A Research On Specially Abled Children's Education
A Research On Specially Abled Children's Education
A Research On Specially Abled Children's Education
ISSN No:-2456-2165
The teaching of kids who are so socially, cognitively, or physically different from other kids that their education requires
adjustments to standard school procedures.
Presented to:
The review also emphasizes the value of inclusive Overall, the study of the literature offers a thorough
education, which takes into account each child's particular overview of the status of disabled children's education today
learning requirements and skills. It references studies that and suggests research-based tactics for fostering inclusive
show the benefits of inclusive education, such as raised self- education. The evaluation emphasizes the requirement for
esteem, better social skills, and academic success for kids cooperation among numerous stakeholders to guarantee that
with disabilities. The review also suggests a multi-pronged all disabled children have access to high-quality education
approach to promoting inclusive education for disabled and are provided with the assistance they need to realize
children, including investing in accessible infrastructure and their maximum potential.
assistive technology, training teachers and support staff on
inclusive education practices, sensitizing parents and III. METHODOLOGY
communities towards disability issues, and providing
specialized educational services to those who need them. It The report's methodology involved an extensive study
references case studies from various nations to show how of the material already written on the subject, including
these tactics effectively support open education. The research studies, policy papers, and case studies from around
literature on teaching children with disabilities emphasises the globe. In order to perform the study, pertinent terms such
the particular chances and difficulties involved in educating as "disabled children's education," "inclusive education,"
these kids. A summary of the major topics and conclusions "barriers to education," and "assistive technology" were
from the literature is given in the analysis that follows. used in a number of academic sources, including Google
Educational Needs and Challenges: Children with Scholar, PubMed, and JSTOR. The analysis and suggestions
special needs need individualised education programs in the report were built on the results of the literature survey.
that consider both their weaknesses and their assets.
Their educational experience can be greatly improved by The review was centered on finding the major
the use of assistive technologies like screen readers, obstacles that disabled children experience in receiving a
speech recognition software, and communication tools. high-quality education, as well as the various solutions that
Nevertheless, difficulties like restricted access to have been suggested. The study also looked at the benefits
educational tools, unfavorable stereotypes, and social of inclusive education and the strategies for supporting it
exclusion continue to impede the scholastic results of that are supported by research.
children with disabilities.
Inclusive practices and policies: The education of The study relied on the knowledge of education
children with special needs depends on inclusive policies experts, disability activists, and policymakers in addition to
and practices that give all children the same chances, the literature survey. Interviewing subject-matter specialists
regardless of their skills. Standards for classroom was required for this, including instructors, advocates for the
inclusivity, professional development for teachers and rights of people with disabilities, and members of
other educators working with these kids, and engaging governmental and non-governmental organizations. The
parents and carers in the educational process are a few interviews, which were done both in person and online, gave
examples of these policies. insightful information about the obstacles to inclusive
Function of Teachers: Teachers are essential in helping education for disabled children as well as the possibilities
children with unique needs learn and develop. They must that exist in this area.
receive training in specialized teaching techniques and
modifications that support the learning and participation Finally, in order to pinpoint best practices and possible
of these kids in educational activities. The educational areas for development, the study examined pertinent laws
results of these children can be negatively impacted by and policies pertaining to the education of handicapped
negative preconceptions and stigmas regarding children in various nations. This involved looking over