Where is the mirror? Given an object and a mirror image of that
object, choose any point of the object and the corresponding point of
the image, Join them by a line, The mirror must be at right angles to
the midpoint of that line.
'The precise recipe is given in the Notes to The Collapse of Chaos, by Jack
Cohen and Ian Stewart.
ing is that the mathematics does not work this way. Symme-
tries break reluctantly. There is so much symmetry lying
around in our mass-produced universe that there is seldom a
good reason to break all of it. So rather a lot survives. Even
those symmetries that do get broken are still present, in a
sense, but now as potential rather than actual form. For exam-
ple, when the 252 units of the adenovirus began to link up,
anyone of them could have ended up in a particular comer.
In that sense, they are interchangeable. But only one of them
actually does end up there, and in that sense the symmetry is
broken: they are no longer fully interchangeable. But some of
the symmetry remains, and we see an icosahedron.
In this view, the symmetries we observe in nature are bro-
ken traces of the grand, universal symmetries of our mass-
produced universe. Potentially the universe could exist in any
of a huge symmetric system of possible states, but actually it
must select one of them. In so doing, it must trade some of its
actual symmetry for unobservable, potential symmetry. But
some of the actual symmetry may remain, and when it does
we observe a pattern. Most of nature's symmetric patterns
arise out of some version of this general mechanism.
In a negative sort of way, this rehabilitates Curie's Princi-
ple: if we permit tiny asymmetric disturbances, which can
trigger an instability of the fully symmetric state, then our
mathematical system is no longer perfectly symmetric. But
the important point is that the tinest departure from symme-
try in the cause can lead to a total loss of symmetry in the
resulting effect-and there are always tiny departures. That
makes Curie's principle useless for the prediction of symme-
tries. It is much more informative to model a real system after
one with perfect symmetry, but to remember that such a