A Research On Specially Abled Children's Education

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Volume 8, Issue 4, April – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

A Research on Specially Abled Children’s


The teaching of kids who are so socially, cognitively, or physically different from other kids that their education requires
adjustments to standard school procedures.

Under the Mentorship of:

Mrs. Saritha SR, Jain University-Center for Management Studies.

Mr. Apollo Bhaskar, Jain University-Center for Management Studies.

The project presented by :



Presented to:

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Volume 8, Issue 4, April – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- The difficulties that these children experience those with special needs, have access to high-quality
in getting access to high-quality education are the main education.
topic of the study on special needs children's education.
The study identifies inadequate facilities, a lack of I. OBJECTIVES
qualified staff, and a lack of helpful technology as major
obstacles to their education. It also casts light on the The goal of the report on the education of differently-
prejudices and unfavorable attitudes towards disabled abled children aims to give a thorough description of the
children that frequently prevent their participation in difficulties such children confront when seeking good
mainstream education. education and also suggests actions that may be taken to
address these issues. The report's main goals are as follows:
According to the study, a multifaceted strategy is The report's main goals are as follows:
necessary to deal with these problems. This involves  To recognize the learning difficulties experienced by
making investments in accessible infrastructure and specially-abled children, which include a lack of
assistive technology, educating parents and communities facilities, qualified professionals, and special equipment,
about disability issues, teaching instructors and support in addition to hostility and biases towards disabled
staff about inclusive education practices, and offering children.
specialized educational services to those who need them.  To emphasize the importance of blended learning, which
identifies and incorporates each individual's specific
The study also highlights the requirement for laws learning capacities and needs.
and regulations that uphold the rights of children with  To suggest an integrated strategy for encouraging
disabilities and guarantee their admission to high-quality education reform for children with special needs, such as
educational opportunities. In order to make education making investments in widely available facilities and
more inclusive and fair for everyone, it emphasizes the mobility aids, guiding instructors, and offering assistance
value of cooperation between government agencies, civil for improving the learning practices and promoting
society groups, and the business sector. The study urges inclusive education for children with special needs,
a renewed dedication to supporting inclusive education including investments in accessible infrastructure and
for children with disabilities, recognizing their special assistive technology, as well as training for teachers and
strengths and abilities, and giving them the assistance support staff on inclusive education
they need to reach their maximum potential.  To highlight the importance of rules and regulations that
safeguard disabled children's liberties and guarantee
Children with impairments also referred to as one‘s right to receive an excellent education.
special needs children have particular learning  Improve coordination among government entities,
requirements that call for specialized educational plans. nongovernmental organizations, and the corporate sector
Due to their frequent marginalization and numerous in the interest of making learning extra comprehensive
barriers to getting a high-quality education, the and fair, and equal for everyone.
education of children with special needs has been a topic  To give a general overview of the obstacles—physical,
of debate and concern around the globe. The integration social, and cultural—that children with special needs
of children with special needs into regular classrooms encounter in trying to obtain schooling.
and schools has become a focus of recent attempts to  To recognize the special educational requirements of
ensure that these children receive the same educational kids with disabilities and the methods employed to
chances as other students. satisfy those requirements, such as individualized
education plans, accessible technology, and inclusive
The inclusive education method acknowledges the policies and practices.
differences among all students and offers tailored
 To evaluate the efficacy of current educational initiatives
assistance to meet their specific requirements, allowing
and regulations for kids with disabilities, emphasizing
them to learn and advance their skills to their fullest
both their benefits and shortcomings.
potential. Children with special needs can be handled in
 To evaluate how the learning and development of
traditional education in a number of ways, including the
children with disabilities is supported by educators,
use of assistive tools, accessible learning resources, and
parents, and other caretakers.
adjusted teaching strategies.
The report's overall goal is to encourage
According to research, inclusive education can
comprehensive education for specially-abled abled children,
benefit the academic, social, and emotional growth of
acknowledging their distinctive talents and skills and
children with special needs. This can result in higher
offering them the endorsement they need to excel to the
self-esteem, better relationships with classmates and
instructors, and increased academic success. However,
there are still issues with putting inclusive education into
practice, such as a dearth of instructor training,
insufficient funding, and psychological barriers.
Therefore, ongoing lobbying, cooperation, and support
are required to guarantee that all children, including

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Volume 8, Issue 4, April – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE impairments, which teachers must be able to recognize
and address.
The literature review in the report on the education of  Parental and Community help: It's also crucial for the
children with disabilities offers a thorough analysis of the schooling of children with disabilities to have the help of
current research studies, policy papers, and case studies their parents and communities. In addition to working
from all over the globe. The evaluation focuses on the with instructors and other education experts to create
obstacles that disabled children experience in getting access individualized education plans, parents and other carers
to a high-quality education as well as the various solutions can offer invaluable insights into the needs and talents of
that have been put forth. As major impediments to disabled their charges. Campaigns to raise consciousness and
children's education, the study points to a dearth of facilities, build a more inclusive community can aid in eradicating
skilled staff, and assistive technology. Additionally, it draws discrimination against people with disabilities. Impact on
attention to the prejudices and unfavorable attitudes toward Academic Results: According to studies, children with
children with disabilities that frequently prevent their special needs who have access to high-quality education
participation in mainstream education. Research papers cited can significantly improve their scholastic achievement,
in the review show that disabled children are more likely to social integration, and job prospects. For many of these
fail out of school or receive a subpar education, which can kids, especially those in low-income nations, access to a
result in few job prospects and societal exclusion. high-quality education remains a significant obstacle.

The review also emphasizes the value of inclusive Overall, the study of the literature offers a thorough
education, which takes into account each child's particular overview of the status of disabled children's education today
learning requirements and skills. It references studies that and suggests research-based tactics for fostering inclusive
show the benefits of inclusive education, such as raised self- education. The evaluation emphasizes the requirement for
esteem, better social skills, and academic success for kids cooperation among numerous stakeholders to guarantee that
with disabilities. The review also suggests a multi-pronged all disabled children have access to high-quality education
approach to promoting inclusive education for disabled and are provided with the assistance they need to realize
children, including investing in accessible infrastructure and their maximum potential.
assistive technology, training teachers and support staff on
inclusive education practices, sensitizing parents and III. METHODOLOGY
communities towards disability issues, and providing
specialized educational services to those who need them. It The report's methodology involved an extensive study
references case studies from various nations to show how of the material already written on the subject, including
these tactics effectively support open education. The research studies, policy papers, and case studies from around
literature on teaching children with disabilities emphasises the globe. In order to perform the study, pertinent terms such
the particular chances and difficulties involved in educating as "disabled children's education," "inclusive education,"
these kids. A summary of the major topics and conclusions "barriers to education," and "assistive technology" were
from the literature is given in the analysis that follows. used in a number of academic sources, including Google
 Educational Needs and Challenges: Children with Scholar, PubMed, and JSTOR. The analysis and suggestions
special needs need individualised education programs in the report were built on the results of the literature survey.
that consider both their weaknesses and their assets.
Their educational experience can be greatly improved by The review was centered on finding the major
the use of assistive technologies like screen readers, obstacles that disabled children experience in receiving a
speech recognition software, and communication tools. high-quality education, as well as the various solutions that
Nevertheless, difficulties like restricted access to have been suggested. The study also looked at the benefits
educational tools, unfavorable stereotypes, and social of inclusive education and the strategies for supporting it
exclusion continue to impede the scholastic results of that are supported by research.
children with disabilities.
 Inclusive practices and policies: The education of The study relied on the knowledge of education
children with special needs depends on inclusive policies experts, disability activists, and policymakers in addition to
and practices that give all children the same chances, the literature survey. Interviewing subject-matter specialists
regardless of their skills. Standards for classroom was required for this, including instructors, advocates for the
inclusivity, professional development for teachers and rights of people with disabilities, and members of
other educators working with these kids, and engaging governmental and non-governmental organizations. The
parents and carers in the educational process are a few interviews, which were done both in person and online, gave
examples of these policies. insightful information about the obstacles to inclusive
 Function of Teachers: Teachers are essential in helping education for disabled children as well as the possibilities
children with unique needs learn and develop. They must that exist in this area.
receive training in specialized teaching techniques and
modifications that support the learning and participation Finally, in order to pinpoint best practices and possible
of these kids in educational activities. The educational areas for development, the study examined pertinent laws
results of these children can be negatively impacted by and policies pertaining to the education of handicapped
negative preconceptions and stigmas regarding children in various nations. This involved looking over

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Volume 8, Issue 4, April – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
national education policies, rules pertaining to people with learning requirements and abilities. According to the study,
disabilities, and other pertinent legislation. inclusive education can boost disabled children's self-
esteem, social skills, and scholastic success. The study also
Depending on the research topics and goals, different makes the point that open education can lessen
methodologies may be used in a study on the schooling of stigmatization and prejudice against children with
children with special needs. However, some typical disabilities.
approaches that can be used are as follows:
 Literature Review: A review of the literature can offer a The report suggests a multi-pronged strategy for
summary of the most recent studies on the education of promoting inclusive education for children with disabilities,
children with special needs, including the difficulties including investing in accessible infrastructure and assistive
they encounter, the methods used to assist their learning, technology, training teachers and support staff on inclusive
and the effects of educational policies and programs on education practices, educating parents and communities
their outcomes. about disability issues, and offering specialized educational
 Surveys and interviews: Surveys and interviews can be services to those who need them. According to the study,
used to gather information from parents, educators, these tactics have been effective in encouraging inclusive
specialists in education, and children with disabilities education in various settings and nations.
themselves to comprehend their experiences,
requirements, and viewpoints on the educational system. The study also emphasizes the significance of laws and
Depending on the study topics, the questionnaires, and regulations that safeguard handicapped children's rights and
conversations can be either structured or unstructured. guarantee their admission to high-quality educational
 In order to provide a thorough analysis of the difficulties opportunities. In order to pinpoint the best practices and
and possibilities for supporting inclusive education for possible areas for development, the study examines the
disabled children, the methodology of the study included pertinent laws and policies pertaining to the education of
a thorough literature review, expert interviews, and disabled children in various nations.
policy analysis.
 Case Studies: Case studies can give detailed insights into Overall, the report's research and results indicate that
the schooling of individuals with unique needs. various parties should work together to ensure that all
Researchers can examine specific educational handicapped children have access to high-quality education
establishments or programs and determine what makes and are provided the assistance they need to realize their
them successful or difficult. maximum potential. The study stresses the significance of
 Observations: To comprehend the dynamics of the encouraging inclusive education, making investments in
educational system and spot opportunities for accessible facilities and assistive technology, and tackling
development, researchers can watch educational settings, prejudices and unfavorable attitudes toward children with
classes, or individual encounters. disabilities. The study also emphasizes the requirement for
 Data Analysis: To comprehend the effect of educational laws and policies that safeguard handicapped children's
programs and policies on the academic outcomes of rights and guarantee their admission to high-quality
children with special needs, researchers can examine educational opportunities.
data from educational programs and policies. Analyzing
quantitative information like exam results or graduation V. RESPONSE OF NGOS
rates as well as qualitative information like conversations
and questionnaires can be part of this process. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have taken a
leading role in advancing the education and liberties of
 Participatory Research: In order to create research
questions and develop methods for enhancing the individuals with special needs. They have been working to
educational system, participatory research entails develop a comprehensive educational system that meets the
collaborating with parents, educators, and children with individual learning requirements of every kid, independent
disabilities. With this method, the significance of of their aptitudes. NGOs have been crucial in promoting the
including the community in the study process and rights of children with special needs and increasing
guaranteeing that their views are included is emphasized. consciousness of the barriers they experience in getting
access to a high-quality education. They have taken a
leading role in advocating for legislative changes and
encouraging the implementation of open educational
The research and conclusions of the report on practices in classrooms.
education for specially-abled children show that entry to
high-quality education is extremely difficult for disabled Many NGOs have been working on the ground to
provide specialized educational services to children who are
children. These difficulties include prejudices and
unfavorable views towards individuals with disabilities, as particularly abled, including assistive technology,
well as a dearth of support systems, skilled workers, and specialized training for instructors and support staff, and
assistive technology. creating educational resources that are available to children
with disabilities. NGOs that have actively supported the
The study emphasizes the value of comprehensive schooling of individuals with disabilities include, for
education, which takes into account each child's particular instance:

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Volume 8, Issue 4, April – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 UNICEF: UNICEF has been promoting comprehensive VII. CONCLUSION
education for all youngsters, including those who have
impairments. Governments and NGOs have been To summarise, special education is an important
receiving professional assistance from them to create problem that demands immediate consideration by
inclusive education policies and practices. lawmakers, educationalists, and perhaps other decision-
 Save the Children: Save the Children has been striving to makers. This study's evaluation and results bring to light the
make sure that all kids, even those with disabilities, have barriers to good education which individuals with
access to high-quality schooling. Children with disabilities encounter, in addition to the necessity to endorse
disabilities have received scholastic assistance from inclusive education methodologies.
them in many nations, including Bangladesh, Pakistan,
and India. The need to establish laws and regulations that
 Special Olympics: a worldwide nongovernmental safeguard the rights of kids who have disabilities and
organization (NGO) that promotes the participation of encourage inclusive education techniques is reiterated in the
individuals with intellectual impairments. They have report. It also emphasizes the importance of giving sufficient
been advancing inclusive educational practices and instruction to staff members and educators, guaranteeing the
striving to offer children with cerebral disabilities accessibility of technology in the classroom, and increasing
specialized educational services. spending for special education services and programs. Non-
governmental organizations (NGOs) have indeed been
In general, NGOs have been essential in advancing the critical in defending the liberties of disabled children and
schooling of children with disabilities. They played a boosting inclusive education methodologies. Their attempts
significant role in developing an inclusive education system have indeed been crucial in enhancing educational standards
that meets the individual learning requirements of every and guaranteeing those children with special needs receive
child and advocates for the rights of children with the help they necessitate to maximize their abilities.
As a whole, encouraging special-needs education
VI. RECOMMENDATIONS necessitates a collective approach from all stakeholders.
Functioning together again and incorporating the proposals
The following suggestions can be made to raise therefore in the study, we can generate an inclusive
educational standards and encourage equality for children education system that pertains to the different learning
with disabilities in light of the report's research and results requirements of all kids and guarantees that every student,
on the education of particularly abled children: no matter their background, does have the opportunity to
 Create and put into effect laws and policies that support receive a high-quality education.
inclusive teaching methods and safeguard the rights of
children with impairments. REFERENCES
 Ensure that schools have the tools they need to meet the
specific learning requirements of children with [1].https://www.adcet.edu.au/
impairments. This includes providing instructors and [2].https://www.wikipedia.org/
support workers with sufficient training on inclusive [3].https://www.unicef.org/
education practices.
 Ensure that instructional resources are accessible to
children with impairments and that assistive technology
is easily accessible to them.
 Provide more money for special education services and
programs that are tailored to the specific educational
requirements of children with impairments.
 Encourage the general public to comprehend and be
conscious of disability problems, and strive to end the
shame attached to impairments.
 Encourage government, non-governmental
organizations, and other groups to work together and
form alliances to advance inclusive education principles
and raise the standard of education for children with
 Gather information about the education of kids with
impairments through study and data collection, then use
it to guide practice and policy.

Overall, these suggestions can aid in the development

of an inclusive education system that supports all students'
rights to high-quality instruction while meeting their
individual learning requirements.

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