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AUTHORS: Priscilla Valladares Broca and Marcia de Assuncao Ferreira


INTRODUCTION: A proper and essential nursing care is thouroughly planned through the use of communcation
between a health care team. In a communication process, a sender expresses an idea, emotion, or a signal for which a
receiver interprets for understanding. In the nursing team, there is no absolute sender nor an absolute receiver; nurses
can express their thoughts, ideas, or can express what they feel. Thus, this journal presents how nurses may effectively
interact using elements of communication to provide nursing care.

SUMMARY: ‘For the communication process, and consequently good interpersonal relationships to take place, some
elements are necessary. These elements are crucial for the communication process to be effective and to achieve its
goal, because the human being depends on this relationship to live in society and thus share information, feelings (such
as respect and trust), values, experiences, and ideas, and to interact, in addition to being able to understand and to be
understood in the process. For the nursing team, interactions need to be guided by feelings with respect, honesty, and
trust to achieve the effectiveness of a communication. Thus, it becomes possible or even easier to understand each
other’s peculiarities or unspoken words. In order to achieve such relationships, professionals bring empathy as a way of
trying to project themselves into the other and so presume the feelings of the other, aiding in relationships. For this,
union and teamwork can be important elements that facilitates the effectiveness of the process.’

REACTION: This journal is beneficial to us as student nurses as we are able to put into practice these elements for a
better interpersonal relationship with the members and the staff, and to deliver appropriate nursing care. This journal is
also able to portray the effectiveness of being able to pick up or to identify nonverbal cues of members of the team; this
is done by being sympathetic or putting one’s self in someone else’s shoes to understand the situation better. Lastly,
having a great interpersonal relationship with the staff shows care and empathy between parties. One example is to
help each other through stressful times especially when a member of the health care team is under a lot of pressure. A
boosted relationship may result to an effective and a time-efficient health care team.


RESEARCH: This study may be a guide for other student nurses to conduct their own research paper and may even
provide an update for this study as well as to confront issues related to this study’s topic. Some future researchers
should also look into perspective of the interpersonal relationship between staffs of various departments in order to
provide an efficient workplace.

EDUCATION: This study informs as of how important interpersonal relationships are. Communicating and understanding
needs between members are an important start to an appropriate nursing care.

NURSING PRACTICE: This study aims to strengthen and deepen cooperation, companionship, teamwork, and to improve
the communication process and the interaction among the members of the health care team. Even as professionals,
who are used to scientific methods and practicality, feelings must be also considered as part of working.

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