Fate Stay Night - Servant - The Homebrewery
Fate Stay Night - Servant - The Homebrewery
Fate Stay Night - Servant - The Homebrewery
haracter based on the fate series, for personal Origin
and recreational use in The Last Refuge games,
better known as EUR. A Servant are heroes of old. Their abilities can range from
being great martial artists to powerful magic users of ancient
times. In order to summon a Servant, a great source of power
similar to a resurrection is necessary.
Power supply
Why play it?
Servants draw their power from mana, they obtain the mana
from the link with their master or from some artifact that It is a specific class for someone who enjoys the Type-moon
allows them to maintain their essence on the material plane. universe based on Fate Stay Night. The class will be designed
Their powers vary depending on how they fight and the allies to be as balanced as possible and not overshadow other
they have, allowing them to use quite unique abilities. official classes, this is a beta version.
Servants are the best form magical familiars can take, and as
such they cannot survive on the material plane without a Quick Build
master. But these familiars have their own goals and morals It is a class designed specifically for summoned heroes who
and cannot be completely controlled. possess supernatural or special abilities. Its best
characteristics by relevance would be Dexterity or Strength
and secondly the statistic determined by the Subclass.
Level Bonus Features
1st +2 Sense the Mana, Crest of Obedience, Subclass
2nd +2 Past life
3rd +2 Noble Phantasm
4th +2 attribute enhancement
5th +3 Enhanced Noble Phantasm, Subclass Enhancement
6th +3 legendary body
7th +3 Improved Obedience Emblem, Subclass Upgrade
8th +3 attribute enhancement
9th +4 Improved Noble Phantasm(2)
10th +4 Subclass Upgrade
11th +4 Subclass Upgrade
12th +4 attribute enhancement
13th +5 Improved Noble Phantasm (3), Heroic Save
14th +5 Legendary Body (2)
15th +5 Subclass Upgrade
16th +5 attribute enhancement
17th +6 Improved Noble Phantasm (4)
18th +6 Subclass Upgrade
19th +6 attribute enhancement
20th +6 unlocked potential
Orders like "Win the battle" will only unleash on the
class characteristics Servant using the powers it has at that moment while orders
This class has the following characteristics. like "use your full power on the next attack" will result in the
limit being exceeded (Gm decides).
Hit Points If the Servant dies, it can be summoned again with a spell
like "revivify", but on stronger spells like "raise dead" or older
spells, you must form a new pact with a Master. The Servant
Hit Says: See Subclass can choose to accept if he is summoned this way as the spell
Hit Points at 1st Level: See Subclass + your normally does. The "incarnate" spell doesn't work on
constitution modifier. Servants. After this, the crest resets in 3 orders.
Hit Points at Higher Levels: See Subclass + your If the Master dies, the Servant loses its powers over 1d4
constitution modifier. hours. The link is broken so it cannot replenish its forces
without obtaining mana by some means such as absorbing it
from other caster creatures (GM decides in his world) and if
it does not get mana to strengthen itself, the Servant
disappears after [1 day x Servant level] being able to lengthen
if it gets mana by some means. In this case he can only use
Tools: one of your choice.
powers and abilities that have no long rest uses.
Saves: Charisma, Defined by Subclass
This ability depends on who your Master is so discuss it
Skills: Defined by Subclass with the GM.
Mana problems (alternative option)
Equipment This quality is optional if you don't use the emblem of
You start with the following equipment, in addition to obedience. When you use magical powers you must make a
whatever your background comes from: DC 6 Constitution save or be incapacitated for one round. If
you reduce your speed to 0 during that turn, you can avoid
(a) chain mail or (b) leather armor, longbow, and 20 this save.
arrows or (b) quarterstaff
(a) a martial weapon and a shield, (b) two martial weapons You still have a bit of control over your powers and it allows
or (c) two simple weapon you to regenerate faster than others. When you spend at least
(a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts, (b) two handaxes or one hit die on a short rest you add your subclass attribute
spellbook modifier to the heal.
any pack (priest, explorer, scholar...)
feel the mana
subclasses As an action, until the end of your next turn you know the
At the first level you have to select your subclass to define location of any magical or magically affected entity within 60
your strengths and spells if you have any. feet of you that is not behind full cover. Within the same
You can choose between these subclasses: radius, you also detect the presence of magical auras from
Shirou Emiya. items even though you don't know the school or spell without
Gilgamesh. a proper roll or spell.
Iskandar You can use this trait a number of times equal to your
proficiency. When you finish a long rest, you regain all
obedience emblem expended uses.
When you are summoned, you need to bond with a Master. Past life
You are totally dependent on his mana so rarely is a Master
betrayed by his Servant. This link grants the Servant and the When you get to level 2 you get used to your old moves, you
master the power to share life force by sacrificing their own, can show some of your experience. You gain a fighting style.
as an action you can touch and sacrifice your proficiency You add as style to the available options:
bonus in life and heal the Master for the same amount and Magic Expert: Once per turn you can try to know the spell
vice versa. Also, the Servant cannot be of a higher level than that a caster that you can see or hear is going to use
its Master. without using your reaction.
The Master is tattooed with an emblem. This pact unites
the Master and the Servant in a bond that allows the Master
to share "mana" with the new familiar and in turn 3
irrevocable orders on the Servant. The orders can be what
the Master wants but it must be of his own free will. The
orders can be as simple or complicated as the Master wishes
and even exceed the limits of the Servant such as using
powers that he already used that same day or going against
the Servant's morality.
Noble Phantasm At level 13, you gain will allow you to communicate like the
"telepathic bond" spell but only between Master and Servant.
Upon reaching level 3, you unlock the best ability that Noble
Phantasm has. It is the watermark of your class, each combat ready
subclass possesses a different Noble Phantasm.
At 13th level, you can use your action once per day to focus
attribute enhancement your mana and spend at most your proficiency in hit dice to
restore health as if it were a short rest.
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and
19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice Legendary Body (2)
by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice.
your choice by 1. As usual, you cannot increase an ability When you reach level 14, you can increase one Ability Score
score above 20 using this function. Alternatively, you can of your choice by 2, or you can increase two Ability Scores of
choose a stunt (see Chapter 6 for a list of stunts). your choice by 1. As usual, you cannot increase an Ability
Score above 20 using this feature.
Enhanced Noble Phantasm If your DM allows the use of feats, you may choose one
By the time you reach level 5, your body has become
accustomed to using your old powers and you can use them Improved Noble Phantasm (4)
with greater power. Add an additional die to your Noble
Phantasms. When you reach level 17, your Noble Phantasms are
strengthened to near full power, add 1 additional die.
legendary body
unlocked potential
When you reach level 6, you can increase one Ability Score of
your choice by 2, or you can increase two Ability Scores of At level 20 you have reached almost your best form, due to
your choice by 1. As usual, you cannot increase an Ability your mana restrictions you cannot show your true powers but
Score above 20 using this feature. you are able to show a glimpse of them.
You double the number of uses of your abilities.
If your DM allows the use of feats, you may choose one
Improved Obedience Emblem
At level 7 the mana needed for your abilities grows and so General rules
does your way of acquiring it. Unless otherwise stated, Noble Phantasms and
their effects are magical and are detected as
When you reduce a creature that can use magic to 0 you gain conjuration effects. To affect them you have to use
a use of your Noble Phantasm, the creature has to be at least dispel considering they are a spell of level = class
half your level in CR. You gain advantage to resist mental or level/2 rounded up. Powers work in anti-magic
bond-breaking effects with the Master. fields if they were already summoned, but cannot
be activated once inside as they are influenced by
mana unless specifically stated by the power. The
Mana control (alternative option) link between Servant and Master remains
If at first level you used mana problems, this would be your unchanged except that they cannot communicate
option now. mentally. The characteristics that put alternative
option in their name are to not use the emblem of
At 7th level, you no longer need to roll to use your magical obedience.
abilities. When you reduce a creature that can use magic to 0
you gain a use of your Noble Phantasm, the creature has to
be at least half your level in CR. You can regain one skill use
per day after a short rest.
Improved Noble Phantasm(2)
At 9th level, your Noble Phantasms reveal a small part of your
old power by adding 1 additional die.
Spell slots
Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1st — — — — —
2nd 2 — — — —
3rd 3 — — — —
4th 3 — — — —
5th 4 2 — — —
6th 4 2 — — —
7th 4 3 — — —
8th 4 3 — — —
9th 4 3 2 — —
10th 4 3 2 — —
11th 4 3 3 — —
12th 4 3 3 — —
13th 4 3 3 1 —
14th 4 3 3 1 —
15th 4 3 3 2 —
16th 4 3 3 2 —
17th 4 3 3 3 1
18th 4 3 3 3 1
19th 4 3 3 3 2
20th 4 3 3 3 2
Spellcasting At level 3, taking advantage of the versatility of your creations,
you can perform several effects a number of times equal to
You know two 1st-level spells of your choice from the wizard your competence for long rest, if any effect requires salvation
spell list. it will be: 8 + bonus competence + charisma modifier:
You learn one additional spell of your choice at each level.
Each of these spells must be of a level for which you have As a bonus action you can hit with a projectile or thrown
spell slots. For example, when you reach 5th level in this weapon to create an explosion of mana doing 1d10 force
class, you can learn a new 1st or 2nd level spell. damage in a 10 foot area centered on the target.
Creatures in the area have to save Dexterity to receive
Also, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one half. The impact also deals normal damage to the target.
of the wizard spells you know and replace it with another As a bonus action you can, upon hitting with a melee
spell from the wizard spell list, which must also be of a level attack, disintegrate the weapon created by you, unleashing
for which you have spell slots. The save for his spells would the mana it contains, and redirect an explosion in a 15-
be: 8 + proficiency bonus + charisma modifier. foot cone that deals 1d10 strength, if it saves Dexterity,
half. The impact also deals normal damage to the target.
reality sphere
As a reaction to being damaged you can spend a mana
At 1st level, you gain the ability to control a demiplane where point and use your shield that protects you for 1d10, even
you can, as an object action, put away or take out objects negating the damage.
weighing up to 500 pounds.
These effects are critically multiplied for the enemy hit by
Noble Phantasm the attack but not for the rest and save creatures in the area.
When you reach level 3 you unlock your Noble Phantasms. They can only be used with your creations that break after
You unlock "trace" with which you can copy objects you've one use.
seen and recreate them. Creating an item is a bonus action
and lasts 10 minutes, you can use trace a number of times improved trace
equal to your proficiency per short rest. At 5th level, you gain an extra attack when you use your
Also as an object action you can modify them while you are attack action with one of your creations. Your creations count
using them. The possible modifications are: as magic for the effects of immunities or damage reduction.
Melee, thrown or shield weapons: Adding properties of
other weapons (subtle, thrown, etc) last until the start of Unlimited Blade Works
your next turn. Transforming them into ammo spawns 20 Starting at level 10, your power to wield the dimension
that disappear in 1 minute. improves. You can now, as an action once per day, summon
Others: You can transform them into weapons that have part of your dimension to the ground by converting an area
the magical abilities of the item. centered on you with a 60 foot radius for 1 minute, this area
follows you as your center and maintains it in concentration
The objects are linked to you and disappear if another (does not pierce full cover).
holds them, they are also fragile, they have half the life of a
normal weapon, and in your demiplane they last forever but During this time you can as a bonus action cause 2d10 to a
you can only store a number equal to your level. This ability creature that you designate and is in the area, if it saves
does not count towards the Noble Phantasm upgrade and to dexterity it does half damage. You choose the type of damage
replicate the item's abilities you need to know them. between cutting, piercing or blunt and it is considered
Broken Phantasm
Enhanced Phantasms
Reaching level 11 the area of your Broken Phantasm
doubles, your creations lose the fragile quality and the shield
ability can be used to protect an adjacent creature.
You also unlock the ability to alter other objects using trace,
you can alter objects you touch by changing their shape.
Attempting to use this ability on an item that is equipped by
an enemy will require an attack roll and a skill save from the
enemy if you fail.
You can even alter structures but you only affect an area of
5 feet and less than 3 feet thick, modifying a structure only
lasts one round.
Unlimited Blade Works Final
You have reached level 15, you can control the mana to
perform incredible feats.
You are able to use your demiplane with creatures. Now you
can use UBW once a day like the "maze" spell but it affects all
creatures within 60 feet of you, to exit they need to pass a DC
20 charisma check. As an action you can exit the dimension
just like creatures that you designate. While you are in this
dimension your attacks have advantage over enemies and
your bonus action deals damage to all creatures you
designate in the dimension.
Rules in dimension:
They all start their movement away and cannot move
further than their movement in this dimension.
The designated creatures can move freely but enemies
have to pass an athletics or acrobatics check as part of the
move action against a charisma check of yours (freedom
of movement prevents this) otherwise their movement
speed becomes 0.
To exit, they need to pass a DC 20 charisma check as an
This ability lasts for 1 minute and replaces the previous
Unlimited Blade Works.
breaking reality
Upon reaching level 18, you can create copies of such
perfection that they are very difficult to discern from the real
thing (Perception 25). The dispel roll on your creations is
done with disadvantage and there is no limit to the ones you
can store.
When using "Trace" on structures you can maintain it for 1
minute or cancel it sooner using another bonus action and
you can affect a 10 foot area.
This class is based on, as its name suggests, Gilgamesh in his
Heroic Spirit form.
Hit Points
Gate of Babylon
Armor: All
Weapons: All
At the beginning of 7th level, as an action you can create a 5
Subclass Save: Strength
foot radius portal that blocks vision, lasts for one minute, and
Skills: Pick 3 of all while you hold it, shoots weapons from it every turn. It is
Subclass Stat: Charisma created on a square adjacent to you.
During their duration in a 30-foot line, weapons hit the first
creature they encounter for 1d10 damage (slashing, piercing,
or blunt) and is magical for immunities or damage reduction
Treasure purposes. A Dexterity save prevents the damage and the
At level 1, you gain proficiency with all weapons and armor, attack continues, if the target is restrained by Enkidu it does
no matter how exotic, and gain interdimensional space with double damage. This ability requires concentration and is
500lbs. Putting or drawing a weapon is an item action. added to your Noble Phantasm's abilities but is not enhanced
by "Enhanced Noble Phantasm".
Noble Phantasm subdue the weak
When you reach level 3 you unlock your Noble Phantasms. Starting at level 10 your attacks with Ea improve and the
You can open your interdimensional space and bring from it range of their abilities increases.
your favorite weapon, Ea. Ea takes any form you want and
can deal any type of damage (slashing, piercing, or blunt). Doubles the range of Enuma Elish 15ft to 30ft and 20ft to
This weapon is an artifact, its damage is magic, and it cannot 40ft
be dispelled. If any effect requires a save it will be: 8 + Enkidu changes to a bonus action, you can hold grapple to
proficiency bonus + Charisma modifier. any number of creatures and grapple large creatures
A number of times per short rest equal to your proficiency using 2 uses.
you can use the following abilities: As a bonus action you can create or move the Gate of
While using Ea you can launch an attack called Enuma Babylon to a maximum range of 10 feet from you and the
Elish. As an action, lightning shoots out of your weapon gate is now 10 feet long. Its damage changes to 2d10 and
occupying a 15ft cone or 20ft line dealing 2d10 force can be applied in 2 lanes.
damage, half Dexterity save. It can even be used in anti- mage destroyer
magic fields.
At 11th level you gain an extra attack when you use the attack
You can summon Enkidu in a limited range of 30 feet, as action. Ea upgrades to a +2 weapon and protects you against
an action chains appear from interdimensional space and magic giving you advantage on saves against magical effects.
grab a target, force save or dexterity negates. In case of
failure, the objective is restrained, it can try to free itself King of Babylon
each turn as an action using Athletics or Acrobatics. You
can only hold one medium-sized enemy at a time and if At level 15, you are able to use Enkidu on creatures of
you get out of range they disappear. enormous size or larger (GM decides for creatures larger
than those sizes). Ea changes to +3 and Gate doesn't need
combat mastery
At level 5 you gain an extra attack when you use the attack owner of everything
action, also when you reach level 11 and when you reach 20 At level 18, you can attunement two additional items, Ea rolls
another one. Also Ea can already show a bit of her potential one additional weapon die.
and becomes a +1 weapon.
When you use Enuma Elish and spend an additional use
on top of the damage you do a dispel effect with your level/2
rounded up, to this level 3.
Barrage: As an action your troops launch their attacks at a
Iskandar maximum range of 120 feet. They deal 2d10 force
This class is based as its name suggests is Iskandar in his damage in a 20 foot area, half dexterity.
Heroic Spirit form. Charge: As an action you designate a 30 ft x 10 ft line
adjacent to you where you charge with your cavalry,
Hit Points enemies are entitled to a Dexterity save to negate it. If
they fail they fall to the ground and take 2d10 strength.
Hit Dice: 1d10
You do not generate opportunity attack.
War cry
At 1st level, as a bonus action all allies within 30 feet of you
gain Heroism for 1 minute, including you. This ability is
concentration (A leader who succumbs to wounds does not
inspire). You can use this ability 1 time per short rest.
divine chariot
When you reach level 3 you unlock your Noble Phantasms. combat mastery
You can summon your divine carriage which is pulled by two At level 5 you gain an extra attack when you use the attack
divine bulls, summoning it is action. If any effect requires a action, also when you reach level 11 you get another one and
save it will be: 8 + proficiency bonus + Charisma modifier. when you reach 20 another one.
The car uses the rules of a carriage (hp: 150 ac: 19) being
magical it is not vulnerable to energy damage, the statistics of Conqueror
the bulls would be taken from the aurochs and they cannot be At the start of 7th level, you have already regained some of
separated from the car. If they receive a dispel, they reduce your past fortitude. Your mount does not get tired so you can
one of them to 0 or the car disappears up to 24 hours after move 24 hours a day without stopping. Once a day you can
you can summon them. The token size is Large. make your mount fly as if it had the fly spell for 10 minutes.
While you're in the cart you have save advantage so you don't
get dismounted or fall off the cart and if you fall less than 10
feet you land on your feet if you're not incapacitated. Also
getting off your mount costs you only 5 feet.
Charge: While you are in your carriage you travel at least
20 feet in a straight line and use your attack action you
can hit your enemies with a powerful charge. The first hit
you make after that charge does an extra 2d8 and has to
save Strength or be knocked down.
Cover: If you use the dodge action you add 1/2 cover.
You can use these abilities while in the cart.
Noble Phantasm
At level 3 you show part of your power, you can partially
summon past allies. You have a number of uses equal to your
proficiency per short rest.
Ionioi Hetairoi
Starting at level 10 you can keep your allies for more than a
few seconds in this plane, raise your voice summoning your
entourage alive. You summon your entourage partially, you
can only use it once a day and it lasts for one minute, the
rules for using them are like lair actions to hinder the least in
Free Noble Phantasm skills, without your being present in
them or using your actions.
Shield Wall: Your troops generate total cover that is 20
feet long, 7 feet high, and 5 feet wide as they are
creatures. Every 5 feet of wall has 130 health and an AC
of 18. To be used again, the previous wall disappears.
Cage: Your soldiers lock the enemy between their spears
and shields, so they can be pinned down by your charisma
save vs. athletics or acrobatics. If you hit, the enemy is
grappled and takes 1d10 force damage every turn
thereafter. To break free, it must pass an Athletics or
Acrobatics check as an action against your Charisma save.
Support: the players receive support from soldiers so your
rolls are made with advantage and the enemies attack you
with a disadvantage for 1 turn.
These actions have to be directed in combat without
spending actions on your part, in case you don't command it,
the GM will decide what action or if there is no action that
bearing of a king
At level 11 your mount can recover your mount by doing a
ritual on a short rest without waiting 24h and those affected
by the war cry get advantage on saves against mental effects.
If you have the Mounted Fighter feat:
You gain advantage when attacking huge or smaller
creatures from your mount.
For each attack your mount redirects at you, you are
resistant to damage.
While on your mount you gain Evasion.
I wanted to thank the people at EUR who answered my
questions and helped me test and refine this class.