The document discusses the various uses, benefits and problems associated with rivers. It describes how rivers are used for navigation, water supply, power generation, fishing and tourism. It also discusses multi-purpose river projects, and problems they can cause like displacement of people and pollution. The document outlines different drainage patterns that rivers may form like dendritic and trellis, and characteristics of the upper, middle and lower courses of rivers such as waterfalls, meanders and floodplains.
The document discusses the various uses, benefits and problems associated with rivers. It describes how rivers are used for navigation, water supply, power generation, fishing and tourism. It also discusses multi-purpose river projects, and problems they can cause like displacement of people and pollution. The document outlines different drainage patterns that rivers may form like dendritic and trellis, and characteristics of the upper, middle and lower courses of rivers such as waterfalls, meanders and floodplains.
The document discusses the various uses, benefits and problems associated with rivers. It describes how rivers are used for navigation, water supply, power generation, fishing and tourism. It also discusses multi-purpose river projects, and problems they can cause like displacement of people and pollution. The document outlines different drainage patterns that rivers may form like dendritic and trellis, and characteristics of the upper, middle and lower courses of rivers such as waterfalls, meanders and floodplains.
The document discusses the various uses, benefits and problems associated with rivers. It describes how rivers are used for navigation, water supply, power generation, fishing and tourism. It also discusses multi-purpose river projects, and problems they can cause like displacement of people and pollution. The document outlines different drainage patterns that rivers may form like dendritic and trellis, and characteristics of the upper, middle and lower courses of rivers such as waterfalls, meanders and floodplains.
• Navigation • Supplies water for agriculture • Supplies water for domestic use • Supplies water for industrial use • Generation of hydro electric power • Fishing, sports e.g. Trout fishing • Tourism • River valleys can be used for agriculture because of fertile alluvial soils Multipurpose projects A multi purpose river is a river which is used for a number of purposes .e.g. • Kariba dam Can be used for • Hydroelectricity generation • Fishing • Water sports • Lake transportation • Domestic water supply Problems of such projects • Drowning of animals • Loss of agricultural land • Displacement of people • Less water downstream destroys habitats • Water borne diseases. • Drowning of people • Dangerous animals such as crocodiles • Frequent earth tremors Pollution of rivers by man • Oil leaks from boats • Industrial waste • Sewage • Litter • Poisonous chemicals such as cyanide from mining activities • Growth of weeds • siltation Solution to some of the problems • Educating people on the need to mange their natural resource • Putting in place laws against water pollution, stream bank cultivation Problems of rivers to man • Water borne diseases • Communication barriers • Flooding • Drowning of people Drainage patterns • show us the way in which a river and its tributaries are aligned within a drainage basin. • Drainage patterns can be accordant to structure or can be discordant to structure Drainage patterns accordant to structure • These are patterns which have a relationship with the structure of the rock over which they pass through. Examples include • Dendritic • Centripetal • Deranged • Radial • trellis Dendritic • looks like the tree trunk and its branches • Tributary steams join the main river at acute angles • Develops in areas of gently sloping uniform rock. See diagram Trellis drainage pattern • Develops in areas of alternate hard and soft rocks • The main river is known as the consequent stream and • the tributary streams join the main river at 90 degrees • Some tributary streams can flow in a direction which is opposite that of the main river and such streams are called obsequent streams. See diagram Centripetal
• The rivers flow inwards towards a point.
• Occurs due to the underlying rock forming a basin. • Examples include the Sea of Galilee Rectangular drainage • Occurs in faulted areas • The main river makes sharp turns following the fault lines. See diagram Radial drainage pattern • Develops in areas where there are dome shaped hills such as volcanic mountains. • The streams flow out from a central dome radiating outwards like the spokes of a wheel. • Examples include the uplifted granite dome of Dartmoor, or the perfect volcanic cone of Mt. Taranaki in New Zealand. • See diagram. Parallel drainage • Composed of streams which run parallel to each other in areas of uniformly dipping rock or areas recently exposed by the regression of the sea. • The underlying rock is uniform and the surface is flat Deranged pattern • Occur in areas where there has been insufficient time for drainage integration. • Common in glaciated valleys where glacial deposition of sands, gravels can completely offset the original pattern • Such a pattern is contorted (has no order) Summary of all patterns • See diagram Drainage patterns which are discordant to structure • These are patterns which have no relationship with the structure of the rock over which they pass through. Examples include • Antecedent drainage • Superimposed drainage Antecedent drainage
• Develops in areas where the river manages to
keep pace with uplift cutting downwards such that it maintains its original course even if it means that the river cuts across a mountain or ridge. • It also occurs in areas where faulting takes place and displacement is slow to allow the river to down cut Antecedence due to faulting Super imposed drainage
• Takes place in areas where a river develops on
a relatively young and soft rock which overlies older and harder rock, the soft rock is later removed by erosional processes leaving the river imprinted on a much older rock to which it has no relationship. • Here the river cuts into the underlying hard rock regardless of its structure The development of super imposed drainage The log profile of rivers • Shows the river valley characteristics from source to mouth • It is divided into 3 parts • The upper course • The middle • lower The upper course • V shaped valleys • Interlocking spurs • Waterfall • rapids V-shaped valley • Steep sides • Caused by active vertical erosion in fast flowing rivers • Where the river bed is made up of rocks of different resistance to erosion then rapids can be produced Rapids • These develop in areas where the gradient of slope increases without a sudden break in slope • They also develop in areas where there are gently dipping bands of harder rock. • Rapids increase turbulence and hence the erosive power of the river. Interlocking spurs • - As the river cuts its deep V-shaped valley in its upper course, it follows the path of the easiest rock to erode. • Thus it tends to wind its way along, leaving the more resistant areas of rock as interlocking spurs. Diagram showing interlocking spurs Contour representation of spurs Truncated spurs Waterfalls • A waterfall will form where a band of harder rock lies over a softer one. • As the river flows over the edge of the harder, more resistant rock into an area of softer rock, it erodes away the softer rock creating a water fall • With time due to hydraulic action a plunge pool develops at the base of the waterfall and undercutting of the softer rock occurs creating an overhang . • Once the overhang is big enough the whole thing collapses due to gravity and its own weight. • The whole process then occurs again. This means that over time waterfalls will move backwards up the valley, leaving a steep sided gorge in front of them. See diagram Diagram showing a waterfall Diagrams showing the different ways of waterfall formation Features of the middle and lower course • Meanders • Pools and riffles • Oxbow lakes • Flood plain • Levees • Point bars • River cliffs Meanders • Meanders are basically bends in the river, where the faster water on the outside of the bend has cut into the bank, eroding it and creating a river cliff. • At the same time the slow moving water on the inside of the bend deposits its load, building up a shallow slip-off slope. • Meanders occur in the mid course and lower course of the river, where it is beginning to cut laterally as it gets closer to base level. • Meanders migrate downstream as they cut through the valley sides. This creates a line of parallel cliffs along the sides of the valley creating a bluff line. Diagram showing a meandering channel Diagram showing a river cliff and a point bar Ox-Bow Lakes • In the lower course of the river meanders can become so pronounced that they can form ox-bow lakes. • In the lower course the rapid lateral erosion cuts into the neck of the meander, narrowing it considerably. • Eventually the force of the river breaks through the neck during times of high discharge, and as this is the easiest way for the water to go, the old meander is left without any significant amount of water flowing through it. • Quickly the river deposits material along the side of its new course, which completely block off the old meander, creating an ox-bow lake. Stages in the development of a meander Point bars • Develop where stream flow is locally reduced because of friction and reduced water depth • In a meandering stream, point bars tend to be common on the inside of a channel bend. Diagram showing the position of a point bar Pools and riffles • . Riffles, another type of coarse deposit, develop beneath the thalweg in locations where the faster flow moves vertically up in the channel. Between the riffles are scoured pools where material is excavated when the zone of maximum stream velocity approaches the stream's bed. Diagram showing pools and riffles The Floodplain
• Relatively flat areas which develop when streams over-top
their levees spreading discharge and suspended sediments over the land surface during floods. • Repeated flood cycles over time can result in the deposition of many successive layers of alluvial material. • Floodplain deposits can raise the elevation of the stream bed. • This process is called aggradation. • Floodplains can also contain sediments deposited from the lateral migration of the river channel. • In meandering streams, channel migration leads to the vertical deposition of point bar deposits Main features of the floodplain Levees • Are ridges found along the sides of the stream channel composed of sand or gravel. • Levees are approximately one half to four times the channel width in diameter. Upon retreat of the flood waters, stream velocities are reduced causing the deposition of alluvium. Cross section of a flood plain