RPT English F2 2023
RPT English F2 2023
RPT English F2 2023
Understand a variety of texts by using a range of Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from
appropriate reading clues provided by other known words and by
strategies to construct meaning context on a range of familiar topics
Complementary Skill Speaking 2.1
Communicate information, ideas, opinions and Complementary Skill Speaking 2.1.1
feelings intelligibly on familiar topics Ask about and explain key information from
simple texts
Main Skill Main Skill
Communicate intelligibly through print and Explain simple content from what they have
digital media on familiar topics read
Lesson 4 – :
Complementary Skill Writing 4.2 Complementary Skill Writing 4.2.3
Communicate withappropriate language, form and Produce a plan or draft of two paragraphs or more
style and modify this appropriately either in response to
feedback or independently
Main Skill Main Skill
Main Skill Main Skill
Understand a variety of texts by using a range of Understand the main points in simple longer
appropriate reading strategies to construct texts on a range of
meaning familiar topics
Speaking 2.1
Speaking 2.1.1
Communicate information, ideas, opinions and
feelings intelligibly on familiar topics Ask about and explain key information from
simple texts
Main Skill Main Skill
Lesson 10 –
Language This is a grammar focused lesson so listening, This is a grammar focused lesson so listening,
Awareness (6.1) speaking, reading and writing skills are not speaking, reading and writing skills are not
explicitly covered. explicitly covered.
Complementary Skill Listening 1.2
Use appropriate listening strategies in a variety of
contexts Complementary Skill Listening 1.2.1
Understand a variety of texts by using a range of Understand specific details and information in
appropriate reading strategies to construct simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics
Lesson 12 – meaning
Activity Main Skill Complementary Skill Reading 3.1.1
Understand a variety of texts by using a range of Understand specific details and information in
appropriate reading strategies to construct simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics
Understand meaning in a variety of familiar Understand independently specific information
contexts and details in simple longer texts on a range of
familiar topics
Writing 4.1
Communicate Ask about and explain key information from
WEEK 8 – 9 information, ideas, simple texts
opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar
14 – 25 May topics
Communicate information, ideas, opinions and Express opinions or feelings about character and
feelings intelligibly on familiar topics personality
Main Skill Main Skill
Understand a variety of texts by using a range of Recognise with support attitude or opinion of the
Lesson 20 – appropriate reading strategies to construct writer in simple longer texts
Reading meaning
Understand a variety of texts by using a range of Understand specific details and information in
appropriate reading strategies to construct simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics
Communicate intelligibly through print and digital Explain simple content from what they have
media on familiar topics read
Communicate intelligibly through print and Organise and sequence ideas within short texts
digital media on familiar topics on familiar topics
Main Skill Main Skill
21 MEI - 25 MEI
26 MEI -3 JUN
Main Skill Main Skill HARI
Listening 1.1 Listening 1.1.3 YANG
Understand meaning in a variety of familiar Recognise with support attitudes or opinions in AGONG
Lesson 24 – contexts simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics 5 JUN
Theme: Listening Complementary Skill
Health and
Environment Listening 1.1 Complementary Skill Listening 1.1.4
Understand meaning in a variety of familiar
Non-Text Book contexts Understand with little or no support longer
Lesson sequences of classroom instructions
WEEK 10 – 11 Lesson 25 – Main Skill Main Skill
4 – 15 June Speaking 2.4 Speaking 2.4.1
Complementary Skill Writing 4.1 Summarise the main points of a simple story, text or
Communicate intelligibly through print and digital
media on familiar topics
Main Skill Main Skill
Understand a variety of texts by using a range of Understand the main points in simple longer
appropriate reading texts on a range of familiar topics
strategies to construct meaning
Lesson 26 – Complementary Skill Reading 3.1 Complementary Skill Reading 3.1.2
Understand a variety of texts by using a range of Understand specific details and information in
appropriate reading strategies to construct simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics
Reading 3.1.4
Communicate intelligibly through print and Make and respond to simple requests and
Lesson 27 – digital media on familiar topics suggestions
Complementary Skill Writing 4.1 Complementary Skill Writing 4.1.5
Communicate intelligibly through print and digital Organise, and sequence ideas within short texts on
media on familiar topics familiar topics
Engage with, respond to and interpret a variety of Identify and describe in simple language the key
literary text types characters and themes in a text
Main Skill Main Skill
Lesson 29 –
Language This is a grammar focused lesson so This is a grammar focused lesson so
Awareness listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are
not explicitly covered. not explicitly covered.
WEEK 12 - 13 Theme: Main Skill Main Skill
Science and
18 June – Technology Listening 1.1 Listening 1.1.6
29 June
Understand meaning in a variety of familiar Understand with little or no support longer
Non-Text Book contexts simple narratives on a wide
Lesson range of familiar topics
Reading 3.1 Reading 3.1.2
Communicate intelligibly through print and Summarise the main points of a simple story,
digital media on familiar topics text or plot
Communicate with appropriate language, form Produce a plan or draft of two paragraphs or
and style more and modify this appropriately either in
response to feedback or independently
Writing 4.2.1
Punctuate written work with moderate accuracy
Express an imaginative response to literary texts Respond imaginatively and intelligibly through
creating poems, board games, puzzles and
Lesson 34 – Complementary Skill Speaking 2.4 quizzes.
Literature in
Action Communicate appropriately to a small or large
group on familiar topics Other imaginative responses as appropriate
Complementary Skill Speaking 2.1
WEEK 14 – 18 Complementary Skill Speaking 2.1.1
2 July – 3 August Communicate information, ideas, opinions and
feelings intelligibly on familiar topics Ask about and explain key information from
Theme: simple texts
People and
Main Skill Main Skill
Lesson 39 –
Language This is a grammar focused lesson so This is a grammar focused lesson so
Unit 7: Awareness (7.1) listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are listening, speaking,reading and writing skills are
Journeys not explicitly covered. not explicitly covered.
Main Skill Main Skill MUHARRAM
19 JUL
Listening 1.1 Listening 1.1.2
Reading 3.1
Reading 3.1.2
Understand a variety of texts by using a range of
appropriate reading strategies to construct Understand specific details and information in
Lesson 41 – meaning simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics
Complementary Skill Reading 3.1 Complementary Skill Reading 3.1.1
Understand a variety of texts by using a range of Understand the main points in simple longer
appropriate reading strategies to construct texts on a range of familiar topics
not explicitly covered. not explicitly covered.
Understand a variety of texts by using a range of Understand specific details and information in
appropriate reading strategies to construct simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics
Lesson 43 & 44– Listening 1.1.2
Listening 1.1
Action Oriented
Task Understand independently specific information
Understand meaning in a variety of familiar and details in simple longer texts on a range of
contexts familiar topics
Writing 4.1
Communicate intelligibly through print and Writing 4.1.2
digital media on familiar topics
Make and respond to simple requests and
Main Skill Main Skills
Lesson 45 –
Writing 4.1 Writing 4.1.4
Communicate intelligibly through print and digital Express opinions and common feelings such as
media on familiar topics happiness, sadness, surprise and interest
Main Skill Main Skill
Lesson 47 –
Listening Complementary Skill Listening 1.1.2
Complementary Skill Listening 1.1
Understand meaning in a variety of familiar independently specific information and details in
contexts simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics
Listening 1.1.5
Main Skill Main Skill
Communicate intelligibly through print and Express opinions and common feelings such as
Lesson 50 – digital media on familiar topics happiness, sadness, surprise and interest
Lesson 53 – Main Skill Main Skill
Listening 1.1 Listening 1.1.3
Main Skill Main Skill
Understand a variety of texts by using a range of Recognise with support the attitude or opinion of
appropriate reading strategies to construct the writer in simple longer texts
Lesson 55 –
Complementary Skill Reading 3.1 Complementary Skill Reading 3.1.4
Understand a variety of texts by using a range of Use independently familiar print and digital
appropriate reading strategies to construct resources to check meaning
Main Skill Main Skill
Communicate intelligibly through print and Organise, and sequence ideas within short texts
Lesson 56 –
digital media on familiar topics on familiar topics
Complementary Skill Writing 4.2 Complementary Skill Writing 4.2.1
Communicate with appropriate language, form and Punctuate written work with moderate
style accuracy
17 Sept – 28 Sept Explore and expand ideas for personal Read and enjoy fiction/non-fiction and other
development by reading independently and suitable print and digital texts of interest
Lesson 61 – widely MAULIDUR
Reading RASUL
Complementary Skill Reading 3.1.3
Complementary Skill Reading 3.1 28 SEPT
Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from
Understand a variety of texts by using a range of clues provided by other known words and by
appropriate reading strategies to construct context on a range of familiar topics
Main Skill Main Skill
Lesson 62 –
Writing Writing 4.1 Writing 4.1.1
Communicate intelligibly through print and Explain imple content from what they have
digital media on familiar topics read
Complementary Skill Writing 4.2 Complementary Skill Writing 4.2.2
Communicate with appropriate language, form Spell written work with moderate accuracy
and style
Main Skill Main Skill
Understand a variety of texts by using a range of Understand specific details and information in
appropriate reading strategies to construct simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics
WEEK 26 - 27 Theme :
People and Complementary Skill Reading 3.1
1 Oct – 27 Oct Complementary Skill Reading 3.1.1
Understand a variety of texts by using a range of
appropriate reading strategies to construct Understand the main points in simple longer
Unit 8: meaning texts on a range of familiar topics
Good Luck,
Bad Luck Speaking 2.1
Speaking 2.1.1
Communicate information, ideas, opinions and
feelings intelligibly on familiar topics Ask about and explain key information from
simple texts
Main Skill Main Skill
Lesson 68 –
Language This is a grammar focused lesson so This is a grammar focused lesson so
Awareness (8.1) listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are
not explicitly covered. not explicitly covered.
Main Skill Main Skills
Understand a variety of texts by using a range of Understand specific details and information in
appropriate reading simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics
strategies to construct meaning
Writing 4.1
Communicate intelligibly through print and Writing 4.1.2
digital media on familiar topics
Make and respond to simple requests and
Main Skill Main Skills
Lesson 74 –
Writing 4.1 Writing 4.1.4
Communicate intelligibly through print and Express opinions and common feelings such
digital media on familiar topics as happiness, sadness, surprise and interest
Main Skill Main Skill
Main Skill Main Skill
Communicate information, ideas, opinions and Ask for and respond appropriately to simple
feelings intelligibly on familiar topics suggestions
Lesson 77 – Complementary Skill Speaking 2.3
Use appropriate communication strategies Complementary Skill Speaking 2.3.1
Understand a variety of texts by using a range of Understand the main points in simple longer
appropriate reading strategies to construct texts on a range of familiar topics
Understand a variety of texts by using a range of Understand specific details and information in
appropriate reading strategies to construct simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics
Main Skill Main Skill
Communicate intelligibly through print and Make and respond to simple requests and
digital media on familiar topics suggestions
Lesson 79 –
Complementary Skill Writing 4.2 Complementary Skill Writing 4.2.3
Communicate with appropriate language, form Produce a plan or draft of two paragraphs or
and style more and modify this appropriately either in
response to feedback or independently
Main Skill Main Skill
Lesson 80 –
Literature in Literature in Action 5.1 Literature in Action 5.1.2
Action Engage with, respond to and interpret a Identify and describe in simple language the
variety of literary text types key characters and themes in a text
Main Skill Main Skill
Lesson 81 –
Language This is a grammar focused lesson so This is a grammar focused lesson so DEEPAVALI
Awareness listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are 12 NOV
not explicitly covered. not explicitly covered.
Non-Text Book Complementary Skill Listening 1.1.4
Complementary Skill Listening 1.1
Understand with little or no support longer
Understand meaning in a variety of familiar sequences of classroom instructions
Main Skill Main Skill
Understand a variety of texts by using a range of Recognise with support the attitude or opinion of
appropriate reading strategies to construct the writer in simple longer texts
Lesson 84 – meaning
Complementary Skill Reading 3.1 Complementary Skill Reading 3.1.3
Understand a variety of texts by using a range of Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from
appropriate reading strategies to construct clues provided by other known words and by
meaning context on a range of familiar topics
Main Skill Main Skill
Communicate intelligibly through print and Explain simple content from what they have
digital media on familiar topics read
Lesson 85 –
Writing Complementary Skill Writing 4.2 Complementary Skill Writing 4.2.1
Communicate with appropriate language, form Punctuate written work with moderate accuracy
and style
Writing 4.2.3
Produce a plan or draft of two paragraphs or
more and modify this appropriately either in
response to feedback or independently
Lesson 86 – Main Skill Main Skill
Literature in
Literature in Action 5.3 Literature in Action 5.3.1
Express an imaginative response to literary
texts Respond imaginatively and intelligibly through
creating poems, board games, puzzles and
Other imaginative responses as appropriate
WEEK 33 - 39 Lesson 88 – Main Skill Main Skill 1 & 2 JAN
Theme: Listening
19 Nov – 18 Jan People and Listening 1.1 Listening 1.1.6
Understand meaning in a variety of familiar Understand with little or no support longer
contexts simple narratives on a wide range of familiar
Non-Text Book
Lesson Complementary Skill Listening 1.2 Complementary Skill Listening 1.2.1
Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from
Use appropriate listening strategies in a clues provided by other words and by context
variety of contexts on a range of familiar topics
Main Skill Main Skill
Understand a variety of texts by using a range of Understand specific details and information in
appropriate reading strategies to construct simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics
Lesson 90 – meaning
Complementary Skill Reading 3.1 Complementary Skill Reading 3.1.4
Understand a variety of texts by using a range of Use independently familiar print and digital
appropriate reading strategies to construct resources to check meaning
Main Skill Main Skill
Communicate intelligibly through print and Express opinions and common feelings such as
Lesson 91 – digital media on familiar topics happiness, sadness, surprise and interest
Complementary Skill Writing 4.2 Complementary Skill Writing 4.2.1
Communicate with appropriate language, form
and style Punctuate written work with moderate accuracy
This is a grammar focused lesson so This is a grammar focused lesson so
listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are
not explicitly covered. not explicitly covered.
Main Skill Main Skill
Communicate information, ideas, opinions and Ask for and respond appropriately to simple
Lesson 94 – feelings intelligibly on familiar topics suggestions
Complementary Skill Speaking 2.1 Complementary Skill Speaking 2.1.4
Express opinions about simple spoken or written
Communicate information, ideas, opinions and advice given to themselves or others
feelings intelligibly on familiar topics
Main Skill Main Skill
Understand a variety of texts by using a range of Understand the main points in simple longer
appropriate reading strategies to construct texts on a range of
meaning familiar topics
Understand a variety of texts by using a range of Understand specific details and information in
Lesson 99 – appropriate reading strategies to construct simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics
Enrichment meaning
Complementary Skill Reading 3.1 Complementary Skill Reading 3.1.1
Understand a variety of texts by using a range of Understand the main points in simple longer
appropriate reading strategies to construct texts on a range of familiar topics
Main Skill Main Skill
Lesson 100 –
Language This is a grammar focused lesson so This is a grammar focused lesson so
Awareness (9.2) listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are
not explicitly covered. not explicitly covered.
Lesson 101 & 102 – Main Skills Main Skills
Action Oriented
Task Reading 3.1 Reading 3.1.2
Understand a variety of texts by using a range of Understand specific details and information in
appropriate reading strategies to construct simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics
Writing 4.1
Communicate intelligibly through print and Writing 4.1.2
digital media on familiar topics
Make and respond to simple requests and
Communicate intelligibly through print and Make and respond to simple requests and
Lesson 103 – digital media on familiar topics suggestions
Communicate intelligibly through print and Summarise the main points of a simple story,
digital media on familiar topics text or plot
Main Skill Main Skill
Communicate intelligibly through print and Express opinions and common feelings such as
Lesson 108 – digital media on familiar topics happiness, sadness, surprise and interest
Complementary Skill Writing 4.2.1
Complementary Skill Writing 4.2
Punctuate written work with moderate accuracy
Communicate with appropriate language, form and
Lesson 109 – Main Skill Main Skill
Literature in
Action Literature in Action 5.1 Literature in Action 5.1.2
Engage with, respond to and interpret a Identify and describe in simple language the
variety of literary text types key characters and themes in a text
Lesson 110 – This is a grammar focused lesson so This is a grammar focused lesson so
Language listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are
Awareness not explicitly covered. not explicitly covered.