Sludge and wood chips
production. were mixed by hand after the screening of the bulking
Methods based on O2 consumption have been classi- agent. A semi-industrial sieve (Filtra Vibración, FT-
fied into dynamic and static protocols (Adani et al., 400) was used for the wood chips screening. Three differ-
2001). Dynamic methods are characterised by a contin- ent screens (20, 10 and 5 mm) mesh were available. A 1:1
uous oxygen supply whereas static methods can be used sludge:wood chips volumetric ratio was used in all
with solid or liquid samples. A wide range of devices has experiments since it had been previously optimised by
been developed for the measurement of respiration from Gea Leiva et al. (2003).
solid matrices. One of the most widely reported uses a
dissolved oxygen (DO) meter with a polarographic 2.2. Composter
probe measuring the decline in oxygen concentration
over a compost sample in a flask. Such tests generally A 100 l fridge was adapted to be used as a static com-
provide near-optimum conditions for microbial respira- poster for the pilot-scale experiments described in this
tion (e.g. moisture, nutrients, and oxygen supply). In al- work. It was filled either with OFMSW, the sludge:wood
most all respirometric experiments, the measurement of chips mixture or PCS.
respiration activity is carried out at standard tempera- The recipient was kept horizontal with a slight incli-
tures of about 30–37 °C (USDA, 2001; Iannotti et al., nation to allow its opening from the top and to make
1993; Lasaridi and Stentiford, 1998). It is considered the collection of possible leachates easier. A plastic mesh
that respirometric activities measured at these fixed tem- was fitted at the bottom of the recipient to support the
peratures are good indicators of the mean metabolic po- material and collect the leachates. Several holes were
tential of the compost. Nevertheless, composting is a perforated through the walls of the vessel to permit
complex process where the rate of degradation is a result the entry and exit of air, the discarding of leachates
of the metabolic activity from a mixed microbial popu- and the insertion of different probes. The air inlet was
lation that includes microorganisms with different opti- at one end of the vessel whereas its outlet was at the
mum growth temperatures. It can be considered that, other end. An air flow rate of 20 l/min was used and
although respirometric experiments performed at fixed its entry was regulated either by temperature or O2
temperatures are a useful indicator of the compost sta- control. Four Pt 100 sensors (Desin mod. SR-NOH),
bility, they do not show the actual metabolic stage of inserted at different points inside the vessel, were used
the process and, therefore, cannot be used to follow its for monitoring the temperature. Oxygen concentration
evolution. On this basis, this paper describes the exper- in interstitial air was monitored with an oxygen sensor
imental setup of a respirometer developed to determine (Sensox, Sensotran, Spain). CO2 concentration at the
the respiration index (RI) of composting samples at dif- outlet of the composter was monitored with an infrared
ferent temperatures. The final aim of this work will be to detector (Sensotran I.R., Sensotran, Spain). All sensors
have a reliable method to monitor the composting were connected to a specially-made data acquisition sys-
process. tem. Oxygen was controlled by means of a feedback
oxygen control which automatically supplied fresh air
to the reactor when oxygen concentration fell below
2. Methods 10%.
2.1. Substrate characteristics 2.3. Sampling procedure and chemical and physical
Homogenised source-separated organic fraction of
municipal solid waste (OFMSW) was obtained from Samples were collected periodically to determine
the full-scale municipal solid waste composting plant organic matter content and the respiration index. Sam-
in Granollers (Barcelona). Samples were taken directly pling procedure was as follows: first, the container was
from the composting tunnels. opened and its contents mixed with a rake; then, several
Dewatered sludge (DS), consisting of primary and samples of about the same size were collected from dif-
activated sludge, was obtained from the municipal ferent parts and different depths until a 1 l beaker was
wastewater plant in La Garriga (Barcelona). Dewatered filled with sample. The whole procedure was performed
anaerobically digested sludge (ADS) was obtained from as quickly as possible to minimise disturbances to the
the municipal wastewater treatment plant in Granollers system. Samples from OFMSW were sieved to remove
(Barcelona). Physico-chemical sludge (PCS) was ob- glass, plastics and other inerts and oversized material.
R.B. Gómez et al. / Bioresource Technology 96 (2005) 1153–1159 1155
For respirometric experiments, humidity content was was then equilibrated with the outside pressure by
adjusted to a range of 40–50% (w/w) if required. Analyt- inserting a hypodermic needle through the stopper and
ical parameters were determined according to the stan- leaving it in place for 5 min. O2 level was then recorded
dard procedures recommended by the Test Methods every 15 s for 90 min. In all experiments three replicates
for the Examination of Composting and Compost were used. After the DO readings finished, the total vol-
(TMECC) (USDA, 2001). ume of free air space in each sample flask was deter-
mined as described in TMECC (USDA, 2001).
2.4. Respirometer
2.5. Calculation of respiration index (RI)
A static respirometer (Fig. 1) was built according to
the original model described by Iannotti et al. (1993, The respiration index (RI) of the compost sample re-
1994) and following the modifications and recommenda- ferred to total organic matter content was calculated
tions given in the TMCC (USDA, 2001). The drop of from the slope in a linear segment on the chart of O2
oxygen content in a flask containing a compost sample (%) versus time by using Eq. (1).
was monitored with a dissolved oxygen meter (Lutron V P 32 m 60
5510, Lutron Co. Ltd., Taiwan) connected to a data RI ¼ ð1Þ
The setup included two water baths to allow the where RI, respiration index (mg O2 g OM1 h1); V,
carrying out of experiments at two different tempera- volume of air in flask (ml); P, atmospheric pressure at
tures simultaneously. Temperatures assayed were at a elevation of measurement (atm); m, slope of change in
fixed value of 37 °C and at the in situ temperature of percent O2 saturation per minute divided by 100; R,
the composter at the moment of sampling. Prior to the ideal gas constant (0.08206 l atm mol1 K1); T, temper-
assays, samples for experiments at 37 °C were incubated ature in (K); X, wet weight of compost test aliquot (g);
for 18 h at this temperature, while samples for experi- DM, fraction of total solids of a parallel sample aliquot
ments at in situ temperatures where incubated for 4 h (g DM g X1); OM, fraction of organic matter of a par-
at such temperature. During all the incubation periods, allel sample aliquot in dry basis (g OM g DM1).
samples were aerated with previously humidified air at
the sample temperature.
The aeration system consisted of a flask with a two- 3. Results and discussion
hole stopper and two glass delivery tubes. At the bottom
tip, the delivery tube had an aquarium air-stone to pro- 3.1. Respirometer validation
duce small air bubbles. This sparger was immersed in
water to humidify the air. The flask was always kept Amongst the modifications developed in this work it
inside the incubation bath. The delivery tube was con- is worth mentioning that air used for the aeration of the
nected to a manifold that served to deliver air to the dif- samples before the respirometric assays was saturated
ferent flasks containing the samples. The manifold was with water at the same temperature as the water bath,
constructed from plastic tubing connected by quick dis- otherwise aeration resulted in the drying of the sample.
connect fittings. Individual valves were also fitted to Moreover, the use of quick disconnect fittings and indi-
each sample tube to regulate the air flow. vidual valves allowed a better control of the aeration
Once the incubation period was finished, the DO sen- rate.
sor was assembled into the flask without removing it Once the respirometer was built, the next step was to
from the water bath. The air pressure inside the flask evaluate the error of the respirometric assays. The RI of
OFMSW samples obtained from the static composter at
different days were determined. Experiments were per-
formed in triplicate. Temperatures assayed were at a
fixed value of 37 °C (T37) and at the in situ temperature
of the composter (T) at sampling with 18 and 4 h incuba-
tion, respectively. Incubation time for the fixed temper-
ature was chosen according to the literature (Iannotti
et al., 1993; USDA, 2001). As no information was
available regarding incubation for the experiments at
the in situ temperature, different incubation times were
assayed. Results indicated (data not shown) that RI
values remained practically constant for incubation
times above 4 h. Fig. 2 illustrates a typical chart of
Fig. 1. Respirometer setup. O2% versus time and RI values for three replicates of
1156 R.B. Gómez et al. / Bioresource Technology 96 (2005) 1153–1159
25 25
20 20
Oxygen % 15
Oxygen %
10 10
5 5
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
(A) Time (min) (B) Time (min)
Oxygen %
0 20 40 60 80 100
Fig. 2. Oxygen (%) versus time curves of three replicates of a OFMSW sample taken on the 4th day of composting. Respiration Indices RI37
1 1 1 1 1
obtained at 37 °C were (A) 3:90 mg O2 g O1
2 h ; (B) 3:94 mg O2 g O2 h ; (C) 3:74 mg O2 g O2 h , respectively.
Table 1
Respiration indices and standard deviations obtained during the composting of OFMSW
Mean process temperature (°C) Time of composting (day) Temperature of the Respiration index Standard deviation
respirometric test (°C) RI (mg O2 g OM1 h1)
55 2 55 8.75 1.17
60 4 37 3.86 0.10
55 8 37 2.46 0.20
55 3.75 0.59
55 11 37 2.23 0.11
55 6.95 0.63
55 17 55 3.17 0.21
50 25 37 0.96 0.45
50 4.31 0.19
Results correspond to three replicates.
a same sample. As expected, oxygen % decreased with evaluated at sampling temperature were higher than
time. Table 1 shows RI values and standard deviations those for RI at 37 °C. This could be due to the fact that
obtained for the two temperature conditions assayed. the former was closer to the upper limit of the tempera-
Standard deviations from respirometric tests at the start ture compensation of the electrode (60 °C). This could
of the composting process are larger than those obtained mean that minor variations in the temperature of the
at the end probably due to the homogenisation of the water bath could lead to small oscillations in the O2
material along the process. It is also observed that at probe readings, increasing the error associated with
high temperatures (55 °C) standard deviations for RI the measurement of the slope.
R.B. Gómez et al. / Bioresource Technology 96 (2005) 1153–1159 1157
3.2. Units of RI matter basis correlated well with the temperature profile
of the process, with high values corresponding to an
RI units are generally referred to on the basis of total unstable material during the thermophilic range and
organic matter content. However, the convenience of decreasing to 1 mg O2 g OM1 h1 during the mesophilic
using units based on total solids content has also been phase. These results seem to indicate that when dealing
suggested (California Compost Quality Council web with materials with high content of non-degradable
site), since the organic matter content can be very vari- material, respiration indexes should be expressed on
able depending on the heterogeneity of the material. In an organic matter basis since the high content of non-
consequence, this variability could introduce significant degradable material may lead to misleading results when
errors in the evaluation of the RI. expressing them on a dry matter basis.
Therefore, the significance of the units used for the
respiration index was evaluated during the pilot-scale 3.3. Monitoring of the composting process by
composting of physico-chemical sludge (PCS) resulting respirometric techniques
from the de-inking process of a recycled paper manufac-
turing industry. This material has a low organic matter Fig. 4 shows that composting of sludge (DS) followed
content (approximately 34% dry weight basis) which the typical evolution of this type of process. It is ob-
suggests a low compostability. However, composting served that during the first two days process temperature
at laboratory scale with no bulking and no amendment quickly rose to 65 °C followed the next day by a fast
showed good performance (data not shown). Tempera- drop to 40 °C and a less pronounced fall during the fol-
ture profile and respiration indices determined at 37 °C lowing days to temperatures as low as 20 °C. Tempera-
(RI37) obtained during the composting at pilot-scale tures then increased slowly up to values around 30 °C.
are shown in Fig. 3, where it is observed that a thermo- They were maintained in the mesophilic range until
philic range was reached within 2 days, and was main- the process was finished.
tained for more than 2 weeks. Evolution of the composting of anaerobically di-
From Fig. 3, it can also be seen that RI values calcu- gested sludge (ADS) is shown in Fig. 5. In this case, it
lated on a dry matter basis were all below can be seen that temperature rapidly reached a thermo-
1 mg O2 g DM1 h1 regardless of the composting stage. philic range in the first days of the process, with values
According to literature (USDA, 2001 California Com- up to 60 °C, followed by a moderate drop to around
post Quality Council web site), these values would cor- 38 °C and a subsequent quick increase up to 50 °C.
respond to a stable material. However, this is in clear Afterwards, temperature slowly decreased to the meso-
contradiction to the actual activity shown by the mate- philic range.
rial as confirmed by the temperature profile of the pro- There are two possible explanations for the tempera-
cess shown in Fig. 3. Initial RI value calculated on an ture profiles during the first stage of the process. The
organic matter basis corresponded to an unstable mate- most generally accepted is that once easily degradable
rial (RI = 2.5 mg O2 g OM1 h1), as suggested in the lit- materials are depleted metabolic activity slows down
erature (USDA, 2001; California Compost Quality causing a temperature drop. Microorganisms able to
Council web site). RI values calculated on an organic degrade more complex materials then develop and their
70 14
70 4.0 T
T 60 RI37 12
60 RI37 (mgO2 * gOM-1* h-1) 3.5
RI (mg O2*gOM *h )
Temperature (ºC)
50 10
RI37 (mgO2 * gDM-1* h-1)
Temperature (ºC)
2.5 40 8
2.0 30 6
1.5 20 4
10 2
10 0.5
0 0
0 0.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Time (days)
Time (days)
Fig. 4. Average temperature profile (T) and respiration indices
Fig. 3. Respiration index (RI) and temperature profile (T) in the obtained at 37 °C (RI37) and at the in situ temperature (RIT) during
composting of PCS at pilot plant scale. RI values were calculated from the composting of sludge (DS). RI values were calculated from three
three replicates. replicates.
1158 R.B. Gómez et al. / Bioresource Technology 96 (2005) 1153–1159
RI (mg O2*gOM-1*h-1)
Temperature (ºC)